W.W.LWM DM I, -3 P . f ( 4 fi- Hi. .ill) DEATH KECOItD. J. W. Wagner, Formerly of North Carolina. -f. j , lul to Tho Observer., fHstesvllle,-' March l.i-Mr. W. H. lumbal! received a message tatlng hat his brother-in-law, Mr. J. W. .Wagner, died yfiterViy " morning , M home In Newtrwll, Kan. Mr. Wasrner, who Is native of North Carolina, had hern In bad health lor some time and recently "Pent several weeks In Iredell and Catawba coun ticg with friend and relatives hop ing that the change would be bene ficial., Hhi condition did not Improve una when he left for hie ' Western home about ten, days ago ha wa till very feeble. He Is probably about 60 years old. -His many friends and ac quaintance! In. this section wtll greatly regrt hearing of his death. "Hugh Reynolds Coulee, of Statcs- :'.;;,.;;.:; ; ; . ., ville. Special to Tbe Observer. fitateeville, March 1. A sad death occurred Wednesday night at 10:40 o'clock when the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Oowles, Hugh Reynolds Cowles, passed Into the ' great beyond. The little boy was 2 years and five months old and was taken sick a week,, ago to-day. Meningitis developed and his con dition rapidly grew critical. The child was the first born of his pa rents and the first grand child id the family. , sirs. E. P. Ladshaw, of Spartanburg. Special to The Observer. Spartanburg. S. C. March 1. Mrs. Elizabeth P. Lsdshaw, aged 8 4 years, died at the residence of hpr son, George A. Ladshaw, in this city, Thursday morning after an Illness of a few weeks. Mrs. Ladshaw was born In London, Eng., and came to thlH country with her parents In 1832, set tling at Lockpost, N. Y. Khe was educated at Mrs. Wiillard's Seminary at Troy, N. Y. The funeral services will be held at Pacolet March' 1, where she nulded before moving to tlh city. 6h is survived by live children. George A. Ladshaw, T. D. Ladshaw, Charles S. Ladshaw, D. T. Ladshaw and Mrs. William Choice, all of Spartanburg. Mr. A. G. Hearten, of Ptttoboro. Special to The Observer. Plttsboro, March 1. Mr. Aaron O. Headen died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Bynum, to-day after a short Illness. Mr. Headen was the oldest cltUen In the town, being In his 85th year. He lived most of his life In Plttsboro, and was al ways one of the best citizens. Only ivn month no his son-in-law, Mr. J. Bynum, died, with wnom ne nau been In the mercantile business in Pituboro for over thirty years. It was only a short while ago that Mr Headen withdrew from the nrm of Bynum & Haden. and since that time he has lived In retirement. He is survived by a wife and one on, Dr. W. E. Headen, of Morehead, and two (lauRhtcrs, Mrs. R. L. Stroud, of Chapol Hill, and Mrs. A J. Iiynum, of Plttsboro. Mr. C. L. Thompson, of Salisbury. Special to The Observer. SallKbury. March 1 The death of a model young man, Claud.; L. Thompson, yesterday at 5 o'clock, adds a sorrow to tho city and another, the second within a year, to the fami of Mr. end Mrs. F. M. Thompson. Mr. Thompson had until a few weeks ago. be.-n In active life as a pharmacist but was forced from It about the first of February. Since taking t his bed. he has grown worse rapidly and to-day gave unmistakable evidence that he could not live through the day. His entire family was with him whn he died. Mr. Thompson was 32 years old and was born In Salisbury. He chose pharmacy as his profession and prac ticed It In GaatonlH, and Thomasvllle. Ill health drove him to tho West ana he Improved there Ho returned here last fail and spent the remainder of his days with his people Mr. Thompson leaws a wife, sever al brothers and a sinter. He married Miss Johnsle Sloop, of Mooresvllle, a splendid young woman who Is left a widow after