V. j 'i. .... Y. I'.C. A.i'UIil) r 2 Seven lYi'mini Who dive $."tiO I'mv.U 'I lie J.nihuslasiu Cn(lnin' l.ii ". nliutrd Oi'lIiuils ol tlio tnrtoom to bo Inhibited Hie lu-puns r Mudo by llio Committees Y enter. day The Name' or the Conlrlbn " tors Listed $21,000 jet to bo ltals ed by the Hh or February to Coin f plc-te Fund or $40,000. .'The remarkable Interest in the Y. k M. C. A. building fund on, tha part of the, citlaeng of Charlotte, and - the great enthuBiaarn of , the committees having1 the canvass In charge has not Abated, but .has considerably Increase - M, The amount of; tne gifts yester 1 cay,, greatly pleased' those who have the natter In charge.. .They expected that after the first day or two the in terest would begin to lag and; he fact hashls Is not so argues that the move ment has even a greater hold upon the publlo than any had thought pos sible. Few think that the' movement , has been inaugurated but three days, and when it is remembered that $19, . 000 'has been-secured in this short - tlmef in Addition to $20,000 by the di rectors, and trustees it seems incred , Itabla for a city of this size. Never has Charlotte taken hold of a public project with such great enthusiasm. The size of the gifts, too, is remark able. In addition to those mention ed in yesterday's paper the following gifts of $500 each should be made note or: Mr. D. H. Anderson, . Mr. Willis Brown, Messrs. Davidson & Wolfe, Mr. Peter Gilchrist, Mr. J. A. Jones, Mr. E. L. Keesler, Mr. John R. Pharr, Mr. W. R. Robertson, Mr. W. W. Hagood, Mr. J, C.s, Burroughs, . Mr. J. W. Pharr. Truely this evidence of a new spirit in old Charlotte Is most gratifying and beyond a doubt the spirit of co-operation on the part of the citizens of all -classes will surely bring a great er building than has ever been dream ed possible for th. 'Young Men's Christian Association. The fact that men of large affairs are giving practically all of their lime to this work proves that they nave the interest of their employes In the city dr-'ply at heart and this spir it on the part of the employer has b.een met In the same spirit that it is given by the younger men of the city who are assuming their portion of the burden of the campaign. It surely is a remarkable sight to see these men of large Interests at one table and the younger business men of the city at another, meeting, to gether In the spirit of good fellow ship. While there is not rivalry in this great committee,, yet'of the sub committees this is true. , In-the young men's commltee especially there Is keen rivalry to see which company ehall secure the largest amount day by day and the largest total for the campaign. The reports by committees for th third day. endlnu at 1 o'clock yesterday. li as .follows: The cltlgens' committee: Com. A Chairman Gllchilst . $210 Com. B Chairman Roger, ... k Com. D Chairman Keesler . . io Com. F-Chulrman Hutchinson 1 Com. O Chairman Spelr 400 Com. H Chnlrman Valaor ... 1,100 Coin. J Chairman Brown ... 700 Total for citizens' committees.... $3,000 The young men's committees: No. 1 Walker, Captain $rt) Nrt. 2-Corwltii, Captain 00 No. 4 Van Bchop, Captain... 60 No. -Braford, Captain -. 112 No. 7-Crnlg. Captain 140 ' No, $-Monteltn, Captain 5 No. -Trotter. Captain 70 No. 10 Bratlfleld, Captain ... 130 Total voung men's committees. Total for the day h .. .. Preciously reported .$ 74 . 3.717 Grand total to dale 1...IU.WI Yet to be secured by Feb. $J1.0I The cartoons that are appearing In in the papers add very greatly to the Merest In the campaign. Those marked "Hutch" are particularly pleasing and the ones by Mr. Mar vin Helm show a decided talent for enrjoon work. This afternoon there will be placed J In tho window at Stone A Barrlnger's ! original cartoons by Mr. Helm which will undoubtedly attract much atten tion. In case any more cartoons be published the original will be placed on exhibition In this same window. Many are commenting on the splendid service rendered by the Oem Restaurant Company In arranging for, and catering at the noon-day luncheons. These dally meetings are attended by from 50 to 60 men. The following Is the list of con tributors reported at yesterday's .noon-day luncheon: W. W. Hagood, Southern Hardware Company. C, Va laer, J. C. Burroughs, R. W. Smith, Mrs. John Walter Miller, L. W. Walk er, F. M. Shannonhouse, John W. Sheppard, X E. Pharr. Z. V. Kendrtc. F. E. Gray J. W. Ware. K. F. Cres well, B. F. Withers. E. R. Russell, M, D.; H. C. Irwin, F. R. MJller shan, Paul Chatham, S. J. Asbury, A. A. Anthony, John R. Rons, George H. JtKVster, of Greensboro: Georgo J. Miller. Mrs. Emma B. Osborne, D. Montelth, W., 8. Lee, Jr., W. A. i" ! I'StW ' " ' 1 'fir. iv v iA m' , Spl tr'"''l'''j" V'"'"' 11"" -'"cf, Igl F ,.s ,.X TS'g-' I aVfMeree. W. C. Hlnson, J. C. Watson, Moore, W.' B. Clenton, J. Hal- A, f W. H. colm Brsdfleld, G. H. Sebrlng, Locke White, W. F. Challlce. Jrt, W. J. H. Weddlngton, George W.Klng, F. J. ', Galther, B. F Matthews, J. A- Mc Rae, T. B. Powers, A. D. Gilchrist, J. F. Flowers, J. H, Oldham, J' - . ..