3'.l.u--LU:;i ..:i i 4 11 IIIJB BERBSEASOyiS JON 0TL Sldta to., SW , rrigeretor Cars, . Already . Awaiting Shipment. Which In rnft This Week Hotel Are owded - wJti. norwru. .omr Buyer-AtUnUo Coast U to - pend $100,0 on Terminal aelll- ties la WlbnlnitonConst Mne , Vi Kmplores Sec-ire a Ten Ver Cfat. Advance in Wages New llo.,1,KT ' fordton Train Hailed With Delight. Correspondence of The Observer. , Wilmington, April 16 The Atlantic ? Coast Line will spend upward of $100.- VeM in the improvement of Its terminal .facilities In this city. This la the as etftance which ia given the chamber U Of commerce whcth has had the mat- ter up for some time. The lmprove- meats will consist of enlarging: the M yar4a at what is known as the M ) union station and the extension of the "J freight tracks through the iarf dls - trlct ao as to belt the entire city by 't pelgHdo Mills, thus enabling shifting englnea to work from both end.s ln atead of one. as Is now the case. The . freight congestion has been quite heavy here for several months and the de mand for Increased terminals was Im perative. Express shipments of strawberries Will begin to go forwwrd this week from the trucklngFelt and next week olid refrigerator cars of the luscious fruit will begin to move. Passengers arriving from the North say that the various aidlngs from the Pntomas riv er to. the Cape Fear along the railroad are filled with the familiar yellow cars Of the Armour Car Lines. At all siri- Jngs In the berry bolt the tracks are filled with cars already Iced and ready for movement at any minute. Ice ra -tories are running night and day and have been for some time to keep up with the demand. Commission men from everv Important market in I he Xnrth are thrnnrlnK the hotels all along the line and express the opinion that the present season will be one of the best the growers have had In several vears. The quality of the fruit Is said to be good. The eighth annual convention of the American Fruit and Produce Travelers" Association. composed of solicitors from al the Important houses "North, will be held In this city next Saturday. An oyster roast and smoker At the beach will be among the fea tures of entertainment for the visitors upon this occasion. The membership in the association numbers something over 100. The new train on the Seaboard Air Une. through to Jliitherfonlton. was hailed with delight by the beuc-h peo ple who see In the establishment of this train a greatly Increased travel this summer. It will also be very conven ient for those who desire to go to the mountains from the coast country. For the present the Sunday train will not carry mail but it Is expected that t"' rons along the line will not be slow to petition the Department to have the mall put on the train as well on Sun days as on week day. The committee which recently tailed upon the Atlantic Coast Une officials from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers have announced since leav ing Wilmington that an advance of wages averaging 10 per cent, all over the system was secured as the result of the conference with the employers. A Dumber of adjustment! In the rules regulating the service were ulso se cured. The commute from the Order Of Railway Conductors Is still here. Reports of the number of patrons nerved by carrier through the Wil mington postoffice indicate a popula tion of between 31,000 and 32.000 for the city. The actual number servexl by the carriers Is something over 29,000 but the free delivery service does not cover the entire city, therefore a calculation as to the population of the ou'slde territory has to be made and added. Upon the strength of this showing, Postmaster Wallace will ask for an ad ditional number of (terriers and an ex tension of the territory of the free de livery. YOUNG HAY KNOW I)K.I). Accident Tlial Itcfcl Mini Proved Fatal A Quirt, Sunday Sunday t rrrwiony. Special to The ChrnU!e. High Point. April l-.Mr. Ji'tll" Garland, of this place, and Miss Hat -tie Cole, of Gla'lesboro. were united in marriage yesterday afternoon at Ihe home, of the officiating minister. Uev. O. L. Powers, of the First Maptlst church. Mr. Garland a ml Miss Cole came here by private convey, nice and were quietly married, ,i few uf the cltliens witnessing Hi h i. runny. Mrs. T. T. Fence, wife of the hue Dr. Feii'ce. of Ashcbom, w.is brought here Saturday afternoon mi nl.ireil In the Junior Order Hospital for treat ment. Mrs. Feireo has been suffering for some lime with a stnma.ii tiotilile and her cniulliloii Is . rirl .d sir.