several years of married happiness. HIGH POINT rOSTOFFICK SITK. Transfer of Property Will Ik- Made Shortly Much Intcri-xt iu Iljws lers Case News Voir of Interest, flpc lal to Ths Obsrrvw. High Point. March 1 Tho trans fer of the property recently purchas ed by the It'ivernmriit for :i podtoffice site here will be ntiub' In a duy or so. Hlfh Point people havo practically contributed $5,000 which wss not neugh to buy a aultablu location here and the cltlsens who wanted tho fiostofTice on the south side put up the rest, somo of the property owners giving as high as 1 7 So The Commercial National Dank, of this place, Iuh been designated a fiu. Ctositury of the Houtliurn Railway. me order gnen the agents and 0 notified Much Inltrert Bywathers rasi Culpepper, tnan travel' .'il Jolnt I'ants : In ftct to-day and employes have been Is felt here In the belnK tried In i. Tim young for the High mi'.iiiy. of this city. end was tll kiioNvii in this com munity Uoweer, It In the gincral eplniiin thai ho Mcserve.s all that Is uiiilmibt'-diy (1'unnx to Mm In treat ing a woman u h' did. Mr. E. II. Ktockard, of WlnsU-n. Will addr-'Ks 'In- youtiK people of this city in tli' Frl nls church H.iturday right. Mr Sto kard In Isti- presldi-nl of the Christian Kndr-avor Society, and makes an interesting; talk on this SUbv t. L)r. J T Hurrus, "nn of High Point's h'inoreil cltisens U able to b out ngaln after a ten d:iys' nines with la grippe- Dr. ,!. V. Ulrhardson, of tbU c'ty. Jiss (one to Stanly connty, where on Rext Sunday he preaches a dedlestory ermn at one of the new Rapt 1st churches in that county. Warrants Kworn Out In an Old Kfe- lllowlng Charge, tpeclal to The (Hmervcr. Spartanburg. 8 C March 1 Warrants hav been sworn out here against Tom Nolan and Charles How ard, charging them with being im plicated In robbing the safe and vault f the Knoree Manufacturing Com pany, November J. 102. The war rants were sworn out st Instigation of postofflce Inspector Gregory. The ' prisoners are now In Msrlon, 8. C, where they are being hold awaiting , arrival of papers. The men a few ' days ago were released from Richland Jail. -.when they were srrsled on charge of robbery In Marlon. They were acquitted of the Msrlon charge. rrrs4dcnt JfmrH nates postmaster for .... Alabama City, Ala. Washington, March i, The Pres ident to-day stent to the Kenate the nomination af : 3. I. Franklin, Ala bama City, Ala, postmaster. Willie watted ens Wienie wheesed, bite Wintry winds whla4 welraly. Vlllle wriggled while Wlnole Wlwwsoe wreKhedlr. Wisdom thlepers, winter rtr.e ; work wbwvi .- W brf ore 'Wf -rii, " m Renters Litlvs Cousfc t yrttfi." nfhlPC el SO good. 0uU If t,4.eyS D',ri..ey. ,.., ,, KMir.Ns to chaklott: Mlii Llscle McCumb Olves T'p ISr Posh Ion in fctaK-Hv llle MK Jial Ix-avcs Charlotte for btatcuvlllo. ,, Special to The Observer. StatesvlUe, March 1. Miss He mans Hill, who went to Charlotte about two months ago to take a'po slUon at bookkeeper and stenogra pher for the Ray printing Company, has returned to StatesvlUe : and re sumed hor former and, similar posi tion with Brady's Printing; Homo. Miss Hill's associates ' and acquaint ances regretted her going away and all of them are pleased to welcome her home again. ;.;. 'V1-, MIhs" Lizzie McCombs, who has for the past few years been the efficient stenographer in the office of the J. K. Morrison ft Sons' Co., has given up her position with this firm and will leave to-day or to-morrow for her home In Charlotte. : Miss Mc Combs is an excellent young lady and a capable stenographer and her many StatesvlUe friends greatly regret her going away. THE WEATHER. Washington, March 1. