CliAIILOTTi:: DAILY OL.IIV 10, n.ji. I.. '. : 't ' . i : ' v - COTTON OI F FROM THE OPENING Trailing Tor the Day Was hem Active t Than Recently, and Seemed More , Largely l'rotVwilonal Following Open) d ir at 1 lb i Point Down Cot ton Sold Down to to 10 Later Hal- lying i to 8 From Lowest on Jto- , newal of Support and Some Lower tng. ..;.,v--, ;";'. , '. New Tork, March 9.-Ths cotton mar ket opened steady at a decline of 1 to t . points with trading rather Wet. and Mm . timant divided between the large spin' ner' taklaga for the week and the din appointing cable. There were aome vague rumor or disagreement between loading bull, however, and with no bull fupport of consequence, the market sold Off to a net decline 6t about to 10 point during the early session. At this level there was a renewal of support and with som covering the market rallied 4 to I - point from the lowest. Trading was less aotlve than recently, and seemed more largely professional. Receipts at the ports to-day 38.901 bales against 3,473 last week and 19.219 last year. For the week (estimated) . bales against 1VS.4S3 lsst week and 117,2 last year. To-day's receipts at New Or leans b,d Dajes against last year and at Houston 7,694 bales against 2,Hi . last year. WILD PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. , Another Large Volume of Business Done on Stock Exchange, Inroads ' on Price at Different Time Making New Leveta In Many Case. New Tork, Marrli 9 The short session at the stock exchange to-day was oc cupied with another lar volume of business snd with wild price fluctuations. Inroads upon prices at different times during the session ma.le new levels in many cases, but there werj points of r ststance in the market throughout and the closing tone was distinctly strong, with prices on the upgrade snd not a few conspicuous net enlns for the day. Tho points of weakness that had most effw-t on speculative sentiment were L'nlte.l (Mates 8tel and Union Pacific. The first named made a low level at 37 within the first hour after the opening n,nd rumors were diligently circulated of cancellation of orders for the company's product for future delivery. These received no offi cial confirmation and tho stock rallied with the general market and close;! at a necllne of . The preferred Htok was supported and closed with a fractional gain. The special wsaknos In Union Pacific was attributed to fears cf a suit by the government growing nut of the Inter-State Commerce Commissions in vestigation to compel the divoroe of the Union Pacific and the Southorn Prclflc. The Gould stocks were unsiinnorled rtlll and there were wide Jedlm- In some stocks not usually sctlve. Tin Pennsyl vania group, including Reading, gave evidence of absorption and there wis a vigorous rebound In Atchison. The bank statement was regarded us weak, but its publication did not deter the bears from pursuing their late covering operntlons. The outflow of caiih was larger than ex pected, but the tick market ilquldatiim was reflected In the considerable loan contraction. Money and discounts rose In London, but sterling exchange contin ued to recede here, indicating a prospect of a contest for new arrlvuls of gold in London market. Total salea of bonds, par value. $1,464,. 000. Total sales stocks 93.1,300 shares. In cluding: Copper K7.4O0; Sugar 8,W; To bacco 600- Atchison 37.90"; A. C. I-. 