T j'1 Eva Troutmun, of Monn-aville, la vlBitln Miss , 1'umy , Phillies, on i- North, Culdwell street, f I ' , . ' Miss Grace Kirk, of Mallard Creek township, spent yesterday in the city, eftopplnf. ' More. Frank Jones left yesterday y morning ton Winston-Salem to attend ,: the Moravian Easter services to-day. ' Mlsa Minnie Downs, of Providence, pent yesterday In the city, shopping1. ..4 1-. - ' 11 '" j . , There U to be a wedding in Con cord the iJrd f next month, the fcride and a-room, of which are well known and porpulaf with wide circle of friends la 'aM:cPK-'!-n' i"'" '' - '"' J spsMsaMsr" $ "'y''"s'' $ ". The) ' f ollowinf .y. announcement has bee made: v'? V vjy!, x"Dr, Daniel Albright Long, iof. Gra ham, announces the engagement of his daughter, Caririe Eugenia, v to Mr. . .Chajle" H. Belvln Jri of Raleigh., a ' ' Owing to recent berearefnent In both families, the marriage wlU'fte a vary quiet one.' It will fee solemnised at the home of the bride's father. t , Mrs. J. a! ; Baldwin v has h gone "to Wadesboro. "on a . visit ; Ao her ' 'mother, Mrs. W. W. Redfern. r - i. - Mrs. L. L. Jenkins and'daughter, Mass Lola, of Gastonia, spent yester day In the city. They were guests of the Selwyn. -:" " '?w-;' ':-.!! . Mrs. Henry C 'William's has return ed from Salisbury, where she visited her -sister, Mrs, Claud Frederic. , Mrs. T. J. Matthews will spend sev eral days of this week In Sharon with her mother, v j V . The-announcement of the engage ment of Dr. J. M. Stuart, of Mt. Holly, and Miss Helen Boyd of Fort Mill, his been madeThe marriage will take place about the middle of May. . Dr. and Mrs. Heonry Norris, of Rutherfordton, ere at the Selwyn. They came her to attend Easter ser vices at St. Peter's Episcopal church, Dr. Norris has, recently moved to North Carolina from Philadelphia. He has established, a fine hospital t Rutherfordton. '"He and Mrs. Norris are friends of Mrs. Frank Coxe. Miss Louise Holt, of Burlington, Is spending several days in the city with Mrs. R. L. Tate, on Tenth avenue. I. Mrs. R. E. Cochrane, Miss Minnie . Cochrane and Mrs. R. D. Cochrahe, 'are spending to-day In MAdensvllle, ' Mrs. R. R. Ray. Mrs. B. O. Anderson will arrive In the city to-morrow from Greensboro to spend several days with Miss Hat tie Brenlzer, on East Morehead street. Mrs. Anderson Is on her way home to Lincolnton. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mullen, of Lin colnton, are spending several days with their daughter. Mrs. William Baskervllle. on North Tryon street. Miss Beulah Fowler, who has been spending some time in the city with relatives, returned yesterday tp her home In Burlington. Miss Mary Terry Bland,. the beauti ful little- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bland, will entertain a number of her small friends at an Easter egg hunt at her home on South Myers street Miss Leila Judson Tuttle, of the faculty of Rutherfor College, Lenoir, is spending the Easter holidays with Mrs. Leona Llttlejohn, at her home on the Boulevard. Miss Lalage Oates, of Ashevllle, is the guest of Miss' May Oates, at her home on North Poplar street. Mrs.,Floyde Lyles, of Spartanburg, S. C, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. X. Lockwood and Miss Edna Lockwood, who have been spending the winter In the city, left last evening for their old home In Rhode Island, where they will spend the summer. Mra Lottie C. Maffltt, who has been spending several weeks with rel atives In Baltimore, returned home last night. She was accompanied by her daughter, Mra. T. H. Kirby and children, who will spend some time With her. -The choir of the Second Presbyte rian church, under the direction of Mr. H. J. Zehm, musical director, will give a sacred concert lp the auditori um of the church Tuesday night. A marriage in which many Char lotte people are interested Is that of Mlas Mary Cunningham Lucas and Mr.' Frank X Farnan, which Is to be sol emnised Wednesday, April ,3rd, t the home of the bride-to-be, No. 203 West Morehead street. The