- is u sister of Mrs. J J. Welch, .id M'ssrs. It. L.. W. P.. F M. and Jeiry Pl k-u, Of this pla.e The unfortunate .icri lent !. .! i.ef., Roy Snow, son of Mr tin, I Mrs. I", A. Snow, yesterday afternoon whs the topic of conversation f .r s.,m.- i!n lif ter the accident. The Utile fel.o.c .. known by nenriy every .me r,. . Was a bright lad He and some other boys h i 1 the silk mill to s mm- i.uh. chimney whi. h tills . .nii.in' erecting to a-t as a siu.-ke r.i far the work has limn reuse.) height h of 6r, fe.-r There Is .: , Ing at the ground. Inn te., f . , i Is an eye hole. From t !,.. l.i i U tar as the sta-k went then- wei- ir-.i rods acting as a ladoer f..r Hi,- wok men to climb on If seem tb.it i Iron rods or lad.lt rs lui.l . i!y i.. . placed mere nmurday and in, inoruri holding them in plan- hud iwi .hi.d sufficiently to hold Komi Seeing the eye or man whole a!.uV. and having a curiosity to .limb the huge smokestack young Snow at tempt ed the feat. He had gotten some fif ty fet when something he was hoiing to gave way and he fell pell men through obstructions of brick and Iron in the bottom of the stark. A young man who was with him xave the alarm at once and parties to the rescue got ropes, one man climbing into the hole nd descending to the bottom and tied the rope to the boy. and parties on the outside pulled him out. All the 4 avsllablfi physician went to the wodnd 1 d hoy snrl after having him carried to the home of his parents an xam Inatim was made. One leg was shal- tered terribly, an arm w.( broken and he was otherwise bruised about the ','tnad and body as well as Internally. ,j.Very little hope was held out for the , ' BOfortunate boy from the nrst Ho was ttnconsciouB from tb first and re- tnstrved In that condition until 11 ' O'clock, last nlgrrt when the inti. fei. .,.'lw died, All the afternoon people called mid Inquired into hif condltfhn, showing with what regard he was held, and ' s the family has the sympathy of all l Jfbtit ort affliction. .-;...v "J."'" ' 11 " " 1 i TKJ much publicity spoils a good deed. , Many a manufacturer makes nothing hut enemies. " ' Tak Boiflster's - Rocky Mountain Tea this fnmvtta. Drives away spring tlradnstv gtvas appetite and sleep, make you weu and keeps you well. zm&toi K T "W, tfirSXESFiSr wy' i hi.' m w. SENIOR RECEPTION. 't-A Davidson Clam Entertained With IV : liglitf nt V Event Personal - - 9im jS9te of the; College Town. SpeclalrtovThe Observer. ' : ', Davidson, April 16. The reception given by the-faculty Saturday night to the senior class and- their guests passed heartily enjoyed y u the partici pants. 4, new feature In this gathering was not simply the presence of the orchestra as individuals but as an or eanlsatlon with . their Instruments. They discoursed sounds 'sweet enough to please- the ear and win applause. Some of the young rnert also sang some excellent , selections. , .Among these were Messrs. Mclver and Hassell. The orchestra, received, , during the even lug, a most substantial token of the appreciation- in which their music has been received in the form1 of a waiter filled with pound boxes of Nunnalley candles. This was the gift of two en thuslastlc ladies whose , matronly dig nlty and motherly interest In the boys woutd save some from any suspicion of effervescent and girlish enthusiasm In their praise of Davidson's amateur musicians. Yesterday Dr. Graham preached