OHABLOTTE DAILY OESEUVE::, i?KIL 27, 1C03. , 1. ASHEVILLE, MEETING ' IMKniSTIXO', PROGRAMME ' n A mVrlran" Cotton' Jlsniifactnrers1 t A -latlon Making a lidy ) -cord Convention uv Aslierille to 'J v -The Programme fanned t.Jiy tine AddreK Messrs. W. ; S. Lre, Jr., and Stuart W. Cramer, of Charlotte, to 8pek-Jrh gramme in vouu. - - The tenth Annual convention of the Amerlcaa Cotton Manufacturers' As : societies via to be. bald In Ashevllle , . tna Mth and 17th of May. The head v:'fluarUi,f.hacqiTentloii.'''wni be at KenUworth Inn. tha magnificent hos telry which la located two mile out of tha city, near Biltmore, overlooking tha vanderbut mansion ana grounas. i While tha greater number of guests - i will probably atop at KenUworth Inn. many will lodge at the Battery Park ' Hotel, In the heart of tha city. Ths s; rates-a both are the same, namely. ... tl and (4 Mr day. - American plan, i Those who atop at the Battery Park .will have no dirncuity wnatever in V attending the session of the convention. ? for the cara make the trip every few . minutes Every convenience has been provided and those who attend may rest arnurea mat notntng wnj .joe wen V inr in accommodations. '' ' The railroads will sell round trip "( ticket from ;- all points east of tha Mississippi for one and one-third fares plus 16 cents. Arrangements nave Vbeen made, with the Southern Rail yway whereby tickets will be sold from Aahevtlie to Toxaway for n.60 tor tne ' round trip. It may; be that a special . excursion win do run irom abucviiib J- ..to Toxaway during one of the days - f th rnnnntkin. These' tlclceta will go or sale May 17th and .will be good V until the Slst. Those who desire to 1 , amend a few dava In the beautiful San V phlre country will thus have abun dant opportunity. Those who are to attend the con vention had better make their ar rangements early for the attendance promises to be unusually large. Al- ' au Mnal jIshu K1r miam t riBn 9AA - ervations have been made at Kenil , t worth Inn. to say nothing of those of I' ' the Battery Park, i- Secretary C. B. Bryant has Just mall- .;-. .more than ,ooo copies of tne pro " gramme to manufacturers and mill '-'f remme Is interesting and worthy of ' 4 a careful perusal. A copy of It fol- WEDNESDAT. MAT 1TH. 10 A. M. , A Meeting called to order by President t It. M. Miller. Jr. ' Prayer Rev. R. R. Swope, V. D., ' All Soul's church. Blltmore. N. C. -v. Address of welcome on behalf of the lty Mayor Alfred 8. Barnard. Address of welcome on behalf of the State Oov. R. B. Glenn. Reply to addresses of welcome T. H. Rennle, Granltevllle Manufacturing Company, Granltevllle, 8. C. ' Annual address President R. M. Mil ler. Jr. Address Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. ! Address Chas. K. Oliver, president Consolidated Duck Company, Baltl-,- mora. Md. it - nr , Address Colonel Henry O. Hester, secretary New Orleans Cotton Ex change, New Orleans, La Address The Evils to the Trade of ! fthe Present System of Government Cotton Crop Reports. W. J. Neale, president Southwestern Cotton Buyers' "' Association, Waco. Texas. ' a a a trta, m.... m ." .. American Cotton and Better Baling of the Same. J. A. Taylor, president , National Glnners' Association, Win wood, Indian Territory. - Address Relation of the Cotton In dustry to Southern Developmen t. E. , TAr Smith, national, organiser,. South ern Cotton . Association, Columbia, ft. . c - Adjourn. Luncheon. The afternoon will be devoted to drives through the famous Blltmore estate. NIGHT SESSION, 8:80 O'CLOCK. Address Proper Accounting Methods F. W. Lafrentz, C. P. A. president American Audit Company, New York. Address The Credit Problem View ed from the Standpoint of Actual and Practical Utility. P. S. Trevor, the Credit Office. New York. Address The Metric System In the Cotton Trade. Samuel 8. Dale, Textllo World Record. Boston, Mass. Address The Mettle System in the Textile Industries. W. W. Crosby. Brighton MHlsAPassalc. -N. J. Address co-operation: Its Impor tance In Fire Preventlon.-ll. L. Phil lips, manager Factory Insurance As sociation, Hartford. Conn. Adjourn. THURSDAY. MAY 7TH, 10 A. M. Address Recent Development In Air Conditioning.-. W. Cramer, Cotton Milt Machinery, Charlotte, N. C. Address Efficiency of Kle-trlc Drive In Cotton Mllls.