.Ja ""to,- V ' r CHARLOTTE ; DAILY OBSERVER, JA1 ?Jh 17,1903. r V1fr(f'V'k., i 7,7 MSPENSABY.WABD 'ClKUfGB'JWCaLD ,CO CJTIT T nty-Odd Slice of Pie Come Cn ,ler Its Jurisdiction, and Changes All Aloof the line Are Predicted John T. - Owens, in Habeas Corpus - 1-roceedlngs, Admitted to Ball ' - . , ' Observer Bureau, ' , - ' 1209 Main Street, V-1 " Columbia. B. C, April li yTlM Richland county legislative dele- j cation made a clean sweep to-day of j ' the county board of dispensary control, ' ejecting-an entirely new board In the . persons of E. e. Touchberry, of East - xver, Vandy Myers and William Mc DougalL of Columbia, who take the pi&cea of Fire Chief W. J. May; Fred ' Harmon and Oscar Chappell, who have had the distribution of the dispensary 'ide In this county for a number of , years. The members of the old board were all applicants for re-election, and these were additional candidates: W. L. Crosswell. East over; Charles Klnsler, of t lie upper portion of the. county; ..! Thomas Reasoner, W. P. Bookter, Wade Robinson and E. V. Dent, Co ; lutnbla; George W. Taylor, of Taylor's " Hi ore. -The board has the disposition- of twenty odd dispensary Jobs and the places on the board are naturally de . sirable. Who will become the local po litical leader undfr the new regime is a matter for speculation. As to this the only thing that Is certain is that there will b a change. The objection to Mr. May was that ' he held a position in the fire depart ment, the ordinance requiring him to deVote all ( bin time (o the duties of jthe department. OWENS irHANTEI) BAIL. In heabeas 'orpiiM proceedings be fore (,'hlt'f Just I re Pipe here to-day John T. Owens, under Indictment for the murder of Mamuel Thornley. at Monde's Corner. In Berkeley county, last October, was granted bail In the earn of $3,000. Attorney 11. W. Mayes appeared for Owens, while Altorney ieneral YonmatiH appeared for the fttste. Aii-ording to the testimony of FOB CHAMBER OF COMMMERCB. -' , , ,c, ,-' Durham Business Men Making Wort -to Organise Business and Social Club. , Correspondence ot The Observer: - Durham. April " 1. The business men pf the city are wrestling with the problem of establishing a chamber of commerce and getting on a business basis to da work for the city. The Iness men want an organisation that will be a - working body and . at the same time have club room with so cial features that will be a place wnere any member can carry a friend or business man. To do this there win have to be pretty heavy dues and Initiation fees and this wtll knock cut many who are now members and destroy, in a measure, the democratic principles of the organization At a meeting last night the matter was talked over and a committee of li was appointed to prepare plans and devise a scheme for carrying out what Is desired, this committee to re port at a meeting to be beld next Friday night. The outcome of the matter will be. It Is expected, to es tabltsh a strong chamber of commerce and. In addition, as an adjunct, es tablish and organise something like a business men s club. Catawba lima Mne Living ParenU of Confederate Soldiers. To the Editor of The Observer: While reports are being sent In from other couetles clvlns names of living parents of Confederate soldiers. I feel It not out or place to report eastern Catawba, which has the following: Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mike, who had two sons the Confederate army; Mr. avia Drum, two sons; Mrs. Betny Drum, two pops; Mrs. Ksnnle ( aid well, tnree sons; Mrs. Coulter, two sons: Mrs. Sarah Sher nl IS the mother of J. I. Long, chair man of the board of county commission ers. Mrs. Frank Totint gave one son toi the service. He was sheriff of this county for several yeurs after the war but Is new dead. I think there are others In eastern Cutawba but of this f am not positive. 