ciiAiiLOTTjj - daily ocsKitvKn, Kovi::im:ii i.3, ioog. co:'::::;uci: a:;d u:mx. 4 A l.Ul ADVANCX: IV NOVKMin:U M'liMMiloiuil lVttiro of Cotton Market Wan 111) or d Points In ' November -Market OFM'iM-d , lsi4-M(iv ami t om-e I me- l icit iHl loH uth a l ew points of the Jjit on Active Month-). 'New York, Nov. 27,-The cotton mar- T ,et m very Irregular during to-day! 1 v trading with the "blg advnncs In No . . Vemoer the BAniintkiniil feature. The , -! was 46 point not hlKher on No.J , it tor month. BHles (or ths day -war . intimate at jso.uuo bate, v . :V Tlio market onened steady at an ad vame "of to U tolnta and right aftor .i tha roll became rather excited owing; to vyvering oy Drmira M)tmwr anort. , n icoraM that oulr a fwJot wsra .-, wanted but on broker bought l,6u0 bales ', n. 11 0 or about to point over tha cloa ,.p, Jnar figures of the previous day and at a . , new high leval for tha season. Follow-.'- v r Ing thla November sold one at 11.25 and closed at 11.2ft bid. or at a premium of a -.j !..-. full, cent avor roemler.'. The raat of " th list 'sympathized very lightly with tha atrength of November and after - working up to 10.5 for January and w.7 for March or about- 10 points .net hlsher ; aaaed off under realising of a -r-holl- . aay cnaracier ana in aDeence or tropor 1 tant support In. antta of tha bullish snot - . - news from tha South. Th cloa. wa j wurtin i or i point ortti lowest on i tha acive months, i The weather in. the , Bouinweat war a, litu unsettled : but . hardly a factor and attention waa again cnieny aireciea to ma spot-situation. ( Receipts at j. tha v porta W, bales , ' against 10I.1UT last week and 81.851 lnxt - year. -.For tha week (estimated) ,W v bales against 411.098 Jaat week and 8-5 .te5 .--., iaai year. To-oay receipts at New Or-, leana, 17.148 bales,- against .S02 last -, r, wa a nousion paie against jm-w mn year v. . . ... v n Knf Tork r'ottnn.V '. ' New York. Nov. 17. Cotton-apM cloa. . nrm: middling upianaa u w. middling gulf ll.M; seln bales. Futunea clos- 4 ataaay. J'rices ranged as follow: , upan , Mignv low Close Nor, v 10.85 bl 11.70 U.Z5 11.2S JO.M ),": H. mat Dac. .,il0,46v' 16.45 jarur v.,v....S.H law Feb, ,v .. , r Mi 6 .i 10.47 ' 10.M 10.70 March .TI ' JD.M pr.'; U " J0.86-.,- 1. M. , May. ,.. .w . io. M.04 July . ..? - H.M- .M w.74 AUf.Ut New OrleaiM Ox ton. ,.V : ! . Nw Orlean. ' Nov. - ?7. Cotton spots . s: opened firm nd elnaad easier, wnot M; , mlddllnr 11J-11. Spot aalea war t IrtA a , itfA a. I ' - ' , ruroroe'epmed ateady at' an advanca "v of to U point on ajood Cables and too i , much- rainy weather. Tha market waa feverish throughout tha aesnlon and per ' sletent boar hammeiirtaj and reallalng ot loikga-rai-rled. priee down 4 and t points at.ench call. Tha market closed barely Heady, it ta 31 point, lower UuM'yaatar ' Kcw Orleana ratftrctk ".r-. . , . - NW Orleana,' Nov. t7. Cotton futures ;!, ...j. cKwed barely eteudy.' Jan. 10.76: Ken. WK: March 10. April 10.W: May He! Ji U 7; July IU3; Nov. 10.85 bid; Doc, ' t.-..' Llrerpool CnUoa. - j - ' Wverpool.' Nov. 27. Cotton apot quiet; 'K j- nrfrea w point higher; Amarlcan raid. . r tiling fair- .79; good middling C.K; mid dling .U1; low middling .; good or v dinary i.3; ordinary t.M. Tha sale of ?V' tha day war (.000 bales, of which tot .. wer' for epaculatlM aBxtr export and In p eluded (.400 'American.,.- Raoetpta- JOOoO - (r -j, r. rwlua, Including 1M0O Amerioen. , Ku . . . turaa. opened steady and ctoaed ulet; American middling ... Nov. t.M: Nov.-lVc. Dee.-Jan. Iri: Jan.. Feb. ' a). ISO:- Feb.-Marcti 111: March-April . ,, April-May .H4 May-June U: Jnna , July t.SHli: July-Aug. I.S7H: Aug.-Bept. , 1 I78H: t3ept.-Oct. OetvNov. - a . -. ;-, . Clmrlott Cotum. v , These price represent (h ajrfoe quoted 'te wagon! 