3 A ';; i. : , t;lCHARLQTTE DAILY OiaERVER, APRIL ,24, 1S03. rpg MAjMQ 8?PB10U8P0Ift ::ns, smootts father arrested - 1. a "iin .... ir N,. v V tlenrjr Kftkwnas Atratnl I Wllkeg Countjr on Chaife of Conntcrfeitlnjp , and in Default of Bond te Com mitted ta Jail to 'Await Trial Conference o Methodist Church at ItlniUnshiun-HTotoKid A. A M. Cl A lege Oouimencemait-'-Xews Note ' Tot UM Gate City EpeclaJ to. The Obsfrrrw. Greensboro, April ti Rev. Dr. O. H. .Detwller, pastor of West Market street M. SL'ehurch; Rev. Dr. S. B. Turren - tine; presiding elder of the Greensboro - , district: Rev. H. M. Blair, editor of . - The North Carolina -Christian Advo cate, and Mr. C. H. Ireland, were elect ed ,at the last Western North Carolina ' ' M.. E. Conference as delegates to the , General Conference of the M. E. " Church, South, will leave next Monday ' - for Birmingham, Ala., to be present at the opening of that conference May v .' The sessions will last probably one , " month. The General Conference meets ': ;very four year and at the approach-i '. f Jng session two or three bishops are o e elected. ' " Congressman E. Spencer Blackhurn i Ad family, whoave been spending two or three weeks here on account of t ' 'the Congressman's trial in Federal ' Court, returned yesterday afternoon - to Washington. " . , . aliases Elisabeth and Annie Sparger left this afternoon for Aiken to t , ', tend the marriage of Miss Myfj V Chatham and Mr. M. K. Motslnger. of t.', ' that place, next Thursday. The con- ' trading- parties are well known and -y popular young people and their wed V dine will be an important social event " In Elkln. , Greensboro Council "No. 296 1'nlted ' Commercial Travelers hold ail enthusl ftH" attic meeting and elected Miss Annie t ' wparger y represent that council as V sponsor on "Traveling Men's Day'' at the May 20th celebration In Charlotte. 'ALLEGED COl'NTERFEITEK AR , yf RESTED. 4 Secret Service Agent Henry K. ' Thomas visited Wilkes county last , s -week and arrested J. M. Prultt at hid borne at Trap Hill on the charge of making counterfeit money. The pris oner was escorted to Wllkesboro and mencement of 'the Institution. Just before the- close of the service Presi dent J. B. Pudley called attention to the awful disaster which had befallen the people of San Francisco and asked for contributions, which were cheer fully made to the amount of 1.7. To-night the anniversary exercises of the T. M. C. A. of the college oc curred, th Rev. 8. B. Hill, of Relds vllle. delivering the address before a large and Interested adulence. THE BEJOEtTT CONCERT. i given a hearing before a United Htitcs commissioner, who bound him over to , th next term of Federal Court !n Greensboro in a $1,000 bond, in de fault of which he was commit cd to Jail in Wilkesboro. Prultt Is the fath er of Mrs. Alice Smoot, who was on y Tic ted with her husband at the recent term of Federal Court here and tn . teoc to terms In the penitentiary for counterfeiting. COLORED A, A M. COLLEGE COM MENCEMENT. The annual commencement excrcl'es Of the colored A. A M. College, of tnis city, opened yesterday afternoon v. Ith the baccalaureate sermon pre.ich'.td In the college chapel by Rev. Roa.nt K. ' Jones, editor of The HouthwesVn: Ad vocate, New Orleans. Dr. Jones Jh Veil known here, where he was b.rn and received his education In the grad ed school and Bennett College. The Chapel was packed and many were finable to gain admission. Dr. Jones' 'text was taken from the second chap ter of Phlllpplans, S, 6, 7 and fith vern , his theme being. "Leaderohlp." The discourse was most thoughtful , and practical and Is considered one -of the ablest ever delivered at a com- t.. Beautiful women can have the best r , things in the world, for there Is none , so inhuman as to refuse anything to , fc a pretty woman. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea makes beautiful vomen. 85 cents. R. II. Jordan & Co, , It Yielded $11.50 and Proved Quite a Sncocwi 1 1 Tlte programme -an In teresting One. The door receipts at the concert giv en at the Academy last night for the benefit of .the flan Francisco suffer ers amounted to. 1181.50. To this amount. Dr. H. "M. 