0. ' i i; 9 & i.: , -f il-4- - 7""" t f - ' i . r I if. I f. : m i Ki:CE AND HNAKCE ( onox cu)si;s ii;v points it J.aikrt Quito Arllye, Ruling Vrry Ir-It-jfiilnr IVutiiro wmOtiMi Re port Published at 2 OVFork. hhow IiitC 1.1,21)0,877 Hales, Including 821. 10 Llntrra and IJmlmate of Cotton Remaining to bo lniMwi Wreak Jtullowcd Report, But Price Were Quickly Rallied by Bull Support and Covering. ' : : - New York, March 20.-The cotton mar ket was quit active and ruled very ir regular. " The : feature being the ennsua report which waa published .at i o'clock. The close waa very steady at a net ad vance of I to points. Sales for the day wtre estimated at 960,000 balea. The market opened steady at on ad vance of S to 8 points In response to better cables than expected. But shorts seemed to be about the only buyers on the call and Immediately afterward prloee eased off to within a point or two of last night's finals. Buying was a lit tle more aggressive at the lower level and after the light Houston estimate waa published, the market advanced on covering of shorts, and buying of M attributed to prominent bull operators. Artef selling up to 9 55 for May or about 10 to 11 points net higher, the list again eaaed off and before the census report Was Issued bad declined to about the closing figures of last night. The census report showing 13.290.S77 ables. Including 321.180 bales of llnters and an estlmatu of cotton remaining to be ginned, was Immediately followed by n further break carrying May to .J7 or about 7 to 8 points net lower, but prles were quickly rallied by bull support and oovcrinK. with May closing at 9.48. Trading was quite active after the report which came lust about midday hetween the high and low estimates rf ltn showing circulating during the morning. The Southern spot markets were un ohanged to c. lower. The weather con tinued seasonable. Estimated receipts st the ports to-day tlW5 bales against 24.WC Inst week and 16,2 last year For the week IfiO.OOO bales sgalnat 187.5 lust we-k and 173. 42 last year To-day's receipts at New Orleans 8,4! bales against S.Ssi last year and at Houston lO.'xC bales against 4,71:0 lsst year. PROPOUND DISTRICT OF VALUES Stocks Rally Violently at Outset from Depression of Previous Day, and Fears so General of Important Fall ore was Imminent as Consequence of Stump, had Subsided to Irgc Fhctent. New York, March 20 The stock mar ' kf t to-day was accepted as a demonstra tion of the profound distrust of values which has resulted from the smash In the securities markets. There was h vio lent rally at the outset from the depres sion of yesterday, and the fears hlli were so general yesterday that some 11 portant failure was Imminent as a con sequence of the stock market slump, had subsided to a large extent. UttN was heard of yesterday's rumors, 'n fact. It became quickly obvious that the de mand which put up prices was of a Strictly profusions I character and that thf higher prices were taken ndvnnlag' Of for the free marketing of stocks. In a few stocks this selling had the appear ance of forced liquidation, and II wii.i taken for granted that further closing out Of otlppled accounts was In progress It was not this, however, hwlch had the most niscniiraglrig effect on specula tive sentiment. Rather It was the pros tration Of the demand at any level of prices thus far 1'U' tied The supposition was Inducer! that buying at the first declines which was aittlluted to so-called bargain hunters and which would be pre sumably tak-n out of the market whs In fact, designed simply for a profitable turn In the market nn Its first rebound