1,100; C. 4 O. 4,600; Mo Pac. B.7O0; N. W. 4O0; Penna.; Southern Pac. 2fi.M0; Southern Railway 10.900, pfd. 700; .I'nlon Pacific 104.600. V. R Hlecl 8.Jfi0, pfd. !. 300; Va,-Caro. Chemical 1.000, pfd. 2,000. Chicago CTraln and Provisions. Chicago. March 9 -Continued reports of damage to the full-sown crop had a strengthening effect to-day r,n the local wheat market, hut rniw Inking sales offset these InfliierwiH somewhat and t lie market closed about steady with the May delivery only higher. Corn was up V. Oats showed u loss of Vi. Provisions were unchanged to 7V4 lower. WHKAT- May.. . Julv.. . CORN- M.y.. .. Julv.. .. OATft- May . .. July.. .. Pf-RK- July.. . May .. . .. May . . RIHS- May.. .. July.. .. High Low Close 77S 774. 79H 781 47U 42H 37 1 67 tfl SO 47 H 47', ft 4l 37H l'.2 It, 17 !' CO 9 M 9 15 z: i m 9 7.' 9.S7 !i f,J 9 30 9 9 I ", 9.22 New Orleans Sxit Cotton. New Orleans. Marr-h 9 -''otton. closed steady ntiil iiik bunged, middling 11 1-11 sales were 1 . 37 T, bulrn on the spot and 32& to arrive Ku'nrei opened pile.oly lit a derllue of I polnl under esterd;iv Prices teet',lv braced up under the Iriiliienre of h report Inst the rumlne iflnners' report would hnv more th:in l:GUO.KiO bnles. ln dicatlonn of .in extrntr,Mnai7 movement for thin month mere hIIII numerous re suiting Ir' :t rootirojnn' e of the marketa Imtllnh tone The closing wan with prices unchniigeri to 2 pilnl higher for the near month, imd 1 point lower for the Intter month. Fiture closed te;ily: January 1" 02 March W49 Anrll bid low May !" June bid 1" 71 July MM August I' October I" Ie ember In -A Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool. Manh 9 (1nlrij r,i IforNl hulne Hone rl i I point lcr: Amrrlcmi ml .MIIriK f.ilr f, 7", ,,l nil, I llinir (SW; nil'Mllru; " 7.1. low mlMllns (91 pwwl or1lnnr f.S,. unlliiarv " Til.' snles ef the .y si r' I'i.'kk bale, nf which I.Wi were fsr rv- iilnllnn snd e mrt. sni IneliKlH W Ainerlrnn lie celpts 24.000 bale. Inrl nar a. 700 Amerl ran. Future opened ouli t nnil rlnseil strady MiP'h MsnhApril April Mv May-June June-July July-Auust Auiisl-SptemlMT September -M-t"trr October-Novern I ier Kovesnbsr-1 ereinlr loernbr-Jni)ry January-rebrunry stea,y arvl rioe 6 84 .. .. 5 K', tK Sl :i xn S5 l r, . New Vork Cotton. Nsw Tork. March --'it1on. sput rlo e4 steady: miiMllns utilsnd 11 4, mid dlina culf U 70. bsXm 60 hales Kuiurss closso ateatiy. Open lllnh 1iw (.'ie r. km Maroh April Mar . Jans July . Aug. Mpt. . on. ., Jan. . t M) Ul lof )M M 9 M . ft !U v, : in ii In 04 n u 10 3 io J2 in :tt 10 lf 10 wt 10 0 io :s l't 24 1" w ID Of, III it. V in :h 10 14 10. Wl 8 D7 l II? In mi i 10 jo 10 4.1 BANK KTATKMKNT New York. March t rvs, 1C I .MK lyosns. lec.. .. Epaela, !... LVfals. Dec... . tpOslt. De Clrculsllon. Ixv i:.r..i'i a : i ?.3I .l l6i.;oi tic.m Ctiarlotte fort on Thess flfures reprssent ths pr1ef e,iiote1 Io wagons: Man h ' Ooos mWdllng.. .. fltrlet middilnf.. . MMdllng Tings and atalnt. II 10', NEW TORK BONIB. It ';-V. f. refunding 2s registered 108 im si W ; 8. refunding zs coupon H. la rsistr4 .. .. li. I. la rouDOB - . w. via tr. OI4 4 : v. : V. ft ttmw XS. t. Ot4 4m reglsUred ta-ooupon 4 rwgiataroa 4a oouoom '.. mertcaii Tonaeoo 4., ,. , American Tobsrcsj M., ,, ., ,, .... Atehlson gensrsl 4,. .', , iMctusoa adjuslmsat 4a..,. ,. M UUuU Com! tin .. m ..... Pnltlmore &, Ohio 4s.. ., 1'iiltlmore & Olilo 3 vis.. , lirooklyn R. T. cv. 4s.. . Central of Gnorgla 6s bid !', 1 90 7 : i ' Central of Ueorgla 1st Ine. ofd. central of Georgia, 2nd Inc. ofd Central of Oeorgla Sd Inc. ofd.., Chesapeake A Ohio 4 pfd, .. 