CUARL0TT1.. DAILY C ! - i-.-.-y. Sporting News LUrrard Decides In Favor of Inter Collegiate Athletics. ' Special to Til Obeerver. Boston, March II The Harvard over seers decided to-day In favor of a con tlouance of Inter-colleilste athletics, In cluding football, at the University under Certain restrictions, especially with ref erence to the professional coaching ays- tern and the management or contests. Entries for Bowling Meet Close. Philadelphia, Maroh lt-Entrlea for the firat annual tournament of the National Bowling Association to be held at At fantlo City from Maroh X to April neve oiosea, tne entry una enawing im ' five-men teams, 260 two-men team and S7 individuals. Besides jsew torn, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and other East era cities, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg, Itotrolt, Buffalo, Toronto and other Western cities win m representee. The Races at New Orleans. New Orleans; March 13. The Louisiana takes for two-year ohle, value to the winner II.wq, waa won at city ran. to day by Notaaulga. . AtLT by Notsaulva. the favorite. ' The distance waa VA furlongs. Four other favorites won. First race, 6 furlonrs: Royal IUver. 7 to t, won; Mollis Bait 11 to 1, second; Dorothy Duncan. ( to 1. third. Time Kecond race, mile and sixteenth, sell tag: Auditor, 17 to 10, won; Goldway. IS to Z. second; unit, v to l, intra, urns 1: 2-5. Third race. R4 furlongs: Southern fros. 1 ta t won: FTontenBO. 3 to 1, second: Refined. 10 to I. third. Tlmo me, a-t 'fourth race. Louisiana stakes. 11.000 added, VA furlonrs: Notssulfra. 2 to 5 won, r.. m. rij. i" iu nc,ii, j. It to 1. third. Time 41 3-6. Fifth race, mile and a nlxteenth: Plan- Ute, 6 to 1, won; Gold Mate, 13 to 1, second; Wes, 1 to 3, thlr.l. Time 1:46 3-5. ' Btxth race, mire, selling: Koreljtner. 3 to S. won- Evle Oreen, to 0. second; Paul Clifford, It to 1. third. Time 1:42. Seventh race. 6 furlonK": Foxmeade, evon. won; Polling, 8 to I, second; Butt- ttukie, 20 to 1, third. Tim 1:14. WOODMEN AT LYNCHBURG. Officers For the Knsulng Term Elected at Bi-Ennlal Convention or the Head Cam p. Lynchburg, Vs.. March 13 The head camp, Woodman of the World, representing the States of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia. West Virginia, North. Carolina and the Dlntrict of Columbia, In bl-ennlal convention to day elected the following nffleprs for tha ensuing two years. Head Counsel, George C. Jackson, f Wilmington, N. C.; head adviser, B. J. Savage, of Pnrkt rshurg. W. Va ; bead escort, E. M. Bunch, of Lynch burg; head banker, . W Hargrave, of Petersburg, Va ; hend clerk, J W. Gentry. t Richmond, Vu ; heud watchman, W. B. McCoy, of Balti more; head managers, W. I). Stokes, of Delaware; K. W Fuller, of Berke ley, Va.; W. L. Stemey, of High Point, N. C; W. V. Morris, of Petersburg, Va., and O. M. Snuyilcr, of West Virginia. Backset for Proposed County. Observer Bureau, 1 209 Main Street, Columbia, 8. C, March 13. The proposed new -onnty of Kdlsto, to be formed from parts of Aiken, Orangeburg and Lexington counties, received a serious backset at tho hands of Attorney General Lyon to day, when he rendered an opinion that the petition for an erection was de fective In that It failed to state the distances of the new county lines from the court houses, and because It fail ed to give tho required facts as to population. 