p. cai.dw 1:1.1. ) A. TOMPKINS PublUI Every C;y p tz Vex; Ihm moutbl .....,..,......; gEMJ-WEKRLT. v On year .....t...-. ..f.41-2J six month . ,..- J Tor luonltu 7 PUBUBUEBff ANNOUNCEMENT.,., No. M South Trron street. Telephone .iimsr! MuiIuhi office. Bell pnone , Is; city editor' offlo. phone, lii, ea exMler' irict, Wl 'phone. XM. - A utxcrlbor in ordering tho dore of hi paper changed, will plsae ln- V aUata tSe ddrea U which it la going made. . . . . Advertiaiag ratea are furnUhed on . BlViHBlUl. JIHTnum inw li;t through- tn columns ot toia ..- paper Ucy max reach all Charlotte and portion at the beat people la ' Uii Bute so upper South Carolina. Thla paper give eorreapondeota aa , wide latitude aa it think public pulley - i permit, bat It la In no caaa raapoa - alole for their view. It n moctt are J", f erred that correspondents sign their . . namea 10 ineir ariiciea. wui - wira invr aiiaca pvrwina v. . - Institutions, though this la not da - . manded. The editor reaenrei the right . to alv h namai At carreaoondente when they are demanded for the pur- ' celve consideration a communication rauit be accompanied by the true V nam cl the correspondent. ' MONDAY, AVGPST S7, INI. ' , "A GEXTI.EMA.N. - Th Observer, speaking a few day' ago of lh gigantic surcea which tit tended the launching of the Cannon " presidential boom at Greensboro laat ' Tuesday night, mentioned that "there v were present eight Republicans, two wtan'airia rb main arnl aa A fti fa lr n arahfiai 1 tleman." I'pon which The Record comments: . "Ton certainly hare your nerve with . you. 'Ami a drunken gentleman!' You , ara flying right In the fare of the Pure la Heart down thla way. Don't you ' know we do not hare any drunken gnn- ' . I . L. - .. . ,1 .1 . 1 1 1 . . , aoa u ppiriwnm wnw inow qom aet 'drunk we do not rail him a sentlamsn: i W . - k. 1.1 i -., . I. . ha la." v ''And The Aahevllle Oasrtte-Newa. . ' rererring to in sgmo paragrapn, a'.Va. . . . "toMr The -rver mean that of nil : tha arrlbea and 'publlruna reoent there aa only one gentleman, and that b waa arunar- rerwuiage aaiae, tne term in quea- '. won tm vnw tii no um-wwr nuiiwi vram- i ed to uao exi't In di-rmlon. When employed In eorloufneo It la always In a eonnartlnn which tnakna tha fact povioua. jia meaning wnon appiK-a ana empires ix (mamHi ovt-r ncre. us v proper definition whan uavd In demo crat lo America, la, according to tho fVnturv tMctlnnari'! "A man nf anoil ; breeding, courtrey anl klndnca; hence, a man dlatlnrulahail for Una ' aenaa of honor, strict regard for hi ( l.ll . ... I ' . ... '. VLfii vjuiin, inu i-uiuiirriinn icy vno ylghu and feeling of others." That 'la m gentleman. . How often do w tiear tha word . from the mouth of f allow who hav not one of (he attribute Included In itha definition above from black- ' "jrwarOa, liars, nulKinrrs; everything ' that a gentleman I not; from crea- , ture who have no apprrhenMon of tha .meaning; of the word except a cloudy .knowledge that It belong to a clan superior to inemwivea; from amtrav . ina; numouga wno snow inn meaning ; 1lvlflgthey are aomaOtng that they .know themaelvea they are not; from .other type of humanity. You hav beard two nolay boors, In a back lot,' perhaps, half-drunk, quarreling and threatening to fight, and one aay to the other, '-'You treat me Ilk a gentleman an' I'll treat you Ilk a . gentleman." In thla town a few year ago an excrescence upon the gorial body Invaded a home with an vjl design, and when onterw! out ,' by tha householder aimed, "I am ; a, geiiTieman: anu snot him to death. It la no wonder. In view of Ita i . . . . m , . . .I . i , , . one grow tired of the term and uaeit ..It more ouen in in ncry man wun ; 111 meaning. In It mennlng It doc 'Dot neceaaarlly Imply birth or atn Uon or lea nil iik and I far ' from Implying wealth. A person may uo oi iy oruiin, unreuu, a wearer of ronrw ilritlilii. poor i M the Nasareiie, but If ho Is niurteoti aoa a ma, ouscrve trum ami Honor, V regard til obligations and Is con- elder te of the right and feeling 01 other, that man la a gentleman; ; and, to te one In the nnttMi of earth . ly ambitions. ! VB !. wv wrvnm y('u, kk, navs v' parte t ; 'Thst Kate, eVe l"ing. elmtl but you tduyj it tiwd night! with boneat. rnll lieurt .;' A, kindly greeting go el way, : "TftmJ Wttullh or want irmia mj a. III And bow before tha Awful Will. . jkna peas it wna an bonesl lioart. , rom tnlM an me win an