OifAHLO daily o ...;vj:;:, ociOiW.i: 11, ij.il 1' co:i;il:;ujj .-.and ,hpki; VltOrr NEWS BOOSTS CXJTTOV 1 ' Folio" In an Opening at Advance of 14 to '23 lolute Um Market m Very Nervoue una IrrcjruUr Until AriH-arancw Of the tVimnnt Call. Inif for JPurtlier TOl ruiimir IVtnixruturc In Western Belt ,. Claimed lT Private AdvUct 'Cluae btrtuly at SI to S Point Vp. :,t New York. Oct. fc-Tne cotton market was very active to-day .on. new, Prices' advanced te nearly the prevlout ...... . .- .. on the more nivn niuni v& it . , - - tharp reaction near tha elose, ,t"0 mer ket finished tha day at nat advwjcain , u tone tf tha whole epecuia it' kIl J? .1 Jti.taT'salee , estimated at uon. - There u no change In general 1 ."Ci" rTr-:.' : . , , r-'- . The market openea nnn w ""- I. nh and for a time ., i? . ruled' . very ' nervous end lear. with 1ID H put narrow mwiw" -- " va time had tha markat about 10 to M iw.itu off from tha but. Thl wee oue ?fo tha fact that th early map showed Urn Vfro.1 thin empeoted. but ; private - s wire - claimed eowlderable damae an h. nfficlal renorta received, later Indl- . . ' A a. a mArA At EMHaur u ivhiiwv w lutriualihr In one. or twa'aeottona of tha wealern belt. Tha foreomet lao caU "'"ad for further froatato-nla-bttn the aat Mi era belt and , ArkanMM followed by , f warmer -weetbe' to-morrow, . and In tha. V afternoon . tha market waa very atron , and active., The eioee waa ataady. but - aeveral polnU eff tha hart under heavy realiatnav Thb it the eartlett data for i. kllltna- trot! In- the belt for aeyeral yeatK Reoalptt at, the porta to-day. . : lAHn l Mk ana. ml 9a ia year. ' "or tha week 8T5.CO ba!aa, asalnet in ui f.. 1,v and t47.Ml Uit - year. TvTo-day't recatpU at -New Orleant 10,171 The-improved money: tIMatlon, waa re tl L- -aralnat 7.81J last year, and. at Hontton fleeted abo to an eolarced demand for liui aaaltut XX07. - .' ; UbonAa at advanrlna; prlcet. which, save '" A V' v - Mm OrlearM Ottn). rt ' f . . New Ot51wLl2rOot Sttan. trot .;iiNiui a.i ae Mund . tolaT. Tha .,: V, il market' cloied firm. mlddlln 10 'talea were. l.E0 on the. epot and 1,7M to ar i Vn .nd ino ta ar. jrutura; opened eteady and at an oe of U to painta,' A ateady riva. adva,noa ' and contlnuout advance over the open- Ing wa maintained throughout tne oay ,on reports of frost and cold weather, la tha interior and an heavy buyln by ' " bull Interest. , The cloalnv u eteady. '.;'" ".43 to it polntt above yeaterday'a cJote. . ; V ' Cotton rteed OIL . .. '. New Tor. Oct, l.-Ootton ' aeed oil ' , , .barely tteady for toot and ateady for ' future. Prime crude t o, b. millt 9(4: - -'prima eumrrier yellow to 41; prime ', r,.: white 4t; prima winter yellow f V'.; .- Wow Tork Cptto-.... ' New Tork. Oct. Cotton, epot doted 'quhvt, to potntt . advaoce. mlddllnf up : ' ,Unda.-.;. middling rait U.K. . "alas, .v Futnrai cloaed' eady;: price raniad an follewtt r V- srv- jY' Open oct,-: m ... jo. High Lew Close la.K m 7a ' 10.70 M.n M. , 10.H1 . Dec Jan. ' Feb. . vKarch : April Way . .June 10 jg 10.83 a7 io. ,.t7 K.7 j.e , w.js 10.7 10.Mt 10.14 b 10.W 10.03 10. ra 11.01 11. tM 1I.W 11.11 11.01 10.11 n.14 ia July 10.N 11.14 10.M i- ' Liverpool Cotton. ' Liverpool, Oct. 10. Cotton, apot In fair '''demand, prices 4 to I . potnte higher; '. American middling fair 171; good middling- Hi; middling 4.; low middling rl.OTi good ordinary I.O: ordinary !.. The aalet of tha day. were (.000 bales, of which too were for speculation and ex port, and Included 4,600 American. ;. Ra , celpte ,ooo Including 1,800 Amertcaa, Futures apened eaey and oloaed quiet and steady: American middling g. e. Oct. .; Oct. and Nov.