1013 i: : 11;: i . . i ,l falls dotvx . . 1 I I n. ,, ; ting Iiural Pis- Iknin the Operation of tho i. rr Vtli"il"n Law joes 'ilirui ..South t"roilii lo&ihi turo senate BUI. of. Mr. Bleaee to iTohlbit Manufacture of Cigar. : cues and Cigarette Papers la Con. turned mtu , e wwiiun odlBt Minister Voted Agalnat Meas ure Recommended by Conference, , Obervef Bureau. . - 1209 Main Street, ' ' Columbia, a C, Feb. 14. . Thar was a sensational dlaouasion oa the floor of the House thla after noon on the Floyd MIL which is de- ' signed to ' exempt,; tha rural districts from tha operation of tha compul sory Tacclnation law. Tha bill had pueed.the Senata .and two reading In tha House. Mr'. Floyd, In defendlnf hla MIL related an Incident where a well-known phyftlcian had vaccinated a woman and her five-day old child . against tha protest of the woman. "To-day that woman and child are ': under tha sod," declared Mr. Floyd. v "I tell you the people are not going to stand for this sort of thing. If ' the law does not protect us from un principled doctors, we will take the law In our own hands." The House, on two rool-calle, refused to kill the "bill, H "being thesentlinent that -the enforcement of the vaccination law In - the cities and towns will assure am ple safety. . . 'There was an Interesting- and de termined fight In the House to-day over the Senate bill of Mr. Blease to prohibit the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and cigarette paper in the State of South Carolina, the bill al ready having passed the Senate. On '" the first motion there was a good ma jority in favor of the bill. On an aye and nay vote, the vote waa 11 to 44 In favor of the measure. On the last round a motion to continue was carried by a vote of. 51 to 49, and tha bill goes over for this ses- This la the measure recommended - by the South Carolina Methodist Episcopal Conference a few months ago. Itev. Coke D. Mann, the only member of the conference In the House, voted against the measure. It looks to-night as If the Immi gration department will not be hamp- ared by the hostile attitude of the House, which reduced the expense al- " lowance from $10,000 to $1,000. Tne Senata to-night raised it ta M.OOO. and It may be still further raised to tlt.000. The dispensary people have se cured agreement on the part of the Senata to amend the bill to wind up tha affairs of the Institution, so as to bold tha real estate, worth 1160,000, until netx session. The bill was not considered to-night on Senator Blease's objection that It had not been on the desk 24 nours as re quired by the, rules. He objecla to the provision giving the commission authority to Investigate the manage ment. ANDREWS FAILS FOR $140,000. Mr. E. M. Andrews, Furniture Dealer, riles Voluntary Petition In Bank ruptcy In District Court Assets, $0,000. Special to The Observer. Greensboro. Feb. 14. In tha United States District Court here to-day, Mr. K. M. Andrews, who owns and con ducts a chain of stores In North Caro lina, South Carolina and Georgia, was adjudged bankrupt upon hla own peti tion, and the caae referred to Major J. E. Alexander, of Wlnston-8alem, referee In bankruptcy. Liabilities are estimated at $140,000 and aasets at $$0,000. Mr. Andrews owns real es tate at a number of places and form erly conducted a large number of furniture stores In Southern cities. He now has stores In Columbia, Spar tanburg, Greenville, S. C; Augusta, and Athens, Oa., and Greensboro. His creditors are a number of factories, banks and Individuals scattered throughout the country. The preferred creditors are a num ber of employes In the Andrews