ciiAitLom; daily o:::wm KOVEHBim -23, winox - Sscid criJ PcrscirJ ' The reception unilur the auspices . Ot the Thonvpeon Orphanage Qutld, which Is to be given In the room of :. 1 the Colonial Club fhls afternoon from ,v 4 to 6 o'clock la the social event of , to-day. Tills reception -will be ele gam and delightful In . eVery detail, and the lad lea havlns It In cbarira ara very desirous that It t largely. ; r attended. - jterreahmenta will Da serv ea, ana & sliver; Offering win te re celved. ;thls to used In making 'mora comfortable and convenient tha 4ulldlnga of . the 'Thompson Orphad , Tho following named will receive jn in parlor: Meaatmea T. t c Kvans, J.. p Stow, J, A;' Carmon, . . wrigni, j. .:, nuicniaon, .Tames A 1 Houston, R. t. Tate. 3 . i Dalton. H. A." London, K. C Kec . ' .later and Harris WalllnckrwJt; Mtases s ' Julia Robertson. Stuart and Sarah f . Jones, Sadie Belle Mayer. V iacy Kay r Louisa Wadsworth, Johnnie plcksoti, ," Annie -Wilson. . . Maud Holt, - Mary Spencer Anderson, : Dade, Cap hurt. , , . uoy sjn. wrote. aieaa. uresorv in the tea rooms Misaes Mary Ar nold, Wash and Emma Holt, and Mrs. earn juaxweii. . 'la me oining room:? -' Mesdames m. a. Bland.-. M, MU; Murphy.1 B ,s Rueb Lee, Bslph Miller Ed. Dur k JJ-.v? ham.' H. J. Oregg, RCV Moore. i v, ueorge r . Jtutaier, James Kerr. - J , v 8- waters. Hertot Clsrkaon. C A vMland. U. O, Miller; Misses Florence , ., , fnotnas and auwred ttiapbam. ',kw - . . - ' y Mrs. Paul Chatham and Miss Mar v caret Thurmond left last night for , f New. Tor, wherer they will spend tiro .;. ar threo weeks. ; :--. , T. . Mrs, v-B. V. Rogers, of . Concordats t. Tieiun- ner, asuanier, wrs. joaa f York, at Dil worth. i',. - r 4. ..Mrs. C R. Dennis baa returned to v the city after spending soma time with ier brother, at Aaheviiis. , '.j ; vJJr. and Mrs. A. li. Barratt are Yls r V ltjn Mr. and. Mrs. . R. Cannon, at Mount Hoiiy. i ' : i v The marriage of Miss Mary Ollll . I ran. the . daughter of Mr. and Mra. v' John Ollllgaa. and Mr. Morrison P, Williams will bo solemnised at St. Peter's Cat ho Mo church thle morning at o'clock. Tha ceremony a111 be , performed by Rev. Father, Joseph, Rev. J. P. Snipes, 'paston of Lowe Steel Creek Presbyterian church, and Miss Ada Parkinson, of Rosemark. Tenn.. will be married this evening at the horn of tha bride. The ceremony will b performed by Rev. J. H. Mlh. Icn. Mr, Snlpea - left for Rosemark Monday. Mra. -W. P. Smith, ot Rogers villa, . Tenn.. after a visit to her daughter, . Mrs., J. C. Tata, lift laat night for Mew York, where she wilt spend some time. . t Mrs. J. B. Sea,well, of Henderson vllle. Is vUlUng Mrs. Luke Seawell; on Weat Trade street. Mrs. Barry S. Cain returned to her home at Ashevllls yesterday after a visit to her parents, tar. and Mrs. C, L. Torrance. ' " Mlaa Mary Snancar Anderson w;ll leave this morning for Durham, where shewlll visit Mies yary Lroke. Mrs. Carrie C Martin and 'Miss An- z Caster returned home last evening rrom uraeniboro, whore-.triey attend : od tha annual convention of the Y. W, C. A. , Mra. E. C. Register hsts returned home after a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Haxel witberspoon at Lancaster, B. c. Mra Harvey Lambeth bas gone to Danville. Va.. to visit Mlas Lois Con rad, i Cards reading as follows hare been jssuea: Mrs. Erwln William Thompson At Home Saturday. December first four to alx o'clock . Charlotte, North Carolina, Dilworth. Mrs. Don Connelly, Mrs. Montgomery Dent Francis, Miss Wlckershaw. Carda reading as follows were re cleved In the city yesterday: . Doctor and Mrs. Sowers request the pleasure) of 'your company . at tha wedding breakfast of thetrf . . daughter Eleanor Kerfook and Major Samson - Lane Fa! son ' " United States Army on Wednesday the nineteenth of December s at talf after twelve o'clock Seventeen hundred and seven M Chusetts Avenoa Washington M airless ceremony at It o'clock. Maj. Faison Is a brother of Dr. I. W. Falson.' of Charlotte. . Mr. L. 8. Boyd and bride, who was Miss Viola Lewis, of . Blackstocks. & " CM will arrive In the city tommorrow . night from their bridal trip and be ' at home at Not 104 North College ' street. - . - - . 