CilAIMXiVi; DAILY . . i 1 i i i i , t.o:;i; moki: mixi.k. , 'in Cotton Oil Company at Da ' ' n Jiclli-vrs Water Scarcity I crn-icrs Buy Wood , Sawing Ma. Unr. f pedal to The Observer. , Davidson, Jan. J. Not every hunt er report aurh fine luck aa lo Mniri "Welter Torrance and Johnle Brown from their hunt on the latter's -plan- tation a few days ago out toward th Catawba, Their day find wa ' 1 i eovles. all but two of these In the af-. ternoon. Making no mention of the "wounded," they return aa the "kill ed" and bayged the large number of 67. The Southern Cotton Oil Company ha , been troubled thin fall with a scarcity of water and la relieving the embarrassment of the situation by boring two additional tube wells.. Other recent addition to the plant consist of an enlargement of the office to twice Ita original alee and the building of a large room where com mercial fertiliser aro to be mixed ready for sale and Acid and kanit are shipped here in bulk for , the company's use. It would be agreeable news to the farmer In thin section to know that these several constituent of a complete fertilizer ".would also be sold separately If no dealred or mixed a the farmer wishes, aa in the rush season Hnd also ' fn the Interval between seasons It Ih sometimes difficult for the merchant to keep on hand the needed quantities 4t these. I Mr. M. J. Blue, of Effland, who wan .'"formerly employed here, ha i returned to Davidson to till the place made vacant by f the removal of Mr. I I. Frazler to Charlotte, where he continue with the company In the office there.. , The latent addition lo Mr. rald well's and Dr. Crey's equipment In a Hf for cutting houne wood, the "whole machine being made of steel and Iron and doing Ita work most ex ; pedltlously. A combination of Inter ' esta and a common Investment on the part of aeveral neighbor In the pur chase and ue of the more expensive machines and Implements of work : will relieve very greatly the acuteness . of the labor ouestton on the farms. " though even the very best and most scientifically conducted still need and always will the hired man. Mr. Chandler, representing the Southern Klectrlc Power Company, has beet here for several day, ar ranging with the owners of the land ' and purchasing the right of way for the electric wire line. Dr. Shearer was his escort for a part of to-day ver the doctor's little farm. Just north of the town limits. One of Davidson's prominent busi ness men Is telling thin one on himself. He snd hi friend were chatting In his Office when the. latter remarked : "If you will send me a statement of my account I win r"y y whiU 1 ow' yOU. for I guess the account lias been running long enough." "All right," aid the creditor, " Til send In the statement at once." The next ilay he aent hi friend the bill and waited, as he thought. In vain, for the promised check. Home time after that, meet ing hi friend, he remarked: "I sent you that bill, but after ull It does not appear that you were in any 'tear-your-ihlrf haste lo pay It." "Why," replied the surprised friend, "I sent you the check the next day. And I remember going Into the Whlie-Cot-ton drug store, getting from the desk an envelope that hail the tlrtn's name on It and mailing the die, k to you." "Thunder!" exclaimed the recipient, "I got that letter, but I thought it was a bill for me from the drug Store. I tossed It Into the plKeon hole In my desk and there II ha lain ever since." FILL DRESS I NIl'ORMS. Washington Soldier II") Are St)llsh ly liulliM-d MIiiIhIi r' A mm 'In lion Formed. Special to The Olmcrvci. Washington. N '. Jan. !' The Washington I.IkM Infantr) Company O is making ample preparallohH for the army mario. in i . and the James town Exposition next Mimmci. The armory Is being k pt i " ' evei y nlithi for drills, and Hi. intnp.iny In making every effort to n.rur. tin- regulation full dress coats. When them- aie re ceived, with the . ,ip and trous ers recently leceivrtt. Company will b one of the few staii Cuard m. panics havlnic lat -t (nil ilr. uniforms At the mormiiK in ih, in tlst Church SiitmIim I ii Merer, the pastor, nnnnum l in ih nnnri' gatlon that u lady nuiniiir ..r Un church had decid'-d to undertake in support B native missionary In ' Mn.i. beginning with this year 1 1 on y,v la the amount nei eHsarv foi Oils pur pose, snd the payment" Mill be made ouaXterly The different nilnist'i of the iliy tiave met snd formed a mlni-ier' ,i SOClatlon. The following ministers wera present: Rev 1i M'-r. i of u,, Baptist church, Rev lr i;n.r . . r i ti. Presbyterian (hut ( h . Ki v a n Cun ningham, of the Christian