.oi n- daily QEssBVEiyiPrJK gTtWgr 'y y it ; ,, ih Vav ' y . : a:;d ihasc c-rrox rr ft - to ' 17 rcixxs A."er "Early Weakness, tins Karkct ; 1 UllieJ, Larrcly UecuK . Of Ap- ; J'n-iit Certainty That ly Notices V V; I be i stopped To-Iay--Jo!iO " v e bteady and Sear . the Top. New York, April 56. The eotton mar V -i kef recovered part of. Its recent loss dur- ' -In to-day trading; largely. as. a result ' of covering: py nearby abort In prepara , ', ton for notice ' day to-morrow. The close' u Very UaJy at. a net advance , 'J '.f to XI point. ,'Balea tor.theday were -V v 4 estimated At 2H,0 bale. -ir.- i:v9.rt;vTbp opening was' steady at an advance f 1 nelnts in nwnonse to Steady :, cable. But Walt street was weak and . unsettled early, the weather map maoe a .. good showing oa the average, there was -.,, j no sign of bull support and th market ' - y Boon eased off under local bear pressure "V. And a little fcratterlna- linUidation. 1- fj cutting to within a point or two of tho ( juw level or. tn previous any, in innr ketwa rallied later 'In the session by , eeonrta nf 41 rm annr onnriltlona In the ' iw.8ouU and -private wires saying that ito- Daioswera tans. 4 T nr hmi Interest lit local market seemed ,.,-t or notice ay, malting it seem certain tloee Representing aboM4J4 balei K.AiW feeing smpped In fNewTocfeana, .,:.: May long Interest in local market i topped,' and In the late trading there quite a mue covering oy loom as "vell .as buying' by one or two spot In- , tereste, t The close was , within 1 or olnts of the ton. '', j- , i r -,7 ' Receipts at the ports to-day. 7,969 bales. stiii nil H.BU1 lost ww tesumaiea), w, ft vuv Daiea, against teat wee , x ti,s last , year. 4.- ixew -urfeans. and Tndava iiMnta . vat iav paies, against 4.a last year an ar jiouaton, ' i,ua Dates, f.-? against ,vie uun year. jpaUm- ot l it 1 PotAta ( New Or ;W,tKi Orleans. Atrll S6 Hoot cotton In , ; ?irood 4emand and firmed -Sales - 4,60 -',bsjea, Including 1,100 to arrive and MO : u 'Waeiauons aavancea miar v 'ailng 115-18. . - i Futures opened (julet with price About ' 'V i the same, as yesterday's closing. - Soon "-fter the opening the market eased oft , ,' plightly but this was followed by a sharp , Advance. To-day wa the first , netioe i--ay for May in this market and some ,'a.w notlcee were, put out,' the - greater -!part of which were- soon stopped, but i' eibout bales circulated for'some time - 5 ttetore flnding ' any one anxious for tij ii 6r. iiTbe- market closed Arm within a -;V-A1tit6f .h'-toi the. llst showing net ' salng of I to 10 points. , rc.t-'-r..3lew-: OHesiwa nituraa. 4WW Orleans. April M.-Cotton fatures wweoi, April u.ue; May li.aa; June u,u i rJ'ii.' k-4 .Jat- wept- f uci wee. jlv.s. f ;';.WW Twk Cotton -t .NeW Tork, April St-Cotton. spot closed A.utet, IQ-Poinu advance. Middling-up - A .U.19; miaouing gu 1XW; sales, 2, . ' 48 bales.. - . '' u j;.':; Future opened steady and closed very ;,wiwur. - 4uuiauons rangea as iouows: ixiw- (jiose ll.(M '.yi.iiApill., - '. May . .. ie.95 j, June M .. 10.88 July. 10 8 IMO. 10.30 Open. High .' Sept. .. .. 10.45 ' Oet. .. ... M.38 Jklarch . ll.U' 10.90 14.08 10.81 10.RI . ..vlO.ttbid 10.4 10.03 10.00 10.W 10.80. 10.46 10.34 io!w 10.41 , 11.00 10.04 10. 