j . p. CAlDWia Jy I Pu,jIlhlw,,. a. TOJinuxH, . Every Day in the Year. ' ' fiUBSCRIPTION FRICB. , DAILY. ,'Ona year ' '"'"m hl months .............. .,.,... J-JJJ tores nionthi ............. '! r: h, . , SEMI-WEEKLY, on. mr:;.,...,;.,:.............. 4i.w Wx month Tore month (PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENT. V No. M South Tryon iirwt Tsl : '.- phon numbers; Business office, Bll 'phono J city editor' office, B 'phone 134; new editor's office. Hell J phon tu. , Advertising rate are furnihd on i rDllptlon. Advartkera may (eel ur j that through the column of this 4 paper they may reach U Charlotte and a portion of the bert people; n . this Bute and upper South Carolina. . Thl paper g(ve correspondent! a ') wide latitude a it thinks public policy , permits, but it la In no case respon- sibl for their view. It i much preferred that correspondent sign i their names to their article. espj daily In case where their atwck person or Institutions, though tin I not demanded. The editor reserve the right to give the name of cor - respondents when they are demana ' ed for the purpose of personal sati .. ; faction. To receive consideration a communication mut he accompanied fcy the true name of the correspon dent. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 107. ROW TO EXD THE DUST EVIL. To make Charlotte a better place In which to live and do business nothing is more needed than action looking toward ending or greatly abating the grievous dust nuisance. From the standpoint alike of comfort, health and property present condi tions are almost intolerable for ful ly half the day of tne year without regard to seasons. If there wero nothing to do but to suffer It might ja well be in silence, but this 1 for tunately not the case. A trolley sprinkler affords relief and release old-fashioned water-wagons for ser vice on streets not traversed by car ilnes. Thl device is employed In many cities, especially those whoso hick of modern paving makes the dust avll extreme. That the plan Is finan cially practicable even for communi ties which must deny themselves ome things, Is apparent from toe Information given by the chiilrman ot Columbia's street committee. The fallowing Is from the news columns of The Columbia Record: "Mr. Kecriun finds tjiut the Initliil com of the apparatus, laf.1 down here, will b 1,W0 to fl.KS. fin'l Hint all the tone desired may be ha I before II In piild fur. the Interest rate helm; five mt rout., or abOilt (ill. 2& per year. The street rultway company will furnish tin- trucks, limine the machine and supply the current free, charging II per day fur repujrn nnil tl.'iO per flny for an operator. Tower pump mounted in the muchlne will either tuk up watergravity pressura being un neeeKmiry or sprinkle the sireet fur fifty feet on either sMe of the truck When ll Is ilesireil to Hush the streets, rather limn sprinkle them, the machine will do the work admirably. Beyond the cost of furnishing the writer- which In a small Item under a municipal owner ship of the water plan- 'olumlilii would have to ray out only 50 p r .lu of actual operation. snd the Interest upon the Initial er Nt price. Mr K'cnan H ulea is being henrllly Hppioi"l l.y the bind ness men and Is nl.n f.ivored. It In un derstood, by Mnyoi fill lies and never, l of the iiMermi n Mr Kenan Mill put the fuetH and limit up to tun eornnilt tee snd sek t have the committee re port theiri lo r inn M at II. next inr el It'ir, mlth n recominerel.it! n il.ut the j r I n k -ler be ordered forthwith' This is well worth the utientloii of the aldermen of I'harlotte mul per haps other North I'nroluia eitiex. ,i I'm .go In for tiie sprinkler, -.. can't af ford to be without It "HE'S WET'AXI IMI IT." This time It Im The NorfoU Virginia-Pilot w.'iU h cries out of the deeps of the Kngllih language, "To our Virginia ami North Carolina con temporaries who no constantly strive with em h other over the problems of syntax find prosody,'' says The V'r-finla-l'llot, "we commend Ihe contro versy now wnglng between The Ar kansas Toothpick hii.I Tne (iklahomn Tomahawk The hone of .onteri'loii I a question of grammar WheJicr It be more correct to say. 'He's iie. n and gone nnj done It.' or 'He' w.