..I , CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER, - JUNE 21, 1D00. 1 If. tV CALDWELL 1 t Every Day in the Year. . BUBftCRIPTTOM PRICK: DAILY. Oae rar .,jV.."' fl months ' - .Three months '..V'.S'- - BEMI-WEEKLT. i ')', St? wont hi' '.' ' ;. " Three months ..ISO .. 4.00 .. lot ..no .. M .. It f PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. No. M South Tryon street Telephone numbers: Business oo. - Pn . M: elty editor's office, Ben pnone, wi i ftews editors office. Bell phone 234. A aubacrlber in ordering the addreaa ef Die paper chanced, will please In ' eUoata the address to wtatuh It la going tt tha time ha asks for lha changa to a made. Advertising rate are furnlabed oa p application. Advertiser may feel aura . that through tha eolumna of this : paper tiiay may reach all Charlotte and a vortle- of tha boat people in i tbla State and uppar South Carolina. V This papar givea oorreasondenta as Ida latitude a It thlnka public policy pemlta, but It la In no eaaa respon sible for their views. It la much pre. ' ferred that correspondenta sign their naarea to their article, especially In caaea where they attack pereona or . institutions, though thla l not de- maoded. The editor reserves the right ' o give the ntmn of correspondents when they are demanded for ih pur pose of perennal aatlafartlon. To re '' eel re ronaldrrellon a communication , meat be accompanied by the true . name of tha corresnondenL TIIl'rWDAV. JI XK SI, l0s. DK8PKIIATK .MKAKlltK AND ITS Kt'l'CKHH. That wan a most desperate under taking on the rart of the police au tlinrliioa lh Phlln!e1nhla newsDIl- pers and the father of the kidnapped j of the Struggle of Danville, V boy to recover the latter and arroKt Kean. the man who hud lured hltn way from school and was holding Mm for ransom. The kidnapper having- written Charlc-s Muth. the hoy's father, that hie aon would be killed unless the notice were at once called off hi. trail, rapt. Donaghy. chief of ! putting the making of railroad rata. acheme by I unner ine ronirni 01 mn-i -muic commerce commission. Aa showing the groaH Inaccuracy of Mr. Baker' conclusions The Tlmea-Dlepatch ' DAJTVIIXE, VA, ' SLANDERED, Tha Juna . number of McClure'a Magatlne contained It characteristic article' front"' Ray, Stannard;- Baker, purporting to show, how discrtmlna tioa in freight rate against Danrllla, Va., had greatly rata ltd If not en- tlroly stopped the gro vth of the city. Tha Richmond Ttmea-Dtapatch knew enongh of tha situation In Danville to feel aura that thla ' artlcla waa groaaly misleading, and ' In order to present the bright aide of tha picture and to undo, as far aa poaalbla, tha mlachlef which the McClure article- haa wrought, ssnt to Danville a iUff correspondent, whoaa long residence In that city mada hlra entirely famil iar with the altuatlon, with Instruc tion to make a full Investigation and report the resultsThis article ap pea red In Sundny'a Timea-Dlapalch and shown that "In spite of any dis advantage in railroad rates. In aplte of the revolution In the tobacco busi ness, Danville haa been making steady progress from year to year. and Is to-day ono of the moat pros perous and progressive ciuea in ine State." We can well bellrve thla. for men like Baker are prone to over step the mark In their teal to make out a case against the corporation In volved In this case the Southern Hallway,. The article In McC'lurc's Is described as profusely Illustrated and abounding In pictures of certain tenantlcss tobacco factories, together with the ruins of one or two that have recently been burned down, and with one or two cuts showing what the article clHlms to be a decline In tin; leaf tobacco business, and the photographs of two of Danville's leading but misguided cltlxens. The article Is entitled "The Way of a Itallroad With a Town, or the Story With the Southern Hallway." The article was an attempt to show that the Southern lttillway. by discrimination against Danville In the matter of freight rates, has killed Dnnvllle, and Its Implied purpose