Ill - i I," . - i' , ' 11 j i 1. J i t K'l" 1 i 4 i t A v.- 'I i "" A. V - ' 1 '1 . " - 7 - 'I ' I - ' : ' 3 :. ' ' ' k ''I ' , ' ' , , . ' r J f ' ,1 1 . ' ,,,, f 1 V 50 Gents . ;'l v:,;;v- s.--: ' ! .'-v .". ',-o 50 Gents 'JT u V I fJ M . I'll Jlli II : il I 1 1 1 -i ' . I I" I ll II I , 1 7 1 f ' I I . 'ReddyMeGinSiStTasrhe' was? generally known, associated with s, of Nevada, in a gij&antic mining enterprise S. A ' . ' i. GoviJohn Spark I ?M offering to my friends and old clients of North Carolina the first opportunity to buy the first allotment -nf tnn.nnn Rws nf - TA'e T , r. . . ' Storm WloMi MiniM After -several monthfs invertigation, conviction has -followed and I am in position to recommend this STOCK to my friends as being the safest and best investment of fered in this land of peerless opportunity The property consists of 64 acres, believed to be the richest in Nevada and lies on the summit of the famous Blue Dick Mountain and is surrounded by rich old producing mines. Gov; Sparks of Nevada, known far and wide as 'Honest John' heads this company as its president With him are associated California Capitalists and sterling business men of Goldfield, insuring economical and honest 'administration of the Company's affairs. Eighteen Goldfield Properties Straw an Increase f $40,000,000 In One Year, or Over $2,000,000 Each. (From Goldfield Dally Tribune, Feb. 4, 1907.) Stock Daisy .. .. Jumbo Jumbo Extension . . . Mohawk St Ives Atlanta Blue Bull . . . . . . Booth Columbia Mountain . , Silver Pick Triangle Red Top Extension . , Tear A so. .. .45 1.40 .26 .40 .16 .12 .10 .25 .24 .15 .08 .05 Commonwealth . .02 Laguna . . . Red Top Blue Bell Combination Fraction Gold Bar .13 2.00 .03 .15 .60 Now. I 2.65 4.20 2.55 16.50 1.16 .88 .62 .95 ' 1.00 1.41 .64 .42 .82 1.70 4.00 .24 6.00 1.00 STORM CLOUD to-day 50 cents. What will It be one year brace? Gain. 2,200.000 2.800,000 2,290.000 16,100,000 990,000 1,520,000 420,000 750,000 760,000 1,260,000 660,000 370,000 300,000 1.670.000 2,000,000 210,000 6,850,000 600,000 $40,450,000 What others have done you can do. $100.00 invested in Mohawk one year ago 'would have netted $41,000.00 to day. Think of it. The Storm Glotid is not a Prospect but a Producing Mine with bonanza ore sacked on its dump awaiting the completion of the railroad now under construction to haul it to the reduction1 works. (- - - Money raised by this offering of stock is to be used exclusively in erecting buildings for the miners, constructing roads, installing new and up-to-date machinery and converting the ore into bullion. I invite a comparison of this stock to any of the above 18 and firmly-believe we have a better showing than any of them had a year ago, J Act at once andwire at my expense for reservation of amount of stock you would like set aside, same to be followed by remittance, either by P. O. money order or N. Y. Exchange, payable to. my order, and same will be held for you, no matter what its value may become in the meantime. Don't miss-this opportunity for it will mean much to you within - the next six months. t 71 - V K box dm; (Goifiei, . J 50 Gents 50 Gents 1 : ''" k' ' ' .-. ,i' ...' v. p:t. . 3 ' ' if" I' ' '