CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, MAY 0, 1003. CvCUL AND PEESONAL i CftpL Harrison Watts cava his party Vesterduy. - He loaded a -Street car "full of pretty girls and ' handsome boys and 'made a tour; of the city, ! vVhen asked his age, CapU. Watts said ThU. party was given when I was II years, some , months aad . three dayt old." i. The young folks were de lighted with' the outing and yelled .- three cheers for their host on break ing up. The following young misses and masters -enjoyed capt., wants viiosDlUlitv. - Rosa and; Tip Watts, . Sleeker, Lillian and Ed. Held. Alma Oetee. Camilla and -Mary Durham. ''ifn Walsh.', Lula,.' Annie and Tom ' Cillfferro, Carrie .'and - Christopher . Jones. . Ktl and Esther Springs. Gay Willis, 'Francis and Mary Osborne, Mlnter Jones, V-Polly , Shannonhouee, ' Ann Forbes lylddeU, Kiwio ' Stokes, Marie,' Orabella and Sadie Thomas, Karle firunson. Helen Eddy.. uula J, Harris, Elizabeth, Annie Dewey and ' Lenoir Chambers.' Mildred. Alma and . Baldwin Maxwell. .-Joel MoAden, Mary ' Johnston. -Lfturte and Loulsei flpong, ' Anna and Mary -Howerton, Adelaide and Harriet Orr. Martha and Oeorge Howell, Eunice and Hiihio Hutcnmon, ' Mary Morgan Myerv Corinne Gibbon, Julia Baxter.-Bprtnam : Elohte Rankin, Tates and Franctw ClarksOn, ,' Maud - and Mary Carson, Mary Banders How ell, Katherine ' McDonald, . Kathleen : Murrlll, Totslex". RelHey,!- Jeannette Chaperonca: , Mrs, J. U tChambere, - Misses . M. r - Brown,. - Nettle W. Brown, Annie Clarkson-' and ' Lacy Kay ana .snakeapeare Harris, Esq. . Mrs. M. I Davis la visiting "at the home of Mrs. John 0," Alexander, In - ..... . . . fn. ;.. - Cards reading as follows have been received: ..... ..- .. ; - . , ; The Faculty and Senior Class y;v.. itV- .-,if . -;' . 8tatesvllle Female College ; , - request your presence at the" Commencement'. Exerciser " Tuesday evening, May Twenty-second at eight, o'clock; :W: "'k" College .Chapel. Mrs. James Ker, Jr., Is visiting- her sister. Miss ta Mccue, in winning -ion. if'. .- - . ; ,. Mlsa Slddie Strasburr left Tester ir U upend t. Sunday - with Miss Louise Watson, at Belmont. Mlsa Margaret Hall a daughter of Mrs. . Geo. 8. Hall, who . has- been. . . . making her home In Raleigh with Mrs. Geo. B. Crater for some time. has returned to Charlotte to live. - Miss Hall's friends will be glad to ., . know that aha has returned to Char , lotte to live. Mrs. J. C. Ramsey returned to the city yesterday after a weeks trip to iv ew zoric Mlsa Ida Huey, arrived In the city . issi nigm 10 spena m lew aays wun ' her brother. Mr. F. V, Huey, on .norm fopiar street. '... 5 ' e v ' ; '.' ' The many friends of Mrs. W, . Thornwell McKay will regret to hear that she is very 111 at her home In ' Dllworth. She has - peritonitis. . Her condition waa slightly Improved last night. . , .' Mr. and Mrs. Cameron ' Morrison are spending the day In Salisbury. V with Miss Ida Moss Morrison who- Is In the AVhitehead-Stokes Banltorlum. ' - Mrs. ,8. F. Torrenee and daughter, .' ' Mrs. John-W. Atkinson, are vllUng friends In uaffney. B. C Mrs. J. walker Klrkpatrtck, of .. Sharon, was In the city yesterday on her way to oastonia to visit Mrs. J ' P. Raid and her son, Mr. Oscar Kirk Patrick. ; i ., , Mra. O. J. Thels. of. Kershaw, & C. is visiting Mrs. -Frank Smith, on . Korth Pine street.-. ' " - ' Mrs. ! W; Cr- Lovejoy will leave to 1 night for - Ferdlnanda, FlaH where aha Will visit frlenda for two weeks. - . Rev. and Mrs. a T. Wllllngham ' leave 'Wednesday for Chattanooga, Tenn to attend the sessions of the ..