DAIjY, . I A , j. I. SrerJ aid Pcrsond IIInsm Lucy IIubernlcM and Lottie Wyse, of . Columbia, a. C art) gut-Mis at tho home of Kov. Dr. Hurnheim. They came up for the students' re ception at" Elizabeth College, ' - Mrs. E. O. Anderson, of Lincoln ton, Is visiting at the noma of Mr. And Mra, D. H. Anderson, y" , ' Mr. A, Ik Kleets and Miss Llezle Wlllet,ord, of Concord. ,, are visiting frleadi and relatives in the city. Miss Bessie Po pa Is the guest of relatives and friends In Statesville. Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones Is spending several days in Oxford with her son, Mr. Willie Myers.: Jones, whorls - fit with pneumonia. - - ' . 1& W. C. Dowd will entertain i Wednesday . afternoon at 8 : SO o'clock In honor of Mrs. H. H. Hulten and Mrs. W. F. Harding. Misses Kate Torrence, Lydla Nash and - Hattle Brenlzer nave returned from Llnoolnton, where they ' spent soma time, " -'z:!f'':.r:; - Mrs. X, W. Falsen will entertajn a few friends to-morrow afternoon In honor of Mra. William Overman, of Salisbury? who is the truest of Mrs. J. W. Miller. .-. Miss Kate Walters, of Danville, Va., is visiting Miss Pansy Brldgers, on North College street. Miss Waiters is remembersd . by -many as a student at the Presbyterian ; College . ' several' . years Mo;. vfcj A YZ : The; event of the year ,ln Elizabeth College circles, will be the annual re ception which is to be. given by the two (literary - societies '. to-morrow night1 The hours will be from 8:30 to 11. ' i' v ...:: Misses Mamie Robinson and Pansy Brldgers, who have . been Indisposed (or several days were able to be out yesterday. Miss Rosa Stack spent yesterday In tho city, stopping at the Hotel Bu ford. . -. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Lee 'will be glad to learn that they have decided to live in Charlotte. They will .leave, early this week for New. Tork for a two weeks' visit Returning they will make their home in Charlotte. ; Mrs. C. A- Moseley returned yester day from a visit to her old home In Buncombe county. Mrs. R. .E, Cochrane entertained Friday afternoon from 4 to 6 at luncheon In honor of Mrs. William Overman, who is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Miller. The guests were Mes dames William Overman, J. W. Mil ler, A. J. Walker, W. D. Cowlea, F. C. Abbott, R. W. Vincent, J. E. Reilley, I. W. Falsott, A. Burwell, Rouse and Miss Emma Llnebach. Mrs. Charles M. Carson received In formally yesterday afternoon In honor of her guest, Mrs. W. K. Gillespie, of Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. L. L. Norman, of Cleveland, Ohio, Is expected to arrive in the city to-day to visit at the home of Mrs. J. T. Vann, on East Morehead street Mrs. A. E. Keels and Miss Lizzie Wlllleford are visiting freds and relatves in Concord. Mrs. C. L. Oates and Mrs. Ogden were the prize winners at the meeting of the Saturday Afternoon Bridge Whist Club, which was held with Miss Lucy Oates yesterday after noon. The Misses Rankin will entertain Tuesday afternoon at their home on North College street In honor of Miss Stevenson, who Is the guest of her sister, Mra. Martin D. Hardin. Capt and Mrs. John Wilkes enter tained a few friends at tea at their beautiful home on West Trade street last evening. Tho guests were Hon. and Mrs. Adlal E. Stevenson, Miss Le titla Stevenson, Mrs. M. D. Hardin, Miss Hunt, of Hendersonvllle; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilkes and Mr. J. P. Cald well BRIEFS. A Few Minor Happenings in and About the City. Miss Corrie Hudson has acpted a position in the up-town office of the Sanitary Laundry. She will act as bookkeeper. (Residents in the suburbs should take note of the fact that the charter is in effect and that only licensed elec tricians are authorized to Install wir ing for electrical purposes. The mother of Mr. J. P. Stowe, - wtoa has been quite 111 at her home at Belmont, Is reported to be im proved. Mr. Stowe visited her this wkeek, but returned Friday night Miss Marie Cahlll will arrive this morning from Columbia, B. C, and spend to-day and to-morrow at the Selwyn. Miss CahlU'e troupe plays here Monday night at the Academy of Music The