, tmARLOTTE DAILY OEoBEVER; 'APKIL "l5;iOC3. V 2. I fcCIAlrAKD r::.:3NAL !. ' . ... - ...111 -m KAinMM xouowinr announcement. , ' terest many.' people throughout "the ;V v tata as the person concerned be rj long to yell-known families: Mr. and ? Mrs.- Qharlie Battle lrwln, of Orahara, 5 , C, announce the,' engagement of thelr.Kjanghter.-Hal!1. to r r.. U Banks . to .-"Williamson, or Burlington,- N. C.,the v , . wsaaing to uu piac ia, juuo.,, t Mr. u(l irs. ixjum jtnw v , Concord, are In the city visiting Mr. , ana Mrs. xu o. uwi.. r ; k -. ' lir -and. Airs. R. A. Brown, of Oon ' cord, are- spending the -day -with Hr, and; Hn. C, W wonneton. r ... Mrs. X A. Solomons entertained the Saturday , Afternoon , Bridge ' Whist Club,, at Jher home on South Tryon street, .yesterday ; afternoon. The prises at cards were won by Mes. dames S. B. Jones and J. C. Aber nsthy. The guests were the following named; MeBdames Simmons ts. jones, Leroy Springs,. of Xancaster. ft C, J, C. Abernethy,i-W.- S. Liddell,. Ogden. 3L M: Miller. Jr.. C.7. Oftlton, H. 8. Bryan,' J. M.'Scott, ' Gillespie Sadler, , and I A. jDodsworth. - t Mr. and Mrs. Charles. N. 'Evans, of . . ' - Wilmington, announce the engage ment of their sister, Miss Emily r. -.' :; "EJvans. to Mr. John William Ferguson, - .The marriage will occur afcfWllmlngi ' , ton. June tn. , ' ' Mrs. R. C. Lawrence, of Lumberton, Js a visitor In the city.. She is a guest t Miss Janle Patterson, of Concord, who came over to attend the Allison r Orr marriage, is the guest of Mrs. A. 1 ' J. Croweiu ,v c5ol. .and Mrs. Leroy (springs, tK tonaaster, 8. C, are the - guests I t . Mr. and Mrs. John M. Scott, j '; Mrs.-John Springs, of Blowing Bock, ts visiting her sister, Mrs. George B. . r Hanna, on Tenth avenue. -Mrs. Talley Hayden. of Wilmington, iv , spent yesterday in the city with her daughter. Miss Hayden. She was ac ' companied by Miss. Pashau. . Miss Jonnle Detter Is : spending . 'Easter with friends In Dallas. ('.r f Misses Joele and .3essle Cralge. of ' , . i. i i . . r ; H.; C. Bryant, on their way to vr- Davidson to visit their aunt. Mrs. Alt " Toung. They were accompanied to Davidson by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Alii- . son, of Concord, Miss Xlssie Wlleford le?t last night for Concord, to spend Easter ' with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Deaton left last , ' night for Concord to spend. Easter , with theirifiiends and, relatives. ' ' Mesdames W. C. Heath, of Monroe, " and J. E. Heath, of , Waxhaw, re ; spending several days In the city, the -guests of Mrs. W. O. Nlsbet. on North Tryon street. . Miss OlHe Miller is spending the Easter holidays with relatives to Shelby. - Cards readings, as follows will be of Interest to many Charlotte people: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Edrlngton request the honor ot your presence at the marriage of their - ..... ' .' Stella .:; to Mr. Charles Ashby Penn on the evening of Tuesday, the first of May at half past eight o'clock, at Saint Andrew's Church (Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Penn Is a well-known young business man of Reidsville, Mrs. C. N. G. Butt, , after spending several days with her parents. Dr. and , Mrs. S. A. Grler, at Rocky River, re turned to the city last evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. I Porter, of Btrm . Ingham, Ala., are in the city, visiting Mr, and Mrs. z. T. smitn, ,Mr. Porter wno is a civu engineer ror ine aouin ern Railway, has been . transferred to the Asheville division, and Mrs. Porter will be here until he Is settled in his new field. Miss Annie M. Page, Of Wlnthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. is spending a few days with Miss Mary Graham. , ; W. C. A. NEWS; Prograoune of