630BT ; DEAt FOK kOTJTH crrmo oww nvnM roctes mIy. iiii. . tiii..im iw swore Those Roate Wblch XJ liver Thr Thousand J!. Hail a '.MW!!1 Worried Over President's JUtest , rtumnoe Friend J--KS: . wu sy He to Blrtd on TfcrlH , ; v Revision a ue e rvrrrvmdMc of Th4 Observer. . ' Washington, April SO.-It looks to fie ccrUIn tbatths South lM tt) loser in the establishment of mmi frM delivery. A study of the ' Hsures on nle at the Tostofflce De triment .hows that she is now away behind the other sections or the coun- ., try,-ana grci j. -- -wti.n. There are fewer routes in v" ,r ranlta. too. There are nlsos fewer petlUons aeiayea , diMtinn In the otner scuon t ic country than tnere are in w o"u.. f On the whole the South has gotten , the beggar's portion in the distrlbu- .. nf frojr delverv. But mat ' not the end of her hard luck In that connection. but the1 beginning. . it wm bad enoueh to permit the other sections to gobble up the llon'a share in the flrst Instance, dui 10 come now with a rule that will make something like one-hair or tne routes In some of the Southern States tri weekly Instead of dally routes will add to the infamy of the transaction. Jt has long been the professed aim f th. PnitnfiiM Department to give vrv citizen a dally malt Most of them had gotten It under the old pontofflce system. Then It was brought even closer in the shape of rural free delivery. The advent of this tn many cages resulted In the discontinuance of postofnees, making the people dependent upon the rural routes entirely, and placing them of tentimes an much as ten miles from 'their posoffice. TRI WEEKLY SERVICE. 8ome smark Aleck in the Postofflre Department has now brought up the plea that it is too expensive to give a dally mall service on those rural routes which do not deliver three thousand piece of mall a month, and that a trl-weekly service should be atih.rltiiinl In Its stead. II is saie "to say that there Is no community 'In the entire country that would pre fer a trl-weekly rural service to the old go-to-the-offlor-after-your-mall system. And yet after they have sur rendered their old facilities for some thing they thought was better they are to bo deprived of Juxt one-half of their mall service, without the op portunity of getting back the old ser vice. And It Is principally the Bouth that will feel the effects of the rule. A large number of the routes In j Southern States do not distribute an average or Z.uotl pieces 01 man a month. The circulation tf trashy pa pers and worthless literature Is less ,1n the South than In any other sec tion, while the percentage of actual, bona fide mall Is larger in the South ern States than In any other section of the county. Hence, while the average number of pieces of real, actual, valuable mall Is as great on the average Southern route as It Is in other sections of the country, their service Is to be cut down whll that of routes In other sections will re main. According to the figures of the Department there will hp ten routes whose service will be cut down in the South where there wjll be one In the North. If the people living along routes In the South which distributed less than three thouxand pieces of mall a month are willing to go to a Utile trouble they can save their dally ser vice. This may seem a strange sug gestion but the end justifies the means, and it will only swell the 'malls with the same nort of litera ture they are filled with elsewhere. WHY DID HE DO IT. A week has passed nnd still the statesmen around the capital Hie wondering what moved the F'resldent to advocate a graduated Inheritance tax In his speech last Saturday. Re publicans especially are concerned about it and are trying to fathom the depths rf his motives In so do ing. Thpy declare that the Idea In a distinctly Popullstlc one, ami that the advancement of the proposition at this time when Socialistic tenden cies are so strong hm to be menacing is unfortunate, and that It must be accounted for