- ifflH! Nov, and ', Dec. .7: Dec and Jan. 1.76: Jan. and Feb. I.77H; Feb. and March e.?H; March .- anB April J 02; April and May I.BU; May 1 end June IM; June and July I.KZ: July and Augutt IK, " ;ie'- Cotton Alarket.' The price represent tha prices quoted tto wagons: Oct. Mi Wood middling., .. .. .. MM ' Htjift middling-.. ...... ....... .... It to Middling t.v ,. ,. .. ...... 10. Stains .,...,.,. . tCM OoaitMrntive Port Atmlnta,', . Out. M. Ottveston '.. New Qrleant Mobile ..... . Savannah.. -'Charleston .. Wilmington . Norfolk .. Boston : Philadelphia.. s . . ' .Totai.. ..- . 4(.t liiUmatoa Oct 10. To- Last Year 4.007 10.(U li700 morrow. ... fMOto 0.000 .... U.S00 to 14400 .... U.O0O to 17.000 New Orleans . Houston .. .. Oalveston .. .. PORT . Oalveston.' Arm MOVEMENT.. 10 'New Or-eana, firm.. '"'MoWte, firm ',.:-.. Savannah,- steady.. . t Charleston, firm..-.. Wilmington. Arm.. . . . Norfolk, steady.. .. Baltimore, nominal . New York, quiet.. .. - Boston, quiet ' Philadelphia, tteady Houston, steady., ., . Augusta, ateady., Memphis, firm.. ,. .. 10 -M . 10 til M 10 10 10 11.10 n.w "11 K 104 ft . Ht louls. firm , Louisville, firm .-.New yorlr PNtdaxw. Vew Yprk, Oct. -10 Flour quiet, un changed. Rye flour firm. . Buckwheat flour steady. ' Com tnea! . w quiet. Rye Arm, Barley quiet . 'Wheat spot ateady: No. I, red T8 ele 'vator. Options closed net tower. May . . ; 84; Dec. 81. i Corn easy; No.' t; (4 f. o. b. afloat , , ' upuont ciosea lower. Deo, U; May wrs- - - 7-v Oata. spot-firm; mixed 38. Beef firm. , Cut meats steady. Lard - ..- sxrong; ntMera pnme aet 8.t0: rsr fined firm continent 18.86. Pork flrm. family tlt.00 to Hr.80. . Tallow staadv. , . Petrolsum, steady, Rosin firm. Turpen. ;- tine firm. to , 18. Rice quiet. Mo- If laaksa tteady; " , ... . . - .. . . ' S:ofrw?iv,pot. Rl Ojwiatj' .?, InvDlot 3. 'Mild quiet; Cordova 4 to 13. Fu. turaa a to w poinu higher. Sugar, raw quiet: fair refining 8; centrifugal . 4i UOnat mila - i bage steady, unchanged. Butter steady, unchanged. nrm. iinchanarad. . . "Cheese i. Cggt .easy. - unchanged. .r,'-Ty.','''' l:-". . ' 'Beltlrnore lrednoe. -' Tt. Last. Day ' Year. 'M.870 LOU l.wrt uwa ia - xtm kin it to .,: moiaaset sugar i4. fBr " barrel, gi.H uJw.tlnho.ia4 Eleotrlo.,.. J. ..I, 1M n:V.? 10 dertar jut western Vntott ,t.4 .... M w wmmr, unonangeo, cab I wneenng lae rt.v , baae staadv. nnihana . .. .' I -i . . V v , twiwmore,,. wci, JU. riour quiet. ntv wneat nrm, spot contrtct 71 to u: Southern by temple et to 04 . Corn firm: 'soot uu to tisli b,.,k ; Whlto corn M to u. - Oata firm: No. 1 mixed tTu-'u'tncv ." 1 ' sR?. "rm; No. 3. -WcsUra domestio 72 . ,mwr eiwuy, uninangeo. ; : r '.f-Cfw "rra "chnaed. Cheese aotlra, v V vnoltanged. Sugar tteady unchanged. ,. 1 . Charlotte frodnoa Market, v W (Correctsd daUy by J. W. iCJtnmtrmaa .:... ', vonipanyj ,, 'ohena-prtn. ,. It . Heoe-fer -head 3S O0 ' l-'ggt... t... ... 18 Rye i,.,i t,. ',. te :' Com ....... . ,..,,........ it fJ77 . . . aaa. A . 