hun h and Rev. A. IV Tyer. of the Methodist church. Mr. Cunningham ws made president and fr Mercer si-i retar) Dr. Mercer was instructed to dtaw ip ft suitable constitution and hy-laws. The object of this nssoi hitlon x to promote fellowship and uni ty and to work together for tin- up building of God's KliiK'loin ihiouKh- Ut the city and oiunii Mr. Samuel Cair-iw I In- . ity. has been selected ,y ihe i; i.. ri I'orl ner Brewing Cotupariy .i- hiuiiiko of . the local branch in this . a- Mr Nfwmsn, the reni maii.iKi i . ill . have to be away for some tltm or ,(, count of the iHni ss f his it. HIRTHOAY OF ;f. it I-:, i l l: . . -i. ' Th eorth t'arollna llllon of ilic I DC. Will ObM-re IIm- Amilii-rsar) In Fitting Msniier. ' Th following Instrui lions Iiiim Wen sent out to the Slal division ol . the IT. l. C, ' Mrs l.l.Zle Ceolue Jlenderson, president gtnrrai ."The P. I) C. are to uniii with Ih Other Confederate ..nbi in I be tihservsnce of the one bun. lr. .lib an tirversary of the birth ..( den Uobi K. Le. The celebration is to be held nn January IVth at 1 - m . nd the following programme Is to he laill.-d out: 'Prsyer. .'Hymn "How Firm a Kotindntii.ii ' 'Reading of Or tier h I lee's Farewell Address to Ihe Confederate Army, i "'Hong (by rholri 't ome I'nto Me "Address on the 1,1 fe and charac ter Of Oen. Robt. P.. lee 'Hymn 'For All the Saints Who tmm Their Labors Rest." Mrs, Wm. II. Overman, of Salls tiury, Terorder of rross of hnor for North Carolina, wlltglndjj: ....continue to, forward all sppllcatkms for crosses until January 12th. the time limit si lowed hT. - - - '. j rrtes get qules relief frnm fsr ghoup't ie tilnimem, hememlier it's pmhI I...V4 tnt Vt it wortw Willi ree tsbHy sn4 sutlefsetlen, Itehlr. pslnftl. t roil letlng. of Mind ttlles ilPienr like , -m- by ) ne, Trr M a4 m bur- i 1 Ioibo Jieisd Htrt. ... .. MOWS OK UAIVNF.Y, H, C. Ijn-b1 Train t ors From CHini'lottc to - tiaffney In Only 73 Hours May . Iliilld Bridge Over Klioals. ... Special to The Observer. Guffney, S. C, Jan. One of the freight engines attached to a through freight on the Southern "went dead" at Gaffney Sunday night, and did not get away from ' Oaffney until ,a lsto hour Monday afternoon., A local train recently i left Charlotte at.;, 8, .o'clock Tuesday morning and arrived at Gall ney Friday nioi-nlng, a distance of 04 miles. ; Operator Cathay, ih hare of the railroad oftlce here, was on duty for ' Is" hours consecutively ; up to-2 o'clock - Monday 'monlntl.rt':' Apropos of 'the county , bridge, at Gaston Shoals on Broad river, Mr. 1 .T. "Randall met the county", commis sioners at their meeting . on Monday and, in a most eloquent ' and logical speech, presented the matter to them so forcibly that they appointed,, the following committee to Inquire into the practicability of the scheme, and the probable cost ; 3. A Carroll, L. Y. Randall, J. Q. Little, J. N. Plpscomb, W. H . Ross, L. It. Ross, 8. C. Carle ton. Louis Hopper, Wm. Phillips and E. r. Lipscomb. All of these gentle men are good practical business men, some of them being, residents of Cher okee township on the other side of the river, and it Is safe to say that the county commissioners will weigh carefully any recommendation which the committee may decide to make. Messrs. T. B. Butler and J. B. Bell were In Spartanburg yesterday on business before the court which con vened In that city yesterday. I'OSTOFFICE HF.CKIITS. Figure Given Out by Postmaster Paul, of Washington, . ('.. Show Increase of 17 a-4 Per Cent. Dur ing 1000. Special to The Observer, Washington, N. C, Jan. . A very interesting report of the volume of business done at the Washington postofflcc has been given out recent ly by Postmaster Hugh Paul and It shows a steady and Increasing busi ness that reflects moro clearly than any other one thing the growth of the city. The transactions through the postoffice are generally conceded by all to be the fairest Index to a city's growth. The December sales amount ed to $1,291.68. The sales during the last quarter amounted to 13, 421. 0, compared with the corres ponding quarter of last year, which was $2.910. 25, showing an Increase of $611.25 on 17 3-4 per cent. The sales during the current year reached $11.- as compareo 10 iu,.uj.ii last year, the Increase being $1,709.- I 40 or 16 1-2 iter cent. This is the larireKt l.., ever mad In one year since the postoffU'e has been es- j tabllshed in this city. The money order business, which ; is never included In the rstlng of a! postoffice and Is not recognized In the ligures which show the amount of business done has also reached a y Bank of Salisbury Re large scale and its growth during the j.., onl(.