crrAKLorn; daily , i , 'it s In. and, If after reudlnK ti,.) ofMolnl report of Mr. Durham's tvidiinoo It corresponded with the iicwtipapr report, ha would certain ly reply In no uncertain way. The, liouso Adopted the ,conferonce re port of tho Senate and tho llouao conferees on tho revenue and m cnlnery act; also report of commit tee on enlargement of, powers of corporation cammlKslon. J 1 ' , ' : AFTERNOON SESSION. ' At tho afternoon session of tha House many bills were passed, the Important ones being;: -.".-.. , For protection of keepers of hotels and boarding houses. Establishing- Bute sanltortum for treatment of tuberculosis patient. Creating State board of equaliza tion for assessment of taxes. Requiring railroads to record con ' tracts and deeds for rights of way. Increasing salary of adjutant gen eral to $1,600 and fixing hla residence at Raleigh. Prohibiting sale of liquor within 200 feet of any church or school ex cept by druggists. amending Revlsal so State can make proof of tho Illegal tale of liquor. Concurrence la Senate bill creating a firemen's fund by taxing fire Imiur , ance companies one-half per cent, on receipts. The omnibus Justice of the peace 4)111, containing about 100 names, passed after an hour's Ineffectual ef fort by members to get names added to committees list. THK SENATE. A large number of local hills wera put on final reading. Their titles were not read, only their numbers being announced. Among them wiere the bill to amend tho H"vial regarding burglary, that to prevent stealing freight In transit; that fo prescribe the hours of nervleo of railway employes engaged in operat ing trains, tfvt to provide that the State flag shiill bo displayed on coun ty court houes during Superior Court nesi-lons; that to prevent drunkenness In Wako county, and that allowing: a dork Insurance com pany to become n mutual one, as asked for by the Insurance commis sioner, were among those which pa.wd and had become lawn. The House general bill to provide separate accommodations for whites and negroes on street cars was adopted by tho Senate, with an amendment by IVIlamy requiring street cars to have fender, bumpers and running hoards; Iong'H bill to preTent discrimination by telephone companies was tabled, havdnfr tin farorahle report, but h-- declared that If It had been j'lven early attention It would havo bn-oni" a law. The bill presented by the educa tional commute.-, tn iUImk a number of changex In the educational law. mainly Improving the machinery of the same, and containing provision by which the State superintendent can give certlflentes to teachers, and also a provision for an examination of high school teachers, passed Its final reading. RULES )R PRIMARIES. Tho hill iso passed to protect pri maries und political parties In tho State, by making certain rub's for the governmi nt of primaries and political conventions, applying to a large number of counties The bill pased authorizing the corporation commission to reipilre railways to er.-ct ami maintain union depots In towns of over 2.0 00 popu lation, this being Ijoekhart's bill de signed, to meet conditions at Wados boro. Bills passed re-estabtlshlng tho of fice of treasurer of Wilkes county, and also the pension bill, which passed tho Hnum Wednesday night, carrying M00. 000 appropriation for veteran and widows, this being an Increase of JI2V00 over the present amount HILLS HF.C.OME LAWS. The following bills also passed their third and last leading: To put trust companies unrl-r the supervision and control of the cor poration commission To protect nyxt.M und clams In Carteret county. For the relief ,,f the widow of the late sheriff of Ird. ounty. To create a fireman's relhf fund of 1-2 of 1 per i eii' upon the fire Insurance pietoiuiex, this to a" to the nrenn n made h k r dl-ahb-d In discharge of duty or i., thilr families in case of fatal Inluiv and which will raise about J 1 'i.u'm u . ,i r To amend the pri-n-nt Mntu'e of limitations and the law regarding magistrates' Vidgtrietits Tl put p T ill- nun l hit telephone lines who tent Meph under the Supervision of the ' oj potation i i. in-miHjIon To d't 'he 'U'hu of ..I xscnir. r as to r . ,,, ,;i;,,k. nil ..a cars. AMI TIM VT MM. The nt ' rij t III m . r last r.lght .i- : h I..,. . a Spfelul nt ! : i . , . I,, p., , ,! because In- -tie.., In c ) ii ;.n l ilijlit and llPC.'llln I: i ( I , , ! been rlii,v. n . h . 