if : ) CHAITLOiXi: DAILY C .;:VER. XQV i:;o Bisnar lo tgeojes :.S THKM TO 1UGIIT LIVIXG. t Reverend G. U. Clinton! ''pre. . nar HL-Jiop, lx-llvrra troiiK Ad i . . . at A. M. K. TAon Conference i i Viiiston-Hnlem-lH,,nonncr the I an ii-s and Idle a the Mack Un' '.union and l'rges llac to Itc to Whit r!plo That all Negroes Are ot Alike, and Should e no tresi- , i'v.ial 1 to Tn UDservr.r, W I nston-Salem.' 5 Nov. v.4 1 7The Meat em fv North j ' CSarolins, 1 Con J.ronc of' the A. M. EvZlon church cloned' the moirt' aucceiieftU session la Its Wdtory thla taornlnr 'lu Winston Ulem.' The final report . showed marked Improvement alone all line. : Rlfrht Reverend O., W. Clinton. D. J ., ' Mia presiding bishop, delivered Ms Ki juiopal addraw on Monday v(Jnl t AfUw discussing- matter lrUUnlng to the interest of both the Koneral and local church, the'blahop concerning the race problem. He 1 ' said in part: . - 'There sre' tour things to which I ' ' doelre to make reference In regard s to tha race queNtlonl The present ait ! uaUon of tha black man; tha black ' " man's burden: tha black man's appor- ; tunlty; and th black man'a duty. I ... Tha f present 'Situation of ta black :r. THE PRESENT SITUATION" OF THE ; i ttv, 'y BLACK MAN. ' t ', "When w consider aoma recent c I ' currences and suggestions from sen timent makera of tha dominant race, and tha seemingly chanced attitude . of persons, supposed ta be our erst- - while' friends, It is not strange that many-should take a pessimistic vlitw when studying the present situation. If ,?wa allow our minds to divert to the ' Atlanta episode, wt ahould be broad j enough to take time to think of more than a thousand other cltlea and town i and communities which have kept the even tenor of their way. . .. "Tha good people of other commu nities should not allow tha occurrence in- Atlanta : tu bo disturb them aa to ' ranee them to forget tha quietude, good feeling, ateady growth and for ward .march of tha communities In ' which they live, and thereby make themselves liable to be charged with fleeing when no man pursueth.' There has been but one Atlanta, riot In tha South In four deradea; there will hardly be another Id a century. If ever. The " present situation Is truly a . ' crucial one; but not an unusual one In the development of a race or a ne- : tlon.' - , , "It eertaJhly muat not be regarded as . aa Indication that either the world or the negro race Is going backward. "My brethren, the wheel of evolu- 1 1on are turning In the right direc tion, r THE BLACK MAN'S OPPORTTJ :. ' ' ; K1TT. v' The" t-lgbt' thinking, cool-headed and perseverln black men haa been afforded an opportunity by some oc- ' currancea inch as came to Joaeph In ' I'syp f In Babylon, and Dreyf ua in Wanes. f"H It-tor him to prove himself a man capable of forbearance, patience '" and dausmined purpose to aurvlve fand continue to dweH In tha land where the providence of Ood ha riven him a habitation and an en vlmnment. ' . u, -A race that could survive J SO years of a bondage that dwarfed tha Intellect, warped event, moral, fibre, and crushed the nobleat-element of : manhood, should not allow the Inter mittent evolution of a rspldly march- r Ins civilisation to dlacourese or check It tn 1U upward and forward course. . "Brethren, let u not disappoint our - friends. ' THE BLACK MAN'S BURDENS. "Vb black man'a burden Is that claas, thoae claanea.or charrtr who form part and parcel of the race. . v-whoee lack of good serine, whoaefralt tias along moral linen, whether those . T-i fralltlea