(l,Xo Uun,h Bulkl past 10 years has been almost mar-. ,nc nm, ,Atu s,.l,0inr. velous. This business amounted to ,m , T,.p obHrv(.r. about $30,000 ami Is a large Increase j,,,,. ,.A 1)1P(ir,K llf te over the year 1 905. notwithstanding : ylritl Na,Mni, Bank to-day reunited In a bad year. Postmaster Paul since ! ihe re-electlof of Messrs. John 8. Hen hls administration has made many ; 'l-tson. T. r. I.lnn. Mutton Cralge, A. H. Improvements In the office and Is to ! I ' 'ec II. N. Woodson, " alter H Wood , . , . j .u r , i 'son. VV R. .strachan and V . C. t oughe be congratulated on the fine show Ing , ,. .net.oT. lor the ensuing year, he has made. J Capt. V C. I'oughenour was again elected president; T. ('. I.lnn, vice piest- DISI'I.EASt RK AT SCHEDM.E. w 11 w,,l'-L,,'"1,,,1,",': Kl " j Woodson, teller. J. V. f'lumnier and J. ' . . I.. Klsher, hook-keepers. The annual Many PassengerH Ini-oitvenlcnccd by import w,. -he lv,i this splendid Instl- Non -Connect Ion of South: rn and ; tnlim h.u yet made. A. . at Sanfortl. Special to The Obsi-rvet'. Sanford, Jan. -The new schedule on the Southern which went Into ef fect Monday in;ide imlte a change In the situation here. The Southern inn! ('oust l.lne heretofore used the same train through from Mount Airy lo Wilmington. Just changing en gines and crews here. The . hange Is unite an Inconvenience to the travel ing public. According to the old schedule the Const l.lne from Wil mington arrived here at I: Ii.'. p. m.: the Southern took It out at t:1 p. m. The Southern train arrived from Mt. Airy at 3 ii,. the Coast l.lne taking ll ; out ..' 4 The Coast I. in h,.i "dlllo -land- as It was. hut the Southern leave" eat Her and arrives later, leav ing for Mt Airv at 2:IR in, ar rlvlnir ttoin Mt Airy at ' p m The tirst day the Southern bit on nine. H. the Coast l.lne arrived a few minute" Hter w ith about pas sengif. who wished to go on Ihroiigh. hut lisd lo wait till the n-xl after noon The Southern then came In al fi o'clock with about LMI pasm-tigcrs who wauled to k u hlch left on tlm till ihe nem aftern the South, rn I- I on the ( 'oast l.lne, , . hut had to wait ii 1 1 seems I bat blame for this hniiKi as t.ii us i an be learned, and II is heliiK snail) condemned '"' cx- iiiiiiik I rh an alieadv bad system This hlinge. of .out-.e iloer llo affei l sUnf II (food man. I mil ,in III nind I ha I blow-. 1 1 1 I n I v Mr II II I'owell th. hotel h ib IlKhled u H h the . haiiKc NF.W tlt. N HUI l WIImhi Bupll-ls liislsll l ine Mu-lciil liiNirumciit A si. uimi I lr- Tn-Kir ItiMil Resign-. Spei lal to The i ib-. t v i t Wilson, Jan The Wilson Drug, I'oinpany has pun based throiiKh Mr I'M I. nulls, of Ih' Amcrl' an Soda Water Fountain tompsnv. a hand sonic Innovation fountain to be pbu --.I by March I. The apparatus will be the tlnest of the kind III the city Yesterday afternoon about ! o'clock lire was discovered In the third story ot the annex to Ihe Wilson Sanl i.itlum Tib' IiIiiki' "a . xtltiKUlshcd wnh about II."1" I""s I" the building i ml oUlenf. Til. new $ J.Oli'l. organ tor tin- Klr-n Hiiptl-l church MirHe.l to day and Is being .iit up by representatives of the fai try The organ IH be one of the hindsoinest In the State. Ilr J Itoy.l Jones, pastor ol the hi Istlim church, bss reslnne.1 his liasloiate here to lake effect Fehru iim I Mr Jones will go to Indiana It is to the general regret of hi i nlire ugn-gHtlon and of the people n . rally that Mr. Jones will leave 11 son Ills successor her has not vet been announced. Tli' ministers of the Methodist. Baptist, Chi 1st lun, Presbyterian and KpitM opsl churches are holding re IIuIoiim services dally Ibis week The wrvli if will be In the nature of unlmi services, with egrhsnge (if pulpits CatHtttia MimtiiimI AIiiiiiiiI Organise. H peel si to The observer. Hickory. Jan. . Al the residence of Mrs. K. II. Cllne, the Culavtba County Chapter of the Asaoelstlim f Former Students of the Htale Nor- insl snd Industrial College, has been organised. Mrs K. II. Cllne. of Hickory, was elected president snd Miss Mamie Digon, secretary and IreSMUrrr, There were eight former students prem.nt and the meeting was a lively one. Much enthusiasm Is being shown snd It I safe to say that tha Interests of the Btate Normal College are well guarded la Catawba county. A num ber of students from Newton snd other, places la tha, oualy, will JoUi Uttr, CONCFKT AT mooiii:svilliv The Musical live, a Star Course At traction, Will Give Kntcrtttlinuciit ".To-Morrow Night UanUn Com i puny Organised. , ,'..',. Special