.. ',' The following announcement .has ' bou Issued: ; j , r Mr, Edward Smith announces the marriage of hli nleca Louisa Cross Kobeson ', to -; i. Mr. Thomas H. Webb ; 1 ' on Tuesday, the nineteenth of Feb . ruary, ;r,r-, r,. , ' '. nineteen hundred and seven -' , ' . ' ; Dunn, North Carolina, "' ".'! f Mr. Webb Is one of North Caro . lira's loading young cotton mlirmerir j lie was born and reared In Hlllsboro. . . tie learned the mill business At Dur - P: ham and is now- at Duke, near Dunn. i v Mrs. Webb la one of Harnett county's a i most attractive young vomenv-ana 1 belongs to a well-known family, ; j r .?. ' after the first.' of March-? f jDuke,; North ,Carolina ; ;j. i " Mrs. J., a' MauneyV'Mn' and; Mrs. 8. A. Mauney and son, Of Kings Moun " ',Jtaln, were, la the city yesterday, stop- ' jlng at the Selwyn. ; Mlsa Vero Maun ey and Miss Carrie McLesjy of this A city dined with ihem.;i H ' r Miss Essie Culpeper has returned 4 1 from- Atlanta, where ahe visited her y . f alstcr, Mrs. B U. HarUman. ' ' ' T The Vhinlav Dare Clrcle'wiir meet with Mrs.- James 'M. Oates at 808 South Tryon street to-morrow after noon at 4 o'clock. This Is a change from the fegula date. ',;-". '; v ', After . spending yesterday in Dll- worthas the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'il Walter Brem, , Mr. and Mrs. Eichel- berger and Miss Helen and .Master v.'-. H. D. Elohelberger, Jr., of Richmond. '. Va,, left last night, for Birmingham, Ala., where they , will spend several weeks with Mrs. Elchelberger par- The Daughters of the American Revolution will ;rneet . this afternoon with Mrs. J. A. Means, at the home of Mrs. Sarah Virginia Young on North Tryon street $ 4 The following invitations, have been issued:' You are roost cordially invited to be present at the ,' annual banquet of ' . , Charlotte Retail Merchants' Assoc la ; ' tloa - ' a to be held at Selwyn Hotel Tuesday, February 26, 1907 9 p. m. Please reply at once to ' James O. Gardner, Charlotte N. C. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stokes, of Rock Hill, S. C, spent yesterday here, stop ping at the Selwyn. To-day at 2: SO o'clock Mrs. J. A. Tarbrough will entertain at luncheon at the Selwyn. The affair will be In honor of Miss Addle Bell Barron, whose engagement to Mr. Dabney R. Tarbrough has been announced. The marriage will take place in May. Those invited to the luncheon this af ternoon are: Misses Addle Bell Bar ron, Lucy Oates, Eva Llddell, Mes dames T. S. Franklin H. H. Hulten, B. S. Pegram, Lloyd C. Withers and B. C Dwelle. 4 Jtftsa May Whitney is expected to return Saturday from an " extended visit to New York Miss Whitney is the head milliner of the Little-Long Company. The home of Mrs. H. A MurrlH, on East Morehead street yesterday morn ing was the scene of an enjoyable en tertainment in honor of Mrs. William Frederick Harding. Those present were: Misses Johnsie Dickson. Eva Uddell, Mattle Dowd and Emma Llneback: Mesdames Harding, Burton Smith, of Atlanta. Oa.; R. L. Jones, T. S. Franklin, W. L Butt. E. W. Thompson, S- W. Cramer, P. T. Dur ham. A B. Reese, 0. C. Hook. W. F. Dowd, R. C. E. J., and C. M. Carson. W. C. Dowd. Carrie Martin. A. S. Ross H. B. Bryon and J M. and R. M. Oates. Mrs. E. S. Pegram leaves this morning for Fayettevllle. She will spend several weeks there as the guest of Mrs. W. E. Klndley. Mrs. C. H. Wllmoth has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Terre Haute and Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. E. H. Rand left yesterday for Wadesboro, where she will visit her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McLendon. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oroom. who are living with Mrs J. P. Wooflnll. on 'East avenue, will leave the first of March for Chattanooga, Tenn., where they will live. Mrs. Irwin Anderson, of Greens boro. Is visiting her brother, Mr. Frank O. Landls. ' MIbs Sarah Houston has gone to New York for a few days. x Mrs. Everett Roberts and daugh ter. Miss Nloto. will leave In a few days for Atlanta, where they will Join Mr. Roberts, who Is working there for the International Harvester Company. Miss Irving Harding, a student at the Presbyterian College, left yenter day for Davidson, where she will spend Washington's birthday. Mrs. W. H. Twltty and Misses Lucy Oates and Johnsie Dickson dined with Mr. Jeremiah Ooff at the Selwyn yesterday. Misses Charles Hutchi son and Martha Martin were the guests of Mr.' Julian H. Little and Dr. Parka M. King for dinner. Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. C. Carson were guests of Mr. . and Mrs. John M. Harry. . .' - - Last night at her home on Mint street Miss Delia Norman delightful ly entertained a numaer of friends at a Oeorge Washington party. The color scheme of red. white and blue was carried out besutlfuUy, especially in the dining room. Progressive whist was played. Prises were offer ed for the best drawing of Oeorge Washington. The first prise waa won by Mr. Herbert Hunter. The booby was won by Mr. John Felts. Miss Fannie Andrews presided at the punch bowl The other - present were: Misses Lucy Smith. Margaret Hall, Jessie Link. Pear) Link, Louisa Link. Willie Smith, Hassle Smith, Julia Orsy. Rosa Butt Jessie Caldwell, Pickett Anthony, , Jessie Buchanan, Fannie Sims. .Maria Durnlng, of Louisville. Ky.; . Messrs. B. a Levi, It ugh Torrencs, James ' Montgomery, Fred . Porter, - Frank Martin - Oeorge Stone, Fred Fletcher, Will Davis, R. M. Peund. Dr. W. M. ' Rnbey, Cecil Butt, Oeorge, Charles and Frank Nor man, Herbert Hunter and John Felts. - THB PURE FOOD LAWS IMt aet sr shaaae la making Blue - . Jtiutien VanUla. It fcaa always, bno ' pure.. t ' i ,. Mlsa Mary B. Wiley left last night for Rock. Hill, , whera' she will visit her ; slater, Mn. Edward -..CCaker.-?! Mrs. 8. ' B, Blapham ' entertained the following-named guests at' dinned at her pretty home in DHworth yesterday: Key. vt. ,ana Mrs. li. a, uuiten, Mrs. AO, Porter, Mra.; J. ,Le Koiner and personal; ; The Movement of a Number of Peo ' Plo, : Viaitora and - Others. Judge Wr B.' Council, of Hickory, spent yesterday at the Buford on his way home from Union court, at Mon roe; . . ;';-.!,: 0: ' . Rev. Dr. W.r L. ,Llngle, of Rock Hill, S. - C, spent" yesterday In the city. 'He recently accepted a call to the pastorate . of -the First Presby terian church of Atlanta. Mr. W, F, Powd left lt night for Birmingham, Ala;' on a business trip, Mr. F. W. Burdlok, of Greensboro, spent yesterday in the city, stopping at the Selwyn. ? " " ' Rev. Dr. J. R. Howerton, of Mon treat, waa a guest of the Selwyn yesterday;1,' , ' Mr. John. Wilkinson, of Greensboro, will spend Sunday here with friends and relatives. - Mr.' C. A. Hunt., of Lexington, was at the Selwyn yesterday. Mr. R. S. Wheeler, of Concord, visited the city yesterday, stopping at the Buford. Mr. R. R. Ray, of McAdensville, spent yesterday in Charlotte, register ing at the Buford. Mr.' T. B. Smith, of Mooresvllle, was registered at the Centra) yester day. Mr. V. C. Frontia, of Mooresvllle, was a guest of the Central yester day. . Mr. G. R. Loyall, of the Southern Railway, returned yesterday from a five weeks' trip overlooking the road. Mr. G. H. Costner, of Llncolnton, was a guest of the Selwyn yester day. Mr. J. R. Kimball, of Atlanta, formerly of Charlotte, passed through yesterday, en route to Oklahoma, where he will go into business for himself. Mr. N. B. Kendrlck, of Cherry ville, was registered at the Central yesterday. Mr. 8. S. Tomlin, of Statesvllle, was in the city yesterday. Mr. John D. Hamilton, of Norwood, was a visitor to Charlotte yesterday. stopping at the