chain of stares, and the amount of pre ferred claims Is 1 1.977. Of Chit other liabilities, $21,167.11 Is secured and the remainder unsecured. The affair la one af the most complicated tnat has bean In tha court here In some ttma. The Hit of debtors and creditors cover several typewritten papers. Much of the liabilities consists of furniture, of which the values are hard to determine, and unsecured ac counts and notes. Tha failure of Mr. Andrews ws somewhat of a surprise here. Ai tatad In this correspondence fne first of the week, it was learnsd sev eral days ago that a petition In bank ruptcy would be filed, and the delay has bean on account of the Inability of Mr. Andrews to get his statement af asset and liabilities together aeoner. aToanlnattoaa Bent tha Senate. Washington, Feb. 14. The Prenl- Jsnt aant to tha Senate to-day the illowlng nominations: Collector of customs District of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va , Floyd Bughaa. Postmasters: Oeorgla J. A. Crawford, Dalton; F. J. Allen, East Point; T. C. Pter son. Fort Gaines; R I, Williams, Griffin; W. T. Itudolph, Thomanton; Mary C. HelniCnn, Sylvester; J W. English, Helena; C. P. Keal, Hum tnenrllle. "0! THE SQUARE." Our Fountain tha most popular place In the eity. It's tha best place In town to meet your friends. And for drinks? Wall, try them onoa and than you are a customer. - NURSES' REGISTER Thoaa f." i'r S''i' Drugtieta, T- vr !? HA MI M fmt rWi'V T M.ii."inr tit n a rr im i i. ' V"4 bAlnl Y JrtNl CuMtS IN 1Q l,JTf rSCKHOW "tut VtarKINO -THr'U-tHY, UUSTER BUO.vM tfiXJt. Rlb38(f ABC TMC KIND THAT JAHE A' , "E TMC KIND THAT JAHE BUSTCH t)3F. ' . r fit TH C KIND THAT ALWAYS fTT Tl V 'p y 4" waki intn look to mti.S tAt jt . j yf; p E Isk Your Dealer For Them. THE WEATHER. Washington, Feb. li-Forecast 'for Friday and Saturday: Vlrlglna, fair and colder Friday, brisk northwest winds; Saturday fair. "KorthTaroTiha; &euWt5arollnsnma Georgia, fair and colder Friday; Satur day fair, fresh northwest winds. Eastern Florida, fair Friday and Satur day, colder Friday In north portion and In south portion Saturday; fresh north west to north winds. Western Florida and Alabama, fair and colder Friday; Saturday fair; fresh north winds. Mississippi, Louisiana and eastern Texas, fair Friday and Saturday, colder Friday along the coast; fresh north winds. Arkansas and western Texaa, fair Fri day and Saturday. West Virginia, partly cloudy Friday, snow and colder In mountain districts; Saturday fair. Tennessee and Kentucky, fair Friday, fair Friday and Saturday. LOCAL OFFICE IJ. S. WEATHER . BUREAU. Charlotte. Feb. 14. Sunrise T:10 a. m.; sunset 6:06 p. m. TEMPERATURE (In degrees). Hlehest temperature O 45 64 9 44 216 0 1.23 lowest temperature Mean temperature F.rrrmn for the dav Accumulated deficiency for month Accumulated excess for the year.... PRECIPITATION (In Inches). Total for 24 hours ending S p. m... Total for the month.. Accumulated deficiency for month.. 1.04 Total for the year 1-74 Accumulated deficiency for the year 6.61 Prevailing wind direction 8. W. W. J. hennistt, UDserver. Willie walled and Winnie wheeled, while Wintry winds whined weirdly. Willie wriggled while Winnie wheeled wretchedly, wisdom wnispers, winter winds work wheexes. Wherefore w write, "Use Kennedy's Lsat1ve Cough Syrup." Nothing else so good. Sold by tfawleys Pharmacy. WE WILL BUT: Cora Cotton Mill 110. Lowell Cotton Mill 185. Clara Mfg. Co 110. Citizens' National ank 115. Arlington Cotton Mill 160. Trenton Cotton Mill 140. WE WILL SELL: $5 Imperial 112 1-1. 60 Osark 176. 12 Stanley Creek. 