-nl and did II" The rileo-rver rejoices that It Is able to mule this iicHton before any "bialn storm" or "ful minating mental orplo-lon"- to ujs terms which the mhieuih well-paid alienists retained for the i. f( m ,. In the Thaw have brought r,, r,i for has hrewej in t,. ieHil of any North Carolina or Vliglnia editor ot Only baa "He's w-nt ii nd ill, it" the Obvious merit of upi rlor brevity, but Unimpeachable nutl.onu ran be iied for It. Having no body nKl. tn(. French Ac:dcmv of the Forty Irn tnortuls to decide imgillsin nucstUihs. Kngllsh-Hpeuslng p. op!, ., muM ,.y , Upon the usage of I heir b, hi write) , and among all those of the pre-Room-velMsn period In America tne late Col. mil Nye udmlll.diy holds a Urge place In andr-s-bir nr of hi works to tbf world 1 ol N,. ,,,., ' this couplet OO. little booklet, go. be ev, rmh.-r.- the eame TBI everywhere thsl von hate U(1i r they'l glad thst vo., haw ,eine . Ask U something hard . The work being done b Mr W A Graham t'Urk. now In th orient as a special agent of the Depart mem of Commerce and Labor in study ih cotton trade, does great credit to this abi jroitng North Carolinian Hit report bav attrscted wide attention nd pomes unquestioned value. In view of Secretary Root's announced Intention to appoint i"mo good men to Important jot;Jn the consular ervica without Mpptyltig the ptt. nan tgt, wt ar hot imrprlied tc hear, through our WahU gton corre spondent, a report that Mr, Clark will be complimented by, f offer, of. Win oatura. ... . ' Z.,Vv K)I,I;0.i8 I.Vlll-" ATTACK, In pawing the committee bill pro viding for a flut pns-ienger fare of 2 cents a mile the lower house of tne Legislature did wrong knowingly. Yesterday' new gave the Impression that the Senate would make the rata tH cents, retaining the flut fare. It I tne injustice to the public, menaced with a continuance ' of ' the presunt poor service without the present right to demand better,' and the nuisance to arise front, the abolishment of the second-class car, .which would chief ly move our regret' If ' either, of thess measure become law. A for the railroads' own Interest Independently considered, we would safeguard them, but it la impossible to feel quite the degree of concern whICn would be natural if North Carolina were not treated as badly as was ever an un fortunate step-child in a fairy tale. Why should thl Stat be held in ab ject economic servitude to Virginia through outrageous discrimination In freight rates? It Is a maxim of law that "He that would Have equity must do equity" must come with clear hand. Let the railroad give North Carolina Justice and our peo ple' sense of right Is warrant tnat they will receive Justice In return. The Observer Is so much their Bin cere friend and well-wisher that, even apart from it desire that the State should receive fair play, It would earnestly endeavor to persuade them from persisting in their refusal of Justice. Their attitude I inviting an endless succession of harassing at tacks against which no number of devoted friend could protect them, and making glad the heart of the demagogue. Tne Norfolk Landmark, apart from Its grammatical heresies, Is a mon strous wise paper. It view of the Thaw case la characteristically sane. "There Is no reason for surprse," It says, "that the Thaw lawyers split among themselves and developed a most unseemly, unprofessional and disgraceful row. Excepting always Harry Thaw' mother, whose dlgnKy and suffering alike command the respect of the people, the whole out fit Is shallow, vulgar, sordid, cheap and depraved. Tne original row was one of two libertines over a bad wom an intent only on getting as much money as possible from the follies itnd the passions of her admirers. We Judge that most of the squalid crowd Immediately engaged In the defence are of the same, kind and that the whole management has been a scram ble for some of the Thaw millions so Irnprovldcnlly scattered." And this Is very near the Inwardness of the mat ter. WhHt would the people of Virginia say or do if, for example, freight could be shipped more cheaply from New York to Charlotte and thence to Lynchburg more cheaply than It could be stopped nt LyBc'nburg? What If their shippers were being compelled to move to North Carolina points or establish warehouse there in order to hold their Virginia trade? Poor folks' rneumutlsm s rich folks' gout. Likewise poor folks' murder or voluntary manslaughter appears to time become rich folks' emotional Insanity. SAM i) WHITE -TEN YEARS AGO. Attentions lo IVIna May Enraged Hus band, WcwtertiT Saysi. St Louis Special tu WsHlilntgon