V 3 - ! i:i fu::e Cars I S S . .1 l Y.oi k. ; 1 t T;.'js ul;Hcrvtr. ' , ,. ).. ' , p,.b. 2 tVoiie a thrbtifrh ; ;U. bound freight tnaln was getting; r Jicr on Thursday, the conduc tor discovered thott'abox car loaded with mules was also inhabited by 11 l'oya, five of whom were colored. The l uys ranged In ego from IS to 19 years una were loaded In the ' car at Thomasvllle by B. B. Wagner, dealer In live stock. Quarter for toe boy had been fitted u In one end of the oar and they were plentifully supplied with food. Policeman Louis Kerr, who was s : summoned : by: the conductor, took the boys to police headquarters, where Chief Alexander communicated with the authorities at Thomasville. It seems Bnat the boys were beins; shipped to points In Georgia . to work : with the grading forces of some r railroad contractor, this method being- employed to save expense ; in transportation. An ajrent of the 'contractor arrived and took thai boys on to points in Georgia, TO JAIL FOR ASSAULT. Will Ruffln Bound Over to . Durham ', , Ooart for Stabbing Another Negro Almost Fatally, f ... . Special to The Observer. ' r)nrhm. P.h ' Will Ruffln. a ? negrov ' tried before Justice Owens on a charge; for assault with intent - , to kill, the, crime occurring last No- . Stoddard's Lectures ' 'lHU!'inityng to know that, the ; peopls of Charlotte are showing their '. appreciation of good literature by obtaining a set of the Stoddard . Southern Railway will sell round trip Lectures, if even at some sacrifice, ; trcltets to Wew Orleans. MoWle nd for no other set of books ever give -Pensseola at rate of one first class fare sochrmbsolute satisfaction to young uVSLS25!l rH- vutT-liiISnb mA -hi., n,. -t sale Feny. tt to lltn inclusive with and. old alike. The following letters nnaJ Umt Feby. ith, but may le ex , prova that they are an exceptionally tended until March 2nd by depositing . cheap set of books at any price, and .ticket with special agent and paying fee they are sold on terms within the .-, reach of all: tt r.. Charlotte. N. C. Jan. SI, '07. . To whom It may concern: , ' Being a man of large duties and limited means. I have decided to Ttravel by night, and over the -Btod-iflard-. lines. , The cost will be trifling, only about i $4C.OO, and the time required only a 1 few hours each evening for some three or four months. Wo will Journey In the most elegant style, surrounded by the mol Persusnt to a resolution sdopted . gorgeous furnishings; everything to (by the Board of Aldermen of the delight the eye and please the taste. (City of Charlotte, notice is hereby Moreover, we ara to have as our ! rJven that an application will be traveling companions the most re-! made to the General Assembly of lined, cultured and scholarly among North Carolina, now in session, for . men who will entertain us with the the passage of an act amending and . history of the world's civilisation and vl',!n th Charter of said City of progress, given in a manner so ex- Charlotte designated as Chapter 40. oulsltely fascinating that we shall be j prlva" k?. of, mi an ac, : rested' and refreshed. Instead of worn ; and wearied. Wo Invite yon to accompany us; . never have you been offered such an opportunity at so small an expense. Jtemember, we go by way of "Stod dard's Lectures." WM. DUNCAN. Pastor First A. R. P. Church, Charlotte, N. G State