CUAKLO'l "ii. m (.. , WljMlQlitG'MWtK 3. r. caldwell r 1. A. TOMPKINS I Publisher.- very C:y in Year. SUBSCRIPTION PRlClVi On 5'Mr hix mniit MM Hix months ... . Ttira muiiUt a.W .... .. a. o tw ........ ..;...... w HI months ....? J2 IhrM months ..............-.'i- P PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. ' No. X Bouth Tryoo troet. Telephone lumbers: -Business mc. Belt 'poon W city ditera office. Bn 'phone, lM; ' new. editor's cfflo. Bell 'phone, tt. ,: A aubfcribor la ordering tb addre. Jt his peper changed, will pleas in .' dlcst tb eddree U which It 1 going at U Urn a ask. (or Vbe ho- to be made, . '. , . Advertising rate r furnished oo , application. Advertiser way feel ur that through th column of this , paper they may raach nil Charlott and a portloa of tha bat peopl In I'thla gut and upper gouth Carolina. Y. Thla paper give correspondent aa j wld latltudt at it think public popcy . permit, but tt ta In no case respon " elble fer their views. Jt la moco pre- . fcrred that correspondent aign thalr 'name, to their articles, especially in .eases wber they attack person or (institutions, though this la not d I ananded. Tha editor reserves tlx right ?to give tha names of corre-tiondenta ;wi incy are aemanaea (or ma iu poe Ot personal satisfaction. To re .catv eoaaldrratlon a communication rnuat l) accompanied by the true nam of the correnpondent s.tTvniAY. Ai ta wT is, me. - PAKKKNUKll MATES. t VTh Vlrglrla I-gllatre at Ita la.t acaalon paavt-d a bill reducing railroad .- paaaenger mlea to two and a half oeata a mile to the purchaaor of . tlcketa and to two rent to the pur ' obaaera of m linage hooka. (Thla may - ha Inaccurate aa to tha detulia 'u 1 auch la Our recollection of them. The iailroada went Into tho coon ' and the Supreme l.'ourl of the Kime declared 'the act unconstitutional nre th- matter go-a over to tnn ' next Waal on of tb Lglnlnturc, about . a year and a half hence; The Ol aerver haa recently had '.omewliat to " aayiof tha relation, of he rallroadi :' in North Carolina and the puull: to each other, having refrrence In pari to frelaht and naaaengor ratua. and undertook to present with Jutllcio falrnea a atatement of the rlglita and wrong. Of both Hides ml tt plead ' with each for recognition of the rlahts f the other. The Petersburg Imlex- Appeal, with the recent Virginia legia f Utlon before it, Ulsi-usmx the mattur of pasaenger rate In lh same aplrl! '., and, largely on the aaina Una that .-. Thi Obarrver baV W are tn agreu- meat with a coiialderiote part of the . dltorUI whirh followa and find It rt well worth copytng. After mention of the postponement until the neat . Legislature of tb rate question In Virginia our contemporary aaja " "Meanwhile, there will lie more time ?' la which to juoiluce tli evlilsnce tlmt in eurninift or ins rannMis junnir Vtnat the to-rnl rate. After all, that la tae eru of tha matter, and It la as . snuoU a ouestlnn t publlu Hillcy unii ' elrlrt Jueuea, a it is of cirxii-ai, duty and ability. V take It Unit eren ', j th meat inveterate hater of rorpotM . Hons wouhl not wllllnc to cripult or 'etry the railruuils, tn, they me the very III arteries of business, anil cer ' , tatnly,- In uttenittiiK to regulute them tn the matter nf exorlillunt charrs, ' area! caution slioulil li esen-lsed . acalnat rulnlna them. It Is fur nioia lin iMtrtanl to see thut thev ore imt nljc aaraiy in 1 1 . I r eiprntllluiea for the . equipment neeessnry to their erri ' ciancy and surety thuu It Is tlmt . th PUbltu ahull ride n rent ' . a . bait a rent a mil cheniier. We ; have not leen able to look with favor UiMin'the esenls of the power I ley the Lewlslature or any other Ixxly, of '' maklna of rules and rutss for the rraulatlnn of rnilroiuU ami other .' corporation. It aeem to ua tlmt aueii rules and rates should be mail only . after the roost cHreful InvestlanHon, in whleri the forporullon nave hud a full nd nlr