ft' ', : e Movement of Kwmber f Peo iJe, Visitors and Others. " - " " : r. J. C. Keys passed through the city -tfrdny n foute front tJavannah, Ga., .o Charleston,' 8. C. , - - v- ; I'apt. WVPr.Mooay. 0 Raleigh, to ia ' city, i , L f1 ..ir. C. I flat,' International 8cr t iy of the. ICoun Men's Christian As r xiaUon. Is In itom city u4 to registertxl at the Central. - ?arvland.- reoneawnttng the ftadcllft Lyceum, and Chftotuqua Bureau, to in tit nittf (K.. " . A . . Mr. J. B. Ivay iapendlng a, few days Wiih tila mother in ,atatesvuie. - . Tik uir liinii mlth. of Davidson College, - was registered at the Central at night. V.' . ' n a, kfrbane, of Greensboro, to a vieitor in the city. , Among toe guests at Uhe Buford lat right was Col aohn. "W.; Hinsdale, of Raleigh. " : Mr C.' W.Tllletr:retttrnd to the city last night after attending- ,ith State Su preme Court f flsleign. Mmr George P. Peal end H. E. Jenkins, of Winston,, pent! yesterdar in tl ttv V :! If Dr. Charles D. llelver,pre.ildnt of the , State Normal and Industrial College, at Greensboro, was among the) visitors ia - Charlotte yesterday mommgv - Among; the guests at the JBuford yes terday were Messrs. h. b. jwortn ana C E. Leak, of Greeiuijoro. t - -' lir. Jak P.MaweU went to Harris- . burg yesterday to deliver an address at j tns eommenceroeru exercises .oi wams Aurg High School. ' Mr.' frank Page, of Blscoa, was in the ell yssterdajt, at the -Central. . 5 Mi" K. H. Brtggs. of Raleigh,- former- - ly ov Charlotte), spent yesterday toere on Mr, V. Jti LUtle, of Wadesboro, was fo townVresterdny. , Among?, the out-of-toWn peonle 'here yesterday Was tr. J. W. Tbackston. of Mrl'jf H. Twlsii of Marion, spent yes terday In Chartottlp, staying at ths Gen eral. v ' . Mr. R. O. HtV retamed to the city f esterday morniwg after a tmslns trip o Elisabeth Cltr and other towns in the eastern part tV the State. ' i Mr. W. J. Adam, of Carthage, spent S-esterday In the c"Jty, staying a Oia Central, .... , . i Mr, a. A. Stsirens, of Monroe, -pent yesterday in the city usinwss. . Amwig the guests at.the Bud yes terday n Mr. John H. Hall.f Ellsa- n5tr,CCiyb. BefttWiU Jhss reUUmd from Raleigh? where he aWMiasd the SUte Supreme Court LIVELY TIMK ON THE! ftQlv-VRE. uinwR- lawg lUata JTnmp Out o Dr. Wtherapomi'g Boggy and Give the i Boya Chase Around the Square ' ' A Vrw Mlnntea at Real Sport .j The Rodents Had Taken .Refuge to ,!ie Baggy. - , Testerday afternoon Dr. B. J. Wlth- erspooq and his negro driver mads It so warm for the rata In his barn that it became a question of angr port la time " ' of",- storm. The darkey; would turn ' rer the hay and the doctor Would . use his gran on the unpmoected rodents. I Cut the battle did not cease there. About the middle of the afternoon, when the clouds were gathering thick v end fafet and it began to look like rain, , ' sv number of people gathered about the , square. Xr. Wttherspoon's buggy ' stood In front of Jordan's drug store, and, as the big drops of rain com menced to pepper down, the driver, a teat buck boy with a Uftristmas smiie Vttpon his face, lumped out of the buggy . and' started to take out the cushion ' end iaprooe, ' No aooner had he lifted the edge of the cushion than out came big rat wtth a tail half as long as PERSONAL, - - a yard stick. Regardless of the pelt Ing ram every small boy and negro in the comtnunityi gave chase tos the neeing rcoetit. A oog ' tnai wa i ' -with a short cord in tW back of a bug ,y tried to Join the race but when he ; swung out Ms hiels did not reach the ; srround: in other words he hung him ... -self and would have died dangling at -,.he end of a rope had not some one , ' - lifted him back in tite ouggy. The first rat killed, the crowd rush V f .; ed back to the buggy to see If there w; were any more. The cushion was Hf t vd and out bounded the second rat. , which was as large If not larger than ,.'4 the first one; the race was as nara .canif ewrftins. A third, a fourth and a -' fifth rat followed. The party of rats .had taken refuge in the seat or tne ; i buggy during the row in the barn. " I The Joke was on Dr. Wltherspoon and - i everybody enjoyed it. .'