-Frank B. Perry, Gen eral Electric Co., Boston, Muss. Address Immigration and Its Rela tion to Labor Supply In Textile Mills. : M. V. Richards, land and Industrial agent Southern Railway Co., Washing ton, D. C. Address Electricity: The Power Be hind the Houth.W. H. ijt-f, Jr., vle president Southern Popr Company, Charlotte. N. C. Address Cultivation of Cotton In Lower Egypt. H. H. Carver. Carver Bros., Ltd., Alexandria. Egypt. BUSINESS PENSION FO ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY. 12:30 p. M. Report of secretary and treasun-r. Report of committee on niisni-e. Report ot committee on ways and tneans. Report of committee on resolutions. New business. KlectioVi of offli ers. Adjourn. . Afternoon will be devoted to drives to Riverside Psrk. 'midly. Muunt Meadows Inn. Sunret Mountuln and ,5" Mount Busbee. Ths officers of the association nr Messrs. R. M. Miller, Jr., Chxriotte, ' president; A. H. Lowe, Flti Ijimig, ; Mass.. vice president, and C. H llry ant. Charlotte, secretary and troas- rer. , The board of governors are Messrs. R. R. Ray, McAdensville, chairman; R. S. Relnhardt, Lincoln ton; B. E. Wllllngham, Macon, Oa.; ; U W. Parker, Greenville, 8. C; A. P. - Rbyne, ML Holly; l!, Lang, West I Pointy Oa.: David Clark. Charlotte; . A. Fmlth, Charlotte: Geo. B. Hiss, i Charlotte; T, H. Rennle. Oranltevllle, S. C: 3. C. Smith, Shelby; , Vsl. Tay , lor. Unlontown. Ala.; J, p. Leak. Rock Ingham; W. C. Heath, Monroe, and , Arthur. Draper. Pell City, Ala. v ' , , Dead In the Wooda ; , Correspondence of The dbserver. ' V Lexington, ApHI ZS. Sam Leonard. realdlnjr near Shiloh, this county, was found dead yesterday In the woods where he bad been chopping. He was , In good health when last seen, and 't , fa supposed that he dropped dead. He was dlscoyered within a few minutes srfter his death, by a glrj who was car , rylng htm water. He wss t years of ' sgs sad iesves a family. ..v;..-w.v i Foiejr A CS., Chicago, erlgtnefed Honey asd Tar as a throat and lung remedy, ad on account of the treat merit snd popularity ot Foley's Honey and 'Tar - t'-ny Imitations are Offered (or the riiofne. These worthless Imitations nave t -.ir sounding . Beware of them. 'i i.e genuine toley's Ifoney and Tar to tt a yellow psoksge, i Ask for It and re t -e any sobatitute.,. It Is the beat rem t for eougas ead ooids, X, H. Jor S Cs & ,, v - , v - 1EAD OX SOUTHERN TRACKS. -, H " ' 1 V ' ''l John 8 BfelMtter CaUa-Aslerp on th Raihvay Track and la ' KUlcd ly 'Pasaina; Twln-JTbe Verdict of the ' j orqner4, Jury, f - , rl3 f, Uohn Melamer, a middle aged white man, wa' found ."dead on the tracks of the Southern ; Railway Company, near the LlddeU ,treet crossing 1 la North Charlotte, About t o'clock yester day anornlng;' Mr.,' 3. C, Flahef, n einployepf th8' t4JJetl Company, dis covered tb '.body; ? H t a , . one "told ,niji,;ui(irt,'(H uao MUU 1.11V jf together? notified th officers t Jthe red uce station. Sergeant FafrlHgton, ac companied 'By one or two officers, im mediately went out to the aoshi of the homlQlde to prevent .-any emoval- of in P9oy, umu tne, arrival 'Oi tna cor oner, j-':ff .iv! tV. , -Coroner" Pro Tem 3.' W." Cobb and the jury viewed the remains, and they were then carried away. Alt the evidence goes to ahow that Melamer had bean drinking heavily Wednesday. Ha had been to Salisbury and a half pint flash waa found on his person. There Is nothing to Indi cate foul play, for the posture of the body and tha nature of the wounds preclude any such Idea All the testi mony given at the Inquest points to the fact that Mel smer was drunk and had gone - to steep on the tracks. He was last seen about 10 o'clock. The killing .took place between that time and S o'clock yesterday morning. In addition to the whiskey, a watch and 14.4S In cash were found In his pock ets. Melsmer was formerly an employe In the Chad wick Mill, His wife died about six weeks ago and since then be has been living In Charlotte doing odd Jobs here and there. -He appeared In tne recorders court about a week ago, charging a young man. named Mull, from Rutherfordton, . with the theft of his pocket book containing (7. Mull was bound over, but later proved clear case and was released. Little has been seen or heard of Melsmer since. After hearing the testimony of half a doten witnesses. Coroner Pro Tem Cobb and the Jury, returned a ver dict that the deceased had come to his death as the result of being struck by a southern Railway train. B1UZIL.LIAV8 DRAW CROWD. Party of Gaudily Garbed South Americans Attract s Deal of At tention at tlie Southern Depot A nomadic Band or coppersmiths, There was a great attraction at the Southern Railway depot Wednesday. so great that the balcony waa crowd ed with spectators who looked down into the