74 Persons Executed by Drum Head Court-martial.. St Petersburg. March II. Statis tics published to-day regarding the drum head courts-martial show that up to March F, when their activity was suspended by Premier Stolypln. on account of tfy opening of Parlia ment, 74 persons were executed, an average of almost tlvn dally. The majority of the executions occurred in Poland and the Baltic provinces. A 'Well-Plnown Mum1 tan Doad. Philadelphia. March 13 -Fritz Scheel, conductor of the Philadelphia Orohestra, well known In America, and Europe, died In a private hospital hare to-day after u month's Illness. Mr. Scheel differed a pnental and phytftcal breakdown firul w romoveil at Atlantic City and showed some Improvement whe he was stricken with pneumonl,! He was then re moved to this city Order S-grvaln(rfl Japanr Pupils In PubHo Schools llrartiulryl. Ban Francisco, March IS. The Sun Pranclsoo board of education to-day adopted resolutions agreed upon at tha conference with President Hoos Vlt at Washington, rescinding thrlr brier segregating Jspanese pupils In public schools. It Is said the board will abide by thlc action provided the President retains his atrtude ncard tng the limitation of Japanese Immi gration Five Killed by nomb. Kharkov. RuM, Murch 11 -While the police to-day were searching the rooms occupied by a student u bomb exploded, killing an officer of the gendarmerie, the poll'-erm-n and two civilians. Six other persons were In lured. To etop a CIs with "Prverit1i-s" i. safer than to lt It run ani r,,r It r lerwardi Taken at the n-M itad,.' Preventive will head off all r,, ,in,j Grippe, and prhMi ave y(,n frori Pneumonia or Bronrbitu Preventl,. nr little tootheom rsndy cold cure taUrt. aelltng In i rrnt and 2S rnt buirn rou ire chilly. If you t,.ln tr. nw ry Preventlra. They will aUrly rhw'k tha cold, and Pleem you Bold b llur-wel-Dua Hetafl "tor. 1 r NOTICE ! Stookholdere' Meeting. Tho 24th annual rxieetinp; and election of officers for the ensuing year of the Me chanics' Perpetual Building '& Loan Association will be held on Monday, the 18th instant, at 8 p. m., at the of fice of the company, No. 207 JSorth Tryon street. All stockholders are requested to attend, hear the report of me condition or tho com pany's affairs and to elect officers of. their own choos- arch 8, 1907 0. wITTKOWSKY. :v Pres. n. :tl cocmtAir, ' Ces. fcsdTreas; mm tiHf inj wwj tiuyjHitf '( V B '1 li 1 "3 aJ aiB4 SMsoa) U 1 ' " -jf pt1tm Hooq 4oaj pejuisn) - iaitiN(t pas urauiiqinpuas . 1 dM to loop jai)lJnXit - Dei itStmndt mjiubui pus u7 Ojt ttmsw a3vsjd mo s.ll" ds pps . iaind msaiaeaiuaisdsutisse suisaMC I HipBi'joioihiirni(iiiJsri "Hay x ujoitj pus jsnt um iiil,attwdaiKt 4u miMseinsaiea na jo xsub oiuj I tnoia 'osmij put xna jo nub ont llavswdl a4 o sralo3 XJtn -aiwia I 4aa -uus a tr i aifwai ox am THE WEATHER. MB.IIIIIdlVllj - J. 1(11 1,1 MM . v. Thursday and Friday: Virginia, showers Thursday morning, followed by clearing and colder; Friday fair; fresh to brisk shifting winds becom ing west. North Carolina, showers and colder Thursday afternoon or night; Friday rair; fresh to brisk west to nonnwcsi winds. South Caromia. nartly cloudy Thura- day, colder In west portion; showers and colder at night or Friday; fresh south west to northwest winds. Georgia, partly cloudy Thursday, show ers nnd colder In north portion: Friday showers, partly cloudy In east and south portion; fresh to. brisk southwest to northwest winds. Fast Florida, oartlv cloudy Thursday and Friday, showers and cooler; Friday In north and central portion, variable winds. West Florida. Dfti rtly cloudy Thursday, showers and cooler at nght or Friday varlaMe winds, becoming north and fresh. Alabama, showers Tliursday. colder