CaAIILOTTI! IVMFjY O1 -rMVWl, fJAKCII 11t.lQ7. If tk y J 1 , A I-.'iiY DAY AT TUSJ CAPITAL EXCES3' OF LFGISLATION "v,o:;LD govi;;xxf.d too much" Cc-Important FnU'rprhscs Given i.lrth by Uie Arts of the Secretary of biaUi Hex Hospital to be In built The CJoveinor Names the FIto CommlsHloiicrs for the Insane Hospitals at njtrel ; by the Blckett Aot-cPlan for the New In . Urinary at the State University 'News Notes, of the State Capital. - ' , f Observer Bureau, ' The Hollaroan Building, v " Raleigh, March IS. , . No fewer "than fourteen charter! were granted to corporation to-day, theae being to the Arko Building ft Constructing Co., at Candler, Bun combe county; the Mortett Lumber Company, at Canton: the Boco & Oconolusty Flume Company, Wayne-1 una; tne urgiar-froor .; ventilating Sash-Lock Company, Greensboro; the .Bank of Hamilton, Martin county; : the Home Building. Company; Rocky 'Mount; the Greensboro Commercial '& Saving Bank, capital atock 1X25, ' 000; the , Pepsi-Cola Bottling Corn "pany, of Concord; the Martin County Buggy Company,- . Wllllamston; . the ' Burlington ' House-Furnlshlng . Com : pany, $50.000; ; the Aahevllle-Bilt-more ,t Sanitarium Companyri ) Paul Paquln and others,1" $60,000. . The h Pearl Hosiery .Company, of i Randle i man, Is ; authorised to ( Increase Its capltaj stock to $50,000 from 181, . 00. , The Insurance Commissioner has ' licensed the Scottish Fire Insurance Company of Fayettevllle, to begin business, Its capital stock being $50,- 000,. paid up. - , i "TO BUILD JEW HOSPITAL. ' 'The present Rex Hospital' here Is very largely the -Old town-house of Coventor Charles Manley. ' Two be. quests, aggregating $10,000, have re cently been made to the hospital, which has added $10,000 of ita qwn funds to the building run as ana ex pects to. raise $30,000 more and put up a modern building, on the same site The news that the Raleigh & Pam lico Sound Railway is making every effort to operate trains Into Raleigh by next Monday is very gratifying to the people here. They are now atoning for developments as. to the persistent rumor that the Atlantic Coast Line Is going to build Into this city. Deputy Revenue Collector Down ing came In to-day from Wayne ' county, where, near Dobbersvflle, he captured an illicit distillery. J was within $00 yards of a dwelling. Of coarse Marshal Dockery will make some arrests later on. NEW FREIGHT STATION The Norfolk & Southern Railway, which has bought so much property 'In the suburbs of this city,, and some within the city, has secured a site for Its freight station, on Saunders street. between the street railway line and the S. A. L. Railway. The company is moving many buildings from along its right of way and placing these on a square which it bought, where they win be fitted up for use as residences. The public printer will hardly oc cupy his very spacious and hand some new building until next month. The amount of public printing this winter has been greater than ever before. President Meserve and the council of Shaw University, which is one of the largest colored schools In the State, have expelled a number of the medical class, 27 In fact, and these will not be allowed to return unless they apologise and pledge themselves to obey all the rules and regula tions. This Is the first trouble at this school in tho forty years of Its existence. The executive committee of the State Unlvorslty trustees approve the plan for the Infirmary, and the con tract goes to N. Underwood, of Dur ham, the building to be completed next August It will accommodate SO persons. FUNDS FOR ENDOWMENT.' Prof. J. B. Carlyle, of Wake Forest College, was here to-day. He is de voting himself to the work of col lecting funds for the endowment. The General Education Board has offered to give $37,500 if the college raises within the next four years $112,000. In two months Prof. Car lyle has raised $23,000 of the amount needed. New filing cases of metal are being installed In the office of State Auditor Dixon, taking the places of the old and cumbersome ones of wood. The State officials find that the use of the new style filing cases greatly expedite the public business. ' State Entomologist Franklin Sher