LEAKS' Id hK i; I'rom Tsre One.) .".it .H the district' attorney. : ,. Ljliri sont a genuine thrill i ()!! : the court room by declaring r.ut he had been Informed It was purpose of the district attorney to lntllct Mrs. Thaw. Jerome denied thnt any suoh ': statements , had been ..made. He did not deny the purpose. This incident came near the close of tbe forenoon session when Mr. Jerome la an effort to make the defense pro duce certain letters from Stanford White, which Mrs. Thaw had declared were in the possession of Clifford Hartrldge, one of her husband's at torneyv c'! M' Hartr,d" to the witness stand. The lawyer, declined to answer (mentions relating to the letters and when It became necessary for him to give aome better reason than the mere fact that he was at- torney of record for the defendant, Mr. Delmas arose and stated that Mr. Hartrldge had been retained by Mrs. . Thaw' to protect her interests when ' she had .heard the threats that she was to be Indicted. ; '; WILLING TO PRODUCE LETTERS. , Durintr the afternoon when Mrs. Thaw had been recalled she declared ), ah was perfectly willing that the let ters should be produced. "They are your property, are they not?" asked Mr. Jerome. "No, I gave them to Mr. Thaw." ' ) " Mr. Jerome directed his assistant, , Mr. Oarvan, to have subpoenas is sued for Mr. Hartriflge. When this 'was done, Mr. Jerome again demand Zed the letters. Mr. Hartrldge said he had no intention of complying as he had received the letters from the ' hands of the defendant. Mr. Jtrome appealed to Justice Fitzgerald. He had neglected to have an nmdavlt made as to the service of the sub poena and Justice Fitzgerald said there was nothing upon which he ' could act Mr. Garvan was directed ' by his chief to draw up the affidavit. There the matter rented, however, Mr. 'Jerome making no further move. Just after the luncheon recess the district attorney wanted permission to tontlon to lior and she wont awuy in a few minutes. The first tlmo.sho rame to Kvelyn she novor spoke. Kvelyn cried. For somo reason she did not perform. I Introduced the ladles to her and they grinned sweot ly. The night of : the Grand Prl there was a swell time at the Cafe de Paris. Afterwards the Dead Bat Mrs. Winchester was therft and we got her cake walking at la, m. ' It wa a great hit. Kosenfleld and Bel mont were there," ' Mrs. Thaw Identified another letter, written by her while she' was In Paris. The letter was' addressed to an unmarried actress and read: ."Tour suggestion that the Tender loin has immigrated has panned out Everywhere we go , we find shady nooks. Shubert and a lot of others are here- We were dining at the Cafe de Paris the other evening when the whole bunch came in. We Joined parties and went out to such harm less places as the Dead Rat, etc. There was one jolty man who puts things on the blink wherever ha goes. He is 60 years old, but is a spry chicken. We took him along for fun. We made things hum. We started home when the markets were getting busy. Harry bought somo straw berries and things and I spent the rest of the day cooking. Harry Is get ting a new automobile and as soon as It is ready we are going to Schwelt! er (cheese) Land. When we return my voice Is going to be cultivated. Be good and whirl me another let ter soon. Tour letters are wonder ful. I have got. (mentioning 4 name not made public) all worked up about you.) so send along another photo graph If It is a good one. You must como over soon.'' WHITE "A VERT GRAND MAN." In answer to a request for an ex planation of her statement that it was Stanford White's personality that caused a softening of her anger and her writing to him from Boulogne, Mrs. Thaw said: "It was very hard for me to make Mr. Thaw understand about that," she said, "I don't know whether I can make yon understand." "Will you