J (J f t'c: ' I it i. . .... AS IV An 'event ' I t t i "It I i) COuii! V- i t - ill b irnoon In tli Uoly lilnli y...uii.h. Hi Mount i'lrtHHHnt, of Alia Agnes Uiok md.Mr. U Luke Johnston, ot Clear Creek township. Tha ceremony will bo performed at 4 o'clock. Miss Mary Hendrlx, of Concord, will be maid ; of honor , and Mr. William : Johnston, of Charlotte, best man. The bridesmaids will bo Misses Lilian JToust," of Salisbury, and Miss Esslo Johnston,' of Charlotte. Dr. Walter Cook, of Salisbury, nd Prof, George IT. McAllister, of Uovbl Pleasant, Will be groomsmen. -The (Ushers will bo Messrs. John CV McDonald, of Charlotte; Fred Foil, of Mount Pleas ant; Murray Long and Samuel John ston, of Charlotte. ' , ... -. - , Mr. , J. .pw: Gardner will entertain he members-of tha ' child . culture class of the Woman's Club at - her homo, in Piedmont Park, . to-morrow morning at .11 o'clock. Mrs. F. C Abbott will havo oharfo ot the meet- Mr. and Mrs. D. A, Johnston on tertaloed a tow ott their friends at dinner at their home in Villa Heights . last 1 TiUnf::iv;.fe.f fl "Mr ait line J.:-Frank .Fiowers are spendlBg several A days in Greens toon.; Miss 1 Krone 1 Allison, who Is teach ing near Richmond, Vi will - ar rive. In th city Friday, to spend the week-end with her parents, on West Trade street :VAA;, fy;AA3-A : - Mrs. M. L: Beanand kiss I. Orr, ot Salisbury, are spending some time In the city as the' f nests ot the Selwyn. ';Ai. .'".,'" Mrs. George Ramsey returned yes terday from a stay In Florida.' Mrs. Arnold M. Shaw and son, Ned, loft last night for a month's rislt to Jaoksonvllle and Palm Beach. Miaa Jennie Stein returned yester dag. to her home -at Mount. Pleasant after a visit to Mrs. D. 1 Bichje. Among the visitors In the city yes terday were Mrs. . Ethel Moore and Miss Halite Sorne, r of Monroe, who were guests at tho Central Hotel Cards reading as follows havo been reoelved in- the city: . ... . , v Mr. and Mrs. James Alonao Aber- nethy . request the . pleasure ot your com pany at the marriage of their daughter, Loula to Mr. James Haywood Hull on the afternoon ot Thursday the fourteenth day of March at half after four o'clock at the First Presbyterian church Llncolnton, North Carolina. At Home after the fifteenth of May at ' Broadway Central Hotel New York. Miss Loula Abernethy, of Lincoln ton, Is the guest of Mrs. JL M, Her ron, on North Church street. Mrs. Hal M. Worth, of Asheboro, is visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carson, at No. 12 East Morehead street Mr. and Mrs. Sims Gill Wylle, of -New York, were among the visitors in the elty yesterday, stopping at the Hqtel Selwyn. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Dowell and Danghter, Miss Ruth Dowell, -of Car thage, spent last night in the city. BRIEFS.. A Few Minor nappenings in and About the City. Rev. A. L. Cobum, Who has been 111 for the past tour weeks, is greatly improved. Miss Sadie Ken. of Providence township, who has been-111 for some time, was slightly Improved yester day. . Miss Lucy Ross, who has been 111 at her home On 'North -Poplar street for the past week, does not Improve. . . Rev. H. M. Parker, pastor ot Providence - Presbyterian church, who has been 111 with the grip for the past two months, has recovered. The Home Mission Committee of the Mecklenburg Presbytery will hold an Important meeting at the First Presbyterian cherch .to-morrow at noon. . V The Thompson Orphanage Guild will- meet In , St.1 Peters' Episcopal church this morning at 11 o'clock. All members are urged to be pres ent Capt W! E. Ardrey, of Plne ville, who has been quite ill with the grip, was slightly Improved yes terday. His condition Is said to be serious. A meeting of the Charlotte bar Will be held In the law building to morrow afternoon at K o'clock. The calendar for the March term of civil court, which meets