Mit-ililir nrlu! - km or rjonfiiirr aa von Ian- ' Hut (t VU full. If tau .lu -'; CL Vrilltam Jennlng Bryan Is un Vr . Inyltatlon to attend the , county fair at Oreepeboro thl fall nd. .f course, gddrea the p'Je. Tho Evening CArotilcIo, or ,t'hirlottn, think. that If accept,, the event reuld be acclslmjcd was the Poplar , Tent Fair of -rhlco the Hard of Cod rti' Creek' wrote .' . , -'. "The rblef stfrneUon of the day - ' ., 'Ha Martin bull and J. M, Oray, . ,0 , Mr. Oray, then a meiuWr f the f allnbury tr, wa the' erator of Ith ( rsslon.)1 Tb Chronicle' tool Ion u that "J. M. Oray" could bo changed V 'nvntiam J.'i and the couplet adapted to the Jroensboro w nt'whfeb vry goo4 Id; bt ' If the eolonei f-f to OreeoBboro and he bag never 3 ft been koowi'tp etude aty oppor t mity to mike a pfech--wht te the r -fter ' (lb Inviting hint to evmy on n to Chsrlotte and pak at our JIOKK ACCOMMODATION NEEDED The IUlelgh Evening Time call for. an Improvement of traveling ac commodations on the Southern Rail way. Jt any one," It aaya, ."who h ned -the Greensboro-Goldsboro and western divisions daring the rush eaoa thl year baa traveled in comi fort It Is because he cam early and avoided the rush,. The crowded con. dltlon of the train on" these dlvllona of the Southern thla aeaaon ha made Journeying to an from the rnountaln and acasbore yeaorta of .the StAte llt tie lea than a torture to mind and body and an effective Irritant to the temper of tbo ' blandest ' yaletudlna rlaa." - After debating the subject fur ther our N contemporary r concludea: "Itlght here la where; the corporation commission can prove It usefulness without overstepping Ita limitations. After proper Investigation It can order the road to put on more cara during the cowded month, and that It ahould do with a little delay aa possible." :, The conditions of which The Timet Justly complain are not limited to any particular season bat are chronic, nor are they confined to any particu lar line:' We have them 'when-the school terms begin and when they end. on the 4th of July and .Thanke glvlng Day and during the ChrUt roaa holidays; when the tide of aum-1 mer travel sets toward the mountalna and the sea and when It return. We have them practically all the time."' i The argument on the reduction of! passenger fare.. that the loa austaln ed by the railroad In the adoption of a lower rate would be compensated for by Increased travel, will not ap peal to the Southern. It already haa : more passengers than It can carry In comfort. I THE ItETOHMED SPEIJUXO FAD. Nothing more vain than thla pro pesed reform In spelling haa ever been projected upon a patient people. It Is not surprising that Trentd-ut Kotsevelt hss fallen In with It, for lh Is a distinct fedtflat. but It is an (undertaking which la marked for fail ure. The President may compel U adoption at the WU.;e llouae and In the Uepartmenta at Washington, but he cannot enforce It upon the publi-:. The English language I written and spoken throughout a large part of the world, and the edict of the Pre-ldent of the Unlttl Sates will not b ef fective to change the writing of It even In this country, much loss in others. Inconsistent aa tho spelling of It is. and unnecessary as are somo of th'. lehe-a to many of the words uhlch carry them, the present' way I the way of the Engllsh-peklng world, and the abandonment of the old tyle and replacing it with a new cannot be accomplished by an executive order from Washington or otherwise. Some years ago a revision of the Scripture of the Old and New Testament waa announced and tho tlm for tho ap pearance of the Revised Ulble on the New York m-ket wa fixed for a day certain. Before the" hour ' for the book store to open that morning the sidewalk, and curba In front of them were lined with men and women Im patient to buy. They bought, and for several day or maybe for a few weeka the Revised Rlble had a groat vogue, hut In a tittle while the Interest or shall II bo called curtosllyT eubstded and tha Revised Bible I never heard Of any more. Bo, tha reformed sys tem of spelling wilt be much talked and written of for a few weeks, and then It will go the am way. IXTEUVKVriOX IX CUBA. The question whether the United State. will have to Intervene to sup press the new revolution In Cuba Is up for discussion. It I evident that there I a good desk of Insurrection ary feeling on the Island due te no apparent cause and to be accounted for