100 10.42 ' 10.41 10.43 10.47 10.60 10.61 livervool Cottoa. ; " . Uverpool, 'April 2.CoMon, spot quiet, prices 1 point higher; American mid- oiina- rair goea middling .: mid dling 8.06; low middling i.8; good ordi nary, .71 ordinary CM. The sales of the .v day were 8,000 bale,' of which SO were V or speculation end export and Included : 7.400 American. Receipts 2,000 bales, tit , eluding aw American. Future opened . ouwi anL sieaqy ana cioaea steady; V American middling av o. e. April 5.84: -tril-Mny e.84; May-June 6.84," June-July Lit; JulynAug. I.8t; Aag.-Sept. 6.81; Sept.. -' ' York PmiIm. , , -t n - . 'New Torkv- April 3a.-Flour -dull but steaay. Ky flour, quiet. Cornmeal firm. ; i,, Rye- dull. ' Barley dull. Wheat Steady; . . Ko.T2 red nominal 4evator. Options un changed to c net lower. May r; iu'J -?t. orpi. vj , i. Cotn- steady; .No, 4 r nominal eleva Options c. net lower. , May Ubi; Oata eteadv: mixed 17 to. 27U.. Beef steady.. Cutmeats steady. Lard -, firm; western.- prime-, IS 90 neminal. He- , iinea nrm;' continent W. Fork steady. ' Tallow firm. ',v' Cotton seed oil waa less active to-day , nu prices neia sieaay at tna recent tux r i vance. Prime crude f. ,,l.-milU 9044: 'i dovunimer yellow t! to 88; do white ! SSJf to 40s do winter yellow 8H to 44. A fennuts quletf fancy handpicked fi, . 5 Vf Hi miwr qouwuu i xo - Cotton by-Steam to IJvcHmnl IS. '. tyatees steady; 'foreign par' bag to . Cabnagea firm; Charleston SUA to 81.781 Florida red. CU0 to. 82.00; do white $1 t .a., , Butter Ann. unchanged. Cheese steady. unchanged. Eggs easy: nearby selected . w jit; .pouinerns- is 10 11, Kostn firm. Turpentine firm; tic Una: ' tnolasses teadvu ' . Ctffee, apot Rl steady Ko f Invoice ..-wsk-v -jaua tnnn. -, jrutures steady, ua . ;:?, chansreA to B nolnta lawn. . .-- i'Sugae, taw steady ; falr refining ST to .sugar 3 to J 21-St I to 18-32; moUsses -. jKennea steady. Ft Tv t-f rs- .Baltimore) rwtisi . 1 ' ' fBaJtimbre, April MTlou euqlet, un-'toneA;-1Weat dull; -spot contract 17 ' Corn dull, spot ti ' to1' 54; '' Bonthern m-wniie corp. w ig aa. .uats prmer; No S' Kyi firm No. 2 -Western 71 to 72. But ler steady, unchanged; fancy Imitation 19 to w; o creamery sa 10 ja, lfigga steady, unchanged 1$. eae active- ' tnrae Rent. ' Ku- Vn 'Is Fau it ito Mjvtrogar steady, un- TtM : Bloney Slarket. r New i.Y6rk, ., April . M-Money on call ateady;' highest 5 per tit; lowest 3H; . ruling rate 4H; last loan t: closing ibid wfrered 4. Time loans steady; 60 days . ; j;bw aajw ip to per cenit months . rnme mercanuie paper vr e per or Twi mm nxcniMiKa nrmer "at" re--covefy -wltft actual business tn bankers' is at t48ljto JfljyMor 0 day bill. Posted traiea 4K to mxjv end mrsu to stta ccmwwciar Wli 84804, to 48i. Bar gliw .'? '.m'y " " " I .11 Ml' iff . af VJ-New Torfc. Anrll .' Markets The. dry " goods iteadv h' n4 nut v Bhipraents of goods td the- Pacific coast i :7f ii'iio, ' mmnj rvsiaeni Olivers leaving already received orders for dupll- cHiuHia re Kit iraec aeeirerea oy the fire ,, ; ''-- In San Frasoisco. Jobbing bouses did a 4 If wif 'SfcaMChlclto Grain. vnicago, Anru zcjKreoiction of rain to h tnnmA 'h tvuitv aik., iH ri. sag caused weakness in tha inrai - n i. . i . . i , .... s , J "e wneai. ror Juiy anuvery w p Je W H.: Corn-Was ' down Oats Wfcre lower. Provisions r iuu yisivii w uuiMiny uwni '( Hubbard Bnsi A Ca-'a Cattaa , r- Special td The' Observer" - -i. . 