an eminently appropriate Easter sermon that throughout was forceful, at times eloquent and abounding In pathetic touches that reached the heart. Tne text was: "The Power or His ttesur- rectlon." Miss Hendrlx, of Oreeris boro. at present a student of the Pi-en byteriun College, Charlotte, played some very beautiful selections on the orran. that delluhtecl all wno neara them. At night, after the service. large part or the congregation lingered behind, hoping- to hear the talented young musician play some more of her choice nieces, in this they were not disappointed as the orgian recital that followed was very fine, certainly lr pro vimial ears are any Judges. Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, of Con cord, came up Saturday evening and are spending a few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Afred Young. They were accompanied by the Misses Craig, of Salisbury. Miss Urxle Young Is spending the holidays with her pa rents. Among the visitors on the hill are the following: Misses Davis, Murphy. Neel, McDowell, Harris, Hendrix, and (lOggius. The volunteer squads of students agreeing to help for two hours once a week at Lake Wiley have been organ Ized and have set in to moving dirt at a brisk pace. About 30 men are In each squad arid the help rendered will very materially reduce the cost of the work and at the wtme time greatly expedite It, as labor Is scare enough Davidson plays Guilford at Greens boro to-day and then moves on to Lex ington, a., to meet the v. M. I. team Dr. J. M. Douglas is accompanying the fellows. The score of 2 to 1 In fa vor of Wake Forest Saturday was a dash of pretty icy water In Davidson's face; however, the game was close enough surelv. Drs. Shearer and Graham left this morning to attend the closing exercises of Concord Presbytery at Mocksville WILL AMOUNT TO LITTLK. This Is CongrcHsiHun Pou's ftiiinlon ns to the Hallrouil Hate Ia-ginitiii hi I'rcwnt ScwhIoii Some Kind of a Hill Will bo Passed. However. Correspondence of The Observer. Stnlthfliid, April 13. Congressman E. W. I'ou anivod here from Wash ington Sunday night ut spend a few days with his family, returning to Washington Wednesday afternoon. The Sniithlield Herald of to-day pub lished the following Interview with Mr. Pou on the railroad rate bill: "I do not doubt that some sort of railroad rate bill will be passed. Pres ident ltoosevelt has forced the meas ure upon the Representatives of his party In Congress and they are afraid to adjourn and go before the people without passing some bill which they will claim carries out the recommenda tion of the President. The President Is having n hard time In his efforts to bring his own pally In line of sup port for the pending bill. Hut for the fact that Ihe Speaker rules the House of Representatives, the Hepburn bill, I firmly believe, would have encoun tered serious opposition In that body," 'What sort of a bill do you think will pass," was asked the Congress ma n. "1 will say this," he replied, "I am perfectly certain that the Hepburn I. Ill will never become a law in the shape il left the .House. Kveu In that shaH' II is worth little or nothing to the small shippers, still it is an Im provement upon existing legislation. As 1 said, the Senate will puss Some sort of n bill. After that body has done Its work, 1 predict that the law done lis work, 1 pivdlct that the aver age shipper will never realize that the luw has been changed, or that Congress has legislated wllh respect t.) railroad rates at all. I'nder the rules of the Seriate, no hill ran l! passed ns Iouk as a simile Senator stands up in his place uud speaks against It. In other works, the Senate never voles on a iiieasun' unless prac tically by utiauliiinu. consent. "I may be mistaken, but I think the KepublicHII parly has Iiceu to friendly I with corporate Interests for Its rcpre isenlallves In Congress to allow a bill I I., pass which will be very ohjectlonable I I in the inicrcsts which have put up the funds to help curry Ihe elections. , 1 Should the Hepburn bill become n law ( lit would no doubt help ..tir people to , ; h i nt.'iit, but otic people are more 1 1 j t 1 1., ed III rural free delivery agita- I "Wtiit about the r nn.r that some of r .utes now In operation might ls II s. out inued." was asked. j i l.i idly think the Postoffice De partment will discontinue any rural I fi.e delivery poute which Is much up. ;pie. iaie.l y its patrons. There has ! Ic.