primarily, perhaps, by t"he fact that the Cuban people are natural rey olutlonUisand Hhether the Inland government will be ablo to handle It successfully Is yet to be determined. This country has largs Interests In Cuba now, a great deal of American capital having gone thereslnce the war with Spain set It free, and to these Interest th t'nlUid State owe a duty. Th right of Intervention, too, In clear, having been reserved by the Piatt amendment to th army ap propriation bill passed In MafYh, 1101, thus: That the government of Culm eon Benin thul the United HUtes sliull ftxar clse ths rlslil to Intervene for the pres ervstlon of t'lihsn Independence, th maintenance of n. government adequate fur the protection of Hie, proterty and Individual lllert'. and foe discharging Hie obligations with reepeet to Culm imposed by the treaty of I'nrls on the I'nlted "tale, now to be resumed snd undertaken by tha government of 1Mb.." Hut many things are lawful which nre not expedient and It Is to be hoped that this government will act with great deliberation In exercising Its right of Intervention. Cuban resi dents nf New York are seeking to In duce the President to apply bta power in tha premise and It i altogether to hi credit that thus far he haa made pn sign. The United Slates have had a, great drl ef trouble oil rubs' account, have sacrificed many lives and spent much money for her,' and a small war for the, augjtigstlon of a past of the people they have an recently relieved f of the domlna.tln or Spain Is aomethlng not to' he sought but avoided. '.'' , ;:;vv A Hongkong cable or the ztih aaya "the American consul 'general her has aent a dispatch to th viceroy at Canton asking hint to take Immediate step to suppress the boycott on Amer ican goods. fie reports that the boy cott association have' recently held several large- meeting. Thne who are of opinion that thl Chines boy rott of American totlon' goods mount to nothing wr probably nil taken, and those, whd announced goma month ago that It had been called off and all tha trouble bad, blown over certainly .were. Tha cable quoted above tell'a a very dyrrnt story. . k f .'';'V ; jv' V; V. v.' i ' U ; , ; . , :' h. ; r . ' -.' "Newspaper men are ' arranKlns; to give a dinner to Mr. ltrynii wliru ba comes home. The (.'luirlotte Obnerver RilKUt get in on that' V'harleaton J'uil. ; The Observer will none of It and repudlatea the suggestion with , scorn, It haa decided, for solace and revenge, upon a function of It own, and it will be none of these dollar affairs,' either. It haa concluded to give a pink tea to ' the aurvlvtng member of .:-. the Cleveland" party nine ; in 1 number when last counted, , The toast-master baa bean eelected but' Ma name -will not ba 'mentioned-- la a candidate for the legislature In avNorth' Caro lina county ana ' it jnig.ni iiuri nim at the election. ' Tb color acheme haa not been determined upon" yet,-; but every guest will be attired In amllax and carry a shower bouquet of, can delebra. i Between .the coursee,op and etudea wlir be discoursed by the band. 'Uelicloua refreshment will be served. , Apotatea wU be barred. benca there : will be: no newspaper guests from Charleston, Montgomery, Richmond or Norfolk. Tho ' aurvlv tng members of the Cleveland party who continue faithful, will please hold themselvea In constant readiness for tb pink ea, ' v,A Yi'' vc ''v Aa waa ataUd la a apecial to The Obaerver yesterday, ex-Senator Ma rlon Bntler addressed, the Republican convention Of Chatham , county at Plttsboro Sa,turday According to tho correspondent of Tha Industrial New, of Oreanaboro, ha had two "ovations" oh when ha ' entered tha ; court house and the other when he arose to apeak., He complimented the "magnificent' personnel of tha. con vention and paid tribute to tha 'mag nificent" leadership , of Prealdent Roosevelt "He aald he came to-day to advocate the same principle and reform which he advocated when he last spoke here, twelve year ga." Which reminds us that under what e it political name Mr.. Bu tier sails, whether Democratic, Populist or Re publican, he alwaya advocatea ' "the same prlnclplee and reform." Th correspondent, however, falls to quota him on the anb-treasury, free allver, government ownership or "the two old parties," favorite theme of hi In the past. . : j ' Mr. Walter Wellman,' It la an nounced, haa temporarily abandoned the "assignment" given him by the Chicago