8. WI LKINBON. Kdlth. April 14. 1906. Mecklenburg Has Uvlng Parent of Confederate) Soldiers. To the Editor of The Observer: no- RECEIVED GOOD TBJEATMEXT. Statement - by "', Italians That They Were Mistreated by Uw to. A W. Lnunse The Foreigners . Skipped Out Owing the Company for Tuelr 'transportation. - . To the Editor of The Observer: . The statements made by the Italian la borers to The Observer's Huth Point eur- respondent, relative to their treatment at ine nana ot the eoutn western Kan JCOMJIECCE- AD .FINANCE ... tvvuiiiiusa outrage oeveo, general Idea seems to be tnat the bus-1 way Company do that railroad an rn Jus tice. In the flrst place their statements are not true. It bus freauently been as sorted by the people of this and other counties, inrougn wntcn tne , bouiu Western Is building its railway,' that that company, its officers and emDloyeea: are tne most nuerai, ir not extravagant, peo ple in he use of their money that have ever come into eur midst Their liberal ity and generous treatment of all per sons with whom they have had dealings in our county, with those irom whom they obtain rights of way, those they em ploy, and all persons with whom .they deal, is so striking that everyone has noticed it. ' . ?"-, What is said about the company ap plies as well to the foremen of construc tion and those under them and th state ment which these Italians made to the people of High Point relative to the bosses allowing them a dim oceajilnniit- ly as their comoensation is absurd. No one knows Captains Speneer, Long. Cox. Dyer, Vaughn, Lundy, Cross, Harris, Daggett. Thomason er Muehea would, for a minute, believe that they would prac tice or countenance such conduct around their camps. . The truth of the whole matter is that ; these Italians were brought to North Carolina on th mnnv of the South V Western Railway Com- hr n work Tk .w i. .... Corn, Products Reflnlnr and were to receive t.M per day. Which : STJ-SS&'m Rnn,n' Pfd- m wagvs reeeiveq oy en tne oay Plir" riTJi "! CLOSING STOCK UST Adams Exprss, ... ... ...... 244 Amalgamate Copper ... . . .. ..Alls American Car oi Foundry ., -7. 44 American Car er Foundry Pfd , iwi'i I2 American Cotton Oil t. ,K ,v .34 American Cotton oil nM . American Express ,. .. .. -.. ,. .. American Hide , JLather pfd American Ice A ... American Ice pfd.;;. .. , ,.i American Unseed Oil American Linseed Oil pfd.. .. ; American Locomotive .. American Locomotive pfd American, Smelting A Refng.. .. .. American Smelting ft Refng pfd.... American Sugar. Kenning.. .. American vrobaeeo pfd. certif Anaconda Mlninir dn . Atchison i.. , ... Atchison pfd. Atlantic coast.Line Hauimore tt unhi .. .. Baltimore Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rabid Transit Canadian Pacific i. . .. ., Central of New Jersey Chesapeake Onto Chicago St Alton., .. Chicago & Alton pfd Chicago Great Western Chicago Northwestern .... Ch cago, JUll, c,UU Pan;.. Ch cago, Terminal Trans.. .. . Chicagev-Terminal tt Trans, pfd. C.. C.,JS. Jc SMJxmls Colorado Fuel & Iron Colorado & Southern , Colorado Southern 1st pfd .. .. Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd.,..., la laborers. When they got here they skip-,1 ktlfJIS "if0.?? wfc2na ia innr mniDoruuan witnnut nnvinff r -r --. or repaying the jtunara j norniey, a oroincr or tneinned nnmM nt iivina- nnr.ni nt rnn uru iiian. inr ex K.'neiic lie nmi ine ! day of the killing was extremely try- I log on the nerves to say the least of i rwp county lias claims to present. Kv. It. I Mclaughlin, of the Associate Reformed r-reanyierian cnurcn or tnis couniv, naa Richard Thornley swore that he came Into Smith's store, where the kilting afterward occurred, as a peacemaker. !When he walked to the hack