'cult t.,t p,... The point ..f , i ..' I . i, , ii,,,, A of the I i I i : ie . n mi' in - ful for m: i ,, ' , , . ,i pyi ,i tlon to c,.t. . i , , i . ,, , . i,, , ,,, Of t llsltle. , . i f,. ;,.,,,. f North fatoiit, , i , , it . , , iim,, a deadly ,) i c I , i i h, ,,p. ponent of i' t ,', . if,j, i ti, ,i ,i should not ,i - I, ,t ,p,l , I Ui l the bole ;i -. ., ; . . , t... i the bill w i 1 1 1 tj- 1 1 , - it nil afford r-:i, f t,, n p. .pi. ,, stroy a d al! tn, tti..i . :, . duty of th ! r ! i' ! . ., . r tbls JifM- noK. ;m t'cit If 'h- eVilS COtlld red be I , ,1 ri: .nv of them ":n.'y v. ..'id I , ,,n 1 others prevrni, d Fleming 'aid be : . ki ,w whether h would ve. ' - ...... trust bill ber,,r. -it. S i .'. ;.r r but favored rn.y h v. .o'd t, rttn the tobuc , i 1' of III,,,, II in N 'I .; ', i : -I; ,d Greenville Ixivlli ttt4 provisions i f .-I.. Ho I-. I thero was a mini up 1 1. : - , district und he Ii p. ! would not obj, ' ! , ,i , , Which would pr- .pi icjui; ffreat mica mining ic' m -i i tar Rurleson In Mi', h i! i nd I 11 CdUntles, Ms he did n d l.-l WOUld be possible h r lln- llll. . id lo th. iifll 11' I 1 r- - v COntlnuo buslriens rind sign lvlt provided In th bill i r uea inn ir ineie ii! .u,v i ,11 j n .-r k.LI.L , n . . . . .1 ... .... ' wuitll Blli-ili yiru in jif , vt Ti I ' cr,,i'- tltlon It wss wrong In Itwif und ', nnf In Km r.Jirtr.ltf t.. inmrheri In the mour,inlm ,m ih.. seashore or anywhere on thu f a- e of! ' IBs, earth. Redwlne said democracy j stood SO equal opportunity. Holt I j ..Ii! . . . - ..III . . 1 .. , - aju I nia una wuai R, , ,, i , i . i in, , h i, n.-'ir and had not boen deeru-d. hut hnd v tbe commlttas's report. He had ben wining ror tne neto uiu to rm sun- i , stltuted for bur own. He referred to C D. Watson's speech 14 years na -nd.mtd tl was a bill against tru;a rjiuwe gvu nave maar ins, Kor whloti they tak some nasty pills: tf a Ivaallhy and happy girl you'd be, 'Blag up for toky Mmintaie Tea, t wt Mr it.d At Co, . Luxton said what the trusts had agaliiflt Watson was his connection with the Qattls-Kllgo case. Holt said he did not believe that Bux ton believed the statement that Dan ville men said they would give $50, 000 for the passage of the bill. Ha referred to the death of Mr, Hanes, of Wlnston-Salom, who he said had been put out of ; business ; by ; tha American Tobacco Company and had died from tha effects of , his treat ment by this trust, which put Its heel on every man or thing in its way. :7';",,;;Vt, v'v.v ,,,;',...,. ; o,,;;:;; ' ANTI-THUST BILL PASSES. Reld referred to Click's statement, that If the American Tobacco Com pany helped elect Overman to 'the Senate, it helped In tha performance of a good Job. Kluttjx pronounced "un qualifiedly false" any statement that the American Tobacco Company had in any way contributed to the election of Overman to the Senate. Reld had referred to the result of that contest for the Senate and remarked upon the, destruction of Cyrus B, Watson by the American Tobacco Company when Kluttz thus denied the statement In bold language. Reld said Is was a question for the Senators from Rowan snd Forsyth to settle. Buxton said he did not believe Overman had any knowledge of any aid so extended at the Washington conference and that Overman represented North Carolina In the Senate as well as any man in the State could do It. Reld demanded tho previous