third lecture on "Temper ance and Obedience to Lewi' will be delivered this evening at 7:10 o'clock In the Ninth Avenue Baptist church by Rev. L. R. Pruett Mr. L. J. Townsend will sing at . St Mark's Lutheran church this , morning during the offertory. Mr. ' Townsend possesses one of the best baritona voices in the city. The cotton receipts on the local rlatform yesterday were 77 bales at 1-14 cents. Last year the record for the corresponding day was 122 bales at 11 cents. t r aaaawa iim i uiirnnp maran aib mewiAa yMr. BUI Roberts appealed his ase, on .seing nnea iio, and put up a : bond of 1100 for his appearance at tho higher court Tho farmers are of msny minds as to tho warehouse plan. A roasting was hold In the court house yesterday but nothing was done. Action was postponed to a subsequent meeting, the data of which will be announced The civil term ef Superiors Court will convene Wednes- v oy. m ui7a opening is with the unanimous consent of the Feck ten burg bar. Judge Ward will preside, The civil docket Is heavily congested '., and tho sntlro remaining time-will be V consumed. No cases -of special lm L.; portanoo are on the ached uls. TXMB FOR I CFJ CREAK ,.- . AM the beat ! eream is Mciirod by the ' of JBlue, Ribbon Vsnlils. On the ni, of SMids the soodnAH.of in and H will bo just rig at If Blue lUbbos "4 r "" nr. Correctly and Promptly Engraved j Send for Samples and Prices J. P, Stevens ' Engraving Go., Engravers 7 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. DISCUSS ELECXBIO BOADS MEETINa OF BtSINESS , ISES, , f . ' v.: aw '"-::l; Mentmi. rinckncy. Van Ettcfl and Kel uey jrresoni tToposiuon or v south v-nrvuun jrnDiio bcrvice corporation to Build iaectrio Railway From ' Along Route Must ; Subscribe One Tenth': Cost of Building A County's oiiare uojecia to uet uetter irai flo laclllUes. Better-Rat and At tract More Cominerco Which, North Is Now Getting.-; ":,, t The hrnnfulllnit t liu . SSML,?it?.' ts Anal Northern haust VTiv l": ""wsunsiy and ex- hlsht hv men last nterestd, As a re- man of the iZll"KKn' ,actln chl,r- &DunV-r';t' c Abbot, - E. W 2SSS?fe Tompklps, 'w.S. Ml rS, McDonald stock snh.M -"raiiwe to solic t yfK.ubJIMona for the enterprise The amount ihii.wui,i..u .7"' taiiAf 2nt f the estimatoo- postof fold w?iPhd.f,lUK,Ip,nk h iies or Mer,iPrT?08ltloa wa eJuclVated by V X" van "en and O. W. Keisev. of thi e.l r . c.. - - wum Carolina fubllo th ri.il. ,"uer ln auspices of the -Greater Charlotte Club, in an au dience room tst v.. o-i7"Ti" . au flr.t .aa. . . oowyn noiei, was I. 1 ndKd.","e.d b? M.r' PJhckney. who vice n,,.TZ . ? ?uwne nan and is vice president and general manager of the comnnn ...... . s" vl .in . ' wuiuuea me propo-2SS-!i5f y. leaving Z Z.n. 2 wh0 re practical railroad men. The road which it is proposed to build, he ssld wi l be 634 ClrleetVl t0 Columbia, 110 miles: Onnnhnn, T miles; Columbia to Charlotte, 94 miles; Cplumbia to Anderson, 14J miles; hiTa V m rnaVurg, 74 miles; Sa-mff-H Newberry. 48 miles. The estl- huiiS4." Wl".be m'm per mlle 10 build and equip the road with ter minals, side tracks and everything ne cessary for operation. NEED OF SUCH A ROAD. ' The South Carolina Public Service corporation. unM vr t..i , - corporation recently organized with a , i. TJ r IO,000,000. It propos l1" b,u"d the eIctrlo road outlined tJ d operate it, provided the FP h ."? t0wns alon th Propos fh. ilt Wl" Bubscr!be 10 per cent, of wWcSTJ?- .i1.. PFt tk . . ' traui counties. The names of those backing the enter- ..o wimneia ror the present for KOOd and HUtTirl.nt t. t. . nUbr a8ked, on. th "Pre- fit J Viax " one oDiigated un til and unless the road has been built and Is in active operation by January 1st. 1910. Already 260 miles, from Charleston to Columbia and from Or angesburg to Augusta. Oa., have been surveyed, and a part of the right of way has been seoured. Both Mr. Plnckney and Mr Van sing need of such a line. In the first place the railroads now in operation are simply overwhelmed with traffic and more adequate facilities for the movement of passengers and especial ly of freight. As the party passed the town of Rick Hill, It was said there were 1,000 