try?" "He had a very strong personality. discontinue the cross-examination of outside that one awful thins: Stan Mrs. Thaw long enough to take the , for(j white was a very grand man. testimony of Doctors Deemar, of Kit taning, Pa., and Blngaman, of Pitts burg, both of whom are to testify as to traces of Insanity in both branches of the defendant's family. Mr. Jerome said he was informod tho physicians were about to leave the jurisdiction of the court. "They are returning 10 nusuurg He was very good to me and very kind. When I told Mr. Thaw this, he said it only made White a more danRerous man. Before the 24th street Incident he had never made love to me. but always treated me with the greatest respect and kind ness. Every one liked him and no one would believe these things until rt.ntht." Bald Mr. Hartrldae. "but ; they really found them out, ana men they will be bark at any time they am they said they were sorry, wanted, Mrs. Thaw is unaer a must Mrs. Thaw said that a ter th oc aevere Strain and her examination currence In the .24 " .treat house should be concluded at once." I .M Mr' i a T!L JTS In view of the district attorney's i '"KUU""L ,L f m iftw .iAmni i.t.,. Pw,,r,,M .hnAf i Pompton, In the fall of 1902 After January, 1902, sne rcrusea to go anywhere alone with him, although he continually urged her to no so statement, Justice Fitzgerald thought Doctors Doc mar and Bingaman should be heard. They were called to tho stand and said that while they wero 'During all this time that you were anxious to get back to their patients , uround with Mr. White, you out of the city they would stay if w,r,. rpro)vinK rrotn him considerable necessary. RECESS UNTIL, MONDAY. sums of money?" "Yes." "At the same time you were re- NVnllt. Mrs. Evelyn TS.aw's brother, may not ko on the fct.Hid as a wit ness for the prosecution, us had been expected. Tounn Neurit liua been In charge of the district attorney's of fice since the beKlnnlng of the trial and under, the Immediate guardian ship of Charles E. Hartnett, the sec retary of the late Stanford White. "If I take the stand," said young Nesblt to-day, "I won't say anything against my sister. I shall do every thing I can for her. r I don't want people to loo on me as oris who has turned against his own flesh and blood." i.,,.. :,:,. v y-vv To stop a CoM with 'Preventlcs", is afar than to let It run and cure it af terwards. .. Taken at the "sneese stage" Pre ventlcs will hand oft all , colds and Grippe, and ; perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis, Preventic are little too tli some candy coM cure tablets selling In 8-cent and 25-cnt boxes. J f ?ou are chilly, If you begin to sneese, ry Preventlcs. They will surely check the cold, and pleeee you. Sold by Bur-well-Dun Retail Store. TAHE PM-IAND for your , stomach's sake and be happy 25 cents. Dilworth Drug Store, 'Phone 247. n. ft. DAVIS. Special Notices DO.VT BUY NAMELESS EXTRACTS, but buy Blue Ribbon Vanilla and Lem on, which are noted for their purity and quality. 8WBET, JUICT FLORIDA ORANGES and Grape Fruit, and Apples, small North Carolina Hams, Bides and Jowles, new supply Frosted Ginger Snaps 10c., Fig Bars, the 20c. kind for 10c., fancy soft Cakes 25c. kind for 15c, sound Cranberries 10c., Fljrs 10c, Fruit Cake lie.. Mackerel S and 8c. BRIIX3 ERS & CO., m W. Trade. THE PRESCRIPTION TOUR PHTSI clan writes for you Is your property. Ask him to leave It at our store for prompt attention. 'Phone us and wo . will send for It. JAS. P. STOWE & CO., Druggists. "Phone 179. SOMETHING THAT WILL PLEASE evsry one, nice Callforlnla Lemon Cling Peaches, lie. to 30c. can, the best 20c. can Peaches in the city. This Is the season of the year when you have to depend on canned goods more or less. When you want anything In that line call me SMITH. 