CHARLOTTE DAILY , 0:. 3rRVEB, 'ATTIL 21,. 1903. , v MAr.Y : JANE . VAXZUi CA1X, i i Mrs. 1 C Montgomery " entertained t euchre, fit her homo on South Try on street, yesterday morning, in ara-i ' Mis Shirley .Montgomery, f Concord. ;, Th, first 'prle " was" Von '.' bv Mia Marie Whenler; I he second by lion or ortse was d re sen ted to Miss vi guests were toe,, louowing iuv ; " 4 ij" Usses Sadie i.Be!t, Mayer.,! .Re . i tiolcik. , riamhorl M r-v Kfirnieef -Alt -'.demon, Agnes..;- King,' tottle Ofay, Mary Armond, betU"nd Ully'Nash, " .Willie Durant, Annie ;wuon ;'Cwo siBrevard, Anna liocke .Hutchison, ' , Alice Balrd. Mary and Sarah Brock- , ulwmiali Mm MnTlnMt "Rflrt.ha Holt. "l . of 3lrminhm, JU; Mau4 Holt Helen 4 Selene Hutchison. Mattle Dowd and toui8e Wadsworth.' -. - - Mrs. M, E. Hail will leave this morning for "Raleigh- to fee with her , rtatts-fttni' Mm. CMrnrffA 'R. Crater, who Jb seriously HI at her home there. .3 Among th0 visitors in the city yes . teraay was Mrs. w. uricg, ox un- 1 colnton, who was a guest at the Bu- ' . 1&lra. B. J. Pearam and Misa Esle Pea-ram. -who have been visiting reia stives and friends here for the last lew days, will leave this morning, lor their heme at Yer.YU$e, S.,U. . m m I - ' , Miss Sadie Belle Mayer will go to Salisbury Monday to enter the WhUe head'Stokes Sanitarium, where she .will have, an operation (or appendl ltis performed. -. ' ' --Among the visitors in the city yes terday were Rev. ana Mrs.. . to. wi lespie, of Yorkvllle, S. C. , , Mrs. ' J. Mercer Blaln arrived in the e'ty last evening jtrom Rocky River, and is the guest tof -her sister, Mrs. V. JN.-u. jsutt, on. Boutir iryou sireei Miss Winona Howard left yester 'day xor.hsr home in SUtesvllie. , , " it x - . t . V . , Mrs. C. 3d, Rose Is visiting- ber par ents, Mr. and Mrs. a; M. Milton, in Albemarle. .- . ' .-, b ' ' Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Washburn." who have been spending several weeks In the North, are expected in tne city - the flrst of the week. -,v v Miss Ethel Gray, of Gastonia. was the guest for a few hours yesterday morning of Miss Mary Spencer Ander son, on isortn Graham mut.'j'svi. a. . ' Anions' those who are to ao to SDar- tanburg, s. C next week to Attend the musical festival are Mesdamea J. Prank Wilkes, R. S. Mclves and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Brown. Misses Minnie Irene Allison, violin ist, and Emily Lois Coggins, pianist, are to give their graduating recital jointly in the Presbyterian Collegeau ditorium next Friday evening, at8;S0 o'clock. ' .- " . ' Mrs, T. C. Gutbrte returned riome last night from Concord, where -She Visited Mrs. B. F. Rogers. V c . . . . . '.,. Mrs. Rufus Barringer, after a visft to her sister, Mrs. Smith, in Guilford county, returned home last night. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Helen Smith. MR. VOGT OX YOUNG PEOPLE. An Interesting Address at the Second Presbyterian Ohnrcti on the Re lation Between Young People and the Church. The meetlns; held in the Second Peshy trrian church last night in the interest of young people's work in the churches was attended by representative people from several churches of the city. The speaker of the evening was Mr.- Von Ok den Vogt, of Boston, Mass., general sec retary of the United Booiety of Christian Endeavors. Mr. Vogt is a young man (who Is thoroughly Identified with young people's work, and ha presented the sub ject "in an Interesting and effective man ner. He Is an able speaker, and his au dience is at once impressed with his fra ternal spirit, his deep spirituality, and his Intelligent understanding of the duty of the church to the young people, and ef the, young people to the church. He Spoke convincingly of the fact that In erder to hold young people and be the means of saving them, the church