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Virginia, rain and warmer Saturday; Sunday fair, colder: fresh southeast to south winds shifting to northwest North Carolina, rain and warmer Saturday; Sunday fair, colder; fresh east to southeast winds shifting to west South Carolina, rain Saturday: Sunday fair, colder; fresh southeast to south winds, shifting to west. OorRla, fair, colder In west, rain In east portion Saturday; Sunday, fair, colder In east portion; fresh south to w"t winds. Ka stem Florida, showers Saturday, roMer In northwest portion; Sunday fair, colder In north and central portions; fresh south winds becoming variable. Western Florida and Alabama, fair, colder flaturdav; Sunday fair, fresh west to north winds, becoming variable. Arknnnas, fair Saturday and Sunday. TVnnse. fair In west, clearing In east portion Saturday, colder in central and east portions; ' Sunday fair, warmer In west portion. West Virginia, rain and colder Satur day: Sunday fair: fresh to brisk south west to northwest winds. Mississippi, fair colder Saturday; Sun day fair, wanner; light to fresh north west winds becoming variable. Louisiana, fair Saturday, colder In east portion; Sunday fair, warmer, llaht to fresh north winds becoming variable. Eastern Texas, fair Saturday and Sun day; variable winds. Western Texas and New. Mexico, fair Saturday and Sunday. LOCAL OFFICE U. 8. WEATHER BUREAU. m.r4r., Utrfh 1 RunrlHA A:bz m.. m. iBunset 6:1 p. m. TRMPKHATPRE (In decrees). Hlshest temperature 44 lowest temperature 89 Mean temperature 42 1 tendency for the day Accumulated deficiency for month.. t Accumulated excess for the year.. 147 PRECIPITATION (In Inches). Totsl for 24 hours ending; 8 p. m... .00 Total for the month M Accumulated, deficiency for month.. .15 Total for the year 8. si Accumulated deficiency for year ... 4.97 Prevailing wind direction N. E. W. J. BENNETT. Observer. "ON THE SQUARE." It's time to get your Garden Seed. We have a big line BUIST'S None better on the market Every package guaranteed ab solutely fresh. NURSES' REGISTER i ON THE SQUARE WK NEVER CLOSE.' Thane 7. Druggists. Cotton Mill For Sale Wo will sell (subject to previous sale, etc.) one Cotton Mill, well lo cated, machinery In good condition; about three thousand spindles, making yarn. Price 132.500.00, half cash, balance easy payments, owner's health has failed. Wi: WILL MTT: Citizens' Hank, Oastonla, lit 2-3. Cora Cotton Mill, 110. Clara Mfg Co, 115. I,owcll Cotton Mill. IsR. Trenton Cotton Mill. 180. Arlington Cotton Mill. Orny MfK. Co Crowder's Mm. Mills. Gaston Mfg Co. Flint MfK Co Gaffney Mfg ," WE WILL KELTi Oxerk Mill. Monarch Mills. i Imperial Yarn Mills, ihtanloy Creek. llollnnd MfK Co. King s Mtn. Mfg. Co 175 Arcade Cotton Mills. If you want lo buy or sell eoCion mill stork, write us. We make no churge unless we effect sale or purchase at prlco agreed upon. MMTIIKKN SECriUTIEN TIll'OT COMPANY, J. A. ;irnn, Pirn, C. M. Glenn, Treaa Gastonta, V C. ORDAN'S TAKE STOCK IN New Series Charlotte Building RATTKUAY, FEimrAHY S, IMT The Association of the people plication for loans is Brown, Sec. ." J. II. MwlMWWas --,s W Good to Eat That' why everyone Li.cs Jim DAINTY DESSERT ; (Approved by Fnrs Food Commissioners.) Easily Prepared. Blmpl add ; boiling water and let coot . 'J f Flavor$: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. . lOo. per package, enough for large family, at all grocer. Klnstrated Recipe Book Highest award at all Impositions, ll4suMl9sSr. l Tat Comet rare feed Ca. U ley. (LI. VUUoor booth at JintowtiKxpoitlo Davis Hair, Tonlo'VlU. not t hair on a bald head, bat '. WILL grow top hair falling out and cure dandruff. Ask my customers, they know. Price 60 cents. Dilworth Dru& Store, Thone 147. B. 8. DAVIS. Special Notices MAGIC HHADACHE POWDERS WILL cure all forms of headaches. Guaran teed to give Instant relief. JAB. P. 8TOWE A CO., Druggists. Thone 179. FOR RENT MARCH 1st, MODERN -room house 3 North Myers St. Elegant modern 8-room house 9 East Sth St. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON BRO. A GOOD CAKE MAKER WILL NOT take any vanilla that Is offered, but demands Blue Ribbon, which is of known quality and purity. WK HAVE NOW IN STOCK A FINE variety of canned goods. Asparagus, canned Corn, Succotash, Lima Beans. Bwet J'ens and some of the finest table peaches, Apricots and Sliced Pine apple packed; also a nice line of canned Beets, 10 and 15c. per can, and Van Camp's canned Hominy. Plenty of Black Walnuts. JNO. W. SMITH. 818 8. College fit. 'Phones 1222 and 2321. LOBSTERS IF YOU HAVE NEVER tried Ferndell canned Lobsters you should do so; they are select pieces, rich, red and lulcy. Not the pale pink ones without flavor. Large cans 60c.. medium JKo., small 25c. For sale only by MII,LF.R-VAN NESS CO., 23 N. Tryon. 'Phones 68 and 118. KEYSTONE BRAND CREAMERY Butter fresh from the dairy 35c. Parks dale brand 3Cc. Fresh Vanilla Wafers fresh from the bakery the 20c. kind, for 12Hc Fresh Celery Sc. BRIDGERS & CO.. 208 West Trade street. REALLY PURE CANDY HA8 A DEFI nite food value. It supplies the body with a necessary amount of sac charine matter, and Is exceed ingly nutritious. Nunnally's is tho top notch of candv perfection. WOOD ALL 4 SHEPPARD, agents for Char lotte. WK HAVE OPENED OUR JUNK yard and store room on E. Stonewnll street, next to Black's stable. We will buy and pay you highest market prices for old nnd new rugs, old burlap bags. Iron rubber ami metal of all kinds. If have anything to offer, 'phone. or call on us. We assure you we will weigh your lunk correctly vou writ tint and you win get run value ror wnat you have. PIEDMONT JUNK CO., N Paul, Mgr. 'Phone 944. WHY NOT EAT THE BEST BREAD when the finest that can pnaslbly be made Is placed fresh every day within your roach. Bretsch Washington bread has pleased hundreds. Why not please vr.uT Once used always usd. Very fine Florida Tomatoes to-day. Fresh Neufchotel and Philadelphia Cream Cheese. L. L BARRATT, 80s North Tryon. FOR SALE: DWELLINGS SOUTH OF city and In Dilworth. Jl.HOD to $3,000, now In Building A I,oan, which can be assumed, and balance puld In cash. These are attractive with easy terms, and If you're anybody, and want to buy, now's your time. Now do about. E. L KEESLER. 26 S. Tryon St. Phone 344. FOR SALE ONE HANDSOME BROWN Standard bred mare, ieven years old; baa tbe style, quality and speed which makes her a first-class roadster. Also ono nice double team. W. O. ROS8 CO , 200 and 211 Wert 4th street OLIVER TYPEWRITERS AT RE duced prices. We have a few new Oliver typewriters left on hand that we ure offering at 170 00 each for spot cash. If you want a barge. In this Is your op portunity. J. E. CRAYTON at CO. HIGHEST AND MOST COMPLETE stock of Cigars and CI curettes in the city tlooo pneea to box customers. OEM RESTAURANT CO. F. D. 2L In Paw Greek Township, about 9 miles east of Char lotte. Is a fine farm; about ISO acres, with new S-room dwelling, good sta ble, three tenement houses, cotton house, poultry houses and yarda You can own It at $45.00 "per" Another of about 200 acres. In Steele Creek, with considerable tim ber and two small tenement houses, at I2.Y00 per. Eight miles south of city. Detailed Information viva vooe. P. D. ALEXANDER Ml S. Tryon. Thonee 104 or (4 IV & Loan Association and for the people. Don't delay ap now being filed. , . and Trcas. Van Ness, Pres. ,' wf .if. veg I .'"'"The co:::.:frxiAL riATio;.'! Deposits $1,173,984.07. , ' . Loans $1,638,35$.&8 Asseti $2,588,283.41 ' ' " ' . . ; " " y ' INTEREST PER CENT -'"'iO t.':,Jv'i;'I ,m''' h:.