' Ono of Co t !;.! t " f ''l:ir rliigia of the m-nauu 1a Norlii Carolina win bo that of lion, unhurt U. I'attir ' son,-. of ..Mux ton, to Al r,- Wattle. Mo Nalr F,vnn, of LaurlnbuMT, the cere mony to take place to-morrow, at the homo of the bride's father, Mr. John F, McNalr. Mr.Patterspn and : his bride-elect have a host of friends in this suction of the State. - ' Mr;' and Mrs. W. R. Land, who are visiting at th home of Mr. I'aul C. Whltlock, on North Church street, will , leave' to-morrow tor Greensboro,, whoro they will visit Mr. and Mrs. (John N. Wilson and Mr. an Mr. W. TK. HarrlBOn before returning to their home at Hamlet. , Little 'MlHvHeleh Schlff will cele brate her eighth birthday win part to-morrow afternoon at 4, o'clock.,; ,t;i 1 J h " ft j ...... . J ' ') ,'')' T The Elqctrlc Book Club' will meet with MrnJay Hlrshinger at 4 o'clock' this afternoon. , . . , v r ,' ii . V . t, i .in'. J a . t, .'V, ;.. Mrs. J. . A. Houston, has returned from. Salisbury where she visited at the borne of Miss Janet Quinn, :t i. I i . 3re:aSftfr " jBxYle President ' and - Mrs. Ad Jel K. Stevrneon, of WoomIngtoa;lH, will visit Charlotte In the pear" future-' as the guest of their daughter, Mrs. Martin L Hardin, on Nortlt Col lege street- Mr. adv Mrs. Stevenson will arrive at Montreat the last of the week and, after spending several " days there, will come on to Charlotte. .Shortly after their arrival, the Daugh ters of the American Revolution will tender them a reception at the home of .Mrs. Latta C, Johnson, to which a number of representative citizens will be invited. . . The choir 'of the Second Presby terian church will give a special re cital Thursday night. Fror. a. Zehm. choir .' director. ' will be in "charge. - x . y ' : ,,'!' " " ' - Mt W.-C. Dowd Is spending sev eral days la Raleigh - with her s hus band who is member of the 'State Legislature. 'v:-; Mr." and Mrs.-E. M. Parkinson, left last night for New. Orleans, 'La,, where they will reside In the future. Mr. Parkinson Is connected with the General Fire Extinguisher company. Mrs. W. B. Reynolds entertained a number of friends at bridge whist at her home on 8outh Tryon street yes terday afternoon. The prize was won by Mrs. S. ,W. Cramer. Those present MulAma H. A. MurrilL 8. W. rmmiip c. T. Almander. R. C. Moore. H. A. London. Jr.. J. 8. Walters and Mtes Edna, Hlrshinger, Rev. Harris MalHnckro&t will leave to-day for Wlnston-Salom. where he wfU be Joined by his wife, who has V,mn In R.ltlmnrA for some time. They will return to Charlotte the last of the week. w imnM th visitors In he citv yes terday were Mr. W. J. ,Whrtaker and uiss Luia wnuaKer. Miss Mary Borden, who has been vlsitlna her sister. Mrs. J. Archie Can Hon, on South Tryon street, will leave to-day for her home- at Wilmington. Miss. Alice Baird wfll entertain score of, her friends at her home on South Tryon street Thursday evening The party will enjoy a session at the skating rink before repairing to the Baird home. ( Her friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Ab V. Harnlll is gradually Improving In health. She has been discharged from the hospital and is now at her home on South Tryon strr Mrs. Wlllard O. Rogers and Mrs. James B. Troy will be at home to their friends Friday afternoon from 8 to 6 o'clock. Mr. and Mra. Rogers will be at home to their friends Friday evening. February 1, from 8 to 10 o clock. The Sorosls Book Club will meet with Mrs. F. D. Sampson in Dll worth thla afternoon at 8:10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. O. Butt are spending several days lh Harrlsburg, with Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Grler. ' Mrs. Harvey Lambeth has re turned from a short trip to New York. Mrs. R- O. Alexander returned last night from a trip South. '. - ' ' Mra M. W. Burweli has returned from New Tork, where she has been visiting. BRIEFS. A Few Minor Happenings In and About the City. Lillian Russell in .'