-n s..n c talk of the discontinuance of routes which do not handle 2,000 j.te.es .( mall per month, but as yet no route has been discontinued fur that i'M.iri; but I do hope that the l,i i ions win do all In their power to make the rural free delivery service a su cess if i mn not mistaken In my flgoies. It coses the government about 4'i icnis for every letter which ,s delivered by the rural carriers. 1 may be mistaken u these figures, but I sun score tiiHt I have heard it stated In the House that it costs about that much. "The rural five delivery wrvlin Is Ihe grandest thing Congress has done for the farmer In recent years. I shall do my utmost to prevent the dlscon tlnuaiue of any route In my district. If hh) famllv along these routes would lake a weekly newspaper there, would Is- little danger of the route, for this would almost certainly put the number of pieces of mall handled up to -'.000 pieces per month. A semi weekly newspoper In each family wiuld make it lertaln that the route would neicr he discontinued. I sup pose i jjooil semi-weekly newspaper can lie had for about i per year, and Just think what a magnificent stimu lus this would be to universal educa tion." CHAHMHKHLAIN'S rot'OR RKMKDT THIS HKHT AND MOBT POPPCLAR. "Mothers buy It for croupy children, railroad men buy It for severe coughs sod elderly people buy it for la grippe," any Moor Pros Kldon, Iowa, "Yi sell om of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tfrc iny ether kind. It sms to ks,v 'sa.n the lead over severs! other good .rands." There, is no question hut this msdtclns Is the best that eaaf bo.nrn. msdtclns Is the best cured for coughs and colds, whether It LOSS TO TIICCKEBS. ; Shipments Almost Invariably Reach JMsrket Late Farmers Despondent Losaes In Ifew Maoorer on aw 1 tact Said to he More Than $10,004. 'Wilmington Xessenger, lSth. , . j. Thas truck-arrowers in this ., section and especially in Jew Manover county ara yery despondent over th wn losses they hava austamea aunng ine last few weeks by reason of poor transoortatlon service. One Of the largest lettuce growers In this section and one who Is certainly in post tion to know whereof he speaks Stat to a representative of The Messenger yesterday that the losses during tha past six weeks In New Hanover coun tv alone would amount to more than $ie,00(i and more than $5,000 of ' this amount was lost during me wees; just ended. Since lettuce first began to move there has been considerable trouble and by reason of the uncertain time that it reached the markets the price during the greater part of the time has been low. During me past week the prices have been high and when the farmers at the first of the week saw what lettuce was bringing they were certain that they would reap rich returns for their shipments but they were doomed to disappoint ment for it is said to have been al most impossible to get a shipment on the market any where near when it should have reached its destination. The result has been that the lettuce was in extremely bad condition when placed on the markets and hence brought poor prices. On Thursday morning one truck- grower made a shipment of select stock to a New York firm expecting it to be on the early market Friday. Prices on Friday morning are said .to have been very high. Yesterday afternoon the truck-grower received a telegaam saying the shipment had Just arrived and would have to be held over until Monday. This lettuce was cut last Wednesday so it can be seen it will