lo The Observer.. Monresvlllc, Jan. The '.Musical Flvo Friday night at the . academy promises to be one of the best en tertainments in the star course given under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias and the Junior Order, ' This company Is sometimes known under the sub-title of the Boston "Ar tistic Novelty Company-n This tltla Is due to the various, combinations In which they appear during a single en tertainment. ; They constitute nrst "of all an orchestral club using the ; fol lowing Instruments: violin, clarionet, cornet, trombone and piano. They are combined Into ; a quartette, rendering both popular and classical L ? music. Then appear the soloists: Mr. Heffcr man, violin; Mr' Wilson, saxophone; Mr, Trlda, cornet; Mr. Harvey, trom bone. ' ' The vocal selections' are 'rendered by a quartette 'consisting of Messrs. Hofferman, Wilson, Harvey md Pe ters. This part of the programme Includes the best old-time songs of the North and South with special so los by Mr. Hofferman and Mr. Har vey. For those who enjoy -a whole some laugh Mr. Wilson will appear In one or more humorous character sketch readings. The W. W. Rankin Company has been organized with a capital stock of $100,000; paid In capital. $10,000T The following officers were elected: John A. Rankin, president; C. A. Mayhew, secretary and general man ager; . I. Bradley, first vice presi dent; B. M. McNeely, second vice president. Mooresvlllc people are (Clad these gentlemen have decided to continue business at the old stand of W. W. Rankin ft. Company. This change was brought about by the re cent death of the senior member, Mr. W. W. Rankin. Capt. J. W. Mrdock, who has been railroad supervisor for the Southern Hallway on the Midland road for the past few years, has bean promot ed to the position of roadmaster over the Mooresvllle division, with head quarters at Winston-Salem. By the promotion of Captain Murdock the company has secured a roadmaster of much ability, always faithful to duty. While Cuptaln Murdock will have offices at Wlnnton-Salem he will continue to make this his home and his family will remain here. Attorney Zeb V. Turlington and Mr. M. W. White have, gone to Ral eigh. Mr. Turlington Is a member of the House of Representatives. Mr. White Is the representative from the MooreHvllle Lodge of Masons to the 'I . . . l. j I- rl Ig'aiio louge. w nicn convene.. ... rKh Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McKee, who hp" 'a!,t "prlng to visit the West and South, have returned home. HANK OFFICERS CHOSEN. I, uelus Allen, the South ( rttnllti.t ne gto. who i badly esrvfd two colored women S.nday iiftennon, was nlveh it itrelimliinry heailnn this innrtiliig and layoi fro. Tern. I,. I',. Helllg gave him H ehanee to gel out of Jail i-n $1) twtnd. He was not aide to ri.lse it and will re mit hi In pr'so'i until he In tried al the February term. The neuro wild he was In double with the women snil was blockaded at. Ihe dix r Willi a blfr stick iiinl a tiiHit lie. therefore, had to cut hi- way inn. The oilier evidence was lo- cut his way in and came near ending the llve of two. The lliil'illng ti ml lian scheme, en- glneere.l by Ahlertuai, 1,.K lleillg. Is I lo be launched In a f w day and S. WIllkowKKt. of Charlol:.-. has written thai l-e will be here to projei-i h. The K..INhury people are verv desirous of. i K ii .' ii iimiiwps.) tciii .l.. I .1... all! U a Mi i 1 1 (in- III" ling "i ' ' "in " number of other imakeis In the city. . Then will be tomctlilng like tt.00 shares I w oh w hi' Ii lo heitln. 1 Mrs le H Overman b-fi yesterday ; loi Washington, where sbe (oins lite ! S' : ator fm the soring lerni Mrs. Over ! n an liml be. ti an honored Invited gucvt si ,i number ot llie mm.. events of a-liinxt n society It al she nil. He. I dur ! Ins the holidays ' Mi. ti Van Wyek. Jr. of Anieisoii. H c left this nmi ulna for Washington and I ,ee riovcrsttv whi re he attends h ' )(l I Mr Van Wyek was detained on a w.ll to hilt aunt. Mn. W II. i man. I v Illness, l ecnvnliipj enniiirli le.iunc Ids trip The (JnolNlloii In the IllncUbiiru Cnse. Ti i lie lalltor of The tiUsrver In Tie Send-Weekly Otisetver ot Jan- ii.ii v 4 il was an inlereslini: id'tortnl 1 nrilei the .iiptlou of "The Had t'ase of j Mr C I a . kbii'-u " But II Win Ihe hile U '. Mi.Hiiow. not flrli k I'oineroy, : wlio mull. "Wlien ('.oil Alnilslitv lavs. ' Ills leu I on a man 1 take mine ' If." .Mi riowiil' was tcniying lo a nine loi. u.oi. I insrlf written bv the hue Ceo 1 1 II Hill. New went nut from vValiiiiiil.ii. tlni' Ml. Ilrownlow was In vet In ilt It (len. 1 regnrded I - li.ill lr- .lib .i ,1 JialKineut sent upon I on .ml sal'' so ll was then that Mr. In. widow rote the above. ne o'Imut Is usually so Correct lllil a si'', use i ne arsive encues sur prle J A STIKBI.KATHKU. Illl-e J.llllllilV t Plumbing Concern IuicIhhI at High Point. Siv ...I i The ills-river. IHuli I'nlnl. Jan. 9. Ihe rhatidard riuii.l.iiii; Conipiiny Is the ttyle of i new ' ern oiKanlxed here lo .lav. with n caulcil iloeK of ttt.IO. The ne..rM.rH l". are W I Montgomery, Frank C It.. i I'm. ..el IV, 1 1 MadJox. f I j K It I In. ,,t.. h K HII-s, of Wlmton. I ' 1 . 