March 11, will be arranged. The rails on the spur track lead ing around by the rock quarry havo not yet been placed, owing to the de lay in getting the Iron. As soon as a shipment is received the work will bo pushed to an early completion. Though the weather Monday was Ideal,- a recorded, yesterday , was anything but that A light but steady rain. fell throughout the daylight hours, and the streets of the city, as usual on such occasions, looked little enough as trie thoroughfares of Mecklenburg's capital should look. - , Mr. Mllbum, CTrlUen Up. The Sunday Issue ot The Washing ton Post which was a special Wash ington City edition, oonslstlng of ISC pages, contained tn excellent picture of Mr. Frank P.: Milburn, the well known architect who formerly lived nere, ana nii-coiuran write-up of Mr. Mllburn's new firm at Washing ton, where has quickly established lmselt Mr.. Milburn' msnv frt.nris liVre and throughout tho Bute will be Interested tn learn ni hl . HMaaa In the ' nation's capital, where he is In direct competition with the best tal- eni in me country. r . , , Two .ExclUng Games) of. Basket balL . Two eicltlng games of basketball Young Men's Christian Association , yesieruav neiween me Hornets and ; Stars, of - tho Junior league, and tho rnnniturnif anA Ttt..A ' n t. - . mediate laegue. The Stars won the rim rame oy a score or 14 to 7, and the blueathe second, the? score belna 11 to 11. Both a-smaa mn ' lntoreetlnir.NispcIally 1 tho , . second. inn iwur 01 me nrst contest wss the all; routjdgood "work -of - Austin and Strong; that of . the second, uhe , enceiienr tprrr pioTf ot the Bluea , . . .... . . "'. ' . ' ... - ; v'-l. DON'T CONFUSE ' . Tlit JWhos Lemon ana. Vanilla r Y1,vjkUh "l n"",'",..i'"aeta wiuco Sen: Tcr ir :.:::! ' P. Stevcao Enr 47VJIiitcIiaIIS rERSOXAL. ' Tho Movement of a Number of Poo . Pie, Visitors and Others. . Mr. H. B. Worth, of Greensboro, was a guest ot the , Selwyn , yester day. Mr. William Simpson, of Rocking ham, was In the- city yesterday, stop ping at the Selwyn. :, i : VMr. W.r f D. Cowles ; returned yes terday .'from Wllkesboro,; where he went , to see his father, Mr." Oalvln J. Cowles, who has been quite 111. Mr. Cowles was slightly ; Improved when Mt, W. D.i Cowles left him. v.i Mr, W, 9. ' Lee, Hi Jr. ; spent, yester day In South Carolina 6n business connected with4 the Southern Power Company; 'r, ;ft..''Av;v,vi;;.fe1l:-:..v Mr.- Clyda Alexander has returned to Davidson College after ; spending several days In Providence " township wlth.toie'parehta':y;;v.;.i;:- r.-. r-'- 'y'' - Mr.'. C. M, Patterson is spending several days: In , Greensboro ; on busi ness. y J -fh'r . i-. ; Mr. Jake F. Newell Is spending the week in Philadelphia on legal busi ness. f -V "., f.fi;, . . . Mr. J. D. Albright har rethrned from .Lexington ; ? and Thomasvllle, where he, spent several days a ,busi-Bsa,-''.';1,,' ":; -''v.-7'i' Major R. E.' Davidson, . former resident of Charlotte, : but now mak ing his headquarters In Atlanta, Ga., is spending a tew -days In the city with, friends." , -Mr. D.lE Llttlejobn,' of tho local staff 6f The Evening Chronicle, spent yesterday In;- Greensboro,' In, attend ance upon v the Immigration cases which are on trial - there. Rev. -William' Blacks of Davidson, evar gellst for Mecklenburg Presby tery, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. J, M. Berk, of Monroe, spent yesterday In the city, staying at the Central. Mr. t H. Aiken, of Ashevllle. a well-known hotel man of the Sapphire Country, spent yesterday In tha city. He was a guest at the Selwyn. Mr. J. B. Ivey returned to the city yesterday aftOT spendmg a fortnight In New York In the interest of his firm, J. F. Ivey ft Co. Among the visitors In the city yes terday were Messrs. E. W. Myers, and W. J. Blackburn, and W. G. Mebane, of Concord. Mr. H. W. Moore, of Concord, was