have been cut five days before being disposed of. The result will be that It will be stale and almost worthless. There are said to be Instances where cars of lettuce have been left standing on sidetracks for more than day when they should have been going northward at a fast rate of speed. The bad service Is by no means confined to express shipments but also to refrlgeator cars. It will soon be time for other truck crops to go forward and the growers say they see no Improvement In sight. This does not necessarily mean that there will be a bad service when the berry sea son opens for the special trains are hen operated. Although the large shipments of lettuce are now made by refrlgeator cars nearly all the small growers send their lettuce by express. DROWNED IX JOHNS RIVER. Mr. Charles Enlcy. of Morganton, l4- His IJfc in the Effort to Ford a Swollen Stream. Special to The Observer. Morganton. April ISth. Mr. Charles Kpley, of Morganton, was drowned yesterday morning while crossing Johns river at Perkins" ford. Mr. Ep ey left town early Bunday morning iriving a surrey and pair of horses, le took a Mr. Whltener out near Ches- erfleld. on the Lenoir road. He rossed the Catawba and Johns rivers n the bridges, but decided to return o town by the fords. Miss Susie Per kins, who lives about one hundred yards from the ford of Johns river, was sitting on her porch and heard he horses as they stepped Into the wa er. Knowinir the river was too hlsrh r anyone to cross she rushed out. but only saw one horse and part of he surrey. Mr. Epley evidently drowned Instantly as Miss Perkins la sure she would have heard any out- ry. The horses and the front wheels have been found lodged In a tree a quarter of a mile below the ford Nothing haa been seen of the body and t win be Impossible to drag tne river while It is so high. Johns river is a most treacherous stream rising very rapidly. We had quite a heavy rain n Saturday afternoon, and the river was up more than tnree feet on Sun ay morning. Mr. Epley was In the very business and was about 30 years f aae. orbln Ihily Named for Lieutenant (Jcncral. Waslngton. April 16.-The President to-day sent the following nominations t the .Senate: Major General to be Lieutenant Gen ral: Henry C. Corbln. Postmasters: Georgia II. Blun, Jr., Savannah; Virginia W. Griffin, 8a' lem. To Remove Freckles ft Pimples I.T..Wil.-Nadjn0& A new dlaeorery, sold nnasr a posit! gear antes and money re fanded in ever MM where It falla to nwnl frenklee, plmplse, llTef. pou, sun-tan, eenow ne. eoller dlioolore' tlana. blackheads and all aril ... lima nf t ha al, in. na XS3FSBmA ' o' aow long ,v. j "P""ir" ktenaini. vim orainarr Vi, V "nru eaten In 10 deft, and the vorat In 90 dars. After these dafnota in remorad the akin will he clear, aoft, heeltbr end baantirnl. HO poatlBI berni ean reanlt from Ita an, 60 oenta and UjW at leedlng drug atorea or by mail. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY. Paris, Tsnn, AI.K OF VALIIABLE MILL' PROP- KKTY. the matter of the Damask Manu facturing Company, bankrupt. Hy viitue of an order duly made ml entered In the above entitled i oceedlng In bankruptcy, the under lined Truiiees in Bankruptcy of said lamnHk Manufacturing Company will ffer fur Bale, for cash, at public tn tlon at the court house door in Winston. N. (.'., on Saturday, May S, 906, at 10 a. m.. the mill site, tha ater power, factory building and ontents lately belonging to the said Uumnsk Manufacturing Company, lo afed ut Koarlng Illver, Wilkes coun- , North Carolina. The lands hereby offered consist of hree tracts one of four and one- alf (4 1-2) acres, one tract of one undred and forty (HO) acres, and one tract of one Hundred and nine- eon (11B) acres, lying adjacent to the dam and factory building of the com pany. The buildings on this property con st of a brick factory building, 80x17 feet, standard construction, one story igh. a btica store room and an office 9x38 feet, and two completed