-Ml'. II,,.! .. , "Otir New Minister". 4 Success. "Our New Minister," a play of New . England village life, pleased, a small audience at jthe Academy of Muslo last night.- The, j play,' bright and : original In Itself, was presented by an catJrely capobls cast,-headed -by Jo ' .' soph Confers, Wh essayed the role of the town constable with side-splitting '"V success.' 1 ' '- ' ' ; v? '"Our New Minister? will play a ire. ; ; : rum engagement here on March 21th, v so Mr. Conyers announced between acts, and it deserves to play to a large v' house- Those who see It then will get their money'e worth, bet Idea a , sermon mixed with f sparkling com '.. Ay. "' ",' ' '' '' ' : i f FEATS. TUB MUHIC CURE. -. To ksep the body In tune,' write t A Mn. Mary sUrown, rW Lafayette Plaee, fmit-hli-er4 N, T.. "I take Dr. Rtn ' New JJf- Pflls. . They are the ina i- liable at'4 PlenMnt Issntlve I have frttind." Pet for the "toniseh, IJvr And i weie iauanMteed . Pt . all. -Lruggaaa, I t ' . rrii.';l at 1.1 --l i i'l'ot'iriy IjO' i f io l ' 'i HI I in fill!' '.t I i- r V, ui,- and no llopo lit inlerUim-d for Three. JDufUlo, N. T.i Jan. 2. An elght story brick building at 10 1-107 Ben-oca- street; ana extending through; the block to Carroll atrect, was destroy ed by fire to-day.. A-eoore of fire men were, caught under a failing wall while, 'lighting the flreC Three are still furled in the rulna and there is no'J hope ?ot?;;i rescuing" ; theny-:' alive, Twelve, . others i were , 1 injured,; six ' of them serldusly. VTha missing ; x ' WM. J. NAUGHTONV a lieutenant. JOHN R. i HINKY, - fireman. rs. , STEPHEN J. MEGAN, fireman, i i The financial loss is estimated at $500.000., moiJt, of, wlhlch will fall up. on tho Jewel estate; owners of f wis building, i fFlrms V In ( surrodnding buildings UKerr;neavuy , irom ; ore, water. and smoke. :.........'. ?;.., The collaose of the. wall, which burled two companies of firemen, oo curredVafter the : fir In the -v main building wa well under control, . and the firemen were wormng to save aa Joining property. '.Companies 4 and s were- on s the. top floor .of. the - next building to the east wetting- down the walls,, when one of the inner -walla of one destroyed siruciure ; eiiiou, carrying two otlflers 4neavy brick, walls with It. Every, man in the two com panles received) injurlesvof some kind, but most of them were bl to reach the street. , .; kr .": Ji ;' ' v All but thresh Megan, : Naughton and Hmky, were rescued. These three, Chief McConnell said, undoubtedly are dead,t,7 - f "-' ' . " FORMER CONDUCTOR ARRESTED Police Believe He Katows Something of the Death of Dr. Townsend, Who Was Mysteriously : Murdered "In Staten Island, j" New York, Jan. 28 Suspected of knowing something about the death of Dr. Charles W. Towfisend, of Staten Island, who was mysteriously murdered In his home Friday night, the police last night arrested John Bell, a former street car conductor, at his home in Brooklyn. The sus picions of the police were directed toward Bell by discovery that .his wife died about a year ago from an operation attending childbirth. Dr. Towhsend was attending the woman and had charge of. the operation, as sisted by other doctors. Bell Is re ported to have. blamed Dr. Townsend for his wife's death. He was taken to police headquarters" and ques tioned. He declared that Dr. Town send was no friend of his, but that he had nothing whatever to do with the murder of the doctor. It is probable Bell will be taken before Mrs. Townsend for identification. Inspector Schmittburger said to day that his detectives say - they can produce two witnesses who claim to have seen, Bell In the vicinity of the Townsend home and in other parts of New. Brighton Friday night and Saturday morning. SHOT DEAD B FRIEND. ,v , ., . r, . Artw Drinking Together Carpenter I Follows Companion Homo and is Killed While Attempting to Enter Room Occupied by Letter's Wife , and Children. Danville, Va., Jan. 28. John uousinB, a wnire man, aooui a years i of age. was shot and killed here to- I night by George L. Stellman, a car- la.'"n,r8' ln says;, ., penter. The killing occurred at the I nni' ",',)L?rI?,c?..iht hti P,""" Some of Stellman . n.l. Cousins it ' SSSWJi Is alleged, was in the act of entering ; edmlttedly the