of North Carolina, Office of J Superintendent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C. - Messrs. Raich Brothers Co. ;; Gentlemen: To recommend any 'set of books Is a departure from my 1 custom. I feel, however, that the unusual '. fnerlt of Mr. Stoddard's Lectures justifies me In recommending them to I tho public. I have been familiar with ' 1 theso books for a number of years, , . and I found them exceedingly help J .y fat as reference books for 'my classes , at tho State Normal and Industrial College. They are to me the most charming and entertaining stories that I have ever read. Very truly yours, ' J. T. JOTNBR, State Supt. of Public Instruction. Former Prest M. of N. C. For further Information, address GEO. R. 6HIPMAN, Buford Hotel. "05 THE SQUARE." Prescription Work to the most Important part of the drug business. We have looked after this department until we have FIVE REGISTERED MEN In charge. It makes you satisfied something worth remember ing. NURSES' REGISTER C ON Iff J SQUARE "WE NEVER CLOSE." Thono 7. DniggistaT' e d. n. : 4,101 sq. ft Open Floor Space to let l'y,k ( Suitable tor manufacturing plant usln electric i power. ., in heart ot Charlotte;- splendidly lighted. Rent reasonable. ' One to five year lease.:.'- ' I' v .;iv''; ' ' ! P. D. 71LBX71NDBR tut - Tryoo. Thoncs to or $4$. THIS CRO WELL KASTITOlUUM CO- - INC : , i ' ....V T' Tot the Trestmeat ei i . :' WbUkej, JJ.M-T)tii0e sad 'ervou) ' , Diseases,'' .. . '.. fpeeui spsrtments snd nurses for tidy patients. All forms of electricity 1 r treating nervous diseases. " The stork holders all being physicians, i .' ''H a enBn1Mrg Imsrd. ' . tL t.uJLU IL l rresv ' JORDAN Umi, r. fi,4. 6 1 1 1 1 1 i , . r I ' ') 1 the ii ii me of John I'.ynw- i in.l f ri-vctiiI wec-li H was tluu: hi that ha would die. Tlun the wouM-be mur derer went on a "n-out" and wus cap tured yest'-rday In Uurllngton. lie went to Jll to-day In default of bond In the sum of $200. White Hie iue was being tried it developed that John Fuller, who was a -witness In the cane passed the knife to Ruflln, saying "This will reach his heart." He was also bound over to court, under bond of $50 and went to Jail. r , ; ; Clifton Hundley, : of ? Raleigh,' young man, was brought here for op eration for appendicitis.! Ho . stood the operation In ane shape. - Mr. R...: D. ...Carver. formerlyof ureensnoro, na acquired an interest In the Chsrlotte Sign Works and will devote his entire time to the business n ereauer. , . -, . v .? . ; y ' ' ' v . THE WEATHER. LOCAL OFFICB U. B. WEATHER .-W. BUREAU, fijs-i . ;ic. Charlotte, - Feb. t8unrlse 7:S1 a. m.; TEMPERATCRH In decrees)! Highest temperature.. .. .. t Lowest temperature., ,V. Mean temperature.. .... ... ., ... .. M Excess for the day ., .. .. .. .. 1 Accumulated excess for' month Accumulated excess - for r year.. 270 PRECIPITATION (In Inches). Rainfall curing the past 2 hours.. M for the month .a neflclencv for the month u .... . .11 Total for the yeaf.. .. .... .74 Accumulated deficiency ' for year.... 4.74 Prevailing wind direction .. .. ...... W. .. r w, J. BENNETT, Observer, MARD1 GRAB CARNIVALS. NEW OR LKAN8. LA. WOBILK, ALA AND ; PEN8ACOUA, lUA., EBHUARX 7 12. 