the Vesper Services and a Namber of peraonala The members, of the Toung Wo men's Christian Association will be glad to , learn . that Mrs. - Martin D. . Hardin will mak an Easter talk at . thV(Vaipe service this afternoon at The music will be In charge of Miss Lottie Gray. Mrs. Carrie C. Martin will sing a solo. ' The week . day vespers will be con ddoted as follows: Monday evening, , iMlss Mildred Watklns; Tuesday, Mrs. Carrie C Martin r Wednesday Miss ' Ella SweUr; Thursday, Miss AV . ' drlch: Friday, Miss. Fattie Willis, and V' Saturday, Miss Sarah Talbert. - t There are. at' present 19 guests, In the boarding home. Eight more could "MU be aecommodated. ' t s Miss Estelle McCorkte, who has had ;; the measles, has recovered. - Miss Olive B. Gloss, who has been ' .e In' King sBusiness College, sinde Sep tember has finished tier -course and ?r takes -a position'! as stenographer-for ,er brother, B,'C. Gloss, Of'Maxotu - Miss liilllan Mebane, a student at - :.' King's Business College, left Friday v . for a visit ot several days with her - ; parents in Burlington. ' r- - I f' r Mra Blanche Swsltser and daughter, . ,'Mlss EUa, have returned after, a four -t months' sojourn In Newberry. .r , ' Miss Julia Pats left yesterday for v ; Red Springs and Bingham to visit a week with relatives. -Misa Myrtle I, Sloan has gone to her - home at Steele Creek for a visit. ' - - , Misa Sarah Tolbert Is spending Eas . t ter with her parents tir Maxton. - Miss Martha Tocrence Is visiting hr family In Bessemer City. -i - Misa Dora Cunningham, who has been , acting as matron at the Home o the past twe weeks, returned to her home at Matthews Jast .night- i ' . jL ' " . 1 -f-: - Toy Two Children In as Many Days. T?rhe three-year-old 'child of Mr. and f: Wrs. jr. R. Hartis, wio live at No. 114 v-East Seventh street, died last night 3 at t o'clock. Another child -of ; Mr. -. f -amfc Mr Hurtla. fuit nna vi--. nM ' died of msaslea ; V ft P. S. Dodenhoff. Who ' has been With the Seaboard fraia-ht office nr for' soma, time, has been appointed agent at Monroe to succeed Mr. S. W. V ' Parham. who recently; resigned.' i Mr. r 4 Dodenhofl will take, up hla new work Mrs. , ...... 4 . ..... r . , . ...... gEX "f '.'yii No dog oon't toiler a bafkln- fOXJ " V L a snortln' buck oon't run - If he Jooks en see you. when- you, cocks v o, gun,, a ' i i When a gander ' stroma' wld his goose, ion Deiier tceep out r aigni, , "Ca;se den hedont "need; no.tjxcuse . . f. 3 , -1 To "tight., -rzj'f i ?;'' En-a scary man la a gin-saw wheel. "is- n Kai- is iong : oart teor -Toy mur do de whuppin yo'se'f, or he U A PROTEST. Qh.i lam .weary; weary, weary Of Pan and na.tn..autila , . And little songs that, from the dictionary, - liearn lore , of streams and hills, i Of, studied) 'laughter, mocking what is 'And .calculated thrills l Are we grown old and past the time ot singing? is aroor quencnea in art. -Till art Is but a formal figure, bringing A money-measured heart. i Procrustean, .cut,, and, 7 with old echoes, ringing . pens Its about the mart f The race moves on, and. leaves no wllder- ; nssses - j Where rutrced voices crV! It reads Its prayer, and with set phrase ii siossea . .The souls of men who die, And step by even step Its rank pro An army marshalled by. - ' " If K b better to, that Babel noises, . .Xoslns all -course and ken. And gruef that walls and gladness that Should never wake again f To shock a world of modulated voices ' And mediocre men, ; - , Alas, tor him who wears thf painted ; feather . , And may not turn about To dusks when muses romped .the dewy In nnreatrlcted rout And dawns when, If the stars had sung The sons of God would ehoutl " . , , JOHN CHARLES McNEIU TUB JL' C. Ta TO CELEBRATE. Plans' Being Formulated for Big Meeting- and