la to work an In fluence on Congress In the matter of I detectives, concocted a which all the papers were to print a i etory that Muth had confessed that j the boy had not been kidnapped and , that ha knew all the lime where he was. This had the desired efTect, for aa soon as Keane read the morning papers he ventured from his hiding place and was arrested by the police and the boy returned to his parents. Even outaldo papers printed the fake tory. all holding the father of the boy up to ridicule and contempt for having caused so much trouble and excitement for nothing. His neigh bors. It Is said, refused to speak to him after reading of his alleged con fession and some even threatened quotes The Danville Register to the effect that daring the past ten years Danville has started. In the manufacture of cotton goods, 4.1,00 spindles, 1,606 looms, and put to work 175 opera tlvea. Hy July 1st of this year this new plant will be exactly double, making a total of M,01 spindles, 3, 212 looms and 1,750 operatives, to which Is to be added 73.90 spindles, 2,653 looms and 1,B50 operatives In operation prior to this period, mak ing a grant total of 159.976 spindles, Violence and he was given to under- j S. looma and 3.SO0 operatives land that he was not longer desired In tha community. Ha stood it all tolcally. In the hope that his boy would be restored to hlra, and In this he was not disappointed. It was an unusual and Interesting case; one that apparently demanded desperate meas ures, even to the point of telling an Untruth that good might result. Thnl the course taken was Justified rannot be denied, and those concerned In car rylng out the bold plan are to be con gratulatad on Its success. The mayor of Haverhill, Mass., Is a friend of the children. A circus is billed to appear In the town shortly and the mayor ordered that the public chools 6e closed so that the children might witness the pHrule nnd per chance HHend the performance under the tents. The hool committee re fused to close the schools to allow theni to attend stid the mayor de clared he would station a police man at every school house door and forbid with an annual pay-roll of 1920,600 and doing a buslncxs of I4.S0O.O06 .year. During this period Danville men have put in operation a plant which manufactures pants, coats, shirts and overalls, putting out from 25,000 to 30,000 dozen per year, em ploying 1.10 operatives and does a business of 1160,000 annually. Dur Ing this period Danville men have started a knitting factory, which em ployes 135 operatives and puts out 235,000 doaeni of Its product annual ly, and the presidents of these respective enterprises assert that that the capacity of both will be practically doubled In tho Immediate future. During this period Danville men have built and equipped a fur niture fiictory which employes HO skilled men, puts out 10,000 finished pieces, and does a business of I13fi, 000 per nnnum. It Is added thst "In Hpltn of any dlsadvnnlfiges of freight rates, Dnnvllle hss a number of wholesale grocery houses, which are the children to enter. The school n" doing a thriving business, the committee st once sought backing In hnnks and retail stores nra all pfos the courts snd akel for nn orde r r- j perous, and there Is steady employ tralnlng the mayor from Interfering for all persons who are willing with tho runnlntr of the public n work. All this In , nllltln to th chools. Thu mayor snyi ha has m- great tobacco Industry, which Is still thorlty to suspend Die si hi,u If he ! 