'j. ; ..vvH Now. rf. ' :', 'ir faaod middling; ... K).W 'strict' middling -.. .. ; ' J0.7S Middling.;-.. .-.... ... . ,,... ia7 Thigea and atalns, ., .. . .. . fHoN t . - CAMPAItATiyB PORT RECEJPTB. j -n .. - . - ., w , uay , -.Tear. OsJveaton ' J6.2S4 17.S40 ,tf 30.M Mobile.. .. .. .... ...... 2.803 2.080 U,9S 8S7 .' .79 .Savannah i.. 16.449 , Charteeton .,' .. l,Tb4 .tVllmtngto . .. . 1.294 Norfolk. . ... .....,... I.7N Philadelphia,. .. .. ,200 Panaacoia, , ' 44 ' Varlou.. . . Xptalji 7Vi0g. 6.168 . 407 U 10,000 14a EatlBMtflg, Nev. . r. "' .(. " To- ' Last ' ' - morrow. New Orleans.. .. ,.t4.00014,oe . . Houston .... 17,000 10,000 .i . Qglveatoa 16.O0O-W.006 . Interloy Receipts. . , ' . .v.- 7 Nov, Tear. 11, x 14,40 17,227 , ST. lat V ..... v Iay. Meniphla ,mi. 1IH Augusta.. .. ,. ; 1,132 N St, . Louia .. r 1.444 Cincinnati .. .. .. ... h0 - Houaten v ...,. ,' M 24,141 ' UtU RovK si..'.. , . m Port Movement. . Tear. - 7,046 . 1.411 6,100 1.K1 ai.o4 2.574 Oalveeton, firm.. , .,.... 11U New Orleans, easier .. .. ., it f-M -Mobile, firm..' .t . r . . ....1011-16 pavannaa, uiec , ... OiBTleaton, firm ,. V. : Wilmington. Arm ..... .. ., Norfolk, firm i .')..". ...... PaUlrnctre. nominal ., ,4 J V ., M New,- Tork, flrm.i. . Philadelphia, eteady . .. .. .. ., 11.68 Houston, steady .. .. .. w. lll-li , -i. Augusta,, firm ' .... .... .. ...... .. Jli 1 , Memphla,' atady..t ... 101C-M , 01. jluib, raauf 11 l IoulavUle, nrm .. .w .... 11 C'-Kew York Produce. ) New Tcrk. v Nov. 17. Fleur ateadv. n. Rye flour Una. Buckwheat steady. Corn- 't : sneai eieaay, ny aieaay. parley steady. -f Wheat ayj No. 2, red 19 elevator. 4 I OpUona unchanged except Ho. loas In Daoemker. Mar 4u. rc m,xL r- s- Cora steady; No. 2.- H elevator. ; Op k ttons partly U- net higher, - January 1 air wva wtj. o. Oats easy;, mixed 20. - Beef firm. Cut ' ' meats'' eteady. Lard quiet; Western prime to f3.o; rennea eteaay, K ; Pork steady. Tallow eteady. 'Roaln isaay, -jiiirpanune siMUiy. , tuce steady. " Malasaaal ataadr.- . .. v- - w , Coffea spot Rio quiet;. No. 1 Invoice mild eteady. ' Futures quiet at M net decline of t to SO points.' r - . , Buirar-nraw Arm: fair reflnlnf 2 6-18 to -1 11-12; : centnrugaf ' w tet 1 17 mo ; Usee sugar to reflned quiet. yuttr i a trong, 1 unchanged; ; receipts j-lifts. : ""':',' 1 :- ... " , Cheese firm, unchanged: receipts ,K. pgga firm, unchanged; receipt 14,516. , , Cotton seed oil waa firm on arood apeo. ' ulaiiva demand and atrenrth of . cruris. ' Prime crude f. o. b. mills 2SH; prim summer yeuow eiw prime wnite noml' s nnl; prima Winter yellow nominal. peanuts and freight steady, unchang ed. Potatoes and ,abbaes , easy, 1 un- ehahfed. Baltlmor IVodnoc. . s V Baltimore, Nor. 17. Flour dull. an. h i.-nhanged. , Wheat quiet; spot contract .) 74Vt to 744; Southern by sample 6 to ftu. Vr- Corn firm; spot old 60 to Vf; aew i V to 483b; nrw Southern whits corn 424 " .' to1 48. . ' ' ' ' Oats quiet ana eaay; No.' i, white d , axked; No, t, mixed Rye firm; No. J, . Western domasUa ft ' ;i Buiier-nrm au blgher; fancy Imlta- ' tbn 22 to 24; do creamery II to 22; atore ' i 'packed It to SO. ;i,-ik '''' rKaga firm 2Sc v ,-.: , .,..t . . cheese firm and higher; large 13; medium 14tt; small 14 -, ,. . , Sugar, steady and unoltsngad. . ';' Cbarlott Prodnoa. ' ' Cerrot daUy by J. vf. Kimmermag : , Chicken Soring,. . . liens i'er head,...,! ... 1 ii u 1 14 M 'St -69 C 6 I.:....' . '.',,,,. .p.m.... . r;Bgs.. .. Hye ..... torn ,..1 .. .. .. . Cottonseed . .. .... .... .... .. Oate-Fwed .,' , Oata Seed Kennedy's lJi.xe.tlve. ,fnlntnlnr Hon ey nod Tar mn. tha tol. Contain p cilate. ( n('ifm t purs Food and IIX4 Us, Boil by liawlty t J'tiaxmacy. 