101 7i inicago t Alton H'4S. a Aiion o, n. A Qiiinry new 4s..., tvi r, R. I. A Paclfle H. R, 4s.. 71 B, K. 1. ft P. a R. col. U.. ft!4 Chicago, Chicago, Chicago, C. -C.. C. A 8t. Louis gen. 4.. 100 Colorado Industrial 5s Ber. A....,, Colorado Midland 4 ,. Coforado ft Southern 4., .. .. .. 70 : 0H 101 104 . 9H SS S9 ST4 iiioa 6s,, .. ,y Denver & Rio Grande 4s.. Distillers' gecuritie 6., Erie prior lien 4.. .. Krle General 4s.. . . . M ...... " Hocking Valley 4$lA t.. j. .... Jnren .. 2il.'. Japan (a 2nd Serle.. .. .. .. .... Japan 4 ctf,. .. .. Japan 4H ctfs. 2nd Series ,. .. .... lyouisvllle it Nash. CnMrt 4.. .. Manhattan coL gold 4s.. , Mexican Central ,4.. .. .. ,. .,. Mexican Central 1st Ine.. .. .. .. Mlnri.-A St. Louis 4s ofd., .. ,. Missouri, Kansas tc Texas 4 bid , Missouri, Kansas T. 2nd bid.. National R. R. of Mexico col. 4.. New York 'Central gen. ft New Jersey Central gen. Is..., ,, Northern Pacific 4 .. Northern Pacific Js.. .. .' Norfolk Western col. 4 21 2 9S . M fm 1 JOOTt 7014 w 96 112 7BV4 75 7K 89 Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4a renn. cv. Reading General 4s Bt. Ixuls 4 Iron Mountain col. is.. St. Louis tt Ban Francisco fg. 4s.... Ft. Louis Southwestm col. 4 bid. Seaboard Air Line 4s ofd Southern Pacific 4s ofd Southern Pacific 1st 4s ctfs Southern Railway 5s J 10 Texas A Pacific lsts 117U Toledo, St. h. ft Western 4s bid.. Xltt Union Pacific 4s 100 V. S. Steel 2nd 5s 9U14 Wabash lsts bid Ill Western Md. 4s Wheeling ft Lake Brie 4a ofd. 79 96 7 Wisconsin Central 4s Japan 4s ctfs CIvOSINO STOCK LIST. Adsms Express 275 Amalgamated Copper 103'i American Car ft Foundry 39 American Car ft Foundry prd .. .. IfloH American Cotton Oil 29 American Cotton Oil pfd W American Kxprcss 210 American Hide ft Leather pfd Z American Ice WHj American Linseed Oil 13' American Unseed Oil pfd American locomotive American locomotive pfd American Smelting ft Rcfng American Smelting ft Kefng. pfd American Sugar Refining American Tobacco pfd. ctf ftnnconila Mining Co Mchlson Atchison pfd 9Mi Atlantic Coast Lino 1W Maltlmnre ft Ohio Baltimore, ft Ohio pfd lirooklyn Rapid Transit 173 $ 1X9 43 13M 1544 142 6 IS 80 V. 30 Canadian Pacific Central of New Jersey Chesapeake Ohio Chicago Great Western Chicago ft Northwestern Chicago, Mil. ft St. Paul Chlcngo Terminal & Trans Chicago Terminal ft Trans, pfd.. C. C. C. ft St. Louis Colorado Fuel ft Iron Colorado ft Bouthern Colorado ft Southern 1st pfd Colorado & Southern 2nd pfd 61 Consolidated Gas 125 Corn Products Refining 20 orn Product Refining prd K DelHWare ft Hudson 190 Delaware, Luckawnnna ft West 475 Denver ft Rio Grande 31s, Denver ft Ulo Grande, pfd 71 DlHtlller' Securities nv, Krle 29T Krle 11 pfd 4 Krle 2nd pfd 49V General Klectrlc 150 Illinois Central 146W International Paper 14V4 International Paper pfd 79 International Pump Internntlonal Pump pM 74 Iowa Central J'Vj Inwii Central pfd 39 Kansas City Southern . . 