4 ' - i ' s 1 , ..VwvW:V:WVI-i. v, ,V0HAEL()TTE DAHiY OBSERVER, APRIL 20, 1903.": SlOft FOR STRICKEN COT. CI arlette Board of Aldermen - Tot i hia Rnm for - the Beaent of Sua . lYanrfsco Miik Ordlnam Sna landed Hack , Js to tot Rcgu- I yu a. special meeting of the board of ' aldermen. ,neM in the city hill yester (day afternoon, on motion of Mr. , George X Krueger,. seconded by sev eral of the aldermen, " the suib of $100 waa, unanimously voted for the lpi- tnedlata aid of the stricken city of Baa, Francisco. Mayor S. S. McNlnch ..stfght' . . lfeminL J. Frank Wilkes and F. D. Xethco appeared before the board as wCommtttee from the entertainment ' committee of the Twentieth of May celebration asking that surface closets be"! placed at convenient points near i til business section of the city for the benefit of those who attend the big celebration next month. On mo tion of Mr. J. H. Ross, the building committee was instructed to attend to the erection of six or eight such closets for service only during the cel ebration. On motion of Mr. E. S. Williams, the building committee was ialo Instructed to see to the erection - of two permanent closets in Vance Park. Quite a ltttle discussion was indulg ed in with reference to the new milk ordinance. On motion of Mr. E. B, .Williams, a resolution was adopted postponing the enforcement of th new milk and food ordinance until Jane 1st. A motion was also adopted for providing the refunding of the license fees that have already been giald in to the tax collector or If de sired, the date of the license may be extended so as to date from June 1st., the date when the ordinance goes in '4o effect. . Mr. Wifkes stated that he had In tended to bring up the matter of hack charges, but having learned that this was in the hands of the ordinance uommlttee, he would not advocate anything just at this time, except to urge that action be taki-n before the 20th of May Celebration. A mo tion was Introduced Instructing the ordinance committee to hve the or dinance drafted and ready for adop tion by the meeting which Is to be held the first Monday night In May. With this the meeting adjourned. ", There were, present at the meeting (Aldermen J. H. Ross. W. I... Jng, M. T. Kirby, E. 8. Williams, W. W. .Ward, Z. T. Smith, and George L. Krueger. jU WHY POLK MILIJttt CIIAXGKD. Ills Entertainments Not the Sort Ho t?ed to tlve The .Storyteller a Genial, Interesting Man Ho Kpeaks of "His Nigger." ' Polk Miller, the story-teller and hu morist, who gave his entertainment at the Presbyterian College Audltorl um last night, arrived in Charlotte yesterday morning and lounged com fortably around the Central Hotel un til in the evening. Mr. Miller looks to be on the shady side of M) years old. Me Is above the average size and height, has Iron grey hair and a kindly brown eye. He Is genial and Interesting In conversation, his talk being Interspersed alwaya with Inci dents and Illustrations from Southern life. His negro dialect Is perfect. An Observer reporter enjoyed a casual chat with the well known en tertainer yesterday afternoon. Speak ing of his negro quartette, Mr. Miller aid: "Alphonse DeWltt, my base alnger. has the best base voice In the United States. In small houses he snakes the windows rattle. Archie Johnson and Anderson Kpps, two others of my quartette, are old slave time darkeys. They used to belong to my family. They are niggers, plain liiggers without any frills, and they till follow the training they received from their ante-bellum marxer." The conversation turned to Mr. Mil ler's entertainment. "I don't give the same entertainment now that I used to," he said. "When I first began to lecture I told stories of old Southern life. My audiences were made up nf the older people who knew ,'ind appre ciated the affection Unit existed be tween the old Southern gentleman ana nis sieve aim Knew something of the negro traditions, etc. Hut the complexion of my audience changed. I now speak to young jieo , pie who look upon the n-Kro as the f Indian was looked upon by the plo i neer who said 'The only good Injun MS the dead Injun " Th- audiences I have now want only the ridiculous aide of the negro. And the ridiculous aide I give them." TS THE CITY POUCI", t'OCKT. Messrs. Jones ami llnminltt r. raigned Woman Refused to Testi fy Against Husband. Messrs. W. B. Jones and C. W. Mammltt, who had engaged In a live ly fisticuff at the Hotel Selwyn Wed nesday mornlnc. were arraigned b -fore Recorder Khannonhoune yester day morning. It was found that M.ini- , mitt had struck the first blow lie was lined tho costs. Jones was Js- charged. . A rather unusual nnd Interesting case In the court was that against Henry Ivey. a colored citizen who vuis charged with an assault on his wife, Mattie Ivey. Mnttle was in court, ac companled by an ugly wound on hr ., COCO, but she took advantage of the law which allows a woman to refuse i to testify against her husband. The .