1 rrcfcreno of It it y era Turn to t! JllKh-lTlci'd. lililciul-l'a.vlnir Ke ; ' 'urlUe 1 11I011 I'ui llio Aniuuil lie- 1 port a lot ui J actor. , New Tork, Nov. 27,-The stock market It five euDmuntlnl evidence or . eireriKin KKaln to-day, the prt?rence of buywr turning more' to the hlgh-prlccd dlvl dend-paylnar stocks. The efTwt on eiiee ulatlva sentiment of slreiiKih 'In those siocka- la niurh ' more benellt'lal than when It shows only In the low-priced non-dlvldend paying stocks, boma of the latter - were reported still in the day's advances, especially amongst the Southwestern railroads. The rumor of acoumulatlon of Mlasourl, Kansas -anu 1'exaa ahnma In lh. Intereat of Hreat Northern oontrol continue to hav4 force In the speculation. But tha moat potent factor in the greater atrength of the market waa the Union Pndno annual re port. , The accuracy , of forecasts of the main facts of the report made it evi dent .that a"ocen has been had to It by (hope who have been operating In the stock. The limitation .of the actual In. oome applicable to dlvldonda both from operation - and from other tnooma. In cluding the Bout hern Paolflo dividends, to below U per cent, contrasted with re cent claim that showing of at least SO per ent would be made. Belling of the stock, thla -week waa baaed on a Ii that that, unloading- wouid follow, the publication of the showing. The - sup port accorded , the stock to-day oonee- quently found a short interest uncov ered and tni neipea to . savanc .in price. '',"..;.''(-; n !!'.'- -.-..... The approach tf . t.h ThanVaglving holiday, to be closely followed by the December let payment. had . aorna re- preasrv eneot on im nnni, , ' ti Borne money la being withdrawn from thla ' market for Canada aa well as for Ban rranoieco. xne o epos us lor the lat ter BnrDOB are affectine tha ahowlnsr of Bub-TreaamTr operations, which-' - have taken S3.iw.una rrom the Dank since the lastbank . atatemenL There waa soma realising on the day's advance, but the Closing tone wa - generally nrm. , ' Bona were ateeay.. Tstai sals. . car value, 22.440.000. - . U. 8. 2a coupon, the 2s and tha old 4a resist area asciinea ' , and - the old Total aales stocks 712.808 shares. ' in. ciuaing: copper ,iw; cotton uil l.suu; Tobacco KOt Anooonda 2S.800; " Atchison ?i.wv; j. o. sw: Mt. fhui to.ioo: l. N. 1J00: M.- K. ii T. 49.W0: N W. 1.000; Reading l&l 400: Southern Rwy. l.OOO. pfd. 200; Tenn. Coal COOi Union Pa. oltlo 160.S00; Bteel ,2O0: Va..Cro, Chem ical 8.200, nfd. SW; Northern . Facluo 21. otoas-ttneRieia weet . sua.-.;. f ,, ... Baltimore.' Nov. f7. flea board Air Lin common t ana - prererreo. notntng Jormg. ",;i.!. . CLOSING, STOCK USTv . , --. Adama'KxpreM ...... 275 Amalgamated Copper.... .. II1 American Car ; Foundry .. .. .. 44 American Car 4k Foundry pfd., .... 10H American cotton uii.. ., ,. -..'. American Cotton Oil nfd.. 90 American Express -4.,,-t4 American Hid h . Leather Pfd.... American Ice..... ...... , ta American LJnseed Oil pfd.. ! 2 American tocomoiive .. ...... ,, American Locomotive nfd.. .. .... American Smelting aVRefngM American Smelting 4k Refng. pfd., American 4ugar KeHnlng American Tobacco pfd. ctf, Anaconda Mining Co.. .. ... AtchTkon '.. . ..... .... ... Atchleon. pfd ' .... . .. Atlantio Coast Line.. Baltlmor Jfe Ohio .. .. ..... 111 163 11 1354 27 1HZM lOlti 1 Baltlmor 4b Ohio pfd., .. ..I .. Brooklyn , Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific .. .. .. .. .. ire Central of New Jersey .. . .. .. .... Cheeaneak 4b Ohio .. .. .... 66 U Chteego Great Western .. .. .. Chicago aV Northwestern Chicago,' Mil. r SL Paul.. .. .... Chicago Terminal 4c Trana Chicago Terminal A Trana pfd.... C. 4X, C. 4b St. Lonls , Colorado Fuel A Iron,. . ......... Colorado . V . Southern ...... Colorado 4k - Sobthern Mat pfd Colorado 4k Southern ' 2nd pfd..... Consolidated OaS..' Cora Products Reflnlna .. .... ' 18 30S 73 92 54 It 1 1$ Cora Product RannlDaT - pfd.. ueiawara at .nuuson .... Dels ware, Lackawanna tt West.,, Denver Rio Grande 4. .. .. Denver aV Rio Grand pfd 646 42 8E2 DlsUllers' Securities .. .. Tta Erie ..... ..... ...... -.'