'he backbone of the city's wealth and eo desire s. M Is t,. be liop., (h;it ' prosperity." Charlotte has for n long The Movement of Xumbee of Peo - ,.. plo. Visitor and other. i Mr. J. Trank Flower left last night for Chaae Clty, Va to spend several weeka recuperating, . Mr. 3. Q. .Adams, Jf of the faculty of Cornell University, Ithaca,'. N. Y, is expected In tho city tha Jast of the week to. spend the summer with his father, Rev. pr. J. . Adams, In PU worth, , . . Mr. D. E. McCuen leaves the last of the week for Savannah, . Q., to visii, relatives. Mr. Houston J. Brown, of Davidson. was a cnariotte visitor yesterday. Prof. Loy Thompson, president of Rutherford college, was registered among the guests at the Central yes terday. Mr. D, I Probert, secretary of the cnariotte young Mens Christian As- soclatlon, who haa been spending sev erai weeks Jn Indianapolis, Ind.. Is expected, to return to tha cltr tha last oi ine wees. Mr. A. P. Craddock. a prominent snoe manufacturer of Lynchburg, Va., spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. Mr. C. E. Mason returned yesterday morning from a short business trip into Houm Carolina. Mr. R. B. Dlehl. of the business ornce or The Observer, spent yester day in Rock Hill, S. C, on business. Dr. J. M. BeJk. of Monroe, spent yesterday In the city on business. Mr. John W. Hutchison will leave to-night for New York, where he will spend a fortnight with frlenda. Mr. J. Mack Holland, of Oastonla, pent yesterday In the city with friends. Col. J. Shakespeare Harris, of Ca barrus county, . spent yesterday In Charlotte with friends. Judge Walter H. Neal, of Laurln burg, waa a visitor In the city yes terday. Mr. John S. Barrlnger. a Greens boro attorney, waa In the cltyyesttfr day on legal business. Among the out-otytown people here yesterday was Mr. J. J. Crow, of Mon roe. Mr. John T. Moflltt, of Asheboro, was in cnariotte yesterday Among the guests at the Buford yesterday were Messrs. W- U Spence ano u. w. curtls, of Carthage. Mr. C. B. Townsend, of Lumberton, waa a Charlotte visitor yesterday. Dr. J. L. Gibson, of Laurinburg, and Mr. H. B. Gibson, of Red Bprlngs, spent yesterday In the city, bslrtg guesis at ine nurord Among the visitors In the city yes terday were Messrs. Carl B. Hehder and H. W. Malioy. of Wilmington. Mr.. T. H. Vanderford, of Sails- bury, came to the city yesterday to auenu j unmet t'ourt. Among the out-of-town people here yesterday was Mr. C. C. Reawell. of Ashevllle. Messrs. W. I,. Allen and II. C. Mar ley, of Oreensboro, were In the clly yesterday, being guesta at the Bu ford. Hev. W. N Flanders left yesterday afternoon for Hendersonvllle. He Is making tha trip by automobile and will arrive at Hendersonvllle to-morrow morning. Col. I), k. Cardwell, of Columbia, 8. C, spent yesterday In the city on business. Chief of Police H. C. Irwin has re turned to the city after spending his vacation with his family at Wrights vllle Beach. Mr. Cornelius Maglenn. of Raleigh, Is a guest at the home of Capt. J. Q. Bask ervl lie. Among the visitors In the city yes terday was Mr. J. V. Oreen. editor of Our Home, at Marshvllle. Mr. W. H. Bell hRs returned to his home In Mt. Mourne after spending a few days In the city, the guest of Mrs. J. J. Hanson, on North Graham street. Dr. C. L. Alexander left last night ror nign roint, wbere ho will attend the convention of the State Dental Assoc iation. He was accomuanled bv 1 -V i"T.- bsqriptlori Blanks fortheiun $ sold portion of the 7 v' vv?'. 'jFUUer;tomb.n0 (Bin Compatve'0 : laue of prcferrc& Stocft ;: ' and information as , to the ' .tonus of Common Stocks which ' goes to ' . J the subscribers also terms !of pay- ment, will be furnished on applica tion to the fiscal agents of the cor - . poration. ' ,. CHARLOTTE, NATIONAL, BANK.. SOUTHERN STATES TRUST COMPANY auuoiit, 1. c . . ... " ; MBsWasWasi - Southern States Trust Company 'h Registrars and Transfer Agents BRIKFS. Vmw Minor Happenings ! snd About the City. Mayor 8. S. McNlnch haa called meeting of the water commission tor Friday night. Mr. Boyce L. Ranson haa accent ed a position with the Little-Long aepanment storea. Mr. R. Baxter Pharr has been confined to his home, on Providence road, ror the last few days by Illness. The young people of Brevard Direct Atemoaiat churcn will give a plcnlo to-day. They will go to Big ifprings. The regular weekly prise shoot will take place at Latta Park this anernoon at 4: JO o'clock. All mem bers of the club are requested to at tend. The Woman's Auxiliary of 8t Peter's Episcopal church wilt hold an