colored section of the wait ing room upon a gaily garbed crowd of dusky men, women and chllren with much curiosity. inquiry revealed the fact that the Interesting party Vas entirely com posed of nomadic Brazilians who had Just arrived from Ashevllle. The fa cial types set oft as they were by highly-colored kerchiefs and sliver spangles, were extremely attractive and would have furnished most In teresting models for a painter. These types varied from the extremely high cheeked Indian to the delicate Spanish with oval face, thin lips and large, dreamy, sensuous eyes. The party numbered four men, eight women and about twenty children, the latter garbed In a manner evidently conducive to comfort In the hottest weather and not necessitating any great amount of mateital. These Bra zilians are expert copper smiths and travel from place to place doing all kinds -of repair work on boilers, ket tles and - other metal vessels usually found In the housewife's kitchen. They expect to remain ln Charlotte for- a few days before going to South Caro lina towns. The appearance of the skin and clothing of these people would lead one to think that they had followed the example of the subject of a well known soap poster which adorned bill boards In every section of the country several years ago. The! poster showed a very grimy Individual seated at an Improvised table penning the follow ing testimonial to the soap manufac turers: "I used your soap two yeara ago and haven't used any other since." Mr. John N'olcn to be Here Early In May. Mr. John Nolon. architect for the Charlotte park and tree commission. Is due to arrive In the city from Cam bridge, Mass., early In May. He comes for the purpose of looking after cer tain private work that he has In charge and also to make the final arrange ment of plans for the Improvements In Independence Park. This work has already been started, one driveway having been completed. As soon as Mr. Nolen .has Inspected what has been done, a force of men will be put to work at owe to carry out the re mainder of the plans, which are very extensive. Mr. Nolen will be in Charlotte but a few days. Any who desire to con sult with him may make appointments through the prk and tree commission. Hie Need of a Baseball Team. "The long summer afternoons are coming on and what are we to do to amuse ourselves?" asked a well-known cotieni merchant of an Observer report er yesterday. "One soon becomes tired of driving and autolng Is an expensive (pleasure. (When the shadows begin to lengthen, and . that tired feeling takes hold of a fellow, he wants to get away from the crowded streets and And a cool place where he can rest, do nothing but rest. "Baseball Is the medicine for many Ills. Can't Charlotte get up some kind of a team. Why there has not been a match game of ball In the city this Hfiison. If things continue as they are now much longer, I shall have to got on the train, go to New York and see sme good games of ball." KKJHT NEtJHO HADITATES. Comnunorment Kxcrciwen of Colored A. M. College Addrrtut by Mr. A. M. Kt-alcH. Special tn Th Ooserver. Greensboro. April 26. The graduat ing exercises at the Colored A, A M. College took 'place this morning at 10 o'clock. There were eight graduates, three of whom spoke for as many different . departments of the institution. , Ttiey were J. A. Hawkins, whose subject was "The VmIud of Higher Industrial Education:" W. T Johnson, who spoke on "The Opportunity of the Southern Negro In Agriculture;" t- R. Ford, on "The Spirit of Enterprise." Mr. Alfred M. Scales, o Greensboro, formerly c-halrmsn of the oard of trustees of the college for six years, delivered the annual address. His subject wss "The Thlsgg Unseen and Unheard.'" His address was regarded ss very ma it erf ut. convincing snd forcible, and was admired snd com mended very highly by all those who heard it. Ths audience was Urge and apprsclstlvs and the exercises enjoy able. The result of ths year's worn Is, very gratifying te the friends of ths Institution.