question. He refused to withdraw tho demand to allow Mr. McLean to speak, but Senate refused to ordtr the previous question. Mc lean spoke particularly to hie amend ment, saying he ws dealing with present and future, and not the ceme tery of lost hopes of 20 years ago. The bill would prevent any trust from coming Into North Carolina and In juriously affecting prices, but the Reld bill would not. The previous question was ordered. The first vote wns on the Lovell amendment, that the bill shall not apply to the mica Industry. This wan lost. The next was on the motion of Hold, to adopt the House bill In Ib u of the pending measure. This was lost, 15 to 28. The next voto was on the substitute of McLean, it was adopted; 4f, ayes; 0 naes Redwlne sent up amendment fo the McLean substitute which was accepted The unanimous adoption of tho McLean mbstltute was greeted with cheers. The bill a. passed with the Redwlne amendment, eliminates flu? Attorney General and places duty of prosecu tions on solicitors of districts In which violations of tho law occur. Other bills then passed as follows. Reformatory bill with appropria tion reduced to IB. 000. Hill providing for disbarment of at torneys at law for certain offenses. :lll to pension netrro ervants who served, ai ml In civil vxr. THE HOI SE Speaker Justice railed the House tn crier at H.V). The committee on rules, (hroiieh Judge Wlnhournn. reported ati i.mciMlnirnt to rules, providing that no irlvate hills shall dlnplice public bills now on the calendar, except py unnni- flleilH e .flHcnt. Th" special order being consideration of the freight rate bill, Mr. .lustke stat ed that on Monday he gave notice thai index tho Senate took some n, Hon on 'he Mouse bill he should move the adop tion of t,. Senate bill The p.-nale hid taken no action and unless the Senate I III wax adopted bv the Mouse. It looked !! If 111,. 1 ,.flalntl,ru w,n.l.l r.,1.. nn !.,. at nil After conference with sevornJ he desired to postpone the sppclal order this morning until to-night at S o'clock. It was s1- or, p. red. INHI'KANCK COMMISSION KAILS Mr. Knimi. railed up Ma M providing for a Ht.ite Insurance commission, which wn misirted unfavorably by the coin niltte,.. He nld for reasons that wit,' In the breast of every member here, some of wdikh would be best not to men tion this, tho greatest aepnrtment a I piesent if the Htnte government should rot he entirely In control of any one man lie said the present commissioner ,is In complete) control of tho depart ment and supreme; was appointed lv the Oovernor and yet the Oovcrnor had no vidie In the conduct of the Department and that It was significant that nil In suranee factors In this Htate, both home and foreign, were handed soil, Icily to-Ki-thr against any change of nny kind m Insurance matters, and that from the rult on' the bill lust night to nviulre companies to Invest their full legal ro scrve on their North Carolina business In this Ptatn, and the dfat of that measure It seemed that the home com panies hnd surrendered to the South eastern TnrlfT Association. Neiil. of Halifax, ssld the proposition nii a monstrous outrage or an Insult to i ',inwii:-loner Young, olietly super v isey tie- 1 1 1. It t ' r who passes on S".' and lii in. Mipervlslon Hi- declared he vn i,k and tired of sll these Popullsil. , ,.,o 1 1 . . 1 1 - Tim vole was then taken I mil the hill faded to pass, by a d'viilon i te nf IS to .', The bill making It unlawful for liisui an... or I . Mi lit pollcl, k of less tllilll V''' t,, la- 'kii-.! en. cpl ni'Oti forms approved h till' lull! line clilinlMHlolli-r WKH ex I ' la I in I t,y i; ilhTt and Manning ss a pro lecili.n c -miill Insuran'C, ,'ndustrlal rind oiherwNe from Imposition by Irrespon- hle ..cents, ami Instances were given uhrrc pi . pi- who paid weekly or inonlh I Installments on small benefit policies ' m l ti... p dices Mere worthless The !.!! ) .,... , all! si ItltoitMly I III i hanging the line helween llar .'