.n: 3 i. ..J ... fcna cr.d Forest VJiiriotdG 6v tVlany DowoiiinationG Join hi Recommending Pc-ru-na to the Pcc:;L., THE PARROT, UNDER SENTENCE. 'The owl was holding a criminal court for the birds, ha being., by vir tue of his lone reputed wisdom and hla dignified appearance, their Judge, Among other prisoners . brought to ' the bar was a parrot that had blun- dered into an escape and had been ar rested In the woods for vagrancy. The , court put ' the y question,, y. '"To who? . v To-who T" which means.. "Plead!" ' i and i the parrot plead ed guilty; whereupon - the owl, under - the ' penal -statute by na ture made'1-and provided. ; adjudged mm-. 'V.f ::. :r - ' .,r ;:: i, inac tne onenaer v oe imprisoned ; a ' term of.' thirty- days.'vWv:-.- . y "Ahr sighed the parrot,4 when he V biud"" himself again In a cage. ! 'I wv f 'vi rnr s7rr r.rv.t i ir ti : , . w f . -.. ... xi m- g-wtimi. . i i m i ' in 1 1 ii Bui I u.A-11 i jib r ' -. i.. k i w . , , 'Mfw ,t Justice can never become' absolute so long aa punishment . for ; i one is pleasure for another. ', - ' . ;; '.y;, ,- ,i, ;.yju,;.X t-nii-h-.v THE DELUDED OLD LADY. There waa an old lady under the" de- . lualon that at half-past eight o'clock on certain Saturday morning she ; was fated to die'. This she announced ,to her family and .friends, that they might be at her bedside. She made herself neat with fresh linen and put Ivor Buupm ciicuiB- ui viuoi, miu wmcm '' a few neighbor women' stole Into the room, as Is the manner of the living ' In the presence of the dead or dying, : they found her on her pillow, palely regarding the clock and the corrobor- etlng sunbeam on the wall. The min ute hand pitilessly approached' the . half-hour mark and the sunbeam sank towardlthe notch. Now it wanted a, tnlnute of the fated hour; now half a minute; now .fifteen seconds; now it , was half -past eight! The old lady had her eyes closed;, she was pale; she seemed cold. 3ut a neighbor woman felt of her heart, and, lo, It. was beat ing. - . The Influence of mind on body Is graciously limited. , "v, -. ; . THE SMALL LAD AND HIS BROTH- , ER. , v A lusty . young woodsman' allowed his small brother to troop at his heels when he went, to the forest to rive boards. He tested the grain of many pine before he settled Jilmfelt to fell one. The small lad entertained him self, paddling in a brook or lying on the leaves to watch the chips fly from his brother's axe. When ,the triangle had sunk to the heart of the pine on qpestde and nearly to its heart on the other; that is,, when a gust of wind would have toppled ' the tree; the woodsman called to the small boy, re eigned the axe to him, told him where to strike, and. behold, the thews began to strain and crack, and the great pine crashed among Its smaller neighbors to the- ground. "See! See!" cried the email lad, astonished and delighted. "I have eut the big tree down, where even you had failed!" Strength and patience are his who plants and ploughs, but the triumph song Is on the Hps of the harvester. THE FLICKER AND THE BLUE BIRD. As a flicker, flew across the pasture In tongewoope and Tises, he smelt in the south-wind that mating time was near. Obedient to his Instinct, he sought at once an old pine stump and set-in to bore him a hollow, even be fore he wooed his bride. The blue bird, meanwhile, was occupied on the burntwoods and in the new furrows He, too, felt the prophecy inthe air, but It did not provoke him to prov I donee. ,. When mating time came, he and the flicker wooed and won each bis mate, but the flicker handed his bride into a new home, made for and first to be occupied by her, while the tardy bluebird must needs make the best of a last-year's aapsucker's prem ises and draw upon his mate's affec tion for pardon. Love's full treasure Is invaded by THE TWO DOGS. A oertaln farmer went daily at sun- ) Mt to his pasture by a neighbor's cur tllage, which was fenced with high palings. His dog always followed him, and he and the neighbor's dog foamed and gnawed at the palings to get at each other, as if they would each tear the other in pieces. One day a storm blew down a panel of the fencing. When the farmer that sunset saw It, he feared what might come of the dogs, whose temper had been long teased and whetted. Imagine his amaaement when they satisfied them selves with a mere haughty l6ok and low growls, and did not so much aa light at all. Any coward will make as If to fight while he la being held. THE PARMER AND THE STRANG ER. "Why do you labor with that. old straight-framed plough." asked a . stranger of a farmer by the roadside, "when the hardware stores are sup plied with modern ploughs, possessing many advantages over this and Just as cheap? You might lessen your toil and increase your productive capaci ty '1 use this od plough now." replied the farmed '"because I used It ten years ago an4 at that time told my neighbors that It waa the best, of ploughs." Consistency, for Its own sake. Is a vice. ffHE TOUNO MAI AND THE FOOL. 