CHARLOTTE DAILY. OnfinttVER. OCT011LT. 11. it porting: News K AnOXALB WK IS ,A ; , lood.lp Brrtee w., PftI? . or K"ffF."i: After the LTH2 Had Fat I7p B11 ' T,lrtr conditio VenmUMi. Chicago, Oct J0.4n the eacond of the wertd' champloo.hlp eerie to. 4.7 the CblC( National Utu took docWvs wrmi. for . defeat they vanquished the Anerv LMtMtMMl nTOUndi, 5 viltet and Owen, who replaced-White 1 the tourib Inning, were bued freely la haloed ' IO lnOIIHU the HHi - lJ llbacU. . the wa. m le ."-we the opporing ' bsUinen only two bits, rio weather wa. bitterly cold, the nrotiry boverU.g .t or below 'r- - lac point all afu-riwon. A. yesterday. w flake ol wow fell. L7tir w" ot needed Ul K l I ilUmmfArt ; Y.-.- . nd 10.0M entttudasta. bundled from heed to foot braved rigors i trio wmiiHT, asserts sued tne mi. tWIU rrim mpins -1 serf set baseball wet so Impossibility. lh practice of both team exceed- togly ratted, tho oold hand of the In t Bv -- - - - Khiu tho otitnelder mused many rile ; which were blown out of reach by the wind, 'in actual piay ne ivim . n Kiiluiuh started ' the run-getting la lb second Inning, uapiain i-mhw ' : 1 ... ... ....... - k at.nul m Hi ' ,-. 1 . ...II n . x. kit lkM V. uu! BRM Then glelnfetdl eenl scorching (Ingle 1 . i.m aiMi- lulrf A,.mw a nYfmc t ' v.... ami a. 1 It in nrt. HlMnieldt reaching ,rid. Kver rolled an easy " one down to lbell, who, la hla hmle to ; make a double play, luased the ball Into 1 i-ii r..t... ...wA Tinker lAnk ' third and Kvein parched securely on pnvnw, ' w . ... . . - . , . " Kiln to walk, but Reulburh sacrificed ,Tlnkr Itoloe and Kvere et'ored a in , tnent later on UotTinun Mtfn drive. - . KliiHL hi'wevrr. wan out at the Dial. Tho Iniilut okwed Willi three rum over the plate, and I be oiiUiuluii of the National l(tie ten ma upportert, eemewhat miMtest aftor yeaterriiiy't de feat, broka loe with a vUanr ahlfh , took no thonglit f (ore thrnatt. The run ir 111a (aiunai( vain wnvn '. fhaneo anfe on a flelder'( rhuti-e. y lie dole (nrontl, and went to third when Itbell . failed to bold Bulllvan tied throw. He irored when Stelnfeldt rap ped out hU (econd clean dnsle. Tho Ameitourai' lone tally came In the fifth. - when Doueherty wo aafe on a wu pp. 1 n u awiw wiian jaiiiirmii tnfueed by Ibe buce runnar. The American nevtr even threatened again, ; evoept when Jone reached ewond on liw own hit and reached third on an out. Donohue, however, flew out to left field and Jonre waa caught yard from the plate by Mheckard perfect throw. ' la the (tilth, two alngle. a double teal by Tinker and Kver. and Bulll- a' wild throw to third, the ball roll- ' teg Into the crowd, let Tinker a crow the niaia. in in te. In the eighth, two more tallies ilted frum t'liance'a single, Mteln . 'm AM..fL..A ,,..... ' . .. . i . feldt , third, and Tlnher'i single, which brought la Chance. Tinker stole second, went la Iklpi - .... . . ww w ... mm wii ana unit noma aa a wild pitch. ttatnfeldt's pltobiag were the feature of the game. :alway excepting il.a blue flngcrt and vwtc,.u ,aiiiiia iiio fi batting and Reulbach's ' NaIImuI. A 14 1 Ul, AH K MM It) A 1 t 1 I 1 I 1 12 J 0 1 2 0 f 1 4 4 1 1 I 0 2 27 It BH PO A 00 1 1 II ; o j 1 II 1 o i a 0 7 2 I t a i too a I 4 2 1'7 If third. - He man, cf. .. " Mheckard, If. : Prhulte, rf.. . Cbajieo. lb. ptetnfeidt. Ib. l inker, as, .. vera, Zb. ,. . Xhng. e JHeulbach. p. . TataU ' Amatican. Henn, rf: .. .. Joaes, rf. .... lsbell, 3b. Robe, b lxMtohae. lb. .. Mughtery, if. PulUvan, c. .. Tsrmehill. m. ht p .... Tow, e .... Owes, p Total .. .. e a tt 2 I S I e 27 1 wetiBjsJs I 1 I 0 ! 