! and 'Mini . 1 1 in I counties giving a ; i!i..n ,.f ih l itt.r near Dunn to liar . ' fill..' in piss l it. I. I AX Rr.DT.I'KD I , s , it.- l.i'l limiting cltv poll tnx I , i I.- op ind manv members nsked lli. i i. ninths he exempted, ulllong , -. I mi; l!l-- in'ie, N'-w- llnpo.-r. v . It an Hoi kr. Halifax. h vc- . , I . , ,1 ai Ft uk Mn 8 wain It... k . ' no 1.'. r,,n I'limd.-n and I'asuu,, ,,,1, ph. ml sild In- heard a greai deal i, !, t.. I ,.f (be II.. MM. Ill", lit Hie poor : i i 1 1 , 1 ' ' t , w in a chance to r- ; .. ii , . n . ,( to ai, h- a ml lal or f l , in i ' , i v i I. ii I. n poll la X T '1 1 H II n . i,, i, . I this i "i -M lm ottimt and bene- ,: i 111 mil II, I In hla ' , am1 v. Ii i-, II t' I i w i. ,-.,d w,, v us ago that In I, Pi , crrl ,-f I I Ii P limited the p II i ,- i , (; ,n. (hi will now universally I , . . I I -, I hi lieopli- 1,1 IV I ,lgl.iK4 ! f'a! It Ihe till Was a. I., pled Without . in lell hln 111 -X "pllrig Wake. II WOol l l:i!,li;li .III ,-f hnalinas M. I Ion sold .1 i i to 1 11. Ii lb. ..i'em 'Ill's nil 'owns the , 'I i;t, e.i j.nld for Hie ptlppnrt ; t- oii of mm 111" poll lux The en's exemnMl'g the Cnilnfb'S i, u:i. I wire put fi a vote and lost. U v ,'rt whs taken and Hi" I, III I i IX. th 'Si Vi'l 'IK no being lo I. I ,.n. I' urlii" I'.liilnghiius", sion. of Cisew.-M nd .fohn- l i'imtoti lie. kei .l ie, I. ,,ii, 1 !' t K lb bin I oi khart. Mial. v i put llll.c nii, Ves'le ii. ,lne,l that the law would lie ihelr I' wns and especial a provrni'-nta A mothm was en I the i .lb s and put the in al agnlnat which ,1 . ,'l. I.t, i ilighaun nn l ot it i i I oil r-ted. Saving l',ey lid i I, n law rammed d u n 'he ' , I p. , ,pe wll bout I hei r con -, tlon to susnend the rules i ' . ;. and Ihe b'.ll went on .1,1 III! Ai.AltY HI 1.1. I ill . -. iikcn up to ii'iinliie a.'il and .-.i nf ileika nlid ! Iinr m a . f tic 1 1 . . u Htntn i, irl'n, nla 1 ",.nlc .'- . una a 1 1 n a a i-al. I the till lllld linn thnr iuii;n'-d and nil th'i employe v ii Ii a view t', not only f i la i li-. I lit to link, t hem und llmt the i omi'illle a i n hnd 1 1 n ii ill mo 1 1 a I v iicrecd i.l HI' '. .I'll n t'lln hill, which :!. , und the iimrivnl of Ihe tlnenc i-ominltie.'S and tlmt it lli.iriimed the per of mnployes anil lhnr lm Hlxnit JU cent, required the my n.i'iit of all fi,e In the Htnte Trenaury ii.n l Hie ilrk ri'-elving fH'S em pu oil en h aalary enrliialvely. The anlury of the chkf lerk of th auditor was ro-joii.-l hut that of all the others oni ln ircnaed. The snlarlea covernd hy the 'tm .. , - , . i - aui -, -. ,. , . . uiu i mm iiiuufaa. lyiiini uant ui iftft Pllas gut qulek reltsf from lr. Rhnop's MhIc ointment. Hsmstnbsr It's mads slone lor pllss end It works with car unity ana ssuaiseiion, itrrung, painrsl, unity us si KotrMiUng, Jfls by Its Wtll-Dwia J or anas Bits aiaatBr iiks Governor $2.00), rhlef; cleric of the flecre tary .f Fui f:,'Mi, -hi-f clerk nf tUn Auditor ll.xeti, chief clerk of th corpora tion t'.',4(i0. The subordinate clerks get an liicreaso of pay und a new clerk is ailill to the corporation commission. The bill passe by unanimous voto. A bill authorising Oystor Commission er Webb to !'y out of funds of that commission X'l.'M for-a patrol boat was defeated; after a lively discussion i by tisvls. of Carteret, In favor of the Mil an( Wlnhorne ond Jtitchln against It. ;,;'4 BOARDS OF EDUCATION. Chairman Blount, of tha education committee, submitted the report of th Senate and House committees on the bill appointing boards of education In every ocunty. The Republican mem bars offered amendment substituting other name for those, put In the 1411 by committees. i.enneny. or nampson, sxiu Tayior, oi Brunswick, making r urgent speeches In favor of their amendment They were opposed: by Wlnbome, who aald In reply to