cirAitLOTn: daily o. 1 to legislature (Continued From Pag One). t;n ' as . between county prohibition tnsl county dlsponsarles. The plank In my platform upon tiiat question liti follows: , "I am opposed to ths system of a Ftate dispensary, I' am In favor of local county 1 option between county prohibition and county dispensaries. 3U:t each county say for Itself whether It desires that liquor ahall b sold In that: county, or that H ahall ' not bo old therein. . Thla t system haa bean, and la now, the lawtn aeveral of tha Elates around and near us, and it la regarded with eatlafactlon ao far aa I have been, able to learn. Ton know what ' you had rather have In your , county, aad you 'ahould, therefore, have tha right to aay so,, and not let . other countlea Vote upon what your county should Jiave. . You manage your own county affalra In every thing lae,rwhy,ot in thla matter? "I favor each county voting upon that question f atj. themselves. If the vote fa for liquor to be sold, then let a. county dispensary ' be operated In that cennty'under the restrictions now thrown around the sale of liquor with such other regulations aa the Legis lature may daetn best.,. Let the coun- . ty board of control be appointed by the Governor and let the board so ' appointed have charge of the wholo matter for that county, said board to . report to the Judge at each term of the Circuit Court for that county of " all of Its actings and doings, and then let the judge hand that report ' t the grand Jury for their inspection and Investigation, with such Instruc- 7 tlona as he may think proper. What ever" profit la made will go to the county. Let the dispensers be paid v salary and not a commission on what they sell. If the vote is for prohibition, then allow no liquor to bo ' ' aold la auch county, and - pass a atringent law providing for the pun Ishment of all "blind tigers" and oth er Violators of the law, and make ft the duty of the county sheriffs. t deputies, constables, marshala, pollee- t nan and other peace officers, to see it It that this law Is enforced, and ,' all violators are brought to Justice and punished. 1 x "l would bo glad If no liquors were aold as a beverage, but the conditions " are auch at this time, that I believe this to be the beat way to deal with th question." - 1 stand upon that platform to-day, and I urge that you enact a law aV- " taking tha State dispensary system , and give tha people of each county the right to voto upon the question V of oounty prohibition or oounty dls , ' penaary. ' ' The best way of controlling the sale - r of liquor haa been agitating the minds of the people of this country for many k years; the sale of It has been declared ' U evil by tha highest courts of the land and tha question for us now Is which la the best vay of controlling It In thla BUte. .Tha State dispensary system was . adopted, and after a trial of 12 years, ! a great majority of the people of tha State have said that they wish ft abolished and that each county shall be allowed the right o say ' "'Whether they will have prohibition or $ county dispensaries. The will of the people Is supreme, 3 , and we should heed their demands. - Many of you were elected upon the . same platform and tha matter is now . before you, gentlemen. It Is for you 1 ' to aay whether the will of the peo ' pie shall be carried out or not. Let us do our duty without fear or fav ' or. BUCKET SHOPS. Another matter that I deslro to bring to your attention Is the enact ment of a law preventing the oper ation of what are known as "bucket shops," or cotton or stock exchanges. This Is a species of speculation t tint .. Is taking thousands of UoIIuth from this State, In demoralizing our cltl- r sens, and Is bringing many of thf-m to poverty and ruin, r ' The States of North Carolina and Georgia have already prohibited them .from doing business within tlu-lr boundaries, and we owo It ' to our .'; selves and to the cood nam