.The . Butter fly at the Academy" of Music to- Wt . " '.' .y . : i ,.4 v Capt.- F.' W. Ahrens has -sold bis house and lot on East Second street to Mr. McD.. Wat kins, the considera tion being $4,000. The city Are department' was called out yesterday morning at - 7 o'clock by a burning chimney at a house on North Church street Miss Eunice Elliott, of Sharon township, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Presbyterian Hospital last week, Is Improving The Tates Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meot with Mrs. Herman H. Hulten at CO North Tryon street, at 4 o'clock thla afternoon. . . i . -The Mecklenburg Ministerial As sociation wm meet at the parlor of the T M. C. A. thla morning at It o'clock for a further discussion of the r, v The Osmond L, Bafrlnger Co. yesieroay -received handsome Franklin Flyer for Mr. A. J. Draper. This la the first 1907 automobile to be delivered In" Charlotte, v ' The local branch of the State , .Antt-Sak)on League has arranged to send 1 aoodlv dvUratlnn t7.Stt. - - -- ---- iv ..iui" , to attend the biennial eonvnntintt n ': the Learue. The sniflna nt tti. y day." ..Yi! ;--." 4 :,' i'-.-'-r.u, ''' 'J1', ' , ; RegUtet of Deeds ..W. M. Moore . yssteraay isuea license for the mar. , nm di Mr., muius ueims and Miss , Mattte Benton Of Mornlnr ship. The young couple y were1. mar Y rled last evening at the home of the .bride'a parent, .. - Y " The receipts at the city cotton platform yesterday were 48 balsa and . ths best price paid for ths ktsple was 10.80 cents a pound. The receipts for ' the corresponding date of last year, " when the best price wee Ii.TI cents, 'Mirer two bale. - . i ; .. -, ; The management of R,-H. Jor- ,: The GrMteM Boilers' In Blue Wbbon i- Kstreets ers Imon and Vanilla. f jruw i"j i.in. Mn.w j'"i wiu unuenianu t... . . . ...M.1I Bit . . . .. -, v, ..( : Tin) turnout vwth Til' :i ,i ur ii. f r 1 ! r Hs:fc" lit one ' 1 t Tlio Movement of A Nnnibrr of IV t- ' iilo, Vlnitors and lulirrs. Mr. 11. L. blnunoriH. of Jttililmore, one of the expert poultry men who acted as a Judge et the annual showi of the Charlotte Poultry Association last week, went to Oastonia last event ing 'to act as Judge . at the poultry show thai'1, will opeft there to-doy. ' Mr. Harry Wlgley, business man ager -of "Our.; Little Minister" Com pany, spent yesterday In the cltty on business,; ' '-"VY '""'' .. Mr. J. Lubln, of Baltimore, former ly of Charlotte, is in the city to at tend the annual meeting of the atock- holders of he Lubin Furniture Com pany, ot which. ha Is president., ---Messrs.-H.-U. Rowe, T. Allison and B. K Detter, of Bessemer City, spent yesterday; in the olty, staying at the Buf ord. f . . Among th'e out-oMOwn people la Charlotte yesterday .was R. H. PetUs, of Greensboro. - Judge W. B. Council, ' of Hickory, was a visitor An the ; city yesterday morning, being a . gueat at th ,Cen trak 'h,'" v .t ,;'. . it Mf Eldre'd Griffith Miti fturned from .a business trip South. ' . ; ' i Rev. Dr.fcW W. urr w yeaieruay mnrnino- tnr A!lerhaney. Pa., to as sist in a protracted meeting there, v Mr.: i A C- iBuckefti of-! Greensboro, Is spending a few days In the city with friends. ''. yHt.s . Mr.