.y i -, i i ii ii - i- SEASON AT WHIG HTSTILLE. "' trparatlms Making for Enteruiln 7" 7V meat of Large Crowds at the , Beach Odd Fellows Celebrate. . iBpeclal to The Observer.' ' - Wilmington, April 26. The four .-" Odd Fellow lodges of the city- and , Ltltla Lodge. Daughters of Re tekah, elaborately celebrated the - sighty-eventh annlverssfy- of Odd ""FitewsMav.t thrlr hall in this city -jlri-it , The torWramaia embraced Mi jg musical nuniiw i W.e-g."U'"" imwa nuarteite, ms usual. riturwuctnr .elses-' and ten-minute speeches frSBT ? ' representative of each lodge on : ! some live subject The hall was f, very attractively decorated for the , , oveni ana inoe prepeins-speni e- of the Odd Fellows In the city now , , numbers nearly one thousand. Considerable Improvements are be- f " In nii at thA heah firnArnttrv . - rtto the opening of the season about '. , C Junt 1st. The Northrop cottage is , being considerably enlarged and 1m--' proved, the Seashore Hotel Is being i r repainted and Improved, extensive - 4 Improvementii are being made to the ;Tarrymos Hotel. Mr. Percy Albright in having a handsome cottage erected . '-"there, while not a few of the other ", '-cottager are rebuilding and making v7 substantial . improvements to their -i property. A list or attractions for 1' outdoors as well as a vaudeville rom v, , . pany will be the attractions at th. v t Casino and Lumlna. The service on the suburban - trolley line Mill be . greatly improved during the season -,)'aud much greater crowds are ex ' i. pected than ever before. The Con- solldated Company will shortly begin ; 's systematic campaign of advertising and hope to make the season of 10 ,the greatest In the history of Wrights TWEXTY-HlX DEACOXESSEX They Win be Ordautedl at "Freaent SesMton of Woman's Homo Mis "onary Soctety of Metnodlst (iMsrcti at AahevUlev epeclat to The Observer, - Asbeville, April m. The -opening ses sion of the eighth annual convention V the Woman's Home Mission Socie ty of the M. K. Church, isoutb. was held in Central church to-night A large number .of delegates are here and the opening session was largely attended.- Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr wet corned the delegates on behalf of the local society. Rev. Dr. Q, T. Howe on behalf of ,the church, and Mrs. M. J. Uranner. f Wsynesville, on behalf of the Western North Carolina Confer ence societies.' Mrs. Bennett, of Osl latin, Tewu responded to the "welcome address in a pleasing- manner. ' The home mission board will get, down to work In earnest ' to-morrow. The principal work of the convention v ! II have to do with committees and t ie planning of , the mission work, of t - e year. During the convention S4 - iconesses will be ordained. After the ' "-ning exercises to-night the. work e womsg's mission board was II ,-tej by means of the stereopU- T. . i ' , r V, 1 i i . i '!..'