In some way. And they have scratched their heads more than onoe In their endeavor to ac count for It, and will scratch them again, fan It be that It n a bid for the Presidency? They ask them aelves this iuetlon and then point to pronouncement made by him the night of the last election against a third term. They concede that It is Just a little more than possible that 4wn In his heart he has repented of that declaration, und that while he will not openly Keek s third term, he may he tryliiK tn tirlrii? about a condition that will make the tender of the crown the third lime so press ing that he cannot refuse l. It h O0nresMl that the idea would have (Treat strength In some quarters, und ! that the man who fathers it be he of the Koosevfll type, could (.. cure a large following on the ir-niMhJ of It. Or Is It simply that overwhelming desire of his to continue In the spot light, with a possible vli-w tn com ing to the Senate from New York fter his retirement from the Presi dency, there to piny tin, "lYiend of the people" role on lfW Republican Side as It Is now played by minimi On the Dmocratlc ldi The an nouncement of the Honorable Thom as Collier Matt that he Is tired of being the "easy bows" iini that he Will not be a candidate for re-election when his term as Senator ex pires In !08 would give Sir. Kooim velt the opportunity to don the HemUo flal toga the day he doffs his Presiden tial duds. That would be a unliue per formance in the history of tho coun try, but then he hlmaelf la the unique man of our history. It Is conceded that the tremendous power he has as President could bring all the prcs . 'aur needed on the New York I-g-lslalure to elect hlrn Senator. Hut, granting that he would not be a can didal for Piatt's seat because he t .Would have to be elected while yet - aervlng as President. It could just as ; well be that he is figuring to succeed Pepew in ltll. Whatever this new pronouncemr nt of our strenuous President may mean the fact remains that it la dislurb Inc the old line Republican leaders ,. HttJe. TARIFF REVISION COMING. 'i I aw told by some who have talked 'With the President on the that he to resolved that If th rate r bill passee at this tension he intend to press tariff rtvfarton next session 'it the Houae goes Republican again. He feels, It i said. : that th Repub. Mean party cannot tro before the country in another Prwridenttal cam paign without having done something revise the confeaaed laequalitiee of the tariff. If their programme is car ried out ad the rate bill passed - Rooeevalt will have done more to , glre effect to Democratic politic than any Republican President ever ld. It W troe that ft J eteallnc ; pemocratle thunder but the Repub- ticana have ver boon noted for Mriet adherence - to th , . commandment Thou ahalt not steal. The Mas sachusetts Republican and some of the Western fumublicane declare that thayS; are determined to press , their demand for tariff revision in the hope, not' of getting it this session, but to rivet, the attention of the counry to It, o that public sentiment will force a revision next, year. , OBSERVATIONS. Written for The Observer. Even a Jack at ail trades has use about the house. hi! The early spring- poem often meets wun a rroanr (.reception. Time Ales swiftly to (he man who has a note ripening at the bank. Many a man has lived over a gold (nine ail bis life without knowing it. Ifosl air castle are entirely too airy to ever support the weigtot of the build ers. . The price of airships will probably be an all absorbing topic in the near future. ' Love doesn't object to taking up Its residence at any place where two are willing. Advice iriven by the man who has been there himself Is not entirely to be Ignored. The father of the girl may depend on her takinc a fancy to a different kind of man. We always accuse the other fellow of having all the trumps whenever we lose at anything. A man never knows how well off he Is until he stops to figure