'I am about t take a very import ant step In life." said a young man a fnnl "anif 'T crave vour advice." ''My advice would be of no account to you." said tha fooL "There Is a Wise mn wiuiia-ciu, nvwvTci, , if yea please, I will have him here n a Toil may iui cuuiiao ui mut. Nav. nay. thou fool I" cried the young man, hastily.' - "It was . with thee or nobody that I sought to ad Vise." . . av ooatture. he jpernuades. himself that vrfee wants a supporting opinion, but h will hear no opinion strong enougn 10 affect his purpose. V wm minnonnuRRnn ivn tub At Happy Valley there was, a fine racehorse, thoroughbred, sensible. kind, eubiect to the saddle and har . mul ' Ha was the despair of all tha t... AHsa mn kiuIm f hat vk-now Mm. so beautiful and awirt was he. But he had one bad way about him: : . m .t - hi- ft. -11 hack suddenly and map this rein or - fra. r ana suna ires. ar oiu piug or ' A POOR OHO AN. ' n ' tha hlla . That's what f -liver does it If torbut - Then tha bile . ' overflows Into the biooA-volsons your ' Z aualna alck-haadar ha titl&ma. ' . .sallow akin, crti tongue, atok stomach, dlstlneae, sinttng spoil,, : Ramon's - treatment of Liver Pill nf rnle Pallets etrwigtMns in iivnr and i - M aa lla own work. rvnla an. I eurM 0M troubles. It alde-4en't fotwa. Fttiro r-amn'ie.- w. M m90 W&M giiiiiwiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiHiiilliimiliiliiA "CjkmH I Relieved by Pe-ru-aa After Three Years Sufferlni With cnronio caurrh. Ber. P, E. Swanstrom, Swedish Baptist Pastor, box 228, Graatsburg, Wis., writes j "I feel that it la my duty M well as pleasure to let you know that I am perfectly well, entirely cured of chronlo diarrhoea and catarrh. I thanjz you for your directions how to use Peruna, and for your kindness tome; '..., . - . . t btr used PeraoM according to your personal 4irtctkM and I am vbry glad that I found a medicine which would can mo after three yean Buffering. " 0 Jacob D. Ramsey, D. D., Bishop Union tion, write irom iws Aiuua e(n rnuaaeipbla, Fa., aouowsj "Havlns; heard much of the great curative power of your Peruna, we conolnded to try it. -Por eolds and dyspepsia, wa have found it to be an excellent remedy." THE vocation of preaching Is a very , trying oneespoclally to the throat and lungs. The preacher must stand before large audiences, frequently In Illy ventilated rooms, sometimes over heated, and other times filled with dan gerous drafts. The preacher is fre quently called upon to stand In such places and preside at a service an hour or more in length. This Is the most trying test that can possibly be put to the vocal organs. The liability to catarrh Is very great. This is so universally true that the majority ' of preachers have catarrh, In more or less pronounced form. . Many preachers have found Peruna of use to them, to prevent as well as to re lieve the catarrha ailments to which the preacher is constantly subjected Follicular pharyngitis has come to be a very common expression, It is .sometimes called preacher's sore throat. J. a gelding, fain to be like the thor oughbred, tried the same trick, squat ting backward upon his rope, and when it had broken, running across country with his tall hoisted high. "you old fool" said his master, when he had the gelding caught, "I am about to give you a whipping that will teach you this: when you imi tate, try to imitate the high qualities, not the weakness or bad habits of your superiors. I would stand for the thoroughbred's one offense be cause of his many benefits; but you you had better pursue a careful path." Small men, seeing that certain weaknesses are tolerated In the great, give range to those weaknesses In thAmuilvAi In whnm srtnlAtv will nnf toierat(l them THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF AN IMALS, THE BUCK AND THE BULL. The general assembly of animals was In session, when news reached it that a certain buck, of the red deer breed, and a certain bull, of the Dur ham breed, had been taiKing about it, each In his own way. It waa-offended. and appointed a committee or