of the etore to talk the matter over, (leorge Owens, brother of the slayer, held a double-barreled shot-gun In a shoot ing position. He grabbed this and svrenched It from Owens" hands. As he did so John T. Owens busied hlm eelf firing three shots, all of which Sook effect Into the bodv of his brother. ram. Someone called out to Richard that John was nlhnut to shoot him al ao, and as he turned John "wheeled'' the revolver on deponent. Richard grappled with him In a death struggle foe the weapon until the Inlerident came In and took the weapon from oth. Richard then sturtcd out with his wounded brother, who said he had (seen mortally shot. When the two reached the front door another mem er of the hostile party stod with an VWllfted shot gun ready to Are up on them. Richard says he wrenched this weapon from the man and carried Jtf on with his wounded brother who SihoTtry afterward droprferi dead In his tracks. The Owens' had been drinking and there had been bad hlood between John Owens and Ham Thnrn ley, the two had been carrying weap ons far each other for several weeks. -ii Vv L ...L" oppressive corporation , "foil.., -aa,im bii a,i mem ww iimi thiii I ij , . . , nuui.j iin,. .iviu ifiiiin L. Marion. April It, 190. either worked it, out company. . one would have to be on the streets n Marion for a short time oniv to be convinced of the fact that those em- nlnvswl Kv f ha .AUuina .i.ni., A r food of a good Duality, as wagon Tload Taf-! U.,ok,.nvlT ter wagon load Of groceries and aunnlles are to be seen constantly going from the uis suppiy station just east or Marion to the different camps. As a matter of fact the company is so much Interested in taking care of these Italians that they keep on hand all the time a supply of Imported food which Is known as "spa ghetti. ' a species of macaroni, and Is considered by the Italian to be absolutely essential to his existence. These state ments are made in a spirit of fairness and In the hope that the people of the State will not think of the South & Western Railway as such a cruel and us the Italians Rio Grande C. SINCLAIR. two sons In thn war Mr .Tnhn CvV Sr I r I Mallard Creek township No. 1. had ( S, one son. Both of them are living, the! father being SI. B. 11. Gurrtson. of the same township, had four sons In the Confederate service. One was killed at Gettysburg, one was mortally wounded Hi Seven Pines, on. wns vrminflefl nn I Mare s Hill. Petersburg. Among the number Is tne undersigned. 93 years old " A. A. GARRISON. Derlta. April 14. 190. W. Corps at Show us a man who can be trusted and we will show you one that owes a lot of other men. There would be more wisdom many a head mouth. If It didn't leak at the Engineering Spartanburg. Special to The Observer. Hpartanburg, S. C. April 15. An en gineering corps of the South & West ern Railway arrived In the city last night and are registered at the Ar gyle Hotel, which will be their head quarters for several days. The work that they have In hand Is -kept secret, for railroad engineers, as a rule, make 111 tie public mention of their Inten tion. It Is known, however, that they were recently ordered to work in thla n territory and something of a more Distillers Securities . Erie 1st -nfd-B. Erie 2nd pfd -i... unucrw Juectno Illinois (Central International. Paper International Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd.. . Iowa Central ., .. Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Southern . . . Kansas City Southern pfd Umisvnie -ft Nashville .. .. Manhattan L Metropolitan Securities .. Metropolitan St. Ry Mexican Central Minneapolis et St. Louis .. Minn.. St. P. Sault 8te. & West. pfd.. Minn.. 8t. P.v it Sault Ste Missouri paevte Missouri, Kansas Texas. pfd., 88 26 ' : a iJT4 102 Ulfe 216 tm as 15 Attn 2444 loo ;2 . an -714, . Ml ; a B3 ' 46 , 7?4 170 129 17 22V 1 SB 43 84 son 29 68 156 117 25 71 157 17H 96 . UFA T2H 8 Missouri, Kansas . A , Texas . pfd.. .,, National Lead.. .. . ., ,. v... National R, R. of Mextco pfd New York Central New Tork Ontario 4k Western M Norfolk & Western.. . M-. .. -.