it ' CHARLOTTE , DAILY OBSERVER, 'APRIL ?18,'1190G. if ; FACTIONS , IN -FORSYTH 1.4, , ' f , 4 - , Tn ..- r- ; , MXItET MEETING ENDS IN ROW Republican i i -Eiocatlve ; , i Committee - Holds . Seem - Session to Deviso , Plan for Getting AU Mmbm of the Jlirtr to ray Their Iou Taxes, . Irat Gathering Ends-: la Discord v Over 'Question of SnpnarUng Hoi - ton or Blackburn Ksstcr Monday . ' Salem Monday Train to - North , Wilkesboro Twin CTty ; V ITewa ; Notes, -r ,., , v-:j . ; Bpeclal to The Observer." -" t Wlnston-Saiem, April 17.T-Easter, -r. which la perhaps more generally " oh served rn : Winston-Salem than . any V r , other city ox.. town in the South, waa , joyousiy celebrated here yesterday ' ' " i The ' weather waa Ideal and social , - - functions, Including plcnlo and flah- , ing parties, were numerous. J Easter festivities besran In earnest when In -"'the Twln-Clty Club hall room, one of i-fthe largest and most enjoyable morn- ing germane ever danced In Winston- , , Balem took place. , Forty couples, possibly more, participated In this der ; ughtxur dance which .was lea by Mr. V' Henry Bhelton ' with Miss Xeonora 4 v Cooke, of Virginia. Besides the" danc :-ers the-room was ailed with Interest - , ed onIook,era., The climax of Easter inerry-maKing was reacnea last even Ing when the twenty-flrst annual club - .reception and ball . was enjoyed . by the largest-crowd of gay dancers that .- ever "tripped the flight fantastic" In that far famed gathering-place, of V", pleasure and social enjoyment. Visit ers from an parte of the state, as . well as large delegations from1 other States, thronged, the ball and recep c ' tlon rooms making the occasion one long to be charmingly and yet regret fully remembered. Never before par haps In its history has everything combined more favorably for the an Ing music, elegant arrayed and beau tiful women, crowdsj of beaux largely In excess of the number1 of -girls all : conspired to lender it entirely delight ful. ' . -. The decorations In the ball 'room were unusually attractive, while the ,-,'. banquet hall was a triumph of artis tic skill In conception, and execution albeit far less expensive perhaps than In former years. One large table was emblematic of the blessed Easter-tlde , - In the center of this was a grass plat , where" every symbol of Easter was gathered In the most charming array, , nests of gray eggs, rabbiu without number, gamboling on the green; baby chickens nestling among the flowers, displayed the skill of their fingers and matchless taste. Around the room the guests seated themselves while deft butlers served delicious re freshments In two courses, both Of Which bore impress of the same taste tnd skill that had fashioned the deco rations. On each plate, with the ices, the daintiest little white rabbit nest led, which, being provided with a pin for practical utility, was soon decora ting the gowns and coats of the guests, a lovely souvenir of the happy Easter-tlde. The card room was sa- cred to the serving of delicious punch, nd had its full share In contributing to the pleasure of the evening. REPUBLICANS' SECRET MEET- ING ENDS IN SPLIT. ? It leaked out to-day that the For ryth Republican executive committee held a secret meeting or caucus in tlls city last Saturday. The purpose of the, gathering was to devise a. plan to' get every Republican voter In the county to pay his poll tax before May 1. E.very township was repre sented at -the - caucus except- Belews - creek! When Chairman John F...; Rey nolds called, the organisation to order there was no evidence that contro versy would arise -and "break up the meeting'' before any- action was tak en. A Republican, who claims to be "on to the tricks of the