i;o:!r:i::xjs and finance t on OX MARKET 1AIHLV ACTIVE 1 '.!iow Iii t it fctcariy Opening at J to 7 Point l'p in ltcKnsc to High er Cable ami larger Spot halo . Price Advanced, CloNtng 1 to 11 Points l'p Net Offerings Wwe Coraimratlvcly Light and Market Continued Menriy to Finn Through , out the Session. , , . New York, ,FI. a.Tha cotton market wa fairly active and firmer during to , day's trading with price cloning at a not advance of 7 to 11 ponlta; aalea for the -., day were estimated at 175,00") bale. .'...'-.' The Opening wat steady at an advance of 1 to 7 polnta in reapon to higher table and larger apot males In the Cngltah .market. March started out at n 114 and soon Increased the gain on cov ering of ahorta and rumors that no . tiers on Tuesday of next week would be lighter than expected and would cauro Depression. The scattering long Interest In that position seemed to ho pretty well liquidated, at any rate ncffrlriga wurs cwnpi.ru lively light and the market con it lnud steady to firm during the entire ,-. aeMlon. At the beat prices of the Uiy ' March aold at 9.26 and May at 9 or 12 to 14 ponlta net higher The close was 4 . or 6 points off from the best under re alising. The flrmneas of March in N Orleans, where only a few nottces were - Issued, waa an encouraging factor to lo cal bulls. ' Mecelpt at tho ports to-day 3S.625 bale against 27,761 last week and XK1 lam year. For the week (estimated) 22:1,000 bales against 20!.2I3 Inst week and 133.002 lust yeae. To-day's receipts at New Or leans 16.004 tmles against 8..'Sf5 taut year, 'and at Houston 1C.724 halts against 3.547. STOCK MARKKT VMMPORTANT With TOurc-Day Holiday In ITos pect There Was No llKi.ltloii to Enter VMn New (Viiniiiltmeiit to he ICtt to Hazard of l'noxMctcd Developments ul Time When Action on (Security llokllu.t Would be HamiM-red. New York, Feb. I'l. The stock market to-day was unltnixii lant as marking any extensive adjustment of fltuinclnl rela tions or an a reflection of events noon the movement of nrires. With a three- nay noii'iny inicrvai in ironp.et trier.) was no ilHKisltin to enter upon any rew commltnienls to he left to tho haz- nrd of unexpected developments at a time when arilon or se. urlty lnldlnas would h hnmppred. It was the small- est day s business i f the year ami prl es in rived only with the (freat.-nt effort hy the room traders. The special weakness of I'nlon I'iicllie, which has been tti feature of the recent market, was no longer In evidence although tho resimin- tion of the trading on Monday Is likely to find the drea.led Inler-State commerce commission Inquiry In force again. There was special pressure against the Kill stork, which seemed to be nrompted rl by -the outspoken assertion of the head of these properties that a reaction In husl ness. which has been vaguely argued as possible. In recent stock market discus sion hud nrtimlly set In. The outcome of the d'seusslon of Ald- ncn currency lull may rnange the cur- i rent ol influence in th.- market. The Hank of Knglund weekly rr'turn to-day clearly showed the continued contra 1 of the money market hv that Institution, chiefly by the lar1 Increase In govern ment deiKislts. which serve to ilecrensa the money supply In the market and to compel resort to the hunk by borrower. The considerable Increase In other se curities Is the consequence. It was tills Increase that whs renixinpilhle for the de cline In the ratio of reserve, the bullion holdings showing a liberal expniiKlon Prices were little changed n the day. al though the attack on Rending and on Baltimore A Ohio was renewed Lite In the day. Bonds were steady. Total sales, pur vnlue. 91.2W.wiO. 1'. 