wedding will be ' a very quiet one with only the near relatives and a few Intimate friends present. Father Joseph - pastor , of St. Peter's Catholic church, will perform the ceremony. v Miss Lucas la a cultured and attrac tive young lady. She has -resided In Charlotte almost all of her life and 3M w'de circle of acquaintances and friends. Mr. Farnan Is an able and energetic young business man, He has inany friends. ' , ii i i . ' Miss Nell Orr, who has been with her parents. Dr. and Mra W. W. Orr, has rvturiikd to LtT:olPt'n - Miss Martha- Ross, of Morganton, i-: - is visiting her little nelee, Mary Davis i Ross, on North Brevard, street ',. Mr. and Mrs. A H. Washburn gave . -er party yesterday, the oco-. s'on being Mr. Washburn's birthday. The following named were guests: Mr. end Mrs, E. M. Clsmence, Dr.' ICE CBJDAM MAT BR RICH Put t Is not perfect unites flavored Blue Ribbon Lemon or Vanilla. - Our Prescriptiori Service l I; . U. .S. , .I,ui n, ; ,hIi. r V. V.'att. ITrs. L. i.. -1, ,.!:. f.jrd. MIiih Car rie waller. Ml' H-iuo . Warner and .Mr. D. A. Tomxkln8. . i . Mrs.Xv W. Hunt and daughter, Mrs. Frank J. Jones, ar" pnillng Kaster In lvei -nersvllle and AVlnstoir Salem. The former is with her par ents at Kernarevllte, and the latter Is the guest of Mrs. Burt H. Marsh, at Winston. .-v .- - A Colonial ROut at,' ye Assembly Rooms of ye new-fashlon Inn called Selwyn will be given by Mistress Mary Blum Anthony with ye help of ye Al umnae of ye Presbyterian College. iTe faire Dames and Damsels ywho ,b Helpers will, beyond peradventure, be arrayed In ye fitting and. only MolaJ for ye so noteworthy concourse of ye Gentlefolk. Te Rout will be held ye fifth Dsy of Aprllle between ye Hourf of nine' and twelve after ye sunne has setts. AH ye noble Gentrle of ye olde Towne of Charlotte will nnd a right, fair welcome and much goodlle en tertalnment:'vi: S't"-i- . 'S'-V, i ; Te following Is ye list of jye receiv ing iDames: Dames J.'i R'. Bridges, Martin D. Hardin, 3, Lenoir Cham bers, Latta C. Johhston, John.R. Ir win, Walter Miller, E. C. Dwells, R; O; Alexander , Cb. IWokr Peter Gilchrist. ( Robert Hayes, Jamea1 Col thran.'i;v::';:;;fr;';t: ij i f.vV , Ye Damsels assisting will be ac cording to ye (following 'list: Mis tresses Mary .... Blum Anthony, Lily Webb .Long,. Mary Jrwtn, Willie .; R. Young, Stuart Jones, " Sara Jones, Florence Thomas, Sara . Brocken brough, Sadie Bell Mayer, Lucy Rob inson, Mary O. Graham, Eunice An derson,'' Sara 'Hargravjs, Bleecher Held, Loulser Davis, Ye following Pages arrayed In gor geous costumes of ye Colonial time will bey at ye service of ye guests: Masters Edwin Bridges, Charles Car son, Archibald Young. , BRIEFS. A Few Minor Happenings to and , Aboat the City. Miss Lily Benson was Indisposed yesterday. She Is threatened with grip. -Capt W. E. Ardrey, of Provl does not Improve. He Is feeble but his condition is not serious. - Mrs. Harris Malltnckrodt was able to be ont yesterday after a week's Illness. She barely escaped pneu monia. 1 - Sergeant John T. Farrlngton was able .to be on the streets yesterday. He looks pale and weak but la gradu ally regaining his health and strength. ! The public schools of the city are taking surcease of work In cele bration of the Easter holidays. They are given until 'Tuesday to hpve done The Eastefv services at St. Mach ael's and All Angels church, colored, to-day will be especlaly Interesting. ''The Conquering King" will be given at 4:30 this. afternoon. Rev. A. J. Ranson, of Spartan burg, will preach at East Avenue Tab ernacle this morning and- to-night. There will, be a Sunday School rally this afternoon and Mr. R. O. Alex ander will be the speaker. Dr. C. T. Bland, of Hickory, one of the oldest Episcopal ministers In the State, is quite 111 at his home there. His son, Mr. M. A. Bland, of this cltj, visited him this week, but has returned to the city. Notices have been received at the police station offering $50 reward for the capture of Alonso Smith, who es caped from the South. Carolina penl-r tentlary jit Columbia, March 22. He was sentenced for seven 'years for as sault with intent to ravish. The sale of a tract of land on Lawyer's road, which had been ad vertised for yesterday,- was postponed on. account of the nonappearance of those who fain would purchase it. with their egg rollings and egg hunts. School resumes work that day. The commencement exercises of the Piedmont Industrial School, at Chadwlck will take place on the 17th, 18th and 19th of April. Hon. E. Y. 