out how bad eft be might be. There i nothing like being endowed with good horse sense to win a man the reputation of being wise. It looks like electricity and the automobile are going to supplement steam and the horse after all. To the unobservlng among us It re ally looks as If both fortune and the wolf were respecters of men s doors. It's getting most too late to mend when a man begins to sneak around the corner and take them all alone. When a man has money to burn, if he will advertise the date there will be plenty of people on hand to catch the ashes. Young men should not smoke cigar ettes If for no other reason than that lays them liable to be classed as crap shooters. It's a hobby wlih some men to al ways be In sympathy -with the weak Take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Drives away spring tiredness, gives appetite and sleep, makes you well and keeps you well. Qreat family tonic. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. When You I Clean House. you'll find our store the f place to buy the many utensils yuu wecu uu T ought to have. Allen Hardware Co f WHOLESALE AND It ETA IX. STATEMENT OF PROVIDKNT SAVINGS LIFE ASfttTK- ANI'K HOflKTY OF NEW YOKK. Condition December Hist, 1906, as Shown bv Statement Filed. Capital stock paid In cash f 100,000.00 Amount ledger iissels Dec. 31st previous year Income from policy-holders, $.l.t72.?:i9 HO; mlscelluneous, tT:.a.i1: total I nshiirHeincnts to policy-holders. fl.71K,fii;l.72: inlscellan-, eous, Sl.7Tb.172.S4; totul I.lfe business In force- Number 7,188,0.38 4.295.1ZS.37 3,493,834.56 lfi 76 367 00 1 . "'" r." '-'T.' -NumlVr" of poUcies ffik i ai.iounl 21.143.608.00 ASBRT8. Value of real estate $ 3,241,629.61 Mortgage loans on real estate. b49,917.X) l,ouns sevured by pledge of bonds, stocks or oilier cul lateral 700 00 Iyvans to ioll( holders on this compuny's iHillelrs assixued as collateral . . ,-. I.IM.SU.M Premium notes on jk-IIi les lii force (of which H.:44 Mo Is (or first fear's premium . . 297,870,93 Valtlv or stock and ihmku tu 8.. Stute, etc, I 374.299.81 2.27.Kg 430,649.00 205,190. 71.876.67 Cash In borne office ami de posited In bunks ami trust cumpaiilea Interest und rents duo ami ac crued I'remlums unpaid Hills receivable Pwl.M; agents' tulanees Jn4..'Wi (I All other assets, detailed In statement Total !. asset, not adiutlted . .) 8,91,x2.06 262.883.82 Total admitted assets.. .. LIABU.1TIKH .1 8,n28,98.24 Net reserve, as computed I 8,021, W4. 00 Other rvsvrvo una special funds Net policy claims Premiums paid ill advain )'.. .. other amounts due policy holders All other liabilities as detailed in statement 49,217 40 208.328.40 N,2aa.U0 2,270.76 61.77254 Total liabilities as to policy holders 8.341,788 10 Capital stock I00.0W.00 t 'nHiifiic(j 'funds to provide for ail other contingencies. .. 187,210.14 Total liabilities.. ., 3 8. 628.998.24 Itl'HIN KS8 IN NOTtTH CAJiOLINA IN iocs. Polii los In force liecetnber 31st of previous year, number 1, iV. sinnunt 3 8,232,406.00 polh leu written and revived In 1WI6. nmntM'r 411; amount .... (33,783.00 Policies In fores December 31st, number 1.540; amount 2,327,015.00 Amount losses und claims un IMtid DecemlMr Jlst previous year, number 1; amount 1,009.01 Ixisnes and claims Incurred during Hie year, number 23; s mount 69.18109 l.(4Miea and claims paid during the year, number Tl; amount. M,1J2.00 Losses and claims unpaid De cember 81st, HMD, number 2; mount 4,000.00 Total amount premiums col lected and secured during the U3.799.33 President, Timothy I,. Woodruff; secre tary, John W. Vroomnn. Home office, 34ti Hroadway, New York, N. V. General agent for service, Peacock A Uolo. tlreeiisuoro. N. t Hiislness manager for North Carolina. Gold It (lold Co.. OreenstwS, NC. BtSte of North Carolina; mi Ralelii . Insuranc Department. Kaieian. N. C AprU 10, 1906. t. YoliBB. fnsuranea X. Jftme It. youag. Insurance missioner. ao Hereby certify that ths above is a true and correct abstract