5 vSrarg are' looking or a better, market 5? otr tM'toppingf of hg May notices. "They expect that thg" tender wi. ail t )be taken, up, which wUl relieve the ,,mrMiMo inai-Biay lea a to a rather , . better demand from -4b traded Aotfpg 4 . i on - tni.. meory, tney . nave Been free ; bdyert af the Voxxbn sold by outside i , Holders who did not care to ' receive S !.;tha May? crfntrtcts. Spinners 'were' s not large buyert In Uverpool to-day, (. having Urge supplieg pn.hand. nor , wai there any. Increase In outside In ; terest In the market. Weather condi tions continue to be all that could be desired' for the rrowing crop. s - uvzdat,z c.ici eV ca t. f.-r Ol 1 fl I 4 ! M V n .. t Aix-ount of Some .ir-.-.-e Companies Was l.vi nee and Had a 1 rpreln- LffccVLate 1. . y on Anitouneed Gold Imports. New York, April 26.-Tha stock; market was subjected to further drastic Uauldao tlon to-day, wltb 'damage resulting to prices, .There was nothing1 in the news to give fresh cause for, this outbreak. of weakness and It merely 'represented the working out of the Problem, thrown upon the financial world by the Sen Francisco calamity. Seiunr ' was clearly : in evl denes for direct accoont of scm of the insurance companies. -Th , sentimental effect f thW selling had-a decidedly de pressing effect 4n speculative sentiment throughout the street. The shrinks fe In values also breusht out large sales for account of -4ome of the great eomraisslon houses and this ' Was attributed to the letting go of some heavy speculative ac counts. Reports of a large loan Intend" a icr-ine rennsryivania company was an adverse factor not only oa that stock but on the whole market., Reading show edoine resistance to the day' weakness and confidence was professed bythe buy era of- the. stock ' In a settlement of the anthracite labor; twublee. Consolidated uas steadied . up - on the - announcement t a reauction in its dividend to a, tour per-' cent . basis after a ? long period of wwiine'in-expeciauon or tnis aeuon. Highgrade lnveatment stocks were es peouuiy - anrectea py .tne . day ' selling. Bear, operators,' -were eager sellers on the' decline and their buying to cover shorts was feanoneible for occasional rnlf lies. Little support waa accorded the marKet wnue me liquidation seemed be foreed. but with the lull la the ( Ing ' pressure meastures were taken to effeot soma, restoration of the dav'a loses.-' The demand was languid at the recovery . and .on; the announcement--Just oerore tn close ,ot enaaaements or lour millions, hi, add for Import. This -stim ulated an active demand. Reading lead ing asiac-otaer times ourtng the oay ana the closing was gtmerally prm. ; Bonds -were weak: ' -Total ! Bar value, 82,710,000. y United States ponds wr aitacnangea on-can.. . Total - sales were 1.882.800: shares. ' In. fludingi - Copper IE6.S00; Cotton Oil ftw: f!meItlngvS8,300; Tohacco 1.800: Anaconda J.X; A. C, 8,W0- B R. i. 44.800; C. ft O. S.200: CTF. I. 27.000: Com Oae, 12.- iw; i s,suu: . w. s.40o;. renna. 00,100; ' Reading S0e,M; Southern Rail way 17,400; pfd. 600; T. C. 1. 90i tJnlon Pacific ; 17.900; Steel U8.700; , pf d, 88,700; Va.-Caro.Chem, l.sqO; do pfd, TOOr'Sloss Bheffiekt tiocu - O. P. Ellia A Co's Cottoa Leitert Special to Tk Observer. i . . Orlsana, La., April t.