Buford. Mr. C. W. Williams, of Greensboro, was registered at the Buford last night. MRS, HEATH AS HOSTESS. She Entertained the Homo Mission Society of Tryon Street Methodist Cliorcri Ha tctie ts as Souvenirs. Mrs. B. D. Heath was hostess yes terday afternoon to the Home Mission Society of Tryon Street Methodist church, of which she Is the presi dent. Almost the entire society was present and a more thoroughly en joyable occasion would be difficult to imagine. Mrs. Heath, alwavs charming, is at her best as hostess in her own splendid "Heathcote." The entertainment for her guests embodied the spirit of the day, a "Washington Jumble" contest, and when the paper were collected It was found that Mrs. D. H. Anderson had succeeded in unravellnsr the greatest number of the difficult Jumbles and was rewarded for her strenuous mental activity with a Jar of crystallzed cherries, as red as those which would have grown on the famous tree had not the Illustrious small boy exercised upon It with his hatchet Hatchets! Mrs. Heath had hatchets galore, which, in a most original way, she presented as souve nirs to the members of the society. It so happened that these hatchets are hollow, with the end of the handle removable, and they were presented with the following In structions: "One year from to-day I want you an to come back and bring these hatchets full of 'pledge money' for the Home Mission Society. and if you cannot get the money any other way, 'hatch-it.'" FREE CONCERT TO-NIGHT. Will be Given in Honor of Washing ton's uirtnoay. As a fitting tribute to "The Father of His Country," the Charlotte Muslo Company Is to give a free concert at the Golden Harp Music Store, 25 North Tryon, at 8:30 o'clock to-night. With the exception of a couple of numbers to be given by the Inner player piano, the numbers will be made up largely of patriotic songs. quartettes and marches, as per the following programme: "Hall to the Spirit of Llberty"- Boumi Columbia Band "William Tell Overture"-RosslnI KlnsHburg Inner-Player Piano "The Good OlTU. 3. A."-Barltone Solo Byron O. Harlan Portions of the last speech or President McKlnley Spencer "Mfuirty Jjnf Columhla Quartette Liberty Bell March" ....Columbia Band "Happy uays in Dixie". v toiurauin. wnrneair "Popularity" Mareh and Two-ay p. Banjo Vess L Osaraan "Peter Piper" Two-Step .... ........ ..Kingsbury Innor Flayer "Maryland, My Maryland'1 Oeo. Alexander and Orchestra "Washington Post March" Xylo phone Ctiaa. P. Stows "You're a Orsnlt Old Bag" Billy Murray and Orchestra "Jteuhnn Hasklna' Trip 'Round the World In His Air Ship" ." Spencer and Hunter 'Tee Owine Back to Dixie" , ,. Columbia Quartette "America" Barltona Solo .. .. ., ,...... .....Oeo, Alexander The publlo is invited. A Small Boy on a Teair. Mrs. Doan Harris, who lives at the corner of Smith and Eleventh streets, had to call in the police officers to take charge of " Robert, her half grown son, who was on a ' glorious spree last night. ' The lad had gotten hMA nt some Honor, in this dry town and was making things warm around home. The oracers arreiiea mm, j FRIOHTFULLT burned. Chas. -W. Moora, a machinist of Ford City. Pa., had his bans' frightfully bum 4 Irt an eleetrical furnace IU applied Jiurklen s Arnica naive wun tne usual result: "A quick end perfect cure.." O res test haalef on t earth for Burns, wounds, aoraa, Hcsema aua rues. . a-a at all grufilsta, '.BRIEFS. A .. Few. Minor Happenings In and !. ' About the City. .. The banquet of the First Baptist Sunday school will be given at the Selwyn on tha 12th. ,,'.' ,, - 'Mr. and Mrs. W. ' O. Gaffney have moved from No. 607 North Pino street to 218 West Seventh street ' . LeGrande, the 1-year-old 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Hunter, who haa been seriously ill, la improving. Patrolman X P. C. Morris and family