Important meeting In the vestry room at the church this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The farmers of the county are pleased with the brand of weather during the last two or three days. The cotton and other crops were needing ine neat and sunshine. Mr. E. E. Short has arrived In the city from New York to accefkt a position with the Charlotte House Furnishing and Deaoratlng Company, aa traveling representative. His friends will regret to learn that the condition of Dr. H. Q. Alex ander, who has been ill at his home In Providence township for several days, continues quite serious. Mr. C. A. Spratt has sold a house and lot on East Vance street to Mrs. Maggie J. Smith for 1 1.4 SO. The deal waa made througn the Southern Heal Estate. Loan A Trust Company. Tha Ladies Air Society of East Avenue Tabernacle will serve cream on the triangle at the church this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all to be present. The receipts at the city cotton platform yesterday were IS bales and the best price paid for the staple was 11. IS cents a pound. The re ceipts for the corresponding date of last year, when the price was S cents, were SO bales. Inspecting the) Convict . Cmmp. Chairman of tha Board of County Commissioners John B. Ross, accom panied by Mr. H. J. Brown, of David son, another member of the board, and 'Squire 8. II. Hilton,-a-former chairman of tha board, yesterday af ternoon visited and ' Inspected the convict camp In charge of Capt A. C. Welch, near Plnevllle. The party was taken the rounds by Mr, Osmond L. Barrlnger, In a Franklin touring car. The trip Included a total of nearly 40 miles and, Including half a dosen stops and' a stay at the convict camp, was made In three hours. PEOPLE'S COLUMN . ;v ar- ., sr waa .-w aa aa aa as ... I .'t;',,;- v,'-.f,,V.:'ii,.i:vt(..., . . . - , . . s.' , ':i ' I - r: r' rtr'n --- -r'-. :f1.- y-i Tocach making a purchase of 50c or' more, we" $veV ; balloon to-day. ' Extraordinary Clothing Sale . f Men's outing and three piece suits, sfcel- eton, half and -full lined: coats, well tailored cheviotts, flannels, worsteds, etc., rolled' or plain bottom pants with or without belt straps. Suits that we sold from $7.50 to $ 12.50, now in broken sizes, bunched to gether for choice at $5.95. One lot men's linen finished wash suits, just a dandy for hot days, only $2.95 At nine o'clock this morning on the tick htoH Timccn5aJn,y. of the clock, in both stores, we will sell for i. AH advertlsetnents Inserted ' fifteen rmnutes, limit ten yards to each buyer, the well-known Barker bleached sheeting at the ridiculously low price of 5 cents per yard. The American District Telegraph Company delivers packages, parcels. notes, Invitations, furnishes messen- for errand service st very small cost. The Observer will serai onr messengers, without charge, to your residence or dUo of hutlness for aaverusementa for wis column. Phone l.r 45. this column at rata of leu cents per line of six words. No sd. taken for less than SO cents. Cash In advance. WANTED. WANTED 60000 Piedmont Cigarette coupons. w e pay sue. per nunarea n ec i Schif Co., Charlotte, N. C. WANTED-Posltlon by first-class lady sienoaraDner: just tram couere. Knr further information, address. "Htenna-. rapnsr. care wnanoice UDsarver. W A NTED Non-union elMtrlclan; high teady work. Southern Plumb- wagea; s ing A Electric Co., Richmond, Va. WANTED An experienced supply and nutcninery salesman, wao ta familiar with territory In southern and eastern norm Carolina. Address, with refer ences, Th. Cameron A Barkley Com- panjr, cnariflion, a. u. wanted-A competent man at once to iook aner telephone system in town a., cars UDserver. The Alorehead lot, which was purchaaed by Mr. W. A. Watson the of 1.600. flrat of the week, hu a f ron f a irm nn I ' iJr. Charles V. Hcgan. of Laurln burr. South Trvon street of 75 lnntari of WANTED A flrst-etaaa mmmiHv man vi hc bail been snenrllnir n fnw Hv SO ti in ,.(- nh. I who Is Qualified to ulci rhmrrm nt th her.