10 Holland Mfg. Co 110. I to 60 King's Mtn. Mfg. Co. If you want to buy or sell, would be glad to hear from you. We adver tise for the stock you may want, without using your name. No charge unless we effect sale or pur chase at the price agreed upon; then small commission for our service. We run regular advertise ments In number of prominent papers. J. A. Glenn, Pres. O. M. Glenn, Trees. SOUTHERN SECURITIES A TRUST COMPANY, Gaatonla, N. O. When You Want Every one guaranteed. Quality and price to suit every one. Hot Water Bottle fountain Syringe Paste Bags DUworth Dru$ Store, TbM I4T a ft. DA Til. F. D. A 12 Lots Vi SOUTHERN CHARIXyPTE 60x145 feet each, at $250.00 per lot for your choice. Ilertrlcted to white ownership and Occupancy. Located one block east of Mint Street. F. D. ALEXANDER SOS S. Tryon. TPhonee 4104 or 04 &. TAKE STOCK IX New Series, Charlotte Building & Loan Mation SATURDAY, FEBRUARY S,'lt0V-' Tha Association of tha peopla and for tha people.' Don't delay ap. plication for losns now being filed. - His Brown, Sec J. II. fM,,,('i ,v"vw , w tltOCS BUSTCn t)3F. You'd better paddla your own canoe, For that's what you'll have to do, For when you are In hard luck And want to borrow a "Saw-buck," All you'll get Is aym-pa-thee, Unless you take Rocky Mountain Tea, . , R. H. Jordan A Co. JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT OF California Oranges which are very sweet and seedless; also some Florida Oranges, running from to to 40c. per dosen. Fresh Celery, Cauliflower, beets, Spinach, Turnip Salad, Ruta baga Turnips. All those that have coupons for Dr.-Price's Wheat Celery Food will please present same. JNO. W. SMITH, M S. College St. 'Phones 1222 and 2321. IT'S A FINE FLAVOR THE RLUB Ribbon Vanilla Is an extract of the highest Quality, delicate yet of full strength. WE HAVE OPENED OUR JUNK yard and store room on E. Stonewall street, next to C. A. Black's stable. We will buy and pay you highest mar ket prices for old and new rags, clip pings, iron, rubber and metal of all kinds. If you have anything to offer, 'phone, write or call on us. We assure you that we will weigh your Junk cor rectly and you will get full value for what you have. PIEDMONT JUNK CO.. N. Paul, Mgr. "Phone 944. DELICIOUS FOR LENT-SARDELL'B Loose, Anchovls Loose, Smoked Lake Sturgeon, small dried Herring, Smoked Salmon, Soused Mackerel. Smoked Eels, fancy Bloaters, and that delight ful relish fish. Roll Mopse, Holland Milkers In barrels; large smoked bunch Herring and the finest line of Mnckercl in town. MILLER-VAN NES9 CO.. 23 N. Tryon. 'Phones M snd 118. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF CINCO Cigars, all sizes and Bhxdes. lust re ceived at WOODALL & BHEPPARD'8, wholesale and retail. TOBACCO POUCHES. CIGAR HOLD er. Cigarette Holder. Pipes, etc. Any thing for the smoker. Come In and look at the stock, you will find ex nctly what you want. J AS. P. BTOWI2 & CO., Druggists. 'Phone 179. QUEEN OLIVES, THE CELEBRATED Royal Scarlet brand; lsrge bottles 26c. Stuffed Olives, same brand, small bot tles, 10c; large bottles 25c. California Evaporated Peaches lc. Pink Salmon 12Ho.; fancy red 16c.; extra fins, very best. 20o. BRIDOERS A CO., 208 W. Trade St. TOUR ATTENTION I CALLED TO A fresh lot of fine Teas from the Plne hurst Tea Gardens, of South Carolina. One pound of these teas will make four hundred (400) cups of strong tea, costing 1-Sth of a cent a cup or (6) cups for 1 cent We carry the following verities: Gun Powder. Formosa Oolong and En glish Breakfast. Let us show you these celebrated teas. L. L. SARRATT, 309 N. Tryon St. TO LET-FINE HALL FOR CHURCH, lodge purposes, or any gathering of large or small bodies, corner 14th and T'l(lwll afreets, over Mills' store. Well located and convenient to Bel mont and sarroundlng neighborhood. E. L. KEESLER. 