larrer part fs puro the room occupied by Mrs. Steilman gi-atutliy. This objection -in fundnmen and lhr children. Stellman said tal and no amount of sophistry or vol sald that he had had a difficulty with "me 0f.snec!?uf argument can secure it. Cousins six months ago and that the 1 1 1l,n2!ttft mplY J? payments for latter swore vengeance. They tl"A"&& this afternoon and . drank togetiner. Stellman says Cousins Insisted on following him home despite his pro tests. When h demanded him to stay out of the house Cousins, he de clares, fired at him twice with a pistol. Stellman then got a shot gun and emptied a load In his breast. Stellman surrendered. SUMMONED AT TWO PLACES. Witnesses Familiar With tl Browns vlllo Affair Orderd tn Annrar at Washington and at San Antonio on (lie Same Date. San Antonio. Tex., Jan. 28. For-ty-Hve witnesses, who are familiar with fne Brownsville raid of enlist ed men of the Twenty-firth infantry, colored, are in . "doubt as to what course to pursue. They have been summoned to appear before the Sen ate's Investigation committee at Washington next Monday and also before a general court-martial which Is to convene at department head quarters, this city, on the same date. Practically all of the witnesses giving lestlmonv before Milton D. Purdy have been summoned to appear be fore both boards of inquiry. N, specific instructions hare been received at department headquarters concerning the Senate inquiry and preparations for the court-martial are proceeding without Interruption. WOMAN'S BODY IS IDENTIFIED. Believed She Entered Into Suicidal Pact With Man Who Died With Her Daughter of a Camden, N. J., Farmer. Camden. N. J.. Jan. 28. The body of tha young woman, who Is believed to have entered into a suicidal pact, and who, with a male companion, was killed by an electric trajn on the Pennsylvania Railroad near here on Sunday, was to-night Identified as that ef Wllhelmlna Lacey, of Iona, a small village a short distance below Gloucester. The young woman's father Is a farmer and the body was Identified at the morgue her by Howard Snyder, a farm hand. The body ef the man who was killed on the railroad with the young woman, haa not been recovered from Nowtoh creek. Into htch It was hurled by the electric train. 5 (BIO PUBLISHING HOUSE BURNED Phelpa Co., at 8pr1nghl. Ma Sus tain Loea Estimated at $1,000,000 Spontaneous Combustion Started Fle-'" v V ,;:,-V - m.t'V'.jV Springfield, i Mass., Jan. 28,The entire plant of ,the Phelps Publish Ing Company.; comprising four build ing and covering nearly an tcre of ground, was destroyed by fire to-day, causing a loss estimated at $1,000, 000. No one was Injured., ; ' - Th fire Marted from ' spontaneous combustion 'among some, benilne soaked r(r In the basement;, of , the main building. In Addition to this structure, which waa four stories in hslaht there . wae; another.' four1 story building, pneiflve , stories in height, another of ..two and a half stories, all being t connected by passageways, i 1A11 the'- buildings, which were of brick, were destroyed. Croup can pneltlvaly be ' stopped In W minutes. No vomittng-nothin to sick en or distress your child.- A sweet, pleas ant, and nty Myrup, called Dr. Snoop's Cretin Cure, does the work snd does II milckiy. -Dr. (Shoeo's Creup Cu Is for Croup Slona, remember. It , d if s not rlnlm lo cure a dtn e'lment. It's for Crone thai aU014.k Burwsu-Dana hml Here. , . , , . , i.: "i I'm-. i ." i, i ' i 1 1 1- t. r (...wti-d, A -i I . . liiu!t r. r: h la Jail : . !-.! l'r y-r tot 1 hem Muny 1'cojIom unt Tickets. Special to The Observer. - purham, Jan, 28. -There was preaching In the county Jail yester day, the devotional exercises being held by Rev, E. M. Hoyle, pastor of the Mangum Street .Methodist church, This servlco was at $ o'clock in the afternoon. " In addition, to the minis! ter, there y ere with him several lay men and-; two ladles, ; these' assisting In the song service and other featuret of the i devotional service. This service . was' held especially for the ; two men who are soon to die on the gallows, John . Hodges, f; the wife- murderer, and Freeman f Jones, col ; ored, burglar, both of whom are un- ! der sentence of death ' to die In 12 days. V Incldenully, the servics was for. the benefit of the others, not; a very large number, now confined In the jail awaiting trial at the .May term of court. , f ' Both Hodges and Jones '.were In terested listeners to the preaching and other: features of the- devotional exercises. - In addition to .the ser mon, .there were special prayers ; for Hodges, who Is confined on the sec ond floor of the Jail, and for Jones; on the first floor, .the