- with his frie nd, Mr. John Charles server. The error was a typographical -taim V'flr..""?11"1 !nd ! ""L w,f,.n McNeill I'r. M. C. Henderson will leave this morning for High Point to attend the meeting of tho 8tate Dental Assocla. lion. one. orit DKINKINd WATER. mills. A flrst-olass place for tha rlaiht man. Address, with mfurnnma F.H.n A Hundav school excursion from aicmorries, Treasurer. Meridian. Miss. T rnn U f . I MA.nln. I- . . . , I brought quite a number of pleasure 'ii"' .5arAsL.wl"1 -fr0.m- f500 ? ... diuii 1 1 an estan snen nrnfltable hnin care Observer. llcason Wliy tlio Cainpltrll-liIrCor- mu a i iunt hhoulcl Not Iw rcl and lata took In the points of Interest In Address O. T. W the citv and sDent a few hours at I Latta Park I WANTED Job comnosltor. who under. a , ,, . I Jianaa pres work; also one or two i .. .. .. i " i. j T I wno nava served rrom 1H to 2 or X jeara. miifuiii iwa Iran i mil gnn i - v. ti a Kiiggeaiion to the Water torn mis. '-"I1 '. tuc?nf n! Board Steady work and good pay for right nar- Joiim w inaH win oe neia ima anernoon I '" Aogr, wun reiarenca, i'rinter, sloikom. To the Kdltor of The Observer: at 4 o'clock for the purpose of elect- care thla paper. ing a successor to Mr. L. A. Dods- Ihere are many reasons why water I "".I i,,.. .-' It I W ANTED-By , large manufacturing r.l k " I pini in neu should not again bu pumped Into the the water mHlns of the city of Charlotte t ampbellMcCormlck from the company. The new plant in nelahhorlnar eltv. vouni nun to do stanograDhlc work and cenersl of. Puffer" soda fountain nr" "sistaai musi do strictly Now You Will Have to Hurry At nine o'clock this morning, and for fifteen minutes, promptly, we will sell, limit ten yards to each customer, a very fine, sheer, snow white, double fold India Linen at the ridiulous price of 5 cents per yard. Limit ten yards to a customer. Everybody Hurry lr tern. 1 9 ts -mm - which ha. just been Installed In At- $S? ,"2 SWJlLTrl I IICSC prOOQS Will DC On S3. It At DOttl StnrM. plant. First, the iirifnv,.ruhi ani. ses from chemists of Phlladelohla and ,kln",n s drug store. Is one of the finest o.. Halelgh. Second, the fe..r of h. ln.n " complete in an ae- water by those needing to use It. In- if'" Bnd mod":n ,n respect. WA rtlcatcd by the Increased uurchasea ,PW' " any Deur ,n lne ' I DVUUI. I " ' ear. Charlotte Observer. NTED Few clean, white rags: will cenia per pouna. Apply at yb- tho court vl!l n.' with lln mnyor. n,n" suffered from unjust freight ' dam at (h Campbell-McCormlck for school hi 1 .Ire n are entitled In s ' J11"' holldsy while the circus is in toy.-n. Hay Finn nurd Raker would hardly and the visits c.f the greatest shows on h" Just I fled In calling (his hustling In- nn are loo few unci fur between, eitismai t uy a Head one, us he has ncmieuis would not cure such nn evil. Hfth. the malorltv of our uurchasea hy tha citizens of Churloftia nt MM Wondcura. ficritn chik Nn,i The funeral of little William other such drinking waters. Third, the B,"r "ussey took place at the home opinion or charlotte drinking water Pp " "' 11U8C- by the ieilo of Di i worth a. mo. ... Jackson Terrace, yesterday morn- forth by an article m th. i....- ,n at 11 o clock. Rev, Dr. J. R. The Ohaerver f tr Howerton conducted the services. The It la a prevailing oulnlon' thst tha Mpterment waa made In Elm wood I TWO RE8BRVKD seat eoachea. Ill HISCXXXANEOCS. HAIJf TICKETS, under twelve years i.io. Yvumingion nxoursion. mlngton Excursion, tickets Btesm Laundry. lotte WI1- at Char- V 1TisiaK I a Ink J V n mi Il.inelll.. I..., i l'in l" lllorougniV StOOS anv flnw I c njvun ! nil" wcrrn eii oi ine waier, uuring long, dry I ' l"D I FtKBH SHIPMENT of spcus. wnieh causes It to become B"r ,n ""P-snooung ciruiox. m. Water rec.lvsd ever: stagnant, and that nitration or atrana American handicap, in Indian- your orders early to apvns, inu. ine jworcn vsroiins I vsruuiwciin v-o. m.