- ", " - If health' is wealth an money talks, for so the proverb runs. - A A fortUne you may plainly see, In taking Rocky Mountain' Tea, R. H. tordsa, Cowv - .? v THE LESSON FOR .SUNDAY THIS PARABLE QV;TWS SOWm A Lemon That Can Wee"' Become Effete The , , Bsw-Kecnrrins; v Pro cess of Nature and the Interprets. , Hon Moral Earnestness, Good and Honest Heart, the Good Soil ' The Teacher's jusmern, , , ' (Copyright, by svls W.; Clark.) Ths parable of the sower, connected as it Is with an ever-recorring. pro cess of nature, !: a can nsver 1 become effete. And. as that process Is one on whinh ihe verr sustenance of hu man life depends, an on wonted dig nity attaches to tne paraoie. as Jesus' i own,: Interpretations is ai tached. It is impossible to g astray In the search for Its meaning. In Imagination I hold in my hand a grain of wheat; Just like that which the sower, went forth to sow. What I that seed? Perhaoa von say: "It is brown." But I did not ask the color. "Oblongr No. I djd not aak the shape. These are but few "ac cidents" of the seed. At the center of that stain there la an essence an Indescribable, invisible something, me Latins can , it vsuosuiwia, mo Inner principle of the seed. It is this which gives the accidents of color. slse and shape. Extract that prln clple, and there is nothing left. ' The gospel tls a seed. It may be written or sooken. It may be Scrlptarej ' ; hymn, sermon, prayer, tract, Sunday, school teaching, ex hortation. The accidents of form are multiple. . But at the heart of It there must be a divine principle of life. They must be Jesus' words of spirit and life, The gospel seed requires a sower. There are some seeds which nature has provided with the means of sowing themselves, These are, however, the exceptions which prove the rule. They are usually, too, the seeds of worthless weeds. About In the ratio of their value Is skill and care required In the. planting of good seed. As multi plex as the forms of the seed, so are the sowers. Whoever presents gospel truth in such manner that its power accompanies It is a sower of the seed. The seed implies a soil. And the soils are as multiplex . as the sowers snd the seeds. Across the Oriental fields footpaths may still be seen. Though allowed. they partake of the nature of trea pass. Farmers not accidentally, but purposely sow upon them for a witness that the claim to them Is not abandoned. The unwakened hu man heart is a path trodden hard by. sin and evil habits. Yet It be- on gs to God. He still claims It His truth Is sown upon it Tor a testi mony. But in such Instances the soul of the gospel does not touch the soul of the man. There Is an out ward hearing, indeed, but no Inward comprehending. And the seed Is quickly taken away by the evil one, who sends Irrelevant thoughts, pleas ure, business, etc., as a flock of birds to devour the seed. Some seed fall upon a film of soli which covers a ledge of rock. The rock holding the heat acta like forcing house, and causes the seed to germinate all the more quickly. But there Is no chance to draw moist ure from the depths of the soil. For permanent and healthful growth. the seed of the gospel must grow as deep as it grows high. There muBt be as much Interior life as there Is ex terior expression, as much belief With the heart as confession with , the tongue. But the unbroken, rocky covering of the heart renders an in terior growth Impossible. The life of the seed Is beautiful, but brief. The same sun that, caused it to ger minate, withers It. There still another solt which, though untrodden and free from rock, " yet. has secreted In it roots of poisonous thorn bushes. The thorns and the wheat grow together, but the thorns faster and more luxuriantly. . They rob the wheat of the nourishment of the soli which belongs to It, its por tion of sunshine, dew and rain: they poison It with noxious breath, they wound It with their sharp briars, they choke It. Two conditions of human life seem here referred to. The poor. whom often the extreme anxiety bout temporal affairs and absorbing attention to the making of a living chokes the spiritual life; and , the rich, who in their abundance are prone to forget God, and indulge themselves to such an extent as to stifle all spirituality. The good ground may now be defined by contrast. It Is not the wayside.' It Is not stony. It is not thorny. It a soil that has been plowed 'Snd harrowed, stirred to Its depths , .A soli that has caught the sunlight and rain, and holds them. A soli ethat will receive the seed and hide it ant warm it in., Its bosom. Ruch a soil will product a hundred-fold, f More earnestness an honest and good heart is a good soil. 1 THE . TEACHER'S LANTERN. - With consummate strategy, Jesus ent to . "the masses." - The - feast- times found him in Jerusalem, where he widely-scattered Jews were wont gather. The Intervals between the feast found Htm on the shores of Galilee, the center of population. The manner of His life attracted. He was no mendicant. His humble retinue had a common purse, " meager