-Southern Baptist Convention which . convenes there this week. . t . '--- A -numb .of. former -students, of , the State Normal College, at Greens , boro, held an enthusiastic meeting at " the -Carnegie Library yesterday morning and discussed plana for the , organisation of an' alumnae asaocla tlon for this county. The attendance wa not aa large as had been hoped for and the election of omcers was postponed until a meeting to he held Friday morning at 11 o'clock, -when Jail old students of the Normal, ' whether graduates or not. are Invited . to attend and assist fn the organlsa ' . , tlon.' " Meanwhile anyone In the city or county wishing- to become a mem ber may give their name to Mra. Rosa, the librarian.'. - . . i Mrs. 8." A. Dutcher and two daug J ters left yesterday morning for' Jer ' ' sey City, N. J., where they will spend the summer with relatives. " ... ,- ";'? ' Mrs. Annt Bmlth Ross left last evening for Cleevland Springs, whore she will spend a week,,. ,; . .j . . .'.:.., - .'--'Mrs. J. H. McCIIntock has returned home after 'spending some time at Huntersvllle. with her . sluter-ln-law, Mra H. A Hunter, who has been ."ultf I1L ;:j. '. ; w "t ' Mrs. E. T. Stenersen, who has been visiting relatives and friends at Bal tlmore, Mdt for some time, 'will re turn home to-nlght. 8he will be ac companied by Mlsa Emily Cassard, f Baltimore, who will be her gueat for a, fortnight. .' v . .r. - ... . v -w v ' . Mr. and Mra. K. W. Thompson, who ' have - returned to Charlotte to ! live after spending ' ;eev oral months In New York, are at horn at tha Hotel Buford. r i . ,, , ., ., .... . Mr. and Mrs. 4 Plato T. ' Durham have returned to - the city, and , , ii i ' i i. : . ' lineal. Baseball S4ors. , .' ' " it The D. A C.. team scored another victory yesterday by defeating the Covenantera Id i .warmly contested game of baseball.' The Covenanter team went to plecea In the aeventh Inning by making a number of costly errors. Tha score was I to 4. .' Fol lowing this game the Charlotte high school team played, the S B's and won In a walk, the score being 1 9 to . a, Very.lnterVetlnr game Is expected to morrow afternoon when . the - crack Junior Baraca team will play the Covenanters. The . meeting of the members of the City Baseball League was postponed ' from yesterday . to Wednesday night at J: 30 o'clock. II. Clay Evans Opponent .Withdraws. . Nashville, Tenn., May 8.- A .Rook wood. Tenn., dlxpatrh' saya that -As bury Wrlabt, of that place, has with drawn from the race for the Repub In nn gubernatorial nomination, which lonvea the Held open to H. .Clay Ev mK'Ot t'liattanoog. , ! Vrybn1 ' f,tvnrll. TMiie Rlhhiirt tnU Kxtrift. The emr thnt l-r --tti lh tumous 'XI u lilbboa - , ' ' Widow of tho Late KiiRineer Tylpr P. llayn'( Awarded Ixtiuairce pined ! r0,0i)o Utigntion Over Toe- iM'hniuii of lour-i'ear-01d Walter '. ly. f.f.;..'-- The Jurytln tho case of Mrs. Bottlo W.Haynes va the .Southern Railway Company; In which the plaintiff sued for $80,000 damages on ' account 'ot the . death of her husband at the hands of , he : railroad,,.; yesterday morning returned ft verdict awarding the plaintiff $15,000. The case was started Ja thi Superior. Court Monday morning" and oonsumed 1 the entire lerm. not going to the Jury until Fri day evening, The case was strongly contested throughout About 49 wit nesses Were examined-and the evl dence was not finished .until ,Tburg day -afternoon, V;- ,... W "-'' ' ---J. .Engineer Haynes was killed In n wreck at Salisbury about' two yeara ago., -His train ran into .4 an open switch, at which the light waa out,' and he was killed Instantly, in tne complaint it waa alleged v that i the death was caused by the carelessness and negligence of the -employes of the railway- In that tha light waa out Mra. Haynea 'was represented by Burwell ft Cansler and the defendant company by . Col. W. : B. ; Rodman, Messrs. . L, C Caldwell and - D. .K. Pope. . The counsel for the Southern gave notice of. an appeal to the Su preme; 'Courtp i,; -'The aesslon of the court yesterday waa taken up with the habeas corpus proceeding In which Charlea Lay was fighting for the possession of his son, four-year-old Walter Lay, who has been living with his grandfather, Mr, John Lay., Charles Lay waa repre eented by Stewart A McRae and the grandfather by Messrs. H.