8. bonds were unchanged on call. Tots! sales slocks !.9l V0 shares. In cluding: fopper jil'Ki: Hugar 1.1", To taeco 100; Anaeinda I'.l.Sn"; A " I,. J'; ?t. Paul aft.Msi- Reading I7.l0: Southern 500. tifd. l'); I'tilcn I'm lib 73.V"i; I' S. Steel K,M Daltlmore. Feb. 'U K A L. and preferred, no o.iiot;itlnns. common ItlUDSTH KIT'S THADK RKVIKW Wcntlwr ConilltloiiH ami losing of Kailroail lllix kadi-s Lurat-ly . spoiiHlblo For cn'rallv Favorable Actual Trade and Industrial lie- .l.,...ni. New Yoik. F.I. II HnirlMtreet ii, Kcl rnsry iirti. win h m A'-tuul trade an. I Industrial develop ments sro ipiile generally favorahlo, bel ter wcatner .'m..ii i,h (ih.I the eamiig nf the railroad l....-k c Lelng Inraelv In- strumenl.il " one. in. n on ma the spring a..l k.momh r f.ihrlcH r"""l"l ..t Ho- .;iBi. , ,..u,g -Htern .,u:r.-M. (ml t,t ,.,oi,.l llie.-tli.n. .1. .1,1, lua trade In has exf. Fruthw nent Honlli.-rn in.-.rk.-m Heller re ' In a1o come frei.i id. N.rtlm.Kt the railroads , re India,- . nl w eie the Slow oio na.i.s iinn on the north F,i. II.- count, win r t he . . ns'-silon is . r.i Wilts, ai d pn . ..rat "in for Himng trad l.r note-1 Tla-r.- Is also u li.tt,.,- i,,Ml. tc advices fc in th- K.-ulli Atlantle HtatMS, Will. I, S'lflere.l ii le, III, -, ,, .,f crop vlells lil fall an. I Snilliem id vices as a whole, r- II. , I Hi. nellnn; of m enormous, if no' h.a.. i i .,.. c..ii..n crop e t . ellei i i n, .. C d lections an- Mill Irregular, lull I. nd to ulr.wriess is in In. i.l ii.i.i,. in ulnier r. is 's Inij.eh ,, i spring hiinlness hs hnrdh begun R. tail st.- ks .f win tei gfMwis imvs l. .-n ll i.-... e i,,w r er There are of cinse some lliws In (he slluntr ln The niiine; ..na ul tlKhc.l an nrxineenewiis l- lea. lieu t a llr,,.,l .,f H,o i urlsll nient 1 m l i uaieine ,, I ,,f xti-n slve Improveinenls. owing to MkIi , , s of lahor .nl n.alerlal. to the h i , r.it.s dvinni.de'l .ii ne Urn, s of hi.ihII. s exert ,oir,.- I n I' n.-n . . n,n senilin. n' ,i Tg,iri)s t,t':r .-. llinenl In Ml.ltiiiiN likely to l 1'asd up ii a Isf.oslt i 'ii the present Iwen Si-en Trnde iri I. e.rllve 'n :-.!l t e j -I n "... The or l . ll- erle, A ' ' gr,ln t.-.-. ei n, Vi 'I f. ),, : ., n incii'. w demand T1,. d '..Ills 11 (Kleiihl ls. also, tli.r.- e Hint the .-rest Ih-se v lo I.. II. 1 v iikh-i in, ht has ' o IS .'ton llat kefs Is goods Sllll n I .ni r .l.-l!lii,. ' l.,p k iii d d" I r I ti f . ,,i In. Inn ,. " 11 a r us a 1 . ! I. I- SS g ... Is -'I ' r wool lie .,11 n good Is I el.-.l l,., well 'II illlliliery lilts I'h !'"', iiinrk.-ls I ,1. wH up "-i.r i i strtd ooi n. H in Qlllel nn I . . ,1 ifnhburd Pros. A i o ' ( ollnll I'ttcr. PpeclHl to The Ol.s. New y.rk I'l,. 11 iiricl In l.lv, t j,.,..1 a nllv her hh ' , , A ' heiier 'I - I1...1. M ..h. iii f- 'Pill. In lo ll ,.,, of the day. hci. i,.lw.....s h,,.a. , ,,. jM.rien us iw.- i ip. I'ie.,.- of ,t,,v ,,f firings fi oi Aiuerl. a mi l ., i-h, f amimg spmneis ihnl Hie l.lverp. l nur Vet had al.oui all 11. l.,i..r (, ,.1,. ,r Cotton In Hie ilslhl, s ipolv nnd 11, ,1 t Is well to in,- then s. li .tloi, m,,. prwsltile. W nn-l the Irmler, dlsiose.l to I ,,k ror a netter ma met . 11 jverpool i ot holldsvs ir.ng The movement . f ihe nor .-.iiiiioi.s On a Scute to give rtr lr ilre n th. tari( at crop ideas Tin- largpr traders ,,. Waiting for sotee in.il. all, mi of f.,in,: ft In the mnii on-iil hefote buvlnv Th rot market was siiadv l mi. hn.K.'d rteea. Hales for 'onsutuiiilon 41; hai.s ftllveied on contra, t 10n hnU. Ut'RHA Rf HROK A CO Tim Iry (hhiIs Market. Ntr York Feh "I ri 11-1.., the dry goods niaikt ronHnue.l y,,,. Wrge contracts sre . log idm-ed for , goods to b de ; of tho year. Hit ..dlve-rct during th I alum e FUw .'Ik 1. more active and kney Is higher Raw wool th IMlna tendencv , anowi utile rnange for the week l'lain v Ores goons ror fall have had an active aais. A jkbbr' sala of wool and silk . tnep) A chin at Urn. sttrsrt.