26 S Tryon street 1 KUIIV W WILL HAVB TO-DAT CAUUFLOW er. Beets, Lettuce, Green Onions, Tur nips ami Salad. Butter 26 and Kc.; nice lot Apples Ke. peck. Why not try a can of nice Beefs at 10c. a can? They are nloe. JNO. W. SMITH. 'Phones 12.3-2321. FOR RENT ELEGANT, MODERN -room house, No. 9 East 8th street, close In. Store-room. 18 West 6th street: also manufacturing loft over lS-20-22 W. 6lh street. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON A BRO. FOR SALR-ONE HANDSOME BROWN Standard bred mare, teven years old; has the style, aualltV and speed which makee her a ilrat-cuus roadster. Also one nice doubls team. W. G. ROSS A CO., 200 and 211 Wat 4th street OLIVER TYPEWRITER U8ER8 Fleass bear in mind that whtls we no longer represent the Oliver machine, we keep a full line of fiippllea for me, and also have factory facilities for repairing these machine. J. B. CRATTON A CO., Oen'l Agts. for Roysl Typewriters. 4. SETTER PREPARED THAN EVER Nothing toe good for our customers. Lots of room now. Excellent service. Rig dining room for regular meals and parties. Lunch counter doubled. Rom for all. Everything served as you want It OEM RESTAURANT, B. F. Creawell. Mgr. MARDI GRAB CARNIVALS, NEW OR- l.Mna, la.; MUBILK, ALA.. AN11 12. 1107. ' On account of the above ocoaalons the Southern Railway will sell round trio tickets to New Orleans, Molril mnd Pennarola at rate of on first class far plus 26 rents for the round trip. Tickets mi mi nor. win iu um inoiusive with final limit Feby. 14th, but may be ex" tended until Marco lnd by depositing ticket with special agent and paying f of M eenta Tha Southern Railway op erate through trains to Mobile and New Orleans, handling Pullman cars end day coaches without change. For further Information eall oa aay agant Southern Railway, or write W. H. TAYLOR, Washington, D. C R. L VERNON, T. P. A.. Charlotte. N. O. and Treas. Van Ues$, Pres. . i i tvm mmrntmM,-fk Special Notices coJLiicnaAli asd kivi.;.-j t;..PAr:i?.:.T -CAPITAL' AND ACCCMUITi:!) rKOHTS; . '. : ASSHTS AND PEItSOXAL lIACILITY. . . . , . . . .S,C00,C0O.C0 Largo resources enable us to handle largest accounts, and at the , : same J.lme welcome small depositors. Four Per Cent Interest raid on Savings Deposits Compounded -''., ' Quarterly. . ' ' , , k COJniERCIAL NATIONAL DANK, , CILIIILOTTE, N. C , , ' ', ' ' ' "'. ' ; ' DIREOTOIU: ' ' ' , ' J ', ' " A. Durham, R. A. Dana, J. P. Tanner,' R M. -Miller, Jr D. H. Anderson, E. O. Holt, Wm. K. . ; libit, A. J, riagood, L. W. Sanders, 8. W. Cramer, p. M, Brown, , .,:.,' IX 1 IB. Rhyne, R. h. Gibbon, JL C Coolea, Ii, Banks Holt, C. W. , " . Johnston, W. 8. Alexander B. 8. McNlncb, O. II. Dula. VWUlia ( Tlroim. T. IT. Hanahton. P. ;:Rcal fstatc f pi; Sale i r One Vacant lot on Elizabeth Height, on corner, fronting Eliza1 bath avenue, 100x1$$ feet. This let high, nlca location andean- ba bought. If taken quickly, at ' . . $3,000. ' 1$ houses on N. Brevard St. and 11th, extending back to the.rall-j -rojdr,for-...a AJ.J. . -f $8,500, t- This property la a floe Investment and "located In' a" growing -Jo callty, - ' - . , " ' WE HATE MANY ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. , SEE ITS IF INTERESTED. . , . - J. B. MURPHY & GO., Phono 841 . $ N Tryon Street. - Biutiful flillW WE OFFER A NEW AND BBATJTTFTJIi HOME XN FIRST WARD, ONE DOOR FROM CAR LINE, IN SPLENDID RESIDENTIAL) SECTION. SEE US FOR PRICE AND PARTICULARS. . . , . '.'