be the outcome of past i J conditions or present IncoimiHtenclea. i . whoa want of self-respvct and proper , ., reward for others of their own race 'V and f other rac, who furnish thorn example of good llvlnir and excellent conduct, whose habits, and whose f 'emtnffty Inc'trrlalhlx slate make . malt them a menace to dece nt so ' del and a dlHturblnr element In good A' communities. Thcs furnish. In part, . the. black man's burden. The shift , less, the spendthrift, the vulgar; In : short, all criminals whether guilty of ".. ' the petty or grosser crimes (heA urnish another batch of the black , man1 burdens. ."..; The falae leader, the Imprudent self-constituted rapreaentatlve mako a j real burden. ' - .THE BLACK MAN'S DUTY. The bUck man'a first duty Is to prove nimsetf a decent, self-respecting ' aad useful cltisan. Those who bring V themselves up to ths necessary stand ' ; InaT by developing good character, In- ' dustrloua habiU and by making them ' . selves Indlapenaable to the welfare of '.: ths communities In which they live x should guard well their own reputa- , tlon aad standing by drawing a line , , between . themsel vesand the vicious - ajid shlftlees element of tha raon. 1 MOood negro? must show to the un- ' wot thy of their own race, aa well aa V .tbe unfavorably disposed and friend--,'..Iy paople. that all negroea are not ,. 'alike, and therefore, all should not b treated alike, whether they be i-lti-'' sans of Atlanta, or soldiers In the V standing army. : VBUM AND THE RACK PROBLEM. , "On tt the giant evils of our day ' and the greateat obstacle to the bet terment of the uigro and a stumbling block In ths wsy of an early and hap. - ry solution of tha vexed race problom ts strong drink. . Tha slave, denied the use of strong ' drink excapt st stated periods, was tiealthler, stronger and sounder In '., every way than tha freeman, who has mistaken liberty In too many cases for license with the result that our ; . death rate Is alarmingly high, our so . rial sysum is Jeopardised, our morals degraded and awful crime are laid at our door. . "ijtt freedom should be utilized for ., the establishment of nobler standards of living than weru possible under the accursed syslem to whleh the civil war put s. period. ItkHs,- lynchlnga. tnur4Ts and disorders f every kind ; sra due t the drunken . while and liiarks who are bereft of reason and d.-ncy by their potation. . -l Solemnly vow before Ood and Mich heaven that I' Shall henceforth d'ilct my life and mnuence to the ink of doing ail within my power to 4 iirtaJI and litanljy atop the, vampire Jf Intemperance-, , tram sucking , the nral, phyalcal and Splrltaal life ' tlood of my race.1!1 '.fl'f'.y lU1inwmd !mnrht Ruk-ldev v ' Itlchmond,. Vs.. Nov. J7.-R. W, r.irrin. a arngit committed eulclde e his store here to-day by Jumping torn a third atory window.' lis met f th Instantly He w forty years r i end unmarried.'" II1 came here f "tn Lynchburg, a few years ago. ,-. : .wt is a htrmls eomnoimd of 'm' inai wntiiiorrul in .ir"i, iir'iomineruled and i i r i . -j ' , THE lUmSTS COXVEXE. State RantlH I Convrntloa of : South i Oirolliia, Assemble In Spartanburg -Hiudnoas iMrgety iwsuue-eouie Want tirotsaviilo Female ; College Special to The Observer. : i a,;- Spartanburg, i -8.';,: C.,' Kov. '-'i.