. 44V r.rle 1st pro. ... ...., Erie 2nd pfd.... .... 07 General Klectrlo .. .. Hocking Vslley ,. Illinois Central-,.. ... nternatlonae Paper .... fnternatlonal Paper pfd .. ,r .. .. Iaternattonal Pump 1654 12V 43 Iowa Central nfd - 63 Kanaaa City Southern .. 204 Kansas uty souuiern pio.. .. ... s LouiavUle Nashville 1464 Mexican Central , 23 Minneapolis at ct. louts .. Minn., SL P. A Sault Ste. M ? 144 Minn.. St. P. ts Sault Ste. M. pfd.. 188 Mlasourl Pacific .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 041 Missouri, Kansas st Texas 4S' Missouri, Kansas 4k Texaa pfd..,. 71 National Lead... , .. . . 7G1 National R. R. of Mexico pfd .. .. 66' New York Central.. I. 12? New York. Ontario V Western, .... Norfolk 4k Western .. .. w ,. .. Norfolk V Western pfd.. , North American . .. ,.. Paclflo Mall . .. .j .., .....a Pennaylvani ... .. .. ... People's Gas .... ..'.-.- Pittsburg, C. C. A St' Louis ...... Pressed Steel Car Preeed Steel Car pfd,.., Pullman Palace car ... .. 235 wsaoing ... ii im 'ii .... 11'rl i Reading; 1st J)fd;;..... .OOj neaaing zna piai... ..... ..... .... (so . Republi Steel ,...a . ... jut A 20 r Republlo Steel pfd,. .....,. ,. ... Imrn hock istana uo. ,- vj ;-.,'' n rv, j.' k xrjiun . .n. u.u.. .. .... . ... - . , til. JLiouis se pan fine, sua psa., ,, - i Pt, Louis southwestern .. .. .. .. is St. Louis Southwestern pfd.. .. " 1 Southern Paolfte ...... ..... .... ., . t-4 nouinern racino sio.. a lis Southern Ranway;.. ., Routhern Railway pfd..' .. .... .... J4H 416 Tannese Coal 4k Iron.. .. Texaa 4k Pacific .... Toledo, St. Louis tt West Toledo, St. UouH eVWeat F '.... Union paclno .. .. .... Union Pacific pfd., , .. ,.... Union Paclflo 1 pfd.. to..,, , , ITnl.aa klilM TCrnruM . ! 161 1 88 i 4 63 187 - Tl . 115 si ; retrtted States-Realty .. .. I'niiea c 1 n ic nunvpr ,,,4 United States Rubber pfd., .. .... United States Steel .4 Unlted States Bteel 'pM.i ,. Vlrrinla-Curollna. Chamfnat 61 107 47 104 Vlrsinla-Carollna Chemical 1 Pfd.... inn Wabaslt .,..,., '.,'.,,.,.$.....,.,'; ltM Wabash pfd.. .. ... ..,.., .., 42 YTeus-rmnro toi press .p , zm westinahoiise jMeotria ..... . lfio Western Union' .... ..... ... ... 07 Tvnemins m juaae (vrw . .... , 1 1 WTsoonsIn Central .,.; -,... . .. 25 Wisconsin Central pfd.. . .!.. .,. m -M4 Northern Piielflo ',; ,., , T.f ,. ; 5232 Central leather; .... ... 27 Central Leather pfd... V 103 .. Bhss-Sherrield ... ,m ....,. ' 70 Great Northern pfd., ,. .,. .-.. 617V lnterborouh-Met. . .... t Interborouah-Met pfd., ,. . ., ..... 76V NEW. TORK BONDS.- S-. r tV B. refunding ii registered ...... lonv U. S. refunding 2a euupbn .. .. .t-r 1044 U, S. 8 registered .. ..".' ,, I 1 it Old 4 reltera ,,,.. ,1. 101 Old 4s ounoif .. ... .. loiul T,'ew 4s reKlstered ..,. '-'"' ) II. S. New 4s coupon JsoU American Tobacco, 4s - ' 77 American' Tobaccft-s. . . . w." US'. Amrrlcan' Tobnci-o-s. 100 Aicnison fnrl B. .- f.M-JW. Atchleon adjustment 4s..' ., ,. ,; soiZ Atlnntie Offlrt Una- 4a.-.V ..... 0741 Atchison general 4s.. l'), Baltimore A Ohio 4a.v ... , i, ,.,,-loi'Z Haltlmore & Ohio P4.,' .. .. .. ,, ' X'i Ilrooklvn R. T. ov. 4.......,.. ? ki Central of Georgia 6e fd .... .,.. lm2 Central of Georgia 1st Inc. ofd..., m 1 Central f Oeorla: fnd Inc. hid.. ' -74 Central of Georgia td Ino. Ofd..., 71 Chesapeake A Ohio 4s.. . ,. .. ,. ! Chicago St Alton Hs .... 7 Chicago, B.( qiilncy new 4.,. ,. , po Chioago, R. I. sfc Pacific R. R, 4a., 7ri Chicago, R. I. A P. It- R. eol. Ds.." .i'4 C. C. C. A SL IjOiiIs sen. 4s..' 1 ln" Colorado Industrial 6s Ser. A.. .... 7' Colorado MMInnd ).. ,. 