4-7 , 10t off White, 4 la three Innlns..: off i OWejL. t In Innlnaa Taa.h.. t.1,. I . ...... VVWW.VVII1, I Jaw lacrlnro hli.. Rueiuach. ftieln I aid I. gtharkard. allien k. I t Tinker f; Rvers. Doubie ,u,. ' etheckard and Kllng; Kvers and Chance , Raalbach, t. Hases on balls- Off While I ii T Owen. I; off Reulbach. I. Wild K . . " . . m.w.. ... wnii nan. VtaKSL Tim. 1 . Lh I - .... - tut aad Johnstone. trnurv iiau-x.u . ' i w-., I A l Day Of Rbw4eJ Hope National fiolf Eveetl at Vet tmion. ,' Mate. West Newton. Mia Oi l. 10 - It m a y star f blasted liop- foi three euineii golf champion In Ui nallonul event , at the Itraehmn Cluh loduv Mlw Pauline M.irKS). Hi.' pi earn I title ' holder; Mix (lenigtunns Hlalxip the , wiener ef tb Iswt I. unnamed. aii4 Mis f'k France C. kmh. ii l-jntein iium- . felM. are, a u 1 1 cl......i l.. i. . round of match play to day ' and liv ' Player who are arnerulli n.n,l,l u. the IhsI In the game One) lormT cliainnlnn XI i l.v.,,r.. Ortarwm. of Phriadrlphla. wIIIi.i.mmI the vra-al, and will meet Mia Mary H ' Adams, of lltaiion. ismnrniw in wlml , Is thought will be one of die mi asatctiei of the week. " The oilier urvlvnr are sir ft II ' Rarlow, of Philadelphia: Mr.. K W. Halohelder. f Ida Counliy Cluh. ii.luu and the tlrior ver Miss Ht.lion, Mls Harriet Carl I, of rUxluu. who put out .'Miss Osgood. Mr. W. K. Morgan, of New Tors, the cunuusror of Mia Mac. Kayl Mis Moienca N Ayte. of phJIa .letphla and Ml Anita Phipp. of prlagMd. Maw. . MOW AT IXHIHVIIJ.r: MAfrX Wratltew Vrry ot!-lr. Krlili U lns . HtrpU Clktae; HaiMtlrap. IutUI, Ky., O-t. iw -The weather ox rerv cold arid stiaw fell during the r n.g- lo-dar at Oiurclilll ijown. , lr. K- ill,-1 lie seeotid i lmlre, won the 'fee ' litre event, I he steeple cliaae hanrllrap i ftinttnary: urst raoe, t fiirlona. selling ; Airship, , ve. wan: Bimhurt. to j, seoond; UmM lve. 4 lo I, third, 'lime. Iritis . stxiond race. mile. eing Auditor t S. won: Irtetierior tltrl, i to I, second: Ora Torraa. IS t I, third. Tlene, I n Third race. Mils aad a slateatnh: Rn ver-. la I. won; ilellvsln. m le I. e-c SI 0rn' Vn' Tlm' rowr'lh fce, steenla che, tiandleea. full eotirse: lie. Kelih, I to I, won: John Ilka. S to t. second; Hang llolldar. K le I. tnlrd. Time. I Hil. ? Klfth raea. s furlong: Altter Mis. I t. wen; Red Oauatlet. even, seoondl lM iV 1 1 ' V ",r Time, mile and a sliteentli: Colds, Mineral, S to S, won; fnatmea, I ,".' sln, 11 la l, third. Tlma. tXXf PO'HOKINrj, . ., . ' t utls from rhronlo eonetlaauion, whlrh i. oninr coeed br Pr. King New Ufa i .. lhr remevsv all notoonlu germ ' i hs sfstetn and Infiisa new life and .c; eur HJf omsli, nsusee,. bead. a. 0 ina and, without frla. f r-r e . ..nifoet. ttr. Ouaranlaad ty . li. Jordan Co., druffwt Tr. Gardner Wln Bronx nandlrap. New Verb. Oct. l.-lr. Oardner, tm L rvriM ami ihi Hnx bandlraD. lx furlungt, by three lengths at monl rsrk to-day. Hiiaw bruae nun in front and the sun of atannookburn soon bad lead of a couple of lengths. Which be held to the finish. Summary : s First . raea,, furlongs; frince Ham burg. to t woa; Rum, 1 to 1. second; OnkUwnr to 1. third, l'lme. 1 :W , Keoend race, a furlong: Toddles, 7 to 10. won: Jennie Wells, M to I, eeoondj Sally Preston, to fc lhlM, ;. Time, Third nee. Hurricane stake. $ far longs, seliui: ; Airs, 9 ta 1. wont Oien ham. 1 to 1, second; Vanquero, to t, thltl. Time. 1.-0144. v. Fourth race, mile: - Farwest ' to la, won; Hot Toddy, 4 I I, second; Mont gomery, 18 to 1, third. Time. 1 :-. rma race, ine nronx nanatoap, inr longs: r. Oardner. 