their assertion that It was a political matter only; that this was certainly true in 1900. for then, despite bis protest, ss a member of the House, tha Republican majority forced a negro as a member of the board for Hertford and did the same for other counties In the eaat. Several Republicans stated that the names con tained in their amendment wore those of Democrats of tha stralghtest sect. Tho amendments were all voted down. Blount said that in selecting the names of the men on these boards the very best men tn these counties had been sought, keep ing in view the fact that In the last Re publican campaign the canvas of tht party, certainly Tn eastern Carolina, hud made their campaign an assault on the tfucation of policies and progresslvcness ' of tho Democratic administration. Grant of Davie, eald he had sent the names of thethree of the best men in that county, who were In every way Identified with and friendly to school interest and yet these recommendations had not been ac cepted and that ho would vote against the bill, not because he opposed the men chosen hut because he was against the whole infernal system. When asked If his own party had not Inaugurated It. Grant declared he did not ndorse It then or now. Harshaw sold he did not think It wise for Republicans to ask for minority representation on these boards; that one Republican anil two Democrats would refer with the smooth running of school matters, as oil and watr cannot mix, and that one Repub lican stood no more chance on these boards than a one-legged man did tn a foot rnce. That If the Republicans wore In control In this legislature, why of course men of that party would be nam-' ed on every board. This was the Molemn truth. It was the system that was wrong. There was failure to a low local self-government In school matters, the most important of sll to the people. He said he would vote for a bill leaving the ! election of these boards to the peopls. He did not want any minority Republi cans on his board for If there was any meanness or deviltry aone. me simin Democrats would certainly lay it all on him. (At this there was great laughter.) Ammdment was adopted,' Including tho board of education for tht proposed county of le and tho bill then passed final reading. HILLS BECOME LAW. The following bills passed final read ing: To amnd the Revlsal regarding re moval of cloud on title. To extend the time for registering land grants. To provide for assessing real estate of rullwavs In stock law territory. To restore to the Judges of the Su- perior court ineir pay no "i-. rlor Court their pay for special terms To amenn tne rtevisai Kevisai regarding Juiliclarv bonds. To amend Ihe Revlsal hy providing that failure tiv university trustees to attend sessions for two years makes the office vacant. T - make Injury to electric transmis sion lines punishable as in the case of telephone und telegraph lines. To amenu the H"visal regarding proof of loss In lire Insurance, by strlklns out the Iron rafe clause In policies. To make seven years the limit as to time foi probating wills To regulate clerks' fees In the Su perior (lourts In pauper civil case ap- eftls. The next matter taken up was tne general appropriation bill, carrying the appriulatlnn for the State Institutions for 1!" ". which was reorted by the committor as follows: APPROPRIATION'S BILL. School for I)eaf Mutes at Morganton. tegular annual appropriation for support t4i,,iKHi; special annual appropriation for Improvements It.CSO; School for Whlto lillnd. ami that for negro Deaf-Mutes and Pllnd. both at Raleigh, annual sup port. $itO,0(); special annual for Improve ment ll.'t.OCO. Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, support, tft.OOO; special JSOO annually for contingent expenses. Western Hospital at Morganton, sup port. J145.000; special 6,000 for tuber culins patients. Hospital at (Joldsboro, support, 165,000. Dangerous Insane In penitentiary at Raleigh, support. $5.0o0. Soldi, rs' Home, support. flVoflO: special for cemetery 2S0; Improvements $5,000 nnnnnllv. Agricultural Mechanical College at Raleigh, support. 