preacher pray ing, with them. Hodges retains his steady nerve and said yesterday that he was ready and even' anxious for the end; that he had no reason why ho should longer live and that he was, ready to meet death and the future. According to the manner in which he expressed this,-and accord ing to his former- declarations, he seems to be exceedingly anxious for It all to end. Jones said yesterday that he was ready and willing. He does' not say much. All he says Is In answer to di rect questions. He says he has given up all hope of being saved from the rope and he has no complaint to make. The sheriff's office has been bom barded with a great many applica tions for tickets to attend the hang ing. The space In which the men are to be hung Is a small one and it is doubtful if the full number allowed will be admitted. The scaffold Is now piled in the rear of the court house, between the Jail and the build ing in which the two men heard the death sentence passed. It Is all ready to be put together and this will require but very little work or time. 1 Hodges, the murderer, has ex pressed a desire to have his children with him at a religious servloe be tween now and the day of execution. This will probably be granted next Sunday, or any time that he may elect REPUBLICAN POLICY SCORED. Littcau Compromise Ship Subsidy Bill Filed in House Bearing Signature of Splght and Three Other Demo crats Text of the Report. Washington-. Jan. 28.-J. J, Hill, E. II. Harrlmati and the Republican policy oi nrotectlon are ttssallud tn lh mlnr.rirv Rdverse report on the Llttauer comprom- se giup puhlrty bill, which wis filed in the House to-day by -Representative plht. of Mississippi, and (bears his ;ler.atureaa well aa that of three other DrroCratlc members of thi Hmiu mltlee on merchant marine and fisher ies Messrs. uouiflen, Hherlev and Pat- it-mon. Alter reviewing the proposed subsidies to South- Anwican and Orient Id to mere chant marine The report discusses the .two nrnnoaMt lines which are to be subsidized be tween the Pacific coast and the Orient, saying: "But when It Is recalled that at Seat the north of Cupe. Mendocino Is the ex- ' tair.g steamship line owned by J. J. HIM nna ssoutn or it at Ban FmncHco is the Harrlman line, the Pacific Mall, we may begin to 6uspect that there's a "nlmrer In the wood pile.' Who are J. J. Hill and E. H. Harriman? The former tho great railway mssmate of Northern Securities notoriety, who tried to merge vsst Interests In violation of tlw law jmd was only prevenlod by proceedlngi. of corporate wealth who controls more railway trackage than any other man In the world. Is It harrf to guess wno under this bill would pocket $1,400,000 of the people's money?" The report decbues that governmental aid of tills sort can never result In a in twun. uniiiiiinii in niiLi.vr iwuer great merchant marine and urges the repeal or Ietlslatlon which hinders ship building In this country. SHOOTING WA8 ACCIDENTAL? Prominent Dentist on Trial For Mur der of Fathor-ln-Law at Rivcrliead, L. I. Talesman Dies In Court Room of Heart Disease. Rlverhead, L. I., Jan. 2$. Dr. James W. Simpson, a prominent den tist, was placed on trial here to-day for the murder of his father-in-law, Hartley W. Horner, .a wealthy con tractor of Northport. who was shot to death at his home December 27, 1905. It Is said that the prosecution will call the defendant's wife and his mother-in-law to testify as to bad blood that Is alleged to have existed between the dentist and Horner prior to the shooting. Simpson has main tained from the day he was arrested over a year ago, that although he held the run from which the fatal shots were fired, the shooting 'of his father-in-law was accidental. During tho examination to-day, Franklin Reeves, a talesman, died suddenly In court from heart die- ease. .. . Senator's Ron Weds at Washington. Washington, Jan. 21. Reed Knox, eon of United States Senator I. C. Vma a Ya ttattf lerea n Is e et 4 Ulasat sviiuai va a " iv auia) uis 4a mo Elisabeth- MeCook. an ls-year-old girl, who uvea wun er grandmother, Mrs. Elisabeth S. - MeCoelr, In thei Bherman apartment house . In thlsi city, were marneo in Aiexanarm. va., to-day. Mr. Knox and Miss McCoog made 4he trip to Alexandria In an automobile touring car. They were accompanied by a number of their friends and .the bridal 'party return ed to Washington shortly before mid- night. -:- :,'' Anxiety Frit for Tag and Barge , J MiuJi Overdue. ; Norfolk, 'Va., Jan. J I, -Anxiety la expressed here for tine safety of the tug Murrelt and a barge now five day overdue from Charleston. The tow was sighted off Diamond Shoals light vessel Friday, but has not