-fipots advanced 1 point at Uverpqol to-day ana futures closed at about 1 sama prices aa yesterday. v After decllnlnr to 10.92 for May and 10.82 for July. New York recovered sharply -and closed firm at JX.08 for May and io.w for July. It will be seen that the May option there baa Increased its premium to 14 to IS polnta over July, and as to-morrow Is notice day, the widely and persistent ly -circulated reports that the clique had sold out were evidently manufac tured in the Interest of the bears. Circulation of a few May notices In the ' local market caused more or leas liquidation In that month this morn Ing-, the contracts passing: mainly Into the bands of the cotton carrier wbo availed themselves of the opportunity to transfer their May hedges to July at satisfactory differences. They naturally do not want to. deliver their cotton, In view of the large premiums which buyers are paying for desired quaiUKa, "' The . early depression caused by the circulation of notices brought out the "anvil chorus" In full cry, but when lb waa discovered that the spot mar kat was not only refusing to folloff ina decline out actually snowing a disposition to - advance, a covering moment was itarted which aa usual disclosed a sold out condition and a rapid discovery of 18 to 17 points followed, the market closing: at the top.'- '. - ' Spots were marked up l-S c, mid dling It 5-K c, May 11.08. July 11 J2 The extent of robabie issue or Mar notice at New Tork to-morrow, la variously estimated at from 26,000 to, 100.000 bales, Our information leads oa to believe thaf they .will be prompt ly taken, up. In many cases, and unlets or until th Utnrou bear Contingent eait : da viae ' soma meana of checking the 4 seemingly 'insatiable demand for actual 'cotton,, Utey cannot nope to realise much profit la selling futures abort at exlstlnar discounts. Unfortunately tor them, earthquake ar bdt a dally Occurrence. "lllllctr Oo.'a Cottoa Letter. fipecfal id Tht "Observer. New Yrtrk. April M. The prominent feature to-day was the good spot de mand which developed on the early decline, There,bave been rumors for several days past of exlatence of largo too orders below 10.8O for July, but so far. prices hav not been driven quit to that level, 10.81 being the low est touched,' and the explanation for the, resistance tie round in tn willing ness of exporter to buy rreeiy on 8nat basta-It 1 a paradox that uneaslnes over the May position was responsible for bot(i yesterdays weakness and to4ay'.now of otrength. May longs war consplcuoua fof their selling yea terdav, while May-abort wno are un able to discover-"iirhera they are at'.' In th mas of rumors flying- about, were covering quite freely to-day. Th enwectatlon of v bullish visidm supply' to-morrow and . small Into ilxht movementaieo- unpeiiea some profit 'taking, "by chert, while- repori from- tne varounaa, ueorgia ana Ala bama lndlcalinr only 4 email Increase in acreaae. helped the' new crop po sition's. .The opinion bold Indwell-informed 'circles -that - heavy tender will foe made 'to-morrow against May contract, 'and aven ' though notice mav be atc-DDel,; there will be no great rally;,aa the gpot Interests will con tinue to nan t agrainst ; any ; aavance, which would' make it difficult to draw out cottott from the South. .'' '- V Uverpool due tocama five up on near and I up on far. s.- . - - , CHABaJOTTK COTTON ; MARKET. j These price represent the price paid fo waaons; -v. -. Apru ze. Good middling. i, -, -r HH Strict middling ' ' Middling '.- -"- 11 Good middling;,-tinge iUM Btalni w.lH wMl 1-fji it -i i :t I ! i " 1 "', i " . i ,PORT,k MOVEMENT.' Oatvestoflr steady.. v .W'J1M New Orleans, steady , 11J-1 Mobilev firm .. . , . 411-1 Savannah, holiday '. J "" ", Charles ton, firm .. r, .-. II ,'r Wilmington, steady . . . . "r iNoriom BalM Hoaton, quiet,, ..... w ; 11.71 fhllaceipnia. sieeyoy n ' Houston, steady pi3 1 -7 Auausta, fnlet ... ,.'. ..fw. 31 s-W Memphis, steady .-, .... 