24 Kansas City Kouthem pfd f4 1-oulsvllle & Nashville 1I9V4 Mexican Central 19-t; Minneapolis ,t St. Iul r3 Minn.. Rt. P. ft Hnutt Ste. M Ill Minn . St. P. ft S iult Hte. M. pfd. 135 Missouri Pacific 70'i Missouri. Kansas ft Texas 3S Missouri, Kansas ft Texas pfd.... ff, National I-nd MM National K R of Mexico pfd 51 New York Central 119 New York. Dntiirln ft Western.... 39 Norfolk ft Western 7!Hi Norfolk ft Western pfd xn North Amerlran 7r'i Pacific Mall 2'. i'ennsvlvHnlii 12tm I'e.'ples (ois 90 Plttsiutg. c C. A St Louis ra I rwl Hteel Csr tl4 i'rcsHeil Stei I Cur pfd 93 I'ullin.'in 1'aliice Car Kl Heading 12!' Heading 1t pfd Reading L'nd pfd SS Itepuldlr Hteel :r,. (J,.l n Hi.ik I j l.tnrl f'i) Murk Island '. pf'l St U.iiIb A 3n Fran. ?nd pfd Hi I.oiiIk Soul h wetern fill I -'i ; M'- ! l 111,'. I :--" ! t:i I 1 li I i!"'" I l'.S',j i i HI I.ihiIh Hniitliwesiern pM.. .. I'lli'llli' ft., nth. M n I'm llli- pfd Soiithi-rii Itiiilwnv Hmithcrri It.illway pfd Tenrie!' Ciml Ar Iron Tmsiis Pacini- T'lhili', SI Uinl West.. .. T' li-do. H' liuls SB(. pfd I'rili.n I'n. It. I 'nlun I'm Hie pfil !'nt.'l Hl;iti Kxpre I nlii-d Stale Itciiltv t -nli. il Kuhher l' 47 rii ii-.l Ht,ii"i pfd in.1 I'ntti-.i Ht.itr Kti-i'i rr; rnlt.-d Sliit.'n Sti-el pfd lmn, V" 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 ii ( 'aii.lln.i f'hemlcsl 'J7S Vlrvlnl.i I'andln.i I'hentlraJ pfd W.,'.hkIi . Wsl.nnh pfd . l.U'j Well l-'aijn Kxprra '-' i ! IhKli'umc I-:i--t r Ir I.', Wi-hIi-iii r n. m Ml h. . hinc A laike Kile in Ik. ..rmlll I '.-nl i n I iK'i Wi. ,,nin i ntriil phi . . .. ... 40 N'i iih. n, I'm I tic W4j I'mtral U-atln-i :!1 Cintnil l'iilhrr pfd !4 ai,,H plii'tTiidd ft7' Ori-nt NVt I hi-rn pf.' 14!i14 Inl. rlMiiniUili M t ?.',S hit, -rbfinaish Md pfd , (1 li MHIIANH TKHTIKIKH AhTKH Kill 'It YI'.AHH (1 11 Iluiruin I 'iirllb Center. N. Y . write "At .ml fniir yesr bko i rnp you talliii Hut I list! lieen en tuely cured of n eere kidney tniiilile by iHklns le than two 14itt!es of Tuley Kidney t'liri. It entirely mop ped (lie hrh k dilKt neillment. and pain and eyinptcrn of kidne illaease tllanppeared. I snt glad to sy tht I hnve never had a rturn of nny of thnse yinptnms dur ing the four year that have elapsed un.l 1 sin evidently cun.. to amy cured, and heartily reronirnend KnleyS Kidney Pure to fy nn sufferina from kidney or blaiider trouble H 11 Jordsn At Co CAT LIN & CO. loa lisrsliasu 849 and 347 Broadway New York Boitoti, Philadolphla. OOTTON YARNS. All numbers, Skelna, Warpa, Cops and Cones OOTTON GOODS. i. Housed Wilson Norrte SUar MEMMKRH OF New Tork Cotton Kxrhanga Nsw York CofTss Eichang New Orleans Co Won Eichang Liverpool Cotton Aaa'n., Ltd. FERNIE, WILSON k CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 3 Heater Strt Now York Prompt Attention Olvan to tho Es cutloo of Ordsr on tb Eihangs. COIUtESPOADEJICB ' SOWCnXD. COTTON AND WOOLEN MILL MACHINERY . AND POWER PLANTS ' " ' Charlotte, lL C. Have Been in securing 21 Pettce Revolving lop Flat Cards , , in good condition can be seen running. Also 40-ich Pickers and Drawings, with metallic rolls. Greensboro Supply Company Grcenboro, N. C. hicks CAPUDINE CURES ALL ACHES Ami Nenrrasaea Trial MtU Ik Aldral 3. II. ffO fti i 93 PER TON-SAME tr nja.Wi ' ritFISHT - LABOR - . Ur which vo Make It Smaller. Low its 4 coal save In first ooH, but makt expensive ashplls. Buy ths coal that makss most power. Money In power makes dlfl