--' The State Baptist : convention con vened in thia city to-night and the aesslona .will continue through Friday. The convention - promises to be ens of the moat successful ever held as all sthe thirty-seven district .aasoouv tlons embracing 1 ,000 churches writh a total membership of 113,000 will send deleaates to the city to -attend. Tina convention is being held in the handsome new -First - Baptist church, of which Rev. Lewis M. Roper. U. D. Is the pastor." The church has only been - recently completed and ranks among the finest and most conven iently arranged buildings of the kind in the South, v vs-.t:. 'i'!---''-'' The convention was called to order by the president, C'hariea-A- emitn, of 'Tlmmohsvllle, S. C Baptist 'minis- rs. lav delegates and visitors are ar riving in tine city on -every lncemtng train and tney are mei ui arauon by the local reception committee and directed to the homes to whloh.tney have been assigned. f At the 'depot there haa been established , an ' inor mation bureau, which Is of very ma terial assistance in expediting the placing of visitors - without delay or confusion. Fully 00 attendanu have a rived In the city and all are. being accorded that hospitality which 1 characteristic of the 'Spartan spirit known so well by those who have had occasion to be ths city's guests at otn- er times. ' The business before Uie ooay I routine, tho convention hsvlng Juris diction over matters of assignments of minister to dhurchea or of dis cipline, these being left to the individ ual churches without tne action or the denomination In general. How ever, there are several matters oi Interest to be considered, tne reports of the denominational Institutions of learning being among tho number. It I said that efforts win ts maae by certain towns to have tha Green ville Female College removed, from that town and located at some other point. The communities interested. It I atd, being willing to offer cash inducements But tt remains to be seen whether the college will be moved from Oreenvllle. unat town. It being beloved will support the Insti tution as handsomely aa any other town la ths State. WILL KEEP BOXOFCTCE OPEX. Manager Kessler Inaagnratea Change at the Academy of Muaic. . Manager O. V. Keaaler la making ar ran rem en ta to keep ' the box office at the Academy of Mualc open dur ing the rest of the theatrical season and sell all reserved seats, etc. at the theatre. The office will be open from 10 o'clock In the morning until I or In the afternoon and all business of the Academy with the public will be transacted there. The Increased number of Shows coming to Charlotte and the decision of Manager Kessler to- reserve everything In the balcony, makea the aale of reserved seats no small task, to say nothing of the other butanes of the Academy with the public, answer to Inquiries. tc. Ths sals of seats hss heretofore been conducted at Jor dan's drug store. The change, which gives the Academy more Importance a an Inatltution. will go Into effect December 1st. Eden PWInotts' Novel. The customary recipe for book he roism ta an Impossible nobility of anaracter, foolhardy courage, and, n,.r anri abova all. the densest Intel lect where personal Interest or safety Is concerned. In real life such a man would seldom survive the teething ,t,.a Ma would swallow his paregor ic bottle to rescue it from being brok en, and,- would thus depart mil me with all hla poetical love speeches unspoken. Ho, when a reviewer happens upon a hero who I mortal In his tempta tions and backalldtng, and at the same time Is Instinct with mother wit and resource, the oocaalon warrant some gladnes. Such a inero Is Daniel Sweetland, tn Eden Phllpott' novel of the same name. Dan'a proclivities lead him Into counties pltfalla, and hie keen sense