Post KIKha H. Dutton, a hoteUeepor at Pine street, claims III credit for saving the life of Stanford White ten years ago At that lime Duiton wunj In Ho lib vi le business In New York Among Ills patrons and friends was Freil Tit us, the champion bicycle rider, w ho became the huslmnd ' of Edna May, the actress. Iiutlon tells how Stanford Wnlle became Infatuated with the young choruM girl, and used to trail nrotirni after her, trying to force his men tions upon her. One night In Jan uary, inn?, Dutton says, Titus be came so wrought up over the at tentions White Was paying Kdna May, then Mrs. Titus, that Duiton and his wife bid a revolver from Titus to prevent him from killing While. t tne same time. Dutton and bis wife kept Kdna May Inside a booth nt a bicycle -Imw, fearing that If White .should sec the pretty actress and nttcmpi to show her any attentions trouble would result. Pearl llryan's Skull Found. C'lriclniiiill Dispatch to New York Tribune Worn men employed by (.'. H. Olnn dorf. of the city, to fill In ground be tween N'. Apotr and Dayton, Ky . o day dls. mere, I a skull thut has been Identified In comp tent anatomists to be the skull ,,r .s Pearl liryan, the (ireernastle Mini) K, un wn) killed on February I IKtttJ. bv Jackson and Walling,, Cincinnati medical stu dents That tlm skull is Ml.s llryan's has been proved by evidence said by lawyers to be n valid and relevant im the Ircumstaiitlnl evidence on which the students were convb teii of murder and rinnged for tin lr crimen n Now port, Ky The skull was found In the soil which forms part of the roadway that a earrings on Its way from the'prov ed scene of Pear! Hivan's murder, m ar furl Thomas, Ky , would take In proceeding to the home of a doctor III Newport, wiieru. the testimony at the t r tn I showed Miss llivan under went treatment Just before she was Mile, N,, other purls of the nkele ton lo which the skull belonged have i,. en found bv the workmen The men-iiiements of (hi. skull tally with ih. it, tsur ments pr scribed bv coin pa niive utiBtomy for Mlu llryan's skull. pitrv oit lint hi,ek;h. Mr E. U Ker.Ur to Head Ihdega. Hon ror Itulcdgli Will 1-avp Tc NK'Itt lty tlrsrter t p. A special commlttee.mslMtlng of M"mb P I, Keeslsr, ch-Hrnmn; eX. Judg Atrnl.ieeej tturwcll. City At torney Hugh W. Harris others, will lew here to-night for Italvlgh to appear before th House commit tee to-monow In support of the bill giving the city a nw ermrter. A message ws recelvnd yesterday from Mr, E. R. rrefton tatlng thst the bill would come up for a hearing then. Immediately on receipt of tola Mayor McNImh eommunhsud with Mr. Keesbir and aevorel other lntertd in th new charier nd re quested them to to down to llatelgh to-night Th Mrtf-wilr ! thu ranlnf via the feaboard. - coiirnoMisE ixm dill (Conilnued From 1'ug One.) , Charlotte Electric LlRht and Power Company, and ' tho House adjourned until 8 p. m. THE SENATE. The Senate cr.nvenod at 9 SO, President Winston In the ch.ur, and prayer wo offer,l by Rev. lfrod H. Moment. . The following hill passed their final reading: , To prohibit th sale of whiskey, brandy find cjgaretttis within three miles , of Hoillng. Springs High .School, Cleveland county. . -To repon! the law regarding sawdust tn stream tn Ash - and to prohibit throwing It in, stream in Cleveland and Rutherford. ' - -' To establish a chain gang in Rich mond. . '-..n :..- To allow. Pender county to make an appropriation for i the women's better ment association; in aid of. the publlo schonla '." ;i ' ' To regiila to Lenoir courts; and those Jn El.dcn county. . To incorporate ' Carolina Methodist College and Orahnm ColleglaU Institute. To allow Martin to elect two more county commissioners. - . To authorize th Moore' Creek Monu ment Association to preserve order and protect it premise.' To amend the charter Of the Southern Prebytrliin College. To amend th Cleveland road law and that of Durham county. c To amend law regarding distribution Of Jones county dispensary tfund. To allow Cabarru to sell the county To PgIe,?''ahlngton and Beaufort ad ditional court. To establish graded schools at Elisa beth City. To appoint polal tax collector In Hertford and Northampton. To Improve the publlo road in North ampton. . . . n To allow oastonia to isue iw,uw bond. , To allow Laurlnburg to refund it debt To Incorporate Btout, Union county. To allow Madion to issue $a),000 in bond. . . To amend