tenant ouses and six in the course of con- ruction; also a forty-horse-Dower boiler, together with supplies and ma chine shop tools, and building ma terial. Also the stock of goods In the company storehouse, consisting of shoes, overalls and sundries and a ot of plug tobacco in the original packages, unbroken, and also on ypewrlter. All tnis property win do offered separately first, and then aa a whole. This sale Is made subject to confirma tion by the Court or Referee, at a meeting of the creditors to be held at Winston, N. C. Saturday. May it, tot, at io o eioca. Ft H. PHAMBKKLA.N. Trustee lit Bankruptcy. April I. .0s. . ; , For. ny further Information da- sired, address the Trustee at Oreens- t awvcEr J-Kaa. K c 'BtruawicK. emu at same puce. I J sl ' f I . i- c. , . There is7 One You do not Cracker until . t v Uneeda 1 To taste Uneeda t biscuit is to V fell in love with them. You ; ; never forget that first taste, and you renew it every time you eat Uncfedq Biscuit 0 In a ,1 - ; motsturi A NATIONAL .BISCUIT COM PANt The more a man rests the more he rusts. Every time a' fussy woman lets her husband have his own way she does It in such a manner that it leaves a bad taste In his mouth. Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo drives out malaria and builds up the system. . Sold by all dealers for ?7 years. Price 60 cents. THE McADOO Greensboro's best Hotel. Entirely made over. $26,000.00 expended and equal to the most modern hotel in the land. Elevator, long distance 'phone In eslch room. Free sample rooms. Free 'bus. Rates: 12.00, $2.60, $3.00 and $3.50. H. W. STERNE Greensboro, N. C. A. J. REACH CO. Makers of the famous REACH BALL The ball adopted by the American and Southern ' Leagues and the American Association. We are the sole distributing agents in this terri tory, carry a complete stock at trade prices, and can save the retailer money and time on shipments. SOUTHERN HARDWARE CO., Charlotte, JT. 7. Write for '08 catalogue and price lists. Qet a Gibson Picture , FREE With the SancUy Edition of The Atlanta Journal AT THE Coprright 1M4, r. r. comer Every Sunday, beginning April 1st, The Journal will give away as a supplement with each copy a famous Gibson picture printed on buff tinted art paper. These pictures represent the best work of Charles Dana Gibson, and they have been secured at great cost by The Journal from Col lier's Weekly, for which Gibson drew exclusively.. Start with the first picture and save the entire collection. You will then jiave a priceless art treasure, for Gibson has given up pen and ink drawing forever. Some of the other exclusive features of The Sunday Journal are : HENDERSON'S CARTOONS. GEORGE ADE -(Famous for Fables in Slang.) LINCOLN STEFFENS (Greatest Graft Describer in the world.) FRANKLIN FYLES (Dramatic Crrtie . of interna tional fame.) . IDA INNERLY (She writes a social letter that al ways sparkles and sometimes blazes.) MRS. HENRY SYMES (The wonderful beauty spe cialist who answers Individual questions. MARION HARLAND(The most helpful authority on household affairs.) j COLORED COMIC SUPPLEMENT. y ROOSEVELT BEARS , And the greatest NEWS paper of tha Soutli Get the ScmcUy JotmiaL 5c a copy. $2 a yeat. See ots? local atat or 4&tn : The - s . , r Soda r Cracker i'r know that Soda you know Biscuit fast tight. proof package VICTORIA KEENE'S The' best and most eco nomical material known for plastering and imitation tile work. ( J. C. GRINNAN, 173 Main St., Norfolk, Va. THE MOON 18 MADE OP GREEN CHKESfc many people would lead her to be lieve, when the housewife goes to Sure has flour for her baking day ut If he haa once used the Pride of Charlotte flour she will take nothing else, jn; is maae or tne cnotcest ss lecteawheat and ground at our mill BUKG FIXJCR MIL L JT. e Kolner. Proprietor. Fboae St. MATINKE By Pmilien COLLIER'S WZZKVt ATLANTA, :sxMGAsm 1 - CEMENT r iff ' ( atMBe-aa-ss wv -v f a " t . Some decent SIiipm2iits and Orders u .. warp plktlnts machine , fhiUdelphla. l,t ' ' . ' V ' ' , - -' ' ' S yarn hundllna- machines for Pawturkst. r 1-crtiin t mhiMn m; f t , and -10-pound bundles or the retail trade.) - Vs r 1 " $ waste cleaning systems (the system comprises , waste cleaning machine i tor motes, sweeps and other waste without removing any fibre. There le .another machine to extract buckles, pieces . of ,tiesF storie, '" pieces of v', , .leather, broken bobbins, ring travelers ' and other foreign " matter. - it .' extract uncut threads altwx Then comes a suction tan. and collector, vuuu in- nuicmnss ana insiau ins system.; i - - . ? 