1 1 . sad . ' Oata-Feed ... Oata Seed ,...,'! eteeaaMtea to tr M ClCTy , . . v. Tliettfdner Marttet. . . New York. Oct. iO.-Momiy m 'call flrm 3 to 4; ruling rate 4; closed 1 to 4. Time loans easier, 0 days 0 to Kr rent; 00 days 0 per cent; tlx months 1 la I per eeiiL " . Prim mercantile paper, to T per rant. Sterling exchange strong, with actual ntulneas In bonkers1 hills at MM.M 0 M.M for nnienl and tM.lHo KM W fne 0.day Mils. - Potted rate tint to sl and ihi Id 814). ' Comrnercliil hill i 10 Kn. . Ur ' silver 00. Mexican dollar tt. l , ..tone x stock. Without Any 1ans In General Con ilitiont to Account for ft, Knotty ' AineartnWMC:or4elderebly Dlm-Inl.-Jifld Money Continued to VrW Kettlcr. 'New york."Ofi.vlO.tmallnit atoekj expanded t wma degree to-day end .i r.r,.ih In th markat ll better HIS" ikiiim4 ,' iwtiAMiintiv f had more ' sym pathetic effect on the central Hat-' The result was to diminish the potty appear mm Af tha market. That appearance eat not entirely abolished, however, at a few itock thowed disproportionate I trentth oUvuy. The,, stock were I - tt,. -1 hnn yesterday, when of. a - i - - . . , - securities which list of candidate! - fo; tv. fttVer h had a detrimental Jendlilona to aocount for , tha better Tha ora daaliroup war aluf Uh wntll lata tit the afternoon, when a demand for TTnttad RLatea Steel developed. WhlOD earrted It ta the blsheat prloa oh the tn-Ckent movement. - The - extraordinary prosperity In the copper trade waa mod- .tely reflected in Uiemovement lu dend tnoreaeea were motlvea for tha ad- vanna la FanruylvanM. ' ' ana juraenoan Bmel ting-, alt homh- the , latter atec bowed the effect of, proflt-takinf In lt wide advanca durlnf tha oeurea of the day. Tha tame wat true- of eome other' at ockt which rota' tbarply earlier in tha week. Money, continued to wora cader tn tplta of the manifest prearure for remittance to. London, which made larllnf eveaanie tron- not oniy nan bat In Pnrta and Berlin.. The advanot In tha official dlwount rate of-the 1m berlal Bank of OermanV waf in aeoord- aoce wlth OspeoUUon and the private Idbeount ratea receded there' tT;L. I Totai aalea benda. oar value, II. 751 000. I that market n firm tone. - - - ; 1 United Plate, bond unchanged on oall. ToUl aalea . atocka to-aay jjjft.aw.. an. cludlntl . Copper W.M0 Bmaltlne; U.OW; I poacoo pw I Tobaooo tfd. BOO; Atchlaon (S.W0; AUa- Mo Coajt, Una i C 0.-UJt . I Paul J . "?t N. l; Penna. Ut.iooi Raadlna- ag.soo; Bontnern Paolno aj.OOOf Southern Railway . 4.50a, pfd. 400;. Union, Paciflo 161,700; Steel 1W.- SU0I Va-JUaro. wnemiCW M, pia. ew. 81oa43heffleld,ao, . . ;i . . - ' fiAaboauHl Art Line Stocka. Baltlmora.. OcL 10. 8. A. U common and preferred, nothing doing. ptniTMn iTflfK LIST. alaMa WvnMaa .l--l ...' '-.'..fa ' .. t75 Amalaamated Copper .. : US' American Car A Foundry .. .. American Cer- . Foundry pfd.... American Cotton Oil.. . . . American Cotton Oil pfd.. .. .. American Kinrett .. i. American . Hide It Leather pfd., .. American Ice ...... ...... American Uneatd Oil.. .'. American Linseed OH pfd A m&Wk m lAnnmAHvS .. .... ' 0 W !S '. n 70 Amerieaa LooomoUve pfd...... ... 