the Marion school law. Tn mifhnrlsft T.lnenln to issue bond and Improve It roads; and to allow Brevard to vote on road oono. VANCE STATUE MATTER. A taint resolution nf Buxton, regard ing the atatae of Vance, to be placed In statuary hall at Washington came up. King offered an amendment to also place the tatue of William A. Graham there. Mason opposed talking up all the space available for North Carolina, nnlv two ntntues heinc allowed and said only that of Vnnce should now be placed there. Howard opposed the amendment, and also the orlgfnai bill. Polk thought the name of Vance that of one of the few men It would be sare to select ior thl honor King paid a tribute to Gra ham as n man eminent In the State and with b distlnsrulshed nosterlty. Mitchell thought only one statue should now be nrnv deri a.nd thouant (Moiver s name should he considered for this high honor. Turner thought Vance statue ougnt not be placed there unless that nf Ran som was reslde him. terming Ransom the great eastern statesman and ra trlot. He thought the will of the people ought to be ascertained. Daniel was sure Vance would hold first place and said his statue ought to go there and he asked the Senate to put Itself on record now In this matter. The amendment was lost and the resolution whs adopted Stand nir committees made reports and a favorable one was made on the bill for statues of Vance and Melver nt Washington. Chairman Holt announced that he would move to reoonslder the vote by which n Btat uo of Vance had been ordered placed In statuary hall so Melver nilfht be Included. A IP wing Henderson county to appro priate funds In certain sales and to nmnil the charter of Hendersonvllle. Tn allow New Hanover to nay fees for magistrate when prisoners are sent to the rncds. To amend the charter of Wilmington so as to allow It to maintain a free public library. To give Oates county the road law. To prevent the shipment of liquor Into Columbus county. Authoring the Wllkesboro and Jeffer son turnpike to be converted Into a steam or eleetrlc railway, so as to put Ahe, watuuga apd Alleghany ,in toucn with North oirolljis, these counties hav ing no railways being now tributary to Virginia and the State owning large In terests In this turnpike which Its con victs built. To re-charter the Yadkin River Power Company TtIM.8 OPT OF ORDER. Pills were Introduced out of the usual mler ms follows: Hnrrlngton: To Incorporate Duke. Harnett county. fioilwln: T re-lncorpornte GatesvlIIe. I loll To Incnrpcirnte the Seaboard. Greensboro A Great Western Railway; also the Home Pavings Hank of Greens boro. SeawrM: To consolidate the Aberdeen West Knd. Ashehoro & Montgomery and Jackson Snrlngs Railway. Mnsoir To Incorporate (he Dower 'reek f: Fa vet tevll lo Transportation Company Ib lnhar lt : To amend the charter of Wilmington and I's graded schools and t" allow Hie town to Issue lionds. McLaughlin: To establish the county of Glenn out of pnrts of Cumberland an-l Hnbeson. Stubbs To authorize Beaufort county t- ISMIe lund.f linn'. I To Incorporate the Roano'ke Rapids Weldon Kleetrlc Company. conference committee was anpoint ed Servitors Graham. Reld and Thorns, tn confer with the House committees rerrnnllng the Senate amendment to th bill relative to the pow-ers nf conductors on train the House having refused to concur In the Senate nmendmnnt. RAILWAY RATF, HILU The Henato took up the railway rote hill iis a special order and Daniel offer oil n substitute. It was read and provid- I for n charge of Z cents ier mile on roads whose gross earnings are 11.500, : cents on roads over Jl.irt) gross earn ings per mile and a rate to be fixed for ihe corporation commission on the oth er roinls, but nut to exceed !! cents. Th" bill allows JOO pounds baggage. That all passenger urcc mmodat Ions on trains sb.ill be flrst-clnss. with separate dan for whiles and negroes, provided that on mills Hth not enough business to tilstl fv sepnrntn c-nrs there nun h partitions nil e,l bv the corporation commission to dhlde the rnees, but In every flrst elasi cur there shall be a smoking apart ment that mil-age books bp kept on sal.