hearina, uiul upon th most ' roncniaiv evldan thut Injuetlee would - not Im the result of surh regulution. :i. e . e a Now we of the State l New we do not deny the i-iwer inak eui'ii rea eucii reaulatloiis, no brief for the . and we certain)? hold no brief fur the railroads in the ' matters, hut w do . araue for luatice in sun ivtMa, ntui ttie . moat alMtnlute frreof tlmt the are rnnrvnna me nu , late before the gluts shull pnieesMt to txerclsa powers tliivt may he ilestruet . ve ' la the interests una wriiare or gn-nt end Indlspensi.l.le pilc utilities. This power to reauUta la a ir to destroy, i" and It should therefore, be eserclsv.! with th y rea I eel rsutlnn. Surely, ne sensible man would tie aillina destiny ' ' the raiironaa, er even to seriously crip. ' pie them." s. Ther are people in Nurlh Carolina who hare nut a dream of Justice tu tha railroada but whoao malignity I '' auch that, unmindful of the benefita '. th great arterle confer, thay would ' ' cripple or destroy them If tliejr could. . Thl la a class, aavnae In Its hntred. ' that th leginlator. wlm ulll asscmbl ' la lUlelgh lie.t winter v. Ill need to ' eteet themaelvc against. It will not -J. da ta take fur granted that thl class :' haa tb public welfare at boart It rart. nothing about that; ft lia no . hlirtvcr ' motlv than to wreak von ,; geanee. The conn ienllou incmbor. of th General Assembly want to ad'trea their beat thought to th togUlation propoaed by th partlwia Of either ' aid and to vuUa, upon full lnrnla tion, a their Judgment Ulctatea la , right "aa btwee h intereai in i volvod, Th people nd protection , agalnat th railroad; th railroad for tha Inlvreat of th public a. well aa of thni)Jv---nucd pruUxtlon agalnat th'a bo UI crlppl them If tby can and would bankrupt, them 1 they rouW. . )clen tha pie, "and demand of tha two 1 th gpldn mean atttl ta find and follow it J to find and ; ollow tha , path of duly, riuiititiiua ? tha 5 railroad would, , by wlaw. ' to Jgcoept i.aad .'art , upon ' th lewdly advic Th obaonrer haa r nt!y given then, for th tbuy wfU ? niova the" ' rauc of tha juat Con - lint acaloU. thtiM and tha better ; Ufy themsHlvr for the nnrlghteous '"ka which they wii. hv to ua ' - , , , : :. , .7 iu.v w t.i.itu JIMS. ruiJil XHK ht'NDAY OltSLllVER. TWm Arrival nt Wa It. a TXr.,11 .v. . I ' .'m....' i.. ...'. '..'!. r,:zz.::: v . : . f . ..uu,rani,uw(wf( 10 jirpr-j ft Barcn Tor the, North Polo a an ftlrhlp hit directed ranewed attention At;-Ur of r,ac,ln ha earth", rnst northerly point There are now nv, exploring parties fa the? AWtie, tw pt whlchV ara.deiliUtly bnt :dft V' f"';! jV'-v ! 'v ' earj aaiiea wmy rJB, lPf iroro Hnrih t-yirlv-' i ' a i tha iciihahli !. "m ,. ( - make Lady Franklin Bay and to tmtel thenca by aledfa to th Pol, Ita haa not- been erd of inee. but oy tn mtauie ot eptemDr tna reary Arctln flnh Tnnrta , word fronv him. It la reaaaned by ' hi. frtWd.l that hould no,new coma from hlu then. 'ta. .fi at a & u,i.a m. m j U am year for hi. work. They bHev.; that In uch aa event Peary will . Ur aome Eskimo, aouth wjth a mewafe, which .hould reach them in tha UnU- ad ttittaj In November. . . , w Wellroan. who 1 backed by a Chi - Wmm J.KllHt.f win hi unit vvivu the outklde world '.r and propose , toj keep in touch with the United State. vi- ...i.i . . Mriii uiioh. .n. ! iMy v .. lie exoccla to sail noma time la Au- gwt and calculatea that ba wllfba able to make tha trip from Hammarfet to tha a.nd return in .ia day. The other enpedllloh. are tbo Of A. H. mrriaon. an; Mlkk..- cn and Lefflngwell, an, Engli.hman anil American.! reepectlvely. and My lieu. Erlck-ea. a Dane. The Loui.