1W7. . . ' On. account of the above occasions the of M cents. The Southern Railway od erates through trains . to Mobile and New Orleans, handling Pullmaji C;iri and day eosches without chance. For further Information . call on any agent Southern Railway, or write W. H. TAVIJE, Weshinston. D. C. R. L. .VERNON. T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. NOTICE amendatory thereto. This the 13rd day of January, 1907. S. 8. McNINCH, Mayor of the City of Char lotte. I WE WILL BUY Clara Mill stock, 1.15. S to 200 shares Lowell Cotton Mill stock. 1.65. WE WILL SELL 60 shares dark, 1.75. 25 shares Imperial, 1.12 1-2. 22 shares Stanley Creek Mill. One water power and mill site, 167 acres,, fine timber; six miles from Southern t road; will run ten thousand ' spindles. Engineer's report on file from J; E. SIrrono, Greenville, 8. C. All oltcis to buy or sell sub ject to change. SOUTHERN SECURITIES A TRUST CO, Gastonla, N. C. Take Stock In SERIES Charlotte Loan Association , The Association tor the T e . s . Jjon t delay application tor loans now being filcd;-; Willis Brown, Sec. &Treas. J. H. Van Kess, Pres. ; Off Ice 203 y u.. X f, '-..-v- V 'i: yc. guarantee to make your hens'; lay. Evertyhing for poultry DHworth Dru Store, 'Phono I7. B. R. DAVIS. " Special loliccs NOW, ma HERE. V rVB GOT THE very oest S2,K home proposition in v' this ;tty. Some trash, . balance in - Ruildin A Iof(n. . Vaav. dead . easy. ' but every , mother's " son of you ,- will 'whittle sticks,? end talk,, and talk. . nnd do nothinsr. and let an active fel low1 without half your brains, scoop tho plum. The fellow that does things is the boy. . is, l kee&usk. -rnone J-OPEN ON SUNDAY FOR PRE8CRIP- tlon work only. . Resist ered men a in charge. Let; us send foryour next prescription J AB. V. STOWtJ w. Druggists. 'Phone 7.v,-1-'1 :,:"- mrAT.TTT mvT-parrra arh rHEAPi est. or ims reasoa. you snouiu use none out' liiue itiooon jemon ana va nilla. Not only are tlwy chepeast. but they produce tho most satisfactory results. , IV YOU HAVE THE HEADACHE To day, 'phone av tor a oottie or ' Allan s lieadaone cure. ; ii it oon t relieve you, ask for your money back. Price 25 rents. WOODALL ft SHEFARD, Drugglsta.v ;a ... -..v:.-- TRT DR. PIERCE'S WHOLE WHEAT celery food, the food that is taking the day. Whyf - Because It is the only food that Is suitable for all peo ple and. seasons,, young and eld alike, eat It with a relish. ... Why? Because It has a flavor entirely different from the ordinary prepared foods. It - can t eaten either toot or cold, winter or summer. Only Wc. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., M N. Tryon. 'Phones & snd 1U. NEW SUPPLY FINE. SOUND APPLES 36c. peck, lsrge Grape Fruit 6c, small er 2c. or 80c. doxen, best Lemons 20c. dor.en, good canned Com 5c, Tomatoes 10c., Okra and Tbmatoes lVr good ranned Pens 10c., smallest Peas Fruit Cake S'A pounds for 50c., nice Hens 45 sndr50c. BRIDGERS ft CO.. 203 West Trade street 1 FOR RENT-705 N. COLLEOB, MOB- ern -rooms, .); m west lztn, mod ern 8 rooms, $18.00; E. 12th streets modem 10 rooms, 1 20.00; modern -room house, Bllworth; 1 store room N. Bre vard street. J. ARTHUR HENDER SON ft BRO.. 219 N. Tryon. - WK WILL HAVE TO-DAY A ' NICE, frnsh supply or new monoa ueets, new Cauliflower, Oyster Plant, Lettuce. Celery, plenty of nlf-e Apples and Cranberries, and genuine Norton Yam Sweet Potntnes and Rirtabas. Turnips ."NO. W. SMITH, 310 S. College street. 