bosses, la responsible for the statement -that there are two factions in Forsyth; that one Is standing by Holton and Reynolds, while the other believes that Spencer Blackburn and some of the revenue of fleers are being perse euted. eoon after the Republican committee had convened Saturday one member wanted to know how every body stood, whether the committee 1ras with Blackburn or Holton.. "It soon developed," said one, "that Chairman Reynolds and W. J. Ellis were the only ones that were stand ing by . the district attorney. Chair man Reynolds wanted to know what difference between Blaekburn and Holton had to do with the committee making an effort to land Forsyth In the Republican column next falL ' "But it does make difference," said a member , of the Blackburn persua si on '. "Some of us do not propose te be dictated' to any longer by third term of flce-holdersV , ' "The discussion became heated and. Chairman Reynolds and others arose and pranced the floor," says this Re publican, who admitted that some of the boys used a few cuss words. Ad journment was taken without reach . Ing an agreement on the poll jax mat . ter. t- At a recent meeting of the stock holders of the Brown A Williamson Tobacco Company, the following dl ttctors and officers were - elected , for the ensuing year: Directors j. A. Downard. of Clnclnattl : - Ruf us Woods, of Baltimore; George W, Edwards, George T. Brown, R. I Williamson W. R. Leak arid Sterling Smith, of - Winston-Salem. The .. officers ' chosen ; are : George T. Brown, president; R. H Williamson, first vice president; - Sterling Smith, second vice president: W. R. Leak, 'escretary and treasurer; . The stock certificates have Just been received and are now ready for delivery, ' SUNDAY TRAIN, ? It Is announced that the Southern Railway will .operate a passenger ; , train between Winston-Salem ' and North Wilkesboro on Sdndayav begin ning the last Sunday In this month. The schedule now'ln force -during' the , week will be followed by the Sunday train, thaVkls It 111 ; leave here at :12. returning at 4:68. -: : x,y ,;. Mrs. J.sivs;tterson,-:' Vice-president of the National D, i A.? R.l MrsTW. N. ' Reynolds; regent ef the Winston chap- Mesdumes j. buamw, wxs Brown and H. V, Horton; delegates' of the Winston chapter,, left to-day to attend the D. A.. R. congress m Washington -where will .be; gathered a ; thousabd brilliant women to do ' aid .OdcLean, their president general, Who' presides over this, her first cong ress. The -delegates ot tnie city an be entertained at the New Wlllerd . .. An excursion tan from here to Roa ' nokS yesterday, was - largely patren i, Ised, there being 16 cars and 736 pas sengers on board when the train ats ' rived tn Roanoke." v ,- . f 'Work on the new .Episcopal church, to be built -Of stone at the corner of " v Fourth and Cherry streets,: Is to be commenced this summer. At the Eas- ' tlon was taken for the new house of s worship knd the subscriptions 'amount ed to about 1700. The committee ex , '. pects to Increase, this amount, to $1,000 ,l during the week ' The big Easter' Monday shoot -t)eld '"- by the Winston Oun- Club. was at- tended by a large crowd and . some good records were made, although the wind wss pretty swift during . the - ahoot,' The three 'highest scores made were as follows? 