cars standing blocked upon the tracks. A second broad reason whereon is based a need for t'j proposed road Is the necessity of compelling a read justment of the unequal and Inequita ble freight rates which to-day retard Immeasurably the business Interests of this section of the country. WHT NEW TORK GETS TRAFFIC. New York, said Mr. Van Etten, has become the great port of the country and the freight rates from- Chicago and St. Louis, the great basal inland rate centres, are twice as high propor tionately to New York as they are to Charleston. One reason for this Is that New York has nine great trunk lines running Into that city and so adjust their rates as to get the long hail. The only trunk lines which this sec tion possesses run North and South and they give Us no chance at the vast volume of traffic of the West for the same reason. With the opening of the Panama canal, which Is only a matter of a few years,. Charleston will be hundreds of miles nearer the west coast of South America and nearer by an equal dls tannce to the ports of the East. If the proper connection can be established, with the consequent adjustment of rates. It Is easy to see the tremendous resultant commerce which will come this way. Both Mr. Van Etten and Mr. Kelsy cited instances in the North where THE MARGUERITE We carry the largest line of fine corsets in the state LA GRECQUE, REDFERN AND LA MARGUERITE An expert Corsetiere is constantly in attendance, and we guarantee, not only a perfect fit, but to improve the figure, and do it with ease and comfort EXQUISITE MILLINERY Good styles designed by artists. . We do not have an opening. Our hats are always ready, THE MARGUERITE SHOP . ....... (-..: ' ' i V - - -w " i o -.' ! " ' ' ", : ' S.VI,-!.!,.-, -. -V:-"-': .'.V-. .'X ivurn'jijona: electrio roads are being operated with marked success. There is no dqjibt it was naia, mat the eiectno road is :ar superior to the steam railroad as a transporter of passengers and it is be lieved that this method offers equal advantages of moving freight,';; Inas much as the shipments can be , dealt with by single cars. -: .V-.? The speakers were listened to by the business men present', with . profound attention and the Intelligent questions which followed ahowad that thev had been Interested. More than one ex pressed the opinion that the proposi tion embodied a great opportunity for this sentlnn Mil waa ontlmlv maainn- able. At the close of the meeting the committee before darned was appoint ed and an active campaign for the en terprise will begin. - , (X)TJNrTY. SOCIAL. .; ;'v ii'm; i ii:y ''X'k " Messrs. William J. Cocke and H.' B. Carter, of. Ashevllle, were guests of the Selwyn yesterday.- ', vi. , Mr. J. W. Younts, of . Statesvllle, spent last night at the Buford. Mr. F. T. Bellinger, of Tryon, ar rived In the city last night and is at the Buford. ., ;.- vtr ' Mr. Howard Morrison, of Lumber ton, was a guest in the city last night. : .,. ..' Mr. W. E. Munday, of Statesvllle, was in Charlotte yesterday. Congressman and Mrs. E. Y. Webb spent last evening at the Selwyn on their way home to Shelby; from Raleigh. Miss Mamie Steele, of Rock Hill, is visiting Mrs. Fred J, Atkinson, at No. 9 South Caldwell street- Mr. Ralph Van Landlngham, formerly of Charlotte and very well known here, who is proprietor and manager of the Majestic Hotel in At lanta, has taken with him-as mana ger Mr. L. E. Hqward, late assistant manager of the Kimball House. GOT AND GLAD. J. M. Lewis, In The Houston Post I've got the grip, and all I do Is sneeze and snooze and sneeze; Tis said grip germs are. blown about On every springtime breeze. I called on Imogene last night; Now Is there truth in quips To the effect thnt microbes lurk On beauty's witching Hps? If I my grip caught from the breeze That wafts germs to and fro Then I shall shelter evermore From all the winds that blow. But If the, germ came In a kiss From Imogene's sweet lip I am no quitter; one sweet kiss Is worth a year of grip. Little globules of sunshine that drive the clouds away, DeWltt's Little Early Risers will scatter the gloom of sick headache and biliousness. They do not gripe or sicken. Recommended and sold here by Hawley's Pharmacy. FOUND AT LAST. J. A. Harmon, of Llsemore, West Va.. says: "At last I have found the perfect p'll that never disappoints me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say: take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guar anteed satisfactory. 