1 1 I . . . i it n ail lines and branches will he hun, . .1 .nut tlx. new en.nHliiv slttria in mest auspi. loiuly. T1.o office of .he . .mi ern will lie on Kngllh street, the liiind"iiie display rooms holntig In il.e t r The i i N.i 1 1. 'tin I rtnuk of Ihls ph. i e i .-dsv In rensert In capital ' slock (, rA'K1 l H VI Ull Mnry of Hie Wilson Homicide. v S e. till I ' The ihnnrver. Wilu.ii. Jim. s, lit uee Units n proves in tie tlm nam of th" negro who died I ...I ninhi from pistol shoi w.uiivls. tired Iv Jese Tut fey. another negro, yesler .1 . afternoon III thl clly. Tnrfey and ilmr negioes wrrt. lalkliia.- when ltrown 1 drove un In n wagon and topped o i fek -rune hnv Hint fell off, llmtn ma I Sen iimi lie nsn neen snot six limes Turfey uil.l lie lisd liol hetMi shoo in the rlahi place. Brown hss.hI him If he wnmed in try It. Turfey said, "I wlu't s.iriv." pulled hla gun nn.l tired three iw.i bulls inking effect, m.e enler- .hh . 1. ii I,..,.,, T11...U ...r.t.1 TI,. ,tlt,M was over 'a woman. ttil'NTV AS8r.HS"1R WAYI.AII1. J W, (Vulter. of laHlle. H. ll.. As seor nf BUuley eounly, rebilea th folio wlnj; "I was Waylaid by a compll cut ton f throat and lung tr.nihliM, bmh t hu u. n.ihms snd a terrible rough, which fleeted m for years, when I was Surude.l to try Dr, King's New Ineeoverr Rellrf rsme almost Immedi ately, aed In s short time permanent cur reealted " Nn other metlleine com psres with It s s sine asd auiek curs lor eo'tglia snd ftulds. It cures after all ether remedlr have fulled. Kveiy hot aKMameni mt all ruistis Prloa Wn and I1.0 Trial botUs frte. , v .:: ok :t son-urn. Petition Presented ' lo Howan Com mlwiloners AsUnir ltrlIn Over Main Lino of Southern Ncur Kails bury -Guard I'lned $I.V . special to The Observer. -; Salisbury. Jan. 9. 'Tho , county commissioners met yesterday In their regular monthly session, all members of the board being present. The day was consumed In routine business, but petitions were presented for number of Improvement and a pro posed bridge over the west crossing on the Trading Ford road was the biggest thing asked, '.'v'-m As to the petition for a bridge over the main line of the Southern three miles from Salisbury and at the JSSd mile post, the commissioners decided to take It up with the railroad au thorities. It is an especially danger ous place and the double track has rendered It more so. The cars aro divided at the .jncture of the rail and dirt roads and 1 persons driving on to the track often do, not know which way the trains are coming un til upon . them. 'V The reports of ' Superintendents Carter and Horah, of the county road forces, show 65 convicts. 69 colored and six white.. This ratio is made larger than ' Usual because several of the whites, lumped their jobs. W. B. Hartley was made superintendent, of camp No. 2," at, a salary of $50 per month. The commissioners did an unusual thing to Guard Baxter Jacobs. He had charge of the-Carmthers and Tom Brown prisoner when they es caped and so brutally Insulted the bloodhounds by horieylnK them along and driving them back. Mr. Jacob wa charged $15 for his alleged carelessness. Guy W. Cox, who yesterday bought the Union Copper Mine, of Gold Hill, left last night for Boston, where ho sits this term with the State Senate of his native 8tate. Mr. Cox has served another term and is a popular Republican politician. He will re turn as soon as his legislative duties will .allow him and take up the big mine proposition. BANKS DECLARE DIVIDENDS. First National and Commercial Na tional of High Point Reward Stock holders Freight Train Breaks Down and Causes Trouble. Special to The Observer. High Point, Jan. 9. Both the First National and the Commercial National Banks, of this place, at their meet ings yesterday declared the usual five per cent, semi-annual dividend, which left a nitre balance for the profit ac count The - Commercian National Bank Increased Its capital stock to $150,000, all of whlcii was taken at the meeting with application for more. The old officers were elected