DAI 177 0 ,uvi:u, .ir.m:n i, mi. ILci:.! c;;d Personal Rosa Btack, of Monroe, spent youterday la Charlotte, stopping at the Buford, . : S t, , :;;.. - ; Mm. Dr. Martin D. Hardin, Mrs. A4UU. 0. Stevenson and Mis Lettla Stevenson will be at home to callers ' la family this afternoon after half ' past shrsa. ,. Miss Oussle Klrkpatrlck,' of Sharon, , and Mr. George Oldham, of Hunters ' villa, spent yesterday In the city as r tha f uwts of Mr. and Mrs. '. X. , J. ' Matthews, at the Buford. , .-.,' , ' Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. 'Wilkes. . avtia went to Lincolnton to attend the W funeral ef Mrs, S.. C. Burton, are at , na heme of Mr. and Mrs, Charles M. '' craon, an South Tryon street, where they will remain several days before returning to Norfolk, " ' , , ' . Mias Margaret Holland, who' has : been stenographer for Mr. O. A. Rob- ' , bins, -will return to her home at Fall . River, Mass., whara she has accepted ty a ; position. ::.?v r -f- i.U isaeswstsasa - i( j X Mlas Grace Tompkins, of Edgefield, C, Js visiting her uncle, Mr. D. A. ' Tompkins, at the Selwyn Hotel. Mr. a H.' Doughty, of Danville, , Va, Is In the city on a short visit to his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Norryce. The Home Economical depart moot will discuss " Spring Garden ing " this morning at a general .- meeting of the Woman's Club. The meeting will take place at the li brary at 11 o'clock. Papers will be read by Measdames W. C. Alexander, n "Hew to Make a Garden," Mrs. H. A. Murrlll on " What Plants to Combine," and Mrs. Annie Smith Rosa an N Plant Succession." When the programme has been completed the election of delegates to the an nual meeting; of the State Federa- . tton ef Women's Cluba will take Slaes. The meeting of the Federa an will be at Wilmington April SI,. 14 and IS. Cards reading, as follows have been issued: "Enohrestlan and Diatelian liter ary societies invite you to attend their annual reception on Monday renin. March the eleventh, from half after eight until eleven o'clock, BUsabeth College. Charlotte, North Carolina." Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Lee have de cided to Ave in Charlotte. In a few days they w411 leave for a twoweek's stay In New Tork. On their return they will make arrangements to move here at once. Miss Laura Miller, who is a student at the Presbyterian College, left yesterday morning to visit her home at Albemarle. Miss Edith Bond, of Edenton, spent last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Dowd. She has been on a visit to Mrs. Dowd's par ents. Dr. and Mrs. N. R. Tunstall, at Statesvllle. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lents left yester day for Sollsbury, where they will at tend the funeral of Mr. W. S. Trott, who Is a brother of Mrs. Lents. PERSONAL, The Movement of a Number of Peo ple, Visitors and Others. Mr. B. B. Webb, of Statesvllle, spent yesterday at the Selwyn. Mr. W. A. Leslie, of Morganton, was a visitor in Charlotte yesterday. Mr. H. Aiken, of Hickory, spent yesterday (n Charlotte. Mr. E. W. Pitts, a wealthy banker of McKeesport, Pa., and friend, Mr. Louis M. Mowbray, a well-known New Tork bank building contractor, are at the Selwyn. They are on their way to Southern Pines. Mr. James Harkey spent yesterday in Kings Mountain. Mr. H. E. C. Bryant, city editor of The Observer, left this morning for Kalelgh In response to a telegraphic summons to appear to-day and give testimony before the special Investi gating committee raised by resolution of the House, Tuesday, respecting charges as to the classification of the Page railroad in the passenger rate bill. Mr. F. R. Graham, of China Grove, is at the Buford. The following named cotton mill men were at the Bufor last night on their way to their several homes form Greensboro, where they' testified In the cotton mill case: Mr. A. P. Rhyne, Of Mt. Molly; J. A. Abcrnethy, of Lln colnton, and T. D. Lattlmore, of Shel by. Mr. C. A. Hamner, of Statesvllle, Is at the Central. Mr. J. C. Rankin, of Lowell, Is at the Selwyn. Mr. Carryl H. Bryan, specialist agent of the United States Fidelity St Guaranty Company, of Baltimore, Md., Is in the city, stopping at the Sel wyn. He is a nephew of Judge H. R. Bryaa, of Newbern. Mr. J. M. Barnhardt, of Leffblf, Is a guest of the Selwyn. Champions Defeat Conquerors. The ohamplons defeated the Con querors in a very Interesting game of basketball yesterday afternoon at the gymnasium of the Young Men's Chrls - tlon Association. This was one of the- games of the Inter