editor, which Involved finding the North Pole nothing waa said, we bellnve, about bringing It back with him. Mr. Well man's decision waa ac tuated by the "nlne-months-wlnter-and-three-montha-late-ln-the-fall" cli mate of the polar regions, and It la said he will defer hi attempt until the "two-monthe'-thaw" period nxt summer. t . ii There i much wisdom in the ob servation of The New York Sun, which, In discussing the order '.of President Roosevelt, embracing' th adoption of the reformed epelllng, re marks: "If the Prealdent had thought twice Instead of not at all before h made the order, he probably would not yhave made It." Reforma ahould come In broken doses, ' i - High Point appear to Just natu rally love a freight car. PAPERS WALL WITH . STAMPS. Mlaa Sadie Cliambcrs Will Cover lh Walls of a lUprni l&x2lx Vt la Mze IHe.tIS Stamps ' -canary. - Anderson. Ind., Special, 26th. to New York Herald. '.' The extraordinary task of papering her room with cancelled postage stamps haa been alerted by Mis Kadi Chamber, of thla city, at th home of her mother, Mr. Margaret Chamber. "' Th room la fifteen by twenty-four feet and haa a nine-foot celling.' Th tamp of all nation are being pasted on the reverse or blank side of ordi nary wall paper, and to cover one roll of paper twenty-four feet long and eighteen Inchea wide t.SIf stamp of the American two-cent denomination will be required. For the entire room. If one design 1 followed. Ill, 112 stamp will be needed, while an other way of covering the walla and celling with stamp will require 111,- no. At this time Mlaa Chamber' ha on hand 11,000 tamps,'- collected within two months past, and ah thinks she will be able to get a hundred thousand mora within three mint hi. If sho can average three to five hour a day on her undertaking she will be able to eorhplat It by bousecienning tlm next spring. Her friend In Chicago, New York and Pittsburg are 'assisting . her In collecting the stamps. Ml Cham ber waa through Kentucky during the week past visiting relative ana continued her trip South to Birming ham, Ala... and on her way 'horn she win stop m Louisville. At each large olty she will further carry on her campaign for cancelled stamps. She Is not a "stamp fiend," her Idea lining only to hav a , room papered different from any othr room In th city. , ' " ' : ' v Miss Chamber 1 on of th most populsr young - women of thla city, recently 1 winning over several con testant in a popular voting eonteet with a diamond ring aa th prle. - Every morning at tier horn her first half-hour la devotvd to . going through her dall receipt Of postage. Mampa that - com in 7 bulging en velope and parcel. . ' ; - T. 1 ROASTS CIHUNTIAX -j SCIEXTMTS. V: Corxmcr of IWItceteav N. Y.. WonM , Have llealrm Unsjascuied or Not - Providing Young - Woman With , i Merit-! Tmumrnt, Ieath rteenlt- norhester, N. Aug. !. Chfla tlan Solenca heaters ara rnsurd In a verdict rendered to-day by Coroner Kllllp In tha rase of Fanny Qreen, a young woman who died her of,cre-br'o--plnBr meningitis,4 Fhs wa III 11 weeks andthe coroner finds' that ah waa attended by only , tha so-called ChrlMlan Selene healer her .father Randall ' Q. Oreen. Arthur Vosburg, Emma Shoecraft and Esther C, Spen cer, their treatment connlstlng of lryr and endeavoring to Impress upon th mind f the girl that she wa not sick and if h but realised sh waa "the tdegj child of Ood" her elcknena would b ovrom and ah would be well. - ., ' -M Coroner Kllllp recommend that the health tares proceed against the healers, under a city ordinance tat neglecting to report a dangerous, dis cs, v ' : ',' . , . ' : ' l-'pels Tliat Jf- Owes tlio Lnt Twelve clears of Ills Ufa to the Kct-Iy 'I'rvatnicnt. ; ; ' 1 .. ' The Keelcy Jntltute, Greensboro, Ji. I feel that I owe the last twelve year of my life to the Keeley Insti tute at. Greensboro N. C and hope that thl letter may be instrumental In saving the life and self-respect of some fellowm&n. My ease wa con sidered by my friend and neighbor aa1 Incurable ' "The "drowning man will grasp at aatraw to sav life," and. whil my faith was weak. I concluded to give the Xeeley Cure a fair and honest trial. I waa nearly dead; my- physician had warned me tnat a tew abort, month would termi nate my career' In death; I left my horn and family at one for Qreen boro,.N. .c. I arrived at the Insti tute eom time In Seatember. . till. and vw honorkbly discharged aa cured Octobers grd,' 