in the city yesterday. Among the out-of-town people here yesterday were Messrs. George E. Woodruff,- F. C. Dixon, and Charles is. Mccrary, of Lexington, who were guest at the. Buford. . Mr. George H. Carter, of Sanford, was registered at the Central yester day. Mr. T. F, Richardson, of Rocking ham, spent yesterday in the city, stay ing at the Buford.. Among tho out-of-town people here yesterday was Mr. A. C. Bass, Of Maxton. Mr. Thomas M. Webb, of Raleigh, spent yesterday In the city, being a guest at the Selwyn. Mr. James Haywood Hull, of New York, Is spending a few days in the city, being a guest at the Selwyn'. Mr. L. M. Hull, of Shelby, was a guestjn the city last night Mr.'C W. Petty, of Greensboro was registered among the visitors at the Central last night. Mr. D. W. Newell, of Wtnston Salenv was a guest In the city last night. Dr. Charles W. Mosely, of North Wilkesboro, spent last night In the city stopping at the Central. Mr. D. R. Parker, of High Point was registered among the guests at the Central last night Mr. R. E. Wllklns, of Klnston, was a visitor In the city yestaerday, stop ping at the Hotel Selwyn. Mr. Archibald Nichols, of Ashevllle, was a guest in the city yesterday. Mr. John F. Love, of Gaetonla, was registered among the guests at the Hotel Selwyn yesterday. Mr. A. c. Miner, one of the leading business men of 6helby, spent yes terday In the city at the Selwyn. Mr. E. R. Cannon, of Mount Holly, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Dr. W. GUI Wylle. president of the Southern Power Company, Is spend ing several days In Chester, S. C, with relatives. AOTJGB All persons selling milk to their neighbors In the city limits from one or two cows will communicate with Dr. Fisher, inspector, so that arrange ments can be made for tuberculin testing same,- which will be ddne free of charge. All persons having more than two cows within the city limits must ar range to dispose of all over two at once, according to city ordinance. A. FISHER, Inspector. Hats For ,;;.. ;- ' y ;. ".' -Coid'Acnts 20 end Prices tvia Co., Engravers tV, 2ltlzntai G2e , AFTER THE DRIVING CLUB, j Recorder F." Bi. Shannonhonsa Begins , la Earnest the investigation 01 ue Organization Two City, Employes Members? ' . Recorder F. M. -Shannonhouse yes terday morning began In earnest tho investigation ot the-rules and methods of the Park Driving Club and its members. The Investigation Is be hind closed ; doors and UUla "can be learned. It Is probable that it will be two or three, days or possibly a week before the recorder decides up on the course he will pursue with re gard to the organization, which has been styled by a number of, prohi bitlonlst in: the city rThe . Park Drinking Club." ,: - ,::J , During ; the Investigation 'yesterday the following named members were examined by the recorder: CoL R. Colt, Messrs. Douglass Bradsbaw, Pat Oglesby, J. A. Blvby, J. H. Emery and others. ,; '.--' " It was stated yesterday afternoon that one or more witnesses had told the recorder that Police -Patrolman Cliff Bell and Keeper of the Crema tory N. A. Bernhardt were . members of the club and often frequented the place. If the club is prosecuted as a blind tiger the positions of the .two rltv amDlovea named may ' be en dangered. On the other hand,. It-the club Is not prosecuted, or if it is pros ecuted and Is not convicted, the stand ing of the men as officers will not be affected. The town Is expectantly awaiting developments. Our work Is the Model ot Perfection, and our estab lishment is modern in every respect A trial bundle proves the first assertion, a visit to our plant the . second. MODEL LAUNDRY CO, "Correct Laundering." West Fifth St. At Cbarch. 