1 Sand and boll screen, for cotton seed oil mill In pent. .V; 2 lard presses and one filter pres to Brasll. . r y-r'C-6 lard presses to Philadelphia., , j IiOt of shafting, pulleys and baagorg to, Waterbiury. GotKf ?j !.;4r..i r; T (This shipment was to a large company which has for a long time been using Fairmont Machine Works stuff, of Philadelphia, and as we bought the entire Fairmont Joutftf. w now get the business.) ' t spoolers for mills m Gaston . county. ; v ' ' - ',. 12 reels to mills in Cabarrus county. ' ' k 4 reels to a mill in Georgia. c 1 i 2 reels to Lincoln county. - Pulleys, hangers and shafting galore to lots of mills. J ' Handled two big engine breakdowns, and, by working our shop n'gnt and day-saved the mills a lot of time. We are rewinding lots of burnt armatures for factory generators and for aireei car motors. t We have lately made and shipped $00 20 harness dobbles and the pur- chasers are delighted with them. , We are now making 150 90-Inch -looms for Monroe Cotton Mill. THE D. A. TOMPKINS COMPANY . Pattern Makers. Founders and Machinists CHARLOTTE, N. C. The Enjoyable Smoke the Comfortable Smoke Everybody Sriokes "The Country e For Sale Everywhere MicaaroiuTU CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 Not the cheapest, but preeminently the BEST. These are the largest, oldest and best equipped schools In North Carolina a positive, provable FACT. 1,000 former students holding positions In North Carolina. PoslUons guaranteed, backed by written con tract. Shorthand. Book-keeping, TpewriUng and English, taught by experts. Address KING' S BUSINESS QOLLBGB Charlotte, N. C. or Raleigh, N. C mt& THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY COMPANY . , . WS ARB SOUTHERN AGENTS FOR tmffKP MTBXL QKRMAlf HEDDIiES AND HEDDZXB FRAMES, WRITE US FOR PRICES. " Feskett Bishop Steam Traps Carrisd In Stock; also Card Clothinc an a full Line of Supplies. v CBABXOTTB BIRMINGHAM ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CHARXiOTrB, N. C Suburban Location, Extensive Campus, High Orade, Experienced, TTnlverslty Educated Teachers; Fire-Proof Buildings, First Clcaa Equipment Schools of Mnsic, Ait, Expression, Business. Enjoys a Reputa tion for Thorough Work and Good Health. ..lj.!ieJ..Jv. CATALOGUE! KEYNOTE... If you should purchase anything from us if ithat thing should not wear as you think it should, in every respect we are just as anx ious to make things right as you can be to have them right. Carriages, Harness, Horses, Mules, Baggage and Passenger Service, Stylish Livery. Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. J. W. WADSWORTIi'S SONS CO. Heath & Milligan Prepared Paint Beat of House Palnta '' Rogers' Stain Floor Beat of Floor Finishes. Muralo Company's Calcimo Best of Wall Finlshea Bath , Tub Enamel Btove Enamel Furniture Polish Floor Wax, Brushes Sample Cards, Paint Advice , Free. TcrrcnttPdriiWall; f r PcpsrCo. - Everythlnf In Paints. " ' ' x u '"' ' 1 Gentleman" 5 Ceonts SFARTANBTTRfl SSNT FRIES. CitAS. B. KING. President DR. 0. Ti "ALEXANDER DENTIST, CARSON BUIUDIirO .i ii s' Southeast Corner FOURTH AND TRTON STREETS. HOOK AND ROGERS AHOmTECTS- UJSrARLOTTE GREENSBORO, Wheeler, Runge and Dickey . ARCHITECTS Second Floor 4Ca Building. FRANK P. IHLBURN AIM TECT 1 1 Columbia, - 8. 0, . ' . . , - f . , . . k .V it 1 9

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