-d coniider V (till Uion this week - Cotton Htyid Oil. ,1 , new isrs, rn. n. .mtion seed oil teaf with trade nulet. Prim crude r. o. t. pain 90; prlmo summer yellow ; off tssmmor yellow 44 to ; good 5 timmsr yellow 44 to ; to whit a wtaiter y4lmr 4A4. . ".-"A tlssua builder, reconstruct or. builds i ss( inre, makes slrona; narvs n4 , . niua-l.i Horn peopl do net realls what ' Craal rvrrledy Wollfster' Rockf ouiital Te j t cent,.. la t or tablet. K M. fottM - IuUiiiioro l"rotluco. Baltimore, Feb. 21,-Flour steady, un- chunked. Wheat dull; spot contract 771 to 77! Southern on grades 736 to 78. Corn firmer; spot 60 to 60; Bouthcrn white corn 43'4 to Oat firmer; No. 3. whit 44 to iC,; No. J. whit 44 to I4; No. 2, mixed ii t& : 44, -' i ! Rv .firm; No. 3, Western domestic 71 to 72; choice 76 to 7. , Butter Ilrm, unchanged; fancy Imita tion xo to ii oo creamery H to it, ; ao iitdia -a to u; store packed 17 to 20. Km firm 27c. Cheese, active, un changed largo H; medium 14H; small Sugar steadv, unchanged; coar gran- uiaieg d.w; nn bb.mi , , . . , s ? Be Island Cotton. Savannah, Oa... Feb. 21.-fiea Island cotton Quotations: Fancy Florldas as to UG',: fancy Oeorglaa 85: extra, choice Georgia and Florida Si to W; choice do to m to n; exiro una ao do 28 to W; rin do do 28 to 27; common .do do 24 to SS. New Orleans. Spot Cotton, New Orleans, Feb. 21,-Cotton, spots closed firm, unchanged; middling 10 7-M; sale on the spot wr 8,246 bale and 1,250 to arrive. . Future opened teody I point lower for December to 4 to point higher for the rest of tho llt An incentive to trading was better Liverpool advice lth future and spot The close wan steady, 2 to 16 points over that of yes terday. The cotton exchange will be elosed both Friday and Saturday on ac count of Washington's birthday. Futures closed steady: January 10.23; February 10.00 nominal: March 10.11; .April 10.12; May 10.23; Juno 10.24; July 10 87; October 10.16; December 10.19. Naval Store, Wilmington, Feb. 21.-8plrit turpen tine firm 7uc. bid; receipt 11 casks. Rosin firm fa.85; receipts 148. Tar firm $2.30; receipts IBS. Crude turpentine firm 13.35, $4.00 and H.So; receipts . ! Savannah, Ga.. Feb. 21-Tumentlnn firm 11; sale 94; recelpta 93; shipments Rosin firm, aalos 1,981 ; receipts 601; Kiiinmrnts 3,297. Stock 67,447. Quote: A I ' 3.; W.95 to 94.00: E 94.00 to H OH: F 9406 to 9I.12K; O 94.05 to 94.20; ;ti n ., i 1 no; t m io.w, N vi.10; W O $6.40; W W 98.E0. ; j xtn,.-- triipt , 1 , loae flinruel, 1 Npw York, Feb. 21. -Money on call 1 ,ir'". 2 to &H per cent.; ruling rate 6; i '"an 2; offered at 2. r Time loans dull and steady, $0 days and ?9 flaV 5 per cent.; six months B to "'4 t"'r cent. ' f'rlmo merenntlle paper 6 to i per . '";rl'n -x"hnns ntndv w'th rc. "a' business In banker' bills at 9484 90 I lM- for uemanii and ai V!0.. to i"mo ior w aiy nnis. fosti-d rates I a iki twi't. uommereial tdlls 4W to tm. Bur silver 6; Mexican dollars tt3V4. Oovernment bond steady. Rail road bonds steady. New York Cotton. New Tork, Feb. 21 -Tot ton. pot Mc.dy; middling uplands 11.00; middling gulf 11 2T.; fales 612 hales. Futures closed steady. Open High Iyow Close Feb. .is n.io 9. is March yprll . fay .. June .. July .. Aug. .. Pept. .. Ort .. Pre. .. Jan. .. 9.14 0.1T7 .9.;s 9 14 9.27 9.34 9.4R 9.411 II. 4S 9 5.1 9.77 9.87 10.06 8.3) 9.2s 11.42 9.4 .&5 9. 37 9. 4I 9,r,i 8.52 9,r,7 9 SI 9.92 10.12 9.4 !).4b Il f.". .. . nr. 9.5:1 ., 9. to 9.K7 .. 97 9.9.' .. 