- . ., . ,,. . .... t i, ... i, n evil Kirn, . i. . i irsp-inoDicri Association is reor. . Terniu is an right. "' mt.er, we hnv, mi , . ' '" '"-'V ' l uur nt.d hv Mr. Arthur I.vor. f n,,r. "5,"!.VJ "iS"?."".1"' ..o,..,t. Is forging .head m.., , niLuV nb. not flUcVed ham' n Mr' Chirlotta. on "northldV AddrVrXjrVrSr; Houthein towns, and we can nvmiui.lriilhiir Ihmi ux., t,n, it,. .1.1...1 l .There la tn he a anaolal mn.lc Observer. , v vi; wtivil' 1 - " m " - I - ... 11 t , hum pinin, which has been a vlna- 11a service ai j ryon mreei msinoaiii NnTfrR-PrnvUlnn haa hMn - ruuoiu 111 rniiny ways: and would I i-nurt ii nunuuy nunc ine rnuir win friends from Concord. Oastonla. Kino's t.'ongrcssnian Ills, kliurn eiprevses confidence thiit lie In re. el.-, e,j. la the coming enntot, however, be will not hue 11 faction of I. Is own party to llxht. but lnsie:,, tiu. i,.io crata Thin will likely uinke n the difference !n the world mid the North Carolina delegation In tin 11. t v,. areas will In II iirobublllly l one. thlxe with the citizens In their resent ineiil of Ihe McClura article. They hould not, however, attach too geiii Itiiportiinco to It, for few peopli- tako these inaK'i.lne articles seiWuiHly tin y huvf become accuston,ec to tho ery of the sinsHtlonnl writer. An Inter, Hlln f, ig tiuestlon 111 Conner. H"t! with (,e removal of Collector I I II t U I fill 1 IJ 11 .l U: I...IL .ft.. twkyards began Monday, whe, L, " .., , ,ln' om' nriiru I I 11111 AIIIMVIIlil r-lutenvll!e, the home of George H. Miown, the new i)en,r. Our Wash iiiamn coricpiioiolcnt ways thnt so fur there is no Intimation there that the office is t b removed and that tho Aslicvllle bonrj of trade has already taken the mutter up. The collector's office is of considerable udvitntage to a lown In several ways and an effort will doubtless be inmlu to have It tak en to rMiltesvlllc. Chicago's u lovcstlgstloh of the committee of experts representing the Commercial and Illinois Manufactur ing Ass.iclHtlon mail Its first lrlj to PscVlngtown. This cninmlttee will tllkttly find condition greatly Improv ed, for the pucker have hud miinr. lent notice to remedy the alleged eV , conditions. prefer It w ithout any admixture of lb" assisted by Mrs. J. C. Duke, of Mountain and other towns. Wilmington Biaiesviii, coniraiio, ana jr. Jtiarry 1 ." Asbury, flute. One of tha features of nmn rtnritP . ., ,,.. e will be a duet by Kraton. " iingun . rWnator Tillman is achedufed to be ,;gjn his campaign July 7th st Hand) Flat, In OrnenvllK- county, fid. Lumpkin, tho Senator s only oppo- IV V nent, ' will doubtleaa be present nnd engage In a discussion with Mr. Tlll - :nan. All of which will probably be more. Interest Ing than Important, for p th senior Senator from rViuth Car.i fl',f: UM , Is sllll a power in that fitute. Tb Ner York JfejaK Is authoi it ' , for tha StaUment that the "New f'j tor.'-mllllitlrr ; !' has donated - , ff0,aa for the erection ot a home :( for the Korfolk Xaval Young Men's ;,; Christian : AasociaUort ,' Is Joha D, ; Ilockefeller, ,Th rldieat msp n th , ' world Jl aPpareBtJr:;icpnHng; mere liberal la fcu eld t r r J.ihn J . Ivean. the rhlladeiphu tniin who abducted Tredclle Muth seven years old, was arrested Monday anj in ie than feniy-four hours, the grand Jury had found a true bill, he was convicted and sentenced to tweniy yean at hard labor. This is an uneuualed record In Philadelphia, snd shows what tan be done whn the authorities ar really a ruaed, aa In this Instance. The Oeorgla criminal record ronl tin ues , t swll, the latest homicide being thafiif. a 4ok .klQlitg his father la dr t sard HU wethar," wmwr iruni ine water shed, upon wnicn inn ingiiinnc rotton M il No. 1 has been plm ed. 111 fact, good, clean, wholesome water, without nitrates or other Ob .lectioiiHDio elements, with neither suspicion nor suggestion of pollution, in the only kind that will satisfy the onmsnuN 01 I lie people, on thla lm portant question of our drinking water. In further consideration of our necessities of pure water for (ringing ami other purposes; and the uuMHtion of an abundant supply 01 wut, ior comrorta, for utilities, und for protection from fire; and also to King our