must keep her growing young people at work, and must train them systematically In the habit of giving their money, of study ing the Bible, of prayer: and of sneaklna the. word of testimony. He showed also how many are lost because of the failure of some one to do the right thing far them and to speak the right word to innm. With reference to Christ inn HTnion Mr. Vogt spoke of the advantages to be gained by the fellowship and help which come from the unifying of all young peo ple's societies, and showed how this al liance increases me good which comes to and Kftes from the Individual nnttv In this connection he gave these interest ing ngures: mere are now 67,600 Chris tian Ende.wor Societies, and during the met year there was a net, gain of 2,000 Tn conclusion Mr. Voot itnttii that hi. desire and prayer was joined -with those of the Charlotte churohes that the object of young people's societies might be ae- MmntlnliAH n J , I-X ' f . . .... . should come when these soolelies would Br willing to become united with the Christian Endeavor movement he would be, glad to welcome the 'time. - . At the close of Mr. Vogt's remarks Rev. Dr. ,M. I. Hardin eknrissHf hi nitf..,iM at Mr. Vogt's presence, and stated that he hoped he would return in the fall and speak again 1 , He said that ever since ..,... ... I.MHIWW im jura leu me iacK ef untied effort by the young-people's organisations, and that he hoped this unity might be accomplished at an enrlv day. He spoke also of the inspiration jnd help he had always gained from at tending Christian Endaavor meeting and conventions. . tjerore me. meeting t- the church Mr. A r,r . "ST Jf Ar ?ne pastors of the city at tje Y. M, C. A. on th sub- j return to Boston, i . , . s ' t Rev, Dr. Chautauqua Reld, pastor of Calvary ; Methodist church, -who, dur : big his career as a public sneakee na minister, has won a most enviable reputation as a humorous lecturer, wilt - gi. the Inhabitant of, Chad wick an ' .I mnrRiniiv: .,. riMmv vnnw nia .MMSM, "I i wv lUina.kU-HisiH : fc :'0: 1 QUWCRf' JJ19 : ' proceeds of the lecture will go t th Piedmont Industrial School, at- Chad wick, which will probably be consider ' ably helped thereby. , Mr,. Reld Ms a p genius In his line and no one should' i-'n '1 tHnllMt ', tiV'. JvnWftWfrtti' f A . tthav IwlaM. " i. flight s j. tc( , av - i v i; , a J f y ' rtv ' .Cotton Mill .Xmn.-'., Mr.' R. V. Coble, formerly of Sails burr, haa been marftt aunArintnitant enter: City, -na., baa gon thera to Ask your grocer for Blue Ribbon V tillla, the cheapest a Well as the best. Abaolotoly pure, goe twice a, far a thr kiads and th ftavor I perfection. The Movement of a Number of Feo. ... pie. Visitor and Other. ... Dr. S. W." Stevenson, of MooreavlU, was. in the ?ity yesterday. ' . Vr. P. U Murphy, of the State Hos pital, at Morgnton,'wa'a- vtoltor in th city yesterday, being a guest at the Cen tral. ' ' 1 ' 1 i Kev, O. Q, Falls, of King's Mountain, pent yesterday In the city, i t t - Among the. visitors here yesterday was Mr, A, B. Andrews,, Jr., of R&MgU, who was a guest at ttie. Southern Manufac turers' Club.- ; -v. 1- 1 - Mr. i W, flhlpley,' 6f Winston-Salem,, ha been spending a few days In the city staying at the Buford. - ' r Mr,- J.; A, Martin of Hickory-pent yesterday in Charlotte on business, Mr. John Dover, of Shelby, was in town yesterday. , . ; Among the out-of-towrt people here yes1 terday was Mr. U McNeill, of Maxton. Mr. i, D. Elliott, of Hickory; waa in the city' yesterday, at the Central, - Mr. Harvey Moor ha returned to th c'ty after, attending the marriage ef hi brother,- Mr. John Moore, at Augusta, Oa. ' Mr. Jt Frank Flowers Is spending, a few days in the central) part of the State on business, -j ' , Mr- L. W. .Humphrey, who haa been pending some time In Washington and New york. will return, home