'Webb, of Shelby, will be the speaker of the occasion. Declamations, ora t'on, and dialogues will form part of the j rorramme. A car loaded with natives of sun ny Italy bound for the extrem South was attached to one of the trains Ji - - ml 4 - unvirxTmius Correctly and Promptly Engraved Send for Samples and Prices tr P. Stevens EngravinQ Co., Engravers 7 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. ; fronWhe North yesterday and passed through Charlotte. Apparently It was not "hot enough for . them? . in this neighborhood. - t , .',' k Beginning three weeks from to day Rev. Harold Turner, pastor 'of Brevard Slrcc; Methodist church, will eon.luct a aeries of revival services, unaided by outside help. The boy's mass meeting at. the Young Men's Christian Association this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock will, be addressed by Henry Allison. His sub ject wilt be .'Ideals.', AU boys are in vited., .ft.iv? ''Vr'HfSt'ft yl '. -At St. Paul Presayterlan and BeTi mont Park Methodist churches . re vival services will ; be held to-night. Th services will contlcw through J oai the wjik, beginning each night at S.i'clOcfcK;!., 3 .yw? , i--Master Joe Bettor, one of The ChronicU' cainer, .boys, was patnfuly injured yesterday, by a, load of lum ber which U on him, whileihe -was at the Carolina Manufacturing Com peny's place. No bones were broken, but he will be laid u for a day or two. .. ; . . '. T A DRAI4 TO BE GIVEN. TKe Ladles to Present the "Lament able Tragedy of Julius Caesar" Next Month- An Event of Interest. "On- the Ides of April next, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh,' there will be given rn the stadium of Palazzo Alexander,. 900, rue de Tryon, . the Does Coffee disagree with you T Prob ably it does! Then try Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee. 'HealthCoffee" Is a clever combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, remember, in Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee, yet Its i flavor and taste matches closely eld. Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach. heart, or kidneys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health Coffee. It Is wholesome, nourishing, and satisfying. It's nice even for the youngest child. Sold by MUler-Van Ness Co. 'Lamentable Tragedy f Julius -Cae sar.'" . - In view of the: constant absence of men froni "around the family al tar." owing to those frequent ; so called . political rallies, the . manage ment deems it expedient at this time to present to the women of Charlotte, the sad fater, of that "boss" of the ward,' Julius Caesar, and the horrible end that awaits all men,, both "heel ers" and otherwise, who let ambition, as a desire to run the town take too strong a hold upon them. '. .s V J '- The women of Charlotte are asked t take notice.. 'A: - Automobiles for Traveling Men. The Albion Grocery Co;, of Gastonla, yesterday purchased from the Osmond L. Barrlnger Co. a coavertable Cadll f touring car to be used by their Mr. Williams in covering the territory be tween Yorkville. 