.; !.f . The Charlotte Realty Company A. CL CRAIG, Secratary and Manager. Onto IS K. Trsda St Wood fibre WaB Plaster, "liarl Gwk" The Builder's Pi-iend. Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; water does not make it' fall off; hard as stone. Write for booklet Manu factured by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write for Booklet. CHARLOTTE, if. C. " . 1 1 ' 1 1 v i ........... -, -'l 1 M! Where'Are. Ttiey ? If any B. & U Association in the South, SAVE , THE MUTUAL OF CHARLOTTE, can show a record of 25 or mora years of active, continuous service without tha loss of a dollar, and with as Una a record for maturing Its series AS THIS, we want to know about tt NOW, we challenge the WHOLE PUSH. Don't mean banking; in stitutions or speculative conoerns, but such only- as do a STRUCT. LY BUILDING AND LOAN BUSINESS. SEE TO THIS. WILL YOU 7 We are going to leave this now series open Jusf long enough for 100 SHARES MORE, without Interest for going back, but the moment that cornea in, no mora shares without a premium until April 1st. ' E. L. Kceslcr, Treas. Phone 344. 25 South Tryon Ttreet if We Do II, It's Done Rp" SHORT AND SHORT You are not looking (or a "has bean" Paper Ranger or Painter, nor do you want o ne that "may ba" all right Whaf you want la an leer. That's wfcy you want The Expert Decorators Selwyn Hotel Telephone 1140 DUWORTH f LORAL GARDUIS fOI FANCY HOWIES - In dealing with our customer -in filling orders by mall or di rect our motto la: "Put Yourself la His Plads." , Bend us your orders and wa will exercise tha same ears as wars you here In parson to select We put ourselves In 'our plaoo and give what wa would ox pact to receive The Choicest Selection of Flews, tbe Best Service, the Best Prices. Just a word about our Fancy Caraattome. .Rosea, Yloleta. Yal. Ilea, Sweet Peas. They're tha "best avsr." P. O. Boa T. v BeO 'Phone a SOO Baslneas. 181 Residence. Wa are offering for lmmsdaU ! s'ooiy home. $1.100 $100 Cash, balance through B. ft L. Assn. , Six-room cottage, modern conveniences,' yard. "lot. good stmt: car line by the door; one block of saw graced sohooL If you want a small home. It is a bargain. Will rent easy for 111.00 per month." For further partlculara. sea of 'phons . ' Browmi Phone Ul -Tf" -; SCBoCRIBE TO TUB Y. M. Rt:hC:t:!nTcan: m.ji.i a-. - .. i " Irtag eaMM HeUM sag VWw, A mwiaefer CeettlpaUo, InAlrMtto Live p4 Kidney ircublM, HmpMa, Eo; Impure lLorxi, H4 Hria. Rla(i.h Bo!, H4ohe sne RMtaeefce. Im RorW T Hounlnln Tee Is tb Sti (ami. M enia a . 0mtn r1e b liotxinisja Dhvu Co". ;.. v la fiOLU NUGGETS FC SAU.C f tirU Wilson, J. W, Cannon, Jr.. S, B. i T. Ziethoo. A. G. Hrenlzrrr. Pbona tn. '' t0 N. Tryon St C. A. BUILDING FUND. Whits Rouse, Caraja and Blanka's celebrated Worlds rair and pgurt Blend Mocha and r JaA Coffaa. " W, M. CROWELL, 1 Fhon Tt Co A V7e c.V. r for I rnmr,t tr-.lo 77 acro.i on t:,a CK)da Jaacadam road and Charlotte, Columbia & Augunta Railroad, with two .-thouoand, eight hundred feet rMIronl front. Cun bo 'divided into sfveral factory Bites, giving all 0od frontage on the railroad. We will sell aa a whole at $80.00 per acre, , If quickly taken. Southern Tower Com.pany'B wires In close touch.. Thla traot In & ehort while will be selling- for double tha price . asked. . , soira r.y.t estate, loan m trust . co:.:?e The & , l( CnARLOTTE, . Capital .. .. .. finmlna . : . t. " t wyu a a; .,....,,. . . J.. M. HARRT , :. :' an"; vvn A rwrww : VINTON ' LJDDELL , - XV. H. BELK V' , , . J. H. MoADEN - ' " , ' . - . ' W, L, BRUNS ', , 1 , r ; , v V. G. McIiACCHLtN , V -' - , a .B. BRYANT ; , ? 