. -i v , n No Clue as to Wlierrabonts of Rowan Wooslry.ot Davldaon County, Who Myatcrlotialy Disappeared IVont Home Jjast.Wcek JrVnl nay us pected. i y- , - j ,t? i( ' ' Special td The Observer." , s Winston-Salem, .April A cltlaen of ftiedberg,'; Javidso4 county.' -who was hers to-day,: reported v that the whereabouU of .Mr. ' Rowan.' Woosley, on of Bey. Samuel VIToosley, of Fried berg, who left home last Friday, are till unknown , to. ' the family . and friends, Searching .parties have-been sent out .every day looking for, the son, who is about U years r old.' , Hie wife, who has been in bad health' for some time. Is ia a stats of nervous prostration, caused by the disappear ance , of her husband. She Is being attended, by- two physicians. It devel ops that Mr. Woosley went to Lex ington last Friday and drew all the money he had in a bank there. Im mediately thereafter he- went to Dr. Hill, a practicing physician of Lex ington, and paid him a bill for service In his family, Dr. Hill expresses the opinion .that Mr. Woosley had? about $200 or S2fi when he saw him. The case is rendered more mysterious by the fact that the missing man had been complaining . for several days before he left home of having a peculiar patrt in his head, (tome believe that, the man has left the Stats., while Others are cersuaded to think that The has been murdered or that he' committed suicide. Mr. Woosley was highly es teemed by all who knew him. yL;m;, ,.i j f." ; . . SAW HIS, WIFE KILLED, 'pii ' !:. .'- '..5 - C. E. BryaUt, A Spartanborger liv tnc In Jan Francisco. Tells- How His Wife's Life Wat Crashed Out Before His Very Eyes. - . Spertlarto The Observer.,'', . : ' '.' St' Louis, Mo., ArHSVH7. E. Bry ant, a San Francisco refugee eh' route to home at Spartanburg, S. C, told a airouD of eager listeners at the un Ion station last night how, hlsfwlfe naa a tragic : aeatn oeiora nis -very eyes, "My wife and t were living on Market street in the heart of the now devaeted distrlct.V-said. Mr.? Bryant, "I waw suddenly awakened by a fright ful noise on the morning of the Shock. Before I could collect my senses the house rocked and lurched and, in an instant, my wife and I were almost mothered by a shower of falling plas ter and masonry. 1 was just about to lean from the bed when a , massive beam landed square across my body We were crushed to the ground, the bed being splintered. One end of the beaon lodged against uie wan and that was the only thing that saved my life. I managed to extricate myself and, en regaining my feet was horrl fled to And my wife's skull had been crushed by a falling brick. She must have been killed instantly. More dead tbaoi alive I finally got across the Bay to Oakland, where with 32 others, secured transportation from the rail road and started for home with noth Ing but whaypu see on me." MOORE.nEDFOHD. Mr. Jsmes Daniel Moore, of Gastonla, Weds Miss Lydia- Lane Itedford, of Raleigh. - Special to The Observer, Gastonia. April 26. A wedding of rourh Interest to- the people of Gas A tonla was that of Mr. James Daniel Moore, of this place, to MJss Iydla Mum Redioro. or 'ttaieign, tne cere moxtr being performed in the Eden ton fittest Methodist ehurclr tll o'clock thai morning. Those who attended the wedding from Oastonla were Mr, C, X. Moore, brother or tne Mra. Mary Morrow, a sister Nell gym re. iJthel Oray, and Messri JTrsd'Smyre and earner regram. Inteeest m the affair is by no means confined to the home towns of the contracting parties as both are trjaely known throttghout the 8tate. -The bride is the beautiful and accomplish ed daughter of -Mr.--and Mrs. John Mendrix Tied ford. The groom Is son of the late Capt. J. D. Moore, of rtastonia. and is a young man or sterling -worth. He ia bookkeeper for the Modena and iMoro-Webb Cotton .Mills. They left for Richmond and Washington on their bridal tour. Mr. Paul Ware Dead. Special to The Observer. Gastoma, April 2. Mr, Paul Ware ued about is years, nn of Mr. J. A. Ware, of King's Mountain, died in a hospital at gtatesvllle to-day as the result of an operation for appendicitis which he un derwent sevsral days ago. Mis re mains will be brought here and In terred Saturday at Long Creek Pres byterian Church, this county. Deceased was a biother 8- Mr. J. White Ware, Kmmmimt .