-N. Pharr and F. ; R. McNlnch. It -waa -In evi dence that the child was born at the Wilson home and that his father had never t visited It but , two or. three tlraea. . The mother died shortly af ter- the birth of the child and re quested her parents to take care of the little one. About two years ago while living - In . Gaston . county. Mr Wilson adopted the child, but yester day In court It, waa found that the writ of adoption waa not -legal, -tha father not having given his consent After hearing tha 'evidence In . the case Judge Bryan decided that " the father .- had a . right to his - child. Meem-s. Pharr and McNlnch appealed to -the Supreme Court and, pending the decision of that court, the child will remain In the custody of his grandfather;- . y ..' .V i ' , n la i i . -i JUDGE BRYAX AND i THE '.- S OTH, He Will Poet pone Gaston Court Throe Days at Kequeat of reutionera lor Uie mg wicDration. .t - ; ; . . Jddge Henry R. Bryan will post none Dallas court three days in or der to give the good people -of Gas ton county an opportunity to attend the 20th of May celebration. In an ewer to certain petitions .from Oaa ton cltlseha, he wrote the following letter to Sheriff C. B. - Armstrong. "Having received petitions from leading cltlsena and tax payers of Gaaton county, and attorneys repre sentlng litigants In the criminal and civil casea In the Superior Court of Gaston county, asking me not to open Superior Court until Thursday, theZ4th or May, instead or. Monday, the list of May coming. - The petl tlon asking for court to be opened on May 24th Instead of May Slat Is'for the purpose of allowing ..the ' good people of Gaaton county.: who desire to attend the patriotic celebration of the 10th of May Declaration of Inde pendence, Please give notice tnrougn your papers and to all Jurors and persons compelled by law td attend the May terra of court not to attend until th morning of May 24th. " Respectfully, v (Signed) . HENRT R. BBTAN. ' Judge Presiding 11th Judicial district jfJSSIOXARY CONFERENCE. Societies of North Carolina Confer rm of Methodint Church Holding Annual Beesum at vrairrnton. Warrenton. May 5. The Woman's Foreign Missionary . Society of the North Carolina Conference of the M. K. Church, South, la holding its twentyflfth annual session in Wesley Memorial church. The omcers are Mra. Lucy A, Cunningham, president: Mia - Blanche: Futresa., secretary; Mrs. F. D.' Swindell, corresponding secretary;. Mra B. B. Adams, treasur er. Eighty-alx delegafes, a number of visitors, and two foreign mission sties are present The meetings are Intensely Interesting and the reports show gratifying growth both In mem bers-and in contributions. During the year 1.(17 women and children contributed nearly $1,500, which Is an increase of over $1,000 during the year.' The societies have arranged to support alx missionaries. Warrenton church will support one. These noble women arc doing a great work. ., ... '.' -, j ' , U 1 ii , I i ii I'nlque Service at .the T. M. C. A. A rather', unusual . service for men only will take place-this afternoon at S o'clock at the Toung Men's Chris tian Association. It wilt be a atere- optlcon lecture on 1 -' "Associations Abroad" and will be delivered by Mr. O. C. Huntington. This lecture la a moat interesting one. - A unique fea tue of the service will be the singing of hymns In the dark, The words of the hymns will be thrown on a large screen and! sung 'y the audi ence with Instrumental : accompani ment !'