: ,n i u.Mn convention". ( t lo U-ld in Washington ;-, it k Committee Ajtjioinied in r-f-cnt Anwrlcan Cotton !U:mufm-turcr' Association. ., J ti ttldeut Arthur II. Lowe, - of J'ltchburg, Maw,,;,' Iim' appointed Messrs. 8. B. Tnnr, . of Charlotte, chairman; EIIIboh A. Bmylhe, of Pel ztr. 8. Ci KrlHterv Anhcraft, of Flor ence, Ala.: T. Annoy Blythe, of Phlla dolp'nK Pa, j Arthur Amory., of Bos ton. Mass., and David Clark, of Jones boro. memberi of committee to , represent the American Cotton Man ufacturers Association at the Foreign Commerce Convention, which is to be held In Watmlngton next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.. Secretary U B. Bryant yesterday issued the official notice in behalf of . the asso tlatlon to the members. . ,Th!a convention will be participated In- by the various organizations of ' the - country which are Interested In ' the extension of foreign commerce. Secretary Bryant writes as follows re garding the Intents and purposes of . the meeting: ' "It will be wide open for tne dls- cuHslon of al topics germane to the subject of the extension of our for eign commerce. It has not been call ed to favor or oppose any particular policy or scheme. Our committee in , considering the subject of foreign " commerce came to the conclusion '- that the greatest good could be done ) by bringing together a large number of the representative men of the country fh a convention and thorough ' ly and freely discussing methods and policies, and especially by directing the attention of the country to the , great Importance of the foreign commerce. Tnls is the keynote of the convention, to show how very Im portant it is to foster our foreign commerce "The convention will be lu'ge and Influential. Up to this time the Gov ernors of twenty-six States have ap pointed 10 delegates each, and six Governors have promised to attend personally. Many national, State and local organizations have also appoint ed delegate. ''President Roosevelt, Secretary of State, Mr. Uooot. mid Serrctary of Commerce and Labor. Mr. Straus, will attend thn banquet of delegate, which will be held Ht the Arlington on January 16th. President Roose velt will deliver an address at this banquet. Secretary Root will ad dress the convention on the morning of January 16th. "Vice President Fairbanks, Speaker Cannon, members of the President's Cabinet, and several of the Senators have been invited, and some of these will attend. "We believe that every organiza tion of business men of such Im portance as yours should have sev eral delegates present at the conven tion and banquet, and we hope thwt you will take steps at once to hav delegates appointed." iv nvAh i:sr.vn: cux-ua Komei Trntusfers of City. Suburbiin and County I'roicrlk- Jfcxsonh!. Mr. John C. McDonald has pur chased a house and lot on North Mc Dowell street from Mr. W, A. Wat son. The cons lleif lion In the deal was $4,000. - Mr. A. U Beach, of McDowell coun ty, has sold to Mr. Samuel M. Carotnera, of Yorke county, 8.,C; oneJj seventh interest in two tracts oi ianu in Steele Creek ' township. The two tracts contain-150 and 7 acres re spectively, jind the consideration for the one-seventh interest was $700, Mr. A.M. McDonald has sold a residence nit on Kllxaoeth avenue to MrJohn W. Oliver, receiving $1,000 for "it. Mr. W. B. Medlln has sold a tract of land containing 114 acres, .situated on Goose creek, to Mr. W. J. - Craig, receiving $,700 for the property.. Mr. Arnold M. Shaw has purchased, for $125, a lot on the Carolina Cen tral Railway, from J. A.- price. , Mr. J. H. King has bought two building sites at Villa Heights from Mr. c. 0. Brown. Tne considera tion for the property was $250. TTIB FELTS-SLOOP MARRIAGE. SAUnATT & BLAKELY DISSOLVE. Well-Known Grocery Firm Dissolve by Mutual Consent Mr. Sarratt to Retain Lp-Town StoreMr. Blake ly Takes the I) 11 worth Branch. Messrs. I.. L. Sarratt and J. I. Blakeley. of the, grocery firm of Sar ratt & Blakeley, yesterday dissolved partnership by mutual consent. Ac (oirllnr to th terma of the agree ment, Mr, Sarratt will retain the up town store at no. bqv worm rryon street, while Mr. Blakeley will take over th Dll worth branch. The dis solution papers were signed yester day, at which time the change went into effect. Messrs. Sarratt and Blakeley have been In the retail grocery business in Charlotte for a number of years. Mr. Blakeley formerly resided In Hunters vllle, coming hero 11 years