CxLM Lorn: daily orcrzivEiAPiy ' " -? i - - .- i 1 . ( ' ...ikon, tope dead r 5 . t ' , , ii.f , ' , J y I ClllSJl TVOMASf, BITrOKTCU , j Clv-rVaf tle South' Carol'"' Sen ; lJHirlns raswre of Tulmaa's , i Spenary -Kill, lie CarrU'd ' ' s Mont to lied With UI01 at N!t '- '"to Keep "Antla "rom Stealing, It . iLatcr Removed to Texas I'asscs - Ay it Are oi ur. i, jvi. iw - awtii Are o , jjju -: hob, -Well-Known Surgeon., . Passes union., Vf-v,r: V granted. ,v tT. vJ'AV . ,' - .Observer Bureau, : '. Columbia eC.;Aprtl ' e&rlythls jmotnlng of rheumatism at ? iiia home in Newberry. f" 'SPta t . t about ,76 'year .old and leaves a wWU w, a sort and a daughter, Chief Jus, i.ce,T. JT. Pope, of Newberry, and Dr. . w, & , Pope, ' pt this city, , are ,.; bis p'fMbem .V--i,; J0pe , ti at ne time an . ar- V ' A ... - ........ n1t..., ,a) "Tillman, While vclerK of, i the'. Senate , ' bill he parried it to ed with hint over ' njghte ,to prevent the "antto" f trom ;; . S it.eaU It vlAter, however, : he" , be- - iamm. iaMtlflitit nvni hrt f art that v'';ne was not-promoted aa he thought . tsiftta' oxncea .pexore tney wwrw- ', race and denoanded, himself "an intle t ' ' pendent in politics. - -A ehort time ftf- t, , tor wiia -no weni-over m ne nwiiiui" i ! -r-amn 'anil i-n(ri fnv flovrnnr nn ; ejiert several year n Texaa. s ft aurgeon in the Flrit South Carolina war regiment ana ? prominfenUy connected throughout the thle morning, in the Keeley Institute - t'r of pneumonia. He- had -been HI only tnree oays i ne ooay win taxen ? - to Union for interment' In" the family ,"buryin'plot.,.!Dr,;. iLawson was ft , ? arraauaie oe Main uivuuc v " j -lege ' and was a frequent visitor to IflnlumWa, He had manv friends here. 1 but few knew of hia illness, and the ana new o Wsdeath U-'a surprise -r AvlUre li the rearot tne monearon dry roods establishment . on Main ; street" to-day drew a large crowd In - anticipation of 'ft spectacular confla- rintnacrM was done by the flames , themselves, so -well did ' ha firemen work. The .damage by . otr nd amnke. however. Is much greafer, though this has not been 'i, rflnltalir aallmitail t VnK ThA tOtte IS -covered by Insurance, the Urge stockl being- insured witn almost every scency in the city. The Are started in - some necking In the back yard. nhal wind bcina toward the rear doors and windows. ft la thought that thf flames are traceable to some care toss, person - throwing a lighted ciga rette into an -open barrel of packing. ..r' ui.wrj, "Ko a ttifl.AOO nre fiad.lf, occurred aftef the closing hour, -I CTne.vuoa.-aroin -ji vurtsose appears to be to exploit, real eionbd by the secretary of State to- "5 Success na cro-wned our" efforts of tinttfing enaeavor ana w prvwuv w the 5TpubHev with., a conBdence neve-c per ore neia ' oy Hiy wuwi ,iiauivuo, Hoi flat ra Rockv "Mountain Tea, 86 f;w lih a. rflr; l ff l3.Ci;3. The corpor-ifrs re exVingressman Stan- yarne .i'n-hi, or tvparianoura, j Bock ixnit and Attorney C. a Span cer, of 'YorkvMe. A commission aiso weiu io,, nuu. iiiinn Ana : viillrlin' and lnan i con cern of Anderaon to-day. ( The corpo rators are W. F. Cox, J Ms Padgett, J, -M. Evans, John C Watklne, Q. N. C. Boleman, W. N. Tlfalker and .Thom as C. Walton. , '"iwn ' A immmlnlnii mnt In (Inarm Wj O. J, and Hennle Threat! as corporators of tne isnterprise wercanxno wumpwij. Of Jefferson, capitalised at $10,009. - Tha tianlr rf fSaUav, urii chartered to-day. capital; ',$20,000; H. J. Sajley, O.