8. O. Goods, 47 out of possible B0; Howard Roberts, 46. and . Abe Hutchlns ' 44. These three f and prooably others " will attend the Slate shoot at , Wilson next month. SHUT OCT FROM HEUi BABY, Cliarlotte Lady's Husband 'Ron' Off to Fire, Having Pntroa Night , Latch, and Leaves Wife on Outside and Baby on InsldewA Stirring t Time Knsues, wnlco. is Here smuy uesennecu. ,- U -r r 'There is a certain lady In Charlotte who loves her baby " almost to excess. He Isi a' stout ' dumpllhg of eight months, and she cannot bear to hear nim cry. She rocks hun to sleep when ever hlr sleepy times come,' and, when her ; neighbor women protest that, she is spoiling him, she admits IV hut aeeps, on rocKinx mm. Monday night she had -tucked .him away and she and her husband were enjoying a good talk Across his crib, when, hark,-the dread alarm of the Are belli They counted -the strokes and properly ' located : the fire out on Templeton avenue, some" six blocks away. Up they sprang, the wife going out: on the porch- first, and the hus band, through force of habit, putting on the -night 4 latch and closing the door behind him. His wife stood Z on' the steps 'and looked after him as he ran off toward Tryon street When his hastening shape was swallowed lh the darkness, she turned to go . in to her dumpling. But, as the Scripture salth, . the door was shutl . :' . She struggled at the knob, tried the winaows, pacea up ana aown ine ve rands- wringing her .hands, and final ly ran to her nearest neighbor's and got the . sympathetic young husband and wife there to leave their own little chubby and' come to help her get Into her house. Her dread was that the child should wake and she would have to Stand outside and hear him ery. Ana sT'That way madness lies," she said to herself. The three tried the doors and ,w!ndow8 again, to no avail. There was nothing for it but to hold their breath in expectation of a wall within, and wait, wait, wait. Of1 course the baby didn't wake. The husband came back at last His wife ran and threw herself upon htm, so that he found it tedious to fit his night key to the lock. When he did get the door open, his wife, forgetting to say good-night to her neighbors, rushed Js to the baby's crib, where that Imp was snoring soundly, and there boo hoo'd like a baby herself. "Certainly. now, she will continue to rock him to sleep until he grows too heavy for her to lift. A RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN. Southern Manufacturers' Club to Tender English Spinners a Recep tion Personnel of - the Party. ' At a meeting of the board of sov- erners of the Southern Manufactu rers' Club last evening. It was decided to tender a reception to the party of English cotton spinners who are due to arrive here Friday. (Mr. . D. A. Tompkins, president of the club, lapf night wired the following message- to Mr. H. W. MacaHster, chairman of the party, who spent Sunday and last night at the Piedmont' Hotel, In At lanta, Ga.: "Mr. H. W. MacaTlster; Atlanta, Ga., "The Southern Manufacturers' Club would Jike to give your party a re ception while here and have some of the principal manufacturers, . cotton merchants and cotton planters meet you. If you can except, state time you will be here." The party is composed - of the fdl lowing named distinguished English manufacturers; 'Messrs. H. W. Mac- alister, chairman, George Moore Henry P. Gregg, W. J. Qrr, O. Len nard Bolden, and Thomas -D. -Barlow. They spent yesterday In Atlanta, and will leave this morning in their -spe cial car on a flying trip through southern Georgia. They will spent al most air of their time from this time on the cars until they arrive in Char lotte. ' SAMPLES 'OP.. COTTON GOODS. Specimens on Exhibition Reading Room of the Manufacturers' Club. In the Southern The Southern- Manufacturers' Club has received from the Department o Labor and Commerce a box contain' lug approximately 150 samples of cot ton goods, used by the Chinese. The pieces from which these samples were cut were purchased by department of ficials in the open marker of Shanghai and represent the material that most in demand In .the Orient. With the