1 Mlaa Cora Bates, of Rock HI1L a r ' Is vlsltlns? at tha home of Mr. and " Mra c c Bates. '.'-'' aassasee) , Miss Maria fteeness, who has been . vl-ltlng tier slater, Mra B. M. Olbbon . lr eterday morning for Egleston Va.. to spend..' the winter with her broiher. .,!, ( Mlaa " Lillian Dodd .who hei been vleltmg her sister, Mrs, Cecye Dodd Craig,-will leave to-morrow for her home In Raleigh. .11 '' The Athena Book Club held an Interesting meeting 1 yeeterday with Mtsa Battle Nash, on North Church street r The club Is studying Scot land and Scotch writers this season. .'Miss Alice Atkinson, of Monroe, was 1 A 5Hlg:htfut tea wm gxn by Mlm , , College last night to her friends, Col r and Mra t Edwards, ot Blowing Rock. , who are spundlng the winter In Char lotte, . After tea, an Informal recep- ' tlon was held In the college parlors. , Mrs. Edwarda was a former resident .. of Charlotte and has many friends " who wilt be haryy to know that she v and her husband are In tha city, ' ; y , ' Mr. Walter R. Harris of ,the Oeorge F Wharton Company, of . Nsw Orleans, La., la spending to-day tn the city with Mr. J. Olen Bmlth. Mr. " O. F. Mason, a well-known member of the Dallas bar, spent Yea , terday In tha rlty on business., . , Mr, 3. B. Kubanks, of . Monroe, " spent laat night in the - city stop ping at the Buford. , t A csuse tor tnnnsaei thsnksglvlns that rn get Blue Ribbon ijimon and Mil Abwilutely pure, g twice as fee nt the Hltie JUbb'.n flavor'1 is perfco' ASK far lb Zrt. 'aiie. Monogrammed for ' ' " v A GENTLEMAN TO , Visiting Cards are also 'ypur, orders now, so that they can be executed In ample time.1 Samples and, prices furnished uposj application, J, P. STEVUNS ENORAVXNO Stationery, 47 Whitehall PERSONAL. , The Movement of a Number of,, Pso , pie, Visitors and hera . '.' Mr. John M. Craig and Mr. Miles P. Hoffman and a party of friends xrom Philadelphia 4eft yesterday , morning on a hunting trip In South Carolina, v Cant. P. IMlllna- and Mr. C. E. Nois ier, of King's Mountain, spent , yes terday; in the city on business, " a Mr. E. J. Justice, of the Oreensborr bar. spent - yesterday tn the city , on legal bualnes. lie1 was a guest at the Central. ' " " - "... .Among tho out-town people here yesterday was M. W. J. Whltaker, ot RorlJngham. ' i ' 1 . : " Mr. John Phillips, a welt-kaown traveling salesman, of ' Cincinnati, Ohio, spent yesterday tn the city with fil.m.liL , ' i .i . tv. " i Among-, tha visitors In Charlotte yesterday 'wars Dr B, C. Boyette and Mr. R. K. Davenport, of Mount Hol ly, who were guests at the Buford. v Mr. Charles C. Wtena. of Wades- hnm ' anent vestardav In tha City.. Mr.' M,-. McBrayer, Of Rutherford. ton. was registered at the Central yes- i Among tha gussts at tho Buford jr-alerdar . was Dr. 3. W. Smather. ft Ashevlllv ' - - " '-k , Mr- M.. Goldstein, of - Philadelphia, la visiting his nephew; Mr,' H. Mill' - J. v. Robertson and Mr. W. U. TaUaterro who have been spending a f it ta:rht In-Florida, will retorn Mr: w. Watt has arrived In the city after a trip In the North.; Vfr .pAuin Ana-iaton. a'well-known sllkv manufacturer, of Wadesboro, spent, last night tn the etty stopping at' the Central. . , i Mr. A P. Rhvne. ot Mt, Holly. Is aiwndlna- tollar In f ne City. " v' ' Mr.. J. M. 'Connor, ot Shelby,. "was a visitor In the city last nigni. -Mr. n. M.' Bhielda of Llncolnton, waa registered among tno (nests t the Bnford laat night. Dr. E. McKJOoodwIn, of Morgan, ton, spent last night In the city, stop ping at the Buford. Mr. P. R. iMcFayden.' of Randle- man, was a visitor In fne city yearvr day. . ' ; - !