have moved from 1118 South Caldwell street to 409 East Fourth street ; u .w-.r : Mr. W. , S. Garrison, who. went to Atlanta to acoept a position some days ago, haa been ill, but la now Im proving. ; At St Mark's Lutheran ' church this afternoon at 4 o'clock vesper services and confirmation lectures will be "held. The publlo la invited. The children's room at the Car negie Library wlll.be decorated this aiternoon in honor of washlngton'a birthday. The children's hour will be 4 o'cldck. . . . J. B. Ivey & Co. are making ex tensive Improvements in . the milli nery department They will have more room and more light. . The up stairs floor is being enlarged. The subject of Governor R. B. Glenn's address to be delivered in the First Baptist church ' Sunday school room Sunday afternoon, March, 24, is: "North Carolina's Need of Strong Christian Young Men." Work on the new residence being built by Mr. C. O. Brown at the cor ner of Torrence and Elizabeth ave nues Is now under way. It is pro posed by Mr. Brown to erect a resi dence handsome and in every way modern. Carl Cameron and L. Z. Dean, white boys, were fined 82. 50 each and the costs for having mixed in an in discriminate .and disorderly manner Wednesday afternoon. The affray was adjusted in . the recorder's court yesterday morning. The children of the primary de partment of the new graded school celebrated Washington's birthday yesterday by singing songs and giving recitations. . They were a day early on account of there being no school to-day. Mr. J. E. Hammerly, who is man ager of the local Western Union of fice, expects to leave next week for Waycross, Ga., where he formerly lived. He will spend a month's va cation there. During Mr. Hammer ly's absence, Mr. F. R. VeaL of Rich mond, Va,, will sub for him. The pastor and official member ship of Tryon Street Methodist church express themselves as much encourag ed over the outlook for the protracted meeting which is to be held in that church by Rev. Walter Holeomb, be ginning March S. Mr. Holeomb will be accompanied by Mr. L. A. Smoot, who will lead the singing throughout the meeting. Prof. Ingram May be Called on to Testify. It is generally understood that Prof. Jean Napoleon Ingram, alias Jtmmla Jones, will be summoned to Greens boro to appear as a witness for Uncle Sam in the cotton mill cases. In spector McLaughlin, who la here has hn (in tha lnnknlit for the nrofessor. but has not yet located him. It will be recalled that the English gins used to amuse themselves running thir Hlv white flnsera throuah Prof. Ingram's cardinal mutton chopa. It was not an unusual sight to see the Cabarrus county globe trotter sitting on the balcony of the Charlotte Hotel, cooing, bllolng and smtllng and frol icking with the O'Haras, the Kellys and others. The defendants may call on Prof. Ingram to testify as to the scarcity of labor in this country. This Promises to be the Day. This may be the Interesting day at Raleigh. A committee went from here last night, and will advanco on the Capitol to-day. Charlotte will ba on the lookout for something out of the ordinary soon. The charter Is prom ised and expected. THE WEATHER. . Washington. Feb. 21. Forecast for Friday snJ Saturday: Virginia, fair and colder Friday; Satur day continued cold; fresh west winds. North Carolina and South Carolina, fair and polder Friday: Saturday partly cloudy; fresh west winds. Oeorgla. fair and colder Friday; Satur day Inciaslng cloudiness; light to fresh north winds. Eastern Florida, fair Friday and Satur day, colder Friday In north portion; light .to fresh north winds W astern Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, fair aqd colder Friday; Saturday lair; rrtsn northeast winds. I Eastern Texas, partly cloudy Friday, colder except In extreme south portion; Saturday partly cloudy; - fresh north Winds. Arkansas, partly cloudy Friday and Saturday, warmer Saturday. western Texas, rair in soutn, rain m north portion Friday; Saturday fair and warmer. A euiir, . n.miwKy viiu nm Vir ginia, fair FrUlay and Saturday, warmer mturaay. LOCAL OFFICE V. 8. WEATHER BUREAU. Charlotte, Feb. a, Sunrise T.M a. m.i Bunm ;u p. iu. TEMPERATURE (la degrees). Highest temperature ....,. .. ..'