'Phone HO. ZZHZ "GET IT AT HAWLET,8.,, Azurea Extract In original bulk packages or In AZUREA SACHET AZTJERA TOILET WATER AZUREA SOAP AZUREA FACE POWDER In all tints. Hawley's Pharmacy Phone It. Tryoo and 6th Sta ' In selecting your Spring Derby, It Is economy to buy-the best 80 if you buy a .. wax ' HA? you know you haye bought tho best hat made In America, and the price asked Is nd more than you : usually pay for hats that are not as good. . Different shapes for dlfftreat-ages and, sises of men, ' .' ";. ' $3.50 and $5.00 ;'; ". Sola Agents Knox Hats. : ; Goods sent on' approval ws pay re turn- expreas charges. If " "N The Model Is Modern ' j-. i . ; . ; . Knox Uats.nJ.'.SW Scie of Muslin Skirts .... .- lf ' ( 11 "u. .' .-V,- .1. ." , and Cpivns at 90c Each THURSDAY t (;'. " a- These are two big bargain, bought some, timer ago to be so. a special for ouf customers. We secured these Skirts and Gowns at a price much ess than the 'coat ot the materials at the present time. The Gowns , are made ot a v.ty nice quality soft Muslin, " daintily trimmed in pretty laces and era broideries; all nice and fresh. Val ues In the lot up -to -11.60 or more. . : SKIRTS The Skirts are made from heavier Muslin, with 'wide embroidery and lace nounc,lngs a 1 Another is v made from splendid Muslin ; tucked and hemstitched and made rood and full. Most of theio Skirts wtfuld be cheap at 11.60 each. 5o. CORSET COVERS. To give additional interest to this sale on Thursday, we will offer a big lot of new Corset Covers that are regularly worth 6Dc. each, for 35c each. , . ) READY-MADE SKIRTS We have just received another large lot ot new Ready-Made Skirts In the latest spring styles. Again we emphasize the character of the workmanship, cut and finish of these skirts. - - We bought them from one of. the leading ladles' tailoring houe and guarantee tnem ; correct in every de tail and at prices below tegular values. ' . 95.98 SPECIAL As a leader we are offering an ex tra big value in regular $7.50 Skirts at . . . . . . $5.98 each. These are in the latest and moat up-to-date styles In Chiffon Panamas, Blue, Black and Grays; Batistes, In Blue, Black and Dark Gray; also Fancy Mixed Fabrics In Gray, Brown and Tan effects, all most carefully tailored and the price Is only about the cost of the material. 13 W. TRADE ST. It's one of the big blessin's that we don't have to live but one day at. a time. One day's just as good as another; it's what you do in the day 'at counts. One day's just as good as another; it's what you do in the day 'at counts. "HULDAH." The day you begin a growing library in your home by having us send you a few units of the Globe-"Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase will be one of the days that "count." All sizes, all finishes carried in stock. Drop in and see them, or write for catalogue. Stone & Co. Exclusive "Agents. 'Charlotte, N. O. H0LU9TCR'9 ' Rcc5c:-t:LiTc3:J3ge!$ , a IV MclM tr lut sata, ' . Bitot ttieM HaattHsMl Mmi vkw, ' A sfteelflfl fur OoMtlpatloa, Inrtlfwrtloa, Urn and liWoer weoblae. Hmple, avuemj. Imtnirs ill. Had Bmta. Wnprl PwT1,Ji?dr n Baokacha, If BiAr sfcwnuila Tal. Ub i form. eonta a boa 0iulne made tot BcuMTsa Dsoo Connnr. Madiaoa, Wla COLfiEN NUOCCTS FOX SALLOW fEOPLI Fine Una Salmon, Imported j Sardines, Olive Oili Durkea's Salad Drekslng, Ap - rleots,. J Pfschesi ..L ' ... . Corn." 'llhone 744. I VI Y Barringer IfA'f:: I, ' " ' J". ' . Almost iEvcry Hour ',; ; ' NEW SILKS NEW WOOLENS NEW NETS - .'4 WERE THE We want you to see these for yourself, if out of town write -: to-day for samples. t ' ";:'C-:,,W'' '' '' . -': if , t An unusual opportunity to see a collection of the latest fabrics that "Dame Fashion" has produced. . NEW A swell collection of 19-inch Fancy Taffetas, all new patterns that are splendid for the now Very popular "Jumper suits;" 68c. value. Price &80. yard. 27-lnch "Shadow" Stripe Taffetas, shadings of Blue, Brown, Green and Gray; very swell for spring suits, e. yard. 27-lnch broken Plaid