and craft promptly come to his aid. In addition to this, he Is a lovable, daring, thoroughly numan Yellow. The whole combination is irresistible. "Daniel Sweetland" fairly bristles with stirring situations. Tat one of these stands out from the rest Dan, charged with murder, la manacled and placed In a cart between three policemen. Hla captors are armed. II Is friendless. Yst in calmly re solve to free himself. liar come to the reader the dread lest the perfect naturalness and logical equenc of tha novel may be marred by nme cheaply melodramatic. Impossible foat. But the faar la groundless. The esospe scene Is perfectly logical, bril liant and thrilling. Stone A Barrlnger Co. offer this hook exclusively ' at their store for 60o Instead of 11.59. When the make up of this book la considered It I a great bargsln. For Bronchitis Take VINOL It heals the bronchial tubes and remedies the cough 7- For centuries ' old-fashioned nod liver oil has been , prescribed by physician the world over for coughs, hronchilla, weak lung snd consump tion, nut many coum not take it on account of ths useless, fatty, fishy oil whlchi enveloped th medicinal curatives, and It often failed to help those who could take ' It because it Upset the stomsch, ;, i ' Any ons ran lake the delldou cod liver preparation, Vlnol. which -contains alt the medicinal curative and bndy-bullding element of cod . liver oil, actually taken from fresh cods livers, but with no oil or groans, and wherever old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsion would ' do good. Vlnol wilt do far more good for all bron chial snd lung trouble. W ask every person In Charlotte suffering from chronic colds, cough, bronchitis or weak lung to try Vlnol on our guarantee, it, , H. Jordan1 Co., Druggists. . .... Note. While we ara 'sol stent for Vlnol in Charlotte, It I now for ale at the leading . drug tor In nerly every town and cliy n th country. Lok for th vlnol sgncy in your town. '.:" , K,, -; ', STATXiVItLE CICTS TOWER. Hour M!!l t'mviUlng to Contract for ooo uerlrlo Horse . I'owcr,. uui Power Company Takes Contract i lor boo. i ',v i "';;..: . Vi t.y..-.' Special to The Obaeryer. v SUtesvllle, Nov. 27. Mayor Steele and Alderman -jparron were in Charlotte last Friday to confer with the official of the, Southern. Power Company. Ja regard to the contract for . electric ; power - for Stateavtll. The agreement made- some time ago waa . that SUtesvllle would take. 1.600 horse' power, the city taking 600 and the, statesvtile Flour Mill and Statesvtile Cotton Mills con tracting for tha remaining COO. The flour ntllls ' have,. .. however, decided not to use the power, and for. this reason -, the ' Statesvllle gentlemen went to Charlotte to e If the com- Sany would make a contract for S00 or power, the cotton mill agree ing to take three hundred.; Mr. Lee an official of the com Dan v. arrsed to rdo taia and a 'contract for so win be made and signed,' work has al ready begun on the construction ' of the line. After the power Is here StatesvlU wilt, of course, use more than la now being contracted for and the power win come into general use, .. Mr. William Fraley. a premlnent and prosperous farmer or the cool Spring neighborhood. 5 ; will move witn Ms family to Lenoir to-snor row. - vt ' ),.:.o.i f Messrs. A. E. Holton, of Statesvtile, and John Holten, of the Cool Spring neighborhood, - will " move to Mocks- vllle la the near future and open harness shoo there will manufac tur. repair, ' and sell all kinds ef hone supplies. Mr. E. A. Bolton ha worked at the business In Statesvtile number oi years and is a sauiee workman.