- Lw.eaiiey vice presiuent anu BaJey secretary,: K jfr 4 r, ' I tfll' V.iil H (.iilHHiilH s 1" s n.ta Wurilnn ranfif Af A. A M. CoU lege uives uop OJiipiiinruwry iu Correspondence of The "bbservefi ' ' - " West RaJpiflrh., Anrll 22. The Beta Uoslton chanter of the Kaona' Siitma fraternity of the A. & 'M.4 College gave a dance Friday -night, In the Olivia Raney Hall. comDlimentary to- the nther f ratarnttlna , nf the ' - college. giyen to-, each, of -the , guests,- vwmcn. occasion.- lvin's , Orchestra furnish ed muslti ior' the dance. -Mr. Lewis T. Winston ' gracefully - led with Miss lunula -McDonald, assisted by Mf. W, h. v rrnri tinimn wit n mjiir . i:h rolJ urHfi The following guests were present: Mr, 3. P., Wvllt wtth. Miss Cprpnijngv VI"1 pHwvrjf v:M'vi v ...... JHiss j?ann,ie "tnnon; mr. , r-iaritA .Tp. wtth'MiiM TAllie Ferrall: Mr. . O,' Kendsll with Miss . Mary Bmedes.: Mr. Carrol.' I Mann - with Miss Carrol Sherman;' Mr. I T, Win- atnn, wtl-h Uimt Tallin. Mc)onald Mr. B. - B. - LatMmore with Miss Narnle Rogers r Mr,; T." M. Lykes mm saiss Irene Utcy: Mr. W, 8. Tomllnson with ui roA ni-av Tr H. TTamer With Miss Hell, of Salisbury; Mr. R. Iong with" MIe Ussle ' Rogers; Mr, B. R. faison "wnn .aaiss , ivii tow"i lr. nri m L tlttmnlrfW with ajriaa ?n11A Moncueep Ma H. 6. Montague -with Miss Margaret ' Stedman; Mr.- W. C. Plver svith- Miss Ully Skinner; .Mr.- D. S. Aoernetny witn mm trown, D.lJ irll ulth Mlaa TMliaa: Rankm. of ReldsvlUe; Mr. A. B. Plver with arias Rosa Skinner; Mr. W. :;N.' Holt wtth, Mlaa tackle Latta: Mr.r W. C. GEtanla with Mlaa Rtihv KorTiS". Mr iiiw urn with Mlaa Nannie Hay; Vr Murrav Allen with Miss- Lena Latta;. Mr. U M. Hoffman with Mies louise Unton; Mr. JB. F. Ward with Miss Loulae Plttenger; ' stags: J. L. Hemphill. U M. Smith. Messrs Clarke, Wrlghtson, Hoover, and Duval, of St, John's College, Md., U H. Belden, W. w u-ttniav v. n Havwood. D : T. Hagan, Harris. R. Brown, Will Crow. Val Perkins. J. A. Higgs. Jim : Klmmon, R P. Uzsell. F. M. Thomp nm iHimurnnMr Tr. and Mrs. C W. ttiirketL. Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Red- dick, Mr. and Mrs. Culbreth. First E-'n!! !s of a Good Curriculum the Character, lanittfcrauon - u Scholars!, of Thotte Who Attempt to Illrect it. -Ii f ? i j f X.' To the Editor of The Observer: ' , Tne remeay.oi: exisuns; bi conditions which seem unendurable n4 ,t.inU mak fVi a nnnl restive. IS publicity. Vo evil, or no objectionable eondition can withstand an enlighten ed public sentiment When the hearts and mind a ot men are enusnmneu can speak with . authority ;m then tneir juogmenm an? T.isrht , therefore la , the Dure requisite rmnnt. and I' Shall strive to keep this truth before me while discussing; ' - question ,fot, para mount interest .to all. f v - in , a rormer cununuiuvauun t- 4a wwMh att afpnnAmta 1m- presslon ' to the. attitude" - of our hoard or eoucauon wnn reguru , .' ... . '.i a .. -.. . : , , , -.i:.1.. m m . eniargemenv oi - our "kh kudw,- iu t intimaAii' that r.wiahPit'tA dlaeuss the use we make, of what we already nave - m nana ana - me iwuni" thereof, as these two questions seemeo. to me to, be of the highest Importance. 