no doubt, but sufficient, with- what the women ministered who. followed His train. Yet there was'no os tentation, though the wife of Herod's hier steward was with Him. By deeds of kindly helpfulness, He Identified Himself with ths people He hsd come to seek ' snd to save. We have s clue to the shte of Jesus' audiences in the fact that on one occasion there were five thousand men, not Including Women and chil dren. It waa at this epoch thst Jesus' preaching suffered a change ot style so marked as to ex cite the wonder of His disciples, and put a question on their Hps, An emergency made, the change neces ssry. In ths heterogeneous' mass be fore him, there were soma from whom it wss necessary to hide for' a time the essential nature of His' Kingdom. Had Hs proclaimed Him self explicitly ss only Xing of Hearts, He would heve-pj-eclpltated His: fate before .He could have sown His ssed and-trained His apoatolla eoHege. At the 'fssms'J-,.. time 'tf':-:'eohfused fv.-the; worldly-minded and hostile. It stimu lated the "docile - to an Inquiry, which was always rewarded. Like Ood's lantern m ths sky which led Israel's wilderness march,' the parable wss light to Jesus': friends, dark to' His foes. ; ,; . Jeaus' incomparable legacy to His church is His thirty three , parables. If. alt the rest of the Bible were lost, there Is enough - in these word-pictures to sho,v what the . kingdom of heaven lay and hew to get Into ft. A ilttio mind seeks to magnify itself by the use of the recondite .and obscure. It Is the msrk of a great teacher that he 'can make the commonest objects and pro ceases of nature or art ths vehicle of Instruction, t finch Was,, Jesus' method. ' ii'1' J - Beautiful women een have ths beat things tn ths world, for" there is none ss Inhuman as to refuss anything to a pretty woman, v HollUter's Rocky Mounuut' Tea C makes t beautiful- women, II cents. R. K. Jordan- sV Cs,, eciiooii build: : Contract Let by Town of fipenoer t Mr. r L. ; V B. '. BrickensttnoOtl.cr Municipal Improvements. ., :-. ; - , . Correspondence of The Observer. . ' Spencer,- April ', ?5Ths , board of aldermen of Bfencer last night, clos ed a -contract for the erection of a handsome, .new : brick graded school building to cost about f 13.000.' the con tractor being Mr. L- .Bji Brickenetlne, of Wlruton-Saleni,' : The .building Is , to be erected at once and Is to be ready for occupancy, at the opening of school in September. , A contract has also been dosed with M r. Brlckenstlne for: the construction of the entire sewer system for Spen cer which." i to cost i approximately $18,000. The material for the system has already been "shipped' and work begun on , the , plans, i Ths town will also make extensive street improve ments this season which makes a long list of public improvements secured by 8pehcer ..within a year, for all of which bonds have been sold. A splen did water-works system has Just been completed and is now n reoperation. Last year the town, by vote, author ized an Issuance of $70,000 of bonds for the above purposes, one ban of the issue having already been disposed of to tne wacnovia Jboan unisv uo. OFFICERS ELECTED. Daughters of liberty WiU Meet Next Xear - st ' Burlington Engineer Jo seph Anderson (seriously Injured. . Correspondence of The observer. - Concord, April 25. The State coun cil, Daughters of Liberty, at this morn ing's meeting, decided to hold their next annual meeting at Burlington. The new officers elected were: -Senior ex-State councilor, J. N. MaxtfeU, Sal isbury; Junior ex-State assistant coun cilor,. Miss Queen Ingle, Burtlngton; State councilor, J. P. Reynolds,? Win ston; assistant State councilor Miss Minnie Bratton, Davidson; State vice councilor, h O. O. Klutts, Salisbury; State recording secretary, W, A. Fogle man; assistant treasurer. Miss Maggie Nail. Salisbury; State treasurer, W, D. Phillips, i. Spray : akslstant secretary, Addle Blair, Warton; State guide. Miss Beulah Leach, Salisbury; inside sen tinel. Miss Flora Htnson, L.Tncora; outside sentinel, J. P. Howard-, Con cord, "r , . Mr. JoseDh Anderson, one' of. the oldest engineers on the Southern, fell out of his engine here last night and was badly injured. His arm was brbk- j en. his head bruised and other Injuries sustained. He had charge of tne local yard engine here and came very hear being killed by the accident. Lexington Municipal Ticket. Correspondence of The Observer. (Lexington. April 25. A mass meeting was held In the court house last night for the purpose of nominating