of the , State that we follow the example so ! worthily set us. We now have on r ;- our statute hooks an act declarini; ' "unlawful, contracti for the sale of t articles for future delivery, made un- .. der certain ctrauniKlanrrs," etc. Let us now follow thin up with an act prohibiting any bucket shop, or . cotton or stock exchange or any uttmr exchange of Ilka character from doing y business In this State. ASSAULT. KTC. - I further wish to call to your alt tentlon another nutter which I con sider of grave Importance at this par - "."tlcular time In our history, and that la the enactment of a law providing :".. the death penalty to any male person r making an assault upon a female with Intent to ravish, granting the right to . ,the Jury trying the caso to tlx the punlshmen at life imprisonment In the , State penitentiary If In their Judg- mnt the facts warrant a lesa punxh ment than death. In this day when we read of mo many assaults of this character being made, It behoovm us to wske up to tbo- Situation and make the penalty' " atvere tnat the women of this te tnay be protected from the heln- CTlme and the perpetrators pun- f severely that all will be de rd from committing the same. ,1 farther recommend that an act be , passed providing that in all case- f : rspo or assault with Intent to ravish. . the female he allowed to testify in' orlvate. before the 1ule In th. .". . enc Of counsel for the Htate and de- -,;,leodant and the defendant himself ,n" "ftn,ln physician will take the -' " and that the testimony ao taken shall ' m"" ,',l0W Nor,n ,or ,n P,,''"t0 If: be read to the Jury as the evidence of ' R'her than leave the master. In the esse. This is the w in at least ! w,,ow rr "h hmi chew',, mn . one, U not more, of the States of the and many 0U(1' a cow c"nmltted : ITnlon. and should be the law in this r,M-hUwA suicide here. Mr. B. F. ' Htate. McHure sold his cow to Jim Stray- In this connection. I think It lm- ! horn tnT ,S0 A m " for th ' portant aUo to sak that you pasa nn ,'ow ,ai',d ,0 ho hag to the act making It a misdemeanor to post I hom? of Mr. Bwayhorn. when the re or tllsplay In any public place r i f,u,M'd - DPU "hovlng and pul oa any street or hlarhwav in,u.I,n I "n the rope, the spirited yet V fHctures of females, It Is an evil that bas been growing In the last few '. - years, and one that calls for action '. on our part. It Is not necessary for -. me to call to your attention the rta- '' t wim vtlir Stilttl m tt .kniiln k. . .. - i. 1 obvious to all right thinking per- ' aona. ' I respectfully recommend that a aw TW UOWU. 11 of mounted ..nil. ... for the rural districts be established. This Is no new Idea, but one that 1 being carried, out with great success in many countries. When there ar so ' many vagrants and Idlers rooming nbouL and there Is so much work to . be done on every side, the work or move-on system should be established, and that can be carried out better by such mounted patrol of police . sys tem, than by any other plan. Give them authority to arrest all violators of the law of the State, and carry them before th nearest magistrate for crtnl or commitment for trial i the Court of General, Sessions. - '. When we hoar so much complaint from so many source of the neglet r r om! ..ion of the railroad companies , wf w - - -m V, (f.llVI doing business In this State, Of giving to the people proper passenger 'and freight accommodations and rates and accurate Information of delayed trains, It is very evident to every thinking person that the railroad commissioners should have power to correct these things and to give re- lief Where It is fair and Just between the railroads and the people. The railroad corporations should be dealt with fairly and Justly, .but at the same time the peoples' right ahould be provided for and respected. k; " I, therefore, recommend that auch additional powers be given to the railroad commissioners aa will enabbie them to compel the