13. and re turned -to my home and . family, a new man. Klna ' Alcohol had been driven from my aystem and I waa no longer hi slave. I had served this despot for : more than thirty yeara wKhout intermission, moat of that time' an - habitual and confirmed drunkard. I took the treatment in good faith and-conformed strictly to th rule nd regulation of the In- atitute, apd have-not bad a desire to drink whiskey, and have -not per mitted the vile atuft to pas my Hp Ince th day I. entered the Institute, neither aa a beverage nor any medi cine that contained alcohol when pre scribed by ary physician. ' . v ,v ., JUHN Q. UAUIUf , Rlchburg, S. C.,- Nov.. S, 104. V If you hav a friend who might be benefitted, plea send name to th Keeley Institute. Greensboro, N. CL . WXBARLOWFOR IUCKETI IS AX.IXFLt'EXTIAL REPUBLICAN la a' Comannnkwtioa to The , WUkce- , boro Chronicle, Mr. Barlow, Who Is , Olio of the Soll l. JTOfulncnt CHI- sens of His County and a Llfe-Ixng Republican, Tells Why lis WIU ; Stlatch Blackburn and - Vote for , Hackrtt Inlvtr Other ItcpnbU can Who Love) TbeJr Country to do lilkewtMC. , . ' . .-. : Wllkesboro Chronicle. , . Editor Chronicle: I am now . IS years old and ever slnoe J waa. old enough to -vote, .1 hav voted , th straight Republican ticket, and hav never yet scratched one.. . I am . a irfpubllcan from principle and expect to alwaya remain so, but when th Republican party, or any party, nom inates a man for office who I un worthy to represent them In that ca pacity, honest men who are controlled by reason, should register their dis approval of such a nomination by voting against him. For thia reason. I shall, at the next ecetlon, for the first time In my life, scratch a Republi can's name from the ticket, vis: Mr. Spencer Blackburn, and shall vote ami do all I can to elect Mr. R, N. Haclcett for Representative In Congress from the eighth district. My reason for thla course are that I believe Mr. Biackburn Is unworthy to occupy tho position of Representative tn Con gress. He haa deliberately fooled the people for yeara in many waya. ' Ho pietended two years ago to mov to th district, after having been nom inated' while a resident of Greensboro nr.d left the district within ten d-tya after th election and haa never had hi residence in It since. He did hot vote for a single Republican nomine from President down to constable two yeara ago. He haa abused anl vilt- tieu every Republican leader tn tha 8tat. who would not do hi will. Ho has Introduced and carried Int3 .exe cution methods In conventions which are In violation to -every principle of truth, hon;rty and fairness. . He irti ever been ready to sacrifice even those who had' been his, best friends. If ha could thereby further hla own aelflsh end. He has run . convention by force and fraud and It la common talk that he gets his follower to gether and sells nomination to the highest bidder, regardless of party service Of fitness and strives to destroy politically deserving men who will not do hla bidding. He promises anything to anybody, but not one time iu a hundred has he fulfilled hla promises. He i has heretofore got . lots of our friends and neighbor into Illicit dls yillng by promising them they ahould hot be hurt. If they would culy vote and spend money for him,. and .then he has deserted them when they wore prosecuted tor these violation of the law and many of them have had to pay- fines, go to prison and pome cf them to the penitentiary aa a rtnurt of hla lawless Inducements and false promise. He haa been In Congress about four years, has.- never done anything fir the benefit of th people and he Introduced a bill to pension negro slaves, which 'was killed by both Republlcnna and Democrat and which, if he had succeeded, - would have ruined th country. HI polio- ha evr been nil or ruin. Hi notion in dlcutlr.g nomination 1n the Wiikea Vounty convention, nl-iadlng With delegate to bolt Instructions, loping thereby to destroy a ilov?rvlng young Republican, jjiight t' 1. sufll- clt-nt to muk any honest Repubtl.-an vote againt lil.u. , Aa for my reason 'for voting for Hackett, I huvfi known him evar since Ms childhood and ever sines I hav known him ho has been an honorable. high-toned gentleman,, wbosv ca rati or Is stainless and whose -evury action linn inoicatl that h hag tha heat In tcrests of the whole peopli at hearL. I have frequently had dealing with him and employed him In a profes sion l way, snd he haa alwaya proven himseir to be a capable, honest and efficient nttorney.v and haa attended to an bunlnoK intrusted to, him suc cessfully and satisfactorily.