- Mr.. J. L. Scott Jr.. of Graham, waa one of the guests at the Buford last night.- ' Dr. Lewis Freldhelm. ' of Rock Hill,. . C. spent last night In the city ; .' Mr.- XI; H. Edmands. Jr.. of Bal Umore, Md.. Is spending to-day In tha city, stopping at the Buford. for It Is an art, has reached high, water mark with ua W have the only trainer be tween Washington and Atlanta who usee tha national ( oak moulding, staining It to snatch each 'individual ploture. oun workotop Is equipped with tha most ' modern machinery for maki Ing perfect corners, and by : Increasing ofr capacity for turning out work, ' enables us to do high-grade work cheap ly."'. '. '. Bring your Christmas orders early. ,'s . ' . -; Richardson Orchestra ".sy-v'S'ss'i i Attief.ry 'cf-Csic. Thursday, ftOv.; 29th MATINEE and NIGHT' t ovular Music, a Popular Prices '. a. ' ' V 25'irid 50 ,' CENTS 1 " The Ait nf Vi rviminn1 i in in in v wasa Retires II STONE & mi 1: - .; BookscHors aad StaUoners, ' I I flationvry makes a dainty Christmas Present A LADY n , acceptable v present,. Send us CO., - manufacturers ' ot Society atreet. Atlanta, 1 Georgia. ( , When you . want,- good laundering, Just go to tho 'phono n( ask for 119, and any one ot . our five ' wagons wilt . call St onoa for your work."' ; Our .wagon "aervlce,1' 'liko oupWorki'- J Is v tlya" standard at excellence. i ' - . J' ' " KODQ . lAUfiDRy CO; 'Crnc Laandertng. ' West Fifth St. At Church. We trace by far the largest, part of our business to the friendly offices of men who have dealt with us. After all, it's satisfaction that men buyers desire- and appreciate most. May we. have an oppor tunity with you f Ask to see the "Initial," t - thb stylish soft Hat for young men. 'lnis is the handsomest shape in soft hats that has -been brought out. '- ;'. a- . Furnishers, Hatters and Men's Garments. After Thanksglvlnfi 1 -w- There's 4 whole lot of thing to be grateful tor this year1, We received onr share la the ' shape , of a . ; subatantlal , In-, ; crease In business, which goes' to show, that men ' particular . about their apparel ar thank , t al tor the kind M service we afford. - ' ' ; After Thanksglvlftoj than , the Holldaya' 5 , ' f ' We i suggest that ' yon get your order for tailoring t In ' early, so as not to . run -any v risk of disappointment. - ' ' We outstrip "em all when It . eomes to quallty-our , prices lag behind. , . BUIT8 TAILORED TO T A SITE . fit to ISO. Cc!:::iss & Co., Ix TAILORS, ' ' 8. Try on Street. 5 Vugons, i Piicne 160 i ; ' r . -i" ( I' " IS II lie lap Brown?l: )t v 1 . T"r ,. . . ,, . . sjBssaeaasssw - , t ; .-, ,- ilrfl 1 ' y f mi We have never had such a big season in Cloaks and Sulta Our suooess In pleasing our customers in this - department Is very gratifying. ' We are getting In new supplies almost every day. If we haven't what you want to-day, we may have It to-morrow. ' ' Light-weight Long Cloaks are great favorites.. Shoppers tell us we have the most desirable to be seen. - We have a special value In. long light-weight .Broadcloth Cloaks, two grades, at $10.00 and WARRANTED SILVKRWARS AT "v. - . DRY GOODS PRICES. " Just Opened sp a choice assort ment at Roarers and other standard makes ot quadruple plate Silverware. Walters, . Spoons, Syrup Pitchers, Children's Sets, Shaving Seta Soup Ladles, Berry . Spoons. Pickle Cas tors, eta, etc. .We guarantee the quality, and you will And the prices very reasonable. JAPANESE, CHINA AND ,- c x. rY XAOQl'ERKD WARE. Very attractive for Christmas ores-' nts.. and appreciated by everybody, we have, a ' beautiful assortment at low prlcea - - v HLLLERY. Our trimmers ara the busiest they have been this1' season. We are selling fresh, pretty Hats at much reduced prices la the reason. STORE CLOSED ALL DAY THURS DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY. VIEY'S 13 West Trade St THAI RUG Uow about itt Have you