- At the meeting of the Iredell cot ton association Saturday It was de cided that all members of the asso ciation should pay nv cents a bale on their cotton for toe purpose or tne association. , One . sub-aaociatlon favored ten cents.- hut' the live-cent and committees were appolted ' . to collects the moner. : , , 'v: Kicked by a , MuleOther Happen- Special to The Observer. SUtesvllle. Nov. IT Tnaddeus Edwards, a 4-year-old boy, of Ca tawba county, was brought to Long's sanatorium uunaay oy ur. sTea Long to operate on and treat for fractured skull. The boy waa kicked en the head by a mule and the skull wss fractured. ' . ills condition is rav orable. Mr. A. A. Htnes has sold bis farm, consisting of 110 aevree. In Bhar pea burg township, to Msaara. E. A. Mc Lain and S. L. Blackwalder and will move to town. The eonslderatlen was $1,000. Mr. Hlnas haa been a successful farmer. Is j a goedeiUsen snd we welcome -nim to town. Mr. W. M. Westmoreland has seld half Interest In his livery bnstness to Mr. B. B. Leinster and the business will continue under the firm name of ef Westmoreland A Leinster. Blatthews News Notes.' Special to Ths Observer. Matthews. Nov. 17. Rev. 3. M Harris, of Cheaterfisld, & C, to as re cently become pastor of Matthews Presbyterian church In connection with several other churches, and will make thla nlace his bom. Rev. M. H. Hoyle the Methodist pastor who ha been returned to this work for another year, preacnea eun dav to a large and appreciative an dlence. Hla friends are glad to havs him back. Mr. M. H. Hoyle returned Saturday from a two weeks' vpit to Kutner- xoraion. Mr. and Mr. W. T. Rucker cam Saturday on a vialt to their parents. Rev. and Mrs. M. K. Hoyle. Mr, Rocker left thl morning for Char lotte and Rutherfordton. Mrs. Ruck- r will spend several weeks. The Spark circus was in town yes terday and everybody appeared to have plenty of money. That Jacket Is Good Yet . , AH It need la cleaning and pressing, or parhsps dyeing to mak It look as nice as when nw. Tou can't afford to discard any artlol of clothing simply because It la mussed or soiled, when w can renovat It st so rsonabl 0, charg. ;? Charlotte : Steam Imlij Launderers. Dyers, Cleaasra, , , 2J9 Sooth Trron Urtei Take Gafc V i . , - ..ir, '' K of the Teeth i Many a reputation for beau ' fy hss been galnd b a row ef whits teeth. , .; .V; t' T A good tooth brush is a joy forever, but a cheap one Is ; a delusion and a anare. In getting a brush,' set rood one. W gusrant all ef th brush , that w sell , for II , cents or mors, . If thy shd their bristle, w will give yon '.. new brush fr.' . :: .;V Ae to dentifrices,' we : havs all of the t reliable ones that Are advrtled, aa well as our . own. that we. know to bs pure " and sffeoUve,' ' v. ''u Don't trifle with your teeth, - Treat . thenv welL both for the, sake of your comfort and appearance, .'. -: y t u,-. , It us help you select a, r flood dsntlfrlc and' a good brush. ', , :,t. :f ;, . , Havilcy's FI::rr::cy ' rlsn 1 1. Tryon and ftth ;ta Assets -end ; ; COMMERCIAL PEPJilVniKNT. . Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturera, Capitalists, Corporation of all kind sollcttsd. V - v FOREIGN EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. Drafts direction Europe Aaia. Deposit f On Dollar end upwards received and 4 per cent.' V- ! , tereat allowed, A Quiet Home Wedding Solemnised. ;'' eventxif Interest to many In th city; was Ve Wedding last evening of Miss Beasts Springs and Mr, O, E. Oreenleaf, which took place at I: SO o'clock , at the home of ; the,, bride's father Mr JTf ' Ci ; Springs, on West Trade street ' Mis Ella 8prlng wss maja ox nonor and Mr. B. P. Pur cell, beat man. - A reception followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Oreenleaf. left on their bridal trip ' North. Returning they : will make their home in Dll worth, . ; v ; '-iiiB weather. V: Waahlnsrton' -'.Kmr . iT.fnrmif ' tn Wednesday and Thursday: Virginia - I- . .1 "TTT . . Thuradar, falr.-llght, to freah west to northwest winds. ? North Carolina and South Carolina, fair, colder Wednesday: Thursday fair; light to fresh northwest winds. . , . v LOCAL OFFICE IT. 8. WEATHER J. RUREAU CharloU. Nov. 78unrtM 7:flS a m.! sunset 1:11 . m. TEUPERA TirRSt In daaraaaV Hlgheaf temperature .. fxiweat tamperature , .. Mean temperature. U 3 IS 77 1M Excess for th day' Accumulated exeeaa for th month Aocumulsted excea for tb year., PRECIPITATION (Is Inohea). Total for 14 hours ending p. m..... 0 Total for the month. Accumulated deficiency for month. Total for the year .. ..... 44.20 Aocumulsted deficiency for the rear 1.14 Prevailing wind -direction.. ...,a W.J w s u mu iu i.i-r" ni a i S e . ejf iiimi4b 4 VswVfTWt S-LB. CAN CALIFORNIA PEACHES yellow Crawford 18c.. lemon cling, large yellow - fruit JOc., extra heavy syrup can, or HIS doaea. Nothing oeuer nil w i can. rrean ueiery iue. Cranberries I3H& Best Oranges at out price. BBIDOES A CO.. tat Waat Trade straat. . FROST LOTION CURES CHAPPED hands and lips, snd makes rough akin soft and smooth. ' It'a an excellent preparation for winter us. ' Try It JAS7 P. STOWB A CO., Druggists. 'raon us. noon wftRNiNft-wB math flori a ... a i . a .. n . w - Salsify, Radish, Water Creae, Mpring Unions, faraley, large n. tJU ceiery, Anything yea want for Tkankselvteg. We hav fresh lot ef ehelied Nuts ra- rvlvad to-dav. Call earl and avoid the rush. ' fry a Mango. MILLER- VAN NESS CO., Everything Good to Eat. a N. Tryon. 'Phones fit and 111 WANT TO BUT. REAL E8TATE I bave m,ws to oe lavaatea in city or iMtar-hi suburban property. - Prefer residence ranging from fMOS to ti each, in replying give tocaaon, aia of- lot. No. of rooms la house: such other information aa would be tntereet Ing. Addreaa K. U.. car DOS 7e. CAUSE FOR THAN K8QI VINO that you can get Blue Ribbon Lemoa snd Vanilla. Abeolutoly pure, . go twice as far aad the "Blue RIOdoo Flavor" la perfection, Ask for the tCc, elae. . PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED RIGHT. with the right oruss aa prsacnoaa. i right price. Our label la a safeguard In any aick room. WOODALL A SHKPPARD, PreserlpUon Druggleta. VKRT FANCY BALDWIN APPLES we are able to aanuie your oraera lor fine appiea. Call ua forprtoee by the barral Fine, bright Florida Orap Fruit, sothlng better grown In the land ef flowers. Let a bave your or der ' for fine fruit. W are alwaya able to glv you tjhe Vry best sVAR RATT A bLaKELT, t Charlottsad I11 worth. - - WANTEO-W HOUSES. ANT KIND, sis or condition, to rant Som eld fog! prefer t plod along, trying r to aava a ntckl. but. In reality, loelng . money by not giving their property, to a llv lieit Seekera for hooaea own to ma Bualnaaa paepl srefer to deal with an agent, who knows how and . what to do? eT L. KEE8LKR. 