Continued from First rFageV? i uon, when asked to-dajr where she , 1 spent the night, replied, -"Ob : o messages , to jaromDCAW. ? -4briM f Telegraph Con ranlea No Ixmgee .Edstt od Even n Amy o-MeMifm"C)oiiM Po San Frencrlsc. April 0.--The delivery of to.tocWb!vtteMWfw:Cram:,tauid0 point to people to Ban Francisco U an inmoaaJbllKv. The meeasnger service r hoth the bit telegraph companies no longer e.. . Even ithe pw? r nanlea an army 01 nrnscncvra, vu - wnnM ha nf little value, for the rea sons that the people aire scattered far , and wide and that a. journey rrom in , ferry building to the westem'? addition or to the refuse camps consumes many hour. - Most of the automobiles haw . been Impressed Into the service of the police or military euworKies ana mess . have but one circuitous route from ; . the one telegraph station at the water , i front to. municipal headquarters, ana the unswept western portlona. This Is - way ( northerly water front line. Nearly-- every other street has been , ' made impassable by the fall of por tions of buildlncs. fi, , The only wire running out of Ban JTranclsco that of the Postal was ac ' ' ' cMentalty cut this morning by a work- nan on tne cable wnari, ana ror nours - h rlt-r wu train cut off from out- ; iWewspaper Man Describes Sernes at , v Melggs' Wharf 15,000 Gallon of - lOtt Menaced. ' i Oakland, April 10. Michael WIK l- ' llama, city editor of The San Francisco r Examiner, arrived from the city at . 14:10 this morning and made the fol lowing statement: ' ; "Shortly before 10 o'clock I boarded the government steamer, Governor . Sternberg having on board members of ' the Ban Francisco relief committee un der orders, from Col. Reynolds, com- tnander of the Twenty-second Infant- rjr, to commander alt available tugs along the water front to go to the res ' cue of at least ten thousand men, wo men and children congregated In the neighbor hod of Melggs' wharf who are menaced by the march of names toward Telegraph and Russian Hills and the Valley between. . "Around Melggs- wharf there are ,V,I I 1. 11 nl I lanlii mama r I tham ..'..J,- WW. V MIIU Vfc CIS! containing at least 15,000 gollons of -' oil. If the flames reach these tanks fearful explosions will result. "When the Governor Sternberg left Sfelggs' wharf the whole of that por tion of North Beach seemed doomed. The people were flocking to the wharves and crowding into all avail- able craft. DISTRIBUTION THE PROBLEM. Supplies Are Coming In by the Train , Load, but Organization la Not Yet Adequate 200,000 In Golden Gate . Park and 50.000 in lite Presidio Well Oared For. San Francisco, April 20. The prob lem to-night confronting the city gov ernment and Federal authorities tjs kow to feed the multitude of destitute, tiuplles are coming In by the train load, but as yet the system of distri bution Is not In complete working or der. At the Presidio mlltary reservation, "Where probably 60,000 persons are camped, affairs are conducted with military precision. Water Is plentiful and rations are dealt out all day long. The refugees stand oatlentlv in Una and there Is not a murmur. This char acter la observable all over the city. People are brave and patient and the wonderful order preserved by them baa been of great assistance. In Gold en Gate Park are encamped 200.000 per sons. A huge supply station hue been established there and provisions are dealt out. Many thousands are camped in va , cant lota and squares, scattered about the city, and these are. the unfortunate ones that are hard to reach. Six hundred men from the Ocean Shore Railway arrived to-night with wagons and Implements to work on the sewer system. Inspectors are go ing from house to house, examining chimneys and Issuing permits to build Ares. JVATEIt I rYKT IX DANGER. lire X ! . I"7o Reach Ferry Bulldla W Iay Creep as Far as - Steamer..'