Banquet May 5th -Big Crowds for the Twentieth. Tho Charlotte council. United Com merclal Travelers, Is planning a big meeting for May 6th. It la expected mat ytnere win be 40 new- members to be Initiated at that 'time: Already applications have been received from quite a number of traveling men andJ there are others that are to come In before , the date of the meeting. The degree work will be given In the af ternoon, beginning at 4 o'clock. The banquet will be served" at 8:30 o'clock. An elaborate programme is now being arranged. The menu wilt be the best that is to be had. and nothing will be spared to make the occasion a notable one. The traveling men are advertising the 20th of May celebration all over the South. They register "Charlotte, 20th of May"- at all the hotels in the country. People everywhere are talk ing of the big meet which is to be held In this city on that date. Some ot the traveling men say .that the number of . visitors in Charlotte will range anywhere from 30,000 to 45,000 dally; The question that' presents it self Is where are these people to be accomodated. Every hotel, anij board ing house will be filled and there will be hundreds who will not be- able to And a place to spend the nights. The committee having charge of this has a big work before It. . THE WHITE TEAM WOK. Capt. Bcall's Team Came Out 'Ahead The membership contest that has been so enthusiastically pushed- by the younger members of the Young Men's Christian Association for the past 39 days came to an end last night. The result in new memoers is 1Z4, and they were by the following teams: White team under the leadership . of Captain A. Jackson Beall first, with a total -credit ot si new names; second. the Blacks, Captain J. Frank Flowers, S3 new members, and the third, the Beds. Captain Willis Brown, which has SO new members to Its credit. The White team secured almost as many members as the two other teams to gether. -This is the largest numoer oi new member ever secured within one month and it raises the total membership in the Toung Men 8 Christian Associa tion to 775. The local association is the largest Irs the .Carolinas and the second largest in point of member Is the Columbia association, witn aoout five hundred and twenty-five members. Much credit is due Captain Beall and his corps of assistants. The first lieu tenant of tne wnite team, mr. Mat- colm Bradfleld, who secured the larg est number of new members, having i to his credit. . . ; COIi. RISDEN TYLEr" BENNETT. Charlotte People Antcipatlng Muctt on May lwtn. The members of Stonewall Jack son chapter. Daughters of tna con federacy, and Mecklenburg camp. United Confederate veterans, are looking forward to .the coming to Charlotte ' May 10th, of Col. Risden lyier uennett, or waaesnoro, witn much pleasure. For the past several years Col. .-Bennett's health has been poor, so much so . that he has been forced to decline many calls that hava been made' upon: him. As an orator, Col. Bennett has few equals in the South; ..He is in demand at all times. If s Col. Bennett's health will permit, Charlotte ' people will have the great pleasure of hearing him May lQth. - -.' Mariiflurte:rliiiviCu4ioiiv CORRECTLY AfJ D RO W P T LY ENGRAVED c (: ilf csro rci SAMPLEG at: D PRICES f;! y J P. Stevens Enravin & Col, Engravers n , , v 4 47 Whitehall St; 'mixta. 0. " TWO AGED ipEBSONS DIE. Mrs. Palinut Brendle, Aged 0V and Mr. John JBurk, - Aged IK Pass Away la Fdrsyth. - , ,j Special ts The Observer. 1 1 -. Winston-Salem, April' It Mrs. pall ma Brendle, aged 80 years, died at 10 o'clock last night at the home of her daughter, Miss Laura P. 