ago. Mr. Sairatt Is an experienced merchant, having been In business here before Mr. Ulakelfcy arrived. Th FayettevlUe Club. The Fayettevllle Industrial Club Is the newest organization of the kind in the State. Business men of Fay ettevllle will develop an Institution after the fashion of the Southern Manufacturers' Club, of this city. The club, with J. H. Anderson for Its president, J. F. Harrison, Its vice president, and J. B. TilJInghast, Its secretary and treasurer, will open with about 65 resident and half a dozen non-resident members. The club rooms will be In the Lilly building. Immediately across the street from tho Hotel La Fayette. They have been remodeled and hand somely fitted up. President Anderson was here yes terday, In the Interest of the club. Double Tracking Toward Dcrita. An Early Morning Wedding on N'orlh Brevard Street. Miss Ada Mae Kelts, the second daughter of Mr. unit Mr. John 11. Felts, of North llrevard street, wan united In marriage at the liorno of her parents at 9:45 o clock yester day morning, by Rev. Plato T. Dur ham to Mr. Samui l E. Kloop, of Mt. Ulla. A number of the friends of tne young couple witnessed the cere mony. Miss Kunlce Felts, a sinter of the bride, wnst maid of honor, and Mr. J. V. Sherrlll. bent man. Dr. Robert L. Felts, tne oldest brother Of tho bride, gave her away. Just bfcforn the bridal parly enter ed tho parlor, where an altar had been erected, Mis Margaret Herring sang sweetly, "O, Promise Me." Miss Ada Cooper played the wedding march. The parlor was decorated In pklms, ferns arid white carnations. The bride was dressed In a gowlng- way gown of dark brown chiffon Panama, and carried a shower bou quet of bride's roses and hyacinths. Tna maid of honor wot,- white chif fon taffeta, und carried crimson car nations. Immediately aficr the ceremony re freshments wriv h rv d In the dining room, which was handsomely deco rated for th occasion. The present.. t the hrlde and groom were numerous and pretty. Mr. Sloop Is a pro-perolis VonnK farmer of R '.v:in county. Ills bride is a bright. attrui iiv vnuntr woman,' who has many friends m this coun ty. t 11 o'co. yesterday morning Mr. and Mrs. Sloop left for their fu- , ture home, near Mt. I'lla. The nut-of-tou n gucts who wit-i nessed the marriage wet, I r and Mrs. Robert I, K-lts. of Vort Sam Houston. Tcav and M - Mary Sloop and Messrs J. c. Knerrlll and Ilarron Sloop, of Mt. ri!a. CAFE ON Kl'ROPIvW PLAN. ! Talk of Service a la Carte In tho J Southern Manufacturer' Club Cafe. I Th Southern Manufui tin era' Clubj cafe Is regarded s one of the most carefully muiiaxcd eHtalillMhinents of Its kind In the Huulli Kvi r since. It i , w iiiKuiuteu, nuiiy years iio. u mis been operated on the American plan. Mr. H. A. Webber has been ih. popu lar manager In churice. For h.vith1 1 Weeks past, there bus hen in-ider- ' able talk among the to. mb. rs of changing the cafe mtvIi from tne American to the Kurop.an plan, thus giving thos who so d.slre the privi lege of ordering what they want find, paying for what U.y receive. This' a la carte plan h I" Ink strongly ail- ' vocated by a numher of tho influen tial club member- It Is prohable mat tne new plan j i. adopted. ,i Odd Fellow Onlitrw InMnll.vl. j ; The followltiK named oiti-,rs have seen installed in Mei kh-nburx Dei u- , ration Loilx. . No i, i (i i - v. '.i. vampoeii. nonin grand; W. w. m,; XUlough. vie gr.ihd. H. i Dm k- Worth, reeoriiini? tier rr-i f, rv i' i." ai.. . ander, financial Hfcretnry, V. M. ; VCrowell, treasurer; J. it. Csthey, right M Kf ps'o'j. n ii Vllnvil, I'll rild'or HI in," 1 0 1 ) 1 ' M- .. A k tl tl'JK.- ... Milium. j . ik. iiuiiuii iifiif miiii. . ' porter to the vlie grand. ;. J. Htarnes - D. Helms, warden; J. c. Williams. -sonductor; I. B. Wititx, right scene Wpporter; w. L. Dixon, left tu,x upporter; A. J. Wenti, inside auard- I ' W II .1.1.. . Ian, and L. w. Chick. chupUin. I The Southern Is double tracking 1 the A. T. & O. Railroad out for some j distance. One side track, extending ; from the Statesvllle dirt road to the j old Derlta crossing, three-quarters of a mile long, has been put In. The last switch was completed last Tuos day. This will help the Southern here. So soon ns the track Is all right there should he no more excuse for holding the Statesvllle and Winston trains nt the Standard Ice & Fuel Company's plant. Ho Tel! tho I VSkn Tliei-fl Almut Char lotte tl 1 b o l;T,.i ;ent. High Point Enterprise. Col, A. L. Smith, of