dsods; mousy In Mhas IS IyOST. "ADMIRALTY" Coal turns dollars into power be cause low in ash. It is cheapest because it is best Dividend-paying mills and plants in the Carolina are uaing "ADMIRALTY ' Coal. If best for them ,why not for you? It will pay you to investigate. Write for proofs and full information. We will gladly send them. M. O. BROOKS, General Manager, Chesapeake and Ohio Coal and Coke Co. 415-417 Mutual Building, Richmond, Va. Spmeially Adapted fat Burning Brick. rr i "ft i The Brokers Stock and Grain Co. A CORPORATION CAPITALIZATION 1300,000 I Montgomery Street 1AR: Our facilities for handling Cotton, Stocks and Grain on a mar gin I such that we feel we ran be ofrervlce to you and solicit a part, of your business. Wo have representatives in each of the Southern State and will be glad to have one of them call on you and have him ex plain our method of doing business, and the special trading ad vantages we can offer to stockholder In our corporation. We now number with us some of tho most prominent people of the South. Correspondence solicited. Producer Gas Power Plants Save 50 to 75 per cent, of your fuel cost! over steam .and Klectrlo Power. h. p-i hour-i m. eonh Compete Ou Englno and Producer Plant, Sin to 1,000 hone power. . INVESTIGATE. Absolutely tho moat economical and reliablo powr for operating Cotton Mills, Ulna, Electric Light and Viltre Work Ptanta, Floor Mill, ete. I)o not fail (6 got Of cripilr catalogue and rat Una to. VJcber Qqq Engine Co. Factory and Main Ofl Kami atjr. Mo. ' V ftouthrrn ReprvMntatWe, W.' T. IRV1K, Sclwy. Motel, Oiarlott, V. a . y,:: h ; Fortunate another lot of1 CTELLA COMMISSION CO 7( Montgomery Street, Jersey aty. N. J. - Dealer In Cotton, Stocks. Bonds, Grain and Provision. Correspondence Solicited Write for our Investment Booklet of Statistic and 1907 "Bull and Bear" Calendar. AtflttAt" ftasir Aft Mil SAME AS COAL Bl k: 1 "TOWN AWA i ji liiw m i ilW Jersey City, N. J. COTTON, $1.00 Bole STOCKS, 2.00 Share -GRAIN, I c. per Bu j:iu I MAIM oprioai COUTH TRTON ST., CHARLOTTI. N. O. inn Revolvlnt Rat Cuds; RaUw.yHcadj, , Drawinf Frme, ' , 5plnninf Frames', Twisters and Spoolers Qulllers and Reels, ? COM15ER5.1 ;.Vr;: etc ere. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANT Cotton Yarns and Cotton Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia. 12S and 124 Cheatnnt Si. uoaton, iss Hummer 8C New York. No. 73 ?0eonard SC Charlotte. 25 S. Tryon St HUBBARD BROS, ft CO HiNOTSR SQUARE,. NEW TORK. MEMBERS OF New Tork Cotton Ex c iiange. iMtw uneana cotton Hs kanga, Aaaoelata Mombtra Uvor ORDERS SOLICITED for tko Bar. Baa aaa aai or cotton for rutura Aallvarr. CorrapondooM lafttod. Looms Bobbies Repairs Crompton - Thayer Loom Co Worcester, Mass Alexander & Garsed Southern agents Gharlotte, N. G. Manufacturers and Jobbers FreqnaatlT And It necessary to hare Banking Facilities in ad dition to those offered by local bank. THE First National Bank OP RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. WlUj 1.000,000.00 Capital Earned surplus 1000,000.00 $5,600,000.00 Deposit $t, OOO.OOO.O I Total Hrsoiirco Offer Just the Additional Fa cUltloa Reqalred. Jno. B. Pnrcell, President; J no. M. Miller, it- Vice Presi dent; Cha. R. Burnett, A. alstant Cashier: J. C. Joplln. AssUtant Cashier. Shoe Trees preserve shaps and add to