7 to t, won; tHs habllle, to 1, second; Beiv hd, to 1. third. Time. 1:U ISIxih rare, selling, mile and a six teenth: Belmere, 4 to 4, von: Belle of Jessamine, a to I. second; On las. I to 1, third. Time, l it Ixlnglon, Ky.. Oct. 1a.During a snow storm at the Kentucky trotting horse breeders' course. Nutboy, the champion aged trotter of the year, won the famous Walnut Hall Farm cuo to day, bliss LaUta Bra hires, bis owner, was present to receive the cup. At no time did the other horse In the rsc make him extend himself. Ha took the lead In each heiit and retained It, win ntng as ha pleased. Tlma, I:lt; 1 11,; r.u. Virginia, St; Itandulpli-Macon. , Roanoke. Va., Out. W.-At Charlottes vllle to-day In a very spectacular ex hibition of football Virginia won an easy victory over Randolph-Maron Col lege by score of to In 0-mlnute halves. The game was characterised by many brilliant and rune and forward paste. Johnson. Randolph and Me Murdo. of Virguila. were the stars. Fowl ball Nront, New Haven. ConB., Oct. 10.-Ynl. tj; flprtngrteld Manuel Training Hchool, 0. At Cambridge: ' Harvard, 27; Hates, (. At Princeton, N. J.i Princeton, 12; Lehigh, 0. At Philadelphia: Pennsylvania, 47; Kranklln and Marshall. . At Annapolis: Naval Academy, 12; Maryland Agricultural College, 0. THE DEATH RKtTORD. Mr. Henry Harlnian. of IretlHI. Bpei'lal to Tho Observer. 8laeavllle. Oct. It. Mrs. Henry Hartman. aged 77. died HaturJay night at hnr home In north Iredell, and was burled Hunday at Tabor church, In the same neighborhood. Kev. Mr. Johnson conducted tho fun eral services. Mrs. Hartman waa a good woman and waa held In high es teem by the many to whom aha was known. Mr. (Jraifi Tomlln, of Iredell. Hpeclal to The Observer. Htateaville, Oct. 10. Mrs. Grace Tomlln, wife of Mr. Claude Tomlln, died Monday night at her home near Olln, north Iredell, and waa burled to-day at Know Creek. Mrs. Tomlln had long been a sufferer from con sumption. Mr, lou Crump, of Polk Ion. Hpeclal to The Observer. Wadesboro, Oct. 10. Mrs. Lou Crump, last wife of the late Htephen Crump, of Polkton, died at the home of her step-son, Mr. W. F. Crump, yesterday. Hhe wat about 70 years of age and a mott estimable woman. For mny years before her death she was a member of the Bptlat church at Polkton and wa a moat consistent Christian womaa.- Hhe Is u reived by a daughter, Mrs. VV. B. Homme r sctt. of Salisbury. The remalna were laid to reat In the Williams Ceme tery, near Polkton, to-tlay. Mr. W. V. fcialon. of Anaon. Kpeclal to The Observer. Wadesboro. Oct. 10. Mr. V. C. Htston, about St year of age. died at hla home near Polkton to-day of blood poison. About one week ago Mr. (ttaton accidentally cut hla foot. The wound was very email and at first thought to be of no coneequence until blood poison resulted a feav days ago. The deceased waa one of the county' belt cltlxens and will be missed by a host of friends. He I survived by a wife, two sons and sev en daughters. JOINT DKBATK. AT CHEHKYVIM.E (ongreaeman Webb ami Ilia Hepnb llcan Opponent Hlacuea tlio laaoew Debate to be Continued at tias- totius To-Hay. Hpeclal to The Observer. Cherryvllle. Oct. 10. Congressman K. Yatea Webb anil hla Republican opponent. Dr. Frank Roberta, en gaged In a Joint denate here to-day. Mr Webb made a most Intereatlng speech, discussing the rate bill and the Immigration question.' Or. Rob erts tnnde a rambling speech and did not hold hi own with the brilliant young congressman from the ninth district. The candidates will Hold u joint debate at (iastonla to-morrow morn ing, at Cornelius Friday and at Char lotte Hatunlay evening. , Hecretarv of Mlate J. Hrynn Orline spokx at Uullus to-ntghl. j