Charlotte, one of the best all-round men In the State, likeable and strong among men, and a stockholder In one of High Point's best manufacturing concerns, arrived In the city last night and Is spending the day at Hotel Klwood. ' Colonel Smith Is chairman of the firs com mission, la Charlotte and is intensely Interested In all matters pertaining to nres and fire fighting. Ha Is as the darkles say, . monstrous proud" . of his home department and does, not hesitate to exploit their ability and record work. In a conversation with the colonel, ha let out some facts that will be of Interest to High Point peo ple. There were In Charlotte during the month of Desomber 11 Art alarms. The property at Jeopard amounted in value to about $120,000, with an In surance of 184,000,. and the total losses covering; all those alarms was only $10.60. It is small wonder the colonel - brags. All this he at tributes directly to the judicious use of a chemical engine, water having been used only once during; the last six months. v ' - Colonel Smith was Introduced to Mayor Wrenn and was Impressing up on his honer the importance and need of Just such an apparatus for use in High Point, where small fires are liable to occur In the manufactur ing plants. While the conversation was on, the clang of the gong on the hose wagon broke the outer stillness, and Colonel Smith took to his heels Just at nimbly as aid the home folks who were owlish enough to be on deck. He enjoyed the run if there was no chance for High Point's fire department to make a show ing. Colonel Smith came In on the even ing train over the Southern and had the distinction of arriving In High Point only 40 minutes late. He stat ed that dozens of people rode stand ing, as such a thing as getting seats was all Impossible. j I.i ft. Two i i. on by coupons drawn from those t ken from iidminilon tickets to tbv. .dasonle bazaar have not - yet been called for. The , Urst prize Is a hamliome druggett, won by No. .,854; t. e other a silver berry spoon, won by No. 3,289. The articles can "be procured by presenting the corresponding coupons to Mr. J, IS. Steere, the i weler, at the corner of Tryon and Fifth streets. If not call ed for within 10 days another draw lug for the prizes will tak,Q place at ne UDserver oince. Death of Mr. C. D. Elliott. Mr. C, D. Elliott," a well-to-do farmer of Ling Creek townhip, died at the Presbyterian Hospital yester day morning at S o'clock, after an Illness there of several weeks , from appendecltls, . He "W survived by his widow and seven children. Theso are Mrs. J. D.r Thompson,' of Charlotte, and Messrs. RICnard. McKee, Charles and Craig, and Misses Hattie and Edith Elliott. -The funeral services were held at .Williams Memorial chapel yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Rev. W. T Waller officiating. Will Wholesale Fruit George Klrlgkos and George Pap pendemas, two well-known local Greek fruit dealers, have formed a partnership, Klrlakos & Pappende mas, and will, within a short whtle, begin a wholesale fruit business. They will handle bananas, apples, pears and other popular fruits. MAY LIVE 100 YEARS. The chances for living a full eentury re excellent In the ease of Mr. Jen nie Duncan, of Huynesvllle, Me., now 70 years old. She writes,' "Electric Bit ters cured mo of chronic dyspepsia ot 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong aa a young girl." Elec tric Kitten cure itomach and liver dl easej, blood disorders, general debility lltirl hftrfllv WAflUnafta flnl.l nn j ' Dimrun. tee by all drtigglats. Price only COc. Numbers 7,090, 1,532 and 583 were the lucky ones at our annual drawing. The holders will be presented with amount of goods as ad vertised by bringing the numbers to our store. GARIBALDI & BRUNS Mr. Person and tho 'Possum. Mr. Rufus Person had him a 'pos sum In a paper sack yesterday, that Is, In two paper sucks. He could not have thoiiKht of a. better disposition of the varmint that to bring him Into the Mule Pen and make a present of him to the first reporter he saw. The doors were shut, the 'possum lib erated, and the boya had a good bit of recreation playing with him. Council has not been called yet ns to who shall eat the 'possum. Perhaps the upshot will be a barbecue. A POOR ORGAN. l)Rtn(n) the lille. That's what your liver does If It's torpid. Then ths hlle nyerflima Into the blood -poisons your evstern eaualng nick -headache, Mllnus iienM. sallow kln. coated tinsne, nick ntopiai It. dizziness, fainting KpelN. tt'. Miunon'H treatment of 1,1 ver )'!!U ami Tm.I' Tellers strengthens th liver ami mill' ik II do Its own work. Prevents and huh t),rae Ironblss. It aid doesn't fitve Kolli treatment Sue V. I,. Hand & fn. Jno. M. Bcott 4 fn. The Mere Possession of a Sneff fUf Poultry Fxltiblt Nit Work. ,, xn narioiie rounry AMoclaUon Will VnM ii m lfkIS annnnl ..