-- i.,s F Williamson, - Jr., of Taylorsvllle.i was-registered at the Am ft no- th out.or-town people here last evening were "Messrs. J. DV Dowllng and w. ' BanKin, - ei Greensboro. . Y- ''A': ' ' Among the Vlsitore la the city yesterday waa Dr.rVTalfc .Butler,, of Raleigh, state veterinarian. ; Mr. W. J.- O'Brien, of Durham, was among the guests the Buford lant nlo-ht. :?!.:'' .- Among the visitors in the city are Messrs. J. A. 'Abernethy and V. E. Relnhardt. of Lmcolnton. v Measrs... J. P. Deinnger ana J. u. Ballard, of, CherryvlUe, were visitors In the city last: evening; being guests at the Central. . , Mr. T. E. Davis, of Rockingham, Is spending to-day in the city. Mr. : Thomas, B. Marshall. of Randlcman, was registered at the Buford last night, Mr. William H. Mozon, business manager for "Checkera," which will appear here next week, la In the city. Among the guests at the Buford lait night was Mr. D. C. McGhee, of Franklinton. ; . . Dr. J. M. Turner, of Wllkesboro, and Mr. W. B. WllllamB, of North Wllkesboro. are visitors in the city, Mr. F. B. SlmtnonB, of Shelby, was registered at the Central last night. Among the out-of-town people here last : evening was Mr. William Ledbetter. of States vllle.' Mr. George B, Morris, of Concord, was In Charlotte. last evening. Mr. W. R. Leak, of Winston, was registered at the Buford last night. Mr. J. p. Parker,; of McAdenvllle, spent yesterday here 'on business. Mr. J. A. Rogers, of Chicago, Is In the city, on a visit to his brother. Mr. C. B. Rogers, of The Observer mechanical forces, . i DAVIS ONCE ATOEB ENGLAND. Deepest Gratitude Was Felt for Htm Becaase of Action In International 'Arbitration 0urt at Paris on Sink. Ing of British Fishing Vessels In North Sa by Rnsslan Fleet. London, Jan. 21. By a singular coincidence Admiral Davla happens to be an officer to whom England heretofore has felt the deepest grati tude, as his course while the Amcrl can member of the International ar bitration court at Paris upon the sinking of the British fishing vessels li the North Sea by the Russian fleet practically was decisive In shap ing a decision favorable to Great Britain. Some phases of the arbltra tlon were not sealed at the time as they might have proven Irritating to Russia. It Is known that Admiral Davis' staunch support of the Brit lsh contention turned the scales at the decisive moment. HI views were accepted by the Austrian ad miral and this, with the vote of the British member. Admiral Baumont. made a majority which determined tne character of the final decision. King Edward, on the conclusion of the court, communicated an Invita tion through the British ambassador Croup can positively be aioppeJ In 20 minutes, ino vumiiina- mnnma to sick nn or dtatreaa Tour child. - A awaat. nliu. ant. ant) safe By rop, called Dr. Snoop's Proun Cure, does the work and doea it quickly. Dr. Sheep's Croup Cure Is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to cure a dosen ailments. It's" for Croup, that an. Bold by Burwell-Dunn Retail Stora. Say! "..-'Want a. new Suit? J ;. Want it cheap? , ",fV- Well here' ( your ; last chance - to get in on ''fepeclal prlcea" before Inventory," .' . We take , stock la a few - day.'