.- Jit Sheds. Washington. AJ 20.-The War De partment to-night received the fol lowing Western Union telegram from Ban Francisco: "There has been no renewal of the tire west of Octavla street or south f Market street, but It Is not under Control at the water front and it la Creeping toward the ferry house from which this Information Is sent. How aver, .not much alarm Is felt that It Will reach the ferry building, even If It reaches th steamer freight sheds on the north." -Thls telegram was received at the War Department at p. m. lo-nlght. . A dispatch from the chief operator Of the Weslern Union at Kan Fran cisco, received at .the War Department earlier to-night, aays: : "flow reported, at J o'clock Hun Francisco time, that the fire has bro ken out In the wharves north of Mar ket street- and It la feared that unless on checked It may reach the Oak land ferry building, -where Western Union la established. Fire practically tinder control In the western addition and property west of Octavla street stands a good chance of being saved. Fire is spreading toward the North Beach, around the east side of Tele graph Hill." v ' SHOCKS FKMT TOO Mtl.KS. ' $2 we In Itome and Ftorcnce, J. Italy, That the Seiimiograpli In- I fwMs. Were Injured Other -f irtimakes Expected. - i riome, April 20. The seismographs In the -'Observatories throughout Italy . hare recorded dlsunt earth shocks. lh observatory of Florence, - which has the most perfect tnstru- tnenta, Indicated that an earthquake 'had been felt at a distance of 7.000 wlleg.A The shocks were so severe that they Injured the Instrument. ; The director of the Florence observa- . tory Is of the opinion that the earth quake la California, viewed In connec- ' tlon with the outbreak: of Mount Ve suvius and the earthquake in Cala- , brla la JSeptember-laatr-ladlcaUs the approach ef farther territorial convul- '- eiona, --v . . , ' VxLxp AT 0AXTA ROSA MO. rntarkias le Reacnetd Afte Being ; ' rlsoned I'nder Dresser for Five I .r and to-Only Sarvivo of Big , lion I lire. 1 , e, j, - ; , f GflViand. Cat, Aprtl iMK ,W. Duffy, f OAMi.boro. Ky wag the only one - t several score to escape from r of the St. Itoae Hotel at Santa . lift Vuttr says whit the shock ' 1 he rushed for the stairway, list " ling was swaying so that ( fn-d i-h. lie threw himself In ft a dr4--er ie protect himself ' ' rg tlJ'jt The dresser held e i .11.9 Mhiwj tumbled ovej him. He was imprisoned for f lW before being rescued. .According, to. Duffy there- were about sw , persons vaiiietu tctlon of-the three hotels In the riestrnction in Santa Rosa-- and t not fewer than 600 In the whole town of 8nt Boss, . ft KHXED IN ASYtUM. jOaklaad Pwwea iXb 1a Ilelplem .InoiMea ami Ofttcers--. Injured. aautna, pni .. superintendent of the San Francisco crauntv f HnanitaL teieononea iress headauarters in Oakland last nignt coneernlnr the situation at the - A hews Insane Asylum near San Jose. Dr. Clarir said that n employes ana officers of the InsUtutlon. Including Drs. Kellr and Bell, were killed and 20 Injured. Among the patients- U m h were killed and o injured. -irine th buildings were demolished. Dr. ciarx said that there was absolutely no con- fusion, and