- police say that there whs no doubt but that Henry was the father of the knot on the woman's head, but .Mattie was mum and there was "nothing for the court to do except . Ctscharge the man. t Wouldn't Kiss and Make I'p. ; Tn' the case against Messrs. J. M. . Johnston and W. B. Hneil. who had i encounter t the Hotel Selwyn Wed- ttesday morning, "Squire D. w. Alex ander, yesterday fined esch of the de fendants 12.70. The magistrate has a J snost kindly nature and It always JsTrVtves him to see a fellow man har bor malice. It Is his Invariable rus- case, to try to effect a reconciliation between the scrappers. His efforts .vera wasted yesterday mornlna. how. yver, Messrs. Johnston and flnell toutty refusing to kiss and make up. . , A Coitsln of Capt. J. M. Davis. Thr. R. C, Davis, a member of the , Jew York board of health and one of tb most prominent physicians in that jrreat city, who diad there a few days go, waa naUve of Rutherford, and cousin of Capt. J. M. Davis, of this city. rW North Carolinians have gons to New York and achieved a mora enviable reputation, pr, Davis .waa a leading member of the Rutgers Presbyterian. ehurch and waa, ; Inter ested in the good work of that church. V? ''A ? POOTMIsrTREafcV'-'"; jfc . AleBndr, of Cary, Ve who has j Dr. Khirs Kw Jjfi puis, to ee-tae i remedy ahe ever tried for keeping achj, Llwr 4 Bowels ia twrfect - n ll agrve wit!, her If foe try .i.i. f pu riders that infuse new "ed by K. IL Jovdaa A Ce 4. ice 36a, ji , f,fw , , IfMGUSUL SP1SNEB8 TO-DAY. HeceptJon to be Given "by the South ern Mannfacturer' dub This Kvenlnol he 'Personnel of ; -the laity.i .. v .' jKn'c,. The party of English spinners which has been In the South for the past several weeks studying, at first hand. me great cotton crop, are due to ar rive in Charlotte : to-day. This even ing the party will be guests of honor at a reception which, will be tendered In the Dariora 'of the Southern 'Manu facturers' iub.v To this 1 reception, all out-of-town spinners and. cotton mer chants are invited. .There will be no formal invitations issued and all' those to whorri the privileges of the .cinb am strum oM 4a a ttantf i ? ' The party Is, composed of six of the most influential cotton spinners resid ing near Manchester; England. 'With but one exception, they are members of the English Cotton ' Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association, although they do not represent that association In any official capacity. They are here merely for Information, hoping. with the co-operation of the American spinners, to effect reforms in the pres ent methods of baling and shipping cotton. Also, if possible, to do away with, tn some measure, the violent fluc tuations the cotton market which have been so common within the past few years. The party is composed of the following; named: Messrs. H. W. MacAHster, chairman; George . Moore, secretary; Henry P. Greg,'W. J. Orr, O. Lennard Bolden and Thomas D. Barlow, all of Manchester. The. party Is to attend the general conference of cotton manufacturers and spinners which Is to be held in Washington, Mav 1st and 2nd. Inci dentally they will be present at the convention of the New England Cot ton Manufacturers' Association, which Is to be held In Boston, Mass., next week. It is probable also that the par ty will attend, in whole or in part, the big meeting of the American Cot ton Manufacturers' Association, which Is to be held In Ashevllle, May 16th and 17th. Messrs. Orr, Barlow, Gregg and Bolden. accompanied by Mr. W. I Henderson, of the Southern Hallway, arrived in the city last evening, and sre guests at the Southern Manu facturers' Club. Messrs. Macallster and Moores are to Join the party this morning. To the reception, which Is to take place from 8.30 to 10 o'clock this evening, in the Club parlors, al! cotton manufacturers, cotton merchants and growers are Invited. The following constitute the reception committee: Messrs. Stuart W. Cramer, chairman; H. A. Murrlll, C. W. Johnston, O. A. Bobbins, I A. Dodsworth, J. J. Farnan, O. P. Heath, Geo. A. Howell. Hev. Plato Durham, Hamilton W. Wilson. Mayor 8. 