'Phone TTPEWBITBRS DID TOU BAI-WK believe you win lomii in -thortty en thla subject If you will visit our establishment We snow we r th Urgeat eacluslv dealers 1 in th South-and Ineldentally the oldest and moat perlneed. CRAXTOI CO Trust Building.' - '- - FOR RENT M R ITH,: MODERN I rooms., tn. 04 W. Trdv modem J . room, B.' SS W. Trad, modern I roore! t. W S"E?4VC5 ' W. tare-rooms II and M W. it h. large i Sp" j. Arthur Henderson a BETTER PREPARED THAN JSVER- NotKln too good for euf ! eu Lota of room now. Eaeellnl sarvvc. Rig dining room for regular eala and parti, launch counter doublad. Room - for all. Everything erved lst s you want It OEk.RiSTAURANT. B. F. Creswell. Mgr. '-' OUR UVKRT DEPARTMENT IS FIT. ted out wllh thebestveblolea, mad. and b9 aa god a go. W. O. R08d : C0 KS sad tU W, 4th strt. v ,, We sell tb best : FEED STTJTF.;.. for horses, cows And '..nr.-;'i;f; THE ST A It MILLS. . "Pboae ttT. Special Notices Ceri tMm " This els of, properly I hard lo boy la('Chsrloitc now,, but We have tor sale two such piece t)at wl a prove 4 ood Inveatment, ' If Interested, let m know and w will be glad to call snd see yon., The Qnrlottc ' Realty : Gsxnpany ' A. fl. CXlAIOt Secretary and Msnsger. i ' Office IS C Trad it. ., ..v , . , " I'hone StT. Li Jl.a i v,':; cHAiiLorrr; x. c. ': UNTTED STATE8 DEPOSITORT." pWsonal liability Two Million and Two Hundred . ' ' Tboasand Dollars.... . Money lent at lowest rats. Africa"; on all the 4 principal cities ln- - v comoounded uarterlv. ,: . In 'Tho atf I 'Police 'Oowrt. u ' It was a slim docket Chief of Po lice Irwlnr presented to Recorder Shannonhoase yesterday morning. On ly Two sentences wers imposed. Jbd. Lcauaer. the negro youth who had been cnargea wim .stealing a purs mu tl.46 from Mary Jane 'Jones, an Eng lish ' girl, was arraigned and nouna over to the Superior Court, being sent to" Jail in default of bond. Mack Wil liams, a negro who had gone to sleep in his -carriage, leaving his horse to wander around the streets v at large, waa fined SS and the- costs for. his drowsiness. ''a.-,. V.;,:': ; ' ' - ;I3efanl lose-In' i"'. EAA AVKNTJB nOMB ' - ; for jjzkSE Eight room, two baths, , basement. large lawn and garden." , t);t : .. . . . 1 .-. - - . Entire house In Al , condition. v i v --,... :. , Possession or or- before Jan., 1107. P. J). nVBXTUVDBR SO B. Tryon. . Phones 04 or e4&. THE .CRO WELL SANITOnTCat (XX, For the Treatment of . . t Whiskey, Morphine and Ntvohs ' Special apartments' and ' nurses for Isdy patients. All forms of electricity tor treating nervous diseases.- Ths stockholders all being physicians. ooaautut sv. consulting . Doaro. S. St. CROWELLf M. TA, DOUDAY KOTICE Thursdar. November itth.' Thanka. giving Day, being a legal holiday, the following . named -.' banks . will be closed: '"- : , , . ',.. : Charlotte National Bank.- Commercial National Bank, ' Southern Loan , tt Savings Bank. Merchants . A Farmers' National Bank... . " . '." A ; First National Bank. - , ' ; Southern states Trust CcC I?- CharlotU Trust Co. ,r can bs selected from tut', . -stock of .''.."';.'.'; ;- ' ... CTJT QLASS without, paying n extravagant "price. It's tiro to think about this. ;',';;'t Our Una ' can't '' be duplicated V". - In Charlotte. f:'.i':-M NURSEST REGISTER ttata-xteta, ,Phnt V Fills the Egg Basket ' DiiwortfiDrad Store, Thou 147. B. a. DATU. - R B. R. An Elegant Gift: Piillii t Lot on North Collc fireet and adjoining 8. X L. R. H. tsack. J f?XlM feet. Prlco" 1,60U.IjO. .... . On. S. A. L. H. R.. near Cole Mfg. Co.. 400 feet frontage en R. by 260 feet In depth. l'rl-e 11,500.00. . , . 20-acre tract on C. C. & X. H. It., twenty to twenty-five minutes: drlv from, Independent Kquare. , Catawba Power Co.' wire In .close touch. Price iO.0t r-r acre. .."a;c tract near: Chad wick k Mill, , on S. A. L. R. R. Price . 