'Phones 1222 and 2321. OR SALE ONE HANt'SOME BROWN Standard bred mare, leven years old; has the ityle. ouallty and apeed which makes her a flrst-ciaos roarfater. Alto one nice double fam. W. O. ROSS ft CO., 209 and 211 -Wert 4th street PLEASING TO ALL ANOTHER SHIP- ment or Biiret Hreaarait uacon: no wants; no peeling! no canvaMlng, but a bacon pseled and sliced ready to serve. Kemember, we weigh you out any quantity from one to five pounds; also another lot of sliced Dried Beef; sweet, Juicy snd molit. Any quantity from 'one to nix pounds A few fresh To matnet to-day. L. L. SARRATT, 306 N. Tryon street. OLIVKR TYPEWRITER USERS pinBse besr In mind tnst wniie we no lonrer reDresent tne uuver mscnine. we keep a full line of supplies for same, snd also bave factory facilities for reis r nsr tnese macmnet. J. K, CRATTON A CO., Oen'l Agts. for Royal Typewriters. BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER MOtninc loo gooa lor our customers, Iots of room now. Excellent servloe. ni dlnlns room for regular meals and parties. Lunch counter doubled. Rw- for all. Everything served joe. ah you want It. OKH KfcSTAUKAXxi, IS. IT, Creswell, Mgr. fcb. 2, '07 of tht people and ' people. V '' 4 S TJ; Tryon St j... :iy:vy CO and for tha four days following. dopoi(s will be received in the . -J.. -. SAVINGS L.jrAIt'niLNT r, 'and Interest allowed from the first dav at the rate or ' V d TEH CENT. PER ANNUM. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. . 'Assets and Personal Liability, about Three Million Dollars. co;.;r.:znaAL rao;i m CHARLOTTE, Iff. C. SUBSCRIBE TO THE Y. Real Estate For Sale l-room bouse on West Ninth , street, inv. 4th ward, lot 9 9x11 1; fine location, with all modern conveniences: also fine barn on premises. House would cost to-day to build about (8,000.00. This ,' property can be bought for the low prlco of ... . $8,600.00. ' . ' Party owning this property very .anxious to sell at this time. ' 9-room bouse on Elizabeth avenue, house new, high, location, lot 110x200. Party owning this home moved away from city and doslres tjuick sale. For prlca and terms, apply to oor ofQca. . J. B. MURPHY & CO., - m .,r 1 X -,' i N. Tryon Street "Phone S4J.( - Ws offer for quick sale an up to - Filiili!iil-; electrto power. Best and most .'modern machinery.' Capacity perj day: 150 barrels flour and 900 bushels of meaLr Flne;busineas al-. read established. For . partlbularsV writs' orVcau ot s ill i ' y " The Charlotte : Rfalty Company " ' : A. G. CRAIG. Secretary and Miuwges, ;., ; ' ' Oflee IS K. Trade St. The Builder's Friend. Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; water does not make it fall off; hard as stone. Write for booklet. Manu factured by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write for Booklet HowvAboiitllt Did you see how they nocked to the Mutual 3. A L. yesterday to yet into the new series? I'll tell you, the people know that an ' association 25 TEARS OLD, AND MORE, never havins; lost a cent of anybody's money, and that has a record for early maturtn , of its stock unequalled by any other association in this country,' has ' merit, and lots of it. We are not afraid to compare records with anything alive, and if you don't know all about the methods, JUST CALL ON THE SECRETARY. He loves to talk B. ft L, jTor if he knows anything In its entirety, IT'S B. & L. IN ITS PURITT; NEW SERIES STILL OPEN. ' ' ' E. L Keeslcr, Trcas. Phone 344. ' . 