from the violent de lines leallns of this kind from foreign account epeial ly have proved disappointing and have come bac kupon the market In volume almost e'pial to the purchases on the eedlne Moreover, the demand at r newed declines proves much lens effec tive than on the first downward plunge. The more deliberate downward move. innt seems to te feared more than the panic break for the greater lack of re siliency which It inav show The mys teries of the sources of the enormous sales and the corresponding losses which are presumable from last week's market as a culmination of the previous heavy dclln are not yet eleared up This helps to confuse the .tltcrnpled explanation r f the Closes of the furred selling. The grounds for the present conditions In the world's nn.it.cial markets are. In fact not yet clearly understood The polni In th situation which In out of Joint re rr.slni ohs lire That the situall ti Is out of toint makif the doubt over the causes more Imprenxivc in begetting aution and conservatism 'ip'i nR ate mu h mlx--d as to the rel.ttKe iMipnrt:in to al lowed to sundry f.i tors In the present situation. Iri' lU'tir g nirinneps of money In the ilrlrt sense whl. h is world -wide, and aciuul shortneK ..f tapitil as dis tinguished from money ecmanda for new outlay the part of capital of th poratluos wlu h mk fot the pari played bv ilc agitation In (auslrix this rrt pUred I'v the UiKe In dlsl'eatltlK previous pdoes. Intetet rat :ind wnleh .form the b.mis f toet hllKe a 'iti-iist on M-'llt of eor new supplier, till ' '-rporatlon I o t II Ml nd 1 1 c i. il ;nt of Kol I T.-I.itlons In Oi'T St Hll'lll rdl tin. in- i.il aid Commercial operat ci!S In to-dsy s market lhfi- n is some fear that spceUl de lopuients '.velluuig the market, with which H w uld tlll lun to contend In effxtlng icy recovery Block wh.rh h ive luln torm.mt through all tile disorder, of li e p.mlc perld. nut which lire, rwerlheless. subje- t to al tared conditions if value and credits, were tinder observation during the dav KxploMve piisslbllltles nr.- suspeited in st letst one such sto. k Tlie xup. .,n was a factor In the unsettled whuh still hung about the market Muut continued to work eatl.r but the p.i Ing of the April 1st settlements licit li hern and abroad le soun wh.it dn n.e. sid ling exchange continued to decline broadening the Mpparcnt profit on the engagement of gold abroad for Import The aitreme flin tuailoun of the day ftoii. the openuig hlu-h h ye to the depth of the reaction wen wide, but the day's net changes on some of the niont notlve stuckr are limited to nni:ill fractions Bonds were Irregulst Total sabs, pnr value. 'i.'i;.'Oi. V fl twnds were unchnnaed on call. Total sales to-day ; i hHIes In Cludlng I'opf.cr 1IJ.SKI, Smelting H.0; Sugar I VG Tohac. n Vti, Atihinon '.K mi A C. U 7": Kt I'nul ?;' c li I.1; I A N !... l etuni . i. (, ,d Ing IW.l'lO. Houtii.'in Pi. in. :i K uti. ern l 8An. td t'nh o r.o in. iv. o.i t: b i v c.i.. iiie,.,,..ii 1.&00, pfd v. Baltimore and pn-1 1 i M M.r. h ?n .1 A I, IJen"'! t'otlon Market I.lvrr"nl. March Ji ii..n njHit bllnlriefe Jotie ft lien l.l;l,..r; Awrlciin ml1tllnK fnh i, nn. nil.l dllna 133; iiil) ll iv ' , I ' lit, a'Hul. nnllnim r.rr,. nt llnnry The RHIeH f.r tie .l) .r. 1. I... of which 1,000 with fnr Ie. Illllllnn ti He escort anil Incju.le l II vi Aun-ili un eelpta !1,OiO bslei inciii'iiita 13.3"t Amer- Iran. Future (ifM-ned rislei tea'ty, Arner ,' :in mi.l llii.g March Msrch-Afrll Aprll-Ma May-June June-July July-AiS'it Aoust-Bctmt(r . ... September f.tiiti .. 