mcrlcan Oirlallan Contention Meets. I Huntington. Ind.. Oct. 10 The , American Chrlsllati Convention was ! called to order to-day hy President W. Powers, of Columbus. (. Or. W. W. Ktaley. of Suffolk. Vu took the chair later. The president's rec ommendation Ihut proposed changes In Church government be referred to a committee was adopted. It was de ' cKW-il that vacs Hi lee In delegations 'must be filled from the Conference I from which the delegate la absent. The Convention sat subsequently aa a Miil.llshlna association Willi J. N. Dales, of Toronto, Canada, us secre tary. There are 100 delegates here. o Deelontsieiits In Tarlxr Awault t'asr. Kpeclal lo The Observer. Tarboro, Oct. 10. Mr. Fred KUId. Mr.. Mr. Fred KMri. Jr.. and Mias Ma Kldd left yesterday for their home- In Danville, Va. There are no develop ment In the assault case, which la till shrouded in my alary. Twelve leading negroea her have been ap pointed lo co-operate with the officer of tba law and white clilsena In bringing about belter condition here. Much good will undoubtedly be ac complished by thla movement. 1.1-rrrKH to w. ii. twittv, Oiarloiie, N. V. rar fir: A man fed hla hens half meal and half sawdust; ha thought they wouldn't know tha difference. He concluded they did whan tha eggs hatched woodpecker. Another man painted hla house with a paint that was made of half pelnt-aubetltute. )! didn't know tha difference not till he paid tha painter. ' v rf'i"- ';V.''. Ma had I gallonaf to pay-for. It Instead ot It, Oot fooled 111,60 on tha paint.. -V- t He had 10 days' wages to pay -t or, 10 Instead Of It, , Fooled lt 4 In sits,.,., ":t'',rf'i .) I-""-' y- ' Ha (ot a poor lob besides, lie paid too , much for bta eggs. : and ' they hatched woodpapkarn, .-,..; i ' .'ar Tnll Vaa 1 ' " h'f ! J":- ..r VT DifiVOK A CO t. : a, .Try on Prvf Co.. sail our Mini . .,::''! v. X-r. V;:- HAD PORE THROAT. ,'-'' , ,.! " : . "-.-",".( Dr. RoberU Falla to - Wiow ' Vp mi MtHby fo lc Mr. Webb on- U ' Htuuip Mr. Hutlrr.Haa) huiall Att- Ucnc. x': ''."'','';''.''.': ' ". Special' to) Tha .Obaerrei'.". ' ? Shelby, OVt. 10. A crowde4 house Monday heard ' tha ' congrreatilongl candidate of the ninth dlatrtct dbj cuaa tha laauea and uphold their re apectlva bannera. Hon. JC T. Webb and - In JPrank Roberta, tha Repub lican candidate, ware toera., Mr. -Webb nssde a splendid epeeoh. t which all enjoyed anthuslaatlcaUy; but Ir. Rob trta refused ta apeak In Webb'a own town and plead a a convenient ex cute, "sore , throat." after tan Ave rest. . Ha promised by teUgram 'to apeak, yet ho ' 'fell down aad waa afraid." . V- , : 'V';."'-.- Mr., Mi Hon Butler, who haa; re cently belonged ta three parties. Dem ocrat. Popullrt , and Republican and haa bean trua to none, apoka here this morning-, without any disturb ance, to an andlanca ' of leaa than 100 people, among- whom wara a Urge number of Democrats and waa given a respectful hearing- by hla naw party, of wtilch ha la now ana of tha "boss es." Many Republicana here are alck over their new and ahrewd boa. Butlar, Children' eat, sleep and grow after taking Holllster' Rocky Mountain Tea. Bring rosy cheek, laughing aye, good health aad strength. A tonlo for tlckly children. Tea or Tablet, cent. R. H. Jordan A Co, of the suffering and danger in store for her, robe tho expectant mother of all pleasant anticipation of the coming event, and cast over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of women have found that the use of Mother Friend during pregnancy robs confinement of all pain and danger, and insures .safety to lite of mother and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mother! Friend carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system for tha coming event, prevents ''morning lie V nets " and Ather lia. ' .'