by both the Commercial National and the First National. These two banks, 'together with the branch of the Wachovia Loan and Trust Company and the High Point Savings and Trust Company are doing a splendid busi ness. Yesterday a freight train was stalled here In a rather unusual manner, while making the run for a siding within the city limits and while on the Main street crossing a draw-head was pull ed out. The train came to a sudden standstill. The suddenness of the ap plication of the air brakes pulled a second draw-head at the other end of the train near the engine. It was Im possible to move the train one way or the other for a long time. In the meantime the officers, not knowing the trouble and being aware of the fact that tha city ordinance had been violated In regard to trains blocking the crossing for five minutes, had "It" arrested, but at the hearing when the facts were brought out tho matter was dismissed snd the train allowed to pursue 11 Journey. One of the passenger trains was blocked for sev eral minutes on account of the nccl dent. DIES FROM PA Mi. J. T. Ilcnd. iMin, Young Man Who Fell From Factory Roof Monday, Dies From Wound. Special to The observer. Durham, Jan. 9. James T. Hen derson, who received such a hard full yesterday while at work on the new factory of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company In east Durham, died yesterday from the effects of the hurt he received then. Concus sion of th,. brain was the cause that brought about his death. Jt was tlrst thought that there was a fracture of the skull, but if this was so It has not been found Mis remains will be taken to his old home near DanvJIle to-morrow and there the interment will take plnce. Henderson was a young man. being Just 27 years of age. He moved to ihls county from Danville som six yeHrs ago and lived In the country near here until thrt or four weeks ago, when he mover! to Durhnm. Since moving to the, county he mar ried Miss Daisy Hodges, who Is the (laughter of Wlllh'm 8. Hodges, BJid of this union there are two children. The wife H also living. He was Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Henderscti, both of whom urn living ami -,11 reach here to-night. He left four brothers and one sister, ull of whom live in Virginia In the tall Monday he hud hold of a window casing and this, being b'r. temporarily placed In nmi'lii. gnv away and he fell 21 feel, h head striking the lloor. Ho n.-v-r rc E. 'nrc consciotiMiieM and l ite lest night It was seen that he coal I not mi over. tiOT STOLEN IIORSF. Slierlff Freetiian Captnres Aslievllle Fqulne ji (trei-nvllle, S. p., ami Sends Xsage That Mlglit be Mli undersKHHl. Special to The (ibserver. Ashevllle, Jan !. A horse stolen from the stable ..f f rt. McDarls, In tills city. has been- rSNvrd by Slierll J 1.. Freeman, of Henderson county. In Greenville, 8. C. When Sheriff Hunter, of buncombe, wus notllled yesterday of the theft he immediately sent messages to the sheriffs of the surrounding counties with request thst they keep a look out for the a til ma I and anyone that might be riding or driving It. Sheriff Freeman, of Henderson county, got on the track of the stolen animal and fussed the thief into South Carolina, recovering the horse at Or nvlllc. The Henderson county sheriff to-day sent this message to Hherlff 1 unter: "Greenville. 8. C, Js 1. 8. "Sheriff Hunter. j ."Ashevllle. N. C. j "I have steiipn horse. Will ho In Ilendersonvllle to-night. , "J. U FREEMAN." The message did not, atata' whether or not the Henderson county! sheriff had raptured the thief.' tt w sun posed here, however that' lie did, Sheriff Hunter will send to- Ilender sonvllle for the animal and also to take Into custody the) thief If he has been captured, -. , . ' "-' ' I Croup en positively be'sfnfpeil In S minute. Ne vomiting nothing to sick en or !islres your rhlld. A sWeel, pleas ant, end safe Syrup, called Dr. Snoop's I' rutin Cute, does the week Kn4 doea tt Julrkly. Dr. B hoops ('roup furs Is for :rup aloes, rcmemcbr. f does not claim to eure a aosen ell moots, jn for I '"Mils, that's sJU .) ay l)U)-wu-DM Retail Hot. - WANT I i n i s at i. "' v m m:. t'oi.niiKi'ittidii ami Val i Coiul.liic to Ilamiifte .ooli In Tu, loch's Store A Homo DiHtrojcd liodxe Officers Installed. , Special to The Observer. ' RcldHvtllc, Jan. Fire was dis covered In J.. a.' Tulloch's store, last night about 10 o'clock and the alarm was promptly, answered by the Are department. Before being discovered the, flumes had gained considerable headway, necessitating hcavy streams of water, which greatly damaged the stock