1 D. E. BHYNB , 4 . . W. 9. DOWD f JTJffn It ncttt ' t , ' ' -,'. -1- ; OFFICERS! ,. ' . - v t GEO. EJ WILSON President. ' JNO. B. ROSS, Tlo Fresldent. w. u. HiuhisbUxK, caehler. - -Aooonnta of Corporations, . H. LnTLE, Freeldent. r, xt rw a eharJoite Trust gomp'y Fifteen Montha la BntneM-Renarces" Over, IBOO.OOO.OO MUECTORS: , . W, a BELK , -3' W. 0.NISBKT - , ' " J. M. DAVIS ' C. M. PATTERSON ' O. P. HEATH , , J. F, ROBERTSON . ' H. O. LINK V V V y. A, WATSON W. M. LONO ' 1 , ' 9, W, ZIMMERMAN f -9. IL UTTLB .'..' v STRONCi, CONSERVATIVE, SAFE., . , FIRST ; NATIONAL ' BANK CT AJUXyTTIE, N. C ' HENRT M. McADEN, ' GEO. W. BRYAN, . H. M. VICTOR. Prealdent, Vice President. . Cashier. Capital .'. , , IS0O.M0.0O Surplus and ProflU... $211,eog.t5 1 DUlECTORSl " , - ' F. D. ALEXANDER HENRY M. McADEN G. yi. BRYAN F. B. MDOWELTj . . , 9. C. BURROTTGH8 XT. B RODMAN . d FRANK GILREATH T." WWADB 9. 8. MYERS CHAS. A. WILLIAMS Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy' and accommo datlon extended consistent with safe banking.. , v. -'.lL;L,VICTOR,.CahlerV,; The Charlotte , CBARLOTTB. N. 'C " - Resources $i,270, 000.00 -, . . . .1. w OFFICERSl B. D. HXATH, Preetdent - JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice Preslaen. W. H. TWITTY, Caahler. ; F. H. JONBS, Aanlstam OMbier, , DIRECTORSt B. D. HEATH H. W. PBARR ' R. H. JORDAN ' i. JNO. M. SCOTT VINTON LIDDELL VALAER . CHAS. F. WADSWORTH s. . Adbomnts of oorporatloia, Inns and. ladlrldaals Invited. . - Adding New Accounts . , - - Wa are constantly adding new accounta, and our business Is Increasing at a very gratifying rata. Possibly yon would Ukt to " Join us and open a savings acoount ' WB PAY YOTJ TO SAVE.', Southern Loan & Savings Bank P. M. JBROWN. President , ' W. L, JENKINS, Caabler. , Rv A. DUNN, Vlre Tresldent . , American Trust Qompany , ; (Formerly Southern 8tates Trust Company) f OFFICERSt; ' GEO. STEPHENS. Pres. Ample Rceonroec ' VT T. 8. FRANKLIN. Vlce'Prea. ' A ' Strong Board of . DlrectoMt V. 8.' LEE, JR. Vloo Pres.' . Best of Outa.de ' . . W. SC. TOOD, Treasurer. '. V;V;. sBiwldaff'.Cbcieiia;' ;. .;..; : J. B. , DAVIS, 'Asst.'-Treas, " V ti?'f:;''t'r ' ? - 'A' .S:' We offer the very , bast of facilities In the handling of commercial - . ' i ' ' - QWOR-Q and , BONDS We Want Subject: SO Merchants' Farmers'. Bank, , 10 Atlantic National, Wilmington. tS Clttsens', Qastonle. : ' 1 0 First National, Oastonla. . . .. ' , 10 Battery Park, Aahevllla. . .. (0 Blue Rldga, Ashavilla. : .'. , 10 First National, . Sallsburu , , ' 10 Charlotte Trust Co. , f SO to 60 Uosklns common 10 Nokomts. : '" '-'V' ' -V " 10 Lowell, $0 Trenton. ,n .; ;- , B0 Uncastar, tl Linden. '" " BO Eloomfield. BO - Statesvll. BO Salisbury. 10 Gray Mfg. Co. BO Oaston, BO Cora.' . -j s , ;j BO Arlington. $0 Clover. IS Lumbarton, B0 Dilling. V ' P.- Qi - nDDPTT 1 1 FcrQrs flafeh Odi JXQTXni CAROLINA, t .a .. 1200 006 oa. . .. ... m . am a a a H M RnniNunw ' ' - J m wpirm - s GEO.' E. t WILSON ' Firm and Indlviduala , Invited. " C M. PATTERSON, Tloo President, i rrwr r.-v,t. Bank ;v 'f-i;.--. ' ' ' '.-t ; - - We Offer 8ubJeot: - ; ' . J.IOO Atamanoa Furniture Co. Is. MOO N. C, Bfate 4a. B.000 Atherton.v j V 1.109 Highland Park Pfet , . ' 4.000 Hosklns T Pref. . ' 1.000 Elba 7 Pref. ' " 1,000 Lancaster 1 Pref. , " '. .w 1,000 Suburban Realty Co.. Pref," I. 000 Henrietta, 600 Glbaon. 1 1 " X - , 10.000 Loray 1st Pref. S. " 8.000 Highland Park let Pref. " .0Q0 Lowell t per cent -: II. 800 Am,-Warehouse par cant " t.100 Cabarrus. 1.000 Florence. . 1 , ' ' ' 1.B00 UtUa-Long Co," ' fi QOMPftNYi . . . . ,. ,, , ,, aiUV.VUU.VV. . x- 9.i, a: : 'J ' I :'- -