-' ' -.'y ' '.'.' ''.'.! ; '" i i' ' " vV' And Neve Varies la Times of Stringency. 1 ,.:';"'';i r ';''' "'''.-.Kiii'.r-U. s': :'-, ,-','': : i-'.f' ,Tf i'!'''" 'i'.'X- ... v . ; . This Is aa assurance seldom given to bank customers. v ' , It. A. DUNN, ; W. EL ,!' tlAih capital ..ana Real Estate For Sale Om plec of bustnesa property, In 500 feet of square fronting ' about 175 feet on prominent ftreeC Can be bought, if taken" in next few days, for ". $200.00 per from, foot. j. E. Murphy & Go. Thone $42. St K. Tryon Street. HOMES HOPS WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING HOMES FOR BALE: Tenth Avenue, 8 rooms, lot l?xl0 .. . . .. . . .. .. .. ..$7,250 North Church Street, 8-room cottage, large lot .. .. .. .,$$,500 East gerenth Street, close in, splendid new 8-room home. .$6,500 North Caldwell Street, cottage near car line, lot if 1-2x118. .$$,160 A choice residence on East Avenue; price and other informa tion at office. . -A splendid South Tryon Street residence, hot water heat, . hardwood finish. See us for particular. This Is a bargain, THE CHARLOTTE REALTY CO. Office If K. Trade SC. FOR SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS We are offering for immediate sale, B. Church street, between Second and Third streets, an elegant lot 71 feet by 184 feet On this lot there Is two l-room houses which hare a rental of $28.60 per month. If Charlotte continues to grow as It has in the past five years this property will be business property and worth more than double the above price. For further particulars, see or 'phone t Brown Phone 535. If 1 DO IT, in DONE RIGHT This page Is too small to gtre all the reasons why you should have us de your Painting and Decorating. BUT HERB ARE A FEW: If we do It, irs done right. Variety of designs And colorings. Quality the best Workmanship has euf personal supervision. We wtll not furnish any material or de any labor unless we can do so to your entire satisfaction. We guarantee all our work. SHORT & SHORT The Expert Decorators SBLWYN HOTEL Wood Fibre Will Master, UM CHoch" The Builder's Friend. Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; water does not make it fall off ; hard as stone. Write for booklet Manu factured by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write for Booklet. The privilege- ct getting into .ths present series will soon pass. Are you still expecting to "do something" some day? Let me tell' you. YOU ARB 8IMPLT.BtmNlNO DAYLIGHT. -Some dty" wtll never come,' " NOW, TO-DAY. Is ths time to act THE! MU TUAL BUlLtiINO A LOAN Is the very best safe Investment of my acquslntance. Just at good for an Investor as a borrower. Tell me, MR. FINANCIER, whero else can you buy securities, safe and sound, open and abovt board and NON-TAXABLE, so far as you are concerned, that will pay NET $ 1- per eentf ? Got a few more) partly matured shares, but I'm going to close the lest one on night of I Ith instant E L. KffiSLERy Treasurer. , v Phone 344. UaWORTM riORAl 6ABDCNS fCt fAKOf flCm$ v In dealing with our eustomers-Mn filling orders by mall or fll. rect our motto l "rat Tosrself la .Ills Finds. '.,.'; Send us your order and we will eierctee ths same card as wars . yoa hers in person to seisoc Ws put ourssives In rour i ' pact to reoelveThe Choicest ftsrvtco. ths Det Prleea. Just word, gbout our Fenry Cmalons. Rotes, Ylolets. Yal 7 'Hes, UH Pis., Thyre the nest evjrr .' ;t'ri.V'"-Vv:f , ' P. O. Doi 13T. IJcll 'lliones, tot Dtulnca. S$l Residence, Greater" ; ; CA,r;:. c? cti:.nont HOW, f " A.' O. BRENIZER, .rrontg In . th orolbuui. 