1 shalt address myself therefore to the general subject with the hopes. that I may shed somewhat of light thereon. c We have a fairly good curriculum, anA lh ot ixtnaMapatlnn la the char- acter", consecration, and scholarship of those wno auempi; io uirewi uw'imi- . HITMAN BLOOD MARKS. - A tale of-liorror was told ty marks el KlonH In. tha hunt Of J. W. Wll. Hams, ft" weil-nown nwrcnani vi on and Dr. fetely Kv. He writes: "Twenty, years ago I Beyers hemorrhages of the lungs, was near death when I began takln King's New Discovery. It comp Amj 1 hflu, MmKlnM wall since." - It cures hemorrhages, chronic Coughs, settled colds and bronch tls. and . t w kniin nura weak luna-a. TRvarv bottle auarantefed by R. H. Jor- dan ft CO.. Jjruggiei. bjo, a,iin ai.w, bottle freeiAVfc , ? y , rlcuium. Professor Bruce Craven, in bis most excellent ' communication on WaaaVitlata n TBHi'llmf, naaa thlB Or der-eharacter, scholarship, and con secration to the work but 1 ask leave to amend by simply changing the or der, namely, first, the character; sec ond, the consecration, ana.imra, tne scholarship of the directors of any giv en curriculum, for with character and consecration thoroughly established scholarship will generally follow just as neat travels in tne pamway oi me sun. - It seems that we can eliminate anhnlarahln from thla dtacuaalon Since it is an admitted fact that no one can glve thorougn instruction on subjects which are, not mastered by the . instructor. ' We already act on this principle as we require exam in a tlons on those subjects which are to be taught In its proper place scholar Ship Is all important but do we or. do we not put undue stress upon mere Scholarship to the exclusion of a pro per consideration of the character and consecration of our directors of a cur riculum? " I look upon the teacher s occupation as next to the ministry, and the -character and ? consecration of - a director of ', school curriculum ' should , be of just as much Importance In the teach er's sphere as the character-end conse cration of a . minister of the Gospel. -1 am thus brought' face to face .with tbat part of the-subject which I desired to reach, end in the near future I shall devote myself to discussion of these two most important phases of the sub ject in hand. ' "., ' "A 'FRIEND -TO THE? WOMAN'S aujRv.',r',;.r.,-'. - 'yjVf , L lr ..v, WVL . - mLLEP By;TAIS. Greensboro 'Negro -Meets Death ftt Miiiniirhta.Bmeflt Concert for Cali fornia Sufferers.; "'.tfi Correspondence. Of ,,Tbe Observer, , Greensboro, r ' April , The dead body of Charles Williams, colored j was found thle morning by the side of the track of the k A T. Railroad at a point half way between West Market street and Guilford avenue. The left side of the body ,was badly mangled. No Inquest was held. Coroner Turner, itnimln It' itnnaaarv nftor hnvlnar ascertained that the deceased met 'his oeain oy oeing sirui-a. ujr u iinin nuuuv midnight, Williams Is a tailor and has been conducting a pressing and dying establishment on Mendenhall street, -The rain this afternoon prevented a large attendance at the mass meeting naii hir" Matrnfi :Affnrnhv tn ralnn fund for the relief of the earthquake SUnerers JII; Slnt iraiiciiiu arm umer Pacific coast cities, though the smail numhnr mihacrlbed liberally and a committee was ' appointed to solicit To Remove FrecKIes It Pimples UTe Dayt, to M i J 1 n n1 . :f.'