10.05 III. ill CLOSING STOCK LIST. 1 Adams Kxpress 2 AmalKiimaled Ccpper 112 Aincf , hi, C:ir Foundry 4:1 AniTlcan Car Foundry pfd.. .. iri American Cotton Oil 3ty floicican ntioti uil plu KX AmerUan Kxprexn 2.10 American iildw Si Lenther pfi.. ,. V, American Ire i so American Idtiw-ed f) jfr Atfiorliau l.hiseed Oil pfd.. ..' ., .. if American Locomotive 7:t Aineilcun I.ik ooiotive pf, uoij Amenrsii Hiueltlog ti IlenfnK .. . I l.i American MiiieUlng- Kcfn. pfd. 1 1 r, 14 American Buaar Iteflnlng XS American Toliiicoo pfd. ctf 9(Ak Amieotula Mining Co 2!H I Atchison 102?. !'1'nl",,mJ'f'1 iAtlnnlle ( oast l.lns J!?' I'altlmore A Ohio pfd.. 90 Hmoklyn Rapid Transit 72 Canadian Pne tic .. iw Central of New Jersev -".rr, ( licnaj.cnke A : ( Irc.-mo ftrent Ohio M n.. . i-iic;)Ko A Nortliwedt.rn p;"1 CI, lego. Mil. A Ht Paul lKUi -.,,.,,g Tei itilnnl A Trins 9 " Chicago Term'nal A Trans!' pM.'.'. 20 , chi, ;,K,, ft Northwestern Ill 'A C . C . C A St Ulllls rflVJ 47 :ir. I'm 1.17 i -,,. nolo Fuel A Iron ; ( ,,!,,, a. lo A Koulhern , (,i, , u.. oil. en. I.i it of, I c,,,, nolo A Southern 2nd t.f.l A Southern 2nd .fd '-r'loli.latf , (ins . . . ''urn ILmIucIh Refining Corn I'ro.Uiels Retlnlng pfd .. .. ..:iwairf A lludsfin ex (llvldeml I 'i la ware. Lackawanna A West.. I 'cover A Rio rlrande I'emer A Itln (Irande pfd I'lslllleis- Hecurllles F.I le Frle 1st pfd I Tie -ml ,f. C.elu i.ll Flwtrlc Hocking Valley Illlni Is Cenitaf Iiiterniiilonal Paper . I ni f-rri:i I I'.ti,. 1 i'tiper pfd I III . I II at lolia I I'limp I ntci imtlonal Pump ifd Inwu IV ri trnl low, i Cerlrnl pfd K'ltisas city Houthern KansHi City Koulhern pfd I ou!s ill, A Nashville Jy - lit) 3l 711' X". lHl i:.t Prf, 1. VI Hi 7914 34 7S 41'-. ?', VV, 1TJS IT, M l.ii'i HI KV, ' M. x - :.n Central " i Minn, .polls A Ht. Louis ' Minn Hi 1' A. Usi.ll Bin M I Minn . st I A Knult Hte.' M j M Iss-air i I "in Iflc 'MUbo iii Kansas A Texss.. . HIhoiui Kansas A Texss pfd Nail Pal Lend ' Nail, mil It It of Mexico pfd ew York Cen'tal N.-w York niiiiiloA Western N..I f.-tk W esl. I II ' N..rf. 'k .v Western pfd , Nor 1 1, A iii. i . i n Fa. Mi. Mill I'ennsi ! ..n'a . . I I'coph ( la s . . . .' pfd. Tt' : M'i I'.Vfc 4i, v,'s va M :'.1 1 , 1W 71 i lv j j,'-,.! '! viiii ' I'll Islnim 1 ' A Ht l.ouls. 1 Pri-sse.l Hteel Car , I'l . ss.-.t St. el Car pfd I'llll'nan I'nl'icr' 1 ', Rending It.'ii.lliiK 1st if1 (, uding '.'nd pfd 11.. ...a. p.. ui...l 110 34 VH 'Or 7 ln 4? 3 , H. , nl, III- Kteel pfd i(...k Island Co. k Island Co if. I Huh her l.oo.ls pf.l .f,l fi l.ouls A Han Fran 2nd pfd.... M laps Houthwestern Hi l.ips Hoiilliwestern pfd Honiherii Paclrte Southern Pacific pfd P.-. itln rn Hallway ( .... Ho-itln rn Rallwiiv pfd 1 1 1 in '.ml A iron I xn A I'm-IAe T d.-lo SI Louis A West .. . (fi ft: 117 IM 33 :n 7! Oil 105 sn-v: 61 172 m ior 4 104 34 Mt l 30 ?7o IM Kl I? 21 44 1M 17 I'd i tu 7fl3 I' h I . St l,ollls A West I I, loll I'l, 1 IIP- t ..lot, i',,-in,. ofd I 'tin. ! Hi ale l'xires .. .. I niii 1 Hmlea Rnsllv . .. . ( tilled Slates Rubber .. . ciii-.ti pi-cine pf.i ! I 'l. lied Hate llllhher 1 1 nli-d Hiai.-s Rubber pfd.. 1 ' r!t. .1 Hlates Hteel 1 Cnlled Hlal.s Hteel pfd. Virginia -Oirollna Chemteal ! J ,!r 'f1"1" Vn',J" 4 "' I'M ,,' I JJ."'""'! ,f'' Wells Fargo Kxpres Westlnihi'us F.lectrlo .. Westein I'nlon .. .. ,, Wheeling A Iike Krle Wisconsin Central Wls.-inlri Central pfd,. Northern Psclfle Cenlrsl leather Csntrsl leather pfd..' .. Northern pfd , Hlos-hefT..lri Interbnmugh-Met Interborough-MeL pfd.... Us a llttl KODOL after your mania nd it will b found to afford a pronioi nd lelnt rHf. KODOL nearly so prtixlmate th dlgsstiv Jules. U ). .sat what you sat. m aold on iurud; ralUf 9n.ir.U Ur y Jiawlsyi Pharroaer. . COTTON AND WOOLEN MILL MACHINERY AND POWER PLANTS Charlotte, N. C. bargains w , A , VALUABLE MACHINERY, BTCr 1 Fries Drcln Machlno. W," ' - , 1 1 Warp Blercerlztnir Machine. ' '; 1 Conttnuong' Steamer.':.:" . - -i.'k, ..." I Warp Drying- Machine. 