1 41 (t,V Fbone $77. , Co. SOS N. Tryon St. CnARLOTTH, If. G. ,25 South Tryon Ttreet ;,? . , :,-yrry;-.y plaeo sud give what we would eg Selsctls t of Flowws, tbs. Be. :- - il i si... $ vacant lots on I'ast avenue, good locations. $ vacant lota on Elizabeth ave nuo, - good ' locations. i S-room cottage on torth Jirevard street. 7-room residence on North CaKlwoli street. , One of the finest renldnnces in Ullworth. . n All of these are excellent values. Prices and terms at our office. mh m ESTATE, LOAN AND TRUST C0"?A!i' Capital $75,000. w. s. Alexander; ' President.' IL A. DUNN,. ;Vloo Pres. Tta-r.!arch2nts & fcrs Ilatel J. ; CIlARIAyrrE, NORTII CAROLINA. , . "' Capital $200,000.00. : Surplos m ,' ( .. . . '.'... . , $100,000.90; XV. H. BELK ' A," hC.'i':" in, V. . bnffTVfl ' f '. C B. BRYANT , ' W. P. DO WD I , m. .harry . ... V1 ,,'ia P. HEATH ' V " K ... VINTON LIDDELXi . ' ; p .OPFICER'S:' ; " GEO. E. WILSON,' President. " , JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. ' ' .r-;v W.' O. WILKINSON.' Cashier. ...... v v " Aooonnts of Corporations, Firms and Individuals Invited. ' JT. H. LTTTLE, President. ' C. M. PATTERSON, Vice President ,, r r L. R. HAGOOD, Cashier. , Gharlotte Trust Gonip'y Fifteen Months In Business Resources Over.,.. '.-iv,..;. $500,000.00 . DIREOTORSt . .. - ; . W. n. BELK. , " , Vt. O. NISBET ' 3. M. DAVI8 O. M. PATTERSON J ! O. P. nEATH , , JT. F. ROBERTSON i IL G. LINK . . . i VI. A. WATSON W. M. LONG 3. W. ZIMMERMAN 3. IL LITTLE ''.;, a ; , j n '. BTRONtf, CONSERVATTVTD, 6AFB.. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK r ' CHARLOTTE, K. C HENRY M. McADEN, GEO. W. BRYAN, President Vice President Cashier. Capital $$00,000.00 Surplus and Profits.. r $221,008.23 DIRECTORS: ,- P. D. ALEXANDER GW. BRYAN J. O. BURROUGHS FRANK GELREATH JT. 8. MYERS .Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy and accommo dation' extended consistent with safe banking. .' H. M. VI7TOR, Cashier. The Charlotte National Bank CTARLOTTE, N. C Resources $1,270,000.00 OPFICERSr B, D. HEATH, President JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. P. H. JONES,. Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. D. HEATH It N. PHARR R. H. JORDAN JNO. M. SCOTT VINTON LIDDELL C VALAER CHAS. F. WADSWORTH - Aooonnts of corporations, firms and Individuals Invited. Your Idle Woney Should be working for you., Deposit It in this bank and It will earn something for you. If yon should need It yon can get It at any time. WE PAY 4 PER CENT. AND COMPOUND THE INTEREST QUARTERLY. Southern Loan & Savings Bank , p. M. BROWN, President R. A. DUNN, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Between Davidson and Cornelius - OiV SOUTHERN RAILWAY : It ta property worthy of your consideration ; .'.'-.fV; H "''"" About 100 acres heavily timbered. Has about one mile railroad ; Ths Cornelius ond of It already selllnf as buildinc lota. .. , ... ; .. ,A to4 Investmsnt for'iome mImv ix-'rxiv, ! Kx''i .' F. e. 21BBOTT. & tsf trii J T-TerytUliig - ' 4.1 f Surplus $100,000. r -.' a. morris Mcdonald, , Scov and Treaa. . 4 3r H. BfoADEN ' W, G. MCLAUGHLIN i' DE. R11YNE 1- :, NO. B. RO88 V'K I , ' ' fl. ' M. - ROBINSON " - " . a 3. IL WEARN -' ' , ' ' ' . CEO. E. WILSON - H. M. VICTOR, HENRY M. McADEN P. B. MDOWELL W. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE . CHAS. A. WILLIAMS W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. VIos President ' We regard ths Interests " of our customers as being Identical with our own. On this basis accounts are solicited. ' OFFICERS: ' V . . GEORGE tTTEPIIENS Pres. W. & LEE, ILV Vice Pres. . T. B. FRANKLIN, Vice Pret "' W. H." WOOD, Treasurer. ' J. E.' DAVIS, Asst. Treas. ' ' offlced In he Trust BnOdlng. . , front . & QOMP21NY. la Real Estata, 11 .,' I., .

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