- at nil offices and good In the hands of iiny person named therein on all loads on which the fare Is the same a ..r h ss than that on the road of the ocsm nnnv selling the hook and when mileage Is detached from the book bv nny other r.md tt nn the "nc which sold It. It hnll be reieemitile ou demand bv the one wh'i li sold I' The penalty for violation of rlils mi Is tpifl Any persons exreot i hose pern It ted by law w ho accept free 1 1 nriHpoi tit) n nr t n rate other than that permitted by law are made guilty of a misdemeanor ana uimw conviction shall he lined, or Imprisoned or both In the discretion of the court, McLean nsked permission to withdraw his substitute hill and Introduced nn- ither In Its place, preerlhlng a 1 rents rate for Independent roads not longer than W mile and whose eain riEs nre not over il.tim a mm and n fl'it rsle nf 2'4 ents nn nil other road Thome sslil tneer nrti neen several obstruction to a clear understanding of this rnte matter, one neing whether there was a demand for it reduction: that the Democratic party nlwsy kept lis e.ir to tho around and Had regard for the wishes of the necvnle nnl So had de clared in his platform thst there was n demand bv the people ror a. reduction and the early bad prom'sed something ul- stsntlal. Webb thought the Senate sle ulil resolve Itself Itno a committee nt the whole and srree en a bill and report to the Rrine He made a motion In this effect which wss arwptr aim in senate lmrrdlstty went into committee nf the whtls. Idalr snld the tir'inosed rate reduction was one c,f th tenets tn the IVmncrstle rn pnlgn and ht North Cnrolln h"d nlwuvs be nnt.t for It fairness end he was sure the fiennte -woitll not reduce strs us to erlnole the ervr. hut leave the ronds a margin so thev euM Im nrov tlulr sssrs'lee s the frofMe did not waul s reduction which would Inture env Industry. KltiHa paid he bslleved thr nnest'on of freight rate was more Iniportant than th.it of pnsseneer rste and shniiM 4t(v ntore attention frean lhsl-etleture Mon mgile th wlnl of prdsr tnt fliitt' w net sneakliig for ths hill.' Webb orTr1 a reaniution that It should be the eens of th eom- Ytwin marries! )ople and old im too. That have so. children to laugh and find tliilr troubles WtH"Ijtti 00",Js, It thr lake Itoeky Moiintaltt 'Tirt, , '- , .IV II.- Jordan' A Co. 1 'fce I , f , . hoi,:,i 1 ,. , '"' '' S In til" t ll,; 1 S I: I it.ia ..:. . to be l!l .1 f -I I f), I then itini,,,,,, ie, ruf B,,,.il . cum' ed. Mm 14 iinKcd whv railway .n- had lnciiiii.,,1 only 20 per cei't. lo ten years wiiiui rillioail ear'nlrn-s had lo- creesed over lit) per cent. In Ihe same uie, no spoico about tho couses or rim present disci ntont ond at the bar ot the neiime no accused th railways of high crimes and miiilemeanors, aaylng they hd enter ed a plest of confession.' aud ovoidn nee, That the railway ytrn had marked time or stood tlll while the needs of the iieople bad lltcreftswl ' and "t" me runway nao uppropriatea to themselves the money from the people which houl have been used for better service. He said 100.000 mile ot rallwuy had bi'come a menace to human life and that the railway had - Juggled account, played trick with curUie and frosen out minority stockholder" and flooded th country with watered tock, He ak whom the Bcnat was supposed to serve, the people or the railway. . r WEBB'S RESOLUTION ' DEBATED, . The discussion now became confined to Webb' resolution. Hick favored two fare on the road, arguing that it would be more Convenient. He said there were two classes , of cltlsen. on of which would prefer to ride flrt-cla. and the other, in it working clothe being un willing to rid in car with richly co. turned and perfumed ladle. Turner con- f;rtulated the Senate on now approach ng a solution of one of the greatest fiuestloss" ever before a Legislature. He denounced many thing published in a newspaper reflecting on the Senate. - He said the lobbl were crowded by rail way meru. He declared the Senate and House to-be-enual in conservatism to any body Which ever met in the State. Danlol did not discuss the general pro vision of tht Ubstitute. but took up the Webb amendment. Pie had at first been In favor of two f are, , but now favored One, North Carolina being the nnlv Rtst havinir twn Itrnhsm asld thrt committee had very carefully considered 1 tin matter and tonciuiiea tne people an aired two fare. Buxton ald ho was committed to reduction of rate by the platform and hi pledge, wean asuea him mhv 1i hnd lnteii that the resolu tion was intended to commit the Legis lature to a 2 cent fare, declaring ha, would not vote for a 2-oent rate. Bux ton ald he found he was mistaken, thinking the Daniel substitute