. . .' comforts of this period. Sold by all 'adruggist at Si. oo per bottle. Book containing valuable information free. The BredfieM RefuUter C., Atlanta, C. rmsssmyi Sri? rwWTrrWT"', J la moat ttrone of chilly PERFECTION Oil Heater 0CwJpiel with SmoJkeleaa Device) It will heat a room in no time aad win hitf it warn aad coiy. Oper ated at easily at a lamp aad perfectly safe. Wick cannot be turned too high or too Vow. Gives no smoke or smell became Ittad with aniquc amokelaaa dcrice. Wan d carnta aoout. which caaoot be dona with aa ordinary stove. Tha Perfection Oil Heater is superior to all other oil heaters sad it aa ornament to any home. Made in two Inubes nickel and Japan. Brass oil fount bean tifully emboeeed. Holda four quart of oil aad burn nine hours. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest fancy for descriptive circular. TBI Vaa' limn, hfadaf aad ntckel.pUted. Equipped with latest improved burner. Every lamp warranted. - An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed room. Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COUfAJOf to hf wardrtl th young womtn of Ch-rlott and vicinity by Th Evening Chronlclo 7 HBP IS 1 2 E & Every Youn Kvery young woman (married or alngle 1 It eligible to compete In thla contest, it la strictly a legitimate competitive plan In which, ' work and personal endeavor will count' mora than beauty or popu nici rri.L rAnnciXAnsj op tub coxTwrr ix ttik kvex." : u--' '.. -; ISO CItOMCl.Bv -i, . .., ,. r address ; , "; :. ; K t', ; '.- ;V'" Gontoct Depart mcnto f: for rcix '' .. . ,: .'Fee --Ce- ee ' ' , vliiaat (s--,,,- -T. Tsavta-, '-' f Peeal jZSfl : :.' For kl purpose for ; which M ilk o'r.Crcarrj Eanle l-'i CONDENSED . lIHIci Peerless ; Conrenicht and eco- V homical.v-, Suited to i ; any modification I? an ordeal which all woman approach with indeacribtble fear, for nothing compare! with thet pain and horror of child-birth. The thought i? J bonsej theft is a room without kettinf faciUtie to tar nothing hallway. VErea though tha, heat of your ft ore of furnace thould be , inadequate to warm tha whole house thet aeed not bt one cold spot if yon have a 4a braas throughout I $tM Touring; Car. trips to Bermuda. tripe to 5ew Vorhv v'."- 1 U-lp toalmBenc.;.":;: ' ' ladleV i told Watrfe. ; :-; !; ) 9 Bnalnews College ftrholarnlilne,' :-.''' - 1- '., -v7,.-,. Woman Ell&lblc rAitncuunit, ; , i i R SACO ?iJD cotton MA-cninnnrswY.. Reyolyi: levolying. ' k (J - .V , '., Flat Cards Railway Heads ' a v. l. Frames FALLVEDDIuGS make won almost gray trying' to think of what to buy- .Iat ' ua aaalst you In. buying .you gift It does away' with tha worry and you -are sura to get asimethrnf sutUbla. - , - " Put yourself . In our hands. Wa- gusrantaa to traat yon right : ' : ' JEWELERS. ' ' -TTIK rTKRIUtncO HOLLOW BLOCK MACHIXE. . U Marvel to the, building, trade. Make your own building nutteriat on tba ground.' price.. .; .. . ".'.."V;.m.wt. . J. C. HERRI .VO MFG. CO, : v , , . CH.UUOTTE. B.C. Machinery for- farm and fao Three kind from 12 t0 150 He P. - Bci!MS- Return Tubular and Portable on skidi.- ttwan to 50 K. P. - anda Presses, and completa outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day ana over. -., SiXcT the South. . Pulleys Shaftinj, smallest to completo cotton tTifll OUtfitS. ' LIDDELL COMPANY, FRANK P. B1ILBURN St CO. ARCHITECTS WABHrNGTOjr. D; 0. OR. L. B. NEWELL" Office. 