been heard from since.' Both vessels are owned by the Boston 4 Baltimore Towboat Company,,:,.; ,Ugi j....t v ;w f ':,t,'x V". ;:,.', V.liri".iii.",iii Z.Z.L. I ' LA aSF- VeU j ivQa,.3X'"j Mut as C. 4ne Si. ayett ce. Yb (Keel Otu'Soo OtfUWO toyQlBQlungPoudor of maximum ctrongth, puro and Jioajibful ROYAL tAKINt MWOCII SUE ASIUEVILLE FOR $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. Wentherly, of Black Mountain, After Unsuceessrul Fight " to Keep City of Ashevllle Wires Off Their Property, Try What Virtue There Is In Courts. Special to The, Observer. Ashevllle, Jan; 28. The suit of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Weatherly, of Black Mountain, against the city of Ashevllle, . instituted In Superior Court last week, is for damages In the sum of $5000 and also to have cer tain telephone wires and poles be longing to the city removed from the property of the Weatherlys. The suit has grown out Of the city placing its wires and poles for a telephone service to the intake the source of the city's water supply through the property of Mr. and Mrs. Weatherly. For months the completion of the tel ephone Una was hung up while the city authorities endeavored to secure permission from Mr. and Mrs. Weath erly to place the poies and wires across their property along the route of the gravity ; line. The permission was reiusea. mcineniuiiy me Weatherlys backed up their re fusal by having a care-taker armed with a shotgun keep a sharp look out. One day recently Contractor Ward and his wire-stringers and elec tricians went to the Weatherly prop erty, found the -care-takpr absent and forthwith built the telephone line across the forbidden property. Later the city passed an ordinance Impos ing a heavy penalty on anyone tam pering or meddling with Its telephone line. , nriYF.R FTPRPjasv.s rnvnnPvrE Notifies Secretary Toft That He Willj'TIs especially good 'to protect the vl.r,l .... lie tana, contract nitiun tne ! i',fn iaaiuna aa.aaia. Washinaton. Jan. i. Willliini J. Oliver, of Knoxvllle, Tenn.. who wan the lowest bidder In connection with the contract for the . completion of the Panama canal, to-day notilled Sec retary Taft that he would complete his" arrangements within the 10 days allowed him. He assured the Secre tary, that he was about to associate with him one or more responsible contractors whom he was satisfied be forehand would be satisfactory to the Secretary and the President, In speaking of tho matter to-day Secretary Taft ald that the eontrm-t would surely be lven Mr. Oliver, if, as stated, the parties he Intends asso ciating with him, prove their respon sibility. NO NEWS OF MR. HELPER Man Who Mysteriously Disappeared From the City Several Days .;;o Has Not Yet been Located. Mr. Holland P. Helper, who mys teriously disappeared from the city several days hro, has not been locat ed. It Is believed by some pf his friends that his mind Is unbalanced. He worked st tho stables of the J. W. Wadsworth's Sons Company. Mr. Helper is about 40 years of age. six feet tall, and weighs 160 pounds. He has dark complexion and dark mustache. When he left here he wore a gray suit of cllthes and a der by hat. Masonic and Woodmen of the World pins were on his coat He was last seen at the Southern station. Mrs. H. P. Helper will appreciate any Information as to his whereabouts. Piles get quick relief rrom Dr. fihoop's Msgte Ointment. Remember It's made alone for Plles-and it work with cer tainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like maglo by Its use. Try It and see! Burwell-Dunn Retail Stort. o a y M 1 'it'; loojts forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should kcow that the danger, pain and horror of child birth can be entirely avoided by the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use'only, which toughens and renders pliable all the parts, and assists nature in its sublime work. By its aid thousands of women 1 have - . - fee , passed this great crilit in per- feet safety and without pain. - - ' . r. Bold at free per bottle bj druggists. rprlctlessvalueteanwonlensentfree. 'Address L 1 BMAOnr ' 'tTO OO, Atlmmtm. FIRE INSURANCE THE rOLLOWTNO COMPANIES RKPRKKKNTED AND AMPLE PRO - v TECTION GUARANTEED! ' Aetna iiAnxronn phoenix Nonm nnrnsn v. riiENtx f . . NoimimN ; j piedsiont - R. jB; Goclirahe. ) ' lnsumneey arid llesl Firtata Agent" THE BlIAnLOTTE: SUPPLY CO- Awierlcaa AH-Wrongh Rteel Heltt P alleys aad Gtanf Hfche4 Tlvbhef ; .", -;. ' ' v ' ! Dfiitinj.' f vf'. v--' ' ' 'A'av ' We earry lei siock Tali and Town ltoluap to sis tone vanadty) also k full 1U af racklat, Tip, Valea ead.lliU fpyjUn , ,fi :, CO., NEW YORK. SUB WESTERN UNION FOR $10,000 Mr. and Mrs. Matt Forstberg Sue Telegraph Company for Delay In Delivery of Death Message. Special to The Observer. Ashevllle, Jan. 28. Damages in the sum of 10,000 are demanded of the Western Union Telegraph Company by Mr. and Mrs. Matt Forstberg, of this city, in a suit instituted In Superior Court here. The failure of the Western Union Telegraph Com nntr tn tllvA an lnnnrt.nl mociia ! 