its members to hale the buck and the bull to a hearing and make them run their back track. "Ha, ha!" they cried, the buck and the bull. "What is this 7 We will go at their call; but suppose we refuse to ansWer their questions? Or, an swering their questions, suppose we tell them bluntly that we Intended to reflect upon mem t Are iny noi -sembled to legislate? and well we pre sume mat tney may no pronuuuuo Judgment nor execute decrees. It is our beuer. saia inn nun mm th buck. "that they nave done a-vain thing, and that, If they find us guilty, they may punish us only by fist and skull. A power to punisn is necesaary- in order to exact an unwilling obedience. J. C. M. V 1 NEWS OF THE STATE CAPITAL. Game Plentiful This Season Report on Public Schools Charter Granted Sanitarium Amount of Life In surance Premiums. Observer Bureau. The Hollaman Building, Raleigh, March 9. The action of the Legislature In taking , very large part of the earn ings of the penitentiary came quite as a surprise, to the Legislature, ' to the ..n.rt nubile and of course , to the penitentiary authorities them selves. The penitentiary and the Insurance department are two of, the great money makers of the state and both have made splendid records In the past seven years. Chief Game Warden John W. Up church eayg that a groat many birds escaped the guns last season and that In some sections partridges are ' eg- tremely numerous. The open season ended In almost every county with February. Bobbins are included In the game law and to-4ey the warden went out . to make an arrest of the man who had been shooting tuean. - Commissions were, Issued to-day to William A. Jackson and John 8. Witt as first and second - lieutenants of Company, 14 First Infantry, of the National Guard of this Mate. , v i x charter Is granted the National Sanitarium Company, at . Scayley, Macon county, capital stock 111,000. It la stated by Insurance Commie, sloner Toung that the amount of life Insurance premiums In this State tor the last flacat, year of his department were 14,010.444; the losses 11.111,067. The fire insurance premiums were 12. A.M. E. Connec In reality, this affection is catarrhal pharyngitis. Hoarseness la generally due to catarrhal laryngitis. Chronic cough is generally due to catarrhal bron chitis. All these conditions beset the preacher, and are his constant liability the whole year round. Notwithstanding the diffidence of the clergy to give public testimony to any remedy, yet a large number of them, Impelled by gratitude, have expressed their high appreciation of Peruna as a remedy for this class of ailments. Cold Settled en Lunis. H. M. Turner, D. D., L. L. D 80 Young St., Atlanta, Ga writes: " contracted a dreadful cold which settled on my lungs. I tried several remedies recommended by the doctors, but my condition grew worse until 1 was alarmed. Ml finally resorted to Peruna. and I find myself weiragaln." ; ., s MASK OF THE FALSE LIFE. No .Helping Hand, But Everywhere the Reverse, Extended to the Man Who is Trying to Live IWthln His Means Glimpse, of .a Downward Road. To the Editor of The Observer: I want to make a plea for the man who has a reasonable Income and tries to live within It His problem be comes greater as his chtldren grow up around him and the expense of living Increaaea. He needs help and he de serves It, for when you come to think of it, he Is the bed-rock of our civili sation, the supporter of law and order and, aa a rule, the example of a clean life. Thls4ielp he needs against the hourly temptations to grant this or al low that to his family or to himself, to keep up with others, to whom shall he look for It? To his' church? It would seem that it, or the members thereof, ought to be able to help him. But does It? On the contrary some of the most irresistible appeals come from that very source, appeals that tempt him most, appeals not alw&ya or alone through the eloquence of the preached to his religious duty or char itable Instincts,-but sometimes. It must he admitted, to his pride and vanity by methods som""wohld rather not see employed. That man of the class I am describ ing, who hasn't had the strength to re sist these appeals, will also be found lacking in the power to withstand the temptations that come to him when the colls of debt tighten about his al ready weakened soul. The proceas of decline Is as plain to reflective .'ob servers aa the descent of the drunk ard, although It may be less spectacu lar. First there comes a hardening in his dealings with his fellows, a