36 S Tryon St . Phonfi30 i-" Residence 405 E Avenue.. n-v:. Phone 586,V;:f;. DE. 0. L. AIJElXAiroEIl, OAfMOX ' tttTTLOnrO goutheaat Com ar' rt)tlt'ril AXD. ; TRTON iTTtEETS, ' HOOK , 1 CdTARlXJTTB a) CRttXCXBIJOrtO, 9.0, AiicinTi:cT3-- ;. i BBTakaaana. M i.u JW. Ata. aSS '1.' CnAJUTTE, a, M.0, r, . f -1' - - aa . . . aaw . . . i ; : v."v .: 'KWE u.oIi!2-''Z'Juj 'M Cuarlotia's Boat Condnote THE. BUfORIT f teclal . attention given ta Table Service. ..making It on. aouallad In the South. Thla is a, feature ot Tba Buford that, la claiming tba attention . of tba Travallng Public, : s' Clean. Comfortabla BadaV At. ' fentlva Servants. ' v." ;,:,,.:. ;' - X Just reee-lved, another car ot Porcelain Enameled Bath Jub and Lavatories, a nice Una to aalacltron. Plumbing, und Heailog, Contractorev . Jobbera in Supplies. ' 4. Hackney Bidg.-v W.lFltUi St, Ilaiilroads.: Seaboard Air Line .' ..IT, ; Direct line to the principal altlea North, Past, South, and SouUiweat. Schedule Uklng effect Sept S. pO. aubjaot .40 change without notice, , -'-Ttcketa for paaaage on' alt tralna are sold by thla -company ana accepted- by tha passenger wkh tha understanding that thla oomtny will not be responsible for failure to run Ita traina on schedule time, or for any such delay aa may be Incident to tbair operation. Care la ex ercised to give correct time to connect, tog llnea,-but thla company la not ra aponaible for error or omissions. - -.,' Trains, leave Charlotte aa follower -- r No. 0. dally, at C:B0 a. m for Monroe. Hamlet and Wilmington wltnout change, connecting at Monroe with B for Atlanta, Birmingham, and tha Southwest, with No. tt at Monroe lor local plnta at At lanta. With SS at Hamlet for Raleigh. Hkohmond, Washington, Naw York, and tha Uast. L -. No. is. dally, at 10:11 a. an. for Un eolnton, Shelby- and Rutnerfordtoa with out change, connecting at ' Liaeolntoa win C N. W. No, i3 for Hlohxrr, :'. nolr, and western. North Carolina ponlta, No. 46, dally, 4:4t p- m. for Llncolnton, Shelby, Rutherfordton and all local ela tion, connectln at - Lincoln ton with. C N. W. for Newton, Hickory, Lenoir and all local points. .? No. 44. dally, I a. m. tor Monroe. Ham let, Max ton. Lumbsrlon. Wilmington and all local polnta. At Hamlet with $ for Columbia. Savannah, Jacksonville aad all Florida polnta. ; - No. 1. dally, T:ll p.. m. for Monroe, connecUhg with 41 for Atlanta, Blrmlng. ham and the Roulhweet, at Hamlet with 43 for Columbia. Savannah, Jacksonville and Florida points, with 4 at Hamlet for Richmond, Waahtngton and New York, and tha East, with -St at Ilamlet for . Raleigh, 1 Portsmouth and Norfolk. Through aleeper ea thla trainx front Char lotte, N. C, to Portsmouth, Va., dally. Tralna arrive In Charlotte aa follower No. 131, 10 0S a. m., dally, from points North and South." ' " 1 . Na 44, daily, -10:11 a. m. from' Ruther fordtonv Shelby, Dumbarton and all C 4k N. W. polnta. ., . - , No. 46, dally, U:ta. m. from Wllmlng. ton, Lumberton, Max ton, 'Hamlet, Mon roe and all local polnta. N. UO.JM p.- ta... dally, from Ruther fordton, Shelby, Llnoolnton and C K. Vf. Hallway potnU. . . , No. t. 10:U s. n. dally, front Wllmlng. ton, Hamlet and, Monroe, also from polnta Eeet, North, and Southwest, ooir nectlnst at Hamlet and Monroe. . - Connectlona are mada at Hamlet with alt through - tralna - for polnta North, South and Southwest, which ara com posed of veetlbule day coachaa between Portsmouth and Atlanta, and Waahtng ton and Jacksonville, and sleeping cart between Jersey City, JUrmlnahsm and Memphle. and Jersey City and Jackson, vllle. Cafe care on all through train. For Information, tlme-tablea, - rasarya