3 Warp Slxlng Machlnea, Squeeiera, Log Washing Blachlne, Water Manirle,' Bleaching; Klen, :; Wapi ping Machine, Conical Spreaders. Boiler. ' Engines, Angle Engines, 'Pomp, fitnrtevant Ventilator, Fans. Blaat Wheels and Piping Tanks and Kettles, Tardlng Machines. Power .Presaea,' ' Lapping or Rolling Machines, Cloth Folders. " "'t .' . i ALSO : Pickers, Cards, Saco Pettee Drawing. RoTlng Machinery. Looms. Dobby Meads, QviUcrav Spoolers. Reels, Beamers, : . Benn Warpers. Twisters, . Mules, Rope' Machines, Spinning Frames, , Shafting, Pnlleys. ilangers. Piping, Fittings, Steam Traps. . The above machinery is in nrst-class GRBBNSBORO SUPPLY COMPANY, '"-' GREENSBORO. N. C. $ New York" Produce. New York, Feb. Zl.-FIour teady. but dull. Bye flour firm. Buckwheat flour steady. Corn men 1 firm. . Wheat spot firm. No. 2, red 81 eleva tor. Option c net lower to Mc. net hlKher. May Wft; July 84'i; September tJorn, spot firm; No. 2. 68 elevator. Option 4 net higher. Muy hi: July 53Ti: Oat, spot Arm; mixed 4i. Beef firm. Cutmeats steady. Iard steady: Western prime $9.95 to 99.96; refined steady. Tallow nrm; iamny fx.u Tallow steady. Petroleum steady. Rosin steady. Turpentine teady. ' Rice steady. Molasses steady. Ruanr. raw steady, fair refining 2: centrlfuaal 9 test, 314; molasses sugar 2: refined steady. r Coffee, spot steady; kio ino. i, ic; nan- tos No. 4, Sc. Mild coffee steady; Cor dovn 9 to V. Futures 5 to 10 point higher. Iiutter Arm at unchanged mtes. Cheese firm, unchanged. Kjrg firm, nearby se lected white 32: do choice 29 to 31; do brown and mixed exrn 'Js to 30; firsts to extra Arsis 27 to ZH; Western firsts 27; seconds 2 to 26"4. Freights and onbtxiKcs nnd peanuts quiet, unchanged. Potatoes quiet and steady, unchanged. NEW YORK f'.ONDS. V. 8. refunding 2s n-glsterel .. V. H. refunding 2s coupon x ... I' H. 3s registered V. . 1". H. 3s coupon H. S. Old i registered V. 8. Old 4s coupon 1". H. New 4s registered i;. H. New 4s coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco Kg 10T',i 106',, 102 l(W,7i 101 U JOI-i 129 129 75 IIO Atchison gen. 4s hid 10141 Atchison adjustment 4s 91 Atlantic Coast Line 4s ft F.iiltimore Ohio 4s 101V4 Haltlmore & Ohio 3s 93 Brooklyn R. T rv. 4s VS Central of eor a 5s hid V6 Central of Oeorgta 1st Inc. ofd 90 Central of Oeorgla 2nd Inc. ofd 7fi Central of (ieorgln 3d Inc. bid Chesapeake & Ohio 4Hs W Chicago Alton 3H 734 Chicago, H. A Qulncy new 4s 95 Chicago. R. I. ft P. R. It. 4s 76 Chicago. R I A P. R. R. col. 5s .. 91 C. C. C. ft St. Jxiiils gen. 4s.... lmvi Cnlorndo Indnstrlnf 5s Her. A. bid. 69 .cm lorado Midland 4s Hd 71 f."'f'r" Hmithern 4s bid.. ,uhft .. . .. . f '"17 JU V.,? ' " 1 .,,?""'r" ,,f'l'rl1'- R 91 103 95 99 97'i 85 ir;r " ',rl Lrl tmenil 4s Mocking Valley 4Ms hid t ''-.n -JBl'Bn J.ipnn Jnd Herles 9 jJ"P;" H ;! H 104 Vi Japan 4H rlfs 2nd. Herles hid 89$ l.oulNVille A iNnsnvuie I nllle.1 4.. inn Mexican Central 4s R4i Mexican Central 1st Inc. hid .... 24 Minn. A Ht. I-ouls 4s hid 92 I Missouri. Kansas A Texas 4s MIsMOtir . Kansas A Trva 2nds.. 84 l HR 93U I3SVJ 101 72 li 93 9T, 97 ! National R. II, of Mexico consul 4s I New York Central gen :t'is V T , . 1 . L . Ni-w York ( entral gen New Jersev Central gen. Jeis.-V eriiiiii sjeri. l lfl Northern Pacific 4s Northern Pnrftr 3s Norfolk A Western col. 4s Oregon Hhort Line rfdg 4s lenn. cv. 34 bid Rending General 4s Ht. Louis A Iron Mtn. col. bid V3U, St. Uiuls A 8an Francisco fg. 4s Kl 77 75 Ht. Inils Houthwestern col. 4s bid Heabiard Air Line 4s Houthern Pacific 4s Houthern Pacific 1st 4s ctfs Southern Hallway fts Texas A PnrlAc lsts ofd Toledo. Ht L. A Western 4s I'nlon Pacific 4s F H. Hfeel 2nd &s Wabash 1st Wabash leb. It bid Western Md. 4s Wheeling A t-ak Erie 4s bid Wisconsin Central 4s bd Japan 4s elfs 89' 1101 UN 101 wl VI 70 90 90 K9 94 I'ORT MOVKMKNT. Oalveslon. firm New )i leans. Arm Mobile, strsdy Hiinnnah steady ' 'hai loston, dull Wilmington, steady Norfolk, steady l.altlmore. nominal New York, steady I'oslon. steady rtillndelphla. steady 1NTICRIOR MOVKMKNT. Houston, steady Augusta, sleatly 10 1R-16 10 7-16 lft 10 10 10 10 10 II 11 11.2s 10 11 107-u 10 10 9-19 ,1 1.1- ...Jw a. -. 