. ' i ; . -' I-., - '. All men are most cordially Invited to attend whether , members of the 'association or. not ' - Mr.4 Claude A. Eury. of Oastonia. la spending the day In the city. A Han of Sense . never sends his, watch to the blacksmith to.fce 'repaired, nor, ; hla order f or a suit of clothes td hla ahoamaker.1 Be consist, ent In all thitiga and consult us. , Ad writing1 is pur buslnesa. "THE '3.: VV.yC.IBB05g CO r v; ?Ad Fanclee. - 'i-v ' 'Phone P. O. Box III.' Get tie-Print Copy of the Original Of North Carolina , Valuable, to Any , Library. , .,' Formerly Sold for f l.wd, KoW Sella , . . -for gl.ftO. . ,t : , nc::::v:rj;::;;;:;j """Jt, f , , cuaKLorra n. a History m JUNEA U . .' -" .-;..;,... ;.... . , v ... Do hot delay forigert-la placing orders i for engraved V Invitations. ' Our' spring , samples represent , the very latest shapes'1 and ' forma j " that have been accepted by refined and fashionable aoclety. 'We do. . - aoi follow w LEADf ln,korlglnatlng artlstlo' elfeota ' with .-fine ma- tarlal. Our prices are the lowest . Send for samples, which will be : I supplied free of .charges , I' J.' P. STEVENS ENQRAtlNO CO'Wed ding SUtloneryV Energvera, i 4T Whitehall St ; Atlanta, Ga, ;'A t y,i RAITJtoXD SERVICE FOR JOT II i ,; Besldee Giving Special Itatee South era Will Handle live Extra Trains and Seaboard About 15 Extra Cars. It la ab assured fact that the South ern and Seaboard railways, on their lines entering Charlotte, will do their part toward looking after the Im mense - crowds that will pour Into Charlotte during the 20th of May week. Both- roada will give special rates of one fare plus 25 cents for the round trip from points In North and South ' Carolina and a part of Virginia, thle rate being given t from the. tth to.24th Instant, with, final limit the 2th. The Southern- will run Ave extra trains, four of which will be run two days, on its lines en tertng the city. The Seaboard will operate from four to eight extra cars on each train entering the city during the week from the east and west. . ' The apeclal trains on the Southern will be operated aa followei : Leave -Salisbury, 4; 10, a. m.; arrive at Charlotte, Um; returning leave Charlotte at 7 p. m. y '.t. y Leave Wins ton-81 em, 7 a. m. ar rive Charlotte about 10. a. m.: re turning leave Charlotte at p.. m. 'Leave Statesvllle, 4:10, p. m.; arrive Charlotte, $:4Ba. m.; returning, leave Charlotte at p. m. - v . - Leave Spartanburg a. , m.: arrive at Charlotte I t, m.; returning, leave Charlotte at p. tn. . v . Leave Chester, 7 a. m.; arrive Char lotte, 1:10, a. tn.; . returning, . leave Charlotte 6:10 p. m. , .-. All of the-above trains will be op erated on May-22nd and 2Srd, ex cept the train from Wlnaton-Salem, which will be operated on May 22nd only. , ' . The Diamond Ring Contest, The ' voting contest for the most popular young lady In the city, who la to receive-a-dlamong ring at, the end of the contest continues lively. The standing la now aa follows: Miss vashtl Keys, 1.1 41; Miss Alice Balrd. 440: Miss Margaret Tatum. 420: Miss Annie Bryant" 0B;- Miss Dora Sater, 126: Mies Margie Osborne, ill; Mlsa Norma Van Landlngham.- 100; Mlsa Isabella Williams, 76; ,Mlss Rhett Hood, SO; Miss Kittle Walker, 60; Mlsa Lucy Smith. 