railroads to com ply with auch reasonable . rules and orders aemay be Justand proper, In thla connection. I would recom mend that the act now of force re quiring the salaries of tho railroad commlaslonera to be paid by the rall roada be repealed. The office of rail road commissioner la a State office and the salary ought to be paid by the State. SUPREME COURT. I desire, gentlemen, to call your at tention also tothe matter of the ne cessity for better accommodations for our Supreme Court The space alloted in the State House for tha use of the Supreme Court has all been taken up with the library and re cords, except one consultation room and the court room. I respectfully ask that you look Into this matter and provide for tho necessities oi ine court In this regard. IMMIGRATION. There Is no question of greater mo ment to our material and Industrial life than that of Immigration. The labor question Is a very serious one. Many thousands of acres of landa are now Ivlntr idle for the want of labor ers, and many other avenues of trade are offering work to the workers. To my mind, the best solution of this question Is the bringing in of home seekers, home builders and desirable workmen. I. therefore, recommend that you take such steps aa may to you seem wIh to foster and sustain the depart ment of Immigration now occompllah- Ingso much work on this line. STATUE OP JOHN C. CALHOUN. While many of the States ot tnis union have honored themselves Dy placing In the Hall of Fame, in tne Capitol at Washltjgton.D. C, statues of one or two of their honored and eminent sons, who have done noble work fr their 8tates and for the union, South Carolina's place haa re mained vacant. I reapectfully re commend that you give this matter your careful attention and give some consideration to the same that at no distant day the statue of John C. Cal houn may adorn that hall, for by thus honoring that noble son of South Carolina, we will honor ourselves. Such other matters, gentlemen, as may be proper to bring to your at tention during the present session, I shall allude to in special messages. . CONCLUSION. Allow me to add In the words of that eminent statesman, Thomas Jef ferson, who, whon called to the of fice of President of the United States, closed his Inaugural address, In part as follows: "I repair, then, fellow citizens, to the post you have assigned me, with experience enough In subordinate of- flcea to have seen the difficulties of this, the greatest of all. I have learn ed to expect that It will rarely fall to the lot of Imperfect man to retire from this station with the reputation and the favor which brings him Into It. I shall often go wrong through defect of Judgment, when right, I shall often be thought wrong by those whose positions will not commaml a view of the whole ground. I shall ask your Indulgence for my own errors, which will never be Intentional; and your support UKulriHt the errors of others, who may condemn whut they would not, If seen In all of Its parts. My solicitude will be to retain the good opinion of those who have bestowed It In ad vance, to conciliate that of others by doing them all the good In my power, and to he Instrumental In the hnp pLnenn and freedom of all. "Relying then, on the patronage of yur good will, I advance with obedi ence to the work, and may that In finite Power, which rules the desti nies of the Universe, lead our coun cils to whnt Is best, and give them a favorable hmii for your peace and prosperity." M. P. ANSEL. January 15. 