11 1.. is. nieisiij .. .. .. .. .. .. Hi I ill si. ipilet Louisville, Ilrm MverpMtl Cotton Market. Liverpool, Feb. 21 Cotton, spot good buslm-ss done; prices S point higher; American middling fair (,7ft; good .mid dling 6 33; middling 997; low middling t,; good ordinary 6 17; ordinary 4 II. The salt o( tho day 12.000 bales, of whlrh 1,000 were f'f siculatlnn an ex port, and Included 10.900 American, Re ceipts 34.200 hales, all American. Futures opened ateadr nnd closed very steady; American mldllng g. n. c. Feb rnarv Stt; February-March l.l; March-April 9.70; April-May tMi May June fits; June-July i.C.7; July-August fiU; Augusf-Heptember S.St; HeptemTier- (HMiiher 6 4; ortiia-r-p,iviemoer Hlbhi; Novembor-lHtcemher 9.44; December January 9 46; January-February 1.46. Chicago, Feb, U.-Uquldnilmv by smalt holders caused an easy ton at th tdose or the wheat market to-day, th May de livery showing a net loa of . Corn Is up to and oat ; provisions ar dwn 2 to 9c. Oilcaso Oraln hjmI froMnn. ( v.w as WI1EAT May .. , July .. , Hept .. .. , Hlri liw ci.hi IS 8 BS ri i 4 47 July .. OAT9J- . May .. r July pbnio July .. .. 14 91 19.77 9i 1 itn M.70 19 9J 14.70 La RD July ,, .1 .. ...... May ., ,. ,, ,. ., .. HT t.tt F4i- f t.i. ( tt . i r IIT I "t lt such a little thing as a Legl May .. ,.. .N . ,4) t '..1.J1 Jaturo lieep hlm awake t night. . , 0 f If 1 V " ' . . -. :;'''- ' condition, some of It almost new. NEW YORK COTTON. New Tork, Feb, 21. Spot 11 cents. High Low Close Jan. .. .. 10.18 10.07 10.13 March May .. July .. Aug. ., Oct. .. Dec. .. 9.26 9.14 9.20 9.2S 9.S1 9.t 9.85 9M 9.42 9.34 9.55 9.55 9.S7 9.92 9.46 9.65 J-79. 9.87 Charlotte Cotton. These price represent th prlc uted 10 wagons: reo. n Good middling .. , Strict middling- .. Middling Tinge and Stain 10 10 10 1 Cliarlottc Produce (Corrected dally by K. II. Field A Co.) viiicKens oprmg w gj Hen Fr nead. 35 40 Ducks Egg , butter, ZB 18 IS 20 Rye.. Corn 73 flSO Cotton Seed 90 Oats Feed 55 5E Oat Seed 60 60 Comparative Iort Receipts. Feb. 21. To- Laat In y. Galveston 12,975 New Orleans 16,004 Mobile 647 Charleston - .. 427 Wilmington 6S8 Norfolk 1,476 Fort Townsend 2.9S5 Total estimate 43,000 Year. Estimates. Feb. 21. Last To morrow 10,000-12,600 9,000-10,000 15,000-18,000 Tear. New Orleans Houston .. .. Galveston .. PROGRESS AT MEHANE. Two New Manufactaring Concerns Chartered With a Capital of $50, 000 Kach White Furniture Com pany Haa Shipped 50 Cars of Furni ture to I'anutiui New Pastor Ar rives. Special to The Observer. Mebane, Feb. 21. Th Nelson Cooper and Furniture Co., with a capital stock of 150,000 has Just been Incorporated by F. W. and P. Nelson, P. L. Cooper. W. A. Thompson and others, for the purpose of manufac turing and dealing In all kinds of building material, furniture, etc. This company, composed of sound business men. with a complete and modern factory, will undoubtedly meet with success from the start, a have all of the similar Industries of this growing little town. The Mebane Iron Bad Company was recently organized, likewise with a capital of $50,000, and It will build a factory as soon as the weather opens up sufficiently. The officers are 8. Arthur White, president; J. a Vin cent, secretary and treasurer. Mr. White is well known all over the South, having been on the road for many year with the White