a may or and board of town comtpissloners, the election to be held May L Sev eral speeches were made and two tick ets nominated." The present encum bent, John H. Moyerr mayor, waa re nominated unanimously and. heads both tickets. The sense of the meeting in dicated, be von d all doubt, that a ma jority were In favor of the old board. which has been directly responsible for more municipal progress than any former board. The old boprd consists of G. W. Montcastle. R. L. Burkhead, J. W. Noell, J. H. Thompson and J. L. Peacock. The new ticket named Is composed of the following: L. F. Weaver, Z. I. Walaer, E. A. Rothrock, A. L. Plckard and.R. L. .Burkhead. Never. . Raleigh .Times. ' OMate the two States havebeen fighting for the ownership of many things and many people. North Caro lina has possibly laid claim to much that belonged to South Carolina, but we have our doubts if North Carolina will ever claim Mr. Salley. The verdict of reflection Is always in favor of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. b ths COLT) EXIST TWINS. !' .A 912.CC9 Wuh-dgy troublei win vaalsa like dew before the motning'sun If you use GOLD DUST.1 s vClothet on tha fine in half tha time is th mottn of tha COLD TJTT55T TWIWt ; - ' The old vty of fobbing tad It iratpotaible to get the clothes almost clean; but think of the Ubot involved! ;v 1 : r; ' in do better irork, and do it in half the time C There- Is no soap, washing powder or cleanser that ,r, . will take Its placev- y . J,t' , t" ,.V?,:Ci : ' r - : r;K - ' f Ifwould Tt)Mfieiuiedli6n8eea TWINS do eoar work; 'J';) Wssh fMhesV Btaokets, Liaeas te ; srwk flserw. Weedwora, Coaster SbeMag tad atsateie, - Ctleaa OH C lath. 1 .v , . w. - - . ; Vleaa peel Kenisvs States frees Oarpsttw ?, Clees) vtsaera , ' -- . r. Ctloasj Platers tmeses end Cisss, v - week frsshes mm sjtoa)kcvr - riesa straw J 'ats -,TWask Ursaa tf '-Us. - Clean Feather.! i.,ew. A $1,000,000 CONTRACT. ( Abbeville Contractor- to BullJ '40 ' .Miles ot lUHroad In Eat Tcnncs see Conjecture as to What Sys- tem is Building This Road, ; " r .. Correspondence ef The, Observeft7:;, Ashevllle, . April , 25. J. '- B- Oate. of Ashevllle, one of the moat. efficient and "successful ' railroad ;v' contractors in North Carolina.-if not In ths South, has just been awarded a contract to build 40 miles of road In Tennessee, along , the Holston riven Th 'jiew road will have- its beginning St a point six: .miles;; from Bogeravllle, Tenn.,. and will follow the course of the Holston river to " Moccasin Gap, a distance of 40 mllea ? Mr. Oates will leave for Rogersvllle this week. where he will establish headquarters for his camps.-. He said this morning thst work would be commenced Mon day and -that' large forces, of men woud be' put to work all along- the line. .'r'- n, i j , u-'Jt . It. is Mr. Oates purpose to sub-let portions or me contract, m has been his , previous ' policy - in the vast amount of road work he has done J amount of road construction that he nas ,done. - The .contract for the building of the new 40-mlla road will cost' the bonders, between 1 $800,000 snd $1,000,000. There is some con jecture as to Just what ystem la building the ' branch from near Rogersvllle to Moccasin ' Gan. It is said that, one ot three roads the Southern, ' the -South A Western or me a. s Dehina-tha.wont, but tnat nas not been given out which one or tnese roads is the builder. Mr. Oates is now comnletlnar a enn. tract in Virginia,, and when this work is, finally finished, will ' put . all - his available force to work on the Moccasin Uap road. , . . Wilson News Notes. Correspondence of The Observer a Wilson. - ADHl SS. Mr ' n Mr. Jesse B. Williams and children left yesterday for the Pacific coast where they will spend three months, return ing via Yellowstone National Psrk. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Anderson. Miss wan Branch and Mr. w. IV Clark left to-day for Boston, whence -they sail next Saturday for Naples add other points in Europe. - Miss Alice - Ham, mond, of Baltimore, will Join the par ty in that city. They will return about July IS. Cut this out and take it to K. H. Jordan A Co.'s drug store and get a free samolo of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. , These tablets are far superior to puis. Deinx easier te taxe ana mora pleasant in effect They correct disorders of the- stotnacn, uyer ana bowels. DR. 0. L. ALEXAKDEE, DENTIST. I ' ' CARSON BtnUHf O ' ii J " Southeast Corner " ' ' FOURTH' AND TRTON STBJEBTB. HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS v OHARiyrrg greensboro. n.cl Wheeler, Runge and Dickey 1 ARCHITECTS Second Floor 4Cs Building, ' CHARLOTTE,-e . ; Jf.C frank: p. mtlburn ARCHITECT Columbia, - ; - - S. 0. ' GOLD - serabbiac clothe did wefl enough until Wssh Olsaso Croekery, Glassware, Lamps sad Chimneys.. Clam Psts and fans ".., . ,,, ff Ism tHveewara, Zlao. Metal Work. Bresse asd Brie s brae. Wash snd trl!!ze Milk Oaaa asd dsirr atessffls, .A Wmkm Hard Water Weft - Msks ths Finest waft wasp, r " - ' Was Itiwews. -''' Clsss Bsthreses, Tabs, Pipes, Cte a f T ' f . " feasovsrwit Stalna. i s. v, i-aks as KsmIsIosj fsr Ptssts end Trsask w - x ITo toa bona, soda,' ammonia, naphtha," kerosene or foreign jngredlent sr-f needed with GOLD DUST. It wi3 do all the work withont assisiance. , THS It, k. 7AX2SAKt C0M7ANT Chlcafo--Makers of VaXST SOAP ' New tern C. "j f l.CCX Special to Tlie Observer, i 'Newborn, April 2.-The revised and complete list of donations in this city for .the cause 'of the, victims of the San Francisco earthquake shows a to tal -of $1,000, in addition to the eltl sens. general list. Knlgbta. Templar, Elks, Hebrews- and the j Presbyterian church, all of .which were liberal con tributors. The money was telegraphed to the relief committee to-day by May or Patterson. '. ,,,..-,. T' - f 1 Bvidently,' Raleigh Times. ' ; , UV, Mr. Salley la, very young. -i .j..Jf: TUsTldOON IS afABS ttt,, - - , UJT , (ittKBN,. caiKESbi many people would lead her to.vW lleve, when the housewife ' goes 'to purchase- flour for her baking day but if shs has once used tha Pride, of Charlotte flour she- will take nothing else, it is. maae ot. the cnoieest se lected wheat and ground at our mills, MECKLENBURO FLOUR MILLS 9, Leo Kolner, Proprietor. , I i i '"..nV.Mi.'y, U "., i.i FOR SZtLB. ? " The Ut. Clla Roller Mill wilt ' be sold tor cash (or other . approved terms) at Mt; Ulla. Rowan Co.. N. C, on Thursday, May Jlst,: 4oe. at' I p. m. . i 1 . . Up-to-date, practically new. 1 dolnc best work. Case system, ; Columbus bolters. 0 bbl. capacity. Good bbrrh corn mill; Atlas engine and boiler. 6 and 70 n. p-.on one and one-half acres land; within 0 feet of R. R. at ML Ulla depot, Fine wheat and corn section, at gateway of Southern flour and feed market Milling in transit; healthy locality; fine school; surrounded with -churches. Must be sold for dissolution of company. Rare opportunity. Address MT. ULLA R. M. CO., K(t Ulla, N. C Chick Springs Agency We are pleased to announce that we have seoured.-ths ex-, elusive agency for ths ' Celebrated Qk Sprinj Water and we are prepared to furnish It In half-gallons, Ave gallons and barrel - - Chick Springs Is a most ire-! - markable water and is a; spa i cine for Indigestion and -Dyspepsia, , - i , . " Phone us - your, orders. : We receive the wster fresh every day. . ,- Brannon bitonatinsCo. phone sas. - . saw ia i-av.. u r . ' TT - . 7 rT . - - ' WH'UtH, VT1 .WrlIlCUlB Plan. ' BUOT - Tm&ZE&sWm " f'4 f GOLD DUST was rUteorereiL V Get your silk dress on and do your own cooking with electric appliances. The heat la all internal and. ing la Jtrijt fun. .- . - Somebody wants a cup of tea. Put , the water in the vessel, turn a little j switch, then read on for a few, min utes. It's surprising how quick .the , uuns wnen tne neat is eiectrit, . and: when one ia reading while .wait ing. - ., i ' - '! Think of it! ' The waters cf the ,. rat whs A i , u .1. electric current,- a little wire! brings tne 'current to Charlotte, and -.tt-e' current makes t tea while, the lady' reads her - book' or magazine. And lh,n tit... hmH" (tisnes- and other .electric appliances' to get all of a meaL- - " . Certainly let the cook go.''. Cook and withal so very pleasant and ."onvi tertainlng that the husband wants .to'yl do the cooking. ; " t , jv i. i The electric ' flat-iron ;s.' as '' con venient and useful- as the electric ' coffee percolator or the electric chat - ing dish,-, ;- ? -L'e.