-.Oaatonla. His father it wwf uiiaiis.Jmujum;:iqr funeral. , , r r1fKissr Oottfe Rule A ,.A WjTZJFtt L quantliy and quality guaranteed. W m' .... . - Mt. AshevlUe, April 2. Judge Fred Moore In Superior Court this afternoon Issued a rule of contempt for Foreman Morten, of the grand jury. It is al Irged that Morgan wss Intoxicated this morning and unfit for duty. The hearing will be had Saturday. Mor- gan's defense "in be tnat ne was sick, i.--v;- -, May Oorjto ury To-Day. Special to The Observer. Txlneton. Aorl! Ii Argument of counsel in'thejtase of Mrs. M. M. Pur year agaWst-tbe.Horth Carolina Rail road Cotman;.whleh has been In prog rem in .Davidson tjourx ior ine past two dsvs. begafi to-day. The case is expected to go to the Jury to-mor row afternoon. , k for smb: J,aooModern home, East (th St 300 Modern home, Kast 6th St, 14,000 Modern home, N. Myers St IS.SOft .Modern home, W. Trade St. $3,500 Htore and 6-room dwellings connected. Located on two , car lines at the corner of Eleventh and Brevard 8ts, McGall & Glantom t aiARLOTTE, N. ). til X. Tryoa St 'Phone 940, FOR STILE I 00 scree in Transylvania- county. near Brevard, oh Southern -HeKway; -room, 1-story house, S10 acres cleared and in cultivation. Long distance telephone, splendid eUbles and outhouses and tenement houses; orchards and meadow, (banner wheat farm of the county.. Especially adapted to stock raising; adjoining the lands of three mother farms that can be bought at reasonable prices. Lands adjoining this farm . spld for 100 per acre. Price ! per acre. t - Wanted more timber end farming land for Mortheni buyers Jri6.P. : Deatty Co. s; coxTiyrAycE otvGKAnted Jndge limg Sets' Tuesday as Date for , HMrtng 1 of -Bethri , Case,--:,.-; . Special to The Observer. ' . ' ' ' Oreenvllle, N. C April 1-When court assembled this morning counsel for defense in the Bethel case present ed affidavits and made strong argu ment for a continuance. The Staters strongly opposed a continuance and urged that a case of such -importance should have a speedy trial. Judge irfwig sustained the contention of the SUte and set the case for trial .Tues day of next week. v ? Wins Essayist's MedaL Special to The Observer. - Davidson, April 28 The essayist's rnedal offered by the Eumenean So ciety has been awarded, by the com mittee to Mr. & H. Hay, of the se nior class. : 'Jv News was received to-day from Co lumbia to; the effect -that the SAuth Carolina College team will be here' Field Day, the 28th Instant teVplay Davidson. y Forecas'r for "Friday and Saturdays PartlcSJudy , Friday and Saturday, light to fresh ; west winds, becoming variable. -. ' XOCAL, OFFICB V. S. WEATHER BUREAU. Charlotte; April X, P- m.-8unrise 6:37 a. m.J sunset 7KH p. m. (Standard time). M)CAI..WB!ATltiK Kjurvn. Highest temperature .. .. lowest temperature Mean temperature .. Excess for the day Accumulated excess for the month. Accumulated excess for the year.... Vredpltatlon tor 24 hours ending 8 p. m. (Inches).. , . ToUl precipitation f6r the month.. Accumulated deficiency for month. Accumulated deficiency for year... Tmvallnla- wind, direction .. .. ., .S3 .64 .74 .11 M .47 .13 .87 2.09 3.41 8. ' W. J, BENNETT. Observer. ial Notices NEXT TtMTU TRY BIyUB RIBBON Lemon or Vanilla. Satisfaction guarati- ' teed or your money bscx. EMERALD CORN CURB RttMOVBS corns -without pain. It's a guaranteed .nr nthn-i Tn v fall but Kmeraia never. Try it. JAS. P. STOWB a CO.. Druggists. 'Phone 27S. 'LA CRBMO" FRBINCH MACARONI and Spaghetti, in full weight. 1-pouiid packages, at only 10c. a package whfe this lot lasts. Makes a delicious dish served with cheese, gravy or tomato sauce. Every package guaranteed. Phone '8. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. WHEN IN NEED OF SOMETHING extra in toilet waters try Janice; you will wonder why you didn't long ago. 75c. PILWOKTH DRUO STORE, Phone 247. B. a DAVIS. IF TOU HAVE ANY WALL PAPER Ing to do write us. We send workmen any where. WHEELER WALL. PA PER SV MUSIC CO., 233 8. Tryon St. OLIVE OIL-OUR IMPORTED OLIVE Oil uiakes the best salad. It gives the rich flavor that has made French Olive Oil end French Salads known over the world. 60 cents pint. WOODALL & 8HEPPARD, DrugglsU. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS: LITTLES. Webster and other leading brands. AH these good fully guaranteed. J. K, CRAYTON A CO., Trust Bldg. 'Phone 304. TO LET, 16.00 HOUSE. VILLA HEWITTS! 2S house in Dilworth; $40 house, East lv 1M. K. 0th. For 11.800 a KOOd lot with nice cottage, but you can't buy It by dreaming, i want to see a man mat ' "saws wood," and not a foolish theor iser. E. L. KEESLEK. 'Phone 844. . , "OR--RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE, BLAND street, slOBj s-room nouse, u n. Davidson, fls,00; 5-room house, 9Vt N. Csldwell, t7.00 6-room house, In rear 604 8. Church, fK.00; 4-room house. East. 11th street, I4.00-N4 rooms over 226 West Trade. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & BRO. DON'T TRY TO GET ALONG ON LAST summer's suit. Come in and let ma shew you my patterns In spring and summer goods. It's one of the neatest lines I've ever had. II. MILLER, The Old Reliable. THE OLD RELIABLE CAN SERVE you with the very best the market af ford. Everything cooked Just as you llke It. Try our quirs luncn counter. Try OEM RESTAURANT, r. ClvJfio- WELL, Manager. WE DON'T "HESITATE TO SAT WE ran furnish you with the nicest livery In Charlotte and prove it by you when ' you hsve used one of our horses and buggies. Our price are moderate and ourrvlc unequnled In this city. W. G. ROBS CO. 'Phone 381. 208 and 211 West 4th St. A LIVERY SERVICE THAT IS SAFE. . good horses, nobby turnouts, drivers If yeu want them. Our horses, while they re not by in mtM 4,aM,jr, efsMly sate. , 'Phons tor a sn .r 4b WW fld rttJM( X. C COCHRANE A We also carry a stock of terrs oottar pips from 4 In. to 24 In. 'P,honj 17. Prompt delivery, Mwn-VXO. nt mi i' MW' . Dilworth Floral Gardens Don't hesitate to place your orders witn us ror your Wedding Flowers, Loose Cut Flowers and Floral De signs. In dealing with our customers la filling orders by mall, wire or direct our motto ls,."'Put yourself In Ms place." Bend us your orders and we win exercise the same care In detail as would be given were you here to se lect. ? We put ourselves In your place and give what we would exnect to re ceive ourselves. The choicest selection of cut flowers. The best service. W. G. HcPHEE, Prop. Charlotte. N..C : F. O. Box T. Bell Thates BEDDIIiG PlAllfS-; 'CwtfbfVCfsd;, -A" - 1 ricrcl Designs if ui. Schollx Green lipases i ' fit"' (KvU '1 ? tKi f , Spec F. O; iter w FORSM.B " jj1 "1. A Fine, Large Steel Greek Farm wjth.Si Young Mules and all - Farm - Implements, Wagons, Gears, etc. ' Now cultivated.- -Terms E.Z. Price right ASK '(V Fr A ALEXANDER :ft About It 203 & Try 6. P. as. The Crcwell SnitoriL-m Co.. !nc For the Treatment of . Whiskey Uorpliine ' and , Kervons Diseases. v. ' Special apartments and nurses for lady patients. All forms of electricity tor treatlpg nervous diseases, and various methods of massage, includ ing thetBllhnialer vibrating method. The stockholders all being physicians constitute consulting boards- Specially trained male and female nurses and attendants. 11 ' S. M. CROWELli, II Dv Pres. XV. M. STRONa ML D " y'y- Besfdeat mygtctaas VE SELL LOTS LOOK ! 