111 1S0 i American pinsiuni wiui.. .... American Smelting Refng, pra.. American Sugar 'Refining.. .. .. American Tobacco pfd. ctf 110 at Anaconda Mining Co Atchison . ... '014 Atchison Pfd.. 101 140 Atlantlo Coast Ltae .. .. y -Baltimore A Ohio .... ...... ... Baltimore Ohio-pfd Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. .. ... Canadlaa Paciflo Central of New Jersey Chesapeake sV Ohio Chicago Great Western . Chicago A Northwestern Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul '. Chicago Terminal A Trent , ChloatTO Terminal A Trans, pfd... Colorado. Fuel A Iron Colorado A (Southern Colorado X Southern 1st pfd Colorado A Southern tad pfd.. . Consolidated Oos.... . . Corn Prod nets Refining Corn Products Refining pfd Delaware A Hudson Delaware, Lackewanna A West . 1-3 n 78 100 a 18 no 177 w lt 08 01 1WH 74 24 6&0 Denver A Rio Orande Denver A Rio Grande ptd.. Distiller' Securities Erie .; Brie 1st pfd.. ..... .. ... Erie nd pfd......... General Elecfrio Hocking Valley ofd.... Illinois Central International Paper International Paper pfd.. .. .. .. .. International Pump International Pump pfd.. .. .. Iowa Central .., Iowa Central pfd .. .. .. ,. ' K ansae City-Southern Kansas .City Southern ptd Louisville A Nashville. Mexican Central Mtnneanot-e A SL Louis.. Minn., St. . P. A Sault Ste. M Minn., St. P. A Sault Ste. M. pfd.. Missouri Purine" .. .. .. . Missouri, Kansas A Texas Missouri. Kansas X Texas pfd National Lead National R. R. of Mexico pfd New York Central .. New Tork. Ontario -A Western.. .. Norfolk A Weatern w .. .. Norfolk A Westera pfd.. North American Partite Mall .... .... Pennsylvania! ..-v. ., .. , People's Ots. PltUbnrg. C C. A St. LouU Pressed Steel Car.. .. .. ., 44 80 7 47 22 19 1.T0 17 18 2 4t t.1 t 00 ln3 10 M 3 Tl T 484. ln4 37 rwasta nteti car Pullman Palace Car.. rw U7 Reading ... Reading 1st pfd.... ... to tt Residing 2nd pfd... Republic Steel . , W 2 os Republie Steel pfd... Rock Island Co .. .. Rock Island Co. pfd. nuuuri wwua sfi-j.,.. ..,,., St Louis A San Fran. 2nd pfd ... St Louie Southwestern ' .. ..., .. 1UB Ht. uouts Routhwestern pfd western pfa.. ...... o pfd'.'. V. V. V. !! 118 iy .. .. .. .. .. s eoutnern racine Sotithern Paciflo Southern Re II way Botithera. Rallwav nfd. I Tennessee Coal A Iron 1 Texas pacine .. .. Toledo,. St. Louis, A West Toledo, St, Louis A, West pfd.... 3S . 06 nton racine 10 I'nlon Pacifie nfd.. t.' ..' to 130 to fritted State Fx cress ,, United Stntea Realty fnlted State Rubber,. ,, United Statea Rubber pfd.. ,. .. ,. t'nlted State Steel., ..,., . ...... United States Steel pfd.. .. .. ., Virginia Carolina Chemical VJrglnla-CaroUn, Chemical pfd... vVabash ...' ,.. ...... so 100 i 107 40 lot 20 H 18 Trisconsia CTnirai ,. .. 17 M IIK 7 108- 76 33-.' Wisconsin, central pfa ,, Northern- Paciflo, ...... ...... Central Leather .. ,, Contral leather pfd.. ...... Sloss-Sheffleld.. , .,-. , ' Great Northern pfd .,,,.:'. 8A T Interborough-Met pfd v NBW YORK BONDS, , tV B. refunding- s, registered.. 4t . lns II. a. refunding 3,; coupon .. i... -im IT, H.( t registered, ... .. .. .102 IT. S. ts. coupon 101 U; a Old 4s, reglstared It S. OId 4s, coupon 103 lot if ... IT, S. New 4s, reeutered 130 11 1 70 111 101 ..... U, S. New 4. coupon Amerioan Tobaece 4., t",. American -Tobaeca a. . .-.- S tli Atchison general t. Atchison adjustment ofd.. Allantle Cast Line a RaKtmora Li more X Ohio ., J-.. 