- He haa frequently, during aesslona nf the Leg. Islature, gone to RaUIgM When the In terest of Wilkes county were at stake and stayed there at hi own expense and done all In his power to protect and aerve the boat interest of our county, a hss and will be testified to by all honest Republican legisltor who have represented , u since Mr. Hackett came of 'th H haa ever been ready tn aid with bla sympathy and hla means the dis tressed, unfortunate and the bereaved and he ha never turned a deaf ear te tha cry of th needy nor sent th poor away empty-handed. He . be lived his whole life among , us, he loves hla people and they know, love and respect him. His character la stainless, his honor t untarnisnna, hla Integrity la uncorruplbl and no man can truthfully ay a word against liher. .-. n ":' - v -i ; t shall rest my vote for Dick Hack- tt t represent us tn the next Con gresr and ak every other, Republicnn who inve hi country and 1 Inter tvled In Ita welfar trt do th aam.. ' Tour respectfully, '.;, -v '- - . W. F. BAR1X)W. ' . Elkville. N. C. Aug. IK HO. - 1 CHAMRrtAIN'S cnt.ir ClOt-KRA and ir THAN THRCK lfKTOK8. v "Three year ago w nao inra aocmr with our little boy nd everything that Ihoy eonM o mM4 In vain. AC last when all hojxi eetnet tn b on we be gan uelng Chamberlain' OjUo, Choi-ra, and Rtarrho Remedy and In a few hour hv ban - to Improva, To-rtur h I healthy a child parent could wlh frtr."-.Mr. B. 3, Johnnion. Llnlon, slie. Fur sal by R., L Jordan A Co. t-oul'n t'.irolinA r.c.l Cro-V A I'ful. Charli'ln, is. C., Autf. J'rerl deiU A. C. Kaufman, of the Houih Carolina branch, American - National Red Cro, haa l.iued an appeal through the luodlnir papers In tb State for contributions for relief of the Valparaiso sufferers. pEoriE's gqlo;:;i rr,. k n...l.vM A niai,u Telesrantl note, Invitation, turnllc nieeacn ger for errand errvlc at a very small coat. Tha Observer wlU send our meengers, without charge, to your reslUenc or Place of buatnes for advertisement for tJila - column, 'Phon 7S. - Office ' with Western Vnlon TclecrapliCompany, ' 'Pbon 4ft. . All auvA-tlsemcnt Inserted la thl coluras at rata of ten oeuta per line of six words. - Xo ad. Uken foe lee than 30 cent. , Casta in advance. .-WANTED.1-'. vV WANTED Pressman and all-round good printer. CaUwba. County Nw, New ton, M. C. - ' WANTED Good tinner . and cornice maker. - Non-union shop, In lars Southern elty. . Good wages nd steady work. Addr, A. V., car tbla pa par. WANTED . at once, experienced D. B. - iiiIi.iium. . . K wi.nl.u!, . lumber company. Muat be quick, accurate, and write neat hand and have soma ex ecutive ability. No beginners need, ap ply, but prefer a young man now em ployed. Good salary to right man. Healthy location. Address In handwrit ing, stating salary, age . and reference; "Lumber,", care of Quaervr. .- : WANTED--TO sell M Interest - In the North Csrollna General Agency of on of 1 the leading American casualty companies, writing accident and health Insurance. Irge business . already on book, i Good Income and exceptional contract. for particular, address, at once, P. O. Box U, Raleigh, N. C. ' WANTED-Denn warper, double llnkes, In mnsiA MMiilillnn Writ WHt I VOU have and price. .Brown MXg. pu . Con cord, N. C. - .. u. ."- : WANTED Toung man for copy holder . irv. r...... . M ii Via nf ia. curate and willing to , work.- Address, Ubserver( cnarioyte. r, w. -. -. , WANTED-Drug ' clrk. f. Regi'atratlon unnecessary. Btat . experience and w 1 wrF-.nA two. drawer, second-hand cash register of 1st pattern. In good oondlton. Specify terma, . description and bow long used. , "Druggist." Boa XI, Boardman. N. C . WANTED Caah price quoted on chick " en per pound: fresh gg per dosea. Will buy outright or handle en com mission. Prompt returns guaranteed. Fred Germany, Columbia. 8. C. . . WANTED-Saleman. to handle staple lln on liberal commissions. Address, Boa C7, Richmond, Va.-. v . : - WANTED-Regletered ,drug tlerk at ence. Address. Salot, car Observer.. WANTED Job compositor, ' must be a , llrst-clasa man; state experience end salary expected; writ St one to. Ob server Printing House.. WANTED-ror V. S. rmy, able-bodUd. unmarried men,, berween aga of U end IS, elUsan. of United State, of - good character ' and temperate habit, - who can apeak, read and write. English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 14 West Trade treat, Charlotte. N. C.; 40 Bouth Main street. Aihevllle, N. CI Rank Building. Hickory, N. C,r Glenn Building, Spartanburg. 