7. Colorado Southern" 4a.. . i... 01 Cub 6s.. .. .. .. ...... ' l"t IVnvnr A Rio Grnnde 4.. ' trtatlllera' , Seotlritle 6 . , , 67 Kri prior lien 4s bid.... .... 10 Krle Ontral 4.,.: H.4 Hoi king Valley ,4t4s.. ....... ... Jnpun Ha... ,,, (i tj, Jupua 6 2nl flcrlf,. ... ,, , jnn 4' tr...... .... ....... in i vA PLANT lTOu'' BBWOttKXKO OLD JUTE BAGOmo" WILL ' . , PAT HANDSOME PROBTTS, PIiNB ' AND " ESTIMATEFXTR,' vanished bt i , . , t , ts. flDeKaini(iil(3ii''&- CarseiH O y t"4 XUeliiner' AgenU,' ! 1 .V; CUAJOIAWTE, NOHTII, CAROLINA; 1 I n f ( J T J 5bL7 t.JJ. wlv- I il I Doahle) rit Slngla Cylinder Jaoard. Louisville A Nash.' Unified 4a..;, : Mannacian mnaoi goia .,' ) Mexloan Central 4s. v ,. .. ,. Mexican Central lat Inc., Minn. A SL Louis 4s ofd.. ... .. Missouri., Kanaas A Texaa 4a:. ....... Missouri. .Kansas A Texas 2nd..., National R. K. of Mexico eol. 4a.... Nsw York Central geu. 8.. .. ... New Jersey Central sen. ' 6a.. ' .... I Northern Paclflo 4a..-., .t 1 nortnerq pacino a ., .. .. ... Norfolk A Western col. 4.;5....... Oregon Short Lin rldg. 4....... Pena. ev. 2 bid.... ... Reading General 4s., .. .. .. .. .. fit.- Louis A Iron Mountain col. 6s I SL Lout A Son Francisco fgf 4s.. KL Loula Southwestern col. 4s... Seaboard-Air Lias 4s ofd,. .. .. .. Southern Paclflo 4s.. .. Southern Paclflo 1st 4 ctfa bid....- Southern Railway 6s.. ., .. .... ,, 1 Texas A Pucifle lsts hid . .. .. .. 1 Toledo, St. Ijouls A Western 4a.... inmn facinn s.. ,, .. .. IV B. Steel 2nd 6s.. .. .. ...'' Wabash lata , .... ........ Western Md. Is.. H ...a.. Wheeling A Lake Erie 4a bid Wisconsin Central 4a .. Jspan 4a ctf CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 4J&lrsgo. - Nov. 27. Larger reoeipts in the Northwest had a depressing effect to-day on the local wheat markL but price ahowed little change, the Decem ber delivery closing at tha, figure as yes terday. December corn waa higher. Oata were up . Previsions wers 7 to 10 to 12 higher. . Nov. 27. High Low Close WHEAT X4ay sj July .. .. . Dec.. 7 77 . , TS 73 UVi 73 CORN May N ev .. .. ...... July.. ..... .. . IvM! e see 43 43 4 44 , 44 4J ii 44 a OAT8- Msy July.. ., Nov Dec SG S3 84 32 23V 23t S3 8 33V4 PORK Pork .. aUay so 74.KS 14.55 14.60 14.20 14.83 14.87 LARD- , Jaa.. Deo. .. ... Nov.. .. .. .. .. aVfafV a a 2.46 1.70 .26 2.46 7.77 7.20 0.4! -C7 1.17 (.37 7.72 tlS 147 170 S.26 6.46 7.77 RIBS Jan s 4eia a May , , Naval Store. i . Savannah. Ga.. Nov. 27. Turpentine firm 08: sales 1,07; receipts 1.288 ; ship ment 264. . . Rosin Arm, sales 1076; receipts 1272; shipments 1.(19: stock 8,8. Quote: A n H .. . T, tl t A e SA. m . anA . S.tO; V th.tO to 636; G 23.06 to M OD; H .16 to 24.20; I 24.37: K (6.10; M 66.69; N M.2S; W GJS-60) W W 66. 00. . . , Wilmington. Nov. 27. Bolrlts turnen. tine, nothing doing; receipts 1 s Rosin, nothing aoing; receipts lit, Tsr nrm 22.; receipts It r far firm (2.20: receipts 14.""' Crude turpentine Arm Ha. 24.50 and 24.60; receipts 1 , , , Tho Money Market. , , "New Tork. Nov. 27. Money J on ?' sail oloslng 4; o (tared at 4. Time loana dull and steady: 00 days 7! 0 days 7 to .5 per oanL; six months Prime ' mercantile' paper ( to per cent. 1 Sterling exchange steady with actual business in bankers' bill at 1486.06 to (486,70 for demand and at (480.46 to 486.66 for 40 day bllle. Posted rates 4HVs to $4(M. Commercial bllla 4N0. Banallver 4 Mexican dollars 63. Government bunds weak; railroad bonds steady. ... ? v'Vr.Tb Dry . Goods Market. New York. Nov. 27 The dry sooda trad holds strong. ' Wide sheetings have been edvanoed. Discounts hav been shortensd on dock. The -cotton yarn market is very strong. A fair export trade la ' reported and soma Inquiries war received this week for four-ysrd sheetings. . Ths - Christmas trad with jobber is growing larger- Rarward. Vlck Clark's Pally Cot loa ittr. , -. - , ' u furnished br