that he, believed all the pa- ttents had been accounted for, Bank Vaults All Found Intact. Oakland. Cat.. Anrll 20 At a meet Ina- nf bankers this morning, Mr. Ijynch. of the First National Bank, reported that a committee had ex amined all the bank and safe deposit valuta m Ban Francisco ana xouna them all Intact. This maKes it .cer tain that the tnoney and papers on de- poslt are all safe. It was aiso re" ported that the books and, records In ooalt are all safe. It was also re 4ne san STancisco nau oi recurus b escaped serious Injury. Eleven Clerks Taken Alive TOm rortoffloe uenrte. , San Francisco. April 20. Eleven noatal clerks, all alive, were taken from the debris of the postornce to- day. All at first were thought to ne i dead, but it was rouna mat aunouan thpv were buried in the stone, every on was alive. They had been for three days without food or water. All the mall in the postornce was aavea. Danville Extends Sympathy Danville, Va., April 20.-Mayor Har ry Wooding this morning sent the fol- lowing telegram to , Mayor E. E. Schmltx. of San Francisco: Our citizens deeply sympathize witn vour Deooln In their arrest distress. If we can . render any service acquaint me." . To-Day Declared Legal Holiday In California. Sacramento, Cal Aprjl 20.-3overn- or Pardee to-day Issued a proclama tion declaring to-morrow (Saturday) a legal holiday "In the interest or tne public welfare" and In consequence. no legal business can be transacted and all banks will remain closed. Columbia Han . Was In Disaster. Tulare, Cal., April 20. Among the passengers who left San Francisco by Sante Fe train was T. c. wmmona, of Columbia. S. C. He was In . the earthquake disaster. FOREIGN OFFERS DECLINED. Prettldent Feels Tliat the United States Can Care for San Francisco and is Sparring Government to Do Its Utmost -Many uiircrent trains on the Way Appropriation Al ready Exceeded. Washington, April 20. Every branch of the government service from , the President down to bending every effort to bring to the earthquake sufferers speedy relief. The cabinet to-day con sldered the San Francisco situation and it was decided that Secretary Met calf should proceed to that city as the representative of the national govern ment and to consult with the author ties as to what la needed to alevlate distress. Every available vessel In the vicinity of San Francisco, whether is belong to the navy, army, revenue nillai- urv Aah nnmmtmminn nr llMht house service. to carry supplies of every description to the stricken, city of San Francisco and render other assistance, while of ficers of the army on the Pacific coast and elsewhere have been given im perative Instructions to ship tents, ra tions, medical and other relief sup plies. Offers of assistance from abroad have been very gratifying to the President, but he feels the United States Is able to rare for the San Francisco sufferers and contributions from foreign coun tries wtll be declined. Mr. Ballin, of the Hamburg-American Line, offered 126.000 for the California sufferers. The contribution was declined with an ex- presalon of the President's apprecia tion of the offer. The question of an additional appro priation to meet the expense of the work of the government- In rushing supplies to San Francisco and alleviat ing distress in that quarter will be brought to the atsntlon of Congress to morrow. It was announced to-night that the War Department has forward ed to San Francisco 1,000,000, rations (day's rations) som eof which hat al ready