Furni ture Company; and Mr. Vincent ha recently moved here from Oxford, where ho was coiinectod with the Oxford Cotton Mills. Tho Tyson-Malone Hardware Co. 1 another recent corporation, with a paid-in capital ' of $6,000, and ha moved Into one of the new brick store of the Dick building, and are carrying a large line of hardware, agricultural Implement etc. Mr. Ty son has recently come here from Mt. Ollead, X. ('. The White Furniture Company will ship on to-morrow four more car for the Isthmian canal commission, di rect (o Colon, Panama. This ship ment will make 49 solid car that Undo Hum will have from, this com pany for th use of hi boy that are digging the big ditch, and the thing that speaks wonder for the Old North State Is that of all of these 49 cars, there hns not been a single re jection, but the Inspector have said that the goods were even better than the specifications. Mr. Gill, of the In specting corps, was here Monday and Tuesday. Inspecting and stamping each piece of the five hundred dress ers, without a single rejection. Rev. R. T. Llaton,Lwho waa recent ly called by fhe . Mebane Presby terian church, haa taken charge of hi pastorate, coming her from Oaff ney, 8. C. He Is a Princeton gradu ate of the class of 'Jl, and la a high ly cultured gentleman, a beautiful and Impressive speaker,, and our village I to be congratulated upon the ad dition of him and Ma delightful fam ily to our community. 1 1 1 - Itont Aak. U. , Petersburg, Va., Index-Appeal. It I strange Jhat while the news paper are expected- to fight like dog for th party, not only when the cam paign are on, but at all time, they have to fight Ilka dog for their natural right when' the Legislature meet. Charlotte, N. C, Observer. Pray tell u what , natural right newspaper have. We have heard om talk about tha constitutional right of newspapers, vaguely de scribed as the freedom of the pre, but w should like to th. law yer who I smart enough to find It In a libel suit , , :.-,t;! -. '., f.! . Not rratercd f TrWea, Hickory Tlmee-Mercor. . T The editor of , Tho Charlotte" Ob rvr le about the only editor In the Bute who sleeps soundly. He does main oprioai 'COUTH TRYON ST., OHARLOTTC. N. O. litU .: - ' t Revolvlnp; Rat Cards, Railway Head Drawing Frames Spinning Frames, Twisters and Spoolers Quillers and Reels, 4 nd Reels, "wra . - ' COMBERS ' mtETC.; J. M. BANUT, A. M. Ph. B. , Assoc. M. A. WL6o.CE. : Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering a Specialty. Water Power Develop ment and Estimate Made. Boom 62 Benbow Arcade, Greens boro, or Laurlaburg, N. C HUBBARD BB0S, ft - CO, HANOVSR SQUARE. NEW TORK. lODMBERS Of New Tork Cotton Ex change, Nw Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate - Members liver yooi Cotton Exchange. ORDERS SOLICITED For tho pur chase and sale of cotton (or future delivery. Correspondence Invited. Looms Dobbies Repairs Crompton - Thayer Loom Co, Worcester, Mass. Alexander & Garsed Southern Agents Charlotte, N. G. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find It necessary to have Banking Facilities in ad dition to those offered by local banks. THE 8 First National Bank OF RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. B with $1.000,000.0( Capital -Earned Surplus (800,000.00 5.600,000.00 Deposits $,000,000.