101 1 1 more g Ohte 'A, W oklvn H. T. cv. 4...v. 04 tral ef neorgla as.: .. ' ,.tt m Hull 1 1 Breokl; Centi l Central ef Ottorgla 2ml Ine., ... Central' of Georgia 84 Inc.,.. ..... Chesapeake Ohio 4s., . ,. ., Chicago A Alton 1.. w. ',, ., Clilcago, B. A Qulncy new 4., .,, Chtraao, H. I. A Pacific R, R. 4s. Clilrngo. It t. A P. R. R. col. (., C. V.. A Kt. Lout aen. 4s Colorado Industrial is Ser. Ai...... Colorado Midland 4... ,4 ., ,'., Colorndo A. Southern 4s.. .4 .;' Cuba, 8.. ., .. t, ,. Denver A Rle Grande 4e .... ritstlllers' Securities ts.. .. ., ., trie prior lien 4s., ,. g II J04 vn 81' tl 103 ' .70 ' 1im lo 100 ALEXANDER &. GARSED MACHINERY AGENTS; Charlotte, N,- C ; .." Gotton and Machincrs, '.V f iV;'.- THOMAS 'K SINGLE LIFT, DOUBLE LIFT, RISE FALL A GROSS BORDER. ;.; " '.'-,-.' FIXB .INDEX, WACHIJiES.A BFECIALTT, . : WORKS Anecbeny Avenna and Street, Philadelphia, pC RLBXnNDBR & G7WSBD 'S :l sorrnEiix AGENTS, CUAIOUTTE, N. c Erie General lM..j :' H Hocklna- Valley Vfr. ... . ?L. Japan 6a... ..' .. 07 Japan a ma nenet ,.,,.. ... Japan 44a ct(s., .. .. .. Japan 4t otfs, tnd Series.. .. .. .. n 00 101 09 80 ts 4 . 09 Uouitvllle Nasn, uninea s.. ... Manhattan eonsol gold 4s.. .. . -;. Mexican Central 4s.. .. .. .. ... Mexican Central 1st inc.. .. ,. .. Minn. X St Louis 4.. .. . Missouri. Kansas & Texaa 4s. Missouri. Kansas Texaa tndt...... National R. R. of Moxloo cot 4s.. 5 New York Central gen. : New Jersey Central gen.-ts , Northern Paclno 4s.. .. ... ...... Northern Pacific 3..i .. .. .. .. Norfolk Western col. 4s ,.- Oregon Short Line rfdg, 4s., ...... 12fi 103 08 04 fenn. ev. nfcs. . PeartlnsT General ts.. .. -V ICS 112 04 St. Loula A Iron Mountain bot, it iu. iauu m nan ftuioucd 4s. . na RL Inula llAuthwaatarn eon. M . . Seaboard Air Une 4s.. 4 Southern Paolflo 4s.. ., '.. Southern Paollle 1st 4s ctfs,. .. Southern Railway ts.. ...... ., Texaa A Paclno Ists.. ;. . K! 116 lit Toledo, St. L. Western. 4s.. . Union Paciflo 4s.. .. .. .. ri. .. ioa lit 81 82 V. S. Steel :nd St.. ,. Wabash Ists.. ... .. .. . a e iis Wabash Deb. B.. . Weatem Md. 4s..,.... ... ...i Wheeling A Lake Erie 4s.. .. . H - Chlcage Grain. Chicago, Oct K). A continued liberal movement -In the ' northwest waa the main reason for a . weak wheat market to-day. December closed . lower; corn ts lower; oats u to off. Provialoaa a hade higher. WHEAT H'gO Close. May ' "l 78 Oct. Dec. 71H 74 43 42 i4 35 33 33 34 74 74 CORN May Oct, July Dec. 4S 46 a 85 84 43 44 48 42 35 S OATS May July Oct. . Deo. M U POKK Jan. 11.80 13.72 13.75 LARD Jan. . Dec. , Nov. Oct. . 81! 8.30 8.80 . 7.4S 8.47 t.07 8.32 8.70 8.06 T40 8.3 8.10 8.32 8.W . T.45 8.30 RIBS Jan. . Oct . Nnval Rtoren Savannah, Oa.. Oct. 10 -Turpentine firm 60; sales MS; recaipu u; 0. . . I.- U0. Rosin firm; saie i.t; r"i" shipments 383; stock .37. t! 84.00; u e. io; n n -", j--v H 84.; 1 H68 to 84.W; K 84 70; M 4.00; N j:t0; V O ;. w vr Wilmington, Oct. 10.-8plrlU turpenUna firm ; recelpu M easMe. , nrnin nrm receipis Tar firm 8120; reoelpta K. Crude tunientlne firm; hrd 33.15; dip and vjrglo M W; recelpU V. "The Dry Ooode Market. 