In the Interior; Friday partly cloudy, show ers and colder In nouthwest and extreme suoth portion; winds becoming north and Vrlsk. Mississippi nnd Louisiana, showers and colder Thursday; Friday, fair; fresh to I'Hsk north winds. Fj'.stern Texas, fair In north, showers south portion Thursday, colder: Friday f;lr; warmer In northwest portion; fresh to lirlsk north winds. Western Texas, fair Thursday; Friday ,lr, warmer In north portion. Arkansas, showers Thursday, colder In east and south portion; Friday fair. warmer. LOCAL OFFICE U. S WEATHTR HCREAU. Chnrlotte. March Ivflwtrlse fi:!7 a. in.; Minuet p. m. TICMPKBATrHK (in degrees Highest temperature 71 Lowest trmpnnitiire 40 Mean temperature - Excess foi the day 12 Accumulated deficiency for month.. 7 Accumulated exeess for year 144 PUKCIPITATION (In inchest Total for th 21 hours ending 8 p. m. T Total for the Month 7fl Arciimnlated deficiency for montti.. l.'Jt Total for the year 4.M AcfimulHted deficiency ror year .... e n Prevailing wind direction 8. W. W. J. HENISKTT. unserver. We Will Buy 5 Dllllng mill stock. R Saxon mill stock. R Wooflsld mill stock. Cltlxens National Bank, 116 2-3. Cora mill stock, 120. Clara mill stock, 116. Lowell mill stock, 186. Trenton mill stock, 160. Arlington mill stock. Gray Mfg Co. Crowder's Mtn. mill stock, Oaston mill stock. Flint mill stock. Oaffney Mill stock. WE WILL SELL 60 Monroo (Ala.) mill stock, 112. 10 Gibson mill stock, 100. 60 Ozark mill stock. 176. 5 Monarch mill stock, 106. Imperial mill slock. 60 King's Mtn. Mfg. stock. 176 Arcade mill stock. If you want to buy or sell, write us SOUTHERN SECURITIES Si TRUST COMPANY. J. A. Olnnn. Pres. C. M. Glenn, Trcaa. (iastonla, N. C. Country Hams. Kln gan's F. F. V.. Swift's Premium, and Ar mour's Gold Bsnd Hams, at W. M CROWELL'S. Phone 744. Sale of City funding Bonds. Scaled bids will be received by tho underslgnril until noon on Saturday. March -M. 1907. for the sale of $175,000 thirty-year 4 1-2 per cent roupon bonds of ihe city of Char lotte, In tho Stiite of North Caro lina, Interest piiynMe semi-annually, July and January. A certified rheck for 110,000 00 must uceiiinpany each bid The bonds up- to be awurded to the highest bidder, ut a price not less than par value, provided the offer Is, In the opinion f the board of alder men of said rltv. a fair price. CM FTTH Kit EDGE. Clerk and Treasurer. on TnE square is guaranteed to cure all forms of hcadaohes. Never falls. 25 and 50c. per bottle. tones' Headache Remedy It's guaranteed. NURSES' REGISTER i ON THE SQUARE Tboof 1. W . Dranlatc A ORDiUfS Sjiring Ci2r.:;:ii time is here. , Our Bed Bug Poison and our ' Furniture Polish arc great helps. m ' 25 Cents Each. Dilworth pu& Store, Thona U1.- ' a f. DATM. FROST LOTION THE) GREAT CURS! for chapped hands and" lips. Guaran teed to make rough akin soft and smooth as velvet We give our pes). live guarantee witn every package. JAB. P. 8TOWB CO., Druggists. Phone 17. ' FRESH EGOS 20c DOZEN, FRESH Celery 6c, Rob Roy brand Salmon 1 . pound cans 20c can or 'l doxen. ThH Is the finest Salmon put In a can and at S3 dozen Is only 1C 2-Se. BRIDGKRS ft Co., 203 West Trade street FOR S A LE ELEGANT MODERN -room house, 4 West Trade St., $4,000; choice bargain, beautifully finished In side with oak and mirror mantles and neatly papered; also other nice homes, 1760 to $14,000. J. ARTHU RHENDKR SON & BKO. WE WILL HAVE FOR TO-DAT AN extra nice lot of Turnip Salad, Spinach, Florida headed Lettuco, Celery. Cab bage, new Irish Potatoes, green On ions, plenty of good sound Sweet Po tatoes, nice Bananas, Apples and Or anges. Just received a tine lot of nice fat Hens and a few young Chickens. JNO. W. SMITH, 816 8. College sfreet 'Phones 1223 and 2321. rURD FOOD SAUSAGE. GAM brechts Sausages are packed under the pure food law aad meet with all the requirements of said law. The greatest cars anu best material Is used In Its manufacture. A fresh tshlpment re ceived to-day. Try Goose Liver Wurst finest ever. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., Up-to-date grocers. Phone 118. 23 N. Tryon. GONE TO KENTUCKY TO BUT A CAR load of Kentucky horses. Look out lor my return. W. G. Ross, of W. O. ROSS Ik CO., West Fourth street. STRONO. TRUE, DAINTY. BLUE RIB- bon will go twice as far as ordinary vanilla because It s a true extract f the finest beans. It Is dainty and deli cate, of the finest flavor. PIANO AND VOCAL SPECIAL IN- Ktructlon for beginners and advanced pupils. teach the methods taught by the best teachers and players in this country and Europe. W. H. OVER CAR8H, Pupil of the great pianist and tacher, Rafael Joseffy. Studio 605 8. Tryon street. 'Phone 1497. NUNNALLY'S DELICIOUS CAN dles fresh by express Just received. Bon Bona, Chocolates, Crystalixed Figs, Chocolate Almonds, Butterscotch, Brown Seal Chelates, Ac. WOODALL & SHETPARD, Druggists. WE HAVR OPENED OUR JUNK yard and store room on E. stonewall street, next to Black's stable. We will buy and pay you highest market prices for old and new rags, old burlap bags. Iron, rubber and metal of all kinds. If vnu have anvthlng to offer, 'phone, write or call en us. We assurs you that we will weigh your Junk correctly and you will get full value for what vou have. PIEDMONT JUNK CO.. N. Paul. Mgr. 'Phone 44. WE KNOW WHEREOF WE SPEAK when we recommend to you Sloan's Coffee. "Tls a Coffee of merit. It Is bevond a doubt the best Coffee of Its grade on this market to-day "enough said." All we ask is a trial. Merit will win. Then we will have your business on Coffee. In bulk only 25c. the pound. U L. SAHRATT. STOP' YOU HAVEN'T A GRAIN OF sense. I've been offering Dll worth homes. WorthlngU-n Ave., and some wnv this side, at bargain prices. When they're gone you'll arH me to kick and cuis you, but excuse rne, I have'nt time to waste on a mlndh s man, and I won t. E. L. KEESLER. 25 S. Tryon street. 'Phone 344. Ol.rVER TYPEWRITERS AT RE duced prices. We have a few new Oliver typewriters left on hand that we are offering at ffO.OO each for spot cash. If jrou want a bargain this Is your op portunity. J. E. CRAYTON A CO. B100E8T AND MOST COMPLETE stock of Cigars and Cigarettes In the city. Good prices to box customers. (IBM RESTAURANT CO. F. D. A. For a most reasonable sum I'll be delighted to place in your hands a Fire Policy on your earthly pos sessions, that Flames May Devour or Water Ruin at Any Time. Tell me what you have I'll fell you the cost at most, it will be little cost for much risk. F. D. ALEXANDER Heal Estate, Fire Insurance. 901 H. Tryon. 'Phones 604 or M5. On The Collar Edge U We spend the most care fuj attention to the edges of collars the most Im portant part te the wearer. We have a machine that preventa edges from making you miserable. Why take chances when you can get Model work? MODEL LAUNDRY (0; "Correct Laundering." Waat Ftftb SL At Cbarch, 4e 'MS Special Notices "Tha aam mm Deposlta $l,173,t34.07. ;' toana $l.38,S3.Bs' J1': ' UJ J; 'jt ' nrrERESU ( i PER CERT,?1 " 'V? h 1 I', Aad If ever Varlea la Time of Stringency. , ' , . Tbii la an aasnrano teldom given to bank customers. . ' it