1H4 n St., I.4uiSf auiet -, tt h t.nlUa ' - A L ; I A F: D. E RiC'R-S Ccnip!::2 Equipment for;i Cotton and CHARI-OTrrE,' NORTH CAROLINA 4 t Wm t Cliarli3s cottox YAnina; wrrrox goods. AXP COTTOX WASTE. V Offloca- Charlotte N. C, t- Boston Mass. and Amsterdam N. r. .", j .' , f Main OfBcoi-AmMterdain, f dOMPABATIVE PORT 1 RECEIPTS. f ' April 2 To- ' ..I...M77-1,428 828 Galveston . . New Orleans Mobile . .4i.o4 Savannah . . . --""? Charleston 68 Wilmington 2 Norfolk. . . , . s SOT ; New'.Tork ....v-" Boston , ......:,. 190 Philadelphia..... .. Various Total i 7.88s Last -Year . 5,230 1 4,21 145 -5,744 , 233 925 ' 2,898 ,250 '187 SO 4,S7 24,489 t, ESTIMATES. , ' -1 ' ' i Anrll 2 i Tftj" - lASt morrow .Tear New Orleans 500-1,000 2.543 Houston .. 8.000-8,000 ( 8.674 Galveston , ,.4,600-5.000 2.443 CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET. (Corrected dally by J. W. Zimmerman . Company.) Chickens Spring .. .. .... .. B,aa Hen-Per head 8& 40 Duck - 26 Eggs. .... ... ...... ... le tlum ... ' 80 Corn 76 T77 Cotton Seed .... ' Oats-Feed ..... 48 M Oat Seed w s& CHIOAOO ORAIN AND PROVISION. ASH! '49 -j High Liow Close WHEAT May .. .. .. .. 80 79U 79 July 79 78 79 September ... 78 77 77 CORN May ,.47 44 48 July 46 45 45 September 48 44 48 OATS May .. ... July .... ., September PORK- May .. ... July .. September LARD May .... July .... . September October . . . RIBS- May . . ,. ., July .... ., September ....82 ....31 ....29 ..15.75 ..18.00 ..15.95 .. 8.85 .. 8.80 .. 8.90 .. 8.37 .. 8.57 .. 8.72 .. 8.77 82 32 20 30 28 tt 15.80 15.40 15.82 15.22 15.82 15.92 8.57 8.70' 8.82 8.80 ' 8.50 ' 8.65 8.70 8.57 8.70 882 8.80 8.52 8.88 8.70 CLOSlIfO STOCK UST. Ig...... .. 16T4 f,.,..,i. i Adams Express .. .. .. .. .... Amalgamated Copper .. .. American Car A Foundry .... American Car Foundry pfd .. .. American Cotton Oil. .y American Cotton Oil pfd .. .... American Express .. . .. .. American-Hide A Leather pfd...... American Ice .. ,,. .. .... American lee pfd , .. .... American Linseed Oil.. .. ,. ... .. American Linseed Oil pfd American Locomotive .. American, Locomotive pfd ,. American Smelting as using American Smelting A. Refng American fiuaar & Rfng.... American- Tobaeco pfd. ctf , , . Anaconoa Mining co.,,.. ,.. ..... AKBPin .... Atchison pfd ' Atlantlo' Coast Line .. ., Baltimore & Ohio Baltimore ft Ohio pfd .. Brooklyn Ranid Transit Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey -, Cheeapeake A Ohio .. . Chicago A- -Alton .. .. Chtcaao A Alton pfd.. . Chicago Great Western ,. Chicago A Northwestern .. .. , Chicago, will tst. r-aui.. .. , rtlan TrmlnnJ A Trans.. . Chicago Terminal A Trans; pfd C, C, C. A St. Louis ...... Colorado jruei s iro 280 105 41 lei 21 w 210 31 30 W 113 Wisconsin- central ;.-., Wisconsin Central pfd.. Northern PaclHc... ,. . Central. Leather ... , Central Leather: pfd .. . Sloss-Sheftleld..:' .. 24 -50 208 ia 103 78 NEW" TORK BONDS. IT. 8. refunding Zs, . registered U. 8. refunding: 8s, coupon . . U. 8. 8s. registered.. tT. 8. 