31 South 'Phones 1222-2321. ollege W. street. Vf Tn.itm. lnuluf..4 iViul lt.l. mony be taken, and Thaw's counsel ! reiving a salary as an actress? inaUon should proceed. "We will! "Wor tMhl Ira; your p y nd settle the matter by sitting to-morrow amounts received from Mr. Hoi-I m ...A, ........ , mnn who afterward married your. aid. Just before adjournmont for the m",h;r'.wcre " suPPort the day, howsver, Mr. Jerome said he felt fumy ., that the physicians would be avail- ,SL ,af, .w. r able when wanted and aked that tho ! y " ' ,,... -h rollansed ... ,, , , ... room at the noon recess sne conupnru reaeas over the holiday and until Mnn- ' ,,"f,ly Khe was placed on a day be taken. Counsel for the de- h wHn9 room ,by her j fens consented , M MncKenzle. who revived Mrs. Thaw will again be upon the K fh. nf .melllna salts. Stand ail of Monday and possibly all ' (iHthe'Fft(')etaol etaol tao ctaoletao Mw apparent ,s in d.ad.y i SSWZ earnest and although tho strain un- " av,"0Peq y. ,. der which she is laboring Is plainly Wjj9 walled nd Winnie wheesnd. evident, there Is not thn slightest sign ' w hllo 'Wintry winds whined weirdly, that she will not be able to bear up i Willie wrlgsled while Winnie whe"sed wretchedly, wisoom wuiii", ni.no. winds work wherzes. Wherefore we write "Ue Kennedy's Ix.itlve Cough Bvruii." Nothing else so good. Sold by liawley's rhsrmacy. WK HAVE OPENHTD OUR JUNK vnrd and storo room on H Stonewall street, next to Black's stable. We will huy and pay you hlKhest market prices for old and new rngs, old burlap bags, Iron, rubber and mutal of all kinds. If vou have anything to offer, 'phone. Write or call on us. We' assure you thnt wo will welKh your Junk oorrectly nnd you will get full value for what vou have. PIEDMONT JUNK CO., N. Taul. Mgr. 'Phono 944. under It The color comes and goes in her faoo an tho examination pro ceeds and occasionally sho frowim or pouts, but she answers promptly and hi most case with apparent frank- ' neas. Occasionally she hesitates and j leans forward In her chair as If to be sure tho undrNtnrids, not only the words In which Mr. Jerome's question is fraimtd. hut his motive in asking It as well. Hit childish fucx i Is contnualiy changiiK as Hie district ; i attorney's questions follow each other rapidly. SometlmnH tho rxpresalon ! denotes Interest, occasionally Itnllgmi- I tlon, never defiance. She seems to hare a full realization of thn Impor-1 tance of her position and of the fai t I that to a great extent her hiiHbaml'x : IMa Is In her hands. When the rapid ; flow Of questions reached ;i critical point she fences with the ditrlct at torney In a manner worthy uf a much graater experience In such matters than her appearance and words indl oata. She seems constantly watching for pitfalls In Mr. JeromuH queii tlons and carefully avoid them. SCRAPS OF LETTER It HAD While Mr. Jerome was questioning Mrs. Thaw to-day as to tho manner Of life she had led while In Paris, he read scraps of a letter which Mrs. Thaw said was in her husband's handwriting. It read: "lie couldn't keep his eyes off any pretty girl. There was trouble be cause we went there to dine Several beautlful(T) girl wen hero lant week and Belle . Nobody paid any at- Croup ean piMilvH he m.ppfl In 20 mlnatM No vomiting nothing to fllcken Of aistxuss your ' MM A rweet, iHant tad ft gymp. i Hi led Dr Slioop's Croup CUT does thu work and d' n ipitekly. Dr. Bhoop'i Ct .iip Cur.- i for cr..op sJoae, renieml-er It ilo not i laim to Ctire a dotsn allinmits H ' for Croup, that's all. Hold t-y Hurwell Ilunn Itetnlt Pre R D. K FOR KENT: No. 607 E. Ave., 7 rooms; nice lawn, garden $80.00 mo. FOR SALE: Investment lota 6 lot in "Brandon" (northern su burb) at $ir,0.00 to $225.00 each. 7 lots Southern Charlotte, near Mint street. 9150.00 to $350.00 each. Home sites on Boulevard and Kingston Ave.. Dilworth. $1,000 to F. D. ALEXANDER 193 S. Tryon. 