107. Hl HTLlXfj HIGH POINT Art Gin Company Begins Oner. tlona Cow Commit. Sulcldo Hard i.mck oi i-asxrngrr Near Spencer Special to The Observer. man roini, Jan. 16. The Art Cllass Company, organised here sev eral week ago, has got down to bunt nesB with Mr. Kulph Parker In charge havliiK assumed the duties of his office yesterday. Mr. Parker has been manager of the High Point Furniture Show Uooms for some time. Ho Is succeeded there by Mr. J. O. Lam bert, of Qreensboro. The Art Glass Company, with which Mr. Parker Is l"""rll,ud olh as a stockholder and class of goods that will sell readily there being a good field for the prod uct. The line of manufacture will Include all sorts of stained and leaded glass for church windows and decorative reMdcntal purposes and will be varied and attractle. The young aon of Mr. and Mrs. S. I.. Davis is suffering from aPDendl- t ,u" ,u", ,n' l,n""enls at the advice of broken-hearted bovln refused to move a peg, wrestling with her rap tors until at last with a mighty ef fort she threw herself In a heap and u"taiiied a broken neck, death fol lowing In short order, ... . . . . , M . ,0,n' r? T,l" f"?: day afternoon late on Ih first train l,f 'hf "!ay "orAhw'rd "ZZT1 I naro iuc inn ins pss-nin. by the wreck Of No. 40 near th Tad kin river early that morning. Those ebord the trains soon bought out of the supply of edlbls on hand In the dining car snd were forced to drink coffee to satisfy their thirst all day. For Improvement on . the Maoon, Dublin V Savannah. ' Mscon, Oe., Jan. II, A mortgage has ben filed In the Superior Court of Pthb county by tha Macon, Dublin A Savannah Rnllroad, whereby that road seeare tl.liO.000 from the Nw York Trust Company end Wlllad V. King to be used for further lmprov ments of the road. The ret of Inter est is flva for seat. . THE '.WEATHER. WalulnBton, Jn. IS. Forecast for Wednesday and Thursday: Vlrtfnfu., fKouty fnd much colder Wednesday; Thursday partly . cloudy; fresh north to northeant winds. ' North Cstrollna, irsln Wednesday, ' rap idly falling temperature; Thursday part ly cloudy, colder on the comt; winds be coming north and fresh to brisk. fotith Carolina, cloudy Wedncwday. rain and colder In afternoon or night; Thurs day fair, colder on the coast; variable winds, becoming north and- fresh. Goorgla, fair id south, rsin and colder In north portion" WedtMfday-: Thursday fair In north, rain and coble In, south portion; variable, winds. ? i -' Eastern, Florida, fair Wednetdnv. and Thursday, colder Thursday .In north and central portions; variable winds. , Western Florida, fair Wednesday; Thursday rain and colder, variable winds becoming north ana irtah. ' '. Alabama, rain and colder Wednesday, except fair In extreme south portion; Thursday fair In north, rain and colder In south portion: winds becoming north and fresh. : Mississippi, rain and much - colder Wednesday In the Interior and at night In extreme South portion: Thursday part ly cloudy, colder In extreme south por tion; wind neooming north ana rresn. ixmisiana, ram ana coiaer weunesday, much colder In north portion: Thursday fair, colder In southeast portion; fresh west winds becoming north to northeast Eastern Texas, rain and much colder Wednesday, exceot fair in northwest portions; Thursday generally fair; winds becoming northeast and fresh. LOCAL OFFICE U.'-B. WEATHER BUREAU. Charlotte. Jan. 15. Sunrise 7:31 a. m.s sunset o:36 p. m. TEMPERATURE (In dexrees). Highest temperature Lowest temperature.. Mean temperature. Excess ror the day Accumulated excess for the month Accumulated excess for year PRECIPITATION (In Inches). Total for 24 hours ending 8 p. in... Total for the month .. .. : Accumulated deficiency for month.. Total for the year.. Accumulated duftclencv for year .. .08 2.39 .m 2.33 Prevailing "wind direction S, W. W- J. BENNETT. Observer. Special Notices FRB8H SUPPLY BONELESS BACON lsc.; fresh supply nice sound Apples 36c.; Green Peas 10c. quart; fresh sup ply big Hominy 2Hc-; new barrel nice white Mackerel I for 2Bc. BRIDOER8 CO., 20a West Trade St. MERCHANTS ARB SAFE IN 8ELL- Ing Blue Ribbon Extract or Vanilla and other Blue Ribbon Extracts. They have always been pure and they fully comply with the National Pure Food Law. FROST LOTION CURES CHAPPED hands and lips, makes rough skin per fectly smooth. Get a bottle. Price 25c JA8. P. STOWE & CO., Druggists. 