'Brendle, on Mulberry street, West Salemv De ceased had been in decfmkig health tor several years. The funeral service will fee conducted by Rev. J. K. Pfohl, of. Christ Moravian church, at Union Ridge, two miles southwest of 8alem, Sunday afternoon atS o'clock. Mr. John Burke, attar a lingering Ill ness for several months, died last ev ening near Friedburg-. at the age ot :A MOMENTS' KOTId : 'An? first-class grocer can supply. you wun aeiicious ..: WHITE HOUSE COFFEE at a moment's notice if you will only say so. j You have tried the Rest, now try a can of the Best. It's easy to ask for. You know you want that old-fashioned, pure coffee; tastes so pure and 'wholesome.' Get White House and be satisfied. . Best judges drink It; best' grocers sjll 1C . ' ,, . 7 years, i Deceased leaves a wlfe! and four daugrnters. Mr. Burke was an ex ceilent citizen and an honored mem ber of the Moravian church at (Fried burg, from' which place the funeral service will be held at u o'clock' to-' morrow, . -Worlt nai begun upon the handsome resigence 7 to d ereciea ny Mr., u. r. residsnoe to.be erected by Wr.. Ov F. avenue iana Mng,sireet. , The Snappy - Hosiery we are show- "THE MA ED AND THE MVMMX," A Pretty Good House Entertained by v , , v ..-..ma XToauciion. . A pretty good house v witnessed the resentatlon of "The Maid and the ummy" at the Academy of Musin last evening. ' The play is an enter taining sort of production, with a ri diculously funny plot and pretty good music ino cnorns .f was attrmctiveiv costumed," and was well trained. -' t The roles were nassahlv well takon although o especial talent was displayed.- Fred Warren Was always en tertaining as the mummy, and Stsn- 1t MttTnhv mails an icr-Mllnnf iMr detective. ' Sarle Dewey, . as Stubbs, was pretty good and the others were tabv t t ! h - r , t. ' Dctita Academy Close. The 'school "term of Derlta Academy, Miss Bessts i Bterrett, , principal, - and Miss Ethel Robinson, assistant, closed Friday night, after- a most successful term. -The close of the - school . was marked wtth appropriate ' commence ment exercises,, mj " - ' ,4 - A Variety of Storms. ' ' Charlotta had a variety Of Vstormi yesterday. ' During the day the wind btsw and lifted dirt into , -people's houses, stores and cars and at night floods of water fell and drenched every unfortunate .traveler who , left his umbrella at home. ' Hattm Van1 la aide -Irk- a.lS 7;', -Is grippe at her borne on North Brevard street., 3 "Have you tried1 Blue Ribbon Vanilla? V, Aboly-.tr: grM-twice as fur and - the "irlue lubbonv- i'laver'i Is perfection. If you would ' "1 m. , lose 'that dull old t . .. -. i: J .. . .i i : ', And "feel as llvetv Sa 'a flea. Make haste to your druggist ' t And tuyysosie Rocky ' Mountain No Fading ' No Running No Splotching No Botching When we do your SHIRT WAISTS DAINTY COLORS AND DELICATE FABRICS. . Handled by Skillful.' pertenced, trained artists. We never BLUNDER, BOGGLE BLUNDER. "Expert Work by - Expert People.'? We cater to the particular and fastidious. Model Steam Laundry ex- or ing to-day and put in your season's upplyr ' ' Fancy Hose play an important part in a man's outfit to-day, especially if he wears low shoes. Our Hosiery offerings aro decidedly new in colorings and deslgns-rU you're particular they'll please you. The Tate-Brown Co. EASTER MUSIC Many appropriate sacred se lections In Vtcter Records. The Victor la the great home entertainer. Prlca 117.00 to $100.00. Stone &Barringer Co Victor Distributors, ' LA MARGUERITE SHOP We have a new shipment of We aver popular., Bladjx Hat latest dV signs of several .very reliable New Tork importers. Suits and Costumes ready-made, made to order and ordered for fou. New and well selected Laces and Embroidered Dress Trimmings. Corsets, Brassiere Waists and many other ' figure Improving devices. -Hose Supporters, Shirt Waist and Otoset Shields. - i .