3n, coupon ,. U. 8. Old 4a,; registered .. .. V. 8. Old 4s, coupon U. S. New is, registered V. 8. New 4s, coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco 4s Atchison general, 4..: Atchison adjustment 4a Atlantic Coast Line is Baltimore A Ohio 3s Brooklyn R T. ev. 4s . . . Central of Georgia lis Central of Georgia 1st Inc ... Central of Georgia 2nd pfd.. Central of Georgia 3d Inc.. . Chesapeake A Ohio 4s Chicago A Alton 8s Chicaa-o. B. A'Quincv new 4.. Chicago. R. I. A P. R. R. col. ba u u. c. '-Bt- IjOUM an. i-.. Colorado Industrial 5a Ser. A Colorado Indiiatrtal aa Colorado Midland 4s., . uoioraoo as eoutnern s old. ofd. ofd. Ser. B. im 108 H'3 104 103 10 130 ' 131 112 100 1st, 94 93 113 7 87 86 1(15 I 80 79 1'W, 76 a 16 93 7 f f1 GOTTON TJIILL tUlACI-3 1 Ful-:V. St f if ' . c ewew a reve t' m ; ', m -n a yinn- CNQINEER AND CONTRACTOR 2, W OUTM TftVOM Tj ONAftlrOTTaV N. O. i ' Revolving; Flai Cards, KAuway neaas, Drawln; Frames, Spinning Frames, TwUteirs and Spoolers : tuUers and Reels cc: , : v - , it nun - v y - ' g g . 'V . p'1 asiasjow Plt8l SrAUITABlLa BUILDINSb Aittontatte Fears, ? , Fllsnef lppet,x3 J ; KlrsiieVCatliiS tm - : 1 TTtreadEctoi;.;; .'Wast Picdcemcts, artnr PjwiLra.--,-"-" ' ' ETC ETC Cuba 5.. .. .. ' !.; ; 104 .ofd. Denver A Rio Grand 4s Distillers" BecuriUes 5s Erie prior lien 4s., " Krle (leneral .. .. .. ,. .. . Hocking Valley 4e Japan 8e,. .. . ... Japan s. 2nd Seriea: Japan 4s ... ., Japan 4s effs. 2nd Series .. Louisville a Nash. Untried 4s Manhattan consol acid 4s.. Mexican Central 4B., y Ill vlMM PmImI Am rMinn. A St. Louis 4s.. Missouri. Kansas A .Texas 4. Missouri. Kansas ft Texas 2nds.... National X. R. of Mexico consol 4s New York gen. ,3s New Jersey gen. is., Northern Pacific 4s.. Northern Pacific 8s,. Norfolk A Western consol 4a Oregon Short Line rtdg 4s Penn. cv. 3s.. ,. W ., .. : Reading General' 4s,.i. i. St. Louis A Iron- Mt. consol Be St. Louis A San Francisco fg. 4s St. Louis Southwestern con. 4s.. .. Seaboard Air Line 4s. ofd. Beuthem Paclfto-4s.. .. ofd. Southern Pacific 1st 4s ctfs Southern Railway fie. Texas A Pacific lets.. Toledo. St L. A Western 4s TTnlon Pacific .. , -.... Union Pacific ev. is,, .. ir. S. Steel 2nd 6s.. Wabash lets. . . . wabaan vn, b.. ., Western Md. 4s.,'., ..'. Wheeling A Lake Krle 4s .. .. .. Wisconsin -Central 4a ........ Japn 4 ctfs.. . .. .. .. .... !) 85 101 91 ofd. 108 . .. 8K'h . .. 97' . .. - .... 91 .... 1n2Ti . .. 101 .. .. 80 22 93 101 89 83 97 128 103 JM 100 05 UK) 100 11314 85 79 87 92 94 117 123 80 104 150 118 76 84 87 91 84 l ..'100 .. 1' 148 .08 Colorado A Southern Cnlnraitn Ar anuthern 1st Of Southern ina via. pfd, 'olorado A Southern 1st Colorado ' A Lxmsonoaieo -uas..' ,. .. f. Cora Products Refining .. Corn Products Refining pfd TWawam A WiHnn . . Delaware, LackaWanna-A .West.,,. 437 Denver A. RIO Grande .. .. ... .. 42 t SV e W . .... 98 l8 208 55 . 30 73 . 37 98 53 e 133 23 7S 7 Denver A Rio Grande pfd nttiiiers' securities .. . ari : . . f i . . , ... ..j frie 1st pfd -rie 2nd pfd.. General Electrl? ..... . . HOo aing vauey .. Illinois Central . Intarnatlnnal Pnner . . . International Paper pfd International Pump International Pump pfd.. Iowa central Iowa Central ofd .. .. .. Kansas City Southern ,. .. , Kansas city eoutnern piu.., Louisville A Naanviu Manhattan I. ft vl 4V - 11 7Vk a 187 128 ! ' 19 44 83 2 64 J i. .... aiannaiian u.... ,. .. -4. Metropolitan Beceritie.' v.. .. . Metropoliten St, Ry.. ,. .. .. 112 Mexican Central., .. ,. .'23 UlnnMNllil A. Ht. LOttiS Minn.. St, P. ft Bauit me. .aa 7 15S lra 87- Minn., St. P. A Sault Ste. M. pfd. Missouri Paclno., .. .. .. j. Missouri, Kansas A Texas.. .. Missouri, Kansas ATexaa pfd.. .k National Lea -. . National R. R. of Mexico pfd., ... 89 New Tork Central.; M ., -V if ..13s New Tork OnurlOi jWeeteri, 4K Norfolk A Western , .. .. ''87 s Norfolk A Western pfd . t. f 90 North American .... .n .. i... f 97 Facifio Mali, ..... . . ..,. as M.. L. ,". . ii.' . . H'.'