feeling that the world owes him a living, a growing recklessness in the manage ment of his affairs, ending in specula tion, gambling, or worse. In view of this well-known fact, I venture the deliberate statement, that he who Induces a man to assume obli gations that he Is unable: to meet, without a revolution in his manner of living, Is guilty of as great a wrong as one who tempts another with drink. If one tends' to lead to habits which destroy the body and ultimately the soul, the pressure of debt upon man who is led into it through pride and vanity tends equally to destroy the soul. There is more hope to the com munity, to morality and to religion from the drunkard,- than there Is from the gambler and the thief; Fortunately for the good . of hu manity, all men who drink do not necome drunkards, and ail who have been led to assume debts they cannot pay, do not become gamblers, t or thieves. The world over, good people are trying to help men and womea ' ' ' fP W TOW 1V 1 1 W.UI Be Saved From Deatli If PtM Wf,?' i rawi w mmmM-m mms "a Kept m the nouse. i Jits, iiiimw. iiauy m fja. J f'J M I jW Jil . Bishop Holseyt Strong Trliute to , Pe-rn-na. -L. H. Holsey, Bishop, 0. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga., writes t I have found Peruna to be a great remedy for oatarrh. I have suffered with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until since I have been using Peruna, whloh has re lieved me of the trouble. "I have tried many remedies and spent a great deal of bard earned money tor them, but I found nothing so effectual In the cure of catarrh as the great medicine, Peruna. "I feel sure that Peruna la not only a triumph of medical science, but it is a blessing to suffering humanity. "Every Individual who suffers wtth respiratory diseases will find Penna to be a magnificent and sovenlgn remedy." who are disposed towards drunken ness, and some drunkards are now leading in this fight. Public sentiment had lessened this evil before the great activity of recent years began. But, so far as I know, there Is no helping hand extended to the man who la try ing to live" within his means. Society demands more from him, public char ity demands more, end the churoh de mands more. Infatuated and excited advocates of various schemes of cure alls and uplifts ridicule or abuse him, in Ignorance of what he may be doing in directions out of their narrow line of vision, and the only help he haa Is direct from God Almighty and his own Inherited backbone. I make a plea for this man who saves us from the grinning mask of the false llfo. X. RACE PROBLEM VANISHING. The Observer's Opposition to the At tempt to Get Together a Conference of Representatives of Southern Stated Appreciated Would Have Filled the Negroes With Dread. To the Editor of The Observer: I trust I am not taking an unwar ranted liberty In writing this letter to say please accept a thousand thanks for your editorial, "No Confederate Congress," and also for your habitual brave, fair stand ea the race question. No, sir, there Is no need of such a conference, since there Is no race con flict Such a conference would be sure to AH the hearts of tha negroes with suspicion and dreed, and so such k conference would likely do only harm. 1 A part of my work In Blddle Uni versity la to teach general history. While Innhe relations of the races in the South there are many things to be deplored yet nevertheless I do not re call a single case in history where- the ex-master class has treated the new helDleas freed men better than, the 3outhern white people have treated the negroes. It seems to me that the so-called race problem Is solving itself .twenty-four hours In the day and sev en days In the week. now7 ny the negroes desiring and striving to make the most of themselves and by the fair-minded of the white people's helping them. V i A thousand thanks for your help. I think I voice tha opinion of the thoughtful of my race. Tours with respect and appreda tlon. YORK JON EH, 4 Of the chair of rhetoric and history. ,-BIddle University." . . ' k4-'" PREVENT HEADACHE. Force them? No aids them. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pel lets strengthens the Itver and dlseatlve organs so mat may 00 inair own wum and ' fortifies your constitution against future trouble. Entire treatment 2So. W, UjHand at Co. Jno. M. Scott A Co. Convinced of the Merita of Pe-ru-na. Rev. Dr. Joslah Gets, 47 Park Ave., Albany, N. Yn for years a Rabbi of the Hebrew Synagogue, but now retired, writes i MI am fully convinced of the merits of Peruna in cases of colds and ca tarrh, and as a general tonic. " have taken it off and on now for several can and always find that It Is very effective In restoring lost strength and appetite, and very effective In ridding the system of cold. I gladly endorse It. " Rev. J. G. Dukes, pastor of the Unita rian Church, of Pinetown, N.O., writes: "My wife has been In a very bad state of health for several years, and nothing seemed to do ber any good until she began to use Peruna one month ago. Siaoe then the oolor has returned to her faoeaad sbe is gaining In flesh every eey, and I believe sbe Is a well woman to-day." ' Use Reason. Cures Piles Privately at Home With out Pain or Operation TRIAli PACKAGE MAILED FREE. The result of an Irritated membrane cannot be cured with a knife, but by removing the cause of the Irritation. What Is a more natural cure than a strong and yet healing balm which will bring life back to the deadened tissues? This is the action of tho Pyramid Pile Cure. The little sup positories melt away Into the feverish raemorane, heal the ulcers, remove the inflamatlen and swelling and bring back the rectum to its normal condi tion. This result Is effected painlessly and without the loss of a moment's time from your dally dutlea The treatment la applied at home, In the privacy of your bwn room. The remedy Is our own preparation and our name Is the guarantee of its gen uineness. Thousands of cases similar to the following might be cited to prove our clatms. "I tried the sample of your sure you sent to me. I used It and then bought a BO cent box. The results were immediate and surprlatng to me. I assure you, I had been to a doien of the best doctors and paid much money to them with no results what ever. I had this affliction tor zo years. I was In a hospltaj for a long time, and I left It physically broken down. I owe you a debt of gratitude. I be lieve that piles would be banished from humanity and become en un known thing, were every one afflicted with them to but spend from 50c to 11,00 for Pyramid Pile Cure. Its speedy action also makes It extrenuuy favorable for Impatient people. I am yours sincerely. George II. Ilartlett, Mattapan, Mass." No matter how badly you suffer from piles, we want to cure you. If you will try a free paekago to prove Its merits yourself, we will gladly send It to your name and address at once. We will leave It to you to de cide whether you can afford to discon tinue the treatment. Pyramid Drug Co., 84 Pyramid Btdg., Marshall, Mich. All-druggists sell the Pyramid Pile Cure, Just the same aa the sample, at 10 cents per box. HOW TO REMAIN TOUNCL To continue young In health and strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mo Ponougb, Oa., did. "lie says:. "Three bottlM of Electric Bitters cured me of elironlc liver and stomach trouble, com- fillcated with such an unhealthy coiwll ton of the blood that my skin turned red aa flannel. I am now practically 10 years younger than before I took Elee trh Bitters. I can now do all my work with ease and assist In my husband's store." Guaranteed by all drug stores. Price Mc. 1 FACKAUS raoncnorl 'llllll Throat Affected by Catarrh, Rev. Hi W. Tate, 20 Lincoln Ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, writes: "For several years I have been troubled with a peculiar spasmodic affection of the throat. It would seise me suddenly, and for a few minutes I would be unable to speak audibly, and my breath would be greatly Interfered with. I would be obliged to garp for breath. " finally concluded that It waa some catarrhal affection which probably excited the spasm. It Interfered with my vocation as a preacher, attacking me occasionally In the pulpit. "I had heard so much about Peruna as a catarrh remedy that I determined to try it. After taking two bottles my trouble has disappeared. I feel sure that Peruna has greatly benefited me." For catarrh of the respiratory organs, no remedy has ever been found to equal Peruna. t ae REMEDIES Over one million samole boxes have been distributed through0 the United states of America ab solutely free of eharg. Thousands of letters have been received, thanking the PENN DRUG COMPANT. of PHILADELPHIA. PA for their generous method and praising the healing properties of PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. H yo have net tried this in valuable remedy, do not fail to do so at oaoe. Do not allow the disease to get too strong a hold oa you. Remember the years, months or days you have b'en