25o. at all druggists. On the Warpath- with the "Battle Axe" The active, energetic and hustling body of salesmen of the Stephen Putney Shoe Company, after a week or two of rest from their arduous labors of last season, are out again, on their great march for fall busi ness. These genial knights of the grip represent a line f shoes universally known as a line without an equal tho great Battle Axe line. In every part of the territory traversed by these gentlemen, covering more than half the States of the Union, the brands of shoes sold under the cele brated Battle Aze trade mark, are known to represent the highest de gree of quality consistent with cost, and It is strictly on the basis of true merit that the Stephen Putney Shoe Company have built up their Im mense business. By the sign of the Battle Axe, the recognised sign of quality, these shoea are known far and wide, and all dealers who have not yet made their fall purchases are advised to "Wait for the Battle Axe Man" and thus bring unto themselves the same success other merchants have brought unto themselves by so doing. Wearers of shoes, who recognise and appreciate the value of quality, style and workmanship, will find It to their Interest to call for the cele brated Battle Axe Shoes when mak ing their purchases. : - ' . i V', Many Eut in Though Tly Were Blind and Their Tongues Cut Out. DyspepHla Is built on confidence too much confidence In the ability of your stomach to digest anything and everything you put into it. - In this age wo have developed speed in every line of action, and we have also developed speed In masti cation. - We don't take time to eat right and sometimes we don't eat the right j kind of food. Sometimes we carry i our business to our meals and as a result eat mechanically. We eat as though we were blind and -our tongues cut - out, We simply twal- low''-it li:'''' -" 'V'i'-vjv""'''. The result is that the food we eat Is half chewed, and lies like a lump of lead on the stomach. . . . - . You : may deny to yourself that you abuse your stomach, but when I you get a bloaty feeling you can't deny you've got It M When you get brash, eructations, j burning- sensations, bloating) aversion i to food, loss of appetite, belching and i other kindred ailments, there is not j much use asking, yourself, for the time ' being, why. you suffer. The j fact is you've, got these ailments and! the question of the hour Is how to i get rid of them at once, so that at your next mea you may be able to sit down and look at your meal! straight in the face with a keen ap petite and ' a smile and enjoy thoroughly everything you eat. Just one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest an ordinary meal, without the help of the stomach. One ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,00 grains of food. The strongest stomach couldn't do the work any better than one of these wonderful little Tablets can do. ! Each tablet contains the strongest digestive agents it Is possible to ob tain. ' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not , a patent medicine. We come out1 and say just what is In them hy-; drastia. golden seal, lactose and asep tic pepsin. They are recommended! by 40.000 licensed phyclsians In the) United States and Canada. - And they are recommended by ; every one who uses, them they can't help lt,--or they Immediately ln- vlgorate the stomach by letting It take a rest; they strengthen the gas tric juice and cause the appetite to become keen and regular. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will surely ' destroy dyspepsia, brash, i belching, that "lump of lead" feel-, tag, burning sensations. Indigestion, loss of apetlte and aversion to food. Have Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets handy where you can take one or' two after each meal. Then you wllL know what a blessing It is to have, a good apetlte and to get all the! good possible out of everything you eat. You'll feel rosy and sweet. Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets at and drug store on earth, 60c. Send us your name and address to-day and we will at once send you by mall a sample package, free. Ad dress F. A. Stuart Co., 85 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Going Abroad? Join a select, congenial party. Most gorgeous European tour at phcnoml nally small cost, elegant accommoda tions everywhere. Programme of tour will be given upon request. Address X. A., Charlotte Observer. For Yoar Easter Hat Making over millinery Is a problem with most women. The old hats andV trimmings are too good to be discarded, yet can't be made into any thing that really seems "new." If you will let us dye or clean your ribbons, laces, feather tips or plumes, felt hats, etc., for you, we'll make this problem an easier one In every ay. Charlotte Steam laundry 119 South Tryon Street Laanderera, Dyers, Cleaners, SHOP ' - Write to-day for sam ples of our New Spring Goods. CoDi'ect Easter hmzl WBEedNoiekLWpRie ' , , ',. ' ' " - l " , Every express and freight brings new merchandise Silks, Woolens, , White Goods, Cotton NovelUes, I'rlmmings. Everything new In Ladies' , Furnishings. ' , WHITE GOODS SPECIALS 00 ' yards . India LInon, good, heavy quality, worth lOo. Bought this some time' ago as a leader for Monday. . Special, 6c. yard. 2.000 yards real Madras, not an imitation; a 15c. quality, in short lengths, 8 to 20 yards; will cut to suit your wants Monday,. Special, 10c. yard. " One' case 2 So. Mercerised Madras In dainty dots and stripes, all White; good value at 26o. Bought In short lengths, 8 -to 20 yards. Our special, 16c. yard. 15 to 18c. Persian and India Lawns, In 40-Inch goods, bought In short pieces; few more bundles left at special price, 10c yard. 36-Inch All-Linen Cambric, worth easily to-day 85c. on any market; few pieces only for Monday, 25c. yard, WHITE AND COLORED NETS Nets' are the rage and you should ' have a waist or dress. We have them In White, Cream, Ecrue, Blacks. Blues, Browns. Our prices begin at 380. SILKS A STRONG LINE WITH VS We know when and how to buy Silks the right kind at right prices. Our new line of Spot Chinas are among the latest things In Silks. Wo "have them In all colors, light and dark shades, at 48c. yard. Foulards and heavy Chinas In the new shades of Blues, Tans, Spots of different shades, ranging In prices 76c., 08c. WASHABLE INDIA SILKS 88-Inch India and Jap Silks, In White and Black, .White and Cream; 88 inches, S8c, 48c. Yar-wlde Chiffon Taffetas In a varied assortment of colors, solids nd stripes; fur old price Solid Taffetas for lining, in Lignt Blues. Pinks, Creams, White; wears like linen, 88c yard. Belt Mmtfoeps It Will Do The Same For You Several years ago I was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism, and my doctor advised me to go on Mra Joe Person's Remedy. I only took a few bottles when I was en tirely cured. I 'then commenced to use it in my family for general use and we depended on It for breaking up colds, neuralgia and most of the troubles one's family Is subject to. Four years ago, Just three months before the birth of one of my chil dren, I was taken down with measles, which weakened me greatly. My stcmach would not retain a thing and I was In a serious condition. With the consent of my physician, I again started on Mrs. Joe Person's Reme dy. I commenced to build up at once, and I believe it carried me safely through my trouble. I believe I would have died had I not taken It I do not think there is a medicine Its equal when a tonlo is needed to build up the system. MRS. W. F. PUCKKTT. Huntersville, N. C, R. F. D. 20, March 10. 