-r.V - To a very large extent, .electric ap '"' pliances may , be - made to solve the d servant question. V i , ' J vwe carry a full Una -of these aD- . Pliances, , and of - electrid supplies' generally, , j svfl , , THE XX A. TOMPKINS CO. Charlotte N. C ? SALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROP In the matter of the Damask ManuV lecturing Company, bankrupt, - 1 By vinue of an order duly, mads and j entered, in the above entitled proceeding in bankruptcy, the under signed Truetees In Bankruntcv.nf ull ' Damask Manufacturing Company will auction at the' court house door in Winston, N. c, on Saturday,- Msy K lsoc. at 10 a. m.. the mill site, the water power, factory bufldinc and contents lately belonging to the said ' Damask Manufacturing -Company, lo- cated ut Roaring River, Vllkes COUaW ty. North Carolina. - " , , The lands hereby offered constat nf - three tracts one . of lour and one- nair t j-n acrea, one tract of one hundred and forty (140) acrea,. and one tract of one hundred and nine.' teen (111) acres, lying adjacent to ths nam ana iactory ouuaing-oi tne.com- y pony. i , , . , , , i The buildings on this eronsrr ne. " 1st of a brick factory building, .(0xl7f ' feet, standard conttrucUon. one story high, a brick store room and an office lSxSS .feet, and two completed, tenant houses and six in ths course of con struction; alao a forty-horse-power boiler, together with supplies snd ma-' chine shop tools, and buildinr m. terlal. Also the stock of goods la the Company storehouse, consisting of shoes, oversils snd Sundries and . a lot of plug tobacco "in ths original packages, unbroken, and . also - . one ypewriter. - , A All this property -will fee offered separately first, and then as a whole. This sale is made subject to confirma tion by the Court or Referee, at a meeting ot the creditors to be held at Winston, N. C, Saturday, May IX MOO. at 10 o'clock. . , F. H. CHAMBBRLAIN, i t' 'Trustee in Bankruptcy. April J, 10. ; ( For -.any further information 'de' sired, address the Trustee at Greens boro. N, C or his attorney; R.; C. Strudwick, Esct., M same place SrPrial Rsfw via K A I HinH''nnwr:.in'. vr f .. .-sifS'-.; WASHINGTON, -Bv C.-Nattonal Assecia , .tion- Colonial Dames ef , America, J May lst-6tb certlflcate plan. , T ';,' RALEIGH, N. - G-Grand Council Inde- t, - pendent , Order of Red Men.' May i btdHth, certificate plan. " -SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.s-'Lor 'IN- - GELE3, CAL. Imperial Council An- cient Arablo Order Nobles of -the Mystic Shrine, May 7th-loth, from Raleigh 176.60. Charlotte I75.0&. Wil mington I7S.50 and correspondingly low. rates from other nolnts. T. ' GOLDSBOKO, N. C.Qand -Lodg Inde - penaent praer ez-uas Fellows,' May ' v aaaav 1 Aim vsviisag Jrleallv ' Manufacturers'-Associatikn and 'Ns--. tlonall Association : of Plane- Dealers -of America, May leth-17th and May 14th-17h, rate of one, one-third fares ' plus -So,- round trip on certtfloate - Slan. t V1LLE. ' TENN-Peabody "College Summer Schools for Teachers, Van- " derbUt Biblical Institute. June Uth August 10th, one first-class fare plus -v "SEe..,for round trip v-' TUSCAL008A. ALA. Summer School v '..-.; for . Teachers, June , 13th-Juty : Mth.' rate one first-class fare piusSSu,- ' round trip. - - . ATHENS, GA.-OTnlteraltyW Mnmrntr School. June ath-July nth, one flrsu ' class fare plus 25c. for round trip. RAN FRANCISCO, 'CAL. LOS AS GELES, CAL. National Education- V al Association, July Sth-ltth, ' from -4 , Raleigho 177.60. - Wilmington 177-io: , ' Charlotte I71R0. eorrespondlna- -low 1 - rates from ether points.- . ? . MONTEAGLE. t TENN.Monteagle 'Sun- A" , day School Institute, July l&th-Au- n .,. gust 5th. one first-class fare plus3Se ' -i for round trip. - . MONTEAGLE. TSNN.Monteagle Bible . . Training School July Cnrt-aist, -one - - first-class Jars plus 25c for round ; trip. m j ' , MONTEAGLE. TENN.-Woman's Con- 1 , , gress.' July SOth-August. 20th. rone : ' first-class fare .plus 25c. round trio. BIRMINGHAM," ALA, General Confer ence m. a. nurcn. south. Birmlng- -A ham, Ala., May Ird-June 1st, Ratea to be announoed later, , , T . HAMPTON. - VA.-Depertm.nt Encamps . ment of Va. and North OmuJil , Orand Army of the Republic Asrll '' ' lsth-SOth. certlfloau plan rates.. ' RICHMOND. VA.Vlrglnia Funeral Di , rectors' Association, May MtswUto. 1 certificate Plan rates. - . - Tr,, . WARREN PLAINS. N. C-NorthV Car- , f h on ; women's irorelm ' , "-' f ' ' ?flMM.7nd W""t : WTUGHTSVJLKE. v. , C. - SummV .-. - School, June lllh-llst. rate one flU . - ' class fare plus 25c. round .trlaw ' t For further Information as' to rataa - ete.. call on your merest agent or adv " dress, . , JA8. KJ5R, JIU C. p. KT. , - y . . . v' . Charlotte, N. C ' ' Z ' "S' OAtTlS, . --, . . Traveling Passenger Agent. c. f. man.:v;- ' Cbsriotte'f Best Conducted ( uotei f TI BHD Special ' attention gtyen " to Table Service, making "It un equalled in the South. This li a feature of Ths Buford that Is clslmlng the attention - of the Traveling public. -.Clean. Comfortable Beds, At tentlve. Servants. " -, ,. C E. 110 O P E n t'9 ti