of tits statement of ths Provident Life Saving Life Ansurance Society of New York, filed with this Department, showln th eondltlnn of said company ot th Slat day of December. IK. ' Witness mr hand end official seal th day and date above written. JAMK8 K. TOUNO. . s Xnsuraace 42omnlssioner. aide without ny fesarlt,ii jriB clple involved. . It'g a pity that the girt at the cook ing range can't even up thing with her sister at the piano by entertaining in the kitchen. ' ; With the "Muck Rake" the "Big stick" and th "Pitchfork" all going at once It looks fcrlf eotne one la go ing; to get hurt, - '; There are some people who oppose any form, of amusement, however Jn nocenV1n which they are., unfitted, to take a leading part. -,u It a "cold plunge" on flrat getting out of bed ln the morning ic a blessing to one's health It certainly, must be one Of the disguised-kind. - (, '' i Jl.i'li !" i' ii ' h-;l r 4 Sent 7-Ton Pjunp. to Patent Office. Scientific American.' " Sometimes the rigors of Patent Of fice procedure are not without their humorous side. A New. York attorney filed an application for improvements in a centrifugal pump. ' The Patent Office aociareo ine in vention inoperative and demanded a working model. The Patent Office was requested to send an examiner to Trenton to inspect the machine in ac tual operation. This the Patent Office refused to do. i The attorney, therefore, politely aent a seven-top pump to the Patent Office sent it. moreover, from Trenton to satisfy a sceptical examiner. Twenty- one men were required to gei u into the examiner's office. STATEMENT OF UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND (iUAKANTl UOMJ'A.XNjr, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Cdndltion December SI, 1905. as shown by Statement rtiea. Amount of capital paid up in cash .. S1.700JOO.00 Amount of ledger assets Dec. 31st of previous year z,v3z,tvo.ia Income From policy-holder. S2.Z30.881.16; miscellaneous, tl68.130.94: total 2.3S7.S02.09 Fidelity and surety, fl.902,808.10 buralary and tbett. K.vrs.ua. Disbursements To policy-hold ers, KW3.4Z7.gi; miscellaneous, 11.288.7224: toUl 2,270,150.35 Fidelity and surety, t857.369.43; burglary and thert. Il28,0bs.3. PREMIUMS WRITTEN OR RENEWED DURING THE YEAR. Fidelity and surety, 12.253,847.20; burglary and thert470,7VU.M sz.7Z4.on.zs PRKMlUM--inRCE AT END OP YEAR. Fidelity and surety. $1.8H5,48.18; burglary and theft. S4O3,0.O3 sz.ass.sra.zi ASSETS. Book value of real estate t 486.J32.9 Mortagage loans on real estate. 15,150.00 Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other col laterals (7,292.50 Book value of bonds and stocks 2,096,810.14 Cash In home office and de posited in banks 358,789.201 Interest and rents due and accrued 28,710.8 Premiums unpaid 433,933.64 All other assets, detailed in statement 91.873.19 Total Less assets, not admitted... .13,671,892.62 73,708.96 Total admitted assets.. .. LIABILITIES. . .13,498,183.66 noald policy claims S 312.397.86 'nearned premiums 1,153,669.63 ommlsstons, brokerage ana other charges due 92,013.70 II other liabilities as detailed in statement 2,444.82 ToIhI liabilities as to policy holders 31,560,526.01 "anltal paid un In cash 1.700.000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 237,667.65 Totnl liabilities 33.498,183.61 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1906. Fidelity and surety, premiums received 122.642.88 Burglary and theft 1,471.06 Total 324.113.93 Fidelity and surety, losses paid. ..3 4.870.68 Totnl .1 4,370.68 Fidelity and surety, losses ln curred .$ 4,622.90 Totnl $ 4,622.90 President. John R. island: secretary. Geo. R. Callls. Home office, Herman. Calvert and Mer cer street, Baltimore. Md. tjeneral Hsrent for service. John L. Hnnfllcmnn, Salisbury. N. C. Ruslness mamiger for North Carolina, managed from home office. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department. Raleigh. N. C. April 10. 1906. I. James It. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that the i above Is true and correct abstract of the I ........ i . . , v. tl.tt.j a... , . . . . y. oitic. riaemy and Ouaranty Comnany. of Baltimore. "1 - "J" Iment. showing the condition of snld company on the .nisi nay or iwfmnfr, itsej. Witness my hand and official sea the day and date above written. JAMKS R. YOUNO. Insurance Commissioner. Some Recent Shipments and Orders "- 1 warp splitting machine to Philadelphia. 2 yarn bundling machines for Pawtucket, R. I. (This is a machine to make 5 and 10-pound bundles for the retail trade.) 6 waste cleaning systems (the system comprises a waste cleaning machine for motes, sweeps and other waste w thout removing any fibre. There 18 another machine to extract buckles, pieces of ties, stone, pieces of leather, broken bobbins, ring travelers and other foreign matter. It extracts uncut threads also. Then comes a auction fan and collector. We build the machines and install the system.) 1 Hand and boll screen for cotton seed oil mill in Peru, 2 lard presses and one niter press to Brazil. ' lard presses to Philadelphia. . r; It of shafting, pulleys and hangers to Waterbury, Cdnn. (This shipment was to a large company which has for a long time been using Fairmont Machine Works' stuff, of Philadelphia, and as we bought the entire Fairmont outfit, we now get the business.) 5 spoolers for mills in Oanton county; 12 reels to mills In Cabarrus county. 4 reels to a mill In Georgia. 2 reels to Lincoln county. 4' Pulleys, hangers and shafting galore to lots of mills. ty Handled two big engine breakdowns, and, by working pur ahop night and day, saved the milts a lot of time. We are rewinding lots of burnt armatures for factory generators and for street car motors. We hsve lately made and shipped 800 20 harness dobblea and the pur chasers are delighted with them.' We are now making 160 90-Inch looms for Monroe Cotton Mill. THE D. A. TOMPKINS COMPANY Pattern Makers, Founders and Machinists CHARLOTTE, N. C KEYNOTE... If you should purchase anything from us if that thing should not wear as you think it should, in every respect we are Just as anx- . ious to make 'things right as you canbe -to have them right I Carriages, Harness, Horses, Mules, "V , Baggage and Passenger Service, Stylish livery . , . Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. , J. V. VADSVORTH'S SONS CoJ Barefooted Waiting Malda In Japan. Smlth'a Weekly. , . ' , , Unless there are ladies among the guests, the wife and daughters of the host do' not appear at dinner In apan. Before the meal begins it la 'custo mary for them ta bring In small cups of tea and dainty. confectionery.. when they take their aurvey of the party. - If gentlemen only are present, the Japanese hostess, disappears after ' the greeting Is? over, Wnd doe not return until' the, guests r .taking theitde-parturew.-'-' . At a signal from the host, barefoot ed waiting maids, dressed In graceful and prettily .tinted kimonos bring' in lacquer .trays bearing tiny . covered bowls, 'Before setting the trays on the tables the ; niklds .ink gracefully to theln knoea and v bond forward till thelf foreheads touch the floor. '-Then they serve' dinner f which is of several courses. - ! "J STATEMENT OF EQUff ABLE ' LIFE ASSURANCB SOCIETY. ' OF! THE UNITED STATES. Condition December Slst, 4906, a Shown i h llalannt filed. Capital Stock paid in cash.... I 100,0t.t 31st previous year 385.S8S.S41.IS' income irom poucy-noiaers, K?MIt1- niollunanilH. 27,0t4,78S.9; . tOUl . , S9,10i,Sl.77 Disbursement to policy-hold- arm. S41 9tl TOI ill- mtaeallan- eous, (23,564,968.71: total 64,763,762.15 Life business In force-Num- hor nt 1M K7 333' amount 1,49,440,3SO.OO Life written during year Number -of polices 74.425; J amount..: 158,589,234.00 w usrrT"' Value of real estate 28,469,270.00 Mortgage loan on real estate 86,580,982.50 . ai sua r, i n. Loans secured' bv pledge of bonds, stocks or other col- ? lateral.. .; ,. ' tlS.OWM Loan to policy-holders on this company's policies as- signed a collateral 29,340,265.53 Value of stocks and bonds . (U. 8., State, etc) 24,7O,S68.00 Cash In home office and de posited in basks ana trust companies.. .. Interest and, .rents due and accrued .. . Premium unpaid Agents' balances All other assets, detailed in statement .. .. 