69. . . ; . -r Death ef Mra. Ellxabcth Boetick. V Mrs. Elisabeth Bostlck. wife of Mr. L. J. Bostlck. died at her home In North Charlotte yesterday morning at 12:20 o'clock. The deceased waa 20 yeara of age and is survived by a husband and three email children. The remains were carried o the for mer home in Llncolnton yesterday morning and the Interment was made there yesterday afternoon. : - THE CLAUD BROWN CO. ON THURSDAY MAY 10th, txgimiiig lO o'clock a. m. we will sefl 75 tiead of High Class Har-" y:' ness and Saddle Horses at 5 PUBLIC. , t - 21 head consigned for this sale cup, $60.00 cash prise and blue We guarantee to aell some of tne highest clans horses ever sold under a hammer at this sale. Sale rain or shine at our. mammoth bang.-'. '", -, r-.:-- CLAUD BROWN CO. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. A;-.V the, home of WHITE . HOUSE GOFFEE THE MOST DEUCIOUS - ' : : ,. ' ' .1 Ike : Pure Clean v i Healthy . ' . . : .. -.- 'V cononiical : Delidcus and v -'?.'." : .: I. : . " ' ..' ", ' . ' .- '. f , " 4' ... Satisfying Kind where automatic machinery sunlight . Handles White House CofTes without the . touch of hand. Why not drink and 1. fff, ' V- V : If they are not the best you 'i can find for , the V ' money the goods are ours and the money yours, BUY NOW FROM .'V 1 v Three Montgomery Bank "Consolidate Montgomery, Ala May 1 1. The Merchanta and Planters, the Farley National - and the. , First National Bank, of this city, will consolidate with' a capital Of $1,000,000. A." M. Baldwin will be president ot the eon solldated- banke. , - ' THE WEATHEE. Forecast ' for " Sunday . and Monday; Showers Sunday, cooler In wett oortlons; Monday fair, cooler in east portion; fresh norm weai 10 nona wuias, , - v LOCAL' OFFICIO If. S. WEATHER . , -.. BUREAU. . -j... ;..v ,(''.; jr .. Charlotte, May 1 , LOCAL. WEATHER REPORT. Highest-temperature , Ixweet temperature , v .M Mean temperature , .. ... . .69 Ezoess for the day.. .. , - .00 Accumulated excess for ther month., '.HO Accumulated excess for the year...."" .83 Preclpltalloa for M hours ending I p. m. uncnes) ., .. .01 To oiai oreclDltatlon' for the month. l.6 Accumulated excess for the month.. l.DJ Accumulated deflclency for the year I M Prevailing wind direction .. .W, W. J. BENNETT, Observer. . A Perfect Laundry r We have every known mod Son convenience 'and appli ance, either steam, electrical or band, for the proper washing, - starching, ' Ironing and hand ling of clothes. .We exercise . the most conscientious care In the treatment of all work given us. We guarantee our work to be faultless and absolutely per fect, Every single piece of linen that cornea to ua la care fully Inspected before It is sent out and If It la not Just exactly right 'we turn It back and do It right over again. We have a reputation to live up to that la a trifle troublesome at times, but we find that It pays- to be - fussy and par ticular. We want your work, and In exchange for it, we are willing to give "you the best service In the 'South. Phone 110 to-dsy. Model Steam laundry j 1 AUCTION by J. F. Cofer A Co, Indlanap Vanderbilt ribbon, at Ashevllle horse , show. COFFEE IN THE f WORLD 11 u mn.X' ui;ut 1 is working: in pure air and enjoy the tx'';:r::;vi! CET COM FORTABLE :X In hot weather by . using our g; X; Porch Chairs and Meters ; They; are cool, body Y. fitting- &nd pocket Bparing. : Prices tlfifl : 1 11 11 i 1 1 r j 1 . i';rtfWS!S v MM Her are fwo -very Smart , Summer Stylee single and ,'donble-breejsted.' Essentially voung .men's models, thought we- have others more conserve - ' tlve. Yoa can get soon suits ' , in Blue or Grey Serge, Home spun, Worsteds, and all the good summer fabrlca. Styling 1 and At yon could not better at any price. There arc manv if -1 -i.t. a.t IOr UlCir CIOU1C5 rutaiaWivy wva vwe v ; vwvwi , vwuw . usm.' is hard to break But when you stop to think. tKJ.t thou-; sands of wealthy