tlons on Seaboard deerrlptlve literature apply to ticket egente or addreea, . KUWAHO F. COHT. 2nd. V? P - ' ' " Portamouth, Va. .,' JAMES KBR. JR., C P. A ' W Charlotte. N. CV' ' V.W'-X' v ' Bnialah. N. c. ' ' ,CHAS. B. RYAN, 0. A. , ,;;v-v' v: -Portsmouth, , Va,v Sll-.'OIAL RATKS T) KAI-KIQH, Jf. C. ANI RETI'RN, AXXUNT OF THM ' STATH FAIR, .OCTOBER 1.TM TO ,mt. It. jk,v. -.?.. .?,, . Tha Seaboard ' announce rate 6f one first-class fare plus fifty cents, Including admlsuon, from all points In the Stat ot North, Carolina. Including- Richmond, Norfolk and Intermediate point In VlrJ glnia, Iow round trip rate for military companies and bands In uniform; ticket will be eold OcL -U'th to 19U, IncluMve. and for early morning train of Oct. 20th. wuh flnej return limit pf , Oot. iard. a Special trhln will be arranged frnn pelnU between Weldn, Oxford. Hn mist and Raleigh. See announcement later, or addrc,.. .1 ,r. , . - .. ,, . . - " OATTIB , x Traveling Passenger As-nt, ' Kr.n:,n.. "1h- N' c , Cy Passenger Agent, r. . - -.! -1 Coartotta, N G ,. , .,'. C. t ll OO P El .Manager; ; o Harkhv m aia wwm mm mwm a Railway Slubbingr , Intermediate y,. s;s .and.'r - k . ,; Roving Flames Spinoff Frames A; f u a , -A - i 4 ; 3 jell- ' ' ' 'tWHtuvi Reels Eailroads. W..! Ra.VAllmiln. .nlt.ila a..Ma i, iiauati eniT svs inio 'ormaUen, an r not guaranteed. :38 a. m No. i. - dallv.fne Mchmond and local points; eon n sets at GreenNt for Wlmton-Balem. Raleigh, Ooldaboro, Newbern and Mors head Qtyj at iMnvllle for Nerfolk. t.- aaivT a a. v. wj a. i. dallyfor Rock HM. Cheater. Columbia and focal eta Hone. S:aS a. tn. N. is, jauT acap nuauaj. -Taylorevllla and loeal lor niaieavl le. Tsvlo points: connects t Moors svlll foe Win. aion'saiem and at StateevUle for Hlck , ory. Lenoir, Blowing Rock, AahevUle and other oolata waat. . r.T. . . . ' v ... :( Southern Railway J:U a. m. No. St, daJlv. New York aad V AtlanU JCxpreaa. Pullman aleeper to,, Columbu. Ua., and day coarhee to At,.: : lanta.. Cloao connection at Spartanburg-- ? for Henderaonville and Ashevllle. S Jt a. m. No. St, aUy, Nw Tork and Florida Kxpreae, for Jlook Hill. Chester, Wlnnsbore Columbia, Savannab, Jack : eonviUe. v Dining car service. ' - -. s.av a, m. no, sa, aauy, v. vs. r asi aiau ' for Washington and aU PoInU North.-.-. Pullman drawing room and sleepers te New Tork 'and 1 ora ana ri Ichaaond: da coach New Orleans to Waahtngton. Lxning ear j . a ear serrloa. Connects at Oreenanoro for aten-Salem. Rale urn and Ooldaboro. a-SA a: M Mn T H.llw Wa.hlnAn. j .' niiv Dvum.i.iffni -. Aaamw.'. ruitiiw. , drawing room alswnera. New York to J New Orleana and Birmingham. ' Pullman : obaervatlon ear Naw York to Maoon. t Dining ear eervloe. Solid Pullman train, v 10:06 a. m. New SO. . Waahlnarton t and Vl.aJ T ).! O..I,m... 4m.i.. 'aw. .Ja . .W I U K ... I 1 .-VI, . . Mil' I,.,. V I H ,.( a , r sleepers to . New York; flrst-cle coach lo misinsvHi. tnnins; car hi t is. a. in. ro, as. uuy, ior LajTiason, . ' A rtrt rmmv 111. XlarKar liini.HA. fiiiil..,,,.. - r axiTva., 111a. niniion-twivmi uiu jwu,s Va.. and local polnta,'-. -iv m m. kt. 11 . a.M j.a J, . a. m. mt iwiiJi ,wr mwmiim. . , . . Jjk w, mm Sm. 1 4.11.. a TAlmmmmA H and local etstlonei oennecte at Orcens- boro for Raleigh and Ooldeboro. Pull ' t man aleeoere. O ream boro to - Raleurh. -. . cneriotie to noriota. ana. . . Kienmoaa. , a.M ' w aa - - - a.. . . freight and.paaaanger te Cheater, S. C. i , and local polnta., ,i. ,, . . . -v. T:1S p. n. No. H, datty except flupday,' for Taylorsviiia ana local stations, con . nam at Daimili wr jan-riiia. . gkav- . 