- villa Courier-Journal, la e efforia of these Arctio wplorer, th .... , say Sf n? .nnllr... nf lha v fl. mie. travoier. m frew 1 a ,""ving vt ..amu w....sUl as fninl A stlnnt ll Itl IA uvrniura mu rn..n,r..., ....... , '' the field of Unriilng. H w w Held of lernin that must gain the pront In the end. There I a certain romantic aiemeni id tha Ufa ot the axnlorer which !h."Vien,trut tir'ro.Hia5r js?" erul public, either, no matter now muea some persons cavil ana aweu upwn iw futility of many of the U.k. tney art out to accnmpllaleauch, for instance, aa !i.."nt 'iLTSHuHm htlsiei wm'hold th! in"JtMor"t&iIJw readers when the tales of their tests and nerlls come out at last "Itonianilo aa ar all. there la one et- nedition that1 must nuuisr nn rh most romuntlc. us well a the most divert ln, liecniis It Is the most novel. The airahip journey of Wnlter Wellman la the one referred to. To the Pule in a flying ma chine, with a wireless telegraph Instru ment st hand to mulnmln communicn tlon with the civilised world throughout he trip: Here. Indeed, is something to thrill the tniHrmation mm to stir blood." ini It will b a great victory for science n.t Ki.rr.-a r ..a..! lit I n n whan lha a... e::z;:.u ,." . ...... ui ma HVK.I .tvhii (wiirnni- eil, us It will be In a ahort time by some one. and we hope tho Htar. and on mo mo.i mirtneriy point. .eu- men's expedition Is the most inter- esllnir one now under wsv lit has built an airship expressly ... .1 for the purpoMi and will endeavor to sail over tho dOO mllea Intervening iH.iwi.en nminer.ei iinn me roie. The effort of a Friticnman namwl An- drf-t nislt,o a somewhat similar trip sorhe years ago proved disastrous, ti'Hoiin ever navina oeen1 nearo irom hlmi However, Andree hud merely m. hsllonn and hail tr. folb.w tha ale - - - - - -- currents, wane weiiman conveyance is an airship with 'appliance for steenng it wt.nnui rererenc. to tne A -.- K. U lieiUliTfl mTtl- I ,,r oi ..nv.,n ...... There has been much whiffling and I r"" "I rJT-r..Z....rvI prooamy n mora evasion, much backing and filling, inland Is entitled to thanks fur It ex- atttttiiptlng explanation of the reasons why Mr. Blackburn, the Republican candidate for Conareas In the eighth district. do not rneet Mr. Hackett, hi Democratic opponent. In a joint ranvesa, a h ha been urgently In- vlt.-d to. Thero ore a number or rensons, th. principal of which Is hut b and hi friends know thnt h would be worn out on every stump, nnd snothor can be found In this paragraph from a circular letter Just Issued over tha names of six as re putable and rrspot)albl gentlemen as ther r In th district Messrs. T. II. Vsnderford, If. O. f'hatham, It. A. Ijourliloii. A. II. Hoyden. It. I. Hmlth and II. W. tlwyn. the Democratic dls- i t ..rn.niit.a- rll t Committee, fh Hemibllein nominee represents ii .. . I., ru..,..,. ntnl .liinael-ous In I t" ... hit ii.vTii..-. UI rJditl,;:1 H':-'mi ln ,hu fff'r . hrotiuh revenue orrieers. nisiiusrs ana i ithers mi tne t" imnier 10 rereivn n( ampnlsn committee and they are Mk- in nuntrihiiilons from pro reeled mo- nopoli-e and indivldo..! t-vuldicsns .ill over the country, lie .1 bay all the money h w...l. or t.evd. til., mettriliutmn iro n prur-ieq mi , . Whll tlin Democratic, couimmen, u u 'J n added, has "no men. of raising " l'- I... n.n.i ... thrctiah th na rlotic! geneiosltfA of Individual Demo 'n I a - I. Mr. fllackburn w.nld rather ihl Information should be rtlsscmlnnfed by letter or told by Mr. lUchett when tie Is canvassing stone, than to hv heao charges made to big f.c bo- fore the people and bo tailed upon to answer ihm. The Rock HIH Record quote Sen tor lirlce, rt York county, S. C ho aathor of th Brlca law. undr which any county n tha Stat having dlspotiaiiry can vol tt. out If It so wills aa having written ist. I am In favor of destroying th. dlspehsaryrrstt and branch. J'?iid, I sm in favor .f wiping out th itjo kei shops end ' Sxehsnse of ' all names and kinds. , gej. have never voted for compul sory education iiMn the ground that it un-iiemocniKV- Tho platform Is sounJ. Senator Hrtca will do. , , i,; i Th Montgomery Advertiser thinks that The Observer's recent .defence of tha unekwar of Baroda for having said that th