25 South Tryon Ttreet If We Dolt, It's Done Right HOUSES THAT SHOW CHARACTER must have Decorations with Individuality, We'd, be glad to suggest original treatment in Wall Psper that cannot bs du plloated elsewhere, and will not be used more than once by us. . . , , , ,r , , ,. t . SHORT AND SHORT The Expert 8 W. Fifth St DHWORTH flORAl AHDINS FOR HEW YIARS Don't hesitate to place your order with ' us because ot :..:k of time to personally select 1 ' . In dealing with our customers la filling orders by mail or dl rect our motto. Is: "Put Yourself In His PUde." . Send us your orders and are will exercise Yhs same care as were you here In person to select vv . '1 s - v , We put ourselves In four plsce and give what we would ex pact to receiveThe Choicest Selection of Flowers. . the- Best Service, the Beet Prices. ' : r Just A word about our Fancy Carnations, Rosea. Tloleta. Tal. lies, 8weeg Peas." They're the "best ever. P. O. Bos 137.. BeU 'Phones. 000 . Businees. 281 Residence. 4 llMMioiSes ,y.Wi are'offerln forlmmedlate sale a .eosy-.homs. "v 'f'if'-. ; y $1.100 ISOO Cash. - balance through B.-A L. Assou 8iJt-room t ' cottage, modem onvenlshces.7 yard,' lot, good street; car, line by the door; one blook.of new graded school -If you want a smaQ i; .home, u lsV bargstn. rUI rsnt easy, for tjl.00 per month. .' For .further partiouJars, aee i' ThoM &&& 'ss- vv, ; y 1 y:yy BVUOWIUItlU SVT I Mil y y HouisTtR'3 A sdisi fcr lr f1 . . ' tdagi OeldM Mtitt snd Hewn VKM ' A srtns for Constipation, Is'ifloii, tlw l Ultn UMihlu llmnlM. fm. Impure llloed. lud Itraath. Plnrsi.h IWwla. I4 lonn. as emtui . tfnmne n'' bf H(K.I.ITIS Wit COMPiSV, JU-)I"0. W is. couc Kvccni res smrji ricrii M.; C. X BUILDING FUNDC dato Flour and Grist; Mill, ' tislng r '; Phone ITT. CttABXOTTE. W. SC Decorators ' Telephone.1140 M,W or , 'phone yyy' . &y to n. Tryon it y: J, A. OVUiVVAU ItAVi A ilAVwwulnwHiO Caraja'and Btsnks's csieorated World's -. r air . ana raust Blend Mocha and. Java Coffse. .W."K..CROWELL. !..,. ' i-none jv ;,( Go BT II Modem 7-room houne on Fouth jviouern -ronm houka on Kat Modern 7-room houwo on East Modern 6-rootn houMO on North Modern 6-room houue ou Kast . Mi f.!ord::;.ls- & fcrcErs lutok. C:n!i CIMRLOTTE. Capita! , , ' $200,000.00. Surplus i, ,r $100,000.00. " ' DIRECTORS: . ' . t W, IL BEXK , . . , , ,r J. IL 'McADENT - w i BRuys , . , . w. c Mclaughlin , O. B. BRYANT - , , ;' D. C, RHYNB , - , W, P. DOWI . ' I . JNO. B. ROSS . , . , J. if. IIARRY , , " i ' ' " 8. M. ROBINSON , " "fcAIH ;, ; VINTON LIDDLL 1 - ' ' . - J ' - ! OFFICERS: - r' ' - CEO., E., WILSON, Presldont JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. V O. WILKINSON, Cashier. , Acoonnta of .Corporations, Firms- and Individuals Invited. : v ! , Jr" H. LTTTLIC, president. ft'lB.' PATTERSON;, Vlce'Presldcntr , -v ' , L..R. HAGOOD, tCashler. v i. j , GbisirJbtt(s''Timstr'e6mp!y Fifteen Months In Buslness-i-Resonrces Over'. ... ...... ,$500,000.00 DIRECTORS: - , , v . , W. It BELKV ; . , 4 , W, a NISBKT - 4 , - , 9. M. DAVIS , i x't C. . PATTKRSOTf , . O. P, HEATH r ' 1 -" r - 9. F. ROBERTSON, S H. O. LINK 1 ; , rY W. A. WATSON . W, L LONG - J. W. ZDLMERMAX - - J. IL LITTLE . v ' ' ,,, , , , , STRONG. CONSERVATIVE, 8AFB.. K t ' FIRST y i, 1 NATIONAL BAFIK - i I v CHARLOTTE. X. a HENRY