9:1 v. ui. - i, w aa, .wiii-, tt aa 111 ti s -'n - a.a . V, aa a . 1 1 - - : . ihgton and all polnta North, Pullman l aleefiera and Pullman observation esr : to New yora.- Dining ear aarvioa. Bond Pullman train, n - -,s . v --h? 10 a o, m. No. 34. dally. New York and . Florida Exrvres. for 'Washington and "S : mnni iNnru. run ma rf aieeiiai a - rram - rirat-eiasa . oar roacn, . Jiacaepnvuia -i nasnins-ion. .- v. , a-Sil n. m. NA. I. Aallv WssTlTrtatna , Oiarlaston. Sevannah and Jacksonyilla. -' SHillmaa -rlraarlna rMHi iltMlnt tmr tA ' '. TmI,.mi1I. PIm ,1.m 'aBw m Washington, to Jacksonville. , . V 1141 . n. alt 4.11a Im WuU.atai ' and points Ntrtn. Pullman aleeper to -Washington, piret ctaas day coaah Al- V lama la tt as " i ns i..u.: - - ,-4 10 p. m. No, ta. dTTy. tTnlted State-, Past Mall, for Atlanta and polnta Sent) ' ' an.,1 Hftiitna..!. . HH Ml flpaam aaww - siaaporn m .irw unrim ana uirminp - ham. Day coaches. Waahtngton to New t Orleana. Dlnlnej car aervlc). - , Aicaaia, wvrv"'n -m wa, ,a 1 rviia, anu - i daallad information ran no obtained at-..-- ttv Tloket Office,. No, Jl. South 4Tryon H. B. Spencer. O. M.. S tT. Hardwlek. P. T. M,: W. H. Tayloe, O. P. A t R. L. Vemon..T.. p. A. - Througt) Trains Dally , tharlotto lo drswtjsss-j gaaga . rsj Bonaaute ir aaaot It. A ISOS. a:, pm Lr Rooky Mount. : Lv Ma an . ' trail ""ejwaa. .uv smw not : ' conaset ' at Raaaoka ; Via Sbeaandeah Valley Keula tor Natural Bridga, Lure-y, . Mageratown. and all polnta In Peoaayi.. yania and New . York Pnllmaa aiaaper Roanoke and Philadelphia. , -Through eoaeh, Chaslotta and Roanoke. Adaiuenal taforaaaUea Ireia naea aoatbern stallvay. k. T, BRAoA ' . . Tt. Paaa. Agam,-;', "-tUvNoa!ii vr a,. iAJi.,lnft. RImhI.I,.m . L ' u. U.'Ot ant Xv Chaxioite. as. Jtyut:tSpm :li am Ar Wtneteav So. Rr. Lv t m am 1M pra Ev Winetoa. N. 4k W. At l Laa LMsm Lv Marunavllla, Lv U:4i Eas fM.avi.n,-i ...wn alia.. " ' . and return account of Homamm- 'ing -Week. Tickets on an la Oct " nth. and 1Mb. with Snal limit to . ' Uava Itlrminaham On, .flat , ' mav be extended 'Until Nov.. f . -1 - ty oeposiung - iicaex wiut special. - . . AIUI a, i.iiuiiiisiiain vn -r DC f. ifure Oct, list, and pacing fee af ' to cent. - , , s-J-;,ie w iww vnajlti " ' L., ' -.1. and- return, account - of Rlanni.I ' : . liaatlnar. Hut.rama ladaa. it.i.k.. 1 , 1 nl Pythias. . Ticket .on ami Oct, , , aMea ,, -nwi ve- VI UnSBl limit Oct. WHh, but may be ex. m . a. ell IVra. - AAA. . enocu unur nr. win oepoilt. 1 ng ticket with Special Agent on ' t . or before : Oct. loth, and paying J ' fee' of aa cent. . 23.Charlotta to St Lout, Mo., and . rat um. -account ' J - Asuali,.. Amertcaa i Banker Association. ' Tlcktt on sale Oct I4th and 16th. with final , 1 limit to leave Bt Louis, Oct, loth, ; ' .- '' but may. be extended until Oct . . t toth, by depositing ticket , with ' 1 lipeolal Agent and paying fee of to .oenle. . t,; . ' . ,. .... to Memphis, Tenn., and ir return, account of International Convention . Brotherhood of Ht. ' . Andrew. Ticket on sale Oct 15th ' " C to Iftth lnclut ve. . With final llmlt ' Out lt. bt my ba extended un. r,'.i til November auth by denosltlng .u ticket v with Special Agent and paying fee of wnti . 'Approximately low rale from - other points. cr im "i" "I, ,: T " any Agent Southern Rsilway r write: " . W. H, TAYIX)K. ii. P. A,, . " '"'VHI. eV, 14 VERN'iN. T. P. A - ', .Charlotte, N. C. . DRAUGHOM'S lUlclcSi. Columbia, KnosvHIe, Atlanta. 2( Collet: In I Siatae,. fOTnOXJ eecured r rooncy Itk-e UNUJtU. Ala teach i:V 1A11 Catalogue will r. ' yinra ! that Lrauinon'a la 1 3 I r. tU ar send rt It,