provide for a 2-cent rate. Pharr said he wa ab solutely in favor of tho 2-cent fare, and nao seen ana nearu noimrig iv cuiuuie his conviction. He said Enslnnd had three classes oi fare and one of the best railway service arstems In the world. He could not un derstand why Webb' resolution had been offered at this Juncture, and could not ee any reason why It should be first settled, wnetner or not tne scnuie layer ed a single rat or two rates. GRADE OP ASSISTANT SURGEOX. Candidates for This Position In Pnb- Ilc Health and Marine Hospital SeT vki? Will be Examined April 15. Special to The Observer. Washington, Feb. 20. A board of officer will be convened to meet at the Bureau ot Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, S B street southeast, Washington, D. C, Monday, April 15, 107. at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining candi dates for admission to the grade of assistant surgeon In the Publlo Health and Marine Hospital Service. Candidates must be between 22 and 30 years ot age, graduates of a reput able medical college, and must fur nish testimonials from responsible persons a to their professional and moral character. The following is the usual order of the examinations: 1, physical; 2, oral; 3, written; 4, clinical. In addition to the physical examina tion, candidates are required to certi fy that tney believe themselves free from any aliment which would dis qualify fnem for service In any Cli mate. The examinations are chiefly In writing, and begin with a short auto biography of th candidate. The re mainder of the written exercise con sists in examination of the various branches of medicine, surgery, and hygiene. The oral examination Includes sub jects of preliminary education, his tory, literature, and natural sciences. Tne clinical examination is con ducted at a hospital, and when prac ticable, candidates are required to perform surgical operations on a cadaver, Successful candidates will be num bered according to their attainments on examination, and will be commis sioned In the same order a vacancies occur. lpon appointment the young of ficers are, as a rule, first assigned to duty at one of the large hospitals, us at Boston, New York, New Orleans, Chicago, or San Francisco. After five years' service, assistant surgeons are entitled to examination for promotion to the grade of passed assistant surgeon. Promotion to the grade of surgeon Is made according to seniority, and after duo examination as vacancies occur In that grade. Assistant surgeons receive $1,100, passed assistant surgeons 12,000, and suregons $2,500 a year. When quar ters are not provided, commutation at the rate of $30, $40 and $50 a month, according to arade. Is allow ed All grades above that of assistant surgeon receive longevity pay, 10 per cent. In addition to the regular salary for every five years' service up to 40 per cent, after 20 years' service. The tenure of office Is permanent. Officers traveling under orders ar al lowed actual expenses. For further Information, or for In vitation to appear before fne board of examiners, address "8urgeon Gen eral. Publlo Health and Marine Hos pital Service. Washington, D. C." KIIXET) I1V INCAXDHSCKNT LAMP Flrrman at Supply Plant Pica Willi Ilnlh firasrr":, In Hand Machinist F'lls IVom cnt' and I Dogired In Mnd. Nit Swims Ashore White Man Held for Murder. Observer ureau, 1209 Main Street. Columbia, 8. C, Feb. 20. Columbia, S. C. Feb. JO John p. IjiVe, flremnn for the atatlonnry engln at the Powell Supply Company's plant st th Dlandlng street station, wa hocked to denth by the current from an Incandescent lamp early this morning. When nsslslHiioe reached him, which wa Immediately sfter he cried out In pain, h was gasping hi last with th bulb grasped tlchtly In hi, band. The wire enrry nnlv 11$ volts, but this 1 not the (list d"nth of the kind, another occurred In the smne way a week go, Mr. Lake, wn ?1 years eld 'snd unmar rled. HI NiiU' wa shlprtd to hi flh- ef St Vnlon. Th coroner decided that an Inquest wit unnecessary. . Jumes lister, a machinist ot the Wavrrly sislnirhsn, hud a remarkable ecivie from death this morning. WhtU walking tne l oiumtila. Newberry A Ijiu. rin llnllrd trestle, which croe th cnnal between Cohimtita and th Con. iiaree river near Mm wood Cemetery, h ol hi Imlance and felt M feet into th rsnsl nnd rtog(r4 up everl feet in mud. 10 fot below the surface of the