mediate League. In the former gs'ms between these two teams the Con querors won. The final score of the game yesterdsy was to 7. The next 'gtme of this league will be played to night at 7:10 p. m.. and will be be tween the Reds and the Champions. DATES FOR SOUTHERN FAIRS. Officers Elected at Circuit Meeting at Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham, Ala., Mnxrh At ' the Southern fair circuit meeting ' here to-day dntes were singed to for all the 8outhem fairs this year. The election of officers resulted as fol lows: J. B. ElMs, president: John Esrly, vice president, and Robert Tste, secretary and treasurer. At the afternoon meeting the Pouthi'rn Breeder' Association was formally organised and these of ficers iters elected: President, W. F.' Garth'; secretary, R. M. Williams, treasurer, Frank D. Fuller. The vice presidents Include George C. .Brown, Tennessee; C. R. Ellis, Geor gia, and L. B. Holt, North Caro lina. ' STRONG. TRUE. DAINTT. littie Ftthl-nn mil so twice es far ss or iHnnry vnnllla. because It Is a true ex trsrt f the flneet beans. It Is dainty end delicate, of the finest flavor. Croup csh positively be woppeJ In M piltiutos. Nt vomiting-nothing to slrken or distress jra'ir ehllL A sweet, pfeimant, it safe 8? run, fall! !r. fchoog Croup rare, does the work ami dcfeslt quickly, lny Bfeoop's .Croup -Cur Is f'jr Croup rUne, rmmlr. . It net. claim to ttrm a losen stlnwts.-. It's for Croup,' 1 t.fs alt i4 by. Bsnr ell-Puna feetsu StOrSk' .. ., ... t,. , ... h, ,, .. i, 3. A Jw JItnor i:;n penliis . fa aiul , About tho City. ChrlKtlan Science services were held last night in the hall at No, Z 1-1 West Fifth street. . , Mr. Rosa N. Scott has sold to Mr. W. G- Shoemaker for $700 a piece of land on tho northwest side of . the extension of North Caldwell street. The advance sale of tickets for Marie Cahlll, who plays here next Monday begins . to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock" at the , Academy box -The Selwyn barber shop, under the management of Mr. L. W. Ota none, has installed five new 1 chairs and otherwise improved i' the J estab lishment . - Vf 'J. i''yii ;'.' ;. --Rev. D."V L Rid v hr Southern representative of ' the American Bu reau of Foreign Travel, which or ganises touring parties of people who visit foreign countries.- Mr. J. M. Jennings, formerly with Herron & Denton, furniture - dealers on: college street, - now. or Tennessee, married Miss Ethel Enoch, of Brush Creek, Tenn., yesterday, Mr. M.' C. Benson,' who haa been working in Columbia, a C, for a long time, is ill here at his home, on North Tryon street. He has been confined to his room for a montn.-. "Mr. Henry A. Shore, of North Carolina, has been appointed assistant chief clerk in the office Of the general superintendent, division of railway mall service, located at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Walter DeB. McEachin, who has been here visiting her father, Dr. I. W. Herron, of Steele Creek, and her brother, Dr. A. M. Herron, on wortn Church street, has returned to her home at Laurlnburg. Announcement has been made that Mr. H. N. Pharr trustee, will sell a tract of 54 acres of land on Lawyer's road on March 18. The land lies several miles from the city, adjoining the farm of Mr. J. C. Miller. Robert Johnson, colored, whose case was continued from xuesaay un til yesterday, was fined $20 yesterday morning by the recorder for vagrancy A negro man and two negro women were fined 110 for being , drunk and boisterous. . Mr. Clarence B. Connelly, who has been at Iyer's for a number of years, has resigned his position and will travel the State of Georgia for the Southern Pantjs Company and sell Alligator pants. He will take up his - 1 " 1 . . , . - M . It now wwm avoui ins lai ui April. Fraud orders have been Issued by Geo. B. Cortelyou, Postmaster Gen eral, against the Del Roy Copper Min ing and Smelting Company, of Kansas City, Mo., and El Paeo, Tex., and Dr. D. Potter, 223 Central Building, Roch ester. N. T. Rev. Walter Holcomb will speak on the subject: "They're Off" at the Acedemy of Music Sunday after noon at 5 o'clock. This address was delivered before an audience of 6.000 people several weeks ago at Hopklnsvllle, Ky., and is known as the " Horse Race " address. DR. D. J. SANDERS DEAD. President of Blddle University Dies of Gastritis, Combined With La Grippe Had Been Sick Off and On Since December Desperately III for Past Two Weeks A Career of Usefulness. Dr. Daniel J. Sanders, colored, president of Blddle University, died at his