14.559.J94.16 , 820,422. 80 6.377,735.00 7,156.888.72 251,275.22 Total.. 420,418.188.2 Less assets,' not admitted.. 7.358.034,22 Total admitted assets.. .. .1413,060,164.70 Net reserve, as computed S345.18O.965.00 Other reserve and special funds.. . . Net policy claims. Premiums paid in advance.... Other amounts due policy holders 1,451.850.35 2.905.491.95 668,836.00 666.776.19 780.000.00 83.076.78 Interest paid in advance .. .. Kents paia in advance All other liabilities as de tailed In statement 318.883.38 Total liabilities as to policy holder 3J51.955.S79.65 Capital stock 109,000.00 Unasslgned funds (surplus). Including reserve for dls-' tributlon on deferred divi dend policies at the end of their accumulation periods.. 61,004,175.05 Total liabilities $418,060,164.70 ' BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1906. Policies In force December 81st of previous year. num. ber 6.316: amount 810,132,499.00 Policies written and revived in 1905. number 610; amount.. Policies In force December 31st. number 5.309; amount... Amount losses and claims un paid December 31st previous year, number 2; -amount .. .. Losses and claims incurred during the year, number 62; amount Losses and claims paid dur ing tho year, number 63; amount Louses and claims unpaid December 31st, 1905; number 1: amount 916.475.00 9,981, 486.00 2,117.00 111,919.00 110,036.00 4.000.00 Total amount premiums col lected and secured during the year 350,892.25 President. Paul Morton; secretary, Wm. Alexander. Home office, 120 Broadway. New York, N Y. General aarent for service, 8. W. Small wood. Newbern, N. C. Business manager for North Carolina, V. A. Danner. Richmond, Va. State of North Carolina. Insurance Department. Raleigh. N. C. April 10. 1906. T, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that the above Is trtie and correct abstract of the statement of the Koultable IJfe Assur ance Soeletv of 1. S. A., of New York, filed with this Department, showing the condition of snld company on the 31st dav of December. 1906. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOirNO. Insurance Commissioner. SA6.0 & PiiTTEE uAGHIHE SliOP 'tvtn. I Estlmctcs Famished A. H. CilaRLOTTH- - BUSY MEN Dine, with us. ' Too can save time and tret the best that la. We never wclose. Hit! DENNY CAFE i. W. V. WIXKiNSOX, , r r jt . Manager. PROFIT SHARING Bankers' and Mercliants' Real Estate Compsiny of New Jersey Tho popular form of Invest roent to-day. Our company issues a 6 per cent, profit shar ing investment certificate,.' which PAID 15 per cent, last year. per cent. Interest' guaranteed. 9 per cent, divi dend. Certificates $60 and up ward. National Bank, Trust Company and personal refer ences furnished. Write to-day for free book explaining the profit sharing proposition. William Harney A Son, drove and York: Streets, Jersey City, N. J. Established 1849. R, E. Prince, Special Representa tive, 801 Tucker Building, Raleigh, N. C. Opportunity for a few high class repreV sentatives. A HAPPY MAN. A nan's happiness is always In fluenced by the condition of hia wife'a health. 'When she 1 in pain he car ries worry with him to his business. Anything that relieve her suffer ing nils him with gratitude, a prominent merchant of Forest Cltv N. C, writes: "I feel it mr duty to write you that the dreadful- pain that ! have always come to my wife every r month have been prevented bv Seote NURAL-G-LENE. It quiet her nerve and takes away all pain. 1 NURAL-g-lgj simply quiet the nerves and allows nature to act with" ' out pain. It is harmless and leaves j no bad ' effects. Sold by all drug- glsta Free sample on request JNO. M. scorr & uu wnoiesaie Agent. A BARGAIN! ONE. Perfection Blue Flame Wickless OH Stove. SPECIAL PRIC $7.50 Armistead Burwell, Jr. 2$ North fryoi St. ; Phone 343 We Have Something to Tell You About Refrigerators When you get ready come in and see us. . . J. II. r,Icauslan(l& Co. Stova Dealer and Hoofing j ''. r f Coatrsictors. 