'Wilder added his check for lib. The money was turned over to' the Woman's Club. The concert in Itself was delightful. The programme was excellently ar ranged and as well carried out. The performance opened with 'an overture, "Olympla," -by theKeesler Concert Band, which rlv-ecTa,, hearty encore. "Violets," Ellen Wright, was sweetly sung by Mlsn Clara Nathan. The Ariel Quartette, composed of Messrs. Overcash. Butt, Parks and Graham, was enthusiastically received In Its song. "When the Blue Waves Rise and Fall" The quartette gave another number, led by Mr. J. H. H. Parks, which was among the best of the even- Miss Margarette Thurmond, a de lightful singer, wan at her best In Visions." Mr. Louis Baker's number, "The. Pattns,'.'. played on the cornet, was enjoyable. Miss Celeste Wilder sang "SlnguM, in irencn, ana wm roundly applauded. She responded to the encore and sang "S'wanee River," making a distinc t hit with It. The Keesler Concert Band played in public for the first time this season, and gave evidence of the fact that It Is a strong organization. It Is ably led by Prof. R. L. Keesler, who or ganized it. The concert was given under the direction of Mr. Don A. Richardson. Mr. Richardson accompanied the song numbers on his violin, and Mr. Karl von Lawrens on the piano. The use of the Academy was donated, and Manager Marx Nathan had his house staff in service to look after the com fort of the audience. Hoof of New Foundry Catrliea Fire. The roof of the new Charlotte Pipe & Foundry building. In Dllworth. caught fire twice yesterday afternoon while the blast was in operation. The roof had Just been coated with a prep aration of tjir and quickly Ignited when the sparks fell from the cupola. The fclase was discovered at onre and ex tinguished without difficulty. No dam age was done. Mr. Retnhardt's KuggesrWn. Mr. J. F. Rhelnhardt, of Lincoln county, was in the city yesterday on his way to New Orleans. He made an original suggestion concerning the Cal ifornia catastrophe. To an Observer man he said: "Just tell the Tar Heels who are there to come back to the Old North State where the land Is poor but firm of foundation." f i r-' ' ' ' N " r I 1WV v: X : I -1 il I JiM I III v V4 i -1 , . -ikv,'- I I 4 i" V I f. I I ' Both Babv aridl' I Know from,expencnce, the health 4 pvinif ma sircngia puuaing propef- l ties of this incomoarable linuid fnnH. ' f. a nerrous, worn and weary ( '" mother baa found renewed Interest s In home and children by iufaltliful t " ; i ux', toe iittie one too, wui giow ana rpw under it$ life giving influence Fehr's Malt Tome Is not i medicine, no nauseom drugs in it Simply the nutritious derivatives of Barley and Hops, in delightfully palatable form. It is a tonic food that builds from the foundation up. Its resulttare pleasing in their permanency. -For Sale by all I FEHR'S MALT TONIC DEPT., Loinmne, Ky. Many a good dlnhwasher has been dpollcd by encountering a piano teacher who needed the money. Now Is the time to take Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of all Impurities. A wider ful spring tonic. A family bene factor. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. LIVE TOPICS ABOUT TOWN. "That's a queer story that comes from the Dismal Swamp, about the Ilzarda and snakes leaving," said an observant man yesterday "and I can't quite understand it. It is all folderol about the muck boiling up and there being danger of an upheaval of mud and slime water, but the animal out break must be true. "I am very much concerned about the emakes and lizzards. But I have a theory of my own about that trek of the varments. The State has gone U' and there Is little, U any, hope of It going wet soon, and the snakes and the lizzards no longer have reason to fear to creep and crawl lest some unfortunate, over-loaded man see them and have a cane of the jimmies. Why should a snake or a Hazard be afraid to creep and skulk around Char lotte or Greensboro? This is the age of soberness, when governors do hold revivals and pray loud and long at the tall end of meetings. All creeping, crawling cattle can come to the light without the fear of molestation. A snake-seeing gentleman Is as rare here now as a four-leaf clover and as un popular and considered as dangerous as a mad dog. "Everybody Is on the water wagon. No one need fear this move of Dismal Swamp snakes; It means much to them, and little to us. For cerKuries those poor creatures have dwelt In that slimy region but will now come out and live like other animals." "I lost out on the California deal," said qrl. Burk Asbury yesterday. "The alclermenTncreased the sum from lioo to $500 ah they will not trust me with that much. I had already secured passage on a gravel train. But It Is all right. I will get to go to the Dismal Swamp, and that being near Norfolk suits me better." Malaria Makes Pale, Kickly Children. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all dealers fOr 27 years. Price 10 cents. Dllworth Municipal Council Meets ; vToNlght. The Dllworth municipal council meets to-night St 8 o'clock In the Dll worth drug store. The object of the meeting Is to discuss fire protection, street sprinkling, and kindred topics. All members of the council are urged to be present, To be Here a Month. . Mr. W. A. Miller, representing Com stock & Company, of New YorkV deal ers in fine canned , goods, Is in the city. He will be here a month or long er calling on the trade with Mr. C- O. Keuster. The Comstock- concern Is well-known in this section. . v3 X As the tea kettle jwas the beginning cfrthe steam engine, so the ordinary soda cracker was merely the first step in the development of the perfect world food Uneeda. Biscuit A food that gives to the worker more energy of mind and muscle that gives to the child the sustenance upon which to grow robust that gives to the invalid the nour ishment on which to regain the vigor of good health. (t In a dust tight. moisture proof package. 3 NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY r $3512 fern SiT.ir.XiS Old MliS, : - 1 - ''-" ( ' V v, V ""4 '- s - fr' i4 t warp ' splitting machine to Philadelphia. w , ri , - f -,.t - f yarn bundling machines for Pawtucket, R. T. This Is a machine to makai : and 10-pound bundles for the retail trade.) .-'.- -r t waste cleaning systems (the system comprises a waste cleaning machinal :. for motes, sweeps and -other waste w thout removing any fibre,- There la . another machine to extract buckles, pieces of 'ties. stone, pieces of V ? , leather, broken bobbins, ring travelers and mother foreign matten It-; , ' extracts uncut threads also. ' Then comes .' suction , fan ,nd collector, .. We build the machines and install the system.) 1 fiand and boll screen for cotton seed oil' milt in Peru. I lard, presses : And one S lard presses to Lot of shafting, i Vims snipraept was to a large company wnicn nas ror a longanne seen" . . r using rairmont Macnin works' stuir. cr Philadelphia; end as wa bought if f ;1': the entire Fairmont outfit, we now get the business.) ,t',"ii ,. - iK ,t and 'one miter press to rauy. a V.'J'V'."' , to Philadelphia.1:' .v y. Vifin'-.t- - i 'V'm- . pulleys and hangers to Waterbury, ConnA - - S spoolers for mills in Gaston county. It reels to mill Jn Cabarrus county. ! ' 4 reels to a milt In Georgia. ' " :.. ' t ' t, t reels to Lincoln countv. ' 4 i t Pulleys, hangers and shafting galore to lots of mills. Handled two big engine breakdowns, and, by working1 our shop Hlght t and day, saved the mills a lot of time. 1 -f ,- 1 , We are .rewinding lots e burnt armatures for factory generators and for street ear motors, . - , i . t , i. W have lately made and shipped g00-s&: harness dobbles and. th pur' ' chasers are 1 delighted with them. , , We are now making. 119 90-inch looms- for Monroe Cotton. Mill,, Pattern Makers, founders and Machinists - t'-i CHARLOTTE, Nl C l( E Ytt O T E ; . . Ku fihiould purchase anything from us if that thing should not wear as you think it should, in every respect:-we are just as anx ious to make thing3 right as you can be to have them right.- Carriages, Harness, -Horses, Mules, Baggage and Passenger Service, Stylish Livery. Carriage and Harness Repair Work a Specialty. UV. WSVORTIi'S SONS CO. EVERBODY SMOKES Tbt COUNTRY GENTLEMAN 5iCents . - THE QGAR OF QUALITY V . ' f zt i ' 'Jv: Vt A 1 w si . n) Ike lasl H 01 km Ail w ran Spanish Leather Hall Suits with loose leather cushions $35 to $60 e ache Leather Davenports and Di vans at $20 to $100 each. Leather Hall Chairs and Rockers at all prices in new and attractive finishes Do not fail to visit this special April Exhibition Sale of Fine Leather Furniture. There are bargains here for every one Fine Leather Couches in Oak or Mahogony, Frames Guaran teed Steel Government Construction. Prices from $25 to $60 each. Leather Library and Office Suits $45 to $J25 each. Leather Seat Chairs and Rockers from $2.50 to $40 each. Bring your friends with you. Remember there is no obligation to buy unless you wish to. Everything has our guarantee and money refunded if not as represented. swssawjassssf f., 7r ' i ' t ' - it , i I M LI This Special April Leather Furniture Sale embraces everything in Leather Furniture to make home beautiful and comfortable. t-1 i Now is the time to make your selections t Do not put it off f but come to-day and look at this marvelous showing of all kinds of Leather Furniture. ) 4 4 ' II vv RGAE I m VI 1 ..... i( -4 '1 , 4 1 f ,