business-men, dub-men, society-leaders in ' thejbig cides are breaking the "tailor-habit" buying first rjass 'Veadv" varments instead, you have to admit theres a reason for it The We have them; -exact 8tyle-centers. Let us DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS The Doubie-Hreasted fult Is alwsys ' a favorite. irai)ie only suit for some men. it throws a good figure Into strong relief, and bolsters up one where nature has baen less liberal. Its ganeral tone U brisk and active, with a- fine awing, whether; worn buttoned ' or open. . ' " ' ".. irni IDEAL SUIT V ''. The fabrlca for Spring ' are Cheviots, Worsteds, Serge and Mixtures. i -- v. Long range of - prices ,- ., $i.oo o $23.50. - ' Ton are as welcome to look - as to buy. ; -' ; ; ; :.;... Yorke Bros. & Rogers warn :j-. . .-V OXB NI01IT .V ' " : Tt'EBDAY. MAY STIL.; :CAV NEW YORK V . ; !Hm ; DANMAHOJ ' ; f: Supreme 1n Ite Entirety A Marvelous Mixture of MJrth and Music." - '' :. Charming, 'dirts and Hklllful. Coma ' dlana Galore. . l . Production ;of Coloexal Hp'endor. Novelty Hurprles In I'r Jfuslon. -Nothlmr Jext IJke It. . ; . ko i'Flori-K! 60 rRICESi.JH.OO, 5, BO and sic Seats now on sale at Jordan'. m J"1 'i r , , i , Mnaaere end New Te men in this town who -liv t0v4 4-r Tr,a- reason is simply Better duplicates of the models worn show tnem to you. iney cost Brothers. 1 , . .-4 K'QsrilU?. Hold Sway at this Laundry! The washing is done with soft water thoroughly fil tered. - '. Pure Soap only is used for washing garments clean. Imnroved Ironm? Alacnin- rit -irl J ery irons omixs, ooiiars ana Cuffs without breaking the linen. : A trial of our work backed by Modern Ideas will hold you as a customer. : Charlotte Steam Laundry UUNDtRHV DYIRS, ; CIMB, tit South Tryon W. 1 .'.X J 't'-.v ;S6m';i;'PM-5 Swell Drinks ; At Hawtey'a :, Pharmacy. We are leading In fountain special tlea now. Our new improved ' service , la , a winner and a '. .Wonder,. , .,; . '. 1...'. :y.'';'t---:i,vmra v'"'M i to DnwicV i -yX '.-' .'. .1 ' ' 'i i : can now be had at our estab- lishment. ..'! " '. : We would be pleased to see you at our at ore every day. we are quite sure our service would please the eye, aa well , . aa the appetite,. We ahall look for you today. l!.?Sri".r.',,CY 3; Splendid J:tt t-r- fWVA '-v' y:r:i y!n:-:-y r ". Til i-nmmwm mi i mi,i.H J , -. v m : ;payfag mbrc y ' 1 : . Wf Clothes, The best 7 in New York' and other, irom $13.00 to a5ibwi. ; ' Wholesale, :r:; Retail. ; : THE IMPORTANT DEPARTMENT Of the drug business . is the Presaiption Depart ment We employ noth ing except licensed phar macists. - -- -. '- Ail Five Hen r are registered pharma cists. Could you be in . safer hands?:,;;;.' Send U$ Your Prescrlptisas Kuraes Register. SQUARE ''t'hT vm xxTcn xota.Tr FOR S21LE ! 1.000 No. 1 coal mine to Va.: ready to work profitably I 1-1 mllea from: railway. JPrice , iist.oo . per acre.. ' '..T-- ,' ;.. n' . 11,000 A. adjoining a No. 1 ttm ber. land, all bard wood. Cut 0.004 feet per acre. Price $11.00 per acre.' ' Wanted More timber and farm , Ing lands for Northern buyers. - ' N.; L Slmmcnds' & Co., , K: 3. 'Successore to ( r NO. ; T. BKATTT CO. ' 2!! TS. Charlotte, N. C. - In one of the best and f 's growing cities In North Carolina. .t It center of city and one block iro depot, corner stand, built for restau rant and ealoer purposes, one of t a city-like bulling,, all the latent I -provementa, electrla light and r l through and heated by ateam, e elevator. ' ..' Two urper floors ! 1 Eagle LoJire and Club F. o. 1 . reeson I oner for ante, l t retire from saloon bu"' ecrupled this cornur f years. Nw t'nn i w I June 1. tin 1 thst menn I ' . ' a bl. - r. : - TTlnston-i i.. . I 1 - t ! 5 S mnrtim mwm 3