.: Sv.i waaw uj'w.v.'i.v;.:..-. v. .v A new dlwmvery, sold i - nader potltire (nar aetaa and Baaer ra- nam in wwvi j wi -" where It fil to mwrl fraefclM, pimplu, liver pOM, (UO-vui, aallo Sam, MUir alaaolors f eraattoni of ttae aklo, bo ; inMr . of how loss MaMlnc, Coras aramwf MHi In 10 (Ujt, and tba thMS afM are iwwee , ' win olnr, soft, kealtbf aa4 fcaeBUfji. o aeMiMa arm MaNHll from Itt oaa, Uoanti and 180 at toaaias drus sierae or ssaii. NATIONAL TOILET COMPANY. Paris. Tenst .nations from the citlsens generally. A benefit concert is to oe" given ai a Grand,, Tuesday evening ,and - tne nan will no doubt be well filled. The parv tlctpants wilt include some of the city's best musical talent and a- high-class entertainment is anticipated..- ;'; - ' Why' does( a young men try to keep on the right side of his best girl when he knows that her heart Is on the left sjdfciyv,.sSj;SS!! fttr--Kx v'f -: k'A , ' When a boy is willing to. trade his pocket knife for a red apple to give to tls teacher tbat is love. 4 p, ' ir , " A"t !vH ,W.,.'..ii'H"(i'i'. ." . -5 -U SW it In the Jilornmgsr' i i ". ' ,Cn ' ' ffI 7 if- ,vl Dead 'tired, slow, listless and thoroughly unrested? If so, 1 take wartsburger Matt Tonic, It's ft beneficial, vegetable , ?'' tonic stimulant wlUtout a 'reactionary depression, because . It J vociors conveys , body, blood and :, nerve foods. recommend and prescribe it. I5c Per Cattle, $150 Per Dozen. constantly ' 'A Wortzbur(er;Malt To : i I . ' i iiriiii.iiii, in. i. iu i mi it u JLb . .ZZVfi n -we.. a ..a,:,' r ."-a J. raw? 'fS1 Is to love children, and no home ran ta rnmnletellr) hanov with- I out them, yet the ordeal through " -which the expect ant mother must diss usually is oo iulljbf suffering. danger and fear that "she looks forward to the critical hour with apprehension, and dread. Mother Friend, by its oene- trating and soothing properties, allays nausea; nervousness., and all unpleasant feelings, and, so prepares the system for the orucai tnav sue jasbco luivujju the event safely and with but little suffering, as numbers have ' testified and said, fit is worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per bottle of druggists. Book containing valuable information mailed free. IKE eXADfiaD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. CAPITAL STOCK iNcaaroRAtsO 1 v $30,000.00 Net the cheapest but preeminently the BKST. Tbeaa are the largest, eldest and best equipped schools in North Cawltea . positive, provable FACT. 1.0SO former students holding positions la North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed bjr wrlttea eon, . traot. Shorthand. Boek-kssplar. TypswrlUng and BlngUsa, taoght ' ht experta Address - - - , , . ' KING S BUSIXBSS GOLLBGB Charlotte, N. Cer Raleigh. N. G -'iestftl ' thf MfAnntr a sVal wr mm way -w f i v, v. ; Greensooros peavnowu , auu, , made over. IJS.060,00 expended attd . equal to the most modern hotel . lit , r the Elevator long" distance; , Swaa... lam m.aft k wAftM VeAS OftmnT 1 - -m . . , . r f ik' W'l'f g a'X,ry;.MSiW"y- rooms ir dub. wii t-xwa . v - - a aa tA it rwn ix nil nnn mm nir. ' j THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY COFfAtW . W" W AM 80UTB CRN ' AOBNTS FOB ' eeirm wraw. OEitMAK HSDBLE8 AND, HEDPltB ITKAAUB. WRIT tJS FOR PRICKa . f-eakett h Blahop Steam Traps Carried la stook; alee Card Clothing aa "".'7. -. tlx t itnnllam. 