ths Charlotte Cotton Ex Changs sna jfosra or nam. I- ; New Orleans. Nov., 27.iLiverDool auo- portsd bullish feeling by A full response to yesterday' advance in our. market a. eiiiira training aa much aa oolnta. spot price 12 point higher, and cablea generally bullish, reporting good busi ness continuing In Manchester with ap prehension among, exporter asoui tue grade situation, ; t ... Ths action of out markets to-day was perfectly logical. Confldencs In the ad vnr.oe Is not baaed upon tha solid ground 6t genersl undcrsupply, In which so fas but a few are believers, but people are impy following the apecldo feature of advancing spot markets on ths present oonoentratad demand. Now ss A non business day, such Vwe will have on Thursday,, will causa, an Interruption In trading,-, proni-iuxing anq reainction or bullish enterprise are only natural ' and as the feature were In evidence early In the dsy, our markets promptly gave way to long liquidation, future showing a decline of 14 points from opening prloe In the flint hour. As .no newt of nronounoed character was received from the local apol. market, trailing rn fu turea Mettled around that level; Unleaa spot newa becomee Very 'Strong further liquidation I looked ior. In futures be fore Thursdsy, ; ' v - While the principal spot markets In ths Interior are sending bullish reports una ss 106 to 1014 being paid for aver age receipts basis middling, opinions of local buyers differ greatly. Some bought ssiiy this morning st an advanc an ticipating another-boom, thla buying, however, , did not- become . general as ' ri , i? J C Before beginning your building operations, yon wmild do wei to crresion(l with ns for ilcm on ail sorts of Bnlliling Materials. Wo carry a fnll line f flooring, - Oiling,' Biding, inferior Trimrtilnirs, bauth. Jxtora, Illlndn, ui f . ' . Always preiMircd to the boat materials, and can save yon monrjr, , , , . nuTTON a nornnoNNAis. -. , - .I:' , IHO-ory, N. C i 'i :. .,r. . ' ..' t. .k' For , weaving uoholaterv ; rab- Ubta oovsrs, the IIALTON .; . , 1 - tapostrlea, tc '' ' DouM. lift . Jaco.nsrd Is the best machine made. , w hav machines used In this county tor making these goods. :Tbs. . Ilalton's Sons Philadelphia, Fa. v ALEXANDER A OARS ED, Southern Agents, ; , CKMrlatt. W 'ft . yesterday and tha latest reports say that ihs spot market Is quiet, less Inaulry and lacking snap; factors are Insisting on .full quotations. Probably we have to deal with, the usual reaerve preceding a holiday. - - .'- - , Further abowers fell in Texas but hv dlcationa are for generally clearing and Colder weather. . Shortly after tha - noon hour a raid waa mad on the market. Owing to the approaching' holiday with disposition predominant to reduce long commit ments rather than, inc reuse them. con. eitiona were favorable to It nd March contracta dropped to JO. 85. Aa there la tolay nothing more serious back of the depression than lack of enterprise before a non-business day, futures recovered sharply. The predominant Idru now current about crop else in between 12, 600,000 and lS.WO.OfO. H , V. A C. Uahbard Bros.' Cotton Letter. 8peclaJ ta Tha, Observer. ' New fork,' NovV !7. Under tho eover of an advance in November where there remained a few belated shorts who must have known the situation a month ago, the leaders In' the advance sold heavily, supplying th local traders who. looking for only a- slight reaction, were large buyers, la New-Orleans a simitar re alising . movement was In progreas so that the two markets gradually weaken ed when it wss found that the outside interests were, disposed to accept pres. eat prices rather than buy mere. The neer approach of the holiday had enma Influence In causing this liquidation which continued from the opening with hardly more than a alight reaction. M. B. A