ever found the ' Rug you want, at the price you like? n Have you ever examined Lubin Furniture Cos stock of Rugs? '''::"ic'! . They have a fine display of Rugs of all grades and sizes, . and you will find their prices very reasonable, considering the, ' grade of goods. - i rv Give them a trial and be convinced. r l; Lubirv Furniture Cornpny DRAUQHON'S Raletgh. Colaasibla, KnoxvDK Atlanta. a f.u..M in la stAtM., SHiai'i-iriMa seonred or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL, Catalogue will eon- inoe you that Dravgbon s , Is TIU KaTK' Call or. send tor tt. : Co To The .208 S, Trycn. Meet Mc at The AllCCTIAmlui One new case fONDERLAND Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs Snag by Mr. O'Connor. Open From $ to 11 p. ra. The Fad of the Season Hand Painted China The great variety of the useful and, ornamental pieces of HAVHAND CHINA beautifully, and artistically Land-painted which we are showing, are the finest creations procurable. It is a treat to see them at j. L STEER E Jeweler 41 N. Tryon Street 1 1. KOSna. CARNATIONS, .VIOLETS. Bride's bouquets of . . handsome Bride's -Roses, Lily ot ; the , Valley, etc. ' " , k 4 v i . f " Handsome ' Floral ' Designs, ' sUL shapes and slsssv , . Write ns for prices on your Wed ding Flowers. ; Send us. your orders for Funeral Designs by telephone or telegraph,', . Wa will ship quick and please you, too, . ' f 4 . :. , .'' J. YAK" IilNDLEY NURSERY Col , j-omona, n. v. . , t ' ' I ' Send telegrams to Greensboro. v . FREDERICir-J. FtAHc CONCFRT PIANIST. Vocal and Pianoforte Instruction. Pupils prepared for Church, Conoert and Operatio Stage . - Studio 101 N. Poplar St Tsl. 1119. m l flmm$ X number of Styles in pretty, bright, O-lnoh Field Mixtures, very popular for Children's and Misses" dressea Price 48c. too. COTTON NOVKLT PXAipS, JSc. ' i Arnold's rich, dark Novelty Plaids. ; Price reduced . front NICK NEW TABLE LlNtCN FOR THANKSGrVINO. An oho from last week's special sal.'. Having anttclpaied onr wanta of to . dsy months ago and placing early Import orders for a large supply. Is the only reason we can offer such glorious "bargains In Linens, for the past several months Linens have advanced wonderfully. $1.00 70-Inch All-Linen Silver Bleached German Damask. 75c. yard. 7tc 70-lnoh Irish Unbleached Linen. Price BOc, yarcw 11.00 'fine 70-lnoh Bleached Irish Dmaak. Price 754- yard. Extra heavy Silver Bleached Damaak. $1.00 yard. 11.10 Double Scotch Damask, T3 Inches, full bleached. Elegant assort ment patterns, fl.SS yard. SOMETHING NEW ALWAYS IN CLOAKS WOMEN'S SKIRTS. No day .passes that numbers of express packages do not arrive tor our Cloak and Suit Department. Always something here of unusual Interest, from point of style, fit, workmanship and pries. $7.50 48 and 48-lnch Ladles' Tan Covert Coats, loose back, shaped col lar, halt-lined. Price tft.00. $10.00 48-Inch Tan. Black and Castor loose-back Kersey Coats; several ' stylea Pile $8.50. $15.00 and $18.60 $ and 50-inch Sample Cloaks. $13.50. ' LADIES' SKIRTS. Fifty popular styles In Ladles' Man-Tailored snugly cut Skirts. Materials, Chiffon Panama. French Vollea Cloth, Plain Panama and Serges. Ex cellent values at $5.00. $7.50. $10.00 and $1S.50. mwm, WHOLESALE AND fl A Cta te tag Blacij M Gloves : fcterto ;1 Al sold but four pairs. Twas the greatest selling , 'of Gloves ever known here. Big Job Short Kid Glii for To-Pay At almost a give-away price for Kid Gloves.' YC'V COO pairs in this lot, and at the prices we're putting on thern, every pair should bo sold to-day4 V 39 Oenta "a pair, ' " .i ' " Nonte taken back or exchanged. .", ;J Our storo will be closed all. givingDay.' !u The B . DEPARTMENT STOP.H Corner Trade and Co!: Theae are ; 'i 1 1 14 MAN-TAILORED RETAIL Sweep t f I. f: 1 , day to-morrow, 1 Than) ,?: : 1 i . Thanks- iivr G6. e ... ? V 1

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