man and Secretary T. K Bruner, of the Agricultural Department, left to-day for the Brushy Mountains, in Wilkes county, to attend the State convention of Apple Growers, the first ever held In North Carolina. Ar rangements will be made to procure specimens of the finest apples grown I tumn at the Jamestown Exposition. This was done at Boston with excel lent results. HOSPITAL COMMISSIONERS. Governor Glenn very promptly made to-day the appointment of the five business men required by tho Blckett act as commissioners for the SUte hospitals tor the Insane. This act gives a half a million dollars, available during the next four years. The superintendents of the hospitals at Morganton. Raleigh and Golds boro are members of the commission, To-day's appointees are E. F. Ayd lett. Elisabeth City; W. A. Erwln. Durham; J. W. McNeill, Hoke Mills; J.- H. Weddlngtoh, Charlotte, C. A. Webb. Ashevllle. Under the terms of Its charter the Raleigh tt Durham Electric Rail way Company was required to lay rail by March $rd of this year, and In compliance with this it haa laid some rail In this city and county, at a point near Glen wood,, at the city boundary Very little has been heard about this road recently, but It evidently desires to retain Ita charter. , Governor Glenn names as ihe com mlssloriers of navigation and pilotage for the Cape Fear river: James Bprant, John W. Harper-and W. B. Cooper, of Wilmington; M. C. Guth rie and Richard 'Dosher, of South port South Carolinians Do Not Find Thrtr - Man at Fayette Wile, Special to The Observer. Fayettevllle, March 1$. Late last Bight- or early this morning quite a Dumber of South Carolinians allxht ed; from a northbound train, where a. large crowd of cltliena and sheriffs officers met them. There were no violent demonstrations and they were shown all through the Jail to convince them that the negro McClary,' who at tempted to assault Miss Pitman, was not there. f ,'V , . t . . ; v L:'.3h by the Hundred Offered, and ISIurUn of Tli em I'srsoiI The "Con eiltucnt" Well Taken Care of The Plastic Howe ami the Rebellious Senate Kevere Jolts to the "M chine" Bearding the "Bobs" to Ills Face. , Written for The Observer. . ; '- ; Now that the Legislature has ad journed, anyone going over a file of The Charlotte Observer, " embracing the proceedings' of its sessions, will be amazed at, the number, of . public and ' private bills . introduced. It , al most; looks as: If every Representa tive of the 1 1 people " went to ' Raleigh with pet scheme, of ; his 'own, and one for everyone their voted for him. The "constituent"! surely had his winhJngs-frbm - protection ' to 4 - his Ashing hole, or piece of swamp, land, up- to a vote at the polls to cut up and mutilate one good county and make two poor ones. - -, . .The Legislature : did ;f tome good work, ' remedied some evils, , and af forded needed relief to the people In some cases. It made some enact ments, the results of which-are yet to be seen. It, is a remarkable fact that the more: thoughtful peoplo of North Carolina began to be Afraid of this Legislature soon after It con vened, and the capital of the 6tate spedlly became a "storm centre." It is nrobable that drums the past sixty and more days more people from different sections of jvortn carqjina went to Raleigh than ,i: ever before, to pitch .their tents in front of the great stone capitol, and await anxi ously what might Issue therefrom. They were lobbyists, but most of them in not a bad sense. They were business men, manufacturers, rail road men, professional men. They saw waterlal Interests, vital to their welfare, Insolently approached, and violently attacked. SThe very name of railroad, especial ly, was a slogan, a battle cry, a red rag to a mad bull, '' and they were beseiged with an acrimony as bitter as ii mey naa run a Dig ireigm iruui slap through both houses of the' Gen eral Assembly. And yet the railroads had developed the sections of many of . those law-makers, and had civil ised them sufficiently to get them within hailing distance of the capitol of the State. A notable instance of this bitterness was developed In the case of the president of one of the great railway lines, who appeared be