home at the college last night at 11:17. The Immediate cause of his death was gastritis, combined with la grippe. The Illness which terminated fatally had its beginning on December 21. assuming a desper ate nature about two weeks ago. No funeral arrangements have as fet been made, but it is presumed that the funeral and interment will take place here to-morrow. The death of Dr. Sanders has re moved from the field of education one of the most prominent of South ern negro educators. For 17 years he had presided over the destinies of Blddle University, being the first and. up to the time of his death, the only colored president It hhs ever had. He succeeded Rev. William F. Johnstn In this position. Dr. Sanders at the time of his de mise was 60 years old. having been born February 15, 1S47. He was a native of the vicinity of Chester, S. C. but came to Charlotte from Wilmington, whre he was pastor of tho colored Presbyterian church. He was for quite a while the editor of The Afro-American Presbyterian, the organ of his Church. Dr. Sanders vas graduated from AIleRheny Theo logical Seminary, of Allegheny, Pa. During his connection with Blddle, In addition to his duties as president, he taught classes in Hebrew. Dr. Sanders was a man of learn ing and culture. His ability is shown by the fact that for a long number of years he held his position as president of Blddle despite his ad vancing years, the Increasing re quirements and exactions of a posi tion constantly growing In Im portance, an in spite of the candi dacy of numerous other men. He was quiet and unassuming, but there was that about him which com manded the respect and won the re gard of white and black alike. His Influence whs wholly for good and In his death the Southern negro has lost a valuable friend. Dr. Sanders is survived by a wife snd seven children, four sons end three daughters. Dr. G. E. DavH, dan of the university, Is acting presi dent. Partnership Notlc. The following card haa been issued: 'The undersigned beg to announce that they hsve this day formed a partnership under the ' firm name of Frost A McKee for the purpose of buying and selling Southern timber lands. (Signed.) Edward I. Frost and M. D. McKee, Ashevilla, N. C." Mr. Frost has many friends hcte. How Far the Dress Should Reach. MsrshvIlM Our Home. A contemporary Informs us thM a bill tits hwn Introduced In the Wisconsin legislature provMlna. that "no actrws rr other female person shall appear on the star of 'Siy thestn or any circus or traveling show In tights tinlHw prop. erlr covered by skirts, which hll ex tnd at 1 on tt four Inches blow the knees." Our contemporary suswet that the legislature of this State ehouKI pass a similar law. This would be a wise law. Hut hv limit Its provisions to actresses end show alrlsT Almost iinrliodv would assent to the f.trt that fvery woman's torts should be that long at least iViihaw Entnrle. The Tnw might also ear how much of tho uppor part or waist snail ne eui otr. We believe all low-neck dress waists should extend ss high up ss the lxth rib. Argo Red Salmon is cleaned and packed entirely by machine, and not tnuchtd by the human hand. : After trying It you will use no other. At an grocers. .. i . LKtle globules of sunshine that -drive the clouXi away.'DeWltt's Little Esrly Risers. will sesttor the gloom of sick, headsone snd bilioustiess. They do not iripe or sioken. itecnmrnenaea and sold licfe nr. U U will's I'luamaasv. To IUiUl-ih o-.:. r .f ln.:t. , ITr. Frank P. Meier. & D. nuprcme srch of the United Ancient Order of UruWs, is in the city.7 He will try to organise a lodge of his order here. There are two lodges In Wilmington, but It requires three lodges in the Mate, before they can have a grand ledge. Charlotte has been selected for the third lodge. , , .': '. ..; .' ' , ' '; ; t Prominent tltlten 111. . Mr. Peter McRae. of Laurlnburg, is very 111. He has been Jn a critical condition for several days, s Mr: Mo lUe Is a Scotchman of the old" school Ha has many friends here., , ; ? ' Mr. Archla Stlener, of the New York Herald, la at the Selwyn Hotel. TO OWNERS OF BAD BREATH Foul Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, , Eating or Drinking Stopped at One With Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free, Bilious breathers, onio'n eaters, In digestion victims, cabbaa-e consumers. smokers, drinkers and those with gas on the stomach are in a class all by inemseives, distinguished by a power ful bad breath. ihey all bretthe, and as they oreame, tney whiff out odor which makes those standing near turn their heads awa yln disgust The pitiable part of it is that these vic tims do not realize what a sickening ming a bad, offensive breath Is to others. Charcoal is a wonderful absorber of gases and odors. It absorbs 100 times Jts own volume of gas. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges ' will put a stop to your bad, offensive breath and to your belchlngs, what ever the cause or source, because the charcoal quickly absorbs all noxious, unnatural odors and gases. If you suffer from indigestion and belch gas as a result, Stuart's Char coal Lozenges will absorb all the gas and make you stop belching. If on getting up in the morning you have such a bad, bilious breath that you can almost smell it yourself, hVuart's Charcoal Lozenges will get rid of it for you qutckly. If you have been smoking or chew ing, or have been eating onions or other odorous things, Stuart's Char coal Lozenges will make your breath pure and sweet. Charcoal Is also the best laxative known. You can take a whole box ful and no harm will result. It is a wonderfully easy regulator. And then, too, It niters your blood every particle of poison and im purity in your blood is destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference in your face first thing your clear complexion. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are made from pure willow charcoal, and Just a little honey '.s put in to make them palatable, but not too sweet. They will work wonders In your stomach, and make you feel fine and fresh. Your blood and breath will be purified. You will feel clean in side. Wo want to prov all this to you, so Just send for a free sample to-day. Then . after you get It and use it. you will like them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 25c. box of these Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 93 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Dye the Dress Another Color 8 then you can remake it, alter or retrJm It and It won't have that too familiar "laat-year-ness" appearance that usually hangs about a made-over gar ment. We will dye It for you beau tifully, give you perfect work without any damage or danger. Why not call our driver? Charlotte Steam laundry 219 Sooth Tryoa Street Lnnaderera, Dyers, Cleaners, GET IT AT HAWLETS." The Most Delightful Drinks are served at our fountain. - OUR HOT DRIXK8 at good warmers on a cool night as you make your way homeward from the theatra, : sr&. a m as ii llawley's. Pharmacy II Thon t. , Tryon and Btib Its, S.t"'iUI,Jk if, 1 ' ' J J ( SALE TO-DAY BEGINS 9 O'CLOCK LASTS All DAY Wide Flouncings and wide Edges, all very fine work, not a piece but what is well worth the price; worth up to $1.60 yard 59c. yard. Insertions and Bands to match, all fine goods .. 49o. yard. This, in our opinion, Is the very finest value wa have ever given in Embroideries, and as you know, wa have had many fine bargains. Special Bargain White Madras Worth 25c,, far 12 l-2c. Yard. Short Lengths fine Madras for waists, shirts and children's dresses, mostly 25 cents; nice lot to cheose from ; .. 12 l-2c. yard. . New Shirt Waists Just received a fine lot new Spring styles Shirt Waists. All the very latest styles Lawns and Wash Silks, daintily trimmed, well fitting, at $1.00, $1.25, $2.00, etc. 9 13 W. TRADB ST. Synonyms In Office Furniture NOMENCLATURE Globe-Wernicke Practical. Globe-Wernicke Modern. Globe-Wernicke Time-saving. Globe-Wernicke Progressive. Globe-Wernicke Elastic. Globe-Wernicke Artistic. For a more complete list of synonyms, accompanied by a practical demonstra tion, see our office furniture department, second floor an- nex. Stone I OFFICE OUTFITTERS, Ei elusive Agents Globe-Wernicke Co. Cut Flowers IVEY Barnnger Co. CARNATIONS ROSES VIOLETS 8MILAX (I ft ropes) ASPARAGUS FERN WEDDING BOUQUETS FLORAL DESIGNS Writs, telegraph or telephone; wa will do tha rest and do It quick and right. Tan modern green-heuses, 'pro ducing tha , finest flowers. A trial order will convlnea. . .. v van ixsmsx. wcrurciT COL, romona, N..C,., Sen teletrsms ta Greensboro,' .. MU$ MAMIE RATS, A goat, .r.,--?v..tC3)MtattV Jf. V ,w, BEL St BROS, Go many new things coming in on every train , almost impossible to tell you in one SILKS New Plaids, Stripes, "Polka Dots;" the new things in Silks, In China and Foulards; all the new shades in dots, at 48c, IT-inch Polka Dot Silk, Chinas and Foulards, 89a and $1.00. Small-Checked Silks In the Wash Chinas; naw cheoks. not the old kind, but brand new patterns, 