8. C .,.,.' , . MUCaOXANEOVS. NORTn : CAROLINA Beporta a-anted. I will give 3 M a volume for. the fol- second-hand-. condition, delivered in Ra- leign: bu. k, w, yw w, imw dale. Balelgk. N. C k . i . i i, . i .i i ..I 8HOE 8ALE8MAN for 8. W. Va East Tenn. and N. C. Must ne youn man of ability; strieUy good habits, and some knowledge of. the trade. , Apply, stating . experience, compensation desir ed and references.' Poweir Pro. Bho Co., Ua Duan atreet,.Nw Tork City. A B A RGA I N On e nw -rotary Nostyl for making eopleaof letters. , Tar borough Bellinger Co. , ; ' j . DR. E. R. TtU88Et.tj haa returned from Europe and will be at hi oft Ice for conultit'on at hla regular hours. . ATLANTA - Barbr College, tuition tSff. We fumlh our graduate paying posi tions In our own shops in Atlanta. -Par paid from day you nters Mt Whitehall street. Atlanta, Oa. " ron 8AUE. FOR SALB-W.nOO feet rf oak and PP . lar boards, sawed lHxl to li Inche wide, 10. to 1 feet lonss-on tlck lx monins; one rr nmn wi iin"' . . 1 . 6x6x10. xxie; 7f to-100 cord of hickory, on mil from " station, for aal on lump pin iramm na .u- ti order; Watt A Gardner. Rsldvlll..N. C FOR BALK A fin T-yesr old bay mare, work anywhere, a flrst-clas fmlly mare. Gusrsnteea. - Apply to Green A. Nicholson, Graham, N. C . FOR BALE Staple and fnoy grocery . 1 - - I. o..lvln . Ill . r. In of 12.000 population. ' Address,. K, C care Obaarvar. ', -' ' . - ',;" ' 1 ' FOR 8AI,E-One t-room bouse on cor- in, mnnA tunnx' orchard: all outbuildings necessary one store house on lot, corner - toi, '"i house on It 22xV On corner lot 3sly feet, store-hou on It 2x feet, nd a good furniture rnd' undertsklng busi ness. Property el located In the town of Kaeford, N. C. , Reason for selling, on account of bed health. Call on. -..or writ, C. A' O'Neal, Racford, N.' C . -a, FOR 8A LB Interest In good paying drug ator In one of th bet town In N. C,i - Address, , ''West,? cara of Ob- arver. .'-. -..-rei ?v i--' FOR 8Al.E-Blue-prlntlng outfit. Will fit any window. Call at mora I. third fleor, -Piedmont Rulldlng, or 'phon HI FOR BALE MO acre of farming land. 10 head of good mule, also town prop erty at Davidson snd Cornelius. tW.. A. Pott, Davidson. N. C. - ',- FOR BALE Four . return tubular boiler In good condition, J-ldV-H. P, 'and I 12Vll" P., Also 1 ajft-lf. P. engln. AP- piy'B, " oars viwnin FOR BALE Beob Indellbl Ink Cheek Protector, eniy bn used four month. In good condition) ,eot, WUft, con b bought for 20.O. Addr. "Frank.'' car Obterver. n-.-, r'v !' i - '' FOR lUEXT. v i FOR ; RENT furnished,'- entire fowar floor, 4 rooms end recent loni modern Hut. North Try on, Central. Addr, W. Obervr.- "J'-.. .-' , " ( "' . -. FOR RENT Btpre-room, Bouth Colleg street, nene Fourth , a treaU .Apply at OFisetver offic. - . ' , i j .V';'. ,-, , : ' ' LOST. ' -'ijtjjn ntiB.unJWJuut. .Ami-t-J-j...:.nra LOBT-Pmall gold vbr pirn : et with three Small pearle. Reward It.return ed to It Wt Heeond stret. t,- .ASSAYING, yi'l "'I cnttMlCAt. ANAtltKa,' '"".'.."v. lonrj o . EVERT DrrcRipnon i i r:" n:nm ll-tl X7. t:2i etrett. Cl erlotte, It. X c Advance Styles -in Fall i Suiting- Invisiblqj- Uiecks and rlaid Jbttects, ihz New; Lombinav nation of Colors Including the Popular Shade of i Browrii r E::clusive . Dress Patterns with Vx??- SO-lnch. Gray. Shadow riatds, makea a r-fr''. 'U'J . MAN'ISII 14-lncb Manlsh 8ultlng,rH puf' Worsted, aponged' and ; ahrunk. .V-TH-lce ,i .thyard j' ',.. ' . rtn, .. ' - V 4, ;0 'i'Y MEnCEBIiED PLAlu' POPLIN, V, Anew material, for fall akirts; v Prlc th yard ,50c,-, r j : : ,v-,y-..;i .ir-ttMD chambrat. :- : - .: ' " aenuln Merccrlied EnglUh Chambmy (washable); " Prlc tha yard 20c. ' .V l.liv.. .Vilnm..! a ivinii',, aliiil.' t.l,lil'Rlii,': Mnan ' Another exore shipment of that popular abad 6f Light Blu XJnn. ;. s mercerised, in th yarn. , We ar ; apclal had,: Prlc th yard , : . unen craan lor, xau aKina, notning Itha yard . ,''"'". 7'y'. r;::-,,:; ; TABLE .'Monday th yard ; ';.,; -.'i The tronget Una of Tabi unen tnat w nav vr iiown, witn fMaKin , . natch; geoulno allvor bleachS' n chmlcale uai ; s . ,2. 