. Lowest temperature.. , ,. ., ...r Mean temperature ,. ... .... Deficiency for the day .. ..... .. Acouniulated deficiency for month,.. Accumulated excess for year PRECIPITATION (In inches).. 4? 811 Total for 24 hours ending $ p. m... T Total for he month . .. .. ... I.!4 Accumulated doflclency tor month,, 1.15 Total ror tne year., .. ... .. .. ...... x.n AerumuUted deflclency for year .... I tJ PrsvsilUig wind dlrerUon , S, w. ,; t w. t. uiOKiMjETX, Observer. Does Coffee din tree with yoaf Prob ably ft does! , Then . try Dr. Shoop's HsalthCoffM. "Heslth Coffes" la a clev er combination ef parched cereals and nuts. Not a art Is of real CofToe, remem ber, In Dr, Snoop's Health Coffee, yet s flavor an-l - taste matches elosaly. old Jsva and Mocha Coffee, If your stomach. hrt, or - kMners can't - stand Coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It Is Whole some, nourishing, and satisfying, It's safe even lor the younatat eliUd. Sols' by Miller-Van Ness Co.. . s U V SALE V: 'j (.v.. " ' J ,':( ' : .- ., -, I l.v'1'i . '-'4 y- '.'! .-:. OF '' : TABLE-LINENS Linens is still' one more line w anticipated the big advance in prices and laid in nearly a year's supply while values were still 4ow. , v W bought directly from the manu facturers and our orders were placed' months ago:,v r For this sale -We have selected a number of our bast things in Linens and reduoed tha price considerably In order to have a big one-day sale, TABLE LINENS ' w.V- 0-inch, fairly heavy quality, 20c a yard; Worth 80c, nearly white. 6 8 -inch Pure .White Damask, 29c yard. Worth 4e. -incb Pure White, heavy Dam ask. 4c. a, yard. Ought to be 60c 66-lnch extra htavy Unbleached All-Linen . Damask, 53c a yard. Worth "68c, a grand one to wear. 7 2 -Inch Alt-Linen Bleached Dam ask, at 07c. a yard. Worth regu larly 85 or 90o. 88-inch heavy German Cream White Pure Linen Damask, 80c yard. Worth 11.00. 70-inch Full Bleached, heavy Satin Damask, 88c a yard. Worth $1.00 or more. 7 2 -inch, our best quality extra heavy and fine double Satin Damask, full bleached, in several handsome patterns, $1.08 a yard. Worth $1.25. NAPKINS Good weight All-Linen Napkins, at 65c. a do. Large, All-Pure Linen Damask Napkins, at 81.lt dos. Worth $1.85. Special quality, nice, fine, All Linen Napkins, $1.35 a doz. Worth $160. Fine Satin Damask Napkins, $2.00 quality, $1.75 a dos. Regular $2.25 quality heavy Dam ask Napkins, $1.8)8 a dos. Extra fine quality heavy Satin double Damask Napkins, large slse, at 82.98 a doa. This quality' would be cheap at $2. CO a dozen. About a dozm hand some patterns. 13 W. TRADB ST. Domestic Finish The real slmon pure do mestic finish Is the kind given your Hnen by our "press ironers." It's a smooth, even, velvety finish, obtained without any friction or rubbing. If you try It ones you want it again. Charlotte Steam laundry 219 Sooth Tryon Street Launderera, Dyers, CUaaera, -GET IT AT HAWLETS," Rubber and ' Sea . .-it-, 1 ; A necessary addition, ta tha dally bath-Rubbsr Sponges, SSo, to $140. ,, - Sea Sponges, V '- .-, ; . to $1.00. ' Tbon t$. v Tryoti an4 SU tt NAPKINS IVtY S ii 1. '. ?Vv;'!"'"-;;.; ' :.; '.' i. ' "5S6S" A That will not Leak is at last to be had I in the Prices $2.50 to $8.00 Every Pen Absolutely Guaranteed Stone & Barringer CO. Booksellers & Stationers tide cnowELL BA.!mmnjM co. 1.1U For the Treatment ef Whiskey, Morphine and H fleas . Diseases NnMtel anertmente' and aortas for lady patients. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases. The stockholders air being pnysicians, oonslltute a consulting board. K - - . , t, M. CnOWSXL, M. Prea. " '8lsgaNautka8aMa4SIVUtefk " A trc!B 'or 0bostlMeo, ladtsea. Llvw snl Kidney trouWei, IlmpWaltWRJ., Inlaws Blood. B4 Pmh,8lifsuh towM, HaadaakS and Uaakaehe. Iw Boor Mwmtais Teala lab Wx fnmv M emis a boa, uin enl by trr, ftmni Pan PA ST. UadwoO. la Fountain Pen STBtLING 60L6CN KUMtTt 0 IAU6J rtOIll A few specials that will interest and please will ba found on our countera Monday, and at prices that will allow yon ft saving. ; White Goods will certainly ba higher later on. So now to your time.1' ;".. ';j ': : ... ''l';')"' " "' 38-lnoh Persian Lawn, 15c. quality, Monday at 11 t-a 8 8-tnoh : Persian Lawn,; 10a . . , 40-lnch Victoria Lawn. 1-lc, H yards 88 and 40-lnch Victoria for Monday, fto. yard. -A vary special French Lawn that washss like linen and Is extra pretty, 48 Inches, 25c 40-lnch Wash Chiffon, X5o. , 40-lnch Countess Nainsook,' ISO. New line- Linen Lawns, all pure Linen and at last year's prices: 88-lnch Linen Lawn, S5c. , 8-inch Linen Lawn. 85c 88-lnch Linen Lawn, 48c. " . New Art Linen, round thread, 8$ inches wide, 50c 4 5-inch Art Linen, worth 60 o. per yard. Special 450. Ask to aee the new Spot Linen, Embroidered Dots, all Linen, for Waists, 50o. New line Plaid Silks going rapidly and won't last long at tha prices. Special, 50 ami 58c Few pieces 34-Inch Chiffon Taffeta, new shades, Invisible Check. Lavender, Light Garnet, Nile Oreen and Light Grays; 86 Inches wide, 98c Our line of Black Wool Goods Is up-to-date in every particular. Voiles, Chiffon Panamas, Henriettas, Serges, Toffea Cloth, Tamiso, etc.. 60c, 75c, 98c, $1.25. New line colors In Tamiso and Voiles, all shades, all Wool, 50c. Oood line Cream Wool Ooods All-Wool Cream Tamlse, Light Blue, Pink, etc, f0c. A splendid line of A. F. C. and Bates' Ginghams tor children's chool dresses; good assortment, ln. and 11 l-9c One case good, big Huck Towels, 95o. dozen. Big line Ladies' Collars, 23c. turn-overs, pretty, new patterns, Special Monday, 10c Our Table Linens and Napkins we take special interest In show ing and invite comparisons. All we want to make a sale is a show down with others. Something sp octal in Linen Monday, 60c, 75c, $1.00. AH those specials on our counters and plenty help to show you, and we will not embarrass you by Insisting on a purchase, unless you are pleased. Come and see them. 101 WHOLESALE and RETAIL Efird's Department Store THE BEE HIVE Good Specials FOR SATURDAY MEN'S FINE 10 dosen real htgh-grade Shirts, all made, as all samples are. Not a In regular way and retailed for here Saturday at 48 Cente. DLUB CIIAMBIIAY Full Negligee Shirts, made of the bent and dark shades, pocketa all seams all slses, 48 Genu. HEX'S JOB NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 50 dosen Job lot Negligee Shirts, all shirts. A big bargain Saturday, 95 Cents. i DOTS' AND LITTLB GENTS' SIHRT8 . ,,'C. . ' i. v Beautiful Una nice colors. Negligee atyle, separata collars, two extra eol- . Ian to match with each shirt Theaa some la slses 10 1-8 to 18 1-1., Tha price, $$ Oenta. , . , ,..', " - BOYS' NEW STYLE KNICKERBOCKER SOTS . '- Fine lot Knickerbocker style Suits, all the rage nowJust the thine the boys all want Nice patterns, In good, All-Wool duality material, well tailored, fit correotty. $L$ and $!.$. ' " , ' New Specials Every Day at the Busy 8torev , 'sDeirtmelStcje nird tra i rrrr iwmw Gorntt'-l East .Trade SAMPLE STTTTtTS ' . A- kinds and colors; erery shirt wen shirt In the lot that could be bought w less than 75 cents. They go on sale . v SHIRTS FOK MEN standard Blue Chambray, llgfit v , double; a fine shirt for bard wear; , . ' 3 kinds, slsea and colors; full also nnlv Co!!:c Sir: ', ' S