- . LA MARGUERITE SHOP, ) 211 Nprth TYyon Street to r. U1TS 5 1 : ; If you haycnftjplacd ,y6ur fitUCordcr lot, sHocsJ cdbnt itmt21'ybu'''tlie now nitificturing the largest ;part? of -wsti-d$ large fac tory W that wc iiiay take catrc of all orders .promptly ?tt-$ V. LFOaPil i -r-'-.-u. 9 " :.r-,. -j- . - ....'.j.. -. Icrj fcce f L:-2 815 THE: O-- II'.'I ? 1; ' r LADIESV RUDY-10 M , E J... ;This shipment arrived Friday, and is put on sale Mon- . day as a Special Easter offering Creams, Qrays. Navy and Black Mohair Skirts, brand new styles, about 100 in lot and every one a $5 value, our Easter Price $3.50 and $3.98e Several other new 17.50 values at arrivals h Grey, Blue and Black Panama Bklrts. $5.00. $8-50 Black Voile Skirts at $6.50 Splendid quality Black Voile Skirts, made, in the new style cluster plaits and circular effect. $8.60 value, at $6.50. $1-50 White Lingerie Shirt Waists at $1. This Is another Special Easter Offering. ' Beautiful round thread Lace Insertion, trimmed yoke effect, white lingerie Shirt Waist. Would be a bargain at $1.50. Our price .. .. , . $1.00. Other elegant values In White Lingerie Shirt Waists at $1.25, $1.18, $2.50. SPECIAL VALUES IN NEW BLACK DRESS GOODS. All-Wool Black Tamlse, 3 -inches wide; a beautiful, soft material that makes elegant separate skirts or whole suits. Price 48c. $1.00 60-lnch All-Wool Steam Shrunk Black Panama. Special at 75c. Fine, Soft, Genuine Black Chiffon Panama; $1.25 value. vAt .. .. 08c 46-lnch 8heer Fine Imported Wool Chiffon Cloth, In Blacks and colors. Prices $1.38, $1.75, $2.50 and $2.08 yard. LINEN FINISHED WAISTING. Another finish. case of White P-ice . . Linen-Finished Waistlngs; yard-wide. permanent . . . . 10c. v 4 "A 1 ' oik: B ro WHOLESALE ae AND as RETAIL. TT Good Furniture Need Not Be Expensive Furniture And if you are an economist thla .fact will become apparent to you the Instant you behold our mag nlficent stock and become acquainted with our prices. Every piece ot Furniture which we show has been' selected with tho Idea of quality dominant. ? , . There Is no department we are better prepared to supply your wants than In the dining room department.; Golden Oak -foot Tables, I4.H, to handsome Oak and Mahogany Tables for 0.00. See our $18.00, $31.00." $35.00 and $35.00 Pedestal Tables. Everone a ' , : W. T. McCOY South Tryon Street ' Wan ted I Names and addresses v of everybody; in Char lotte who will enterf,. tain , visitors1 on the . 20tfL State .terrain , Model Steam Laundry, F.ib. ;LETHCO, I Charlotte Steam laundry. , ' 'FOR SALE! ''"lOt 1-3 acres of floe timber land 1$ miles east of elty, miles from R. R. Station. Price I MOO. ; . 1 3ft acres ot goodi productive land suitable for ' dairying and trucking, 4 mile out on Parir v road, Price $60,or per acre, i? i. , ' Modern t-room, two-story : house. East 1 5th St., half ; block, from car Una, Only, 3,00.- ' . -- - ' 1W fOOIV.-y ' Modern ' 7reom '- house West , Ith St. IIS 00. v , " UcCalt Clsnton. j CIIAnXOTTEr N. C 217 K. Tryoa St. t Thone lift. sf WE DYE PORTIER'S If there is anyone thing in which we excel it is in the Dyeing of; Por tieres and ' Household Draperies, If you have a pair that are soiled or faded, have thempyed, or cleaned by, our French Process. ' The cost 1s 'small and weteamcawa: ' v. 4 vre ' rt" y., - WmtHfclwJ lLiJ ' VVWIs..taX 100 HEAD 100. HEAD. The Claude Brown Co. , a' ' JJ,jy; . HENDERSOXTfXiIiE) N..C."' 1 We have In our mammoth ' barns 100 head of nigh Class Horses.' ROAD HORSES CARRIAGE HORSES . 8ADPLB HORyrs 1 - - i 1 8 need of large, young Mules and a few heavy work teams.' - X '' 100 HEAD. io ii r id V - i ; Get He-Print Copy . ' of the Original ; Lavson's I!::'.-; or. : r::i;:i ronuci' E ta f r- ' r Si. c:: c 1 V r

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