132,000; sp- i ll for Im iirovements tW).000 annualh for building; li.ri for textile school or: pinent; $6,000 I . r repairs to buildings. Slate University, support J70.000; spe . lal lfj.OOa nnnually for buildings State Normal & Industrial College for Women, support, $T0.C0o; ,., 11 $25,000 anniiullv for memorial hull, ling Colored Agricultural Mechanical Col Irje at (Ireensboro. support. $10,000; spe-,-:al tii'.ofjo annually for Improvement. Anpalai.liliin Training School, support, i ra); special $1,000 annually for Improve ments. Cullowhee Training School, support It nan Hpeclal $,".rti0 annually for improve ments. Colored orphanage at Oxford, support, fa . porlul $1.1S0 to pay debts. I'mluii Niirmal School In Robeson suriport, $1.?50; special $JH0 Moore's Creek Haltle tlround $TaV). (;nllford Court House P.attle Ground, to repay exiense of movl x liodles and psvlng around Nash and Davidson arches t'Ai This tlll was very briefly oxplslnej hv Chairman Gordon and panned unani mously , The bill was taken up to pay the chief par- Wmfleld Clmdwl. k. 2 rJ u day land to allow all trie pHges iranspona tlon to their homes. This brought out ihe usul dehale. and all sorts of talk 'about useless ext ru VBgs nee on the one 1 aide, and on the other pleas for the boys. wph the Inveltanie result mai me noys w, n out bv a Mg malorlty, Jurobson i.lllng the very plain truth In stating that h similar Nil bad been passed by eiv Legislature. A'l the laborers hav Im: al'io lia.l an Inciease, McRackan igalnst the two extra allowance 10 the chief page, saying It was throwing ia llon y wniie Iliirsnnw niiii iinoia spoke iloiiuently for the youngsters. To stop a Cold with "Prevsntlcs" Is enter than tn let It run and curs it af terwards Taken at the "aneoss stage" I'reventlcs will head off all colds and (Jrlppo. and perhaps save you front pneumnnU or Rronrhltls. 1'reventirs ars IIHli, toothsome candy cold cure tablets selling In ' cent and S cent boxes. If you are chilly. If you begin to aneese. tn Preventlcs. Thy will eiirely check the cold, and please you Sold by Dur-wrll-Dun Retail Store. The Base Ball Season is now on. The boys will find a large stock of Base ball goods at our store. 'Come and see them. Another stock of Community Silver received and on the way. Why pay more for inferior goods 1 Community Knives guaranteed to strip moro silver to the dozen than any knives on the market. When in doubt as to p laco to buy your Hardware, como to tho WCDDINGTON HARDWARE COMPANY, Inc. 29 East Trade , Street, , Charlottes N...C. A noted authority on, dla easea of the throat and lungs, who established a, -i camp for consumptives , In the pine; wooda of Maine, and, whose remarkable cures there : hava attracted great attention from tha medical warld. ayt that " his entire treatment consisted of fresh air, nourishing food. and tft puje Virgin Oil af tha Whlta Pint .Trees, mixed with Whiskey and Glycerine, in tha ' following proportional . . Virgin Oil of Pine f - v (Pure), ... . 1-S oc. , : ;. . Glycerine . . . . 8 os. , Good Whiskey . . '8 oi, , " Uae t in teaapoonful , dote very four hours. It is claimed that tha above t mixture will heal and strength en the lungs, break up a cold In twenty-four hours, and cure any cough that la curable. The Ingredients can be se cured from any good druggist at small cost end can be easily mixed In your own home, Inquiry at tha prescription . department of a leading local pharmacy elicited the Informa tion that Virgin Olt of Pine (Pure) Is put up only in half ounce vials for dispensing. Each vial Is securely sealed In a round wooden case, with engraved wrapper, with the namei Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) guaranteed