arrived there and most of which Is due there to-night; tentage for 1S4,- 000 people; 100.000 blankets; a large number or stoves; about 8.000 cots: and lbs supplies already ordered will reach an aggregate value of approx imately 11,260,000. There are many dif ferent trains with an official in charge of each on tne way. THEY ARB CONVINCED. t'nlon Men, It Is Held, Iteallce That Manufacturers Mean Wliat They nay. 8ecial to The Observer. High Point. April 20. Fiom day to day the situation here shows little change, with the exception of a few workmen going back to work at the various factories every day or so. The union men, it IS believed, have come to the conclusion that the manufac turers mean what they say In regard to employing union labor and do not expect any compromise, but have ta ken the matter as a fact and ai-e con centrating their effort In keeping the men from going back to work under these conditions. Some have left the city to find work elsewhere and those that are not willing to work as non union men will most probably do like wise, as they cannot And 'employment at the factories Iwlthout they quit me union, ine manufacturers , like wise have decided not to deoend on any of their old employes who are yet out ana are ninng new men. , Indignant Over . Iesence of Negro r'amlly. HjwrUi to The Observer, High Point, April -20. People living On East Washington street, near the colored section of the town, are Indig nant ovrr the arrival of a negro fam ily In their midst. The Kraber house was sold a few days ago to a white man who. It seems, in turn, sold It to two negroes who have moved their families In the new quarters, being opposite snd alongside of white neigh bora, who are Indignant vr the mat ter, some going as far aa to ssy that they wtll sell their homes, and tnat It baa hurt the value of their property very materially. , Two Death at llmrietta-Caroleen. Correaoondence of The Observer. : Menrtetta-Caroteen , April . H.Two heme, circles of our town -were sad dened Tuesday by deaths.; those of Mrs. Thomas Brugge and Miss Ada Davis, Mrs. Scroggs was an excellent lady; aged tt, and leaver a Janre fam Hy connection in three counties. Miss Davis. n amiable Christian girt of W years, was a victim of the great bU pUgue consumption, v " i f , f i ft-1, Viii in. i OT. JOHN'S AGAjJVICTOKIOCSi r-: 'JL-JL in irinity vownen i. wy -"--i;Z7, Second Game by Scose of to 1, v Durham. AprIL .-The second Bt t.X'--r,Li, , which was clayed here to-day went to the formerJhe re beina- to i? An otherwise good game . B"tcle for college ball-Billy Smith, at -j, t....... n riht Held, elaved W Jfife il' "J1", ' J ne'w"' 1 Th. mn hv inninas: . !.. I Trinity .. ... 1 0 0 00 6 0 0 , i 1 1 utt . John's ... divivvi -' Ratteries: Qantt and . Henry ennui. Wrightson, and Rouse, : ' " IiEAGlTE BASSSALL.- SOUTH ATtANTIC. ' i ivnvin. ma..., AnrlK. Jackson- -.'- - j .v - . . . i"t- Vhi. afternonl losinVthe eeco4J vllle was not in it witn ren7.f p - w- nf k Ha bv tha score of 7 to J Long, wbo was sent in to do the pitching tor the locals, waa n , poof-form and before he was relieved .: artef f tne fnrih he was found fo elsrht safe hits which counted for runs. Clark finished the game In good form, yielding but three hits during the remainder ot taeame. Score: ' ' . . . .. - - V B. H. IS. Jacksonvine . , 001 0 0020-f Maron ! 