'Phone ITS. FOR SALE-F.LEQANT MODERN 8- room house I E. 8tl street, close In; conveniently arranged; and a beautiful block of apartment houses are likely to be built across the street very soon, which will largely enhance the value on this property. Get our close on this and other modern and plain homes. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON A BRO. PARREL MOLASSES -ARE TOU rware that we are selling pure Georgia Cane Syrup at 60c. per gallon, and genuine open kettle New Orleans at 75c. the best grade of Porto Rico at 60., and Vanilla Drip at G6e. We will not be sble to get any more when tho present stock Is gone at the same price. So If you would not miss a bargain-hurry. MILLER-VAN NE88 CO., 23 N. Tryon. 'Phones s and 118. QUALITY IS OUR WATCH WORD Hlrhefleu sirted sweet wrinkled reas are trade winners. They retain the natuml flavor of the Pea as taken from the vine. Let us send you lust one can as a trial. Once you try them, always use. Remember the name "Richelieu. I,. L 8ARRATT, No. 309 N.. Tryon Bt. WB WJLL HAVE TO-DAY A NICE LOT of Turnip fialnit, Mustard Greens, Blrinaoh, Green Onions, Lettuee, Oys trr plant. Also a fresh lot of Moun tain Huckwheat, Dutch Herrlnr ant Norton Tarn 8weet Potatoes and Ruta lma TurnlgSi Plenty 'Of Breakfast Hecon and nle Hams. JNO. W. SMITH. M South Pollese St. 'Phones 1222 and 2SS1. Uli ARK OPEN ALL DAY ON BITN rtny to compound prescriptions and furnish medicines and trk-room sun pll' Prompt and ncciirHte servlr. WOODALL A 8HEPPARD. Preserva tion Druggists. NOTIOE-By mutual consent of both parties, the firm of Ssrratt A Hlakely lax this day dissolved co-psrtnershlp, Mr. J. I. Illaksly taking the Dilworth store and Mr. L. I Sarratt contlntihif at the old stand. No. Sr9 N. Tryon street. All accounts due tha a bora Arm up town may be paid to L L. Sarratt, N. Tryon street. All bills due the Dilworth slere may bs paid to J. I. niaksly at Pool Bros', old stand. Dil worth. TORSALR NICK TWO-8TORT HOME, 8. Caldwell, $5,100; two nice home in Dilworth; msdlum prices; nice, modem cottage, ft Hrevard. near Library, atrlctly up-to-date, for colored people. One-thlr4 cash, balance In building and lean on any of the above. U. L, KEE8LER. 'phone 344. OLIVER TYPEWRITER 1IBER8 Plaaae bear In mind that while we no Innaer raoresant the Oliver machine. we kaeD a full line of supplies for aama. and also have factory facilities for renalrin these machine. J. E CRAYTON k CO., Oen'l Acta, for Royal Typewriters. roil HALR-ONE BRAND NEW f- passenger CourtJand hack; ha only been run Just a fw trips; cost I1M.00, we' will sell cheap. VV. O. ROBS & CO., tOt snd 111 Wast 4th street. BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER Nothing too good ror our customers. Ixits of room now. Excellent ferric. rils dlnlne room for regular ma I a and parties. Lunch counter doubled. Ro"- for all. Everything served u sa you want It. OEM RESTAURANT, E. F. Creawall. Mgr. Whits House. vCaraJa and Planke'a Fair and Faust Blend Mocha and Java Coffee. m W. M. CROWKLL. Phon 744. Rheumatism This Is often a dlseas of th blood, though not always. It attacks usual ly th Joints and tissue and causes a deposit of urlo acid. In Its acute stsge It Is one of much pain and suffering, sometimes affecting a larg part or even all th body. When near the heart It Is dangerous to life. We are thankful to aay there Is a proper treatment Or. King Sarsaparllla Internally, to "eradicate the poison from th blood. Dr. King's Nerve snd Rons Llnmnt externally, .to give llf to the stiffened, painful Joint snd (Issue. Sold by Burwsll-Dunn Retail Store. BMBM-taal ELL TUB CROYVELL ASrTOJUCM CO, ' INC. . Far the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine an n pissaaast peelsf apartments and aortee ror lady patients,. All forms of elctr1eity for treating nervoua dlaeasa. Th stockholder all being physicians, eongtitut a consulting , board. .' & U, CROWSXU M. D, iTim ) A --."jr-v: V. '! That wo,aro still In tha .v.:f... ' " " SAVINGS BANK BUSINESS. ' Our, Increased capital and resources are pledged for the security of these, deposits, and tha reiources and, personal , liability of stockholders amount to 1 - V . Call and get one 'of our " ' ' t - POCKET SAVINGS BANKS FltEE, ' , YY'::frY " ;;5rw:'i;;; ?': ,'i-s:x IU A. DUNN, President. ' COMMERCIAL NATIONAL" BANK, OTAIOOTrE, X. O. '..." 