water. He extricated himself from th mud, swum ashore and walked horn In Cnod shape artnr thrvwina out-aim nit Indled near the cene or hi troubles. Fred Bummer, a -well-known young To stop a Cold with "PrventleW' I safer than to 1st It run and euro It af terward. Taken st the "nes stag" Prevsntlo will nad off all colds and Orlpp, an psrhsp av you from Pnsutnenla or Bronchitis, Prsventiea sr ilttl tnothaom sandy cold eur tabUt selling la -en and ts-cent hose. If ou r chilly, If you begin to an. tr' rrevsntle. , They.wtu surely chwk th tld. and piw you, ,Bild ,iy Bur-wll-Dua BtsJl Store. , V ' ' 1 t c , il if 1 , , r i',,i! : y, v i I " ed III n .. , y - H i I for i hs ...!! of f I (o.i.eit -on, fellow whiio wo. h n at a . w noil, 'ihe cause (f the li,: lit In tiol know horn, r.obertu u died In half an hour ttl'tur he was mtnlibed. Til meeting which Vice President J. C. Hemphill, ot the Sou! hern Iiiiirilk'ra- llon AsMotdatlon, ha called for the pur- pome oi oiKuriuimr a biuret association, will b held to-morrow evening at tho now Colonial Hotel, when It I hoped and expected that all ohisse of liiiHineas and an ctc!tion or the 8tte win t repre sented. There will be some good speeches The object 1. to have a Suite organiza tion back of the Woulll Carolina plan ot immigration. A similar orgnnization M rtinsr perfected in Mucon. a., : to-dsy, Ex-Governor. Hey ward, president of the Southern association,' Is in attendance at Macon.'. v--.-''--: v, PEOPLE'S COLO! k. The) American District ' Telegraph Company delivers packages, parcels, notes. Invitation, famishes messcn g-ers for errant service at a very mall cost. Th Observer will tend our. messengers, without charge, to row remdencej or place of business ror iKivertisemeut for tt this column. 'Plione -, 7S. : - Office - wiUi Western I'nlcwi Telecrnnh ComDanir. 'Phone 45., ' An advertisementa inaerted In thli column at rata ot ten cents ner line of etc words, i No ad. uken for ifMm tnan zo cent, t cash in advance, WANTED. VV'i- . CnH wnn. bmJ Wa. V a. .1 A - w, ivrnu nils SWUI1 uvuauvp na ictrv best. Reference: required. ;, Telephone WANTED Two pool table in good . e.nndltlnn fne olnh mam V Yf VaW Spencer, N. C. , ,; WANTED-One cotton hilll Maokmith .Aistfl tavA Maahlsilata sv aisiali. aM , r v a ioa, iu i M 1U1 i cieur Vf aV Apply to Box 7, Lancaster, 8. C. . WANTED Room . mats bv youna man. beautiful home and location; best far in city. Aaaresa j. tr. w., care uoserver, WANTED At once, flrst-claas book- Keeper lor cotton manufacturing olant In North Carolina. Answer fit own handwrltina. Position permanent and pays well. Address Bookkeeper, care Oberver. WANTED at once," copies of Charlotte Dally -Observer July 11 and 24, 1908. Business office Charlotte Observer. WANTED Cotton mill superintendent with good record of success, wants a position. Satisfactory - reason given'' for wanting to change. Address Cotton Mill Super., care Observer. WANTED Job . dyeing to do In sut- liuur vuiuia, rumor 111 iis-Biuen, Bnuin or walp. Address "L," care of The Ob server. WANTED Hickory, dogwood and per simmon, unariotte .Hardwood apeciai ty Co. WANTED One or two young ladles to work for local magaxlne agency. Good pay and permanent position for right r.ovv "rmmlla a i - rWrtm. WA NT ED For U. S. Army, able- VifA I kA siaarvA aI mn Vtt &ab m rr. of n and 25, cttisens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write En glish. For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.: 2H South Main St., Asheville. N. C; Bank Building. Hick ory. N. C; 417U Liberty St.. Winston Salem, N. C; Glenn Building, Spartan burg, S. C; Hay n worth and Conyer's y i . . i , j i .' r -li, et n . . r , , riunniuK, vji9vjiviii, 0. v.., ur xvenaau Building, Columbia, S. C. WANTED iJtdy or gentleman to travel in N. C. Salary to start $10 ner week and expenses. One Interested in ehurch work preferred. Address "Interested," care Observer. WANTED-To huy old feather bed and pillow; highest cash price paid. Na tional Feather Co., Second and College streets. . .ANTED Second-hand type cabinet Address, stating price, Charlotte Ob rver, Charlotte. N. C. WANTED Bookkeeper by a first-class dally newspaper: prefer some one who lms had experience In newspaper office. Address O. R., care Observer. MISCELLANEOUS. MEN, ATTENTION Just received big lot of manufacturer's sample vests. White and fancy, worth $3.00 to $3.60. Sale price $1.M. Belk