0 1 0 002 07 11 Fox -and Hamlsh. Umpire, Mr. Jttaoe. Time, 1:60. iAttendanca, i.m a n . irvrti i Aueuata. turn- e , h"TRbles On the Colu to-dar and m,W7a. heavy defeat before i wildly entnusiastie crowa. wu n iU.ii ra Mima at hit and run. both sides piling p a long string of safeties. WMahm- was hammered from the start nri was reoiaeMt In the first Inning. Gearhart ws falrty steady until the sev enth, when he weakened. Score: . v ? . ,-rr..,- 0 0 1 2 0 2 Ox-7 12 act vannah 0 0 2 0 1 1 01 0t10 2 Batteries: Moore and Carson; washer. Gearhart and Curran.. umpire. Mr. Deaver. Time, 2 hours. Attendance, i,- 400. Columbia:" SC. April 2a.-In-a well- daved but featureless game, Columbia won aanin lo-oay or oanni mam nlng. Ralph Savidge pitched his first wise -he was .effective. Kaniler, Colum bia's new first baseman, was in the game to-day. Score: ' R. . B. Columbia.; .. .. 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 x- l- Charleston .'. 1 1 o e- " Batterle: .COItlns, Ferrall and Kettr; AnvldM and Brennan. Time. 1:45. Um pire, Matthews. Attendance, 1,800. 'AMERICAN. At Washington: . Waahtngton-10, 14, 1: Boston 1, 6, 6. , At Philadelphia: rmiaaeipnia n, w, ; New York-, 6,1. ' At CDICagO: trmcag-o o, , u; ioirun 1. 8, 3. . . NATIONAL. , . " At Bostonf Boston 7, 10, 0; Phlladel- pbla-3, 7. 2. . . At isew xora: new , o, it, v, Brooklyn 2, 4, 3. At PltUbura: piusnwrg o, - , , Cin cinnati 4,. 3, 1. v SOUTH BatN.'. At Montgomery: Montgomery, 8; .AU lar.ta, 8. , . . -. At Nashville: Birmingnam, o; Ville, 6 (10 innings). -, At Little Rock: ho game wnn onreve- port; rain. ' At new urteans; nuw unw, j phis, Z. ATTEMPTED SUICIDE, Jewie of SpP-y, charged With Wronging Young Girl, Shoots Him self Girl's Father Acquitted k of Charge of InclHt. 5 special to rme UDserver. : v ( t.. ... 1 1 -irM ,M.ti nA twills Afftajte of Spray, N. C., went last night to the home of the father of Jesse Land, at Spray, N, C, to arrest the young man or a charae or wroncma Miss itives Brumbeloe. aged 12 years, tne aaugnter of Mr. Hid Hrumoeioe, a wen-Known Irmw rwiauiK near umi M tha nftlfr Annroflched. ran to hie room Securing a revolver, he shot himself in his left breast, the bullet, however, ralss- inv his heart. He la under the surveil ance of officers and wtll most likely re cover. ' v ijino nas. ror ine ddsc several bten living with Mr. Brumbeloe on j Ills farm urwl it l nlleMMi thiit th mother of th young girl recently learned of the alleged conduct. Mrs. Brumbeloe is a cousin of I .and and, at her Instigation, a warrant was Issued ror tne arrest ox Mr. Gmmhaliu on the chnrve of incest. The case waa heard to-day nt Spray and the rharc waa not sustained. All of the Bar- ties concerned are reticent about tne matter, and the case haa many sensation al nhases. The outcome cannot be pre dicted. ' SECOND-HAND TTPEWK1 tf"BJR 8 cheap. 200 miscellaneous machines or an manes, lin.w up. u you want a Bargain we have It. write us what you want, J. B. CRAYTON CO., Trust Bldg. DON'T WAIT! YOU'LL. 1,1KB JBL-UB Ribbon Lemon or vannia oeuer, aoso lutely pure, goes twice as far as other kinds and the savor is perfection. DON'T TRY TO GET ALONG ON LAST summer suit, come in ana i me Bhow you my patterns in spring and summer goods. It's one of the neatest lines I've ever had. H. MILLER. The Old Reliable. , . IF YOU WANT PAPBRINO DONE BB- fore the first or May. coma in ana muse your selections at once, as we are book ing work very fast this week. Elegant line of new spring designs to seleet from. WHEELER WALL PAPER aV MUSIC CO.. aa S. Tryon street. NI-'NN ALLY'S DELICIOUS CANDIES fresh by express to-day, 90 cents per pound, eoia exclusively in viiarjvu by WOODALL SHKPPARD. FRESH POTATO CHIPS JUST Re ceived. Fine as can om ana ins very thing you want. 