'BANKING EASILY DbNE BT MAIL. - i ifii y"n'i Call and see as. HOMES FOR SALE C-room modern house on North Church street, lot 10x160; for , "a" .. .. ' . . , 'w .r ,S3f 400.00. -room house on South Tryon street, all modern con veniences, beautifully papered and painted, good locality, lot 46x140 feet; for r. ..$4,600.00. l-room new house In Piedmon Park, all modern con veniences, never been occupied; on car line; for .... ..$4,000.00. 1 vacant lot in Piedmont Park, lot 67x100, beautifully ' shaded; for ..-.............! ... ,$2,100.00. j. b. murphy era, Phone $4. $ N. Tryon Street ' Don't Forget that Pri-Land will relieve indigestion quicker than anything . you ever tried. Cures heartburn, sour stom aeh and kindred 1 troubles just as easily. Big bottle, 25c. Dilworth Dru$ Store, Phoae 247. R. S. DAVIS. E D. A STORE BUILDING FOR LEASE 12Bx35 feet. East Trade street; front and rear entrance; on Ry. track; three floors and basement; elevator. One of the beat wholesale buildings In Charlotte. DWELLINGS FOR LEASE No.. 607 E. avenue, 8 rooms; mod ern arrangements; lawn aid garden, $30.00 month. 604 E. avenue, 8 room. In prime order, two baths, basement; large shaded lot, garden, $50.00 month. F. D. ALEXANDER 90S S. Tryon. Tbones 004 or 645, Wood Hbre Wall The' Builder's Friend. Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; water does not make it fall off; hard as stone. Write for booklet. Manu factured by CHARLOTTE Write for Booklet. MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR SALE. W ar offering a manufacturing alt for sale, consisting" of lot 112 1-2x220 feet with two-story frame factory building 16x220 feet. Has railroad trackage facilities. This Is suitable for any kind of wood-working plant Price .v..... $5,750.00. The Charlotte Realty Company A. O. CRAIG, Secretary and Manage Office ! E. Trade St. VhtMt til. The Mutual Gets There When It comes to doing Building and Loan Business in an up. to-date manner simple, fair and square, courteous though firm, kind, whllo Just and exacting In matters of right without fayorlt Inn on sccount of rac color, or any other condition, and with a keen appreciation of the patronage of the . boy or girt I with one shsre or the capitalist with his hundred, the Mutual Ukes a back eat for none, snd 'she's wrjs"gettlng there with the people. . NEW SHARES are rolling Into (he new series, brother. EVERT HOUR and w. feel that w are helping Charlotte and the people po THINGS, , and get blggert brighter, better, more liberal Ideas Into the minds and hearts of the best folks on earth. COMB TO-DAT. p L L Keesler, Treas; Phone 344.' C , 25 South Tryon Ttreet DEWOkTII FIORAL UIDHS f CI KIW tlASS rjon't Wtate to elaef time to personally seiecu . i.,; . . in deaiine with our customers In filling erdsrs bf mall or dl ret our motto la: "Pal l'oarself In IIU riaas." - . Bend us your ordri and we will exercise the earn ear aa wars voa here in parson to select, v . '' ' ' .. W but ourselves In. yoar plsco and glva what wa would ex. pact, to receive Tie rimloMt Select loa ol Flowers, ) , the Best Service, the Best Pricca. -j-.r,. Just a word ahout our Fancy Carnations, Roses. Violets. al. lire. Sweet Paaa. They're the "best ever.- .; ,. r. a Bex 117. run 'Phones, too Basin ' Mt ItesUenc' . t. . , , . ' " ' THItrciS MILLION DOLLARS. ' ' 7 V ' . A. O. BUENIZER, Cashier. or write na. . ' A New Discovery An instantaneous relief for Croup. Burns, etc., MRS. BUSH'S REMEDY. It give relief at once and Is a positive cure. Doctors preacrlbe it becauae they know th formula. Price 25 and SO Cents. NURSES' REGISTER ON THE SQUARE WE NEVER CLOSE. Druggist- Tbonsj 1. Plaster, "Rari CBncfc- PLASTER CO. CHARLOTTE, . C ' 1 1 flO'ATES your order with aa because of ot JORDAN S r j f V v. closo In and near Southern freight depot. . On) lot 85x81 feet. V . ; ' Ona lot;47xl0 feet! ,' .' . There are only a few desirable business lots on tha market. 