'We hair a customer with $1,000 ia bank to put lb city home that I worth the money. It w could find him a place 4 that shows up right, he might go as much as $10,000, provided the value r justified It . If you are eet'ously inclined to sell. lUt your property with us Ct once. '. . N , . - ' . .' The CharlottcRea f , :A A. G. CRAIG., Secrotary M ItAnagey.'? , lC' 1 The galtfsin new building and lndnstry to Korth Casolln.ls greater than at any period In the State's history. The North Carolina of Baleigh, N. C, should 'receive It proportion t, this prosperity M compared with the percentage of new business given to it in., periods of less Industrial activity. - , Give it the insurance on the desirable new properties you have) -to offer. It win help to build up our borne SUte and continue tho great era of prosperity now enjoyed by our people. Southern Slates Trust Company, Agents ; 1 HARVEY LAMBETH - f; - Manager Insurance Department.1 $1,000,080 BjesjBMBjBjBjsjBjasjMesMesjBM Positively the greatest legitimate money-making proposition with divi dends that will range from 50 to 850 per cent on present tovestment al most absolutely assured. STOCK WILL ADVANCE 100 PER CENT, WUNE 15TII. S will give $1,000.00 to any person who can And:.: a. -cleaner, clear-cut proposition, one that will stand a closer investigation through Banks, Mer cantile Agencies and private citiiens of the town where, properties, are located. Investors that desire to have dividends coming to them for years, Invest one cent In a postal card and write for my "Market Letter,', W. P. FIFE, 'wJSrrX ST, LOUIS. MO. FIME' OFFERS 1 MM mmmmmmmitmmmimmm mm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 am offering some "shares Of partly matured stock In the, Mu tual B. St Ll, but if you want them, you must come or , write AT ONCB, They mpst be sold without delay, and this Is the first day of notice. If you do not want any of the above, this . is the opportune time to take NEW STOtJK, either for invest -ment or loan. There's nothing else SO GOOD for .-most of us as Mutual B. A L. stock, and the sooner you load up on it, the ,more you'll save and the more you'll make. Come fight now.' JNO. R. PHARR, President L L KtfSliR, Treasurer ' PHONE 344. ' THE SAVING HABIT It is all matter fof habit whether you .save or spend your jnoney. Why ' not , form, the habit that will do vou ti Wepayyou to sayct;; ;J S : ; SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS DAJVIC f. M. Srown, tW W. K Aietander. Y. Pres., W. I Jenkins. CasbW r F rnfH : IflSIIMRCEi' - - mm so. v ! , i V ' f A tiffc It H mm '.' .5.. , , WhenoU buy candy jroujtrant , THATs BineiJEn's.- - When you buy candy you want i t. . ,v Pure 'a. f , THAT'S HCTLEB'S. -. When you buy carfdy you want - M fit fresh.;--' t y ; , that's miihum's. I ) we are sole agents . for; Cbar--' " u lotte.---w?i'"-'' ; Xorses Begtsfee,,,.- A-- R. fl. Jordan & Co. 'V DRfJGOISTS. , -l. WE JTEvTER CLOSC "rSB.ATIIS Expert attendants of the Washing ton, LaFayette ' TurVlsh t Baths, , In charge. - Open 10 a. m. to 11 p. uf. 4 " ,,r ip p Home Insurance Co. In For Stockholders Annually In Sight! - some crood? nEAL - ESTATE" " 207 -. mm stceet; f "r I I - ' - - I w , II t. L. v.. .. . t... ... - E-room house and 'barn, lot 107x300 feet; rents for $7.00 Price . , j" . 1 4-room houses, lot 260x175 feet: - . . . A-raum nweiunr, wm atn, easement,' cold storage, ,2-room sorvsnt aoufe,barn garden, etci lot 100x100 feet. Price l.?so.OO. AH the above houses are supplied with ' water from the College Water- v r". the last named dwelling- having both hot and cold water. , T?6. a,so offer the. following Jots at Cornelius, , N, Cl' - " ' , . -S00xJ75 fet -Price ., , $500.00.-' iih JoH, 1,00- " iy-g within' a, few -feet of the ' Cornelius , - Cotton 1 Mills. Price .....