7 I: fc . ; " V " delphia. The two lines together make promptly Is the basis for the suit ; y pfar th, most comp,ete and ex Mrs. Forstberg's grandmother died In elusive line of patterns In the South. Nevada City on December . It Is alleged that a message was sent, not! fylng Mrs. Forstberg of her grand mother's death, and trtat the message was not delivered until 25 days after it Had oeen sent, uuring tnese z;ier patents, our system not only days Mr. and Mrs. Forstberg were deans and separates the different in toe city, they allege, and that aft- kinds of waste, but it absolutely er the message had finally been de-' clears all waste or Iron, stone and livered they were naturally unable .to , other foreign matter. Our system make any arrangements relative to the matter. To stop a Cold with "Preventlcs" Is safer than to let It run and cure it after wards. Taken at the "sneesa stag-e" Preventlcs will head off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps nave you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventlcs t.re little toothsome canay coin our allets selling In S cent and 5 cent boxes, ir you are chilly, if you t gin to sneese, try Preventlcs. They will surely check the cold, end pleaso you. Bold by Burwell-Dunn Retail Store. Will Stay For pain In back or chest. King's Ann-fain fiaster loucnes ine spoi iuhk wun one oi iin-ue un ironi anu I ack Thpy are 25 cents and their i curative and protective power Is very Krp,lt Sold by Burwell-Dunn Re-1 tall Store. tOVlsT. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING for residences. HAGKXh.Y BROS. Plumbing and Heating Contractors, Jobbers In Supplies. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator or Mrs. N. L. Cathey, deceased, late of Mecklenburg county. N. C, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of January. 1908. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All pcuons In debted It said estate will pleaso make Immediate payment. t , ARCHIBALD CURRIE. Administrator. This 7th day of January, 1907. Is the joy of the household, Tor without it no happiness can be complete. How sweet the picture of mother and babel Angels smile at and commend the thoughts and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal through , Mfhich the expectant mother mutt pass, how . eter, isV full of dancer and suffering that she IT Our nook mm ,f ( J ( -villi!! I than ', We have patterns for more 40 styles of looms, ranidnz from 110 Inches wide, built to be operated with Jacquard heads, dobbles or plain, down to 24-Inch wide droo box. Most of these patterns came to us in our purchase of the Fairmont Ma chine Works.' formerly ; of , Phila delphia,' now' moved to Charlotte as part of our business. Other loem fpatterna are of our home design and make. r ' -: " V-o , ,-,;, VV" YARW nBmA0'J'Mi The extent of the use of oar reel in the Southern cotton mills attests their merit. Every reel guaranteed to ' give satisfaction and, stand on Its own merit. : ; ''' 1? ; i-' , . 'v SPOOtERSI. " ; , We have Incorporated Into the de sign of our spoolers " improvements which make them superior to those of any other make. Convenience, for the spooler hand Is an Important factor In our make-nn of a spooler. STARCH HKTTIjKS. Oura Is the only starch kettle which has the equivalent of a reverse mo- tlon. It makes an emulsion of March like milk, not a lumpy mixture like hominy and water. i ; . band MAcnrm Our band machine Is all right Inquire of the users. DTE-nOUSK MACHINERY. With the purchase of the Fairmont Machine Company's - business came Into possession of a full line of dye-house machinery. We are prepared to contract for and build any dye-house machinery wanted. ELEVATORS. Our elevator patterns . also came from Fairmont. We solicit order. SHAFTING. PITTLEYS AND HANGERS. Before we made the' Fairmont pur chase we had a large line of pulley and hanger patterns. The purchase brOUBTtlt tO US a full line from PhllS and ours woum oe a leaning line any where. Having a foundry and large shot) facilities, we can make better deliveries than can be had elsewhere. WASTE MACHINERY. We manufacture waste cleaning machinery under the McDonald-Mil- eaves all tne otner machinery in subsequent processes and gives better final results. COTTON OIL