American wcomin folks ara not o, tarnation beauuful a ha had been led : to Imagine, Is aa tn tanra: of fbraylpf Thl I what Jt was Intended to ba. ,Vo hv Ing Iwart yentemhered wltitaa lavlla tton to th dollaf dinner Th Observ er is a candidal for a Carnegie madal as a consolation pti." ' pin. ii. au . .......... ....... . - .... ..... vi uinr .ui.iiueii. piv uuing, mis gniiemaiT aaiu tnai it wa spend in his e e., and risht now bo of the peasant wr hilled and aever an old story that negroe were not i". tamer '..Vmasr ed ther iov al JSor "unu- allowed In fanton trvir night It i enMrtTiAM fn,T,h,", TZn nu"r" !,70T1: lo hav" "",d th"t ,hpr "ver been any m"iiilr ot th. Mepublln-n congressional to""1' "'"f Uk wild animal than race trouble In th little burg; that ; umu.r Pt loriin iora ior in reaaera 01 xnt. wun" day Obaorvar. .Mr. ThomM M. Huf. I ham - will tmva , thAnrhtfui. nr. fully . ppar,4 WMUXUZ Arthur P. Gorman,' Uncrowned King I pacta to leave-fr. the 'weatera pert I of Folltica,", andt Mr.- C a Wootten J hav written rnoat ntareatfiif ly ; thia - i .rpa,urr,.f',anai i anioi wnich protnlada ta pa ,'nter lutinr : a...j. vincu, , Mimra v( 11 Doutn r.' -It will embrace a aerie ot "M t.era to Nicholaa, Worth, a. Southern- born.Amarican," Ilvln; U'Nw;Tork,' irom, mi orother, Troa Worth, . who 1 1 a-la1 ha 1avA f h Ia, installment of m. Aicompce. hrJwbiclj many retaera ara. flndlna? 1 im.Ij.L . . - 4 nnmber of .hort articlf. from reg Jar' cn4 aped! atribWori,'.'!. -f ' Sunday, Auguat 2th. the flratMn .taJJment of charming atory,'Th Rectof of St Mark'." will be alven. The author la a North r.MtinV I than ...V.m .k. . . . ' "i"T vi iwuun iq mi 0ouiD( I MecKienpurg; Fair, October 19,19,. 17 "" 1 1 " , " 1 1 1 - 'land Jlth, i 1 , . great comfort to fle- ,. Mr. , Batef Roaa ha. returne t i jria coniroveraaiiara tn aiava t.. i i i lo nna "omethlng to wiy In cloa- i ania. ia hma ... jv . . . . . " ' argument, by w,y ot tht Uat jB, ..teemed ladnatrlou, I w vrsensDorn, attempted to wi VBB P' bacoma a . hog?? ru" 'ong and knocked It put ot tne bo - bad to bava the at wd. which la peithir coherent no u-iv., out mi. M tt: "Aa It wa n 'nt. county pig in question, walws. a Charlotte visitor yaeterday, accept the correction, but If It had 1. . ' Di-en a Oullford county pig wa would I - innmimi' . . . .u. K. t our onrnaj a nwr, Hemmai U Of a hot cnnirAvarav h.. tween two Charlotte men once a tolTouna; People of th Lnlted and As whether 'Weidon la in Nanra . f aoelata ; Reformed Preebyteriaa v,.." " m w'"ax' r churchea. In Dayton. O.. 1. eapected to Northampton. They were - about tn I . . Bnt but aee,, ,,w,i to ,e,r decllon to a third party. The refra 110 Id the contestants ha W'i,i..n 1. m ...... ,nA t. Haiitax and tha defeated debater got up nd lpft "company with th P-Ing hotl -Wall, It wa. In North- an,nin. .1 . .. ....... ... Mum a wa. uun mar, anynow. tie 'got the laat word. Having been Inyarlabty unhorsed by The tr. ih. ,...., i - - - - - . . - m eew KWUOMk JUUniB In whic h tha rel.tky merit of native poems proposed, by the two paper were In controversy". The Norfolk ie.iu.iini., .0 .na.meie-8 vioiauon Ot th rule, of war, rings In on us a rl- bald atansa from a British nater: and I .o..a .... Th. n .v.. ... 7,: : r: uKiiiuR ouiiy ui nurtn caroima, outlatopplng at the Buford of regard for It own renutatlnn. ami In mlndfurhes of what It owe. to I stmienry, cllgnlfledly declined to print or discuss It Th Vnrfnfv r .n,i..i. ... ..Im.i.j i. -j. ceptlon, and with unparalleled effrotlt- ' I err. asserts that "The rihur haaltpeat last night In the city, lr.ttln.,1 in ,nf...i,,n" - i ..u .. enori to conceal It ham." T.U I do aril tire and imposition nractlced upon readers who know no better meet together, while impudence and i unverac lousnes kiss each otherr I i' I llw Vlndlu ..nt..,i.i. ... ...wl"- WM a visitor, in tne cny last I --f .... vi I.. -"'i and ith The New York Evening Post, cordially commendatory of Gov- ernor Ulenn. Judge Long, the p.