fore legislative committee ft man of ability, of fine character, of great courtesy of bearing. wlo de fended the interests placed In his hands with offense to none. And yet, to the shame of North Carolina, of which this polished man was in a measure the guest, the self-styled "or gan" of the Democratic party. In Its columns of the next morning's issue, made this man the butt of ridicule and of offensive attack. To return. Now, why th's unea-.lnes In the breasts Of the people at large? Why did they look anxiously toward the Legislature gathering in Kaieign as the central "danger, point" of the Commonwealth? The reason is not far to seek. It very soon developed that the House was absolutely dominated by the mexhlne run branch of the Democratic party, and congregated, the avowed henchmen of the "bosses." With far greater excuse for being par tlsan. the first Legislature which hruln sat. in "the nous of it fathers." after a long lease of Repub Ucan power, was out Heroded by the lower house of the Legislature of 1907. With great State and county majorities In the last election Just be hmd them, showing that Democratic lln war unbroken sn.l DomourSKV safe for many years that they mlgnt take broad, wise and statesman-like visions and measures in the discussion and consevative of the interests of the people of all classes and creeds throughout the Commonwealth the members of this house recognized no deity higher than that dictated by "the caucus." It expected the party hip, nd bowed to the lash. Here and there Representatives pledg el In thr. cam pal i to a "stand-pat" policy in local prohi bition, as it stood, and on other meas' ures, getting Inside the heated at mosphere of Raleigh the iountaln- hea" among Its publts men, of :a natlcal prohibition felt their blood boll, and became the most violent of the radical. In the other end of the capitol were rsembled a different set of mn, iho most patten, grave and reserved eifeurs oc tne state. Tier w-u ble men gathered there, and some as wild as the majority of their co-legis lators across the corridor. But con kervatlsm, coolness and gol Judg ment was largely In the ascendant In that chamber, which availed to check and. In a few cases to set at naught i.-rnlcloui radicalism, both titers t,d in tne House. The North Carolina Senator, too, did not relish a blow. He was no meek Moses, who, being "smitten on one cheek turned the other," but he struck back. He bowed at the nod of no r.inster. an.1 cared Bo more r-r a "boss" than he did for a stuffed dod In a toy shop. The "organ" had no horrors for ihlm, and when It mlarep nwnted him or mlstated tu r., Uio crowd knew it at once In plain terms that called "a spade a ppade." Mc Lan, of ' Robeson; Buxton, of For vih;. Mannirg, Winborio, and ' e few others were the exponents In the Senate of a large, conservative body of the Democratic party who think for themselves, who regard right and Jwtlce as higher than ever parllnan ship, and who call no man master. The Legislature has adjourned, and one might imagine that the universal sigh of relief from border to border strated a sough In the pines ' of ' the tide-water, and set to rustling the leaves of the , rhododendron of the mountains. It was a "Buster Brown," whom neither his motlher nor "Tige," nobody but 4,Mary Jane," knew what he was going to do next As as ag gregation of law-makers, It Is too soon for a .verdict. Politically, it has given the party a bad scare; but Its violence has overleapea itself, and already the forecast la plain of a broadened, more thoughtful , democracy, whlch .will choose everywhere its own leaders tor their wisdom and patriotism; not for their radicalism. 1 : The loss of the State ' te the de mocracy would be a calamity in al most every way; but to avert that nrll, there ero not a Voow" and, ft mactune needed. - . J. H. MTROVER. Fayettevllle, March 12. ; . .