to-day. Mr. O. D. Wheeler, (the architect, re turned to the city yesterday after business trip to. Durham, Lexington and Henderson, atteach of which places he I overseeing th erection of a public school building. ' Mr. W. T, Corwlck returned to th city yesterday " after a business trip through South Carolina. Rev. Frank Eakea. representing the new Methodist nspitai at Atlanta, us-, spent yesterday in the city investigating the Charlotte hospitals. He left laat even-Ins- for Washington and the - North. where he will study the hospitals. He was accompanied by his brother, Mr. J W. Rakes . Dr. Louis Frtedham, of Rock Hilt, 8. C formerly a resident or Charlotte, was a visitor here 'last evening. -Among' the guests at the Buford last nieht was Mr. E. R. Younr. of Wilson. Messrs. C. B. Harrison. H. C. Marley and Jv. E. Lolham, of Greensboro, are penaing toaay in tne city. Mr. S. W. Carwlle, of King's Mountain, was registered -t the Central last night. Mr. William Simpson, of Rockingham, mas a visitor In Charlotte last evening. ' Among the guests at the Buford last night was Mr. J. J. O'Brien, of Durham. .Mr. John F. Setser, of Hickory, Js spending to-day In the city, staying It the Central. Mr. Frank P. Morton, manager of the well-known Atlantic Hotel at More head City, la in the city stopping at the Buford. Mr. H. E. C. Bryant, city editor or The Observer, returned to the city last night from Greensboro, whore he reported the jttiacKDuro tnai lor nis paper. . BRIEFS. , . A - Few. Minor Happenings In and . About the City. Mr. " S.' Wittkowsky has bean Slightly ir. disposed for the past several day with grip,, v" 1 .Mr.;:tt.-8. Dodenhofft'Of this city, has become agent of the Seaboard Air Line at Monro.- ' The water commission met In the city hall, last night. Nothing other than rou tine war was transacted. i-Hr. W. W. Robinson left test even lng. for North WUkesboroi where he was caliea -By tne aeauv ycaieraay murnuiK. Of hi sister-in-law. th wifetof Rev. C W. Robinson. ' , ; . a Mis Alice Batrd went to St. Peter's Hospital for treatment yesterday. Her ak- Jll.u.. .MA1 mm ..' ' iinJ ' shs Will cuiiwiiuil 4 mw"' ,nci u . v v- probably rtmain at' the hospital only a Mr. John Charie McNeill, of the staff of Thw Observer, wilt give a 'reading be- of the .Revolution, of Mooresville, on the evening or may ist. , .. . - x-The drum- wjrps had their first drill last night- From- now - until the ith of 'May 'practice will, -be- held every few night. There Is every reason ip. the world why the new corps should be made just as etficient a in wa. r . -J 'Cm. ' p.- Wvatt. 4' Diiwort'' Tereeer, Irllinl a mnrlwlrxr in the rear of fits Store yestei'day-mbrmng. Th'dog'wr;actlng strangiy ann puiuhr i.nri ducing caper, which were cut short, by a bullet from Mr. Wyatt' revolver. . The. relief. fund for the. San Francisco suRerers amounts to 1235. Of thi fuhd the city has contributed 100, the officers, directors and clerk in the' Merchants ft Farmers' bank flOO, Mayor McNtnch tig, Mrs. J. R. Van Ness 110 and C. C, Hook -.The recelnt. at: th . city cotton plat form vesterdav were nine bales and the best price paid far the staple was 11 .60 cents a pound. The. corresponding date of last year, when the- price was 7.50 cents a pound, no cotton Was sold on the local market, . -j-The, Junior D. A. C. team and the Stars will cross bats on the Wilmoore ground j this afternoon at o'clock, Batlericwi Junior D. A. C. Ing and Bribes 8tfiv Andrews and Hoover. Any Other team desiring .to eome into th league ar requested to register at once. Th totitn of interest with old soldier now I th annual re-union to be held at N.h Mani next week. The Charlotte PMint will consist of about half a hundred persons and will leave here In a special car Monday night The trip Will l made on the Southern via Atlan, ta, Oa