. ''. A , ' Yif:; "Y; . y Beside w'r howlng "am ple of Spring Stylet .. now-' and , our , new f-atock. will K -ta her' right' won. Yf.'vi-. ; What ay? Are yotk tan) for a Suit ', at ; ths hort prlcea ? It' the laat eall.i : SUITS $20.00 to $30.00 Cebaniss & Co; Inc. ':L-::-'y TAILORS,-.: ,' ": V . S. Tryon Street ' I ' ! i i , : 1 : 1 i f . , I. . . , i J ... , , v. ... . I.,, i in I lit v i.l i ixutort v.". i.l Iwivn I .I'll Miuwn liitii. Dsn "v i;;nt l.i't (ii'Mlrn to sivulil a nvt hln? l iw 1 mM'iIi ml 'it ho roii1 iii' 1 ns uouiiil ii - 1 ii u I'll A'lmli il Jiivlt not to u i ' , t 1 io Kind's 1 iVn illon. 1 -i .'",?'. i .. " fi. ' i. 'f"t r VVcolehs Bycd Another Color Often ' times women , have .woolen, garments. : such 1 1 as sweaters. knit. , i dressing sacques, fascinators,, etc., which could bo dyed, and so .- rnade lnto new looking gar menta. ' ' ,f - W6 do such work -do it welland for ' a reasonable charge. , ;.a,:t:,: ,:c: "'''i.' Consult- our driver. 'i"tV ;.' Charlotte StearalMry La under ers, Dyers, Cleaners, 219 Jloath Tryoa itreet . 33i Wake Up ! It's time for breakfast and for you to be off to busi ness. That's true, but over sleeping on that elegant new Bed is excusable. You can't find a better one wherever you go. BRASS AND IRON BEDS in new styles like we are selling are very, very cheap when quality is considered. Stop and see them. We are pleasedto show them. E CO. "owers FOR JANUARY DOUBLE BLUE VIOLETS. Large supply. Good Flower , and Stems, fragrant and fresh. ENCHANTRESS CARNATION. The largest and finest Carnation known. Color, pale pink; stem 1 1-t to 3 feet long. Extra superb. Large supply for January. Write for prices on wedding Bou quets. Teiepnone or teiegrapn ror Funeral Designs, which we make a specialty. Largest groennouaea, rresh flower. prompt shipments. ; . Y . J. VAN LINDLET NURSERY CO- Pomona, N. C . Send telegrams to Greensboro. ' 9 iT'iMsytrUais b i . r cases ari counters case; i blank I ; stationery i ho;i, ok LUBIN f LRNITUR tiusiling for Business VSt work harder for business, offer more Inducement during the usual dull month than . during the busy eeaaon. There w always, a lot i trade that can be influenced by In dnofimentfl. v' ' -, '- It will tar yon to read our a as ana visit our store very any. . . . ' - . " i. m . . t SPRING) MUWIHU. We have received a lot of special values In Ginghams, Percales, etc, for early. sewing.; Tne ramous im perial Long Cloth. 12 yds. for $1.50. Imperial soft Nainsook, a most ex? cellent grade .V, 12 yds. for $1.75. BARGAINS IN FIXE PERSIAN LAWN. 10a A TAJtD. 42 to id Inches wide, in lengths from 1 to 6 yard. Regular price 80 to 30c. Hh 40-INCH LAWN 8PECIAL. We secured before the big advance In price, some great values . In plain 40-Inch Lawns, . They are now on sale at 10c, 13 1-Sc, 15c. and 10a a yard, and are worth about one-third more than these prices. CLOAKS, SUITS. All Cloak and Suits being .closed out at very tow prices. Our cold Weather Is to come yet Thi is a good opportunity to pre par ror n ax a saving. NEW BELTS. Just In." novelty in Leather Belts- Black and White, large, fancy DucKies, at ...... . , . . sac. eacu. RUGS. Closing out a few numbers of Smyrna Rug at a bargain. C0-lnch Aii-wooi ugs. worth 2.00. for $l.lt each. 58-inch Imitation Smyrnas 75o. each. TABLE LINF.VS. Durlncr this month we will mn tlnue to give special values in Table Linen, Napkin. .Towels. Crashes, etc Prices range In Damasks 21c. to $1.09 the yard. Special Napkins at sc. ana upward. y i y 'S 18 WEST TRADE STREET "GET IT AT. ,HAWLET8." Hot DrinSis At Our are the most delicious in the city. Our Coffee, Chocolate and Bullions are unsurpassed. Stop in on your way home from the theatre. ' ' Hawley's Pharmacy Thone IS. Tryoa and 5th St. MADE Good Blood ,Bt USINO A BOTTLE OF Mrs. Joe Person's .