0-toher-Novitiitx r . anl i I. M I. Kwemrxpr-rHwirnlier SM'i, I)eoemtr-Jaoiiary nii JaJiuary-Kberuary IV.'i , IlalUniore lroduee. Baltimore, Msrcli 2rt-Flour stesily, un- chanced. 'Wheat dull; mt rntitracf 74 to 7fi; Sovthem ty sample 67 to 71 Corn dull, spot mixed (Jt to SI; No ! ahlta, U', to US; tk.ull,. rn white . orn K to M. . Oats firmer: Ko. 1 mlsed. i7 U it, ' Bys firmer; No 1 Western domestic, 74 W, choir 71 to 7. UutUr firm sad unchanged; fancy Iml tstloa M to 27; do creamery tl to : td) do a to a: stor pcad n to it. I-sss nrn And hisher ITVfcn. CIinn ae ltv and unchannd; laria It; mtlura V'i t mall UH to U; Sugar adr a4 tsnohajifsdi eoarsa f raaulaud 6 1 AM fa. . . 1 f f Iliibbard ISros. & Co.'a Cotton Lttlcr. Jlccl.il to The Observer, New York, March 20,-Uverpool open ed ' lower, recovered quickly to . above lust evening el a Iwitter spot demand and belief that the decline In American markcta had been too rpld. Wlttr slight Kuctuatlons our market was steady at from 4 to ( points advance, until the glnnerg" report was read. The. first Inter pretation placed on the, report was bear ish, causing a quick break of some t points when the bull operator began nlddlng quickly n) sharply causing recovery to the opening prices. After that the market ' waa without' feature, with the trade of the opinion that while I3,acfl) bales waa bearish (allowing for the usual error In government reports) (here would not be any sharp selling un- less the foreign markets who hol id the large stocks gave way. HUBBA1UI Bitoa & CO. IVrt Moveroents. Galvestqn, quiet 1(115-1 New Orleans, steady Mobllo. quiet .... ... Savannah, quiet Charleston, nominal Wilmington, steady.. ... Norfolk, qule... Baltimore, nominal..'- . New York, steady.. V.oston. steady Philadelphia, steady .. Interior Movements. Houston, quiet , Augusta, steady Memphis, steady .. . .. St. Louis, quiet 10 ll-W . lou . 104 . vi . Il4 . 11 . n . 11.25 10 13-16 11 ioS 10 t The Money Market. New York, March 20. Money on call steady. J'4 to per cent., ruling rate 4; dosing bid 4, offered al 4H. Time loans dull and steady; 60 days to per cent.; 90 days 6 to 64: six months 6 per cent. Prime mercuntlle paper to W, ster ling exchange weak with actual business In bankers' bills at W83 to WU.05 for de mand and at $478.45 to 478.5rt for 0 day bills. Posted rates $480 to $480V4 and $4844 to $485 Commercial bills $47814. Bar silver 6V Mexican dollars 51V4 Oovern mnt. bonds steady. . Railroad bonds Ir regular. Omrloite Cotton. These figures represent the prices iuntd to wagons: March 20. Good middling H farict middling U Middling 10J4 Tinges and stains Sa9'4 ClilcKjri Oroln and frovlJnns. Chicago, March 20 Realizing on a li beral scale caused weakness In the last half hour In to-day's grain market. At the clesc wh down y- Co w re i) 1. the c ase wheal for May delivery waa :orn wus oft to Oats Provisions were 5 to 10c. lower. WHKAT May .. . July .. CORN Mnv .. . July .. . Sent OATS- Miv .. . July.. .. 'OHK- May .. . July .. .. .AHI- May .. . July .. . FUKK Ma v .. July .. High Iyow Close 76 7Wt 7n4 77H 77H 'CH 47 4F4 46'4 4'.4 454 4n-i 4;m- 42 41 'fc 41'., X'.i ITi 37', ir. :n 15.60 .r,7 16.95 15.80 15.77 . 