'Br us for prices on tha above. f SOUTHERN RLl ; ESTATE, LOAN AND TRUST COM llerchanls. & fimm llationd D!i CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, " 1 - capital ;T , $100,000.00- Surplus .. ., .. ; .. ,. .. $100,000.00. ' . imiECTOKS: ' W. BL'BELK ' W. L. BRUNS r k ,.r C, B. BRYANT .i x " W. F.. DOWD " ; " V J. M. HARRY '' ' , O. P. IIEATII . , -VINTON LIDDELL 1 j uirriuisiui: , GEO. E. .WILSON, President JNO.'B. ROSS, Vice President, n ' . W. Or WILKINSON, CsWhler. "i Aooonnts of Corporations, firms : and Individuals ' Invited.' tf H. .ZITTXE, President.1- ? L. IL HAGOOD, Cashier. eharlotte Trust eomp'y Fifteen Months in BMmesRcurccs Over.... ........ $500)00.00 BIREOTOI18: W. H. BELK . ' W. O. NIRBET ' ' ' 3: M. DAVIS . ' " , O. M. PATTERSON f O. P. HEATH ' " - "J. P. ROBERTSON H. G. LINK , , . ' W. M. LONG ' J. ix. Lrrrr.m ' STRONG CONSERVATIVE. SAFE.. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK CBARLOTTE, N. C HENRY M. McADEN, GEO. W. BRYAN. H. M. VICTOR, President Vice President ' Cashier. Capital $800,000.00 Surplus snd Profits.... $221,608.2$ DIRECTORS: i P. D. ALEXANDER G. W. BRYAN ; J. O. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH J. S. MYERS Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy and accommo dation extended consistent with safe banktng. v H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. The Charlotte National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources $1,270,000.00 ' OmCERSt B. D. HEATH, President. aTNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President W. H. T WITTY, Cashier." F. H. JONES, Aaalatant Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. D. HEATH H. N. PHARR H, H. JORDAN JNa M. SCOTT VINTON LIDDELL . C VALAER . CHAS. F. WADSWORTH AocounU 'of corporations, firms and individuals Invited. , IT' S JUST US EASY P. M. BROWN. President. W. S. ALEXANDER, Vice President. r 1 ' s. 1111 1 , ..... ... ... rn Southern States Trust Go Assets Jannarr t, 1007 ... . . flSO.OOO, m ' ; OFFICERSt GEORGE STEP1TENS,' President. , r x T. 8. FRANKLIN VVPreaWent W. S. WEE, JB-, Vtce President. W. n. WOOD, Tresorer. J. H. , DAVIS," Assistant Treasurer. Wa offer customers 'every tnodern banking facility con " slstent with safe hnslnesa 'niethodai . January Investments BO Greensboro Life Insurance TJo, : Vs h a n due iit, toot, $.ooo, 10.000,', . N a ii, due lilt 1.000, 1000. 8,000.,, 10.000, 11,000. , . 110.000 Salisbury-Spencer Railroad (a. v , ItO.OOO Granby Cotton Mill Bonds. $5,009 Hope Mill Bonds. ' - : '.'V. ' ti aha n.pmts.lm,rlrin Mill UnnilaL . " ' , , .. $5j)00 Spray .Woolen .'Mill Bonds. ..." ' $11,000 Eatonton. Oa., 80-yr. la ... AAA f mm9 1 A fl.. 10. V I. .. ' 10 to $ Gibson: II to 10 Osffney; 10 Mnrlbort . ; , v 'i ' 10 t 10 Henrietta 10 Florence! $ Lumberton. ' V ( . i 7i 10 Highland Psrk; 10 Itlarhlsnd Park Prof, :H'" -'''v.-; . - lleslsr;, 10 Cora; 10 .Ware Shoals. . L ;. '- p. G. 21DBOTT & GOR1P21NY. 1 J JT. H. McADEN v, g. Mclaughlin I. R. RHYNH , it -" JNO. B. ROSS t 8. M. ROBINSON . ; L X' J. 1L JWEARN . , GEO." E. ,WBLSON . ' C M. PATTERSONr Tlc President : W. A. WATSON 9. W. ZD1MERMAN HENRY M. McADEN F. B. M'DOWELL W. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE CHAS. A. WILLIAMS as banking In person. Send your deposits to SoattailoM tfll Saviesi hX CHARLOTTE, N. O, by Express or Registered Let ter or by m P. O. Money Order, Draft or Check. Wa return your deposit book by next mall, , properly written up. We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest, Compounded Quarterly. W. I. JENKINS, Cashier. 4 1 V9 ft - r