depleted financial condl lion into account, your correspondent would venture to suggest to our city mermen ana water commission, that an additional pipe Una from Briar creek to our. first reservoir, would perhaps be the wisest course to adopt aa s relief from our present distress, cd conditions, and possibly It might give relief for a good white to come on the water question. Hut this Idea Is, of course, baaed on the supposition, that such plan would be furthered iy twe park and tree commission, who likely, at this time, or will at the programm Messrs, D. T. Huyck and L. J. Town- send. Dr. I. W. Falson Is busily engaged In drafting an ordinance regulating ine sale 01 rresn meat in the city.. A conference will ha held with a num bar of meat dealers of the city short' ly to discuss the various, features ol the proposed ordinance. The ordl nance will be submitted at the next the Clothing Room of Ouf Store From Four to fiye OXfock This Afternoon So SfaSi5rc seI1 10 c mot'lcrs f this city who have little boys, wash knee pants in all sizes from three to. fifteen years of age at the ridic ulous price of FIVE XZENTS PER PAIR - Nobody can buy over two pairs and. the sale will be limited, to the hour named, not a mo- LUMBER for sale We have on hand iiu c-n biiiu urumpur ins lOIIOWinK I I m 1 ' ' I rionvPU0 xwriL?yK ment over. the time. 10 19 xi, long: oxs, iv 10 If ft. 10 n. Ad. oress, ign nnoais uo., High Bhoata, FHESH CHICK Springs Water every day. 20 centa ner aallon. in K-rallnn meriina m ine uunru 01 Biuermen Donatinc LO. tor approval. Mil. J. KDGA.ll POAO HERE. know, Mr. Poag la a ganlus In the real estate line. He tells great things of what he has done with real estate lately. For Instance said Mr. Poag: "I sold some nock Hill property last week that haa chanrnct hands four some fixed time In the future, have times within a year. I sold tt the some jurisdiction over the original other day for Just twice TWO ' TEACHERS wanted Depart ments, mathematics and English. Quall- ncHiivnii peat aisciniinarT aDiiitv. av. Mils Wrfl-Known Dealer' Declares !.'? iinKsite f N.r? e v." lliat Itcal 10a Late la oa Ue Boom, ferred. Oood salaries. Address, H. W. Mr. J. Edgar Poag, of Rock HIM, 1 2 5"'?w' Principal , Charlotte Unlvarslty S. C, "who ruts the earth to suit " ..1 ' , the taste." waa a Charlotte visitor wiiMiNaTow Kgcnrsion, rrtn. p. yesterday. As many Charlotte people -the RKD Telephone." or Tricks of the rt. jtooinson m vs., cnarioue, n, C. ,von SALK. ron HALR-Three tiihulae hAllara. Mond.han. wnst II Mfg. CO. eighty-horse rstum -nana. , Celvtne water-works plant. j, ... I brought a year' ago,'! Mr, Poag la - I vary enthusiastic over real .estate In run a un-iieeie inaeiime ma onscirl j-tmL TW r? A T T Holler end r"oro Move Ueral and thlnka th.ra areeater ; Bor. Kupt. . f to New lliillillnv Msj. O. M, adler, division super Inlednent of the Houtharn - m,.r..a Company, will to-day move his offloea All Records Will i Be Broken From Four to Jwe Oiocltt 5 ' Room of I t Now listm; everybody listens We will sell men's and boysV this season, block shape. ' dress straw hatsnicely banded the kind th&t everyy will w one to each customer at the ridiculous orice of W .ulhiMhm rwulKfiL' ,Addr .Trank," car. from the aecond floor , of the Carson rCliUdren'p JXomr at, the Carnegie IA building, at the corner of Trvon West Kourth setreets, to- the . more spacious and convenient quarters on the second floor of the new building of the espreaa company, at lha Hotiih. em depot. Ma).- Vadler's force of oooK-aeepers. cierke and etenogra phore eoinprlse more 'than a dosen ASSAYING ,!-. ;. .; brary. The etory hour for the children IV win ww rnuinvu inia wan a. BlL ini s.';.t mm-m m a . t i (arnegle-Ubrmry and throughout the owm or vaia-r rji:jCMiFTiftie aummer will be held at 10:10 o'clock ' or puscriftiqii, ianTtitiS m t ;F H v L. .liTa 0 ars s.t a ww mw w wwa a isiw wbbjm ' anu SUW V cbildraex aae.iaruad. , v. - lllf .W. 111. etreet. Cfcarlette, K. a

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