(1) Total ICesoitrrca Offer Just the Additional Fa cilities) Keqalred. . Jno. B. Pnrcell, President: Jdo. M. MUler, Jr., Vice Presl dents Cltaa, R, Burnett, A, alsunl Cashier: J. C. Jonlln Assistant Cashier. ' i JAMES E. MITCHELL 00. COMMISSION MERCHANT. Cotton Tarns and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Philadelphia, 122 and 12 Chestnut St Boston, lflU Summer St. Nov? York. No. TS r.onard 8L Charlotte, 24 &. Trron gt MILLER & CO. BANKERS AND UKOKKHs 20 Broadway, New Vork. ' Members: New Tork Block Ex change, New York Cotton Exchange New York Produce Exchange, Now York Coffee Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Hoard of Trade Philadelphia 8tock Exchange, Llver pool Cotton Association. Execute order for the purchase or sale of cotton, stocks, grain or pro visions for cah or on margin. special Biieiiiiuu iu or a era oy malL 'Phone or telegraph. F. B. ALEXANDER, Southern Representative, Box 7S, Charlotte, N. C. Diamonds . Come and look at our magnificent ' line of Dia mond. Wo handle nothing except the very best. It's a good investment, as Dia monds arc advancing in price daily. ' 'J r "A; , iil,; .,.,1 f f --'.V. I'.. .1 v Stuart. W. r,pjj,mn, . CriGIN'i: AND CCNTIiACTC.7. v ' "i y 1 f n , , . lYnnsjpnnifrT , ijy.iwuvmu ; ,oiuDDers, , , . , . intermedlatef .Ctrkuf Frames . Jack Framaa ; ;ft) -. :'--, J E N GKES SPINWINC CO. .. COTTON ; YARNS - - - OFFICES - . ' y Pawtuc'oet, Rv I., and Philadelphia; Pa. Philadelphia Office, Marine A Merchant Building. , W nJL Spclllssy,. Manager and , Southern Repre- 1 scntaUve. , , v i , 0. A. BOBBINS COUPLKm BQTJITBrJENTI) . FOR COTTON MILLS, POWER KtUfTV OSNERAXi CHARLOTTE, MOH'GRADj: SPINDLE, 0 r Belt Oft and Ovwae,' LbrlcsUng Oreases, Ready-Mtxed Palaig Cold WaUr Palata, AgenU VTatUes' DreoalM, Ooaapomnda. . GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CHARLOTTR, N. 0. I. SPENCER TURNER COMMISSION KERCH ANTS. CCTICXSi How Tork, rUlMletpfala, Qiages BC Lonia, U Tarns and Cotton Piece Groods. PAULSON, LINiQlOUM & CO. Cotton Yarns 7-8 LEONARD STREET . . 120 CHESTNUT STREET - - . 1 10 MONROE STREET - ' . lam B. Charles Otttea Charlotte N. -C Boston Maai and Amsterdam N. T. Main Office Amsterdam. N. T. Sinai Lift Jaoquard with Independent Cylinder Motion . v USK HALnN8 JACQUARDS. . THOMAS HALTON'S SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. ALEXANDER A GARSED. Southern Agents, Charlotte. N. C. Prospective Builders Before beginning your building operations, you would do well to correspond with as for prices on all aorta of Building Materials, We carry a fall line of Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Interior Trimmings, Sash. Doors, Blind, eta Always prepared to famish the best materials, and can save you money. ' IICTTON A BOCRBONNAIS, Hickory. N. C. ' IOCTIIEH.V QCEEN CRATB . OUlt LEADF.IL It It's Orete yoa want, or Mantel and Tile, eeoitta or. write for cata logue, ' i :f ': . '; i , ' 1. H. Wearn & -Company ,': , Oiarlotte. N. C . PtBLIO 'ACCOUNTANTS AND ' viAUDITOR8 .v BROWN & HUNTER : Audit of Rank, Trust Companlea ', and General Traders. ' 1911-lStl Emplro Hulldloc, -ATLANTA; OA," bnanoh eie COUITAILI BUILDIN9,' ' ATLANTA. OA ir Mil Automatic Feeders, , Openers and Trunk, , , Breaker, Intermediate and 1 Finisher Lappers, , Kirschner Carding Beaton : ' Thread Extractor, . . . , f Wute Pickers, etc . Ra Stock Dryers. "S ETC ETC 1 UACHINER7. s?1 NORTH CAROLINA. LOOM, ENGINE AND VALVE CO. NEW YOU ... PHILADELPHIA ...... CHICAGO COTTON TARNS, COTTON GOODS, AND COTTON WASTE. A. D. SALKELD & BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. enaaeB , ll-Tt LeonarC Street, NEW TORS. cotton tarns. ',-., dipt PredTc Victor & Achelis. HUGH MCRAE A CO,' Bjjikers - ICaoelhwteou doathern Seoarlde VrLMINaTON, Jf. CI -vVaatiington, D, C, 40t Oolorade Bld. Cotton Stocks RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant , , COTTON WARPS AND TARNS. 1 fA. No. 114 Chestnut Street. PR7LADELPUIA, ' . . a , WM. D'OLIER & CO ( COmilSSION MKROIANTS ' COTTON .YARNS - Third and Chestnut . ' . Mart nee and Merchant llldj. ' .. A.,.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. 0 t

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