samples, are printed slips telling where tne goods were maae, me ai menslons of the pieces, the price, and how much In demand each article is, A. similar box of samples has been received by the American Cotton Manufacturer. The Southern, Manufacturers Club has ordered a suitable case in which these samples may be displayed. , t AMUSEMENTS The Evening Post of New Tork, published on January 6th. 1906, over the signature of the eminent musical authority, and critic, Wm. T. Frlck, the following regarding Mme. Nor- dice's "Isolde:" Whn Mme. Nordica sang Isolde in Munich a few few years. ago. the Ger man critics were forced to admit that it had remained for an American wo man to reveal all the possibilities of beautiful singing In the role of Isolde. But . Mme. Nordica does infinitely more than sing beautifully; she reveals all the varied emotions of that great role by modulations of voice, facial expressions, action and all tht subtle details that make up an operatic sing ers art, Trifles make perfection.: and perfection Is no trifle. The part Of Is olde has become-second nature to her, It suits her temperament admirably and no one ; has .ever betrayed more temperament In. - It. - She it a most beautiful Isolde too, and dresses in great taste.- But the 1 voice one al ways comes back to that glorious, rich; glowing, thrilling voice a voice that never seems to tire and is eaual to ev ery climax. 'Once, when Anton Seldl rehearsed the final scene of his-ope ra the Ldebestodwlth Llul Lenmann, he apologised for having to drown out hr vnln with the nrchastral rHtna. which. In this ene place, was even moi important than the voice. Last nig Mr. Herts provided an equally stlrrmg climax, yet Mme. Nordica's voice wtiu-aoarea soove iui muiHwauus mess cf sour, beautuui, unrorcea, laden with dim emotion. "If the great prima ' donna could have heard the words of praise spoken of her on every side Jo the lobbies, af ter the several acts, ' she would - have felt rewarded 'for all tht hard work that falls to a prima donna's lot" , , . m. In - ' I ii it i i i mil. l i ...... i. ,;-.-g-,-;t:-. ,' -"' . 4 - - ' For The Observer. p-,, 6Pitiyc8,-A rnoTEsT.., .; The poet sings of the lAtigfirous spring. Of bumming bees and birds that sing; It seems that way to Mm. Of flowers that bloom In open air, - Of the dogwood sweet and violet fair, , Of maidens so, stately and slim, s $ is- Birt he fstls to sine of the horsefly1 net Of the gnat that bites with SprlKhdy sest Of mosquitoes armed with- a siine. . . Of the -nlKht so, hot one cannot sleep. Of bed bur too that vigil keep, vut suen is spnng. , j- , ( JB "W, HILL. IMS Aets Bk a parachute-It "leta you down easily." 'It 5 is pure, barmlees, vegetable liver wedicine; exactly ' what nafaure demands. Sold by all - druggiBta at Tallcs the ' Oatawbn $t Hickory Correspondence of The Observer. , Hickory, April lfc Catawba College defeated Lenoir College here this af ternoon 1 by a acore of 8 to 2. The game waa the prettiest of the season. Tong was in the box for Catawba and was invincible. Lynch, behind the bat for Catawba played fine ball and his batting was , the feature of the game. He got four hits out of five times up. -'Batteries: Catawba College Tong and Lynch;'1 Lenoir College Moser and Miller. This' Is the' fifth straight victory for Catawba College. STOMACH AND LIVER TROUBLE ' CURED. Orlno Laxative Fruit Srrue cures stomach and liver trouble as It aids di gestion, snd stimulates the liver and bowels without Irritating these organs Ilka pills and . ordinary cathartics. It cures indigestion and sick headache and chronic ' constipation. Orlno ; Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take.