97 R.Jtl .S2 ft. 97 R.9C 8.9: K.72 S i1 R il! 8.82 8.77 8.75 CATLIN 8u CO. Cbmmlasloa Maretuuiia 845 and 347 Broadway, New York Boston, Philadelphia. COTTON YARNS. All numbers, Skeins, Warps, Cops and Cones COTTON GOODS. ESTABLISHED 189X Orlswold St., Detroit. Nicholas Bltlg , Toledo, Lennox BIdg.. Cleveland, 223 Diamond St., Pitts Pa. 82-84 Mich.; Ohio; Ohio; burg. Kend name and address for Information why ACP and It I mi will sell at 250. It. M. WEAVER, 217 8. Bros (I Street, Philadelphia. Pa. When in need of ftone, or brick, or lumber for a house it is good business to buy from the lowest responsible bidder, for the material itself enters into the permanent construction of the building; but it doesn't pay to buy coal that way, for coal itself is not what you 'want. A cer tain intangible something called power is what you are seeking, and power is not measured by the ton, nor has it dimensions like a block of stone. It depends upon Quality, and quality in the coal determines the cost as well as the quantity of the power. Because of its natural purity and uniform preparation ADMIRALTY COAL makes most power with least consumption. Hence the growing demand for it among southern mills and manufacturing plants. Write for quotations and contract proposition. Booklet 'Fuel Economy" containing detailed information, mailed upon request. M. 0. BROOKS, General Manager, Chesapeake and Ohio Coal and Coke Company, 415-417 Mutual Buildinf, Richmond, Va. Dpccially adapted for burning brick. r1 COTTON AND WOOLEN MILL MACHINERY AND POWER PLANTS Charlotte, III, C. Have Been in securing another lot of 21 Pettee Revolving Top Flat Cards in good condition can be seen running. Also 40-inch Pickers, Drawing with metallic rolls. Greensboro Supply Company Greenboro, N. C. The Dry Goods Market New York, March 20. The dry goods market held steady to-day on all staple merchandise. The demand for spot goods continued very large but stocks were small. Further advances were made In low line shirting prints and printed goods held very strong. The silk piece goods and ribbon markets continued very strong with supplies very limited. WEBER'i Producer Gas Power Plants Save 50 to 75 per cent of your fuel cost! over steam and Electric Power. H. P.- HOUR-1 lb. GOAL Compete Gas Engine and Trodueer Plant. Sizes to 1,000 horse power. 1 INVESTIGATE. Absolutely thei most economical and reliable power for operating Cotton Mill s, filns. Electric Light - and Water Work Plants. Flour MIIIh. etc. Do not fail to got de scriptive catalogues n nd estimates. Weber Gas Engine, Co. Factory and Main Office, Kansis City, Mo. Southern Representative, W. T. IRVIN, Selwyn Hotel, Ojarlotte, N. C. The Brokers Stock and Grain Co. A CORPORATION, CAPITALIZATION $.',00,000. Dralora STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON AND GRAIN Koiid name and addreas for our weekly review of the market. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. No. 1 Montgomery Street. r ower ' ' Fortunate Charlotte Produce. (Corrected daUy by R. H. Field Co.) Chickens Spring 20 TS Hens-Per he. 85 40 Duck i 26 Eggs .. 15 butter I 20 Rye M Corn 72 07S Cotton Seed....; B0 Oats-Feed 67 Oats-Seed 60 In JERSEY CITY, N. J. MAIN OPPIOtl COUTH TRYON 8T., '' ' . .OHARkOTTI, N. C. Cevolvlnj; Hat Card, . Railway Heads, Drawing FrameA, -5plnnlng Frames; i wistcn ana spoolers ; QuUlers and Reels, combers , , : ; ETC GTCs JAIIE3 . LUTCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANT!. Cotton Tarns and Cloths. Cotton CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITBD. PblUdelphio, 122 and 124 Chestnut St Boston, 185 Summer St. ' New York. No. 7S Leonard St. Charlotte. 2S S. Tryon St HUBBARD BROS. & CO., HANOVXK SQUARE. NEW TORS. MEMBERS or Kaw York Cotton Ex eh&nge, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Uvar aol Cotton Bxchanga. ORDERS SOLICITED For tha puts ohaaa and sals of cotton (or tutors dallvsry. Corraspondanoa iavltad. Looms Dobbies Repairs Crompton - Thayer Loom Co Worcester, Mass Alexander Carsed Southern Agents Charlotte, N. G. Manufacturers and Jobbers Frequently find It neceasary to hare Ranking FaclUtlea in ail dlUon to those offered by locnl hanks. THE First National Bank OF RICHMOND, With VIRGINIA. 