5 rhon 014. Us Tryon St. I nvc ycarscld oo mxssza Exproco Charrreo Paid A trial will convince yoa that these goods are the taediolnsl and other purposes. . Bond us your orders a feet)- atisfaetory, return at oar . landed t once. AU shipments are ftsmif by PestcU or Writ fofprtc tUt USHr?9!JSratt . . , .-t BUILDERS OF :m A-:;so!icitca;i-t'l WASHBURRI, - . - - - - The'tti(ago,, Typewriter $35.00. Fully Guaranteed; Visible Writing Greatest . Simplicity; consequently greatest durability. Perfect and per manent alignment. ' Only interchange abU steel type system. . Many other desirable features.' DON'T - WRITB3 THEJ OLD WATUSB A TYPE WRITER. It adds tone and prestige to your business. , , , H. R. TOAVXSEND, Gent Aft., 83 W. Fifth St. Charlotte K. G BLOCK MOM F0RTBO a in .' . t 11 U - maaes it mnenni siyies er plow, uw 14 different pieces f casSntf. Can be!d- UnA In 1m. thM & minuMi 1 mn and 1 boy can make 150 blocks per day tea hours. No progressive contractor should be without one. It's cheaper man brick. J.C. HERRING r.REENSBORO. N. C. Lets Serve You H for All Purposes TJTE sell the Best Coal " that money can buy, and know we can give satisfaction, no mat ter what yoir"iudTre quircments maybe. Steam. Domestic, Blacksmith Coals Standard Ice and fuel Co. CHARLOTTE. N. C HOTBXi ICVCKBTT. HIcll Point. N. C. ' . . J :y ,.: - f ' ' " " 1 Nw and etrictly nrtelaac eentrally located; three minute walk from depot. Hot and cold bath, electric licata. Ca tra to tn eommaralai travalwa. . Hi"'-- " t K.-VVQB t'roprletcsv' urn ooruo xpenM,ftnd money made la plain cases. xprw Jtf o ney On&mn 0f 0thr Uqtto, rH.;i 'i(.'ir tTCA f ATS By Vs. I vrb$ftat I ind If not . n 1U be"r,.yi "'Y if? x 1 t r i '4 ' . . 'l. , . i .Mr' r i . r ' , ' '1 . SOUTHERN AGENT. ...... . .... " .. '4, . ,, '.. - ''-'"' - NORTH CAROLINA. Hie y Number 'S.....J r-- tt Willis Spring i Is'our New GortSon Tla, the' full areas style; patent colt vamp, plain toe. thin sole, high military heel, three eyelet ribbon lace. 81ses-l to 6. width A to E; price tS.00. NEW BLCCHEIt OXFORDS FOR WALKING. Makes Walking Eaay. 4 ' Fin Vict Kid, welt sole, extension edge, low military heel, ribbon lace. Sites l,to 7, width A to E; price $1.00. By mall tOc extra. A neat aonventr with each order. GILREATIt & CO. Machinery for fam and Fac tory; . BoilCR, Tabular and ' Portable on skids, from 12 to 150 H. P. impnra wn macnincry, ggj. and Presses, -and complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over; v ? SaW MillS, or M kinds. 1 all sizes in use in the.South. Pulleys. and Shafting, smallest to ' complete cotton mill outfits. LI D DELL COMPANY, OaihSe. S.C HOLLISTER'S Rocky titnith Tea Iluggef s .". a Buy iumm hi Bms rsesxr Brlsts Sow HsUtt sss Rawwd Visor. A speBloe fttr Constlpetlett, ladlsrestlon. Llrer Sd Kidney troubles, pimples. Eczema, Impure ood. Bad Bresth. Slossish Bowels. Headache pdBaekaclM. Its Boehr Mounuln Tea jn tb I?t tonn. S6 cents a bos. Oepuia Bde by Uofxnra Daoo Oompat. Uadison, Wia . 60L0EN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE R. IL JORPAJff o. f ..Dr. B. ye BntchlsoB. Hsitelilaoa. LMoiiii INSURANCE FERE, . LIFE, ACCIDENT OFRICEi NOk tV Bant ftcQdlnK , Bell Tboner Stt. ' MANTEX WORK ' 1 Is a specialty of ours, and our man tela are far superior, both In materia workmanship and atyle, to the ordi nsu-y ioca maniai. we'd Ilk yon to inspect our desiams at lint hsnA and know personally and pertectly the difference between our work and other Twill prove monev. vtn . knowledir to you. Wa alaahaadle Ulea and cratea. Write for !. Winning jlil'lllln II ' f '' u mil n't - ' e - J Charlotte. 9. C 1 t ft t i it, J I 1 J