'Phones 604 or 64.V Nl'NNALLY'8 BON BONB, CHOC olntes. Scotch Mallows, Pecsnelles, Krult Oum Drops, Chocolate Maras chino Cherries, Jordan Almonds, Choc olste Almonds, Chocolate Peppermints, ixiies wun t'ecan ium, oic, wru u express Jut received, at WOODALL A SHEPPARD'S. 'Phone 69. COMMEUCIAL AS SATIXCI ZlZZAZlTZZZin! CAPITAL AND ACCUHIULATD TT.ZnJi $7:3,C:j.ti A.";;tS AND PEIISONAL IXtniLITT .3,CC0,tC0.C9 Large resources enabla us to handle largest acoounta, and at tha 'am time welconf small deposWors. Four Per Cent. Intcrcat Paid on Eavlncs Dcpota Compounded Quarterly. COM3nmCIAL NATIONAL BANK, CnARlOTTE, W. C. , DinSCTORS: ' . ' " . ; 9. A. Durluun, R, A. Donn, 3.. P. Wilson, J. W. Oanaaa, Jr S. B.; ' leaner, It M. Miller, ttn D. II. Anderson, 'B. C. Holt, Wm, E. Holt, A. J, Hagood, L1 W. Bandera, 8. W. Cramer, T. M. Brown, B. E. Jtbyne, R, X. Gibbon, U. C Eodea, JL Banks Holt, 0. W. Johnston, W, 8. Alexander, 8. B. MoNlncb, C. H,, Bnla, WUlIt) Brown, T. H Xbkucfatoa, P. I. Lethflo, A. O. Brenlaer. f REAL ESTATE FOR INVESTMENT Four new houses and Iot cloaa ! In, with city water, paying $8 $.00 per month, or about J" on Investment Party haa rood reason for selling, can b bonght as a whdla"fbr v. . li,78$.; Also lot t vacant property at very reasonable .prices.' If Inter ated, call and see us. t ,'! j. b. murphy & ea, Vbone 843. . tt V. TVyoa Straps. FOR SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS We are offering for Immediate; sale, a Church street, between Second and Third streets, an elegant lot 7$ feet by 184 feet On this lot there Is two 5-room houses which have a rental of 828.BO per month. If Charlotte oontlnuea to grow as it has In the past Are yeara this property will be business property and worth more than double the above prloe. For further particulars, see or 'phone Brown Co. Ttione SS5. MS N. Tryon St OUR LINK OF MACKEREL IS COM- plete. It we can t piense you, you ar Indeed hard to please. Fancy No. 1 Norway 36c; No. 1 Norway 30c.; No. I Norway 26c,, and fancy Irish 12V4c. An other lot of fancy Bloaters, 6 In a bas ket, lie. per banket. Shelled Pecans und Ensllfth Walnuts to-day; also fancy California Evaorated Apricots and Peachen. UirRe, smooth, ripe To matoes MILLKR-VAN NES8 CO., Ti N. Tryon. 'Phones OR nnd 11. Nl'NNAl.LVS DELICIOUS CANDIES fresh by express to-nay. m cents per pound. Sold In Charlotte exclusively ly WOODALL & SHEPPARD. QUANTITY AND QUALITY ARE THK two features romomna in irar i.rracmii Sllee.1 Hacon. It's econonmy to buy the Crescent brand. There ! no better ham for boiling than a relehrated F. V V They contain a very small por tion of fat. When boiled they are wnM lulrv. A fresh lot of the above troMs to-day; also fine crisp Potato ( hips I l'. BARKAi I, f iryuu utrert. To LET I ROOMS 80I TII CHURCH, toilet on each floor, btli on 2nd floor, Iniller and range, water free. Pont overvhodv speak at onoe. Homes In Dilworth K.T0 and W.eoo. If it 'e bust ness. come a running. K. L. KEI.B l.FK, 21 8. Tryon St 'Phone UK. "OJl Till" SQUARE." ONE-NIGHT ON OM 'S . Cold Tablets Cures in ust one night. Grestest Cold Tab lets on the market. Tou don't have to remain Indoors. You are well the next day. . . Only 85 Cents. NURSES' REGISTER i nnnAr UlllMll J C ON THE SQUARE "xya KETcn closje." COnON MILL fOR SALE We will sell (subject to previous sale. He ) 483 shares out of t00 yarn mill, 3,300 spindles, for $32. r.00.00, half cash; well located; owner's health has failed. WK WILL HI V: Cora. Cotton Mill. 120. Chronicle Mill. 130. Lowell Cotton Mill, 188, Clara MfK Co , 116. ArllnKton MI1K U,0. Trenton Cuttmi Mill. 160, Crowders Mtn. Mills. Gaston Mfg. Co. Flint Mfg. Co. Oaffney MfK. "o WK WILL SKMil 3R Imperial Mills, 112 1-2. r.O oxark, 176. 