CO. O. B. BURHAN TKSTiriES AFTER .FOUR TEARS. Q. B. Burhaae. of Carlisle Center. N. Y., writes; "About four year ago I wrote you stating that I had been en tirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking leas than two bottle of Foley's Kidney Cur. Tt entirely etop wl thai brick duat aadiment. and nain and aymptom of kidney disease disap peared, i aa giaa to aay tnat nave never had a - return of any of those symptom during the four years that nave eiapsea ana l am eviaenuy cured to etsy rurod, an aeartuy roojmmejvo Foley's Kidney Cure t sny one utter ing rrom aianer t aiaaaey treuiu.- i SPECIAL RATES TO ' RICHMOND THANKSGIVING DAT ACCOUNT FOOTBALL OAlifl BE WE EN V. P. f. AND A. A M. NOV. JtTH. Tha Seaboard annouaoes account of the football asm between- V. p. I and A. A M. College la Richmond Thsnks givlng Day they , wlU sell tickets on Seals of one and one-third fare plua twenty-five S) cent from all points in Vtralnla. Including Charlotte. Durham. Weldon and all Intermediate points No vember ma. ana tor rorenooa trains on ths 2th. with ansi limit 01 Nov. 20th. From Charlotte su.d. For lurtner wrormauoa apply to C H. GATIS. Trav. Pass. AsL. RalMarh. N. C JAMES KER. JR..' City Pass, Agt. Charlotte. f. u,. ;.. . , CATLIW S. CO. 845 And 347 Broad?, Kan Boston PalladelphiaV, COTTON 7AEI:a 'All numbers, Skeins, Warps, , : Cops and Oones C0TT01T O00P3. ".:.'.' .;.. , . --v..-. i;tx ' - ' THE METROPOLITAN STJIUETT COMPANT , . of Net York'.": Capital and asaota. On Million Dol lars, , - --. , Issue Bonds of very t character, nod all forms of Burglary Insurants, i. Stat and County OfBclal Bonds a specialty. . .: Agents wanted In ayery oounty In North and Hout hCaroIlna, Address Clia. N. Vane. General Agent, . Bond BolUllnf ; ; yVasbiogtoa, .-',. ; ' ''? '.V----'' . ':. HA ' IW . jm : pAw' .'' ,W . ere prepsred to fdrnlah "POBBIES promntly til - ' .1 1. f UHS AS BHtn CBOMPTON-TlLiYEn JiOOM .3f'4..v.. C03IPANY r.' , 'fifl i Wtn-KCster. Mga. ALEXANDER :, GARSED, 1 u SmiImm Agats Okttotte,' ir. c., ';;'' v COTTON MILL: KUiACHI Mli PY. r V ft lf ,m (Fniiria Tawnai !''.' V".T-' !.''''. ;)-. nWW IlliniVl. .. .vi- . W sie . . ' 1 ; " i Crolrlnjr FUt Card; Drswiof Frames, . ?plnriin; Frames, i -v Twitters and Speoleri . ' Qulllers and Reels, ;o v,.' ws . C0A1BQR5 . i. r ETC, ETC FVBUO ACCOUNTANTS AND ., ... AVDITOnS r BE0WN & HUNTER Iavestlgatton. Examinationa. Cost ..' : "-. arateans t-'uamishejd. lSlt-lXSt Kmpim Balldmg, - . Aturnta, Cut. - . A. D. SALKELD is BRO., , TOMMISgQN MtXnCHANTS. .TS Leonard Street, NEW TORK. f COTTON TARNS. j- DEPTP , ' . ., - FredTc Victor & Acnells. HTJGH MACIiAl! & CO., . . Bjvnken - . Vr MlaoeBawsosiS soithen .WTJaMTN3TON, W. 43. ITastttnrtOB, D. O., dS Colorado Bld Cotton Ilill Stocks RICHARD A. BLTTHE, a . SP - .mm.m OonuniSSlOa iuarcjoaus. cxyrroN warps and tarns. ' N. 11 Cbestnat StrsL PKTLADIXPU1A, . . . V Wit D'OIalBB & CO, COMMI8SIOX MKROUANTS COTTON YARNS . Third and CTheetnnt Sts. Marlaer and Meretuint Bldg. PttlLA DKl iPHIA, FA. Manufacturers and v Jobbers , enntly and tt necessary to Msg Banking FaclUtle In ad ttlUon to those offered by local tanks. . THB first National Bank OF RICHMOND, , VIRGINIA. WKH . f 1, 000,000.00 trapltat Earned M-h-wIh gsOO,K4).00 (5,600,000.00 Deposit $,000.OO0.u; Ttttal Iteaoitrms Offers Jnat the Additional Fa cilities Re-oalrod. Jno. B. Puree 0, President; Jaa. M. Miller, Vice Preeii dentt Chas. R. 4 Bernett. As sistant Ceahlert 4 J. C. Joplin. Asalstani Ctetaier.. , HAYWARD, VICK Ccllcn Cc ""rcci41! timilJJIwJ MILLER & CO, ' BANKERS AND BROKERS. . iMwadway, New Vera. Memberet .New York Mioca a-xebange, mra suHia Btaouanaf. i i1rVduosMETa Ohr 'KtsVZ 1 bang Board ef Trade, Philadelphia Stock Ks Sbaage, 14V r Cotton Assoelatioa. kaaouta srs for ths pursaass et sal ef settea, stocks, grata Sf prsvl. Ions lor sssn or es margin.' Soeclal attenUoa ta erdars ay aaaiL TPhon or telegraph. . " Braaeh Offjoej Utl East Mats Street lF. BV ALEXANDER, Manager. ; . 