Taffetas; these In Black and White only. Price 8c. yard. New yard-wide Black and White and White and White and Black Plaid Taffeta. Price $1.25 yard. 75c Cream Brilliantine reduced to 50 Cents BO-lnch Cream Brilliantine, fine lustre, smooth weave; formerly sold at 7 Sc. Price now 50c yard. $1.25 Value Black Voiles at 98c 91.2S value hard twisted, close mesh, 42-inch fine Black French Voiles; nothing more popular for a stylish spring skirt. Price 8c. BELK BR0T 'ftt "there's a Reason Why" our name on a laundry list means perfection In launder ing. ' It lies In our modern, per fect plant, our force of expert, careful employes, our rigid rules of Inspection and system of working. They all help to make ours "Charlotte's quality laundry." Charlotte Steam Laundry 219 forth Tryon Street Dyers, Cleaner, Q100,QOO City of Concord, N. C. Municipal Improvement Bonds. n T..mmAmv Marrh lfth. 1907. St .i.iu n m the scents of said city will receive seated bids at the mayor s omcs ior me purun kd. MTTvnnr.b THOUSAND DOU LARS municipal Improvement bonds, running for ao years, with interest at Ave per cent, per nnuin, pyuiv ...iiv interest nayablo In Concord, N. C or New Tork City, at tho option ft tne noiaers. yrui lnt4Ltiv unnn acceptance of this bid by the agents, the success fu bidder will be required to fur nUh a certified check In a sum equal ?o oae (1) Pr cent, of the amount bid nayabie 10 m r -" rl.K-- h he will falthfltlly carry out the terms iof hli ibjd. Tho nonas win um m... office of tho city treasurer of Con r " - . mt.A Interest. If any. will be chargsd at time of dellvory. "The right to reject any r Ni uiu. U wrossly reserred j H. I. WOODrtOUSB. ., ' ' v CHA8. a WAOONBR, ; ' Agents. I T. HARTSELL, Attorney. ' TUB CnOWCLL BJflTORXUM CO, t " For the Treatment et 'Whiskey, Morphine and .Korroas , . Duestaea, . v ' 1 tipedal apartments and nurses for lady patlenta All forma ot electricity for Ires ting nerroes , diseases. Tho stockholders all being physlolans, constitute a eotimnting nosra. 4' wnrm Fon samtt.es of oun new silks, woolens and m.t3 MOST IMPORTANT OF YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. SILKS $1.00 Black Chiffon Panama at 85c SO-Inch All-Wool Black Chiffon Panama, 11.00 value. Special at 85c yard. Bargains in Cream Woolens at 25c 9to. double-width more than halt Wool Cream Casslmare. Price 23c Double-width Cream Brilliantine, would cost more to-day to buy them. ,Our special price 25c. : New 44-inch figured Nets 38c to $1.50 Nothing more popular to-day for "dressy wear" than Nets. These are brand new and there's a variety of patterns. 44-inch Plain and Dotted White Net, S8c and 68c. 44-tnch Dotted and Figured, both Cream and White Nets. Price 75c. Finer qualities of 4 4 -inch Cream and White Nets, both figures and dots. Price 98c. to 91.50 a yard. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Efird's Department Store1 The Kes Hive Yesterday was a good day and JJress uoods, and we nave some of the same at tractions for to-day. 19-inch Fancy Shirt Waist, in all colors; a regular 50- v a at ceni vaiue. opuciui, as veuws a, vara. . 36-inch White China Silk, J W ST. I IB Ci-eam White, Black and Yard-wiae niacK uuaranteed Taneta biiK Regular one dollar quality, virn 7fi f!flTltjl V V IUV W WMWf 36-mch lancy Bilks m all Shirt Waist Suits, etc., 38-inch now flrav Dress Goods in all the Drettv new 1 w Spring patterns; regular 52-inch Cream Brilliantine, fully; regular 75-cent quality, 50 Cents a yard, 50-inch Nunsveiling in Black, Cream and all colors; Special, 50 Cents a yard. Efird's Draarimiili IllJilV Corner- fiastvUTradi HERS with our new Spring Silks ; .a fine, soft quality, 29 Cents a V all colors, 50 Cents a yard. : all pure Silk, with the i colors tor blurt Waists, o -V 75c: ou-cent quality, 39 cents. good lustre, washes beauti- j i and 7 Co!!:n:' ' Sir V TV I