of goods. The fire department 3ld efficient work.' Mr,.;; Tulloch car ried Insurance to the'amount of about 16,000. - The origin of, the tiro Is un known. ' An alarm was also turned In from I south ' Reldsvllle yesterday. The home' of Mrs., Rltch was totally de stroyed by fire. The loss on 4hft house Is partially' covered, by Insurance, but the furniture was not Insured." r'i The ; Royal Arcanum , Council In stalled the' following officers last night for the ensuing yfar: Regent, C.'I Tesh; past, regent,'. J. H." Mor rlon;tlcr regent, T. S-V-Wray; or-" ator; A. W. Way; guide. W. a Floyd: secretary, R. T. Burton; treasurer, PredDegrotte; sentinel, Rudy Ros coe; "'. warden, J. .;R.' Worth; chaplain, . F. B. , Jone; tnistee, George W. Brlttaln.v 'C;; C. - But ler, Geo. E. Barber. . ... V At the last regular ' meeting of Reldsvllle ldge No. 384, A. F.. & A. M.( the following officers were Install ed: A." J. Elllngton. W. M.; C. L. Tesh, S. W.; 8. G. Harden. J. W.; Jk W. Clark, 8. D. ; Geo. W. Baker, treas urer; H. N. Ware, secretary; J. A. Haldjn. tiler. The warehouses are disposing of a good deal of lobacco this week. Farmers aro coming from all directions- and streams of wagons are entering Reldsvllle each day. In the neighborhood of 800 wagons loaded with the golden weed were here yes terday. It Is anticipated that sales will continue heavy the remainder of this week, and for some time to come. Should1 the present rate keep up, the amount of tobacco sold here this season will be unprecedented In the history of the market. Prices continue at top notches and Belters are highly, pleased with returns. CONGESTION NOT SO BAD.. Tkvup Stated to be Somewhat Re lieved Coal Comes to .Relief of Cabarrus Mills. Special to The Observer. Concord, Jan. 9. Mr. Newton Pharr, one of Cabarrus county's old est and best citizens, of No. 3 town ship, is spending a few days In town. Mr. Pharr wears a beautiful nugget of virgin gold upon the left lapel of his coat, and, when observed by your correspondent, the old gentle man remarked fftat "we llnd those lying about on the farm." Mr. T. P. P. Carson, the clever agent of the Southern Railway at this place, states that the conges tion Is somewhat relieved, but that the tie-up will be feltT until late in the summer. During the past few days the railroads have been able to deliver some coal to our factories and other Industries, and the mills are again running on full time. The greatest calamity was threatned Wnen the supply of coal gave out at the light and water station, but that has been averted by the timely arrival of several cars of coal. A series of religious meeting Is be ing held at Forest Hill Methodist church this week under the auspices of the union of the various churches of the city. Messrs. Charles and Ed Isenhour have moved their restaurant Into the room formerly occupied by the South ern Express Company, and have one of ihe handsomest places in town. The entire room has been remodeled for their convenience, and Is equal in appearance to the fine restaurants or much larger cities. Mr. O. V. Fouat left this morning for the eastern part of the State for a few days. He will probably leave Concord permanently about the llrst of April. Several of the citizens 'nere who have occasion to meet trains at the station have resorted to printed schedules and have pasted them In their hats. Tlwtt Was the Idea. Durham Herald. We will now sec If the schedules of Southern trains have been reduced to the time they actually make. Wo Think So, Too. Norfolk landmark. What a pity Governor Hughes, of New York Is not a Democrat! -VST' True, oriental fragrance in the purest, mildest, fpllf Of-J vy. sweetest blend ever secured f?j Il - in a modcriite priced fl" ' : sj- p. :-: 1 :- " ,'v ' .-'. '-.:' .. . '.fVrv.'" '"','.' -..:'.V:".;'v. i - : , . . ''.. .' . - , . , .. . , .i ... i. ' - ' ; '.....'. . . . . ,t .".'.",; ' - i : - - ' e .- -- , . . . - ....',',. . ''.; , . ' .- - ' . ' ' ' . . ' '...- : - ' . - ..' : . .. :"...'."- f .. . ...; ' 1 m)n:-Mu i; i;i;;.:i:nv o FOR ItUKt'M.VriS.U. o J J To relievo the worst 'forms O of Rheumatism, lake a tea- ) i . . I r . 1. a 1 1 ... 1 . ... 0 (J yOVlll.U. lil L..U 1U..I.W.IIJ llllJL- f ture after - each meal and at bedtime: - Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ' "ounce; - Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, , three ounces. Shake well In a bot tle, . , ' ' ...', - ' , These harmless Ingredients can be obtained from any good pharmacy. , ; , . , This prescription, atates a well-known authority, . forces tho clogged-up, fnactlve , ' ktd. neys to filter and strain f com the blood the poisonous ''waste matter and ; uric; acid, which causes Rheumatism. ' Relief la felt frbm the first few doses. ...V e- ji .. ' ' '.'