Bros. ENTIRE STOCK of wall paper, lace curtains, tapestries, mantels, etc., of the House Furnishing tt Decorating Co., 200 N. Tryon, Is being sold out at re duced price. Receivership sale. 100, 100, 100, 100 Received on Februury 17th 100 horses and mules. Come and see the best lot that ha been shipped to Charlotte this season. J. W. Wads worth's Sons Co. I HAVE for sale one second-hand Jump seat surrey. Can be seen at Perry a table. No. 29 West 1th street ENTIRE STOCK of wall paper, lace curtains, tapestries, mantels, etc., of the House Furnishing ft Decorating Co., M0 N. Tryon, now on sale at reduced prices. Receivership ala. SEE CITY TAX NOTICE. MAX HARRIS CO., Danville. Vs.. family "Llker" dealer: nothing sold hy the drink; package and measure only. Mall orders receive prompt attention. Writ for price list 100 Just received 100 horses and mulea The best lot we have shipped this sea son. J. W. Wadaworth'a Bon Co. MEN Our 1907 catalogue explain how w teach barber trade In tew weeks, mailed free. Writ Moler Barber Col lege, Atlanta. C. I HAVE for ale a number of volumes of my book, "Life nt Stonewall Jack son, by HI Wife." Address Mrs. M. A, Jsckxm. Charlotte. N. C 1 FOR KALE. FOR SALE Interest In valuable mica lands In Mitchell county. Addrea Lock Box No. I, Lincolnton, N. C. FOR SALE 10 tO-ln. revolving flat onrda, Plntt. 1 Chandler-Tnylor engine, W. H.-P. 1 20-H.-P. return tubular Vertical holler, i railway heads, petec'. 1 rail way head, Maon; 4 Llndsav-Hyd reel. All second-hand but In good running; or der. 4 li-4 broad sheeting loom. Mason (ntw). 100 dobbles Id harness. Mason (new). Th D. A. Tompklna Co., Char loUe, N. C FOR BALK Draft horse, buggy and harness, at Perry' stables; about it year old: weight about 1,200 pounds; good barguln. J. Arthur llsndcrson. FOR SALE Veneer mschlnery. 1 72-Inch rl k . . - M.nlilna I HLIm.I. , , I ltU Tl.s., wr-.l IV DAI tlmnr veener machine. 1 40-Inch Balti more veneer machine, with attachment for euttlng basket stock. 4 Clipper, on 10 Inches; dn o Inche; one M inche: una 1 Inche. l,ot of, shafting, pulley snd belting. 1 40-H.-P. Kri City engln. t P tinrluhl. 1.1 1., wilih All uf form and fixture for manu facturing baskets. We, offer th abov (or P.cw.Oa f. o. b. car Richmond, Vn. Bog 197, Richmond Vs. FOR SALB--On M-ls. Alhsrton two beater opener and breaker picker with sutomatlo fd. On M-Iri, Atherton fin- lner piewcr. iibvv iwrn- run anoui iv years. In good eomtltinn and can he tall 40-ln machine.' Adrhsss Qlnco Mill. furimTinn, n. run IlEMT. FOR RKNTt rooma TOO Eat avenue. gel set bosrt vary nar, u Apply Walter "tiOST LOUT Gold bracelet. et with amethyst. Hwsrt ir in at st was rug store. I I i i - F:oi:if07;.iil i , ' ' 1 ' " - BOTH LADIES NECKWEAR The swellest line of Ladies Necwear that we have ever shown in popular priced goods. Turnovers, Stocks, Windsors, etc.' Prices 25c, 30c, 35c., (50c. Direct to us from Fifth avenue. . LACES AND NETS We insist that you inspect these two lines and give us the benefit of your criticism. LONG SILK GLOVES Any size and any quantity that you want. Prices 75c, $1.00, $150. KID GLOVES 12-button White Glace Evening Gloves. Price per pair $2.50. We sell only Centemeri Gloves, both Silk and Kid, and guarantee the fitting and first wearing. All grades, lengths and colors in stock. Prices $1.25 to $4.00 a pair. , ii; , ,K ; NEW SILKS New novelties in Spring Silks, Roman Stripes, Checks, Plaids, Plain Radium, Crepe de Chine, Ban zai, both figured and plain; Oriental, Spot and Perspiration-proof. 36-inch Taffeta, White, Black and all the popular shades. Price $1.00, $1.25' and $1.50. Every' yard guaranteed to give the wearer perfect satisfaction. DRESS LINENS Light Blue Dress Linen, warranted all Linen an exauisite, delicate shade of light Blue. Price the yard 25c. 3i WOOL DRESS GOODS 50-inch Wool Batiste colors, Alice Blue, Cream, New Green, Garnet, Red, Navy; also White and Black. Remember the width, 50 inches. Price the yard 50c. ?, . , NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS : Big freight shipment stylish Dress Trimmings. Most merchants are afraid to buy dress . trimmings. Wn nrn -rtrvf ViflOI1cn WO VlHV tVlfl rtTrOA efiirV '. ' what fashionable dressmakers call for. Anything that; you wish from a 10c. Persian Braid to a Hand-made ? Pasmentire at $750 per h 1 .s m f ' -:-:J n r . , V' .-: , - .,. . ;f -.1, ! 1 1 t I iaftJ STORES . v yard, A1- -j