'Phone your order. Fresh vegetables received dally. MIL- LER-VAN iB3J aa. nions sj. DR. BUIBrS COMPOUND BTRUP O .Hnrsapanua is a great spring urns tonic. Has no equals. Sold and recom mended oy jab. f . bivws w,, Druggists, -rnone us. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS OVER t, WEST Trade, in gooa oonaiuon; i-room nouse, 10W N. u, s.wi -roora, nouse, u n Davidson. 10.; 4-roont - house. B. 11th BRO. , 1 ,J?yJ. you with the Vry best the market af fords. Everything cooked Just aa you ilk. it. 'l TV our quick lunon ooumar. OEM .RESTAURANT, . F WKf-t. Manager. - .'. 'V CRK8- 4 DAVIS' CHOUSRA CURB FOR TOUh poultry, win cure any case in one te two days. Use one or twice- a week, tt is a sure preventative, a centa. DILWORTH DRUO BTORB, Phone 147. B. S. DAVIS. WB DONT HESITATB TO BAY WE -raa rwrnisn yen witn ine nicest jivery la Charlotte and prove it by you when yen have- used one of our horses and bufgl Our price are moderate and our service unqusd I this city. W, o. ROSS CO. 'Phone Ml. : Vm had til West 4th St. - A LIVERT SBRV1CB THAT IS Xttk i goeo norsee, neosy (urwowis. envers i I you want Ibem. Our borsis, while they If Ml F r nnn vsaa, are pr fectly safe, Phone for a team for the wife and ehttdrw i. C CCCURANS A BKO. 'Pbene U. i ' j . Spocial Notices WTB HAVS A "VERT- FIN ID -LOT OF : aeasonsd oak and pin stove wood; euanttty and quality guaranteed. We sis carry a stork of terra cetta ftps from in. te M i. 'Phone fl Prompt , delivery. C DOWD CO. , i i ' ; X ill xs ' '"-4 ' - w A , Question ,and' an Answer. '.Thrte big automobiles were standing in fornt Of - the, Southern- Manufacturers' dub-yesterday morning.'-: In a few ses- foads. a, little throng Of thai curious gmlh- w m wni was to seen.-, as tne party of. English, splhners - mad their way- out of tha club, doors and stood ready to enter' the "machines, "a well known Charlotte ejtisen came' up' and asked a friend standinr near , the ques tion: - ' n - - , -S- rJ "Where, are .they gomgr "Oh, to take a peep at the monument erected' to the signers of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independence, of eourse. Where etaerf TBE EAIHEE.; : UAaAa.';'.u as. ... .... - a ru.aot. iur wiuraay ana Duuy Vair fli.tirrlaw skk.1 a.Mi.i'. a frMTk . ' wss cjuiiuaj i p evr southwest to west winds. LOCAI OFFICTB XT. 8. WEATHER '", . BUREAU. vumivftv, ft,rii icv, s p, m. ouii-im. a. m.;' sunset :59 p. m. (Standard time;. Highest temperature - v.M lowest -temperature ., .m Meiir tennwratur . ... .at Excess for-the -day s .. sOT Accumulated excess for the month.. .71 Accumuiatea, excess' for the year.,.. ,W PrecipiUtlon for S4 hours ending a p. m. (Inches) ,, .00 TAtftl hronlttit-tlA-V.. (h. m,itf. . - - W..IUUUU 1V1 ll.O ll.V.IVI. . ... .w Accumulated deficiency for month... 1.64 AltCUmUllfttMl lUDMnnl tn Ihft V.D, 4 tt? Prevailing wind direction .8. W, , ,v, BJKNNiSTr. ooserver, ; Tho Solitaire REAL ESTATE DBHLER, That Is, X oihlf t' for myself and pad- uio my own canoe, nave no cnarier or Man Made -Name; just that one, a birth Inheritance. No 'Mr. President, no corporate seal. But my checks are prompt and ac ceptable. ' i . , By myself, , ' P. D. TtLBXaiVDBR MS . Tryon. - P. 4SS- f4,000Modern 8-room house, cor. - 10th and Graham Sts. $2,200 Modern 7-room cottage, East Ith 8t f2,00 -Modern 7-room. two-story house. East 6th St. $2,800 -Modern 7-room, two-story house, West Trade SL $3,000 6-room "cottage, S. Cedar St.; ' city water. 