MACHINERY. We build complete outfits of ma chinery for cotton seed oil mills. When desired, we tare contracts to build oil mills complete. ELECTRIC. We rewind armatures, build switch boards, contract to put In plants complete and carry a full line of electrical supplies and appliances. IN GENERAL. We contract to do complete In stallations of automatio sprinklers and other fire ' protection, steam heating, power plants, light and huvv ronolrs In nil mills anil cotton m)IIl! reb0re and otherwise over haul Corliss engines, cover drawing ro1 rcrjlck and reflute bottom steel THE D. A. TOMPKINS CO M-rhlne Rudders. CHARLOTTE. N. C. THE MOON IS MADE OP GREEN CHEESE many people would lead her to be lieve when the housewife goes to purchase flour for her baking day J.... . , .... j.k. n, a . Charlotte flour she will take nothing else. It Is made of th cchotcest selected-wheat and ground at our mills. MECKI.ENBl'RG FI.OVH MUA8. J. Lee Kolner, Proprietor. 'Plione 3. Electric Cooking We have an electric ket tle in which one may cook three eggs, in three minutes, and with three teaspoon fuls of water. We have other appliances to do other 'cooking. We keep in stock appliances to do every line of grill-room cooking by electricity. Also electric foot warm ers, flat-irons, curling irons and other economic shock ing things. Buy one of these com plete outfits and, let the cook go. The D. A. Tompkins Co. Engineers and Machinists, Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte's Best Conduoted , Hotel ,-y . . -1"- THE BUFORD ; peeial attention grvea ' te Table Service, making It an equalled In the South. This la feature of The Buford that . 1st claiming the ettenilo of the Traveling Publto. Oean Comf orUkle Beds, ' At tsntle genranta' ' Ct HOOPER- . ftager. -' 4i 07t.'!j iii w 7 i. I!. - i- iUAUrf !",;,) giiarnnu - ril. - I .'n.l j.. -,- iy ... l.li u in., No. 4-i. o.i i iv, f,r : ton and points Noun. r, r ami day tout tin in V..ini-iun, 8:30 a. m., No. 8, daly. :r l.ich" n and local points, connf(ta at Or n ...i for Winston-Halam, ItiilflRh, .(JoIiIhIiom, Nerbern and Murstiead city, at UunvU.a for Norfolk. - 4:10 a, m.. No. , daily, for Atliinta. Pullman sleeper and day coaches, Waah in gton to Atlanta. i:28 a, m No. 27, dally for Rock Hill. Chester, Columbia and local station. 6:00 m- No. 44, dally, for Washing ton and points North, Handle Puil man car ana day eoacbss, Atlanta lo Wsihlngton. 7:25 a. m., No. 1V dally except Sunday for Sratesvllle, Taylorsvllla and local points: Connects at Mooreavilla for wintten-Balem, and , at Sratesvllle for Anhevill and points ' west, 10: a, m.. No. 33, daily, for Columbia, and Augusta. Handles Pullman sleeper Now York to Augusta and day "coaches Wsshlngton to Augusta. Dining car 10:20 a. m.. No. X. daflv. for Waihinv. ton and Points North. Pullman Drawin-- .Room sleepers to New York ni Rich- 5?onf. " P SS?" Nw Orteane to IT 49ISI1BJ Wtt, Ijlnlna ear servln. Cnn. nects at Greeruhoro for Wlnaton-Salem. ztsivin aiiu fiimwrw. , 10.30 a. m., No. 11, dally, forAtlanta, and local nations. Connects at Spartan- ' burg for Hendersonvllle nnd Aahevllle. ' 11:08 a, m Ne. 90, daily. tor . Wash- ' Ington and points North. Pullman Draw-' -" Ing Room sleeper to New York, day coaches Jacksonville to Washington. Dining car service. 11:00 a. m.. No. 28 dally, for Winston- ' Sal-m, Roanoke and local stations. . u; 11:03 a. m.. No. S7, dally, New Tnrk snd New Orleans Limited. Pullman :; Drawlna Room sleplng cars. Observailnn, and Club cars. New Tork to New Or- leans. Pullman Drawing Room ileep- Ing ear. New York to Birmingham. Solid " Pullman train Dining car service. 8:30 p. m., No 41, dally except Sunday, for Seneca, S. C, and local points. f. 8:S0 p. m , No. 25. daily except Sunday, rrelcht and passenger, , tor Chester, B. . C, Hnd local point 6:85 p. ni.. No. 34. daily, ror Washing- , ton and points North. Pullman sleep- ' -er, Augusta to New York. Pullman sleeper, Charlotte to New York. Day eonrhei to Washington. Dining car ter-' -vice. ... ,--,r 7 05 p. m.. No. 12. dally, for Richmond snd local stations. Pullman Drawing -' Room sleeper. Charlotte to Richmond! and Psllsbury to Norfolk. T. -'if 7:15 p. m., No. 54, dally except Sunday, foe Eftstesvltle. Taylorsvllle and local points. Connects at Stateavllle for Ashe- 1 vllle, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga. Mamphls i and points went. . ., ,-1 :55 p. m., No. 4J, dally, for Atlanta. ' Pullman sleeper and day coaches, Char- v lotte to Atlanta. v S:06 p. m.. No. Sr. dally. New York J and New Orleans Limited, for Wnshlne- Stv ton and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping cflrs. Observation nd ' Club cars to New York. Dining car eer- '' vice. Solid Pullman trnln. :W p m.. No. 86, dally, for Atlanta. ' and points South. Pullman Drawing Room sleepers to New Orint and Blr- ' mlngham. Day coaches WnsMricton to ' -New Orleans. Dining oar service. .j: il:Sfi p. m.. No. . dally, for Columbia. s Ksvannah and JacksonllIe. Pullman prawlns: Room aleeoer and day coaches, - ' Washlnirton to Jacksonville. ' 11:SS P- m.. No. M. dally except Sun day, Southern's Palm Limited for Naw " ork. Pullman Drawing Room, Com- ' ?nrtment and Olwrvatlon ears to New nrk. Electric lighted. Dining car ser vice. Solid Pullman train. First trip northbound January 9th. ' 4 -41 a. m.. No. 31. dally exrent Mon. . -dav, Southern's Palm Limited for Jack aonvtlle and St. Atiguitlne. Pullman Drowlnst Room. Compartmenl nnd Ob-1 servat'on car to St. Augustine. Tutrtrf? lighted Dining car BeMlce. Solid Pull man train. ;, Tlnkets sleeping oar reservntlnns, and-'.', detail Informitton enn he obtained ut ticket office. No 11 S-Mith Tryon street. " C. H ACKERT. Vli-e PTm. and ("Sen. Mgr. h. 11. IMr.'iWM K. I'. I. M.i W. II. TAYT-OK. O. T. A.. Wiuh'ngton. D. C R. 1 VERNON. T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. : Seaboard Airline Railway These arrivals and departures, as well as Urn tint anJ connactlon with other - companies, are given only as Intornia tlon, and are not guaranteed. UIiiki llnr lu .ut- v ii u.i, cities Nurtbj. -East. South ana douihwest Schedule, -tuKlng effect Jairunry 6, 1307, subject te..- changt without ouoe. Tkksl (or passaa on all trains are - , sold by this company ana accept d by th passenger wftn th undtrsisndlng that this com,ny will not be respo. alNe ror Uliurs to rub its trains on srmdttle - -time, or for any such demy as nay be tncldsrt to thelt operation. Cre ut . erclsed to give correct time to coi loot ing lines, but this company Is not ie BDonslhle for errors or omtsu-ns. No. W. dally,' at 4:li a. m. ror Juveree. ' hamlet and W'lmlngtoti, e n. atng at Monroe with f. for A.sMs. Fir- . mlnihsm, and h" South r.t Mon- ' loe with M ror Psle'ch srd rWta- . mouth. With at Hawtet -r altieh, RlchmondL Washlagton. Mew Vn. ana the Kn.t with J I fr ColumLK Csmdsa, ji,rton1ei snd all Florida roints. No, las, dally, -at 18:! a fnf Lin coln Ion. Shelby and Ruthsrfardtos with out changs. connecting at Uneolaiea with CAN. W. No W rnr-K'le-jr. aolr, and wstra North Carolina ponltsv ' No. iU dally. I:U p. m. for IsnnroT eonaecung with V to Auaate hl'rrin. hair and the niithest. with U at Ham let ror Richmond, Washiatrtrn and New York, and the Kast with ii for Cclum bla, Camden, Jacksonville. Tampa and all Flnrliin points- with S3 at Monroe -for Richmond. Washington and New York, and ths East, with t at Ha mist ror Raleigh, Portsmouth and Nertolia, i TbrouKh slssper on this t-aln fsom Char lotto. N C. to Portsmouin, Vs.. dalijN - Trains arrive in Charlotis aa fouowai - No, IS. 10:0u a. m.. dally, from pout North and South. No. IK 7.03 p. m.. dally, from Rather ; fordton, 8hthy. Llnoolnton and C tu W. Kellway points No. W. tl :00 p. m dally, rrom Wilming ton. Hamlet and Monroe, aleo trvag . points East, North and tmuthwsat, eoa- " nei'tins ai Hamist and Monrxns Connectluns are made at hamlet tta -aU vhrvueo trains tor polats Ksrtb. tUiuth and Southwest, w filch are eom- ' posed of vestibule day eoaehee Mwrna - Portsmouth and Atlanta, end WasUine- -ton and Jacksonville, and sleeping care osiween rj vj7, oinninKnare aa4 -Mempiila. and Jersey CUy and Jsrksoo- vllle. Cafe ears ea all through train. . - i'or inlorroation, cime-tsblss. rsMrv. . tlona ob Kea board desermtW lltaraturs apply to ticket siren ts er address. . , - Perumouta, Va. v ' JAM 8 KER. JR.. C PA., . Charlotte, N. OL '' C H. OATTia. r. . a.. ' RalelahT N, ,C. - CflAS. B. RTN. O. . A- , i Portsmouth. Fa. v lUrough Trains bally, Ctuuriotte Ut Rchedule .iu utci Nov. S. li , ' U.-0) max i- Charlwlte. kss. Ry At . pit.' lis pea Lv Wutataa, K. W. Ar l u i pT L Marttesyuj. Lv U:et, Is pas L Rocky MeOaW i Xe It m I Ar -aa "........-. m a as Coaeeei' at Roeaeke yla eboeadoa alley KouU for Natural Bride. Lvvay. Hassrslowa, and alt point us PoaaU anta aad Nsw York PuUeaaaw siMp Roanea and Pbtladclphla. I'areugh eoeeh. Charlotte end Raeaok. 'Additional train leaves Winston IW g m OaiiT sopi punas y. iwr c-outft. w'sst. Viral"1 Bi,.nl.ndJ,."?",'lr uolnta. M. P. BRAOO. ' aea iSS ' . S ff a a DRAUGHOn , fieilae-w-" jr j ' - Italtn. Cotumbta, Keoavl ' M Cullegse la 1 fi'. lOittti. secured or money reVNDKIX - a tach UT MAIL. Catmsu witl r Vino yoii that rrsi'hon's U 1 t .r. CaU er eam. i r I'-

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