. I , '.," It Is said that a person, who . would take this prescription regularly, a dose or two dally,' or ' even a few times ' a ? week, would never have serious Kid-' ney i or Urinary Misordera or1-' Rheumatism. .'; t ' :'. 's Cut this out and preserve It.' Good Rheumatism prescrip tions which really relieve are scarce Indeed, and when ; votf need it you want It .badry yj-f; O(X)O0000000OOO00000OOOO0(iO BILL AGAINST RIGSBEE. ' Grand Jury of Durham County Re Opens Litigation In Celebrated Case . Harris Case To-day. f , Durham, Jan. 8. The ' only , Im portant feature of the court yesterday was in the finding of a true bill against W. T. Rlgsbee, charged with Illegal voting In the city election two years ago next May. This case has had many ups and downs. There have been indictments, true bills found, bills quashed, anew bill sent, failure to And a bill and finally this last bill has "been sent and the grand Jury re turned a true bill yesterday. Cornelius Mill Stockholders Meet. Special to The Observer. Cornelius, Jan. 9. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cornelius Cotton Mill was held In the offices of the company yesterday. The secretary and president's report showed that the mill continues In a very satisfactory condition and tht the net profits of the year abundantly Jusify the semi-annual dividends of 5' per cent. It was recommended by the stockholders that the mill equip Itself with a complete finishing ma chine and thus narrow the cost or the production of the fabrlca.the mill Is manufacturing. Heretofore the goods have been sent to Greensboro for the finishing touches. The old board of directors was re-elected, Messrs. R. J. Stough, J. C. Cor nelius, president. C. W. Johnson, J. A. Dove, P. H. Stough. secretary and treasurer. WHAT TO DO WHEN UILIOUS. The right thing to do when you feel bilious Is to take a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach antl regulate the liver and boweli. Try It. Price, 2i rents. Samples free at R. H. Jordan & Co.'b drug store. Dear Charley: The box of cigars Is coming your way. T had tried s6 many things and the cold was bad almost pneumonia. 1 took the bottle and rubbed my chest two nights and two mornings. It fixed me and I pay the wager. Hereafter you will hear me singing the praises of Gow an's Pneumonia Cure. I ' bought one fifty cent bottle. I am writing wife to-day to be sure to keep it in the house. So Long, JACK. mi 1U f 9 ' "" 1 t - i l '' STEAM AND HOT WATER ; ' 11EATINC17 , - , ' ' , tor residences, ' ""1 i HfteKNBYBROS. Plumbing and Heating Contractor, . Jobbers in Supplies, . , - HOTEL WOLCOTT - , - , . ' j , 5th Ave. and Slst ' ., - ' , . NEW YORK CITY.' t '. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. . Situated In the most convenient lo-. cation and In ' the most desirable' neighborhood... ' r ; r V A i. HOTEL : OP TH B HIGHEST .; ".V..,?.. STANDARD. ' Rooms at moderate prices reserved by wire or letter. J. H. BRESUN7 Bone ratus, ltclilug. Scabby Skin .Diseases ' , , Permanently cured by taking Botanloi Blood Balm. If you have aches and pains In bones, back arid joints. Itch ing, Scabby Skin, Blood feels hot or! thin. Swollen Glands, Risings and Bumps on the Skin, Mucous Patches' In the Mouth, 8ore Throat, Pimples,' or Offensive Eruptions, Copper-Col-' ored" Spots or Rash on Skin, are run-! down or nervous. Ulcers on any parti of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falllngi out. Carbuncles or Bolls, Take Bo-I tanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed to cure even the worst and most deep-seated' cases. Heals all sores, stps alii swellings, makes blood pure and rich,! completely changing the entire body! Into a clean, healthy conditio. B.i B. B. Is the recognized blood remedy for these conditloas. Cancer Cured. f If you have a persistent Pimple,; Wart. Swellings, Shooting. Stinging, Pains, take Blood Balm and theyt will disappear before they develop in to Cancer. Many appareifly hopeless1 cases of Cancer, Suppurating Swell-, lngs, Eating Sores or Tumor cured by B. B. B. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is pleasant and safe to take. Thorough-i ly tested for SO years. Composed of; Pure Bptanlc Ingredients. Strength-i ens Weak Kidneys and Weak Stom-i aohs, cures Dyspepsu Sample Sent Free, by writing Blood Balm Co.. At lanta, Qa. Sold by druggists $1 per. Urge bottle or sent by express pre- I 1 ' ..'.-;-. I t