.tTI. Pennsylvania. feopies uas.'i ., ,..,., ... Plttaburav C C. A St, LOUIS V. rreesra eieri vr- folk, steady , .. , 11 . Irnore, nominal . , . 11 r York, oulet . f . f ..! 11.73 ' Cincinnat Louisville, firm '. 1.- INTERIOR RECEIPTS. ?-,v 7' C- nt' 'April ; -''V1 "To--,. Last: r, v ' '' vday ;-.Tr Memphis ..f. 917 1.037 A ugusta .k, . .a r ... f ... . . - 232 . 'I 81 8 t..Lonl .....1,924 1721 Clficl-natl ..'. ..,.it...... 243 , , 334 Iloustoa .,r.,., .1,1X8 1 2,015 Manufacturers and jobbers fy4ntly tn4 It nsae ary to tut-r Banking raolUtte In ad : dltlon to Uiom offered by local i; Iwaka. , ' First National Bank f IUfdainon4VllVnJU -.- wi ;f;fr Il.8,e0.9 CaplUl : 28,O89.C0.OO Depoelt i r tT.a80,80MI4aA4aaourcea Offer Jaat thri41tl"haf " alutua Baeiulred. v;.1ai'iiw4 .,' -na,i'ifctifl Xno, At Miller, Jr., Tic Presi ant:" Chae. It. 8itrnatt 'Aa esstaat Cashier; J. C, JapUa, Aaafstaat Caahlaf. ' . u The Largest Pipe Covering Plant In The United States v. liife Philip Carey f&ufachiring Co. i i CINCINNATI. OHIO j 85 per cent Magnesia fSr covering high-pressure steam pipe Asbestos Moulded for covering low-pressure steam pipes, Wool Felt for covering low-pressure pipes. Hair Pelt for covering exposed pipes. Pipes covered with Carey's Coverings never give trouble For further information, estimates, etc address . Charlotte Branch The Philip Carey Manufacturing Co. 216 i College St. E. P. UNGLEV. Manner. MILLER & COMPANY EXCHANGE BRCXKERS. No. 1 Broadway. - - - New Tetlc.v Msmbersi New Tork Stock Baclwigaj. New Tork Cottoa Kxehaogo, New lorf Coffee Bxchaag. New Tork Produee m changa. New Orleans Cotton, sebaag. New Orleans Board of Trade, Cfclcag Board of Trade, Uverpool Cottoa.' Asso ciation. Kxscutee orders on any of th exchangee et which we are member, All orders sent to our branch office al Greenville, S. C., will be transmitted Instantly, by private wire to our mat office la New Torkt anA axecuUona rai P Yne1 BmServlce, Prompt AtUnUon, Immediate Settlements. . four Bualaess , Solicited. r. B. AIBXANDBlt. Mgr. (17 W. Washington fit, OreeavUl. S. C COTTON SEED OIL and Qto llacliiiiery NOT IN ANT COMBINATION OR TRUST. Complete plant from fifteen to two hundred tens capacity. Spe cial small oil ' plants for gin neries. Comptet .cotton gin nine system. E. Van Winkle Gin and Marino Works, ATLANTA. ' GEORGIA, """'"' " i I I v nrtFENsnono. n. c Greensboro Supply Companyt Mill Supplies and ... Madiincry '' ' " Steam and Power Pumps, , , Gasoline Engines, V'i Iron Working Machinery. Wood Fibre Plaster Machinery. Direct Bprentativeaf BFiOllf ufLl CO. ul tljilK Daytin, Ohl , If Yea Expect lo Bsy G3 l!:chh:cry for 1905, Write, lis; it Osce fcr (to ublsict and Tell us a Web Continental Gin Company CHARLOTTE N. C . f H T-jjoNb." DEPARTMENT L WACKQYlAc tOAK 1 TRUST, (C'JAJIY, ' VISBTOW-HAI.EM, W, C. BONDS AKO STOCKS. We -invite .correspondence from parties desiring to bu'y or sell. a - Otir list of' Investments mailed apoa application.) mrfitf VArm at ? aXaS MlacoQaneoo So then -MflsUitMl WILMINOTON, v. a . 