II f and appearance of your footwear. Shapes to Fit Stylish Shoes Men's and Ladles' Stirs. MlUer'a Patent Extension Trees, price 11.00. Our Improved Lerer Tree, price 75c. In ordering, send outline of snap of hoe, with ilie and width, and add J60. for expr or mailing-. Catalogs fro. GILREATIi & CO. Come and look at our magnificent line of Dia mond. We handle nothing except the very best. It's a good investment, as Dia monds are, advancing in price daily. Diamonds -Stuart VV. Cramer, CNQINCCR AND CONTRACTOR 4k Slabbers ,. Wits Prmines JO k . . . ' II 4WtlWUWUi.l r' ntermedlattSt, Jack Frames J EN CUES SPINNING CO. QOTTON YARNS Pswtncbet, R. L, and Philadelphia,' Pa. Philadelphia Office. Mariner A Merchant Building, W mJi. SpUlMr.' Manager and Southern Repre entatlve. 0. A. R0BBINS euMinjifm bqttipmjents for cotton mtua pywEn ffuurm GENKRAX MACaHNERT. "! CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA. 1! I8.0H0RADC 8PII.DLE. OILS Bell Of and Ova, LvbrtMUlna CoM VTaAte PaJat. Anto WattW GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C I. SPENCER TURNER CO. COiaHSSIOIT MERCHANTS. Vow Tork, Yarns and Cotton Piece Goods. PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO. Go ii oin Yarns 7-80 LEONARD tTTREET . 1M CKE8TNVI VIRKET . . flS MONROE STREET . . . . William B. Charles OaV Charlotto 9. C Bstass Mas, and Amsterdam N. T. Mate OOeo Amstsrdam, N. T. Slngl Lift Jacquard with Independent Cylinder Motion. USE HAL KIN'S J ACQ CARDS. THOMA8 HALTON'S SONS. PhlUdelphla. Pa. ALEXANDER A GAnSED, fionthern Agent. Charlotte. N. C. Prospective Builders Before beginning your building operation, you would do well to correspond with ns for prices on all sorts of Bnlkllug Material. We terry a full lino of Flooring. Ceiling. Siding, Interior Trimmings, Hash. Doors, Blinds, eta Always prepared to furnish the best materials, and can aara yon money. ... IICTTOX A BOTJRBONNAIS. Hiekory. N. ,C SOUTHERN Q PEE ORS.1S , ' OUK L1CADER.; If It' Orats you want, or Mantels and Tils, us or writs for' cata logue. , i f ... . H. Wearn & Company ' ' Cbarlott. N, CilUv-V'! PVBUO ACCOUNTANTS JaND : BROWN & HUNTER V . Audit of Banks, ',Truit' Compan,lsi . and OeneraUTtuara, , . ; lSlt.Hll Entplr BuUdlngw iTi.ivri a , ' riANOH'ePPIQtt Equitable buildins. atlanta. oa. mm r,v. !;. 1". ' " .' ) ' 1 .Automatic Feeders, . ' Opeaeri and Trunk, ' Breaker, Intermediate and - l '"' J Finisher Lappers, ) -' KIrschner Card Ini Cf atersf Thread ExttactorgX-- 1 .Waste Pickers', etc , Raw Stock Dryers. m ETC-ETC, ".t. V LOOM. ENGINE AND VALVE RMdy-MhMd Cbinpmd . NEW VOKK, PHILADELPHIA - CIIICAUO COTTON TARNS, COTTOX GOODS. AXD COTTON WASTE. A. D. SALKELD & BRO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. -73 LeonarC Street. NEW TORK. cotto"n yarns;'' FredTc-Vietor '& Acnelis. 1TTJ0H MACRAE ft 00 , MlsoollaneMa rlonthern Seonrlttesi WTLMINOTON, K. C. Washington, D. 0., 40S Colorado Bid. V Cotton Mill Stocks , RICHARD A. BLYTHE, . Cornmisslon Merchant COTTON WARPS A3tD TARNS. ; mL. 'XJU Chestnal Strost ' - ' fnrLADELpnxA. ..i,-, J a, """""TT"' " 1 ' m I WM. D 'OLDER ' & CO; ; i: COMMISSION MERCHANTS f ; - J COTTONt YARNS ?j$ 'li ' Thrd and Cheetnot, St,- ' . ' Harlner and Merchant nid . fHlLADEli-lUA. PA. . ' ". ' , "S V"': e. v f. 'l ki I.' . ' V

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