suffering. Make up your mind te test the FENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Take It faithfully accord ing to directions. Expect no miracles, but you will ,-raaua'ly And returning strength, freedom fr pain, and former health. The ex cruciating agony of RirEUMATlO pams will be gone, if not tor gotten, and you will oleaa the daw yew eeoided to try PENN RHEUMATISM CURE. Beware of thoae who seek to tool yea by alluring and unsub stantiated statements that Rheumatism can be cured by faith or In a few hours. You must nrHcate the erlo arid fro myottr sys tem. Dangerows eompoands "ay occasionally give quick reUeC but the reaction comes, probtty curing one disease and creating a more serious one. If you need a Rheatnatre Remedy, select the beat and Med one. You will fmd It In PENN RJUETOAX'Kaf CURE, which eures to tay aured. PENN CHERRY EDIXIR is a safe and reliable anodyne ex pectorant, untveraaHy Indorsed by the medical profession, and thoroughly tested by the public tri all paKs of the clvUise dworid. It rapidly cures acute affections of the throat and hiaga, wonder fully Increases the power and fteclVUity of the voloe, strengthens weak luagi, triers paknopaay Irritation, heals the Unrag mem branes of the throat and hinga, and property oontrots eoaghs of all kinds CATARRH Is usua'.'. very bad at this season of the year ta act parts of the country. It sate up the tender mucous mamhranas wherever It touches and reave 1 a train of misery and auffertng everywhere. WHOOPING-COUGH, CROIHT and QUINSY all prj upon tha human family during thla month, more than during aJmott any other month. Pneumonia andnrustsy re eapectalry liable to de velop. The former Is about a severe a diseawi as ones np don. The wtse man or woman lots not wait for these tererfylng and killing diseases to take hold of tha catena. They eaa eO be pre vented by the use or the W.yS REMEDIES all Oirotrgh this month. The FEXN REMKDIKS are wonderful la their preventive aotlon. They so add new life and vigor to (be neevoejs system and -so splendidly build up the blood, that disease can find no lodgrag place In the system. - Purity guaranteed under the Pure Drug Aet at Yaanlorton, IX C, under aerial No. 410. MAVreACTVTUri) KJHTSX TFT J PBaViV DRUG COM PUNY piiiXADixannA, pa. . If you caro-for fragrance and flavor, if you care for strength and purity, if you care to feci perfectly cer tain that the coffee, you servo on your table is of the very highest quality and has been packed under the most rigid sanitary condi tions, insist that your grocer supply you with . a scaled can of White House Coffee. Rev. II. Stubenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wis., is pastor of the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of that place. Rev. Stubenvoll Is the possessor of two Bibles presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon th fly leaf of one of the Bibles tho Emperor has written in his own handwriting a text. This honored pastor, In a recent letter to The Peruna Drug M'f 'g Co., of Columbus, Ohio, says : " had hemorrhages of the tunn for a hag time. i and all despaired of me. 1 took Peruna and waa cured. '1$ gave me strength and courage, and made . healthy, pure blood. It Increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feel well, it Is the best medicine In the world. If everyone kept Peruna In ' the house It would save many from death every year. " Pe-ru-na for Coughs and Colds. E. Cottrell, D. D., Presiding Bishop of Fifth Episcopal District, 0. M. E. Church in America, writes from Holly Springs, Miss., as fallows : "I have used Peruna In severe cases of neuralgia, colds and coughs, and find It to be one of tn most valuable reme dies on the market. "I unhesitatingly recommend It to all sufferers from the above troubles." Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics, One reaoon why Peruna has found permanent use In so many homes is that it contains no narcotics of any kind. Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without ao quiring a drug habit. Peruna is not a mere palliative, but if used according to directions its beneficial effect is Ire quently Of a permanent oharacta. The principal in gredlen t of Peruna are well known and highly pranod by medical writers of all schools. 1 TWO RELIABLE SAFEGUARDS Well Known and Endorsed by In North Carolina. PETfN RHEUMATISM CURB PENN CHERRY ELIXIR All Druggists SU Then. of PKNN RHEUMATISM CURB I'M, j;il:.':tifv- lis! v Ai. aeoxi at Eft J l9,M. and the losses 11,071,111. , .