- iwrn 01 ine main, ana Itev. W Xn. VMIi- can, of Charlotte, ntllte snuarea Itself V " wlH, Norih Carolina for nrevlou. comments on the Salisbury lynching presslona of Justice. John Law has beep renominated this week for register of deed of Or- ane county; which office he haa held for sixty year, and decline to prom- iso not to run again. He has already I held the office twenty year longer 1 than Dr. Oaler aay any man I en-1 titled to live. Wonder how old he was when he contracted the habit. PEST I1GHT LIRE REASTS. I VtlMf W.ala-i A 1 HUU.I tr. IWaw.,.. T.'UK- . r.T "Sin niiniHicriiig to n ou talcxi h osnacks I rMivi to lie-treat. HI. Petersburg, Aug. 17. At lha heuiliuarters.of the gendarmerie here i i r 1 1 ie iii-j was received to-day of llnwilh.r ....lllalon , ,w. .... ?! --..-........ anu iurjr inn me i . " eirimi ui reiresc, carry "'"". . inetr rury they I -i-i.n who wa purrying Up I seixen 11 priest who was hurrying up to ussist iha wounded and beat him to death befor the wife of a tck pe- wh?In h, h,d ,tie roXi . . ..... ... . . , I . nrrimmi, , . an.. a.uT.riimi, A serious Bffray occurred to-dav In thr.r.t.. r . .?r nTn fwA-.i11 the suburb, of Kolplno between work- m. r. of the government arm. factory r'. " a iLHirr' L?AS,,b" .7t V.,:." ".. " rA"rV"T"- a diist.n ar n,. it m . n Canh .1. d a cessions and tha naht aa ci n tinned with stones, club and rifle ttlllla A in.. li.r nt ... ... L.,k Si wcr. rtuus) ? woiSdid aiuva Til. twriUUBIjr WOUnOCU. I KILLING OF IDLICE COXTIXVEH rT,,.,a..A,.,r; to. Si1 .i,cTr .. -.... ...-r.v..M Kur-jw tsiHatca. I Warsaw, Aug. 1T.Thl ' mornlna two patrolmen war shot and kllltd and two wounded. , Htrong detachment of Iroop search pedestrians throughout th city and I all passenger arriving on th, leans. I Railroad ar sesrrhed. ; ; At I o'clock this evening nolle. In fantry and Cossacks stopped traffic nd cut oil th Jewish district from tha rest of th city. . , Jt la now known that 41 persons wer killed her August It. nf whom I tinea n era no I eight war policemen, and that II. po. llcemen and about a hundred cltlsens wera wound. . . ; .; , I .Daring yesterday throughout PoJ v.? land lva pellcemen snrt one grcna-ITIirca Fitrdintcrs IrtrtI Into ' ttie . Llll. .... ...... . . I I ...... ' . ...... ft ....... rm were killed sod four potleemoo May Italse) Internal Ioan of 17,500, Y r." ..'POO. ' T t -, ' M.'petet sbnrg, 'Ana.' l7e-e-Tha credit of 7.si0,0a votiHt by th lte Psr llnttient for rsinin relief , being si ready exhausted and tho commission revising the budget having so- pert the last nosslbl kopeck to rsls 1 10.000.- noo, it wss reported this afternoon that th government had determined to have recourse to an interns! losa of 117,190,00 to provide ed for a pew cr.ip. Th losn will be "sub crlbed" by th Stata aavingt btnka. , IXU.iO.NAh. I ."" 1 '" 11 '" m.-. wi.t of Number of rco. I 1 iiit, t isltom ami Oilmr. i I Mr. II. b. tuV )fft last night fo I Atlnnta, Ua., on buHtniM. . I o tne ytote the laafof next week, to 'fS.VX 7w Mt Urtihnfor icatawba Spvlnga, where h will apand I "e tirne. ..- ' ' , ' I Amuni vlkltor In the city yei' known cltlceti tt Laurlnuurg, 4 t R. W. Jopllng, of Med Bprlnga, JJ." cr atare4 non Iha guoet at MtOmrkVt SlataavlUa,' 'Waa I a charlotte vlnltor yeaterday. 1 r Irfeaara. P. It. Harry, ol Oroeniiboro, lViJ 7"' i Mr. B. K Aatmry leave tolday for f IT trftl1 Inm I (ha Uannh pa tuiin &Zfi-3?'U ?n -1,6 ver1 Mr W.U.' Galloway,, of Uamlet, Pnt yeaterday.ia tbe city, .topping "h? cY?Pilht, of tha Universal Wlndln Comnanv. aoent ve.terday I In the city. I tr. Vf. Al. 1 l.mWC I WIU fJUriHI YI7 jay Monroe advertlHtng the big - - - I aDent aome- tlmn on h a varatlon. a . . - ' ......... ... I Mr. E. J. Parrish: commercial aaent ft tha Seaboard Air Una .Rail way wK"Vaww hV I ativea. ' i-, " i Mr. A. M. Spong I .pend'.nf aomo Wfe VgT Yi. who baa been the gueqt of hi itter, Mr. C. Valaer, left yeaterday morn- W .h,"J ' Xvel" I m w. p' Maunev. of Gr.en.boro. I- Mr.'S. H. Bmlth, of Concord, apent B;uU "4rl V i,.t' I ...S il .1... .11. tt-lAM J . I Avenue A.' K. P. church, who has I V... .it...!., th. nVAnllnn f tha Mr' iark- dur o Tn BUIe.vnie Landmark, waa In tha city 1 ""vi -mio .ciu, .n. .. 