and Montgomery, Ala. His friends In Charlotte will regret to learn that Dr. John Gibbon, of Philadel phia, Pa., Is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He underwent an operation Wednesday, at ' Pennsylvania Hospital. and I getting along nicely now. Dr, Gibbon i a Son of Mr. C. M. Gibbon and a brother of Dr. R. L. Gibbon, of Char lotte.'" K-v WIU4 GIVE BENEFIT COXCERT, Musicians ot the City, Headed by the Keeater Concert Band. Will Olve - Concert Monday Night, the Re ceipts to Go to the San Francisco SufTerers, , The musicians of Charlotte will give a grand concert. at the Academy of Music Monday night, for the benefit of the homeless thousands in the stricken city ot San Francisco, Cal. The con cert will be given by the Keesler Con cert Band, assisted by the Ariel Quar tette, Miss, Margaret Thurmond con tralto, and Mr. Don ' A. Richardson, violinist, ' This will be the Initial appear ance of th Keesler Band this season. Every musician who wilt appear on the stage ts an artist and the concert will be one ot ths best ever given In the city by Charlotte musicians,' . . .. In the Interest of the movement for the concert, Mr; Richardson, after, con ferring with the local management of the Academy of Music, sent the fol lowing telegram to Mr, 8. A, Schloes, the lessee, at Wilmington: "Will you give , theatre' for benefit concert, San Francisco sufferers? (signed) Richard sort, 'per mayor city." .The following telegram waa 'received tn reply, Will gladly donate use of theatre for benefit named. Confer with Nathan, (signed) . A.'Schloss." , , The general admission for the con cert will be 60 cents.. Ticket will go on sal at' Jordan's Monday morning. , More Entries for Horse Show. , Correspondence of The Observer. - . AsheVille, April 1. The horse shoe ring at Riverside Park; where the MM meet ot ths Ashevlll Horse Show As sociation will be held, i now open for a trial of theentries, and will remain open Until Saturday 4 night Hurdles are also on the ground for trial of the jumper. Ths track will be closed Monday to permit, a full day's rolling of th course A fV;j vj. ' It has been ' arranged' for the city schools to cios early on, on of the horse show days In order to give the pupils and the. teachers an opportunity of attending the show. Several entrle have been made this week. Including Mrs. Thomas, Settle's- handsome . pair that carried away the blue ribbon last year and -"Dolly,'.'' belonging to J. 11 Mcuoweii. or Hendersonvllie entered in upe gattea ciass. , After a Hard Day's Work, the Street - Holler', camps for r the . -Night in Front ot the Hotel Buford -, and Screams in ' Protest at tlie Inter f ference - jol Messenger Boy j4? t tfjast '' evening, after a long day of rattlihg, groaning, -nd grinding along the macadem between the Buford and the square by Mary Jane, the road en gine, ahs at last knocked 'off for the night, and most grateful- ,surceass it was. ' She , was standing before the Buford 'barber .palace, - stUH a , the stone she had ben crushing. A group of men about the club entrance were expressing their ' thanks for- the si lence, wheh some of them noticed a ama)( figure crawl up Into Maty Jane, . Only a few moments were needed to tell -what the small figure was about. ,. Mary Jan raised her shrill' voice in a monotonous scream which beat up on the ' ear-drums like mad. The small figure had disappeared, and the engineer had gone home, . It was no body's business to relieve Mary Jane, .and nobody knew how to relieve her. Of CoUree a crowd soon collected, com prising mostly messenger , boys, who explained to Sergeant Pitts that Mary Jane had, just "popped off" being too full of steam. Even the old back horses began to caper, and the wo men who passed put hands over ears. . There was a volunteer up In her, trying to choke her off by finding the regular trigger; but he couldn't find It. He therefore sacrificed his hand kerchief and gagged her; Even then She snorted and hissed until she had wasted her steam. She Is a shrewish hussy, Talking Machine Concert. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to hear the Victor Talking Machine in a varied programme this afternoon from 4 to 6 and this evening from 8 to 10, at the store of the Char lotte Music Company, No. 213, North Tryon street. One hundred extra chairs haye been provided for the occa sion and it is expected that music lov ers will take advantage of this op portunity to hear this versatile musical machine. Will Handle Relief Supplies Free of Charge. Mr. R. L. Vernon, traveling passen ger agent for the Southern Railway, yesterday received the following tele gram from Mr. W. H. Tayloe, passen ger traffic manager: "Mr. Culp advises Mr. Hardwlclt to day Southern Railway will handle free relief supplies when consigned to au thorized parties at San Francisco and vicinity." Now Is the time to take HolHster'S Rocky Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of all impurities. A wonder ful spring tonic. A family bene factor. 36 cents. Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. W e Make Picture Frames Have just received a splen did line of ) new Mouldings. We uee the best quality French Picture Glass, and our work always pleases. Service prompt. Stoned Barringer Co No Fading No Running No Splotching No Botching When wo do your SHIRT WAISTS, COLORED SHIRTS and FANCY VESTS. Dainty colors and deli-, cate fabrics handled by skillful, experienced, artists. We never. Blunder, Boggle or Blister " "Expert Work by Ex pert People." . t We cater to the paiv ticularand fastidious. Model Steam Laundry IIAVflEY'S PHARr.1 ACY 1 A k.' ' ' ' ' f'l Is leading (n swell soda foun- .j ialn service now. Under the " recently Installed , new admin . ' Istratipn it has stepped quickly'; back into its old first place.' , - And there H Is bound t6 stay. r for. it Is now In the careful, . 'critical. hands of a trained, mmmm . . Is the most- up-to-date, pro gresslve, active, energetic and wide-awake "drug establish- went In, the uity. It Is car- rylng th swellest line- of per , fumes, toilet " goods' and sun-',.' . dries to be found In the Statei I ; pU , yotl want t thing, "yen! ' bad and can't find. It t your; ' . regular, drugglet's. dont , give - up unul you have tried tk.....rt u:Mj U; 11 Special for To-Day ' We have'rrrianged more than' the wroal jittmhe' vt attractions fop TO DAY, ' We have employed extra help and in wait on you promptly.- Read oven' this 114 there are many things that wfljh Interest you also, many others we haven't space to mention. Another 5c Sale at 9 O'clock This . 'better lot of value than we had In 'our very successful 60 sales a few weeks ago. ", Short lengths Madras. Percales, Lawns, Sea Island Domestic, Ging hams,: White' Ooods, etc., etc. Hundreds pf .yards of good just such as you want, regular prices; o'clock, no phone orders, per yard 8 1-Sc, 10c, to 13,l-2c. On sale per yard .Sc. Silk Sale To-Day A big lot of ' full bolts. Special purchase Tard-wlde Japanese Silk. Black, White, light Blue. Navy, Old Rose, Heliotrope, etc. Pretty, 75c; quality; per yard 49a Also lot yard-wide guaranteed, all silk Black .Taffeta, well worth 89e yard: to boom the silk sale, per yard . . . . . 