1808. gwo9ooo City of Concord, N. C. Municipal Improvement Bonds. On Tuesday, March lth, 1907, at 2 o'clock p. m., the agents of said city will receive sealed bids at the mayor's office for the purchase of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS municipal Improvement bonds, running for 80 years, with Interest at five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Interest payable in Concord. N. C er New Tork City, at the option of the holders, as provided In the act. ' Immediately upon acceptance of this bid by the agents, the success ful bidder will be required to fur nish a certified check In a sum equal to one (1) P" ttnt ot tn an-.ount bid, payable to the city treasurer, conditioned that he will faithfully carry out tht terms of his bid. The bonds will be delivered at the office of the city treasurer of Con cord, and accrued Interest, if any, will be charged at time of delivery. The right to reject any or ail bids la 'expressly reserved. D. B. COLTRANE. .y 11. I. WOODHOU8E. CHA8. B. WAGONER, ' -Agents. v U T. HART8ELL. Attorney. xns crowell .rrroruuM co for the Treatment of , -Whiskey, Morphias and Nervosa . Disease, "pedal apartments and Bursas for lady patients. All forms of sleetrtrlty for treating nervous diseases. The stockholders all being physicians, constitute eoaaultlng bears. -I, M. CROWELU M, P fim WOOL GOODS SPECIALTIES FOR '. .. MONDAY v'-,;'.';' 5 2 -inch White or Cream Mohair, a Kood, heavy, one, 60c. 62-Inch Brllllantln In Greens, Grays, oi-incn enmon ranama a good, soft finish, clean, pure wool fabric: WOlth 81.00 anvwhara Thl. I a. leader with us. Browns, at the yard. 88-inch All-Woo! TamUn Thla la the best 60c. goods made to-day. It will clean like white roods anil wonra accordingly. White or Cream, ui venders, ooc. yard. 44-lnch Voiles Just In, all colors new Grava. Browna. Rluea. Tana a beautiful quality, terns each at special, sc. A few epeotals picked from dif ferent parts of our store, all specials In their respective departments. ARNOLD'S 24-lneh new the same pattern manes up just as pretty. special. 20c yard. SIMLA SILKS The very best . Imitation on the market, washes and looks like Silk; Checks In Black and White, Brown and White, Green and White. Special, 23c, yard. A FINE CROCHET QUILT This is a large Fringed Quilt, made for iron beds especially. Special 1.48. 60 pieces Brown Linen, 10c 26 pieces Colored Linens In Blues, Browns, Tans, Grays, Greens; Una for children, 15c. These are just a few of the good things we are showing and selling. While goods are in a general way ad vancing, our prices are the same and will be kept so Just as long as possible. This Is made possible here by our great purchasing capacity. Come to the live place, always doing something. worth to-day Jl.zs. prevails, 98c yard. A in your home means a musi cal education for your chil dren and high-class enter tainment at all times for your family and friends. Prices $10. to $300. Stone I Barringer.Co. OFFICE OUTFITTERS, Cut Flowers CARNATIONS ROSES Violets BM1LAX (6 ft ropes) ASPARAOUS FKRN WEDDINO BOUQUETS FLORAL DE3IGN8 Writs, telegraph or telephone; wa will do the rest and do It quick and right Ten modern green-houses, pro. ouelng the finest flowers. A - trial order will convince. . WAN LINDLEY NUnSERT CO, ,'.-. romona, N. O, . t -4 ' ; nd telesrame t flreensbore. v MISS MAMIK BAYS, AfeV victor Talking Machine vnnnoiuv , v . ;. Ti'o ry crren c on ail purchases c.f .. ) and over to point I t North and Kout!) CVto-llna. Blacks, Tans, 48c. Colors. Black, Blues, special price of 86c All Bhaj1aaRlwlr Blues, Tans, Grays, all wool; few pat KESOICK SUITING natterna taken from in fine wool goods; Do You Practice Economy ? There is no better way to save time, travel, trouble and money than by using the Bell telephone. It is as valuable in the home as in the office. Don't take our word for it. Ask your friends. REASONABLE RATES. CAU CONTRACT DEPARMKT. HO. 9250. BELL SERVICE IS SATIS FACTORY. "GET IT AT HAWLEToV Perfect Prescription Gompoundin& Ever notice a HAWLET LABELT They are always, typewritten. No chance .' to mistake directions. Bvery thlng about a Hawley pre scription la perfect, from the drugs to the delivery. ' Bear this In mind and have the work done where you can be sure. Hawley's Pfccy Thone ttv Tryon and 8th Sts, To remove a eewgh you nrnut r K eolit whleh causes tha eourn. lho eel bins to goo tor tbi as Knnm. r native Cough Byvui. Th lliU t- t rHt that ta meet quickly (Taoiiva. t t stills snt o"', th oul " ' the eolo. Sold by Hawley's iDwum. y. 1 w,