3 2 Stanley Creek. :0 Holland Mf. Co. 110. C to CO King's Mtn Mfsr. If you want to buy or sell rotton mill stock, write ns No hiirge unless wn effect sale or pun haae. KOtJTHKllN f KX't'IUTl KM A TRUST COSIPANV, J. A. Glenn, rrrs. C, M. (ilenn, Trraa. Uastonla, . C. FOR RENT -ELEGANT. MODERN loom house. No. East sth street rlnne In. Store-room, in West 6th utie.t; nlso manufs-turln loft oyer 1S-30-22 W. Kth street. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON PHO. l OR SALE-ONE HANDSOME BROWN Htnndard heed mare, wvrn years old; lis the tyle, quality nnd speed which makes her a first-class roadster. Also nne nloe double lento. W. O. ROSS A CO m and 211 West 4th street. OLIVER TYPEWRITER USERS nnso beer In mind that while ws no ranrau.nl the, Oliver machlnt. we keep a full line of lupplles for s.wne. nnd also have factory facilities fnr repnlrlns these marhlnes. J. E. ciiATTON A CO.. Oen'l Agts. for Hynl Typewriters. IIKTTER ritF.PARED THAN EVER Nnthlnc too sooa ror our customers. I i. ..f nnn nnw S.rrllent Mrvloa Illf dining room for regular meals and part lea. I.nnrh counter doubled. Roon for kit. Everything served Jus. ee you Creswell. MfT. Fine line Salmon, Imported Sardines, Olive Oil Durkee's Salad Dressing, Ap ricots, Peaches, Pears and Canned Corn. 'Phone 744. V. M. CUOWELL. If WE III IT. IT'S DONE RIGHT Do you stop to think about who Is going to do your Painting this spring and what kind of material you will use? IF V DON T V AUTOO Let us call and measure the work yon want done and give you an estimate on same (It Costs yeu nothing), then . when you are ready to have the woJt otone we will be In a position to do tt without delay. ' SHORT & SHORT The Expert Decorators SBLWYN HOTEL Some Interesting Offers 84 acres on macadam road, I miles firem square, 1-1 mile from car line; a bargain at $160.00 per acre. S-acre tract about three miles from square, on principal road; tl.050.OO for tbe tract. 14 K-8 acres three miles from square, on macadam road $60.00 per acre. Three desirable sites on railroad, ojose In; 10-room dwelling, steam heat, hardwood finish, South Tryon St . . . $10,500.00. The Charlotte Realty Company A. O. CRAia, Secretary and Manager. Office It B. Trade St. rhoae ITT. ... i r on . .v.a s en rvt 1- 4 Tou can ,a it ' -el zrz'-'f t" "i e c ' tnortga $ veal estate loans at 4 tot tt. i, itr annually. TVe guart.r.tee t:U, gdnctpal sad lntoret, eellect t laterewt for the Investor and rerc4t same within three days of ihm time It li due. No charge for tills asatnst the lender, the borrower paying all cost Inoldent to the loan, - y Capai $73,000. . i r. ni,nriKia, Surplus $180,CC0. ttOKZZS UOX&3, . tea, wid Tkeaa. The I'zrfels ; & Fcrdrs fcd B:n!t , coAicuoma, vonm cajiolixa.. ' Capital kr) t,m a . f, w'' f a04,000.0f. ' Surplag m m m im Ms s j' i? i - tvst $1M,IOMO. tr. k. raax v. p. do wd , v ,r nro. b. robs ' J. M. nARRY - 0. XL ROBIWa O. P. HEATH , ' - t. tt. WEAR If VINTON MDDXJm o. MoLAoasssr t , B. B. RBYNB l - 1 r GEO. B, HTXX4IOIf . ; OPHOHTRSi -; GEO. E. WILSON, PrewUlmi - WWO. a' ROSS, Vtoe lraaiaant ' W. O. WILRIltSON Cashier, , , yyv Accounts of CtorpontJons. Firms .ana Xndrrlduals fanrltcd. 9. H. LXTILEL Prealtlenl OOOlf PATTKRaoW, Ttesj Preaiaent. Gharlotte Trust Qomp'y Fifteen Mentha ta B xr. n. BZXX ' J. U. BAM O. p. mbAth JL O. LINK W. M. LONG '. I. H. IilTTLBI BTRONO, CONSBRVATTm BATO. OlW Mess-a $840,044. 0 W. O. UlffifUl' CL M. PATTERaOIf . P. ROBERTSON A. WATSON i. W. ZIMMERMAN FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE. If. CL -HENRT M. MoABEN, GEO. XV. BBTAN. ' H. H. TT0TOR, , PresMens;1 Vice Prasldent ' Cashier. Capital '. . . . $$00,000.00 Surplus and Profits.. rrt..... v... $321,404.45 . BIBEOTOBJi P. B. ALEXANDER HENRT M. Me AD EN O. W. BRYAN ; P. B. MTDOWELL T. O. BURROUGHS W. B. RODMAN FRANK GILREATS T. W. WADE , v,:js J. S. MYERS CHA4. A. WILLIAMS Your business respectfully solicited. Bvery courtesy and aecommo datlon extended consistent with safe banking. JL' M. VICTOR, Oaahler. The Charlotte National M Wso4f fibre Will Plaster. "Bar! Cliocliw The Builder's Friend. , Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; water does not make it fall off; hard as stone. Write for booklet Manu factured by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write for Booklet. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TAKE STOCK IN New Series Charlotte Building & Loan Association ATTOhAY, FERRCARY $, 140T The Association of the people and for tho people. Don't delay ap plication for loans now being filed. illis Brown, Sec. and Treas. J. II. Van Hess, Pres. Officer SOI lta Tryon Atrti. ' Money To.. Byrn ! Why don't yon come and fet tbe cost for your matured stock? Want to fet lid of It The third series Is no more. If you want to ret Into this last series you'll have to hurry. ' Sister, Brother. Going to close It, then you'll have to pay a premium or wait until April 1st Have some partly matured shares, which X shall close at once. If you are Interested push alone at once. E. L Kccslcr, Trcas. Phone 344. -; . 25 South Tryon Ttreet DiiwoRia rioRu tons rca m ncv.TKJ t In dealing with our euatomere in Mtllnir orders by mall or di rect our motto 1st . -rat . aoaraeu u uis riaao.- end us your orders and we will exercise the same car at were you here la person to select. We put ourselves In four ptaee and give what we would ex pent to reoaJve -The Choicest Mexitloa of Flowert, y tb Best lervtco, the Boat rrtoea, , . i. . , Just a word ebotit our Fanry C4rnaUoag, Roeeo, Ylolota. Tal. ea,' weot eaev Th"rr ''a-ovev." B.-jt'-- '. O. Box lit. iU Tlwama -4 Btutaess. m . 441 Itosldeneo. CT1ARLOTTE, !T. O. Resources $1,270,000.00 OFFICERS! B. B. BTCATH, President TWO. M. SCOTT, Vice President W. B. TWIITT, Cashier. F. H. JONES, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. B. B. HKATTI ' H. N. PHARR R. H. JORDAN JWa, M. SCOTT VINTON LLDBELTj ' CL YALAJER CXIAS." F. WABSWORTB Aocomta of corporations, tnu audi lndvldnala Invited. Adding New Accounts We are constantly adding new aooouats. and our business Is Increasing at a wry gratifying rate. Possibly you would liM to Join us and open a savings aooount --WB PAY TOO TO SAYlt" Southern Loan & Savings Bank r. iL BROWN, President ' W. L. JENKTNg, Oaahlee. R. A. DUNN, Vice President ... AMERICAN COMPANY We regard the interests of our customers as being Identical with our own. On this basis aooounta are ' solicited. ...... . - OFFICERS! GEOnOB STEPHENS, Press ' W. 8. LEE, JR Tloo Prse. T. & FRANKLIN, Vice Pres. W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. J. E DAVIS, Asst Treas, - Onicoa la the Trust Building. Qouthcrn KIM Qtocho. We Offer Snbjectt 4 Salisbury ...! . .. ll 60 Shelby J . ..... ... Bid E0 Greensboro Life . . 10 10 1st Natl. High Point .. .... ll 40 Highland Park .-. 140 It Highland Park pref. .. .... 141 40 Hosklns Pref. i...4 104 to Lancaster Pref. .... ... 44 10 Charlotte Pref. .. .. ...... Bid It Gibson (ex dlv) .;. .. 44 10 Louise Pref. .. ;.. .. 140 10 Drayton 10 Little-Loot Co. .... . 44 Florence .....,..... .. 0 10 to tO Henrietta 1st tO Ware Shoals .. a .S 47 1,000 N. C 4s 1114 ....v 10 We Want Sablect: 10 Vance Cotton Mill ..... ,.,,104 50'Kesler ....,., .,,. IIS to Gaston .... ..; .... ni 10 Brogon.. , , tt JO Cora ...... no tO DUltng 44 10 Linden .... HO 14 Nakomls ...... .... 119 10 Bloomfleld ...... ...... 104 10 Btatesvllle ... ... ..... ,,101 10 Saliabury ... .v 114 10 Trenton ...... .1, 4.. It4 11 Lowell ... ,,m II Clover- - - . 1 ' 10 Oanney .... 1 10 Darlington ..... "...., , II MOO N. C. 4s 1114 .... ...... 101 F. G. ABBOTT & eOMPTlNY InveaUnon4 Brokers. r vT.TtV. ; l" T ftA1-- V,fH T.. f

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