( -rvriaft fife nnii ntrf w T'ri arhii.tt i promises 10 d me largest ana best v. ewn in wu ct-iinii hi inn piaie. '. The local fanciers will have a large Bomber of fine fowls on display. A ' VAritlw numhr nt hlrAm tmm auI .-.f . town will also be on exhibition. Tne -fair frill open Tuesday and con- , tlnne through Friday. Mr. George O. v Brown will act aa Judge. The of ficers of the Charlotte Poultry As aoctatlon are Messrs, H. M. Davis. reUry, . . . .. " WadiWboro Mill to Espaml. The .Wadeebore, Cotton Mill will shortly rct an addition to Its pres ent planand materially Increase Its equipment The maclolnory ,now con ist ot 7.T00 spindle. Between , to and 7,009 spindles will be add ed. ' The work will commence at an early date. Mr. C. M. Rums Is presl Meet and Mr. . W. Hatthcorlc, aeo tetary and trcaearer et Ui mill Plii M i puts the seal of supreme approval upon the musical taste of its owner. CHAS. M. STIEFF Manufacturer of the Artistic KUeff, Khaw and BUeff M(. Playing rtanoa. '' sonucnx wareroom: v Went Trad Street, ' CUrlottA, n:a C IL WILMOTH, Mgr. The Tate-Brown Co. Furnishing Goods and Hats Men's fine Garments Agency for Dunlap & Co's celebrated Hats Silk, Opera, Alpine and Derby Deimel Linen-mesh Underwear. Dents Gloves The Tate-Brown Co. CORRECT CLOTHING : ! iV ill i , 4 1 v i Li 1 r , V So many men are dissatisfied with" the 'Undcrvcar , ; they get ' ' 1 ;'. , ' , - V Most of the time the fault comes from careless buy- ;. 5 - Such a variety of good XTnderear as we' are show-, " . ing makes a right selection easy. ' l : " t In brief, we have all sizes in Cotton. Wool and Cot ' ton, all Wool and Silk 'and Wool, - , $1.00 up to $4.50 Per "Garment. ( ; r- -Hardly think voull want to look anywhere' else 7 : iuwjr.feeeuig our spieiiuia uue yi .uuuerwear,, 4 J Yorkc Bf OS- and-7 Rogeri jSifflEi row PIA1S Piano buyers should write for our new catalogue picturing and describing our 1907 models. In tasteful and artistic case designs these surpass any we have ever made, but they will appeal to music-lovers chiefly because of p their beauti ful tone and quick responsive action. The IVERS & POND PIANO is built for a lifetime, and costs less than one-half the average piano to keep in tune. Call and see the new models we have just received from the factory. We sell other makes of pianos also. You will find the best that money can buy on our floors. Easy monthly payment plan if you wish. Only 6' per cent, interest charged for carrying the account. ID) arker-Gardner Cotiip'y A PAIR OF ODD PANfQ OFTEN SAVES THE PRICE OF AN ENTIRE SUIT. & & We have a magnificent stock of ODD PANTS, made of the best material and guaranteed to fit Come and look at the line 'jiff 'iti LONG-TATE CLOTHING COMP'Y GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL RETURNABLE AT OUR EXPENSE. J It Us shoir It to you a pair of ODD PA.NTS might carry you ovsr the season. Wc ve an eatranrdlnary line. " SPECIAL ATTENTION CIlVEN TO MAIL ORDFJlSl : CDs MELLON COMPANY. Good Furniture Need Not be' Expensive ! Furniture Tour dining room should be made , the most Inviting place of the home, as well as all the conveniences should be added to lighten the duties of the housewife. No, dining room is com plete without a IHdeboard. Extension 'Table, Chairs, China Closet Buffet or Side Table. All these furnishings are essential for entertaining guests and to the home comforts of the family circle. Dining room Furnishings can be had here at very low prices, which meana you can obtain these goods . from this store at. lets prices than 1 usually charged elsewhere for same quality of goods. Golden Oak sideboard, regular 114.00 Our January Price 111.50. See our 1-foot Pedestal Table, IS Inch top, full quarter-sawsd oak and highly polished golden finish; regu lar value $11.(0. Our January price f ild.OO. Tables range In prtcefrom '5-w to 170.00. - Don't supply your Furniture wants until you see McCoy. He'll save : you money. ..- Y HnCTH TRYON CTREET. 4.1. V.'. ' . - - ' ' ' ' ' '- ',).,- ,i '

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