1 . -o.t ift Th tnhhlnv trade ftr Akv In dry" goods. Buyer, have ben)n this week In larger numbers tnan ' .' ' Arm and show an advancing tendency on print Oioins ana " ' " Activity In other direction h very gen eral but h limited by the difficulty of getting merchandise. , Mr. w rwu-n.lVfurAL n.iM llrl. III. v-wi v "m ....... - rind steady: Oct. le.wsos D10.0. Jan, 11.01; K.b. llAI; March a. Ar4l ll.ZSO: MSY ll.WU, lLMb; July il-SOb. Hayward, Vlck A Clark o Cotton umfahed by the Co'tton Eichanga and SewOrieari Oct.' lA-BullUh ntl New uneans, anmuraaement ment receivea vef "ght Th. eold ' w.ve"pu.hidi down f ur. r.?"-..i- .ntirinated. causing heavy Kf on Veg-euT tUm h concerned, the '-M0iB 't w"hT.h?hU froV,roccur MtusIP be consider In judging tna hearr.Tcoupr of STTS ' . " nid . wathr and frostsTn 53 nonherSrtlons: the -cold wave will move i"nn,r. ""...I ;nJ lower -temperaturet In T'n"?: Carolina, and the tlM tout I Will slowly warm up In thowestern belt Our marxet- openws " -"v: professionals realised T'l n.d a setbaok of I po nts. Trading and opin 10,72. m"id. While iub.r 'uotion In the crop site ooncernt the chances for the distant future, continued fair weath er It IIBDie to inrrvs)- movement figure, we era nmr . hesrinnina of the season and prices are around 10 rente. All'thlt la rtod for thought. rro nreoiction ura " -Ington for the Carolina. Georgia, Ala bama " and Mlssialppl stimulated ; th market, but the pront-taxing oy ion,, and hedge telling for tha Interior check, ed It ' There tt not' enough speculative nitmHts m the nart of the ouliilo to assist professional operators, though art. cording to riew: iera wires, wer re ported at buying en the depression.. . inMi are steady, little on the market The demand runs on bender and ttnple cotton: short staple neglected and offer. In sr. of cotton to arrive rainy rree. j t."' wOfftnlal records her show kllllntr frosts at Malvern, RussMivllle end Trxarkana. Arkansas.- This slopped realising and bull operators bidding openly around the ring,, found , readier soiiowing. tuutca- tx Uri If, 1 ions tavor eariy auunsj irwus ni. year, hlch will prevent imini aepresnon in mures. Mhouia - tnit roia siteii n roi. wed by imiicatiops or vroin in tne nett as M Usuniiy tn case, ,11111 speculation mny becotpe very aggressive. Shortly before noon . ineret occurred lint appeared to be concerted aotlnn among bull operators in new York and hnra ta advance the market. They bid openly around the ring and attracted a good denl or loiiowiug. jLeeemoer an. varx'lna te 10.14. The bull fever seemed nn for good and on any weakness a new trader was ready With help. As long as tut'h eonditon continue and sentiment h so worked tip, much depreln Is tin llkrlv. alrhousjh prlres recdeil repeutU ly for iHok of outside .npjHirt. ' HAJWARD, VlCK A CLARK. Woolen Mill Povscr Plants HALTON SONS Itubbard Broe. A Co,' Cotton Letter, epnoiaj to The Observer. New York. Oct 10. Tha advance to day was rightly based on the expectation of frost to-night In the Memphis district In the northern part of Alabama and Arcaneee isut night th cold wave causea ngnt frost to many place In the northern ,blt while Chandler and Sweatwater In the Indian Territory re- pun- .irmperaiures wnicn were killing. This Information was cabled to Liver pool before our opening, advancing that market and the predictions of future frosts were tent to them by noon. This an earur out lor telling frost should U occur to-night and for that reason the operator! have been large buyers. pianung .themselves on the long side wins me oeuet mat the world will fol