a. nvsji, vr. e. r j Lnrgest Capital and ; WEST TENTH AVENUE HOME FOR SALE 9 rooms,, with all modern conveniences; slate' roof;, lot 52x193. Party anxious to sell." Appl yat of-' fice for terms. . ' 5-room cottage, N. College street; close in, modern in-every respect. For $3,700. J. ZT. Murphy & Go, TPhone 842. S N. Trytw Street Quick Sale Easy Terms Elegant 6-room cottage, modern conveniences, ' for. $1,630.00 ($300 cash, balance paid $28.00 per month, or carried through B. & h. Association.) Good neighborhood, two blocks from car line. For further particulars, call on or 'phone Brown GSi Co. Phone B8B. A NEW HOME We offer, subject to prior sale a beautiful R-room bouse In tha First Ward, to splendid residence section, aarer been occupied aad la on car line. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY CO. Office 18 E. Trade St Phone STT. Specialization in Period Decoratings Mnshing True ART Is not a conglomeration of Violent Contrasts of colour and mixed assembling of stylas, but a oenoentrated and HARMONIOUS COLOUR scheme and CORRECT PERIOD DECO RATING, to blend In w4th and portray a classical interpretation of either the French, Renaissance or Colonial periods; so tjiat the very atmosphere of a room or suite expresses tha sentiment sought for. This can only be accomplished by an Artist who has been trained In this particular work, and whose' Ufa ' aaperience has taught htm to retain nothing but what Is refined and restful. We will take your house right from the builders furnish and decorate It completely Ih any of tha periods mentioned. Whatever your fancy dictates, be It a room in the dainty Marie Antoinette style, the exautalte grace of Louis XVI period, ar the beautiful, stately Colonial expert adrtoe la freely your for the asking. SHORT & SHORT The Expert 'Phone 97a. Wood fibre WaH Plaster, "Karl dtadi The Builder's Friend. Freezing does not hurt; natural shrinkage will not crack it; waterdoes not, make it fall off; hard as stone. Write for booklet. Manu factured by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write tot Booklet, LIVE The town s allre with candidate. Anything you want on top cold drinks, hot drinks, no drinks at all Just call for what you want, pay for what you get There going to be A HOT TIME soon, and the fellow that wins will ar long wish the other fellow had his job. NOW. LET ME TELL TOU SOMETHING, PARD: Take In terest In things political, but wbaterer you do, rush Into the new series NOW OPEN in the Mutual a a L, and don"t wait to sleep, for It's the best thing on earth, TRUE PIETY and a GOOD WIFE. Don't let a lot of HOT AIR lead you elsewhere, into un known fields, but come to St yrs of unprecedented success, and atk HOW WE DO IT, and WHAT. WE CAN DO for TOU. When you say Building and Loan, you mean the Mutual. E L KEESLER, Treasurer Phone 844. dilwosth fiGRAi mm res met ficvjc .' In dealing with our customer la fllttnar orders by mall art all. rect-ur. motto Is: ' "Put Yomraelf la Ills ITade." , ' Send us your ordars aad wfc will exsrcUe tha earn ear as were yon here In person to select. wr-; ,'- ;'." - We pat aurselvaa In four place and. five what we would ex pact te reeelve The Chotceat Selectloa of Flowera, the Beat lierTlca,- the. Beet Prtoea, ' . .v-s ' : - ...-,. o . Jast a word about our eFancy Cftrnatiooi, ; Rosea, ttolets.' Tal- Ilea, 8reet Va, They're tha bt wr," . P, a Boa 1ST. ' BeU Iho,,a, 808 Doslsaaa, '. 