-"! nunuis 'western- pia....;iw.'i..'.t vu North American .,' WO fsctnc Mall ... m 44 Pennsylvania ... ':t.. ....... ,.. 1424 People's ias,. , ;fH ' . ruuuurg, I,', s t)l LiOUIS at tressea Steel Car,. ;i . ,, Pressiut fiieel Cm- wtA ' Pullman Palace Carj. ..K7 Reading -..,.. ;u,f,.i'-w,-,m, Vn r.uing isi pra,.....,f, ..t. w Heeding Snd pfd..;...j. ... . WH nepupito Hteei .,... v. Vi nqtuuiio euwi pia.... .. .... .IDS itvca imina ca pia,. ...... Rubber tloodi nM'A. . . ,i St. Louis tt San Fran. 2nd pfd...... St.-Louis '-Southwestern., i ,v St. Louis Southwestern aM J 1 Southern Paclno.. ,r , M Southern Paeifle pfd. '.r... ,.11 Southern Railway,..- .... , Southern Railway pffl v. ' Tennesse Coal A' Iron.. .... 49 6 40H 118 uexaa Pacific. i Toledo. St. Louis W Toledo, St. Louis .West. pfd.. .... Union Parfflc,v .. . , .. United States Express .... uimea Duues iiir ,., &..,. United States Leather pfd..,,,..". ITnited States Realty.. ..... .. ... Ml united Htatea Kuhhr .- ,-' mu. unura rmici nuoow pio.. JUH Virginia- Carolina Chemical .5... Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd ,m Jlft Wabash pfd ... Weils Fargo Express p)f ,. n western union... .. ., Wheeling A Lake. Kris Wisconsin Central ., ., Wisconsin Central pfd.v Northern Pacific.. .. .. i; Central .Leather .... f. Central Leather pfd Sloss-Sheffleld Steel Mi.,'' lt is 26 1 But the prettier a girt Is the less sense otner girls say ahe has. Inventors of excuses seldom require tne asBiBiance-or a patent attorney Boy babies learn to talk sooner than girl babies but the latter more than make up lor it in after years. - What o pay. for extracts ia lm portent, but. what you get for your money , ten times more important Ask for Burdett's Vanilla and get the r ABOUT RHEUMATI81W I There are few diseases that Inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is i probably no disease for which such a I l varied ana useless lot or remedies have Deen suggesien. to say tnat It can be cured Is. therefore, a hold statement to make, but Chamberlains Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success In the treatment of this disease. One application of Pain Halm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to perma nent cures by Its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such cpilck relief and costs but a trifle? For sale by R. H. Jor dan A Co., Druggists. definite nature may be announced later. The surveyors report that Sev ern I thousand men are at work In North Carolina, headed In this direc tion. If present Indications count for anything, it Is expected that a large force of laborers will be put to work in this county within the next few months. The corps Is in charge of D. R. IBrltt. Now Is the time to take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of all Impurities. A wonder ful spring tonic. A family bene factor. 36 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. RUB IT IN and the pain in your chest will disappear if you appiy tnat wonderiui External remedy, . GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE A safe, sure, harmless cure for Colds, Sore Throat, Croup, Pneumonia has saved many lives from death. Will Relieve in 15 Minutes and Care Over Night. Rev. N. C. Tearby, . Hlllsboro, N. C, writes: "I have used ' Oowan's Pneumonia Cure for Colds and Croup with most gratifying results. It gives Immediate and permanent relief." - i, , Three Sizes i $100, 50c and 25c At m oralists. GOVVAN MEDICAL COMPANY. DURHAM, N. C ! i J(C'"SPe.V". A . nninfahtne , InvleiriraHnar llmilI frw4 ' ihflf : .,:., , win give yon spirit, resolution id energy. ) I. . promptly relieves ou of tosltude: it enabIei'j.;V Vf j , you to ujtow oil spring i ever. . t.mauoouiy i y ' '; of Brain,, Bone and Muscle.'' ; i ; 1 fOn 9AUI BY ALL. DrHIOOItTS. fEEJ'S MALT TONIC KPT., Lottif ville, Ky, : .', A MJCKTt POSTMISTRESS , t' la Hfra A 1...... ,M rm found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be ths uesi oineay, sne ever trica for keeping the Stomach. Liver and Bowels in order. You'll agre wit her If you try these painless purifiers that Infuse new life. Guaranteed by R. H. Jordan a. a. druggists., Price 2Sc ; ft t- BROADWAY CENTRAL HOm BROADWAY, Cor. THIRD ' STREET UatitAX X ABllLtX HUlE.ll, - ' ExcoUence ,Vltbont ' BgtmnganoK ' RATES: - ..j-, American nan ' $ 3.50 per, day, , ' European. Plan $1.00 per flay. This beautiful hotel enlove a renn- tation of highest 'respectability and freedom from', all objectionable feat ures, and recommends Itself "to LA DIES and FAMILIES for Its auleL orderly management, clean. wellkept rooms, great public parlors, grand halls and liberal stairways. Send for Large Colored Map of New Tork. FREB. DANIEL C. WEBB, Manager. TILLY HAYNES Prop'r. -' -i '-''-in '.-vV": Ijr'---- it Genuine Mad :Stbn&V Al genuine ,Mad-Htons.r Will currf Wtea'of abld'dbs; wUl tore hydra; -'V phobia wUl "cure bites" of poisonous t" snakef; wilt ;eufa leek Jawi.'-.srlll ." - draw any; poison from the system, I havetreated hundreds of easeau4' 'i every 'ana has been, eured. - cnr v . 1 "K "V-i A. D. TEMTOW; .?,. )-,v 4 . ' ' y ii i . .... , I Ai TllM' 1 ft i i i. s . rvis DRAUGHON'S Ralelgli." Coinmblal Koowllle, Atlanta - Colleges in lk Slates. rFOSniOXS , i secured or money REFUNDED. Also ; ' a If ilf. ' 1.a1ikMA wilt. AMtvk.';"' vine you tnt trUfnon w nJ BEST. CU1, or tend for U ; . ' Have you visited our show room? It will be worth your While to, visit our show roorn, where we have a nice display of up-to-date : plumbing fix tures, consisting - of tubs, closets, lavatories, shower baths, sinks, boil ers an j an sorts of bath room specialties in fact everything In the plumbing, and heating; line. Carry ing a large stock on hand, we are In position to meet your , wants promptly. ; . Our motto is to give the best of everything. . ;.,,...... HACKNEY BROS. Plumbing, Heating, Jobbers in Supplies CHARLOTTE. ( i A WINDOW fULl O CUT GLASS 1 One never makes a mistake In giving cut glass. , it is always ' useful and always appreclatea We are showing an unusually select assortment of styles and b designs In cut glass this week.- . . . . j. If not for a rift, - a handsome v vaee or bowl will be equally f' useful and appreciated In your; home. " .' .- . ThePalamoootainCo: JEWELERS. j'r i x., , . -'r . rr-. - "-' 1 . 1 t : . , . . , ,, 1 " '-s-s ' ...ijsry .,...imwmi N (g JIT GMffilGHBAB Bseii1M,.MMj. . f FIFTY LO TS TO BE S OL D TO'DM Y md WEBWESBMY, 3 O'QLOQK EAQH D7LY. Fn Addition to a New Lot off Presents, a Lot will be Given MbsoMtely . Fee The sale will be a money-maker to those who buy. You know it isl ;th& : best place.; u : will find the Greatest Bargains that Charlotte will ever, see- -again.-: Cwr&,aibw,-. WwM?ii?Tcfins All adults attending the sale Tuesday will receive a ticket good for the lot given on Wednesday and if pVrented on Uie grounds WedndayHviU iive extra (icket r - f 4 w V fcMMMBMMMBMS.SllllIl ' ' ' ' - " - ? - T- . " " - E vi-r-. - , . f;-- : v1- V,;,l.' v; ;-:A aV aV ee .. aa - .;, --. . . '. ; ,.s-2-!,A-i:s-.Iv:I-.(i. ? - i naruora, vonn. With MaemtJ & m F. C Benedict, President?.. John A. Stapf, Vice . President? 5 C..J. IugHImi.Seaetaryl-ihd-Tmsurer. . Hi i f ' iVI ; . I i 3 . $1: t - . . , ;i 1

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