- Fined and Sent to Stockade, "-Atlanta, Ga., March IJ-J., Crutchfleld,. who assaulted John Tem ple Graves Tuesday afternoon, was fined $100 to-day and sent to the city stockade to spend the next ' seven days. He was also bound over to the. higher courts under a $1,000 bond and on a cnarge oi as sault and battery. crutcn- fleld explained that his attack upon Colonel Graves yesterday was made under a misunderstanding of facts. Biff Fire at Brunswick, Ga. Brlnson. Ga., March 13. This af ternoon at 8:30 o'clock fire broke ont In the lumber plant owned by the Steward Lumber Company, On ac count of a stiff wind, the Are was un controllable for nearly an hour, dry kilns and quite a large quantity of lumber was destroyed. Tne aam age amounted to $75,000, which was partly covered by insurance, rne nre originated from a defective flue. THANKS ; TO ;PERUNA Mist Lemriif OfMinnetota, and Mrs, Harriet of Wisconsin, ; . '; : ' Write GratcM Letters r. Mms? ?AX :- i --us-. rzm!-xxtv 1$ ,i v ' . , . Cf '.If J? MISS ZXIZABETH LEMM. mmmmJJ 1V1 A POOR ORGAN. Dam() the bile. That's what your liver does if it's torpid. Then the bile overflows Into the blood poisons your system, causing sick-headache, bilious ness, sallow skin, coted tongue, sick stomach, dizslness, fainting spells, etc Ramon s treatment or L.rver fills and Tonic Pellets strengthens the liver and makes it do Its own work. Prevents and cures theie troubles. It aids doesn't force. Entire treatment 2So. W. L. Hand & Co. Jno. M. Scott sc Co. ISS ELIZABETH LEMM, Elmbal, Minn., writes Alt gives me pleasure to inform you about my health. I can never express my thanks to you, and can never recom mend Peruna high enough for all the good It has done me. "I have had catarrh of the lungs in the worst way and went to different doctors, but without success. They all claimed I had consumption, which I really thought myself, for I was all run down and had no appetite whatever. I could not sleep, was always weak and tired, and at times pains In my lungs, espe cially on the left side. "I gave Peruna a trial, took about fif teen bottles and am entirety cured. Before I started to take Peruna I weighed 89 pounds, now I weigh 185. Thanks to Peruna." Such a story as this shows that Peruna is a very efficacious remedy. MRS. B. M. HARRIS. E. M. HARRIS, Dellwood, Wis., writes: 'After following your advice and using Peruna and Manaltn, I was cured of cmtarrb ot the nose, throat and stomach, from which I had suffered for several years. When I commenced tak ing Peruna I could not make my bed wlihout stopping to rost. Now I do all my work, and am in good health. "I recommend this valuable remedy to all suffering from any disease of the stomach." It is doubtful if there is any other rem edy in the world that could have done better work than this. A remedy that can do this sort of work ought to be in every household. Peruna is doing these things all over the United States. The blessing that it has been to an untold multitude of women will never be known. Only a very small per cent, of such cases will ever make known their experience. THE TEST OF TIM e?KeeTcInTitute , Oreen8"boro,-H. C. gentlemen: i 1 We -teipleafjureiniaying - tcf? yW fiaV we' mrw cured itt'yourihetitute'tioiBe-years'ago (the'numberTof;yeare In each indiyidual-cafibein-f3hownelow)and'thatwehavein8ver'hal rany- desir e f dtadr i nk or drugs i no e - an d al eo-that ' we hare known -a-great number of 'people -to fcejpereanently-oured-rjythe treatment t at ipiejKeeley Inatitnte-iniOreensboro. OP YEARS 14 KODOL dltts what yoa est end Sjulckly overcomes In4latlnn, Which la for-rsnnw of Dyepep-la. It Is msf in firlet -onCo-mity te the National pure eo an4 Diuss Law sn4 is sola fvarsntee relief ftlao. moU by Uawley's wbanacf, : . . j yit . ,h King of Trees White Pine Conies Into Prominence as7 Nature's Cough Core. The stately pine tree growing In the solitude of the Eastern mountains holds the proud distinction of yield' ing to the human race a greater va rlety and more meritorious medl clnes than any other plant in the vegetable world. Its tinctures, oils and extracts are. In constant use by the doctors all over the world and highly prized on account of, their certain action on the mucous membranes and their great healing qualities. A renowned Philadelphia doctor has recently given to his fellow physi cians a "jew and . probably the most valuable of pine products. It Is known to- the profession as Concen trated oil of pine.. In speaking of this oil a well-known