20 acres fine farming land, suitable for dairying and trucking; good tenant house. Price $50.00 per acre. McGaJl & G Ian ton. V 43HAHLOTTE. . N. C. SIT -W. Tryon St, 'Phone 240. The Crowell Sanitorium Co., Inc. 2V "",'op th Treatment of - .Whiskey, . Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Special apartments and nurses for lady oatlebta, All forms of electricity for treating ' nervous , diseases, and various methods of massage, includ ing the Bllhnlsier vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. , ; Specially trained male and female uorsee and attendants. 8. M. CROWELtiM. D- Prat. W. M. STRONG. M. Dw Resident Physician. i u'- - n WE PAY YOU TO SAE. "It Is not miserly to save, to husband one's resources to refrain from excess, to accumulate against that inevitable day vjhen there hall be need of a reserve." It Is not miserly; it is only wise. . . . . - 4 South Tryoii St SOUTHERN LORN & SAVINGS BJUVIC t, m. Brown. Fres W. O. Aleaander. V. Pres., W. It, Jenkins, Cashier. R. E. COCHRANE, INSURANCE, PHONE SO.! FOR SALE On North Brevard St , close in; we are offering an 8-room house, recently painted and thoroughly renovated, has gas, bath and sew-1 erage. PBICE : : . ; $3,000' CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY A, G- CRAIO, Treaa. 'Fltone t77 -Offloec IS ' C , Trade St. ' 3 RIGHT " NOW, BRQTHER Oet tn the New Berieg AT ONClC-tt.Fou' woulaWWpyv;.Zui'Sr' ?" V toeing "soW hornet are .belrig.bullt and hundred more ;re V-bejfcga" " contemplated,, UR& YOU GOma -.TO BK IKYTi OUTW-THB ' COLDT ThU AW scries Is Just begun.' and Invites' you 'cordially,1 , Tou've no'egcuseeaveyoar -own ouseedness, SO: rx SOMETHINO.s and 'do, It KOW tou've foole4 , about .It, long teoouth.t. The MU- TUAL is -the place, ? , ; $ A' t A R t,,; imiLFIIALVPrej :vr H M'vv&M phone', tn Uxf W y v Rubber ,StS i 'i' - 'Af V f ' i ?"Big'pment Just Ire-" (ceived.?;There "isno , comparison ; b e t w e e n h frubbet,8pqnges' arid sea spoogeSft V Rubber Jasti . longer; and 13 more satf1 fafactorvl " Prices 55cJ ' 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50, $2.50 wnrsea' Beglster. R. H. Jordan & Co. Vnt NEVER CLOSE.' -., Dilworth Floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders with us for your Wedding Flowers, Loose Cut Flowers and Floral De signs. .-.;." ,. In dealing with our customers lh filling orders by mall, wire or direct our motto is, "Put yourseix in nis place." Send us your orders and we will exercise the same care In detail as would be given were you here to se lect. We put ourselves In your place and give what we would expect to re ceive ourselves. The choicest - selection of cut flowers. The best service. W. G. McPIIEE, Prop. Qarlotfc N. C ; P. O. Box 127. Bell 'Phones. BEDDING PLANTS Cut flowers and floral Designs SchoILz Green Houses v KZTJtmi REAL ESTATE 207 N. TOWN STREET " 1 ir r "t C'fcr Ci r;::;::. j Fr:; :ri: J i.i cr i:::r t:.:':i - 5-room house -and, barn, lot 107x300 feet;-rents for 17,00 a' month. - Frice" ".. .. .. '.. - -. ..$i.).00.- , ; 4-room houses, 101200175 feetljfrent j for 112.00 per month. Price "-,' ' . . i. ...... .. . . ., .. ...