-- Refuse substitutes. K. H. Jordan It Co. NOTICE On the first Monday in May, 1906, I will sell at pub lic auction, at the County Court House door in the city of Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock m.. for non-payment of city taxes, cost to be add ed, the followinsr described city lots listed for taxes in said city: , Sarah Barber. 1 lot. 423 S. Graham St 3.00 John Barber, 1 lot. 410 W. 2nd St 10.40 Marg't Barnett Estate, 1 lot. 609 S. Myers St 6.00 Miss Agatha Beattle, 1 lot, cor ner 9th snd Caldwell Sts. . . 60.25 W. A. Black. 1 lot. W. Hill St. .. .. , 4.00 Henry Caldwell, 1 lot, 209 E. Boundary 13.25 S. J. Caldwell, 1 lot, 614 E. 8th St r .. .. 16.0 H. C. Cogswell. 1 lot. 816 S. Church St 6.55 Alfred Dixon. 1 lot. 613 8.- Graham St ' 13.00 Edy Dobson. 1 lot. 810 2. First St .' . . . . 7.00 J. L. Eagles, 1 lot, 409 N. Caldwell St '31.25 Jt W. Gordon. 1 lot. 317 S. Graham St .. 16.60 James Harrington. 1 lot 613 E. 2nd' St 21.50 Jesse Hosktns, 1 lot, 507 8, Caldwell St 28.60 Wm. Hawkins. 1 lot. 405 E. Stonewall St 12.75 Lee Hunter. 1 lot 614 E. 10th' St ,. 11.00 Sam Jackson. 1 lot 707 S. Myers St 1.50 Charles Lindsay. 1 lot 603 E, 3rd St 12.70 Harriet Martin. 1 lot, 1005 8. Caldwell St . . 7.00 Matthews ft Short, 1 lot, 15 N. Long St . . 10.50 Mary Mendenhall, ,1 lot, 300 S. Boundary St 10.10 Jane Moorehead, 1 lot, 405 S. v McDowell St 6.00 Amanda Mosely, 1 lot, 606 E, Third St 3.50 Mrs. Mary McGowen, 1 lot. 809 S. Brevard St 36.25 James McKnight, 1. lot, 412 N. Myers St 10.10 Wright Perry. 1 lo. 15 B, Boundary St . 11.35 Frank Reeves, 1 lot, 380 E. Boundary St '. . . 3.00 E. W. Rlgler, 1 lot 302 Oak 'iot,"i' w; 1 "lot." Vii nV 8t. 25.50 James-- Smith, 1 lo.'si Hill St. .. W. O. A. Smith, Pine - St . . J. B. Starnes, 1 lot 1006 N. ' Brevard. St. .-. 19.25 Wallace Torrence Estate, 1 lot. 806 " N. Alexander St. . , . ; ,11.00 13.00 11.26 700 3.6Q Ri T. Weddlngton, 1 lot. 417 8. Myers St . t W." X. H. Weddlngton, 1 lot. 902 S. Caldwell St. ..... . . A H. Williams. 1 lot. 404 8. Alexander St Sarah Ann Williams, 1 lot- Long St Lv D. Wilson ,1 lot. 228 E. Boundary St , . . . . 14.86 Guy Wright, 1 lot, 809 a Church St .. B. J. Toung. 1 lot, 607 S. Caldwell St . : 181.95 Mra. 8. W. Herndon. 1 lot. 603 ' N. Graham Extension .. . . 43.10 'F.vTucker, 1 lot, 9th and Myere .,: U W. B. TAYLOR, ! - ' - C T.-C.-' VMmw TRADE ! COSMO s Jilt's the Best for; :G5mpIeidon, -Toilet and Bath. T ' I 60I4 EVERYWHERE. ' 1 " , BURWELL X; The Cosmo4 Company, Sole Mfrs. In, '4 ' Philadelphia, - , . , ' ' ' i V you are interested in Roofing you should investigate Th mrt nrartiVfll TAr i ' ; -For prices end further UULUUa lit. mm ssbsbsbbhMbbssv 35c Per Dottle. . E - ' Place of Calomel ' Broke Leg In Skating Rink. Special ' to ; The' Observer. 't Tarboro. April 17. Last night Mr. J. K. Hollowell,' a, popular druggist employed ' by R. K. L Cook, while skating t .the rink here, accidentally fell, breaking his leg just above the ankle. Mr. Hollowell was immedl diately taken to Plttman Hospital, wbere r.iager set the limb, A:mart Is nearly alWays ashamed to admit he waa. never wild. and on account of the grfat merit and DODiilarlty of Foley's Honev and . - Tar genuine. These wortniess imitations have similar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Is til a jrenuw imvnnev. n-r 1 1 una re- edy for coughs and colds. R. h. Jor- aan kxk' srv;,- - BLOCK MACHINE Makes II different style 0 blocks. Has 14 different pieces caiting. Can beta, hated in Jen than a minute; I men and I boy can make 150 blocks per day of ten hours. No progressive contractor should be without one.' It's cheaper than brick. J.C. HERRING rwfvS Mnnticmrt GREENSBORO. N. C. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. Superior Court Special Proceeding. P.C. Harty, Mrs. Nora B. Shell, and C. L. Shell, -Plaintiffs, ' ' . vs. James Harty,.-E. R. Harty. s. Put- rick Harty, Jesse A. Harty. Eliza beth E. Harty, Alice Mason. An nie McCorkle, and J. G. McCorkle. Addle Lethco, and G. A. Lethco. C. W. Harty. Harriet F. Harty and Mary Heitman, Defendants. Publication of Summons. The above named defendants will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above .has been com menced in the Superior Court or Mecklenburg County for the sale for partition of a lot-of land situated In the City of Charlotte, fronting seventy-four and a quarter (74 1-4) feet on the West side of South Tryon Street, and extending back that width to Church Street, known as the lot of the late Patrick Harty, adjoining Fred uuver ana otners; that the purpose! of said proceeding is to sell said lot ! for partition among the plaintiffs and i defendants as tenants In common: i said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of - Mecklenburg County at the Court House in the City of Charlotte on Monday, the 7th aay or ftiay. ibos, and answer of demur to- the complaint filed in naid proceeding or the plaintiffs will ap ply to- the court for the relief de manded In said complaint xnis tne btn day of April, 1906. J. A. RUSSELL. , Clerk Superior Court PROFIT SHARING . - Bankers' and ' Mercbante' yjeal Estate Company of Mew Jersey - The popular form of invest ment to-day. ... Our company , . lfwueeva 6 per ent profit shar ing , . investment.' certificate, , which PAID n. per cent last f year. , per cent interest .'guaranteed.. 8 per, cent dlvl , dend. -Certificates f SO and up .ward. National Bank,- Trust Company- and' personal refer ivences furnished. Write to-day for free book explaining the profit sharing preposition. William Harney Y Bon, Orove 'and York Streets, Jersey, City, -.N. j; Established -1149. R. r' E, Prince, - Special Jtepresenta tlve. 801 Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. Opportunity for a few high class repre I'sentatlves. i , . I MARK $50 BUTTERMILK SOAPe ! &.DUNN CO, T!nrfirr Art tfis en-srl- t - information call on r.Ar.ii. CO.; c:.v.:icn a cA- I en Pitt ft Estimates Furnished A. H. WASHBURN, CHARLOTTE. - - - - - - - BUSY MEN Dine with us. Tou can saveltlme and get the best that' Is. We never close. THE DENNY CAFE W. D. WILKIN SOX, -Manager. t HICKS' CAPUDINE immsmatclv cvaaa . HEADACHES BreelUupCOLIXS meToisMOvaa Stab, stl le"0iicago" Typewriter $35.00. Folly Gnaranteed; Visible Wrltlne: Greateas . Simplicity; consequently greatest durability. Perfect and per manent alignment. Only Interchange able steel type system. Many other desirable features. DON'T WRITE lHU ULdJ WATUSB A TYPE WRITER.' It adds tone and prestlgs to your business. II. It TOWNSEND. Gen'l Agt., 23 W. Fifth St Charlotte. N. C. A HAPPY MAN. A man's happiness is always in fluenced by the condition of his wife's health. When she is In pain he car ries worry with him to his business. Anything that relieve her suffer-' Ing fills him with gratitude, a' prominent merchant of Forest City, I N. C. writes: - fl it tnr duty to 1 write you that the dreadful pains that have always come to my wifs every month have been prevented by Scott's ' NURAL-O-LENE. It quiets her! nerves and takes away all pain." NURAL-O-LENE simply quiets the nerves and allows nature to act with- 1 out pain. It Is harmless and leaves' no bad effects. Sold by all drug- ' gists. Free sample on request JNO. 1 M. SCOTT A CO.. Wholesale Agents. 