881 lUsldcaoa. Creater" m:i of cootie novr, a. J. brexizeb, v. Prea, 1 v, Caabler. ProBta la the Carollnaa. , (1 ' SOS V. Tryan St Decorators SELWYN HOTEL. CHARLOTTE. N. Ct STUFF 25 South Tryon Ttreet ICi tijL.iyhv! 1 jJ k..jj , We are now offering for quick sale nn elegant 8-room reHldence on ' South Tryon street. Large corner lot, on car line; fine ' - ' shade. " Nothing to touch It In value In , this desirable rcaldenca section. , sop:) rial mm and "trust oct ' Capital 875,000. Surplus 8100,000. TT. S.' ALEXANDER, R. A. DXTNX, ' A. JIORIU3 McDONALD, President ' - , Vice Pres. Sec. and Treae. Tfca-F'erchanls v &' Fanners Ilafel B2:.!i J CIDLAJUXyrTE, NORTH CAROLINA. ) , ' ' (Capital , .. .'.-Trft .C L. ,". .. 8200,000.00. Burpluj m . n c v. . 8100,000.00. J , ' " , ' , " DIRECTOR31 . 'i -.,?,. W. H. BELK ; W, L. BRUN8 a B.' BRYANT f. F. DOWD, J. M. HARRY O. P. HEATH v ? VINTON LLDDELL . v ' ( '" ' GEO. E. WILSON, President W. 0. WILKTNSON.vCahler. Accounts of Co rpo rattans, J. EL LITTLE, Fresldent : PATTERSON', Vice Presides. J L. R. HAGOOD. Cashier. Gharlotte Trust Gomp'y Fifteen Months la Bnsinesa--Resonrcea Orer.... ,y 8500,000.80 DIRECTORS: W. H. BELK - W. O. NISEET J. M. DAVI8 O. M. PATTERSON O. P. HEATH JT. F. ROBERTSON II. G. LINK W. A. WATSON ,W. M. LONG J.W.ZIMMERMAN v J. H. LITTLE STRONO. CONSERVATIVE, SAFE.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, If. OL HENRY M. McADEN, GEO. W. BRYAN. President. Capital Sarplns and Profit.. w 8221.608.2S DIRECTORS: " F. D. ALEXANDER G. W. BRYAN J. C. BURROUGHS FRANK GILREATH J. S. MYERS Your business respectfully solicited. Every courtesy and accommo dation extended consistent with safe banking. H. M. VI7TOR, Cashier. The Charlotte National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. O. Resources $1,270,000.00 OFFICERS: B. D. HEATH, President. JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice President. v W. H. TWTTTY, Cashier. F. H. JONES, Assistant Cashier. DUtECTORS: B. D. HEATH H. N. PHARR R. H. JORDAN JNO. 11. SCOTT VINTON LIDDELL C VALAER CHAS. F. WADSWORTH Accounts of corporations, firms aad Indlrldoals Invited. Your Idle Money Should be working for you. Deposit It In this bank and It will earn something for you. If, yea should, need it, yoa can get it al any time. WE PAY 4 PER CENT. AND COMPOUND THE INTEREST QUARTERLY. Southern Loan & Savings Bank P. BL BROWN, President. W. L. JKNKINS, Cashier. R. A pUNN, Vina President. . ' GOOD SERVICE IS THE BASIS ON WHICH THIS COMPANY SOLICITS BANKING BUSINESa T" AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Trust Building. George Stephen, President T. S. Franklin, V. Pres. : W. H. Wood. Treasurer. W. 8. Lee, Jr., V. Pres. , . Davis, A art. Treasurer. A New Street has been definitely announced In lege. The new Una will be within PROPERTY, that handsome property with the large pine grove on, Seventh street extension. ' '' We have One rsmainlnai lot, 10x110, fronting Seventh treat.v and til' tt will pay you to secure lt:oon, ; '.; :-; ,V:, ' ''' . - ": We have ether floe lotajusf around the corner, (9x200 to 400x408 ". : la alse, which we will sell at very attractive prices If yoa" act" oon, 'vr P. . Y'h " m,mmZ r.r . ' 3. VL McADElf ' . , I XV. O. MoIAUGHLDT ' ' D. E. RHYNB ' JNO. B. ROSS " ',--. ' '- . 8, M. ROBINSON ' - ' J. IL WEAR , ' GEO, E. WILSONT, " .v JHNO. B. ROSS, Vice PrealAent. rTT .riUKlaat ' , . , ' Firms ; said Individuals Invited. H. Bt VICTOR. Vice P.-Tsldeut. ' Cashier. ...8300,000.00 HENRY M. McADEN F. B. MDOWELL W. B. RODMAN T. W. WADE CHASL A. WILLIAMS Car Extension the suburbs beyond Elisabeth Col- one block o( the' KIRSHBAUM ' war a nasi 4S4S M i 4 f '.' V.v .' t, a.