1 J. w. La ne. of Llncolnton, 1. at th Buford. 'He la on M w horn from Ama. Va. th place " birth, he yhdtodrgrlan way of friend I anu reiaiivea lor several weess, Mr Hol 0al,.rti of tn, Kutherford- ton bar. waa a. aueat af the Buford last night. . I Mr. H. A. McCollongh, of Mt neaaant. ,wu a fhanotta visitor . a Mr. YL. Mahler Kramer, a well- J known traveling man of Wilson, I I Pndnr to-day In the city on bust- neas. lmAn. th. vl.ltnra In the elt last I night was Mr. J. A., of King's Mountain. I Air. Tank l.lement. 01 MOCKVIII, charlotte visitor u.t mght. Mr. P. O. Lnmlls has returned to tn citr aftr r huBlnes trip In the Mnson. a nromlnent laa-yer of Dallas, spent last night in tne city, stopping- at tn central. r .v. viroy. ui uwiunw, i a aiivsi in .nw cny ik. iukiiv I . Mr. A. H. Barnett, of Huntersvllle, Mr, William K. t lament, of M0CK- vlll la atiandlnir tn.Aav In lha rllw Mr. E. L. CnniDbell. of Klna'S I Mountain, was realstered among th ruJ,"u f i.h,Jrrni!raii.,",,t nlghti!. lev T wai. a e in 'rh city last ffntght f 1 r' .;,- .--t"rt Mr. E. K. Bolu. of Black sburg. I night I Mr. J. v.. Plonk, of Cherokee Falls, Is spending, to-day In the city. WIEnK Nf;(;ltoKS ARE IURRED. Not Permit tcl to Items tn Over MjHit at Canton Effort to Employ egro Tabor on a Big Kntrrprlar Futile- Two Counties In Uie State M'hcre the Ha me CondHton Obtains. Special to The Observer. , Ashevllle, Aug. 17. According to authsntlc Information received here th little town Of Canton, where Is building the great $1,000,000 pulp plant of the Champion Flbr Com pany, has never. In. the mentory of man sheltered a negro over night. This fact was recently brought out when an e ffort waa mad to employ negro labor and It was found lru possible to secure thla clsss of labor at Canton. . The ntsgroea wilt not go to, Can .. . TU... ..- tr. k '"r tne barrier that (.anion s onsen nava raised and wore nut desirous of look- Ing for trouble. Inquiry thla week of a prominent citison 01 waynesviuu, a .i .ll. ..... ,.t Cakini. l.llu. i.. l.i... .. . . -" .' . inn. .win. ui NTklun tu wihvb s. Uhl resulted- in the atatement "that not in ine memory ox man naa a ntj- gro apent ine night in t;anion. t;on whan a negro i Seen ther after .un clown hu Is uulotly asked Wht hi down ha Is out buslnesa Is and It that it would not oTLlin ovvti Incidentally intorinod b healthy for him hI.1.1 "Pl.t. av.ntl. , l ...... I ulll. hi,.i- v . ava...v Iwamlng has hitherto t)en utnclnt IwartilnB has hlth I?.!..6. " Th," -" . option to negriies Vorklnir In W in act bmw They arc employ i "'sfoes wc.rking ia canton ounng ma ngvoea pass through nd frequently stop, y arc. employes of thl Southern In many instance. They are never molested. But they can't stay ovr '"I"'. ssm; iss.'iivwin sow tn tampion Flbra Company began nnat.tliuii. lha inlM a tlS nlhae nf. night, it la said that recently- after nclals of th town endeavored to re son with tho cltiseua that It was, time ft.. . . I . k. .. .... ........ M.l...ia K . . . Without result. ..-t:l'x Aside frub Canton there ar two other elates in North Carolina whore Ihegroe are not allowed to remain (over night. These are the oouatloa of Mitchell and Madison.' Several veers a so whon tha telephone lib wa building through Madison negroes were employed on tha works and tha icomnsnv building tha lino was put to some Inconvenience by tha rltlsens of LMadlsnn refusing to allow tha negro to stsy In th county over night. Th negro Ishornrs toe re forced to go be- vond the Madison county tin to spend ithelr Mgktit I v, .v .THREE STlt ANGE 4 ftPFXlMEXH. t"ll."lrstrrda Hctklng Ijntdov Hirnt- Msyor H, 8, ..IcMnch Take Thrvti lif IlaiMl. ,, . " , - . ' Three atrsnaa specimen of hu manity drifted tnt'i tha city yenterrtny. On wss a polish Jaw, with auch flaming Vd beard and hair as is often heard uf bul seldom sees, Tha cond was a tlnrk skinned, bavk yetl nstlvs of Moutetievto. heavily built and evidently a hard worker. The third was, nothing more tlmn a bay, a German, with blue eye aid flaxen hair.. A more striking tela could hsrdly - h Imeslned. 