1.000,000.00 Capital Karned Snrplna 1600.000.00 A,500.000.00 Depostta S9 000.UO0.U ) Total Rrsotiwos Offers Just the Additional Fa cilities Required. Jno B. Purcell, President: J no M. Miliar, Jr., Vice Presl dent; Clma. R. Burnett. A. ststant Cashier: J. C. Joplln. Assistant Cashier. Shoe Trees preserva ahapa and add to Ufa and appearanca of your footwear. b ha pea to n snoes-mrat and Ladles' Slzca. Miller's Patent Extension Trees, price 1.00. Our Improved Lever Tree, price 75c. In ordering, send outline of shape of shoe, with alia and width, and add J6c. for oxpreaa or mailing. Catalogue free. GILREATH & CO. Come and look at our macmificent line of Dia- mond. We handle nothing except the very best. It's a pood investment, as Dia monds are advancing in price daily. Diamonds Bdaaaaaga1","aWBgggjBjsjgajspl Stuart W. Crat.ier CNGjNlZCIi AND CCiNTRACTCIi Clobbers, -Rsrlxs FramM intermediates, JackFmnM J E N C KES SPINNING CO. COTTON YARNS ' OFFICES! Pawtucltet, R, L, and Philadelphia. Pa. Philadelphia" Offlco. Marine A Merchant Building. W mJt SpeUlaay, Manager and Soutliern Reproa aentatlve. J ' , ,. . . .- i 0. A. R0BBINS COMPLETE BQtnFMJENTS FOR , COTTOII WUA, GEKERAti CHARLOTTE, U5CM.CRAPC SPINDLE, Bajtt OQa aa4 Oraaaoa, laMoatlBf OrwaM, Reaar-Mteadl Oald Watar Painta. Aganta TTattsea Pnotalna Oosnpawada. GEO. B. HISS OIL CO. CnARlOTTE, IV. C J. SPENCER TURNER CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Xtw Tot. rkOadelpMa, OOoao, St. Leata, U Yams and Ootton Piece Goods. PAULSON, LINKROUM & CO.. Cotton Yarns K7. LONARl STREBT 1H CHESTNUT 8TKKEZ -Bia MONROE SFREET . William B. Charles Ofaess Charlotte IV. C Beatea Maaa. and Amsterdam 1. T. Maaa Oflee Amsterdam. N. T. Single Utt Jacquard with Independent Cylinder Motion DSE II ALTON 8 JACQUAROflL THOMAS HAL TON'S SONS, Philadelphia. Pa, Prospective Builders Bdore beginning your building operations yon would do well to correapond with na for prices on all aorta ol Building Materlala, We carry a full, line of Flooring. Celling. Siding. Interior Trimmings, Saeh. Doora, Blinds, etd Always prepared to fnrnlab the best materlala, and can sara yon money. . HOTTON BOURBONNAI& Hlokory. N. C. . soimiKRN qrKKM grate OCR LEADER. If Ifa Oratea you want, or Mantali it nt s us or write for cata logue. J. ti. Wearn & Company Charlotte. N. C ' PVBUO ACCOUNTANTS AND . AUDrrona . ; BR0WN'& HUNTER Audita of Banks, Truit CompanUa and Oenaral Traders. 1311331 Empire Building, ' , ' ' ' ATLANTA- OA. , - w E3 I ranon eppien LI BUILDINta : ATLANTA. GA, :i Automatic Feeders, - , ' : . Dnnera sttirf Tritnlr. . Ml r- . , Breaker, Intermediate and ; , - Finisher Lappers, JCIrschner Carding Beatey Thread Extractors, - v , Waste Pickers,' etc V , ,;:ifVlUwttaADrVfrfc . i, t!TCETCt MACHI7VER7. n NORTH 0AR0LD7A. y. ENGINE LOOM, AND VALVE 11 s- . NEW YORK PHILulDELPHIA CHICAGO COTTON YARKS. COTTON OOODa, AMD COTTON WASTE. . D. SALKELD & BRO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -73 LeonarC Street, NEW YORK. OOTTON TARNI. DEPT Fredlc Vietor & Achelis. nuon MACRAE & 00, Dingers KleoaDenoota sothra atocertdrs' WILMINGTON, N. C. ' Waattlngton, D. X, 40S Oolorade Bid Cotton Mill Stocks RICHARD A. BLYTHE, Commission Merchant. OOTTON WARM AND TARNS. ansssasHa 1 1 4 Chestnut Street, -fHTLADELPlflA, . . . A, Vm. D'OLIER & co , COMMISSION MKRCUANTS , COTTON. YARNS Third tad Chaatnat Sta. Marine and Merrbaat BIdg, rUILADELTIUA, PA. - . . ! ' i ' t - -; r ... .. ,

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