8. Mc Nlnch. C. M. Patterson. H. M. Vic tor, George P. Wadsworth, S. B. Sargent and J. L. Chambers. A KKOPKMI'.XT AT MIDNIGHT. Cupid laughs at Obstacles nnd De fies llic IVsky SmallK (ierms at Hm Italics Home Bride Vscd Blanket In Place of Hie Lcft-He-hind Coat Ceremony Through the Window. Notwithstanding the fact that tho prospective bride was minus a cloak or wrap of any sort and In defiance of the small pox germs at their desti nation, Mr. John Fox and Miss Alice Martin, both of Winston-Salem, Wed nesday night, drove 12 miles from Charlotte "across .he line" and were married shortly after midnight by 'Squire Willard O. Bailos. Mlsg Mart in had come to the city with some relatives, who Intended going back Wednesday night. Shortly before time to go to the depot Miss Martin left the hotel with Mr. Fox on the pretext of taking a stroll. The cou ple did stroll to Wadsworth's stables, ordered a carriage and, wltn no loss of time, started for the "line." Miss Martin had forgotten to take a coat and an employe of the stable offeroJ to get her one within a few minutes, hut Cupid was Impatient and the lovers started nt once. Miss Martin wrapping herself In an extra buggy blanket. The lack of a coat was not the only seumtnK obstaclo In the way. "Them Is umallpox at the Balles' home," warned a stable employe. But Cupid was apnln defiant and did not stop even to consider any danger from the pesky smallpox germs. The 12-mlle drive was the couple made with dispatch and stood at one end of the porch, while the quarantined magis trate performed the ceremony through the window. The coujile drove back to the city with less haste, and, arriving shortly before 3 o'clock, registered at the Bu ford and left early yesterday morning for their future home at Winston, KKVKItAL KM AM' KCITS BEtJl'N. Spruce & Xcwoll Institute Civil Ac tions Against Several Corporations. Messrs. Spruce A Newell, attorneys, have Instituted suit against tho West ern Cnlon Telegraph Company for damages In the sum of 12.000, which Is alleged to be due Mrs. Clara Hope Hrlnkley for mental anguish caused by the falurv of the company to deliver a message In Mrs. Brlnkley announc ing the death of her brother. Fannie Collins has Instituted suit i against the Charlotte. Klectrle Light, Hallway St Power Company for alleg ed damages caused by Che collision of I a street car and a wagon belonging I to the plaintiff two weeks i ago. The amount of damHges asked for Is small. irge Iouglaa has brought suit against the Aetna Insurance Company for the recovery of 1500 alleged to bo ilue on a health and accident policy which the company refused to honor. DKAI.S IX CII.niX)TTE DIRT. Several Iits Kiihl by the Cliarlotte Itcelty t ompany Mr. N. V. Porter Piirt-tutiMM Home. Mr. N. V. Porter, secretary and treasurer of the Williams St Shelton Company and the Williams-Porter Hnt Cotnatiy, has purchased from Mr. Joe Garibaldi a house and lot on West Morehead street, the considera tion being M,2rifl. Mr. T. H (Jalther has bought two small houses on Nnrth Smith street from Mrs. M. c. Kmlder, for 11.200. The Charlotte Realty Company has purchased i lots on Kast Sixth nnd adjoining streets In Ward 1 from Mr. J. n. Howl, the consideration being 112.300. All of these deals were made through the Charlotte Really Company, of which Mr. A. G. Craig Is managnr. "The Cliauipion" to be Played. "The Champion" Is the title of the three-act comedy drama which will be put on by the School of Expression in the Elizabeth College chapel Monday evening at :W o'clock. Miss Blanche Nanette Williams, the director, wtll play the leading role. All friends of the college are cordially invited to be present; CURED HEMORRHAGES Of THE h, . Li'Naa. . "Several years since my lungs were so bedly affected that I had awiy hemorr hffs.'' writes A. M. Ake, of Wood. Ind, l..,t.trtnw,t several physicians without snr benent. I then started to take KoUyre Honer and Tar, and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet. I recommend Jt in advanced stakes of lung trouble" Foley's Honey end Tar stops the cough and bests the lungs, end pr. yenta at-rious results from a eold. ite fuse substitutes, .. i? CC&IM1TTEE ' APrOIXTED. ; President K. M. Miller. Jr., Appoints Delegation to Represent American Cottoa-Manufacturera' Association at Confertnce, ' President R. M. Miller. Jr...f the American Cotton" Manufacturers' As sociation, has .appointed the follow ing" committee to represent that body at the cotton conference wnicn is to be held in Washington May , 1st and 2nd: Messrs. T. I. Hickman, Augusta, Ga.; Charles. H. Fish, Dover, ti. H.; Lewis W. Parker. Greenville. 