'Row they earn to gt together and bow . " i 1 , i 'it . . . t '"'"' I they iiidnned to "rea. h i let.'e cu!J not ' be leairnud. Tt.ey 1 "J evidently heard uiiulhlnjr of the city, for they curne seek In i MJyor 8. ii. McN'iuch. piesldent end central manager of the t'harlotto Brick Coai puny. Shortly nttr their arrival they met up with, Mr. IahiIs Boson baum, who took them around .and Introduced them to him whom they sou slit. The foreigners and Muyor McMnch oon atruck a trad. . , 7 he tflo left yesterday afternoon for Fort Mill, U. c., to take up their work at the plant of tha -brick .company, on in river, , ...(, THE STprriXO OP TJIE CLOCK. Oenrga U. Coorner, la Touth'. Compan- uenei.lnr fall, tha Instantaneous calm, The auddea tllenc ia my . chamber small; I, starling, lift my bead Jn half alarm ,THe clocks ba stopped .mat au. Th clock haa (topped. Tt why bv ,i mo xouna ' '!: ,... An Instant (eollnc almest like d!myt Why -wi It. .liwnc aoonari than It. tFor u ha. ticked all day. J Bflr nun Uvea haalda nfima M nn. Ana ' sucn , eompanioB.nip unntaaea .' keam ... .; ..... , .. . , .... CompHinonshlp aoarc fKKjgnl.ed ' . till And loat 'in ludderi leep. ' ' ' tAnd o tb blessing Ilavn .'dally 1 Ar In their very commnnnesa forget W little heed what ajiwrlh " our - want, r , . . , j- ,,, Until it an.wtra not, ' . i A' .trangene. falleth Oft familiar way. a tr aome pun wer gon beyond re call o Something nnthonght" of linked with an our oara- ' -v - , Some elook bag .topped-tbaf. alb ' . PEOPLE'S GOLULIIJ Tha American "- Dlatrlct - Tetegrapli Company ' drJIrtrra package, parcein, note. Invitations,, fnralsliea me gar for arrand ervlc at a vary small coat, i Tb Obearvcr will aend oar neaosenger, wlthouf charge, to your rostdenca or plao of huilneaa, for dvertlaemcata for - this column. Then OfBc) wlth WeaUtrw I'nloa Telngraph t Company. 'Phona 4a. AH dvertiaementa Inserted ta thl col una at rata of ton cent per Una of Bis word. , No ad. taken for tea than so cent. , Cash la ad vane. WANTED. WANTED Teung man. If to 11 year of ass. for auda fountain. Dnigglat, oar Observer, wANTEi-MarrtjKi eoupi tj uk. part a hriiBa. TAatirs nl a ltaal t uitl . ntl 411 a line. Address, X., ear Obervcr. WANTEO-A young man to leara th ara Dusineas, si uat nave soma uuar- nesa tact and of good character. Frank Hoblnson, Lowell, N. C ' WANTED To bur a cood eountv seat weekly newspaper, in town 01 not tea mn X.600. Adclreas, with particulars, imple copies, etc., Tho. , N. Ltocke, than eamol Lenoir, N. C. WANTED Salesman, to - handle stapl lin on liberal commission. - Adareas, Box 827, Richmond, va. WANTED-oStout offlc boy for general work. Oood oDenln for vbunc man will ing to make himself generally useful slth a view of learning the buslneea nd advancing a. hla nierit may de- aerve. Cel. at office of Nwpper Union second noor ironi, corner .ua na vouege sireeis, city. WA!?TED Job compositor, must be a flrst-ciuss man: atate exaerieaca and salary expected,- write; at once to uo- eereer jrrtauRS iotev"'.T . v WANTED Position, by experienced teacher. , A. B. roller greduata Beet reference. Address, M tss Marian, care of Oussrver. . WANTED Marker and sorters; also girl. Charlotte Bteam Laundry. WANTED To boy a good driving horse. Must b sound, not . under six year ouio. va , xryon strt, wrown co. WANTED Registered druggist. Give referenoe, aaa salary , expected and stste time you ran begin worn. Addr, Box