4 69c, A very-fine yard-wide Black Taf feta. guaranteed. Match it at tl.25 a yard; per yard ec. Millinery We plaase yon twice with our hats. Our milliners trim them stylishly and becomingly, with" that dash of style that marks the true milliner. Then we add a moderate profit only, and surprise you? with the small cost. We have- fresh from the work rooms a large' number of trimmed hats, so that you can sec just how they look. Ori- lf you prefer, we can trim your hat to order in a short time. Hosiery We have built np a big business on Hosiery. If . you have had trouble with your Hosiery, try ours. Wc have a pretty . line of Ladles' Lace Hose, in Black or White; also full line of Children's Hosiery. Gray Dress Goods If you wapt the best values in. Grey Dress Goods, or any other color, we think we' have an unusually at tractive lot. Cream Dress Ooodjrare also very popular. 50c, 75c, $1.00, etc. .:.- IS WEST TRADE ST. We do not take $50.00 due bills a payment on a piano. We make but one price to all, and that is the lowest. When you went a reliable piano at the right figure, it will pay you to call and see our line. Charlotte Piano Co. ' H WAXDO AMES Her. 21S N. Tryon . "Phone SIS. BIG ORDERS AND CASH Are wonderful buyers. They always g$t the best" there is to be haJ. They have just bought for us A CAR LOAD Of SIDEBOARDS ?10: tion will be put aside. 'r To make room foV this car of Sideboards, we will offer some numbers now on our floor at " " , after now, buf space. Why not profit thereby. " - LUBIN fUtliJITUflE COr.lPATJY V or rtean.ToWel Service to V boon tatthe''offlce Jnan.. The clean towels are ther when ytt wnt th.m no wHtlw ' Also Soap, Comb and BrashTTwith a neTt mirrored cabinet. ,fcet us install one $o-X 'TJ ' QIAriOTTE tundcrfrs, Dyer eni -) 1 1 : I I , f -t V ,0 , fi C t jt .. - ' j t , IOc Full Bleached and Taped Undervest at 5c. A mammoth purchase of 2,200 dozen Ladles' TJndervests for distribution among our ' different stores, enables us to offer you this saving. Full bleached and taped, both plain . and Richeleau ribbed nothing in the lot sells regularly for - leas than IOc. Special at 5o. Ribbon Bar gains Again To-Day 15 and 20c Taffeta Ribbons at IOc Another lot similar to those Sold last Saturday. Nos. 60s and 80s. In wide, good quality, fine lustre taffeta ribbons, all colors; black and white. 15 and1 20c. values. Special at 40c' Bf L IC 100 HEAD 100 HEAD I The Claude Brown Co. HENDERSONV1LLE, X. C. We have In our mammoth barns 100 head of High Class Horses. ROAD HORSES CARRIAGE! HORSES SADDLE HORSES 25 head of large, young Mules and a few heavy work teams. 100 HEAD 100 HEAD 1 s s STBir.1 LAUXIK Cssoers, ! ft. Tryon ttntt, V 111 wl MX4kM M;; i' ?' ,-?-!. of .1 Another lot of 16c. to 85c, wide, line Taffeta Ribbons. Special at .. 19c. New Woolens That Arrived Yesterday The new Grey Woolens that at present are so popular, hence very scarce. We have in a variety of kinds, those 1 Panamas, Chiffon Panamas and Sicilians. Our prices are .... 18c, 85c, SSc. ami 11.50. Black Dress Goods at Low Prices 88-lnch All-Wool Nuns Veil ing or Tamese. Price . . 48c Beautiful line of Imported Black Valles at fSc, 75c, 8c, $1.25 and $1.50. Plain All-Woor Black Pana mas 48c, 75c, tSc, $1.25 and $1.48. Beautiful Soft All-Wool Chif fon Panamas at 8c, $1.25. Wholesale, Retail BROTHERS TI Iff 1DW Through Taking Inventory Of The at last, but too late to get on sale this weeke The selling will begin at our store, Corner Trade and College Streets, Read our Advs. ? Lir..l...i..J cSi.X It Cream Dress 3ft Voolens 86-inch Cream Sicilian;'.! makes up splendidly, and will ' wash. Price .. .. S5c. 38-Inch Cream Nuns-Velltng and Sicilian; splendid value ' 60c. $1.00 quality 50-inch Cream Sicilian. Special at .... 85c Imported Cream Henriettas and Mon Reve, a new fabric, half wool and half silk. Price $8c. and $1.35 yard. 25c Lace Insertion Trimmed Vests at IOc 25c. value In Lace Insertion, trimmed, full bleached Vests; a small lot of 70 dozen, clean ed up in the same purchase. Special at 10c. nn ; ' HI lfl4 it W and be ready. -a I1 in it. -1 i WW Wt' . . W I' .-. ' " l hi it 1 1 k - - . . " 1 . I . '.'.'.ft i.A i as -r s w vo , . .L A 4 -. .- .V t r

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