1 t ink; - .o WE1TID ... C rail : ; The Sfaffor ;;V-; , ij Readvillee Mass Q'iffilf Mai will: do well' ! to t Ideal" 'V;;'meah,WSolvlnVthc':ia :- us and we will, expkin how you can ; part ot your labor trout3ies ALEXANDER & i . Southern SdKn - Stuart W. Cramer, ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR : ' f ;...(' '.. Clobbers, , Vbgf Framaa ."S-tfc. t ' " A ASa, mr i ' t i "S : L 41 it, i ii jwttviwvuai 'lotermedlateJ Jack Frames JENCICEMSPINNpNCICO. ":V';PArVTU0KETrR. I. - COTTON TABJ SPUfNXRfl. CONVKRTERS AND IJSAXJBJI&' . . ' CorrsspMdsnoa Ttrttlt 8othrn Spinssrs flollcltsd. V' 0. A. ROBBINS TOSIPLETK CQTJIPMXNTS FOR .COTTON' MILLS. POWER KJUrTtV CCNKRAL . CHARLOTTE, ElKsH'CRADC v SPINDLE, 0 Btn Ofst ana ureases. MoncmsBng -uramsesj,-, xveway-isiasn a-snsisa Oald Water Palnta. Agents Wattles' Dresatee Ooumseeds, -; ; CEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CTARXorne, n. c. J. SPENCER TURNER CO coinnssioir merchaistaU . : WTK2BSI yaw Tes,, flaetytraa. Yevrns and Cotton Piece Goods. PAULSON, LINKROUM & COM STS LEONARD STREET - -lSS CHESTTNTJT STRKKT MONROK STREhrr - iilliam B. diaries eHusa Cherlette N. O. Bootes Mass. and Aasartsrdan V. X. Matn OfSee -Atnstertaai. N. T. SMTABLISHXD 111 I P DilS & COMPANY Ccttcn Connnissioi Uerdianls MEMBERS OF " The New Tork-Cotton Exchange, Nsw Orleans Cotton. Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, New Or leans Board of Trade. , Oo-tton Rxohange Bntlding i i . . . NEW ORLEANS gpswai ausauon srivsn to sxaouting ex erasrs M -eentraeis tor ruture de livery ef eotten In all the market-, OORRSBPONDRNCH SOLICTXXD. HUBBARD BROS. & CO. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW TORK. MEMBERS OF Nsw Tork Cotton Et ehangs, New Orleans Cotton Ex saange, Assodat Members . Llvsis sol Cotton Exchange, , DERA SOUCITED For the pur. ehaaa and sale of eotten for future delivery. . Oerrespoo dance Uvltea. -- - - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. uoicon xarns ana uotton v. ' ' Cloths. . :., CONSIGNMENTS SOUCITED. i Philadelphia, 123 and im CbesttMlSt Boston. 1SS Snanntss St. - ; New York. No.,ta .-Leonard SfcVV . . . i : Cliarlotte, US a... Tryon St. a, ; v Urn mLm Automatic ; Loom i GARSED Agents r CHARLOTTE, N. C v, SAN0N eernifi ;' (, v - -W 9wm g4ww.-.ciiww- if 4te.Ba-sK BBkl SS fmil tl t railur. lUlLOINO 1 " Awomatlc Feeders, C 'I ' Operierf and Trunk Dreakcr, Lntermedlate and . Finisher Lappers, Klrschner Carding Beaters . Thread Cxtractora, ' ' :-t Wasta Pickers, tto. Raw Stack Drwtrtv, iTTC-ErCeC:-' h ; ; " 'v."'i MACHXNCRT. ' , 1 NORTH 0AR0LI1TA. LOOM, ; CNCIM! AND VALV2 OMeage. Sc aVesdi -.- NKWrORsI . . . raSLAPELPUiA m op - -s a w -sv A a w4t a w OOTTOlf TARNm, OOTTON COOPS. AND COTTON WASTH, BARTLETT, FRAIIEB 4 ,v CARRINOTON, . ;f Now York. N. T. .' -.l' - x MEMBERS New Tork Cotton Exohang New Orleana Cotton " Exohajtg : Now Tork Stock Exchange ..,"'.; Chicago Board of Trade f -:x " FLCMINO CO, . '' Correapon dents, , ,' !: ROCK UXLL, SL ft, , ... . ot rn a rtnrTrrm a arm rUDiUU AVVUUil AAA! A - AND AUDITOR ft U SMITH.. tS 8. Tryesi 64-, . C11ARLCTTTE, H. O. . rriinlnilAM and Amtlta. ... rartt.4- ul fit.f-m.n,- 'TtandaraA Imamiail Systems of Bookkplnp d . Cost Accounting Installed, f '' . BOND DEPARTMENT ' WACHOVIA 10AK 1RUST OAXT VilNSTON-SALEM, N. C BONDS AND STOCKS. Ws Invite . correspondence from partlea ' desiring to buy or. sell, v ' '-i ,.i ' '.'.. i '.. Our . list . at - Invsstmento mailed spon. application. , i ,t t ' " v -; irj; ft i investigate;, the , v "solve at least1 Japsa 4,, cti. 2nd Series.; i

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