'f CntABZATETB BJRMXN CHAM gFAKXANBTOO ELIZABETH COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CBARXOTTE, N. C. Suburban Location. Extensive Campua High Grade, Experienced, .,' University Educated Teaohers; , Fire-Proof Buildings, First - Class jBquipmeht. gcbools of Music, Art, BtptesstoB, Bnstness. Enjoys ft Reputa- ' tloa tog XltonKMth wwk and Good Health. OATAXOOTM BEST FRKBL CIIAS. B. TO, President Cluti lotto's t t t r v special ; attention ' given to Table Service. -.making It n v equalled In the South. - This la feature of The Buford that ; is claiming , the attention ' of ba IVluliw Puhtlv ; Clean. Comfortable Beds, At tntive Servants,' mi 'V I 'i . j- S ,5. v , ia t.t 1 rrrtnttr .fe! mi jr. 'ft- - "V i; Greensboro. VICTORIA KEENE'S 1 - . - i jf mmm.' m mm pa aajf aSB v bm siBa af BBaaaBj m m asf v.l - . ', rm, rttt and most eco V, , m;il material known for , life J.C. GBI1TNAN, V;i 171 TTotvt ft TInTfft11r--V3L- ' J '! j BSajBBMaaaeaWeHaWWI''1!!1' 1 mrt ' "I"1 iWll' tWJIWfj leQean House. i, 1 vou'll find our store thef aa ., ., . r t place to buyx tne manys I utensils you ; need and t ought to have. 'a ft T T 1 ' l If jf a S , siwaaseiii' .W. tr i, if r i" aUs .1tl i r a, - 4 , 'IT,. ml' lliB.. ff '1'L iV-lr. " WS 'Un ljmLrr ri ruin m Ari"l f'-s; ,--. . -i . 'V V jiV fjY.?", C f k'M.f 5rV. v 'i ; v,t' w ( , "s-t: ; .. . ' X "t, w - - . ' f v- laaaaaaiaaaaaaaa aaaaaMaaaaaaaali aawawaawaajawjaaiaaBaaaaaaawaaaaaw" - m '''.a;' a ar vg v.--.--..-'-f- i ' r .n a . " am . m !a.r.ji'i - . i :r --'" .rrAfj , m, i sr 4Vi..f iw w sar w w r s n n n t. a a ,i i.'..', ' . -i.v r ,.;.iiv m 1 i i ' . jr. :,. m "ll,m , jti H' u t rc&s-szszrzzz.r' x i sii ' ,- f--r ir i i i i l ." a " i- i j - -, zyrs .aas ar-,f ii.j. arVKe . i ., i i . . i I VW-A'i ID J1 t " I IV T f I . h I l fN. SmJI'.. s rVftW -a-. - 'baaaii l'fl7 I I 1 Will I -a. 1 1 -VT---V. X -rf I. . - I !."" ,1 II J!JIIIIII4I1III1I . . r , . ff'fll' I I SHICUCMMw llaaaa aa w II It H.IIPK-H f M M I , . innnn-fTiT 'll nWataaa, , I v " , ! ' - - rJIkikl haaBaUaUU-Mli r II Ir IhlHIf'i' .Xllll- v..-.l"SrSS. - 'MHH'lflni ,LX i ... .4s . , ii i hi ii .i i.r 1 ' '- ' ' ' '' "' ' ' ' ' 1 f.if,-;.,- 'f r I i 1 ' ' n ' ; 1 s-s-aaaewa mwmBWmmmmmmmmnmwm i a r t -'- i . . ' 1VI 4-L V4-a-. UiifA4tf 41 I 1 i I sOTtattC? . .Xri'iaot' H fTf1T O tin . I It Ctn ntl T1 Tl I j 7 ivnenDunrr va. ,mc . uuwz - ui ;viiavi-t umiu uw n IS? other estabUshed and Shoes, made by ; : , : : ' " a''' is'St'v.-T'-il "fl.; if J I I if i. J V 1 A V - -, "i '' i. V m trt r , v , MerehantS who desire to see samples of Shoes made IB these iinu ft .lk ..,!.. aHti aallava eSa have vxaeionesjUB v ,.m.a, " - : ..laamam all tn tknir reeneetlvs territorirft bv signing, eutting out . . ji M ri .AlrT.'.. Ok., .v T.MAkliHra V. t rr Warehouse. ' located ROXIE IWARD, and E., i l e ' ' ' . , illtt uuuuag a ' f ; , a , i vf Adages.., , .y.yi jt t . m A i , ( W m t , fl M j 3tyviS,-''i a - sejssjjssjijBlsI " 1 - ' "" "" . . 1., IS

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