local physician declared It Is without an equal for the speedy relief of acute colds and coughs and all manner of throat and lung trouble. The original formula used and now generally prescribed Is as follows: ' "One-half ounce of -Concentrated oil of pine, two ounces of glycerine, half-pint of good, pure whiskey; mix thoroughly and use In tablespoon doses every four hours." On Inquiring at one of the leading drug stores It was found that the Concentrated oil. of .pine U put up only In one way and that Is In 'half ounce bottles. Each bottle Is enolosed in a round screw-top case and se curely sealed. :, This protects it from heat and light The oils sold In bulk nd patent medicines put up In wooden boxes and sold as Oil of Pine are ueetees. o haxount of their Im purtUts. Thy produce nausea' and kidney trouble,' . 4 r- - . . La 1 V . a J I" t . : y. ;. TIIE. ELEVATOR C0V. "Do you know," said the elevator boy, "I didn't know till to-C , that we built elevators." i lie was addressing the night watchman, who was coming la "Let me tell you, my boy," laid the watchman, "there's a whole lot we. d here you haven't found out yet. "The . elevator we shipped to-day was a regular dandy. The cage was shipped out of the -wood shop and the running gear and apparatus ut of the Dllworth shop. 'When I was surprised Billy laughed at me and said he used to sell elevators for the company when he was ele- tor' boyon:'thi':eIevtor...f;,?ii;;V(i'j .-. We make elevators all right, "said the watchman, 'but don't you ; listen too much to what Billy says. He's liable to tell you he's bought one of the Pyramids In Kgypt , What else have you shipped to-day f , ; ""our yarn reels went out and a whole lot of hangers and pulleys. It stumps me what people do with so many' pulleys. "Every day It's ' pulleys and hangers, hangers, and pulleys going out. Big pulleys, little pulleys, split pulleys, and then there's hangers, couplings and set eol lars. Gears is also a big Hem. All" kinds of wheels, In fact" , "Sounds like business Is moving," said the watchman. "It's worse v than moving It's humming. People like to send us -orders because we deliver the goods on time." said the boy. - "We beat , the railroads all' to pieces on delivering machinery, and we make the. machinery, too." , , ? "How's the roller covering shop getting along?" asked the watch-; man. -y Covering roles galore," said the boy. "The mills used to scatter their roll covering some, so the folks In the department tell me, but' It looks now like we get 'em all. I haul 'em up and down every day-- lots of them, and here's your floor, now hike off." ; The D. A. Tompkins Go. MACHINE BUILDERS AND REPAIRERS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. FIRE INSURANCE THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES REPRESENTED AND AMPLE PRO TECTION GUARANTEED: AETNA HARTFORD PHOENIX NORTH BRITISH PHENIX NORTHERN PIEDMONT R. E. Cochrane. Inaaraace and Real Estate Agent. Kelly - Springfield r-.flllll.SII-ll To those who drive, a part of their satisfaction is in the smartness of their turnout. The other part is in the good service of good material. KeUy-Springfield Tires are both smart and good. They add to the ap pearance of the best rigs and they give the good service that goes with their good style. The best carriage makers use them exclusively, of course. J. W. WADSWORTHS SONS' CO., Agts. (Signedriniihe-iaonthaOf eoruary 1901) For further; Inlormation m cress: ; ; '.. THE KEELEY; INSTITUTE; Greensboro, .N.. C. TILL eonRBSPONDRNGB " QONFlDBNTinC' 4 9 t h Of the M. P. B. L. Tlss'n went into effect on Saturday the 2nd inst. The subscriptions for this series are coming in freely, but to accommodate the public we will keep the books open during the whole month of March and prospective borrowers will do well to apply at once, ! S. WITTKOWSKY President R. E. COCHRANE THE CHARLOTTE SUPPLY G ;Vif-' -'"'y '' i.-.'-'-'Aowii roii ' ..,v.-- AjHHca AII-trroagh( ItMt !' PnDeyt as4 "Giant" ' fiUfchsj P.u ' ; - . ' ' .- '"Daltlac ; . . - . . 'We tarry tsi stack Tale tmt Tnnw Hoists srp te els tens ?-;( - .vM.,.lnlI'lUe H raoktssV tta Talteg i ti far.' . 1

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