1P7sMlltn7tov IX O 40S Oolsraaa ! Cotton ZIfll Otoeks 'V ( j V j a-' " CROMPTON-THAY ! ' T (i JAUE3 n;raTOHELL CO. ' 'va COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cotton 1 Yarns and 1: Cotton t. Cloths. ' fbiladclphl. iti and 134 Cheatnot St. i ; j Boston, iaa snmmw 8t. --' ' Now Tork. Ndi 78 Ltwaanl Rl. EICHARD A. BLYTHE, Oommissioa UeMlmt. COTTON WAKP8 ANP TARN - No. Ill CBaataat Stmt. PHWAP1gJPHIA. ; rJL A. D. SALKELD & BRO COMHJSalON IvXROIIANTS iOMGO. i - WORCWSTEH, MASS.", -?1' - ' ffAWnv rtrtwmsr Atm iriTTriTTAr ' . TOWSZa XXAUAKK. QUILT, CASSIUKRB, BLANKBT LOOM& 8MrC! DoamBs, box motions,, repairs, rg; ; TOcnanN office: CHARixyrrc. k. a " jUAMAJuvxiJtsM o uAitauu. uanatfers. JENCKES SPINNING CO. 4 PAWTUCKET, E. I. SKNNKHa, CONTSATXK3 AND COTTON - TARN BPtNNBRa CONYgRTKRS AND DXAURS. - CtTspondno With Batttham Splnnera SoItciUd, t-'-' Ft-1 fv , BANDY TElinELl . it- ;. r, ORXSNSBOltO, Mr- C v ConnUlng? Hrdraolto and. t Saw Engineer. Plan and estimates for power plant and fewer systems made aa application. ' - n Bandy A Fh-J, B, AsaoeTlVA Uu,tku C & ' aillt TarralUa , S Rensatar, " ; ? , ' . wA' s V.o.'A iM.,t Pressed Steel Car pfd.. ,? M! Pullman Palace var , ((..I; r -Iteadlng - v ) i' '...'. 1J8 ReadlfiC'lSt Vtd -r. .. .!...' M' padlng 2nd pfd ,.4. ,, ....., 81 Republic Steel . ..,. v. Jjk.i:..87H Republic Stel pfd,, , f ' f&k Rock' Island Co., .. ... . ..' . 24 Rnclr Island Co;, pfd,. Rubber Goods r Rubber uooas pto ... ......, Btl Lours San Fran. 2nd pfd...t ; H St. Louis Southwestern Mr 22 St. Lou I Southwestern pfd .v ..' M Southern Paclflc, ".. ,.'A'.. j... fH Southern pscinc tfd,, ,v.i. "jith "81 Southern 'Railway pfd ...... M Tenneeaee 1 exaa at rariiic... ,.-.. Toledo, St., Louis. A WkU .. .... ; 84J4 OORRSPONDNCB EOUCTTCD.. Toledo, Si Louis ft . West. v--fc-zi t Vnlon 'Faeinc .v. ,. HH ' SaTAUSBi:X Ml8t ep aus & raiY wtaXSCBCRS OF t ; - Th Nw Tork Cotton Eschang,. New Orleaa Cotton Sxcaang. Xirerpool Cotton Broker Association Haw Or lean Board at Trada. . v ,k i' Cotton Rxchanga Bnlldlna " f v 4 . , www 'ORLEANS L j Bpetal attention given to executing? see Cial A, Iron,,,-,. ..s jusw ft rdr In contracts tor intur de A Parinc... ,.' .. .."'.,.,. i-i!llrry of eotton m all the marketa. t'nlort PaOllo pfd ..... Vnlted- State Kirprs.,." ... .k ill I'nitad States Leather -i'i .f t r fnited SlaUa leather pfd ,..4 t'nlted Stat4 Realty .. . T Vnlted States Rubber ,'v ... H t'nlted States Ritbberjpfd."r). u 1 TTnlted States Steel,.. '..4, 41 t'nlted States Steel prd.-,, .. ,. vi ' Virginia-Carolina Chemlrsl.. 4.'4 Vlrin!arolina Chemical ffd 1(7 WsMiilt.-.ti'.; Jf a 4-.VIVW..' r' Wabash pfd... .. i. ., .. .4 T4 well rsrto j Weetihgbuus HTJESAIID BC3. & C3 CANQVgR tOUARg, KW TOR'X. UrrBBRS OFNew Tork Cotton r cttange, ITew Orleans Cotton Lx -; elunge, . Associate Uembera Liver pool Cotton Buchange. v solicited r-r tf "tu1" chase and eale of cottoa lit t '.'rt ed. ro"Fnriis'.V." t dUlrary, . Correspndanc tn..d ts Liectrlo ,,' jt A i- . ; 4 " - -TS Leonard 8L, ;NEW YORK COTTlVN TARNS. ' ssanpT"lJJBsia ' Fred'k Vietor to Acholls. WXI: D'OLIER . A i CO4 COMMISSION MKBCHANTti - 55TTON yarns , ' " aldrA a4 Cheatwnl ttav Uarlner and Merchant Bid ' , finLADKLPIIXA, FA s r ', inim in 1 wMMrMjs,x.- i IIAYWAHD: Viae it , p & 0AIUI CCa.cn vC.......3Sivn ; . 1 v lai.U.mJs , 7 V CoiS iplete Ec . nd general Machnerr.- OUAlHrOTTE,' -; &V; ; KOETH CAB0L11TA. 3 i - da iQornrc f ' i I.J. ' l.ll W.H 1 ' qvyprfleiix jor uoxioa jmuui, . rower rxanxat J. , SPENCER TURNER GO. OFTtCtai Kaw Tork, rhlladatnbJjL Otloaco. at. Loola, Londoa. EnaUsa "-Xr, V Ywcibd Cotton Piece qfe: - 1 ', 1 LOOM. BaT U AJsafl BaaV WINE AT.3 mV2 hich-oradc tcmsu. .-:'.' -".T. rti' 'ir- ...ii,",.-s-..t 'T --' ' ioottrta Belt Oils goad GVeaaea tVnbr1eattng Ortwaaai ttejadyASxedl Txrt 1 sjou vatar a-ainta. axent waauor an-sesma mmcpobbc, - ; PAULSON, ";LINICRQUM tp: CO. xis't ,Ltji !! Jv 4 ". ,.. ii ciu -TNtr f J U9 UO.w. ... t