under the Food and Drugs act of June 30th, 1901, serial number SU, prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O. plainly printed thereon, Only the cheaper oils are sold In bulk, but these produce nausea, and nyer effect the desired results. CCK)0OOOO00X)0OOO0CX)00OOO0O who stood In an anxious group, getting their first delightful, though dangerous, tsste of the excitement of a tost vote on Cflr popularity und tho appreciation of tnelr faithful service. The bill passed with a rattle of applause, and the hoys participated in this. (apt. Galloway's Own Epitaph. Raleigh Correspondence Salisbury' Post. Despite tho weight of years and physical Infirmities Capt. Swift Gal loway, of Greene, Is the Juvenile of the House. "What, captain, would you say should you choose to write your own ppltsph?" I Interrupted as he was entertaining a dozen of us in the House between sessions to-day with reminiscences. "I would say," ho replied without hesitation: "Swift Galloway, lame in both legs, crippled In both hands, blind in one eye, seeing very Indifferently with the other, deaf In one ear, was until the last expiring breath on the firing line." Ask your grocer for Argo Red Sal mon, and do not accept any substi tute. There Is no finer Salmon packed. It's a pleaaw; to tell our readers about a Cough Cure like Dr. Snoop's. Tor years Ir Shoop has fought a ea I nut the use of Opium, Chlortiftrm. or other unsafe In gredients commonly found in Cough remedies. Ir. Shoop, It seems, has wel comed the Purs Food and Drua Law re cently enacted, for he has worked alone similar lines msny years. For nearly SO yeers Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure containers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other narcotic pois ons. He has thus made It possible for mothers to protect their children by sim ply Insisting on having Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure. Bold by Burwell-Dunn Re tall Store. OUR COLLECTION of fine Wall Papers embraces all the most pleasing patterns of the presont season. One of our NEW WALL PAPERS will entirely transform your room and make your sur roundings immensely more cheerful and pleasant. We carry n complete stock, and aro exclusive agents of leading factories. Our work men are competent, and our personal supervision guaran tees satisfactory results. Let us figure with you be fore you place your order. We do It when promised and as promised. Torrcncc Paint Co. Thone 178. if 'i SAC COTTON 'MACHilWERY. Revolving ' W . II - Rat Cards' ' fP': (V Av Railway H;ads , vfy XL.J ) . -"and C a!;:E-JS fT Drawing & : - -ti ' 1 1 - - . v A. ii. WASHBURN, Southern CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Headquarters for Sontberners tn IT York City Broadway Central Hotel Our Table Is the Foundation of Our Enormous Business The Ooly New York Hotel Featuring Amerkao Plan Moderate Prices Excellent Food Good Serrlce Rates: American Plan, $2.50 Per Day. European Plan, $1.00 Per Day. Special Attention Given to Ladles Unescorted BROADWAY Cor. Third Street NEW YORK DANIEL C. WEBB, Mgr. (Formerly of Charleston. 8. C.) SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY The Exposition line to Norfolk, Jamestown Exposition, Hampton Reads, Norfolk, Va., April 26th to November BOth, 1907 Unexcelled passenger service via Seaboard Air Line Railway. Watch for announcement of low oxcurslon rates and Improved sched ules. For Information and literature, address C. H. GATTTS, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. JAMES KER, JR., C. P. A Charlotte, N. C. Electric Cooking We have an electric ket tle in which one may cook three eggs, in three minutes, and with three teaspoon fuls of water. We have other appliances to do other cooking. We keep in stock appliances to do every line of grill-room cooking by electricity. Also electric toot warm ers, flat-irons, curling irons and other economic shock ing things. Buy one of these com plete outfits and let the cook go. The D. A. Tompkins Co. Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The County Commissioners of Rockingham county, North Carolina, Invite sealed proposals for the erec tion and completion of a new county court house at Wentworth, N. C, ac cording to the plans and specifications prepared by Architects Frank P. Mllburn A Co., Washington, D. C. Raid plans and specifications will be on file on and after March 18th, 1907, with the register of deeds and at the architects' office. All contractors are requested to file their bids on or be fore 12 o'clock noon, April 1st, 1907, with the register of deoda. Each contractor shall file with his bid a certificate check for $500, on some well-known bank, made payable to the chairman of board of county commissioners of Rockingham coun ty as evidence of good faith on their part, and If their bid Is accepted that they will at once enter Into contract and give an acceptable guarantee company's bond In the sum of 59 per cent, of their contract price for the faithful performance of the contract. Contractors will be paid 10 per cent, as the work progresses. The commissioners reserve tbe light to reject any or all bids. C. H. DALTON. Chairman Roard of County Commis sioners of Rockingham County, N. C. op-a-Cap at the Rink To-night DRAUGHOtt'i 3&tlineiltf)dlwct fuleigtii Oatasabta, KnoivTTt, Atlanta. 19 College to l leu POfUlloM Ssetsreat er meney ftEfUNDKD. Ala teste Ml MAJU Oatalogwe will n finse yea that praeg aon's to fUM UiX Call w m nc tt. Presbyterian Golle&e for Women CHARLOTTE, -I i. ' : 4 1 Second term begins January 10. 1907. Special rates tor nay pupi For Catalogue, address REV. J. R. BRIDGES. D. D, President Chartotta'a Best Conducted Hotel THE BUFORD Special attention given te Tabls flenrloa. making tt un equalled In tbe South. Tbls Is a feature el The Buford that Is claiming the attention Of the Traveling Public. Clean. Comfortable Beds. At tentive Servants. anrr7isWaa C E. HOOPER Manager Dr. BS. Ity Hutchison, J. t. Hutchison. INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT OmOli Hex t, Saal BaSAIag. asta. Let us show you the Universal Per colating Coffee Machine. Makes Cof fee quicker and better than any other machine on the market. Nlckle Plated, Copper Lined. Now on exhibition In our north window. GARIBALDI, BRUNS & DIXON STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING for residence. imQKNBY BROS. numbing ' and Resting Contractors, Jobbers in Supplies. H0LU8TER Reeky Ccsntaln Tea Caggifs a $ MtsidM far My t . Irtstt eW Health ssa Mmmmt lw, Moa, isdissstloa, uvev OSSBI4S II Wnui,Tti naKia Con r sr. Htdiaa, wts. t;uu Kuccctt roil tALUW fCCPU ! Ill II I IF 6 YOU LIKE GOOD COFFEE k nawiss for Oosur and ktdna M.MM, Hlmplss, Eosesia, Imtwrj nd DMkscha IM ftoekf slwotols Tf l Sb tSt dm. ss aunts a boa. Owfr trrt ay iTl Clubbing , Intermelt9 ' r ' Rovlnj Frames . , j , . S(rfimin2 Prsmes .Spoolers 1 . v and Reels - 1 - Agent Machinery for km and fac tory. FnfjrTpc Three kinds, from 12 to 150 a P. BoilCTS. Rctufn Tubular and , Portable on skids, from 12 to 150H.P. Improved Gin Machinery, and Presses, and complete outfits of capacity of 100 bales per day and over. Saw Hills, fi Wnd3. ' all sizes in usa in the South. Pulleys and Shafting, Bmallest to complete cotton mill outfits. LID D ELL COMPANY, The Engraved Work o( the Observer Printing House IS Holding the Attention The Mo Seled. Try OBSERVER PRINTING HOUSE CHARLOTTE. N. C THONE 127. DR. 0. L. ALEXANDEE, DENTIST. OAMOlf BUn,DIWQ Southssst Corner FOURTH AXD TRTOK STREET81 HOOK AND ROGERS ARCHITECTS CBARumtf GitnarsBOiuxxA eler, Runge and Dickey ARCHITECTS i ooond Flw 0S imU&Ing, INARD L. HUNTER - Warchiteot- 4Cs BalldTitf CHAniiOTTB - If. C, FRANK P. f.!ILBURN & CO. architects; . ' N t - IMalwXyiTI, I T ' ' A