8. C. Fred A. Flather, Boston, Mass., and S. H. Tanner, Henrietta. This com mittee, with Mr. R. M. Miller president and Mr. C. B. Bryant, secretary and treasurer, will act as the official rep resentatlves of the American 'Cotton Manufacturers' Association at this im portant conference. Closing of Wlngate ScIkwL The following cards have been re celved in the city: Tour presence Is desired at the closing exercises ' of the Wlngate School at Wlngate, North Carolina, April 28th., 29th and 30th. and May 1st., 2nd., 3rd. and 4th. 190. The annual literary address will be delivered by r. W. 1m Poteat, presi dent of Wake Forest College. Music will be furnlnshed by the Steele Creek Band. DEVIL'S ISLAND TORTURE. Is no worse than the terrible case of Piles that afflicted me 10 years. Then 1 was advised to apply Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and less than a box permanently cured me, writes Ij. . Napier, or Kugies, Ky. Heals all wounds, Uuina and Sores like magic. Z5c at R. H. Jordan & Co., druggists. We Would Sug gest That You Se lect Your Spring Suit Early The choice patterns are al ways found at the opening of tho season, when stocks are unbroken. This will be about the last week you'll see many men wearing winter clothes. We have an almost unlimited variety of choice Cheviots, Serges and Mixtures. They're Masterpieces of Suit Making We trust you will stop in' for a moment's look. We be lieve that you will he im pressed with our nnxlest prices as well tis with tho excellence of our clothing. Yorkc Bros. & Rogers i Clothiers, la Marguerite Shop Just received this morn ing beautiful and stylish black suits and skirts, in voile, taffeta and chif fon panama. La Marguerite Shop 211 North Tryon I BE KRLY I Hut tors and Fur- HI I I Waterman's I I Ideal I I Fountain Pen I I The Pen That Gives Sat-1 Iisfaction. I $2.50 to $10.00 I Houston, Dixon & Co. Books, Stationery nnd Art. The Tim i Case j. on ; Record The applications for loans with the Mechanics Perpetual Building: A Loan Association have been v so numerous this month that two committee have been designated, to oasa uporr them. Heretofore all such -work 'has been done by the , one , regular committee, However the calls have been ao nu merous recently; that an extra, com- mtttee has been appointed to assist the other. Thla is the first case on record with any bulldlner and loan a relation in Charlotte. It is estimated that during the vast 80 days 150,000 have been loaned here and there in the city by this aasocition. Now is the time to take Holllster Rocky Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of alt impurities. A , wonder ful spring tonic -Jl- family "bene? factor. 3S cents, Tea or Tablets. ,K. H. jorctao m uo j r t x ' DUE BILLS We notice that several plana concerns are offering due bills for different amounts to pef; sons making the most words f out of letters contained in the firm's name. These coupons If presented before a certain date and countersigned to np ply as a payment on a piano if bought from them. :' N We will accept coupons giv en by any piano firm aa a portion of the first cash pay ment on a new Artistic St led, Shaw, or any new piano we sell. If you wleh to buy in the future, send in your due bills and we will issue our own due bill, good whenever you are ready to buy. Chase M. Sticff, Manufacturer of the Piano With the Sweet Tone. Southern:'' Ware room: West Trade Street., CHARLOTTE - - - - N. C C. H. WILMOTU, Mgr. 5 West Trade Street. Wear a Dunlap Hat and en joy that comfortable feeling of knowing you're wearing the correct hat? The Dunlap, Hat, whether a Felt or Straw, is worn- by particular dressers the United States over why? Because of its original style, superior quality and durability. We Are Sole Agents. The Tate-Brown Co. We CLEAN and Dye Portieres This means that we can be of much service to you, for the time for Spring Cleaning . and Renovating; has arrived. Send your Portieres, Furni ture Coverings, etc., to us. We will Clenn or Dye them so nicely they will look like new. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works MRS. J. M. HESTER, Proprietress. - ,ravldson,N. C. March 18, 10B. R. T. D. No. t8. About five months before the birth of my first child I waa taken with some blod trouble which the doctere said was dropsical In It, nature. Mjr some blood trouble, which' the doctors nounred It dropsy,, and said my blood had turned almost absolutely to water. My whole body waa fear fully swollen, and when. I would press upon it the dent would remain." as Is so well known In dropsy. : The doctors' treatment did not do -one particle of (rood, and at the birth of my child I had convulsions and was critically in end for weeks 1 was very low. When I sot UP J WM.In a fearfully weak condition and still suffered from that dronsical trouble. This remained my condition until a lew months before the Dirtn oi my second ehlld. I then determined to quit doctors' treatment and bouaht one dosen bottles of Mrs. Joe Per sons Remedy and took It., By1 the urn i finished the dosen porues. every indication of .that dropsical trouble had dlnnneared. and - ml health wss food. ' At the birth of my aecond child my ' condition was nat ural, and I was' soon np and vweli. and my health has remained so ever since. Before the ' birth of my third child, I araln took' dotea - bottles, and I never ad- a touch Of that dropsical affection. ' nnd had as healthy, hatural outcome as wae pos sible. J do not believe that there ie another medieine-in. the world Its equal, and no ant need hesitate to try ltnly take eaouh tocounter act the acid In the blood and It will Cure. " It Is a arand medicine. MRa MART n. MATuayr. , 1 " 1 i . n ii .- i .... .. i i.i mi. i i mmmmmmmmmmtmtmttmmmmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmiti J'iui i t ,- s fBsesssswssessssssesssas j, .above cut -ahows the Steel Double-Hoop fastening.1 J' which la considered by the leading authorities on bed . making aav being the best fastening of the day for jtnetal bed. , " f - ' rt ki .Every one of these beds have a heavy wire spring; . 1 which is positively; guaranteed against sagging for S years. They are easy set up, and you don'tv - have the worry of -slats falling out Three-piece?: beds ranging We can give you the Iron and .we went you to v see our line ED. W. MELLON COMPANY Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. r that were ever knownr. Til 'ss 7aJ VslUfib. aV-m .:k.B.Vv.t' ea,"T I swe'-y m - ' UVvt V This all comes from our knowledge of knowing when and how to buy and bur method of 6nly one stnall profit in the selling;, You can save" money at this store if you do'jour.tradirg kere. ,'iv ?, t i More, Furniture Camitsi Matting, Curtains and Rugs at this store than 'any other in the CarolinaiViAny article,, purchased at this; store not found as representea must oe recuraea ana money reiunaea. , we cau special avienwun p a m a . Ai e -eAAfc.a,4j.ra. f L Brfifes Beds with rail if you prefer, or ocas we can pieaao you in both, W. T. McCOY South Tryon iStr cct , over your left shoulder, it's a lucky look. But a better look, still, will be to come in and see our New Spring: Suits. They are as handsome as can be. Looking at them over either shoulder you will say they are Spring Beauties All the New Spring Cuts, and Colors have yon seen them? If not, come in and look. A look affords us pleasure and costs you nothing. COME: Men's Spring Suits WE offer a line of splendidly tailored Suits at $15, $18.50lnd up to $25. Our Haberdashery Department is a liberal education incorrect fashions for spring and summer. There's much that's truly equisite., There's nothing that's not "right" , and yalue3, are remarkable. L0N6-TATE CLOTHING COMPANY Goods sent on approval returnable at .our expense. , , w wiieriiian, lidsssos, rwui wm,- rjlHL Q i-aA M 1 u 1T i - M in price from $7.60 to ttOJin't1"' at 1 prices from ' $3.00 to 60.00.'' ' quality .and price. .i 4 , UEADIXO CLOTHIERS,, Our Carbet and Matting stock at the present - tjme has created more favorable comment from capable and shrewd housekeepers than ever : before in our , history, ; ' ' We feel proud of the - extra values we are able to offer this season. " Jr 'The very best-in ma-" terial, the . newest - and - imost artistic .vjcolorings and prices the lowest jj T. f i" umi awisn. t . U 9 i' i I "A' if .f

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