48c New shades In 19-lnch Taffeta; big lot Blue, Pink Chiffons, Lavenders, eto., 88c. Tard-wide Chiffon Silk in the new Blaok and White Stripes, Brown and White and Navy and White; $1.25 kind, at 98o. Tard-wide Black Taffeta, a good ene, at 75c. . Wash Chinas, all yard wide, 89c, and 48c Good, heavy Silk, and washes like Linen, 39 and 48c NEW NETS 20 pieces Nets, all the new things In Nets-"-P!aln, Dotted and Figured, S8c up. Colored Nets in Light Blue and Pink, Ecrue and Tans; all Silk, 46 Inches, $1.48. BE II BROTHERS WHOLESALE and RETAIL mi Do The Same For You Several years ago I was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism, and my doctor advised me to go on Mis. Joe Person's Remedy. I only took a few bottles when I was en tirely cured. I then commenced to use it In my family for general use and we depended on It for breaking up colds, neuralgia and most of the troubles one's family Is subject to. Four years ago, Just three months beforo the birth of one of my chil dren, I was taken down with measles, which weakened me Rrcatly. My sttmach would not rrtuln a thing and I was In a serious condition. With the consent of my physician, I again started on Mrs. Joe Person's Reme dy. I commenced to build up at once, and I believe It carried me safely through my trouble I believe I would have died had I not taken It. I do not think there. Is a medicine its equal when a tonic is needed to build up the system. MRS. W. F. PUCKETT. Huntersvllle. N. C, R. F. D. 20, March 10, 106. $100,000 City of Concord, N. C. Municipal Improvement Bonds. nr. Tii1v March 19th. 1907. at i n m . thu agent of said city will receive sealed bids at the mayor s omct i"r mo puiviiora nKij HiTMnttED THOUSAND DOI,- LAR8 municipal Improvement bonds. running for io yrs, wun iniorosi m n. rent ner annum, payable semi-annually. Interest payable In Concord. N. C or New York City at the option of the holders, as provided In tha act Immediately upon acceptance of .Lik.vu k the asents. the success- ful bidder will be required to fur nish a certlnea cneca in a sum equst to one (1) Per cont- of tno air,,unt nnhU to the cltv treasurer. conditioned that he will fallnfuily carry out tne ierm mu. Tha bonds will be delivered at the office of the city treasurer of Con- m .nrru.A Interest. If anv. will 'be charged at tlma of delivery. Tha right to rejoci any or an uius Is siprsssly reserved. D, B. COLTRANB. II. I. WOODHOUPE, C1IAS. B. WAGONER, t Agents. L. T. HARTS ELL,1 Attorney. TUB mOWCLLAJtlTOlUrjM CO, For tha Treatment ef , Whiskey, Morphine an4 Marrooa . . Disease, Itpeclst apartments and nurses for lady patients. All forms of electricity for treating nervous diseases. - Tha stockholders all, being physicians, sonstlruts a eonaiilting board.' M. CttOWLLL, u, D rtm abort story half of It. Full line of Plain and $1.50. White fi i d's Department Store The Bee Um Bi6 Specials in New mmg Dress Goods 38-inch Wool Suitings in all the pretty new patterns in Grays, etc.; all the regular 50-eent quality. Here at 39 Cents. 40-inch Cream Brilliantincs, a regular 50-ccnt value, 39 Cents. 52-inch Cream Mohair, with beautiful lustre; regular 75-cent quality, 50 Cents a yard. 54-inch All-Wool dray Panama Cloth, 89 Cents a yard. 54-inch All-Wool Suitings in all the pretty new Plaids etc., for Spring Suits, 98 Cents. 36-inch Cream Mohair, 25 Cents. 40-inch fine, sheer quality White Lawn, 10 Cents, Cannon Cloth special, 7 1-2 Cents. Good, firm quality Bleach Domestic, 7 1-2 Cents. 30-inch fine, soft quality Long Cloth, 10 Cents. New Persian Lawns, fine and sheer, 10 Cents. Fine, sheer quality Linen Lawn, 3G inches wide, 25. Cents. Efird's Department Store THE Mil Corner.. East '.Trade Black Nets, Silk; both Figured, 75, 98, $1.26 and Goods Specials 2,000 yards Madras In short lengths; worth 15 to 18c; will cut patterns at 10a A beautiful lot short-length Mad ras, real mercerised, 2So. goods, 15c Big Una Colored Linens Light Blue, Brown, Dark Blue, Tana, Oreens, 15c Pretty line new, 36-tnch Cotton Suiting; same patterns as the one dollar wool goods; looks and wears like wool. Special, 20c Ask to see our line of Check Dimities that we show as a special; worth 15o. Special, 10c Now, these are just a few samples of what we are doing. Qome to tha show; It's worth your ttme to see, even If you don't buy. Wool Goods, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Nets all the new things for your Easter or Spring Suit, and at prices that prevailed last season in nearly all cases. i and College -Streets I . "V