1 A BARGAIN! ONE. Perfection Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stove. SPECIAL PRICE, $7.50 Armistead Burwell, Jr. 25 Nortb Tryw Si. - Phone 343 ! We Have Something to Tell You About Refrigerators When you get ready come in and see us. . . J.N.McCausland&Co. Stove Dealers 'and , Roofing - Contractors. Phone a Tryon 8b BS "A9S' I 3 a-w 1 1 - I ITnsI i t nvi i Exproco Chargco Paid . By A trial will eonTlnea yon that the goods are th :. tnedlolnal and other parpotet. Bsnd ai yoar- order and icctiy sausiacwry, return a onr . f ande4 t one. All shipment are ftcmlf bf Pe$tal of Expr Monty Ordfk ' tVrif fo prie list of othr tiquon cjoiulcjlf) -rillrlflU? tc-ti! - orr' BUILDERS;' OF - L I B. PIANOS NEW SCALE FOUR HUNDRED DOUAR KOOBS TO CLUB MEMBERS AT $287. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS Nine out ot every ten pianos are bought on payments gifts to the family many are taken away on account ot the death of the wage-earner. Join the dub, now forming. Save near ly hundred and twenty-Bye dollars and besides In case of death of purchaser we give the family a receipt in fall for balance due on piano pro vided contract has been In force six months and the pay ments have been made ac cording to agreement It costs you nothing extra to protect your family write for Booklet No. 9: It's free and will ex plain everything. Over 300 L. A B. Club Pianos sold inside of four months to satisfied customers They are warranted for a life time. Ad dress Ludden & Bates S.M.H. 86 Years In Music SAVANNAH GA. Let Us Serve You COAL For All Purposes TV7E sdl the Best Co&l " that money can buy, and know we can give satisfaction, no mat ter what your fuel re quirements may be. Steams Domestic, Blacksmith Coals Standard Ice and Fuel Co. CHARLOTTE. N. C ; , BOTEIj EVERETT. . High Point. M. O. Nit md strlotlv flrst-clsssi santMllt located; tlircs minutes walk from depot. Hot and sold baths, aloe trie Uakta. Ct Mrs vo las oomnrerciat trarsisrSL H sn, : BBsi i mm m t YEAnaCLD -. ,Uoavi npsWfop."s'n it, not per I expense ana money made fa plain cases. V Correspondence Solicited SOUTHERN AGENT NORTH GAROLINA. The Winning FHrcr. This Spring Is our New Gordon Tie, the full dress style; patent colt vamp, plain toe, thin sole, high military heel.' thrM V1I HKkAn I... 1 .ilk- . . . au wh CHAW - W ' . width A to E; price 13.00. -v NEW BLl'CHER OXFORDS FOB WAlikvMIU. Makes Walking Easy. Fine Vict Kl?. welt sole, extension edge, low military heel, ribbon lac. Slses I to 7. width A to E; rtc $-00. :, .;., Bv ma 11 n, tn A neat souvenir with each orderi. ' GILREATH & CO. llarhinnm fnr firm inI f ' uiuuiiiiuT iui i hi in aim ici lory. Fftflrinpc Three kinds, from 12 9 to 150 R P. Bflllpft Return Tubular and 7 Portable on skids, from 12to 150 EP. Improved Gin Machinery, and Presses, and complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over. SaW HillS, Four or five kinds; ' all sizes in use in the South. SBb IS A. Si PiiIIpv ann Nhathnor aii sues from the smallest to comolete cattnn w "SJ1. ,j: 1 M. f . nuu ouuits. LIDDELL COMPANY, durtette. N.C HOLLISTER'S Rocky t!:ur.tln Tea Iluggets j arises sWst Nstlts snd tasswl Vl(h v A tpeclBs tor Oenstlpstfoa, Indtssstloa. Usev ? I snd Kidney troubles. Ptmples, Itasca , Impuro - lllood. Had Brssth, Slosslon Bowels, Hssdseho i spa Bseksebs, Its Rocky Monntola Tea In lab i lot tons, as esats a box. Qsoala nadobr Bounrraa Vuoa Conftsr. Msrtisoo. Wis, SOLDEN NUQCETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE JR. IX. JORDAN A CO., . , Dr. E. Vjm Hntcblsoa sT. J. RatchlsosL a INSURANCE: FIRE, LIFE,, ACCIDENT OFflCBt If o. t, Bant BaOdlaSt la a specialty of ours, and o tela are far superior, botii 1 1 r workmanship and stylo, t i t nary stock mantrt. A.'a'J to inspect our deyii ft and know : persona, r r 1 the diCterence betwei-ij ; - others. Twill prove r knowledge to you, ; Ulea . antl irtto... . i lOgUO. -. , '., ' J.. H. v.T ' , re lii Ii