$I53.0i. - . '-room -dwelling, with bath, basement! cold t storage, 2-room servant t aff'.w n..rden, etc.: lot- 00x00 feet., Price jM.20-60.' w" 'e, above housea are supplied with water, from the' College Water-V,, vYorKg, the last named dwelling. having both hot and cold'water " , '! iASS,',the following. louat.CorneUus, N C: ; r ' " mih L 0xl6 lying within a few,et of the Cornelius ' Cottorf Z (inese tiota(allfHe wt,l and front on macadamlred street., Terms easy.? SCUTIIEP mi ESTATC LOAN L'lD TCUSF CC"?J,7 -1 A S T nnilSlil (VJFPJ T! -:iv' i. f Ji rJentlyr expresed.wben It Is' learned that we" do not charge f - Si- t than Per cnt- moeny. v Many times m the Jiaat ten " J2.wlwnB have-said. "Why, we thought all banks charged, hy could get. 'as they do in the larger cities, especially In f 1-- -k 4 Th, P0Hc o' minimum, - uniform rate haa ' 1 ' h.lVL pu5fuel. y Vs urln these years with great benefit trTthe " ; ; .?"K.and tlstactton to our customers. They know, that when we V i rate .f. 8,x Pr nt- u win not increased. leven 10 atrlhgentMImes. - We -shall be glad to have yout business. r'i ,a C0f,1 H E R CIAL 74 AT I Oil A LB AN It ',V -v- ."T'-V: 'ot'Ciuuiettfttf.cCi'A?-; V Jh , t WTO President' ; ZJ-' W. E, HOtT, V. President. largest Czpltal fani Sivplns of r Any- fek h p Stele'- FIRST ORGANIZED. 186K Capital and Surplus, $500,000.00: DIRECTORS.- P. 3f . BROWW ' GEC W. BKTAJf 9. C. BURROUGHS " FRANK GILREATQ ' J. 8. MYKR8 ; F. B. McDOWSXIj IT. M. MeADKN W. B. RODMAN T. W. WAOB YOUR BUSINESS SOUQTED FRANK GIUtfATH, Pres. if,M I III .!mfcr.ts Er.d " t Ifelicri-BirJi ! ; - -;.. ejsMaaafaejaanfnsisaejB . CHARLOTTE- !!. C THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK duaorait- ' J-.-'II Is our constant aim to be courteous and acoonunedatlng to aU classes and make this bank where thoe ! of moderate sneaaa shall have the same treatment aa those more favorably altuated. '. Too. are cordially lorlted to open abank account with a W. IL TWTT1Y, Cashier ; t. 0. ISATIi;,Presiid. : qharlotte ' eapltal. Every rBraiich Your Business Solicited OFFICERS XTXTLB -''C. fresiaent. , IS - ItST . -f V V gmj 4 1 r 4'Vek fsV A avoid the Risk K To your valuable papers of fire of bur Safe Deposit Boxes, i We have A co,nvcnlnt tin for lndl- vldual ttse at fl.of A-year. y, , Southern States Trust ea W vVt'iW- CAPTTAJj, A20O.000 4 K "I trust BtjixDcra 7 1 ' imABxorim w.a r ' " GEO. BTEPBESisV T. B. JTKAltXiin, W. V. WOOD, T. E. DA Via, President- ,,Vlce " Pres. SOUTHERN jrv-f'V,- 1 OFFER STOJECT TO SALE! i- - i llrto 60 Pell Cltspret 100 ' ,,10. to 0 Southern Trust Co, I ' Bid 40' Aragon "Mills. Bid wanted.,- -i 'wanted.- .-,. rt so RoberdeL- Bid wanted.' ' 10 Battery Park:. JtshsvilU lit , - I 10 te40 Pee r Dee Mfg. , Co. Bid wanted. ' i " ' " " A. ti to E0 LombertoiC Bid wanted. lOiHosklns Common J00.1 , , , , (0 Lancaster Pref 100- . . , SO Ioulse Common 100. wV- - 10 Atherton. Bid wanted. - 10 Manchester. Bid wanted. , a Bank of Laurens 141. . ' 1 40 Nat'l Bank of laurens ,100 .l-s, . 10 to tS Belton 111. f'v - ' NATIONAL BANK A t CHA& A. W1UUAMS. H. HI YIQOS. Cashier CAPITAL ASSETS $wcoa.o3 We in rite yon te open an account um, iHwuiiis fisiy courtesy ana x r scwnnmBuiBBB ewnswwas witn sound banking, c - , i We pay fodr per cent Interest en tline deposits. GEO. K. WIXSOIT. President. JNO. B. ROS8. Vice Preeldea trust eo. $100,000. of Baxiking M. PATTERSOW, If R. RAGOOD, vice zreaiaeni. TRADE STREET. and theft by keeping them In ton Treasurer. Asst. Treaa, SECURITIES v : , b S Carolina Nafi Banlc, Columbia s 141. f ,' . r . s Charlotte Trust Co. -Ho;.' " . , 10 Merchants' and Parmen-' ; Char- " lotte US. . ,. - . ' , - " 10 to 10 Henrietta 100. " V " SO Paeoiet Common 111.'' 'j.' 10 to 10 Elm Ira t percent. Pref. 101 and Int. ' '-s , . , 10 Royal Bag ft Tarn Pref. 101 and. tot w 1 " . , 1 -4 M A- "1'r:1Vjk,,'iA