- S. ' : ''; t ;y v Take no substitute, 5. All drug' glsU MU It. i TUB CROWELL BrrTOrmiM CO, i Y.Y" " INC. -- f y, .:." For the Treatment of Y - -Whiskey, alorphlne and Ncrroa . - piaeaseai -(Tpeclar apartment and nurses for lady patient. Alt form ef elsotrtcliy for treating, nenrous dlaeassa Tb stockholder all being physicians, constitute a ronatilUng board. ' S. L CROWLU II. Oh Trm fountain Ba Boo Remedy mm 0 ii Ik Harrison Fisher's Original Illustrations for McCutchcon's latest Book Jane Cable are now being shown in our north window. These are loaned us by e the owners for a week or ten days. All art students and those fond of good pic tures will be interested in seing them. Jane Cable, price $1.50. v Stone & Barringer Booksellers and Stationers. Co To The 9nas Trvnh. ':v'.-- '...if IMcet McatThc Company Y Y f, ' -...,;v:-..V.f'';' ' ' ' C U If )l"r' ' )lU:h n y . v,." i J : ;' , ; ' . It'"' I L , f t I w u The recent warm weather has retarded tne ' sale in this department. Hence we have a great many of this season's new garments unsold that must go. The Clearance Sale Prices for Thursday Are Much Less Than the Already Reduced Prices: $20.00 and $22.50 Suits, $10,00. $25.00 and $30.00 Suits, $15.00. $15.00 Suits, $7.50. $37.50 Suits, $20.00. CLOAKS New, Stylish Garments Receive Another Cut for This Sale: $15.00 and $16.50 Cloaks, $10.00. $10.00 and $11.50 Cloaks, $6.50. $8.50 to $10.00 Cloaks, $5.00. Nothing charged atsale prices; none sent on approval. Bfothcrs Wholesale and Retail New Spring On Sale This Week All our early purchases of delivery in now and on sale this week. These eoods all bought away under nem Dougnx 10 De soia at we always keep in minor W TTt i 11 r aiOsl tAttiAAa 4 - an win uc ouxu at uii.cco . n m 11 . regaraiess oi xne advances. inne White Madras, handsome new designs, woven fig- Y;: -A- 3 1 f Al. LllVi iaiu 4V WMHM. Fine, smooth quality White yard 10 Cents. LONG CLOTH Wide Long uotn in a very soft finish; 36 and 38 inches wide; per yard 10 Cents. 1 y Embroidery Cloth, same weave as Cannon Cloth; per ; : irorrl 7 1.5 flAtlffl j TTia flfnnrlflrH hrnnrta HiPArh. Cents. mi ismi Nfiw flnrt handsome natterns lar cloth Figures, Dots, Stripes, etc. Sells every- y-' where 15 cents a yard; here 12 . 1-2 Cents. : ; -; : : ' ; ; , Yard-wide Percale, nice colors. 10-cent crrade: 8 1-2 Cents. ' "V White Curtain Swiss, nice NEW COTTON PLAID DEES3 GOODS. Handsome new patterns; just tho thing wanted . for early Spring Shirt Waists, Girls' School Dresses, ) etc.; comes double fold; 4a real good bargaia'atlO v',i Cents. - :'Y- t v.:' Y': :!?Y Lots of good Specials " in' Ne over. - . i "JY - .; Y '. ,',4 f V. ' THE ALWAYS Ccinitr East Trad: 7T y i . -v.- ;J -ft. . Y.f t I ...lil.J . t I', Spring Goods for January to-day's market prices. Every 7-. a specinea price, an iaea :,,; wnue ouymg, ana trus ume . , . Vi rTf mtAWA tn rV 4 4-V anil -fw "r- ' tucy nuc uuukLiit iu ocu wit .: - " - ; A. : y v -,'Y Lawn, 40 inches wide; per REMNANTS. nne quality, good, nnn out v .. '. .;'.. t. vnrri widp; npr VArrl 8 1-3 vV; . " r rT rnrrr "."Yf-Y- and colonnffs in this ttmi- -y ? - . u .. . ' v . :.- !-i;--'i quality ;10 Cents i a yard, vg w Q oods, . Coma look them - 1 - Yv - - VA?Y Y:v.;S YY ::,Y,.:fY ixf t iY ,.'c. BUSY. STORE and Co!! Str: i UK J- v

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