'i . '..! . whtta" pnniin foe fall suite, worth te.': In odd length. ' Bnaelal Drica for v- J7-lnch Oriental 'Water-proof BHK. wnita, black ana au coiora; poiuviy : pot-proof. Prlc tb 'yard iV t;- 'i ':'. '- T 80c, Tha genttlnn' Rajah Bilk, tha most popular Silk In' Nw.vYork . dty' to-day. --"Prlc th yard (vrywhr) a. .. ".. ;" . , ! tl..,(;'4 t'C; .'v. - new DRitss trimsitngs. . ;" Our . fait stock of Dreaa Trlmmlnga baa arrived all tha nw. wl novel-, . - tie in whit, black and color; all gglea from. .. Ho, to fS.00 per yard. ;.' ... ., . ....,.'. ' . ' . - ' k- "'. Th handsomest Una of Embroidered Chiffon thgt w hav aver ahown. ' -'. ' .,i-v . :..' . i- ' '.. V ' -t: '' 1 ''';' v . Eton Stilt In .light-weight Panama,' green,, blu and .black ;l neatly trim-. 'med in braid and atltchlng; circular 'effect Jn klrt; jacket lined with; ." . Ilk or aatln; make nic auit for fall wear; wll worth 111.00. Spcial r al.' i ' ' .' t f ' l ' ' NL ' ' 'V Tou should see -the White Lawn. linen and Silk Waist w are elUng at f v' i M"par-tenf. off, wa; a -. r---': Whit Cannon, aoth 8klrt, a prfct wonderr atV;';..v r 8- ' W hav a few "sulta in' Whit Cannon Clotnmad Eton jaekatf g ood, tuU Y f. ' circular gored aklrt; worth .00 ta $1.00. Special ;.Vk . Wa are ahowlng" a handaora lln1 of ' nvr faUBkJrta In '.Panama. VoU v ? i v--v'..;-:i4, '-V'- .'"-'." "c-;;'. .'...' V-!'il" ' K'!j":y'-: WATCH FOR BIG - i . mm ' mk mmwt m mmm mm mtmi m m SALE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29th. ' ' i.-'"- ;. - . - and Noveitlea. black, blue, .gray and plalda;, all th'newt cut, finely tailored. ' Prlc ranging, from' ;."..'. ',', ';W.OO to 917.M.... ' . C "SOROSIS" 6HOES.V '.' ' - ":.'y-4 : '' A Bho ohcaknown and one worn will ..... . . . ... M. cardea. v.NO aay ono ,Oia in une-nowe mir imur. . n inw , .. t Shoe, 1ia aaap, wear, comfort and atyla,' All leather and . aty Ua,' taaU N v B to El' dkUJeathera tl.iO and pate.nu UM-.yi 7; . ' 'fa2'" l"" "-' ' i'f"4- '-. "ARTISTIC AXD' AM10ULAby.7 ;' y ,: f These hoea aUnd at .tha top for Jnat th beat on mad for womn with' tender tt,'- Prlc 1.M to $1.90," r''-r;V'f';v';'r' rA'ii.fc-h v'.'';Vy I- :.,'!'.!' f..vW ': liAiiivpAiJrTKD .iJhwa,'-; h 'hr' y-'' " , eajnple Cup and' 8Saucrg V ,.., ..,... ; ana to. , v . China .'iewlry -'standi , r '.'",' . ';'' '" . 0tf. China Chooolat. and Tea Pot -. Mo,,to $4.00. , China, Hair Racelvera and Powr Box 1 ." ' . ta 11.00. v x 8ugar and Cream'Set ..''.. f ','V. t8c to $1X0. (vt1 China lyrtlp " Pltchera' and Bau'cari , V.'.V '. i ; Ci f 9tM ant $1 .25. , , 1 China Cnfc and ?Jrk RaU . V.,'. '. '"-'; fM ' Chfna" Footd rrfit" Stand' V.'; V a i' ' sV l'v V ' V-. MM l Comb, and Brnnli (Trkya-.' i a " ' ' ej r T8ato $9.00. ( Celry Tray '..'''? '"' ' t ' ' .$oa to $1.00. '.. In China nnving sttrgo.. Hing. MUk and Mubi Seta..'" -IMeen'a Tthvme Plata Fin Covrd ButUr plahe U Hot Caka Plate v;'i.'v..' i,,.'"' Pwr-pleca'Breakfart 'Seta't..'.4 ..i'.r i. . ii., .V Yi $t.00 Ul $4.00... - A Tea Beta, thre plfce .. ,. "' 'f .'' . $1.00 to $1.80. V ! cAoeoiata' 8fa''y''..'V.;.1'.."''! -"';, ' f'if'fi'sr,-)' to $10.00. ... I li . . V' m...hi.M . ttiAAlnm 1 ftata . '.1' Ll'" . . 1 ' t. . gS.AA.r,' m 1 IWQ lllll lirva'IIIBV- w.. v ww :,wm. . China Bait and Peppera'.. 7-.t.. 'k.)--V;V ,'','. '"''" ''l190'..0 ,8c ' China 'Hat PlnHoldert '.,:,.: ; Vi:V'.r-,."'..'U';..:;o C-.Vi,, Mc. China 'candlatlcka ,V4'' V"'';f f '' ':' -V . 0c llllllUI , V. Q w iv.v 7,i. - f y - -i r - - - - - rl. Jl Hana-Panto'd,;'Cak 1 Piatea k ? V ,i y 'V'. Y' i toe. ' to ' $3.&0. t Uand.Palntad Baiad 'Bowls ': i ..'....."; . -.. $5c. to $1.30. . , jlland-Palntad, Chee Dih ' . -. .,-.V ir $.80, , Hand-Painted Ic Tub and Plate .'.,'' . i. ' ' . 9tM. ) , n.iii nuku worth uo to tOc.l choice .. .. ............. 10r.r rtninn V?una and Bancer.' act of alk tVawa of vry description, , ahap, styl . . ..,lmaiil'l aan tlaea c 1 ' to Match y'- swell "skirt. " Price th yard T." oic '.'" ";' SCITTXa. V''.'r,'-T,V' 'S' "f'r-'-'y the s : only peopl - that bar - tnl . , V ..',' aJect' ;' '.. o aorvicegoi tor nara wear. , rni-t . ; ' ,.' -?.e 1 and ta. -' r. UXEN. ' 'ii ,'".. ,".'. ' . ii f. EMBROIDERY m ' . I - :'v'.v., - neither b forgotten' nor dl ' -. , . 1 W . . . r . . IJ..I . ' . i. ... ... ,. ,.a... . .. .., ,.: w -w. l w'v... '.',' .Mes'ftMlSaL ' aV -i ,. t .'. . Cl 15C. . ' : '.". : 4 ' $0c to $1.00. ' ii' .'.'V.'i. -..; fl.00 to' $1.80. . ' !.".'....... $$.00 to $3.60. decoration, tc and th richest J' : . V V tl n In aiflOtt eai'lk