2,500.00. . x . . . .' . ... JflilEi REALS SfAIE, LOAM A',D TRUST CC'!?0 GcrltficcCco of DcpociZ Issued by this its ban a: - " . y FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT.' ' ' ;,. GEO. E. WILSON. President. . JNO. B. ROSS,' Vice Free. ' W. C WILKINSON, CsaUler. . iTHE ElERGElAnTS AMD , EAiuiEns riKFioriM, BAiiri : '.,,r-.M-'r.. or CHARLOTTE, N.C. t--';rmtl318 East Trade Street :'';nr business one tvuji.'- . ';' PROMPT AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION OVAYtAVTEEXK ' j 't : , v r- J". .w''-.',-.v-V r,'-- 'i' v -1 ' Y. -'; v -j-, - , ... ' -' - f , ' ;V . ' 'j,'.','..;'Ui" :, .,'' 1 ' ,:; : ; " i' .' ' 1. 9. E. ivrrrXE, lldemc'--' .'',',"'; At' PATTERSON,' TU Isjs. L;' !v ' i . v XIA3C1, ?; 4Css0ileir.; f 'V. n vVt X. f : " ' - ' " s' X ' '-' 2sinasslnsslnaaaaaaaasssssT : it PAY.: Ir!lr-ill roR vm - ; ,x , ''J:- "!-; '- rr ' " ' ' . ' --.' Y' -V'; V ,.;t- 50LICITS THE CHARIOTTE. '):''. ' ,". On.mylns;- of BIB''-A::'v-;r;:':'' '-'.??: ' It 'Is wall to. pay bills promptly,1 but not te pay the same bm v . twice. SbmeUmes book-keepers, by mistake, send out bills after they have been paid. If you pay by check, hewcve& the canoeled. - chckswar returned te yon aad van be predsced as receipts.. Check. V - ing aooouhts are therefore mere than a: convenience, r Tney are aa -, Insurance against overpayment- . Every man or woms a. who pays; hill should do eo with cheeka, s - , . ' - - Tour checking account win be weloomed , at ; The -' Ctanrlotte -. Katlonal Bank, whsre yen are assursd ef abaolnt security and ths . 'moat couneoue-servlee.. t ,. . - . ..:,- . 7, ' V ' -V Southern Loan &: Savings Bank K' i:- ,i.:'r"vl !.r.f s-l : e.y... ?';. -SrV - -. A cordial Invitation , "t extended t working men, 'te - clerks, te women, snd others to open A SAVINGS. ACCOUNT with this tank," i We pay yon -to. m: ii'i'Uv -.ft-"r.-:'. y' ': "' v ' ';0---.'.'.' , ' ,; 'r'- v ..;'i .,!: P, At. BBOWN, rrealdent. X V'V'"'''. ..!W. Xt, iKMUNS, Cashier.;' ':-?li 'A:Y,,.- y9i,. ALEX ANDEIt, Vice President "i W cv Business! Enterprise :'0Syns'lwix': this ; bank prepared to';:assist'' v "'y A LEOrnMATlS ' WDERTAK1N03. CONSTJI--' ? ? ''s'.'f TATION 'j, AND"; CpBRESPONDENCDBOUCTTErA';?" .'SootricA j;v Trust V: I Go. y. ',);' ,,;" v -r v r OAPITAL 200.00S (:;:1. V-.., ' "r.y-y; ."'..IBCST BtTILDINO, CTIARLOTTB, N. fi': ' "''f"'-';i' '..-0.-. Preshleat. - Vice .1 J. K. DAVIS. Assistant Treasurer. We Raye Custcn:cr$ fcr lha 29 to 100 Lore? lat Pref. ':, 21 to .100 Waahlngton Common. 19 to -100 Lancaatar Common., 2S toslO Florence.' r IS to 2S Henrietta. 10 to 60 Cllffslde.: . ' , : 20 lo'SO Nkoml. 7 i ': 10 t Warren Prf.'-".: i v V 20 to 10 Wtecett. . ; P v . (. 10 to SO Gray Mfs?. Co. , 'fCv r ' 20 t 60 Mooresvill. , f ? ;? . l 10 fitatesvllle. ' ' ',, 1 ta 20 ptatesvllte. '',' , " 20 t 60 Victor. r 2S.to 60 Osark. ! f'slumet.' 10 to;S0. Trenton. ',,..;' SO Tucapau.' ..'.'.'., If yon en supply please adrla u promptly ot best price. ' F.: '3;-:;71bSfdtt. -&i Company- t,;;:i .i.i bank draw Interest at io ... ' ...... :o;;h at. . ' i,' - ,. - , . j; h, i : R BUSINESS 'A V - NATIONAL BANK llDilIEATH,esi . Pres. . ' Tresurarer. fc!!d fcj Sc-lhcra P St:di 10 to 10 Lowelt , . 1 . 21 to 'SO Arlington.1', '-'.. ; , 20 to J10 Rloomfleld. , - : , 10 to SO linden. ,10 to SO Elk Furniture Co ; 60 BO 10 26 ' 10 20 tu o inv .ainraYiiie.ua.- 1 BO to 100 Marlboro. :' ' ,; i ; to 25 Hosklna. i ; to SO limestone, , to 60 Watt. . t to 20 Monarch,