--. -. - -.v . . ettnftrt 'l10- "l-0 feet. Price H 10s an lie, wen and front iT!-rr' KIWI STATE -.'It frequently expresed when it Is learned that wa do not charge " .more than, six per cebt for moeny. Many time In - the 'past ten i ' Fears persons have said, "Why, we thought air banks , charged ?! what .they could get, as they do in the larger cities, especially -lit ' ' ' t?,,r xTor elty."r This volley of minimum. vnlform rate : has -. been pursued by us during all these years with great benefit to the : 4 f.n.nd .satisfaction to our customers. - They know that when we s ' Stve them a rate of six per cent., it will not be Increased, even lit-' stringent; times. "We shall be glad to JhaVe'your business.;, - ;; ! cpr,i r.i e ii c f al n a t i 6 fi a 1 BMfe f 1 t . ; Ouwlottev ST, fk - if , t -BTjnmtr, lresiaenii-,:,.' i.-':'V "''v w-' & HOLTT. .jpresldeaK'- Y - BBENBtEB, Ouhler. C.T -W T. 8CMMET, Asst., , .f,j largest'Cefibl rd Sciplss 'if. ter :liabb"8hS ' 1 1 1 1" 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 ,rn 'n r ,. 'i n . .. : flRST HATIOflAl BAMliT s' :OBGANIZED Capital V . V ' K DIRECTORS: " ' ! T. K. BROWJT V - - ' - - ' - V ! f ? -GEO. W. BRYA9 : 7 J ' " ' ' . - T T. C BURROUGHS , , FRANK GILRKATTI .T. 8, MYKR8 - - w ;-F, B, MdOWEHi .c. ;-.-;.--;.',. .' ,,H. U. afeA1Kir " ,W. B.-ROtlMAJf - . ''.,'t' CHAS., A. WILLIAMS. , f. .f YOUR -BUSINESS ;:SOLIC3TEb HtANK G!lEA1U PrcSL : eK)OOCO)0w0t0t06C0fCe ' lllr - CHARLOTTE H C eqK0Os04OsO40O4O0CKeX THE.vCHARlOTTE; CKAHICTJl Xt Is ottr constant aim to be eonrteoue and accommodating to aD classes sad : make this bank - where those of moderate r means -shall have the ' same treeent as thesev mere favorably situated.' VTou are cordially invited to W. IL.TWITTYi mti ;. B. OllEHll.Prestfd. emWLOTTE a a Every "Branch Your EBusiness SoKdted. OFFICERS J. 1L KITTLE, f C Freeldenu - t , V " r f' 1 nvnld itie iSisIz To yoor jyaluahle) papers ,of Are and theft by.kesplna; them fo-ohe -of. our-JSafa, Deposit Boes. We havf 'a, convenient ' elsa fortndi- "; Tldual use at $1.00 .cyeaf. ,t.l.00 jrear.;r Southern ' States : Trirsf o. 4. "ft "it-. ,v V'S cAFXTAXi " . rninm umtnTKn , T 1 t .Al,VI9A W.,.-,." '.fly.-'., T - GEO. STEPHENST. a FUAlfKIiDT, W. XL WOODJT. & DATIt, 4 President. Tics) 1 Pres. Hj;0':w:a;.D:EiD;io;rj;D:s '. 'i J ) ; WB OFFER SjJBlEGIfawr SALE: . frf ,i. S.eoO' to 88,000 N. C. 4s. due 111 10S 6,000 to so.oue wnttney eu-year eg .f., .. .WO 6.000. Salisbury A Spencer Ry, Co. , . g s.ooo N. C. 4s. ltlO .,. V. .. . 10.000 Winston-Salem Power Co.es " "v;.,?): also.-v,4'4vH tv-'H,m vf ; t AAA niahland Park oar cent. Preferred Iflt,j t- ' 1 a.OOO to 10,0fl Calvine 7 tjerntJjr-feferred M A ad i-" M m r a tnonth. rent for $12,00 per .month. , fi,2 Prinr , IUI. r 7 ' T - - I i 1 -141 AAA on macadamised street. Terms easy. L0JL1 O TiVJST tC.?;:.7 1865: u V lit . - V i z... -.... . .1 V.1 eriil Surplus," $500,000:001 tL IL VrCTOi CasKer- GtflDLv'. $2C3,Q.CJJ W invite yen M open aa aeceunt , with , promising every eourteeyaad aoeommodaUoa evnslttsjfii with sound bankmg. ' Wa pay four per cent mtereat time deposits. 1 ; ' . A ' . ., GBO. K. WTLSOIf, Piresldeat. .: " 9HQ. B. ROSS, Ttee rnsJiVsst. " W. CL .WZUONSON, Cashier. . NATIONAL' BANK nt " v n, open a osvnk soeount with us,-, l TRUST '; GOi sjes wp vers' r if t$i ;o Banking M. PATTERSON, Tj. R. HAGOOD, rVlos President. CsahlMP. -. t ft -j-; . W,V.. k 4,vw 'r v $200,60 manfjrvpw w o t .vv - t. - w ,1 ;,; Testiretv j Asst. 1Veaa,: 1-4 and Int ! and Int and Int. - 104 1.4 A, , ,, ,t ,101 1-; and Int. ; .,..- ,', , .ijeo. ' . l1. ' 1 fv r ,? - lit t ' t t ft t f 'Si, V - .1 je : J tOf jts. rutb 8t Charlotte, C KICU GRADE INVESTMENTS. IT