K, rayettavill. N. C. WANTED Four second-hand twister frames immediately. Address, "Cot ton 1111," oar Observer. . WANTED About September lit, an x perienued man end wife la an all-year-round ' hotel. ' Man must understand stewardlna and wife housekeeper' duties. No children. Salary moderate but aure; a ' good poalton for the right persona. Auuress, witn references, ex perience, etc, Wnu . Hewitt, Henderaon vine. n. aj. WANTED Balesman. - for- North and Bouth Carolina and . Virginia. ' For itany ma so suspenders,. Kiiy auspen der Co., Fayette villa, N. & WANTED The Oeneral Fir Extinguish er l ompnny deslree t enasge a strictly first-class male stenographer. Moderate salary to begin with, .but fine oppbrtuni with. 'put cement. -. and .ubi ties for advancement. - Annllcanta must lilC be experienced and submit the best of references. Applications will be consider ad by mall only. WANTED-A. trsvellng sslesmsn, famil iar wit u tha n. and a. O. trade on a weti ' mironuceo line ot rarming imple ment For right man a -good position assured. Address Immediately, stating salary ntwrea, Itawunge Ampiement t.0., i.Hi.iniora. itxu. v . .j WA NTED If s rneee-meksrs. Hewlett. Ursnthe m'Hsrsas Oo. wnson. n. a 1: UMciaLfttMBrOim. nAlKlAINg We have several bargains In roll ton deska. .Call aulck. Queen miy t-xinuna jq, " ' , ATLANTA Barber College, tuition 0. we lurnisn our graduate paying posi Hons ln our own shops In Atlanta, pa psld from day you enter. , 161 Whitehall street. Atlanta, Oa.?. OOOD b mess-maker wanted. HartUn t:o.. aaiisourr, N. c. .., , , tXIRIAXK. FOR SALK On large rellertop desfci one flat-too deskr one typewriter desk. also office furniture sultshl for archi tect. Cull at room rd floor. Piedmont Iluildlng, or ,'phon ill .i . w FOH BALE 1, P00 acres good farm Isnd, ' ten miles eset of gsnford; terms osy. eoe .. it t.uisnoim. emnrora,. . u., e T.L. Chisholm. Ban ford,. N. C., or g. Jermsn, Ilslelgh, N. f?, Huckhorn nd A Timber Col, Sunfnrd, N, n m. Lend FOB SALB-Beehe Indelible Ink Cheek Protector, only been used four months. In good conditions - cost 1 oa, can be bought for 1-0.00,; Addree. "rrank." ar Observer:'. ... ' '!..:.. I , FOR ! RF1NT Furnished six-room rnt. tag. North Church street, JUptember 1st, . 'M..' care'tltsrerver. ' . yon RENT Newly built T-rnom house, all modern conveniences, (I Esst tth street Imiulre.PW N. t'sldweli street. , , ' '. "' " '. .. . . II V ASSAYING ; .' ' CHEinCAL" ANAtTiBJL ' itxs of kvsrt DEscmrnoit III W. Ita atmt, Charlotta. N. a c c , L IJV : Ui The biggest and - richest assortment of Neck have shown for a time ' Narrow, mdium aridi widei 4 - ln newest; v Windsors - Bat Wings and Qubs The best lines to" beiound for 25c atid 50c. , ; The Three fell Dilworth . ! $2.50 ; h-y:v- Stetson $3.50 to $500. fa!! Styles m Collars---! I. & i. Brand , : . - I ; .... - You canft beat these;Collars for style fit pr ; , wear ; The afl-Ifnen ; 1 Tf II i" 1 1 " V J . ine au-conon j Our $1.00 and:$1;50 Umbrellas x , . Each guaranteed .'; and and a good shape 1m Gfoi2jt or real thin;, Drawers, each 50c. , ; ; Drawers; thin Ladies' Embroidered White Oxfords A beautiful quality : of heels and richly en.broflerecJ, with ribbon ties ' ' - ' $200e ' Walking: Imt)orters, samples, 'worth ( up tb: .$100," , uiuitc a tew iwi iur iijc . V. 'i . ' . ' a J I A . ' V I'1 . , . . 1. ' f 'i- I' . 1 1 1 w - 1 1 I -; c ,IVa' , SUK'T, - handsr the wide is the llak .Now Ready ' f-.l ' c Hawes- ,$300 ;.and C 4 - ply 15c two for 25cv t . f 4 f .ff , ." . : - piy iuc strxcuy. ;j . - : , . ... ... , . .. ';. . ... vthey are good quality t. - Oiiiiei , Nainsook Shirts and Genuine Scriven Knee material 50ce . : , canvas with'coyered - !.v Canes. : '."A-V ;: t . ar ! , a . ' L ' ' i- "I " M.i - I t . 1 ' , ' Brae "'.'.a ' ' ' .... ; -1 , u I " , ' V ' ' ' " '' i f"m . a. A '!''' t't ; ' .- -Jt . t, . , . r7 2!

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