low any advance based on frost. The South was a free seller of spot during the day which brought out hedges to tupply the demand. Hubbard bros. a co. CATLIN tSu CO. ' iTottianlsaion Marcxtaata 845 ind 347 Broadwav, Now . York Boston, Fhlkdelphla. COTTON YARNS. All numbers, Skeins, Warps, - Cops and Cones COTTON GOODS. BARTXETf, FRAZIER A ' - CARRrXOTOX, irew Tork, N. T. MEMBER8 N e w Tprlt Cotton Exchange New Orleant Cotton Exchange New York Btook Exchange ' , Chicago Board of Trade FLEMIXO CO., CorreiKHsdenta, - . BOCK UJLL, & 43. CROHPIOH THAYER LOOM COMPANY WORCESTER, AL8S. fancy Cotton and Gingham TOWEL, DAMASK, QTJILT. CASSIMERE, BLANKET LOOMS. ETC. DOBBIES, BOX MOTIONS, REPAIRS. ETC. ALEXANDER & GARSED Southern Agent: tniAnLOTTE, N. O. . ESTABLISHES' 111! C P BUS 8 COMPANY CcttOii Commisida ierchaots -MEMBERS OF The New Tork Cotton Exchange, Xew Orleant Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Broken' Association. New Or. ana Board ef Trade. Cotton Excbanire Bnndlrui XEW QRLgAXS Bneelal attention aivan ta a-,i ef erdara In eontracta for futar da. Uvery of eetten In aJKtha marketa. CORlUraroXDICXCK SCO CITED. HUBBARD BROS. & CO, HANOVER SQUARE. NEW TORK. MEMBERS OF New Tar Cotton E ,. ehange, New Orleans Cotton Eg. , ehange, Aatociata Mambera Liver. Xool Cotton Exchange, -j - - DERS SOLICITEDror tha par. haee and aale ef cotton for future delivery. . Corraepondance - tarltaeV PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT k ' : AND AUDITOR ' C. Ia BMITII. SS 8,'TrOn SL, ' CHAKLOOTB, X. C. ,,; . Examination and Audita.'-; CeHI. fled Statementa Rendered, Improved Syatema of Bookkeeping and Coat Accounting - Installed. ' . .' a. '. , . JA1IES E.mTCHELLCO. r tjOMJIIHSIOX MER4711ANTS, " Cotton Yarns and Cotton j Cloths it Wfc ifl-i : h COXfllONMENTS SOLICITED. ' rhlUdrlpliin, I3aandl34 Clieetnut St noaton. las Hnmmcr tt. ;; Xew york. No. tS Leonard Mt,S '?"?,"i'i BOX 'DKPARTMKXTf '! ; YACKCVIA ltA.1 1 U'JU iCAIJ, -' wtxmos-HwMi o. .,'... . ; BONDS AAD brocis.a. r ; We Invite - orraspondenoe' ',. i from , partite deelrlntf to buy 'er aell..., i ; .'-' ,.,-y f Our flit ef tnveatmenta ; , mailed ,apoa application ,. COTTON MILL MACt V--' ,' x. 'i f 4 main ernett - OUTM TSYON tlT., , OHARUOTTt, N. O. Rerolvlnr FlAtCartlA, Railway Heada, J : ; Drawtxif Frames,' .' . 5pinnlnr, Frames,' . Twisters and Spoolers Qulllert and Reels. Looms, - C0MBER5 ETC ETC RALPH H. BROWN AND V JOEL HUNTER Public . Aocountanta and Aadltora. Devlae and Install Acxnnune Bya- ms.' .. ...-., tema. 1S1S-1S31 Kmplre BaOAlpg, - Atunu. tia. A. D. SALKELD & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 6-7 Leonard Street, XEW TORK. COTTOX YARXS. DEPT Fredlc Yietpr & Achelis. HTJQH IO.CRAE 6 00 , . . Bmkers MIaceDaneea -eoatliern Secnrltlea , misMIXsJTOX, X. C. Wtytblngton. D. X. 4 OS Colorado Blda Cotton Mill Stocks RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant COTTOX WARFS AXD TARXS. No. 114 Cheataat Street. PirJLADJEXPUIA. ... fA WU. D'OUER & CO., COMMISSION MKRCHAXTS COTTON YARNS Third and Cheetnat Rta. Iterlner and Merchuit Bids. rHILADELrillA. PA. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently And It neceaMry to have Banking Fmdlitlea In ad dition to thoee offered by local THE First National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGIXIA, . WIUi S 1,150,000.00 Capital $5,000,000.00 . DepoalU 18,000,000.00 Total Reoourree Offer Jnt the Additional Fa cilltiae Reantred. Tno. B. Pnreell, Preeldentt Jno. At. Miller, Jr., Vice Preai. dent; Chaa. R. Burnett, Aa aiatant Caahleri 1. C. Joplln, Aaalatant Caalvler. HAYWARD. Ml & CLARIt Ccttca Ccnxniission ' - Merchants. KtW OtIlIAXS IA. MILLER & CO. SANXERg AND BROKERS, m awwaaway. Nee sura. Memberei- Ne kora sues tkaohang. New York Cotton Kxohange, New York produee fcxehange. New Yvck Cottee Ex- ehange, Chicago Board of Trade. Nea uriaana fjotton avxenang. new uriean Board ( Trade, PJfiladelphla Stock Bjt Cot if Tl ehange, Liverpool Cotton Association. kx acute ord.ra tor th Durohas or aale of eottea, stock, grain er previa ton for oaah or on margin. Special attention te ordera bf mail 'phone or telegraph. Branch O fries: IitU East Mala atreet. Book Hilt B. C. 3r. H. tuiAAnvBH, Manager, n iltllll ;-... )ssr cti Vto'e'vlxst, equipment that can te lii' - ';'Hv;'''!:'l''.'';;- V' ,;.. -w: .; ''':r;V'ji)'v;,;'.71!ii!!l'j!; 'gPftelI; . . -. ' . t HAnrv fnerufrvnMtf fna inft lervA' f v'-;''". ;" IV' '.''' . - - :i mw wvuii; uuwwcuvwk maw wwumt ctv 4Ve'.'.;'.-v-!!.v- hy . ., , . i tSliSTH&STArT-ORDiGOJl PlYK? I AlXANDER ft OARSEil,?durio3: 11 a'v ' ; y. v '0: y. : SOUTHEIU1 SELLINQ AOEIITS V. ;5tuart W. : Cramer, : , ENQINEER AND CONTRACTOR. i. - 5 lubbers, . Rovlnf Fnunej r t , - - ' - v v ii j ' i . ' ,i fafflll intermediates. Jack Frames MOTORS A.M DTXAMOh, STEAM AXD POWER PUMPS, GASO .''.' UXE ENGINES. 1ROX WORKING MACIIIXERT. WOOD WtBKX PLASTER MACHIXEBT. Direct KepcsaUthrts J BROWNEIL CO. ut ni hfra Ditto J, rji COTTON GINNERS Remember the CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY have at Gharlotte a full stock of Gins, Feeders and Condensers of the Celebrated Eagle, Pratt and Winship make andean supply your wants on short notice. JENCKES SPINNING CO. PAWTUCKET, R. L COTTON TARN SPINNERS, CONTBKTERS AND DEALERS, Correapondenoe WUh Son them Sptaaera Solicited. ' 0. A. R0BBITJS COMPLETE EQtnPalEXTi FOR COTTOX MTLLS. POWER PLAXTSr GKXERAL MACHIXERT. CHARLOTTE, MlOn-CRADC SPINDLE, 0 Soooree Belt Otto aad Ovotaea. Laibrtctufng Greaaea, rtotsny-MtaavS Cold Water Pain La. Ageote Watolet Dresnlne GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CHARLOTTE, X. C J. SPENCER TURNER C01ILIIS3I0N IR0HANTS, MTKaEit New Terk, Pkfiadelphta, Ctaieaca, St. ItwK Tai Yarns and Cotton Ploct Goods. PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO. . Co tto im Yariis' ST-St LKONAJID tTTKEKX ISO CHESTNUT sTTKkCJCX S10 MONROE SrRKJCT . . Mm B. Charles OSIoaa Cliarletta If. C Mala Often v. "IDEAL" AUTOMATIC - .!NERY. " Vr , , ' CQUITASLS UILbl) ATLANTA. C.U ii 1 Automatic Feeders, -i Openers and Trunk. Breaker, Intermedlatt and " Flnlsber Lappers,!';''.'. , KirscbnerCardlnf Beaters f Thread ExtiKt)ra, -Wastai Pickers; etc.''.'.':''. . Raw Stock Oryara. ; ETC ETC rj.-v-. 7"'V ; -' ft HI 6REENSB0J9. U SUPPLY t. 6mssbori, 1 t)k ; .,eJv' Mill Scppiies i end Uadnnsiy NORTH CAROLINA. LOOM. ENGINE A0 VAvVC CO. '4-y, iV.-'. ....... NEW YOKk rmiaADKLPUIA CHICAGO COTTOX TARXS. COTTOX GOODsV AXD COTTOX WAjrm , V .Va ,e4 k rf- -'' " LCOil Jit LS Atnetordaa X. T. ! ;'. f 1. - v. . , j " t t. '.'I'.

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