M. MADEN,, ' GEOV W. BRYAN, President. . Capital .. , v. Surplus and Profits . . . DIRECTORS: FD. ALEXANDER a W. BRTAN . a BURROUGHS' ; FRANK -gilreath ; J. & MTERS j I. , ' - .'Tour' business yespectfully solicited. datlon extended, consistent -with safe' banking, . H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. The charix)tte!, n. a :. ,. . Resources $1,270,000.00 ";t yy ,J I OFFICERS y " ' , ' 'fy:::'; B, D. HEATH. President" . JNQ.. M. SCOTT. Vice President. ' -;J. W. IL TWrXTT. Cashier. F H. JONES, Assistant Cashier ' .'. 'DIRECTORSi , - i.i .f" B. D. HEATH ....l.lt N.. PHARR ,4 R. H.JORDAN ; y ) JNO. M. 8COTI VINTON LEDDELL -. ; C VALAER - ' CBAS. F. WADSWORTH V . Accounts of corporations, firms and , Individuals Invited. - . ) ir Adding We are constantly adding new aceoupts, and our business is increasing at a very gratifying rate. - Possibly - you would like to Join usand open a savings account - . . . , , ; . ,t WB PAYvirOU TO SAVE." ' . M--- ; ,4 r Southern Loan , & Sayings Ban! P. M. BROWN. President R. A. DUNN, I Vice ' (Formerly Souths rn OFFICERS ;, GEO. STITHENS, ' PresV 1';,'; Ample ;Raonroea.";;y : yyy ', T.' 8, FRANKLET, Vice ' Pres. v , f, A Strong ' Board of Directors. . W. S. LEE, JR Vice' Pres. Y- The ' Best : of Outside ;-,y'; ; W. H. WOOD, Tresttiw. V ; E. DAVIS, Asst. Trees. . We offer the very best ofjaclllties ISy SIOI1 . We Offer SuhJcett'v'v.--". - ' V II Highland Park Pref., 100 and Int ; jo to 100 Watts, 10 i. i V. :: ! 81 Elba lif. Co. Pref., lQKs: i- i j to i kesler ltd y ' V-rOy 10 Monroe, 100. i , y," 3" .r U14:ufri.M-$- I Olbson ex. dir.. M 1-t;. y - BalUbury,. 141... ,yv ,,;;y h SO HlghUnd Hotel, Bid; ; v i , 10 ibAb ViuAQt-'rAti:,,,. r;,:. lO.Hosklns PreL; 101. r - ' 10 to 0 Iwell, lt ,, ; o-j - i 10 Charlotte Cotton Pref., BldU riri 10 Ho SO Cora, lis. r. ::A. -wrf 'J Chadwlck, 101. v s v,V V.-Frst Natl Bank Hickory, l0. SO Shelby Cotton Mill, Bid. v , a First Natl Bank Salisbury, lit. t 10 Highland Tark Com, 140. J - Iyls A Wiley, ' Sallsbu'A 145. ; -' SO Henrietta. 1SS.'X' ., vV'' ' : M. ft F.. Bank, Charlotte, ISS..'i .',.' SO Marlboro, 14. yj i ;v t y First Natl Benk, Charlotte, HO. y J0.O0O N. C. Is and 1st Chsrlotte Trust Co., Charlotte, lit, , n; ISO American 1 Warehouse Fret, . II. First National Gastonla, 140.' ' ; FJ G. 71BBOTT WNTE.'V More subscribers to the ' given .110,000. What will the rest A - 41 Tryon street,,,...., avenue.,,,... ,,, Fourth street...,,..,,.;. Tine street...,,, Tenth street. ........... . , 4.- .! 4.2WO.C .. 2...r. ill J.K 1 NORTH CATIOI.TNA. 4 J, IL WEARN. n GEO..B. WILSOX 3 " '1 s v t t -V H. 11 VICTOR, Vice-President' Cashier. i.Vi; iW. . . .JSOO.OOoW"' . ............. $231,$08.t5 BNRT' M'Bf CADE3T FB. UDOWELXi ' , j ' ' MT. B..RODMA1C 'v '-;:';y .V.-;W.,WADB. . CHA8. A. WTXiLLlMSr .,. ., . . ."v. 1 Jvery courtesy and acoommo . Accounts W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. President. y i, States Trust Company) "; ' " if -t i s "l I.. Banking Connections- ' ' in tha handling of eomifaercial V v 1 C i AccounU. " ' : ;y;Viyi ftfiy1;:; OuKDJS' I '. ,,.UWe Want Sublectt ' ' i . ;- ' & QOMPnNY&) T. M. C, sA.- fund; , 400"bien have J, V of Charlotte do - ; u i ( t I ' 1 if v" 1.'. ' m V"'.ti- ,' -. -; .;. fr. V. - 4 ' ;H::;c- ii : y.'-r y?y( .' . " . 1 iy; y.y; jCi ... h "e- ,,e. A- -.1 i. V-V.i'.;! I