6.. C. and Hickory. The car Is equipped with an odometer so that the yean keep an accurate ac count of the expense per mile and In this way learn just how much they are saving In railroad fare and buggy hire. ' , This Is the first time in North Car olina that an automobile has been used as a competitor of the railroads and the success of the vertture will mean that a numiber of firms will adopt the same method of transporta tion for their representatives. Business League Distributes Buttons. The campaign buttons of the Bus iness" Men's Municipal League are in the field. Bright and e&rly yesterday morning the distributors were on the streets and whosoever would had a change to give public evidence of his political refereneceg In the approach ing municipal election. Th e buttons are neat, bearing the simple lnscrlpv tlon: "Progress. Better streets." The league will entertain next Tuesday nlghtjxt Its hearquarters on South Tryon. A Modern Colonial House. , Greensboro, N. C, 3-29-'07. Will you please give me suggestions as to 'furnishing a part of the new house I am building of gray brick, with stone foundation? It is a modern colonial, with a ten-foot hall ruiyifng through the centre, with ten-foot rooms on either side. The dining room is one of the front rooms, the parlor opposite, library back of parlor, with folding doors between; all opening' Into each other and Into the hall except one, and have the quartered-oak beams between hall and parlor. Shall I have th hardwood floors medium-colored quarter-sawed oak for the entire-'. lower floor? I shall have ma hogany furniture In the parlort but have to use my dining room fur niture, which is quartered ok. What shall I get for my library furniture? How about flemish or weathered oak. and what for tne hall? How shall I paper library, parlor, hall and dining room? What kind of shades for entir house? Also what kind of curtains shall I get for all the windows! What kind of rugs and colors for the first floor? Mrs. H. G. J. The best Interior trl mfor a .colonial house Is white enameled, which Is the most consistent sitting for old mahogany. If your wood-work Is already selected, It will be too late to change it. Fine quartered oak Is not the most economical foundation for paint. Mahogany furniture can be used with an oak finish, but It does not produce a colonial effect. If your house Is so arranged that the parlor can have a white trim, we would advise placing your ma hogany there. In the other rooms use furniture to match the wood-work. Weathered oak and flemish are both pleasing. Just now the tendency Is to lighter stains than flemish. The medlum coloredf quartered oak of which you speak Is very attractive and would be excellent for both trim and furniture. A a color scheme, we would suggest In a two-toned effect for the dining room In a deep yellow, with a lighter shade for the hall. In a plain paper; green In the parlor, stripe or figured In a light brown for the library; use a plain white tint for all the ceil ings Colonial ofiicru net makes a good curtain to hang next the g!a Shades should be uniform, too. Stone gray would be a good color in this instance. Curtains should reach to the sill. Yours very truly, SHORT SHORT 'Phone 79. The Expert Decorators. Charlotte, N. C. WHENEVER AND WHEREVER f HE HIGHEST TYrTU QF TONE QUALITY IS DESIRED Piano. HOLDS FIRST POSITION AMONG Afo3RICAN r ....PfflNOS.... Look at the Array of the World's Greatest Artists who endorse THE PIANO Dr. Otto Neltsel, Afred Relsenauer, Osslp Oabrllowltsch, Richard Burmelster, Oliver Willard, Pierce, Paolo Galileo, Pletro Florida, Giuseppe Campanart , Oeorg Krttger,- WniiamlKraupner, , ' Edwin M. Shonert, Albert Welnsteln, Arthur J, Bassetf J. Lewis Browne, David 'Blsphsm, ' Joha Coates, ' ' '. Ernest R. Kroeger, L. Conradl, . -, v I Clarence Adler, -1 Frederick Mariner, , ; Reginald dsKoven, : , ! Herbert Wltherspoon, Walter Damrosch,J , John' Philip BousaT V Louis V. Baar, - Angela Patrleola, '!. J Mme. Lillian Noidloa,'t ' " Mme. Sophia Scalchl, , ' I Miss, Carrie HIrschman, ' Mme. Blrdlce Blye, v V - Mme.' Laura Mehrtena, , Miss Tecla Vigna, . Miss Augusta Cottlow, Miss Bessie Sllberfold. Mlsa Mary Wood Chase, Miss Muriel Foster, Mlsa Agnes Nichols, Frederick J. Hoffman, Charles A. Oranlnger, ' D. Ff rangcon , Da vies, ' Henry Eames, William Greene, I Watkln Mills, , George Hamlin, , Ellison van Hoose, , Madam Teresa Carreno, ' i ., ; 'i.;-'-; CATALOGUES AD FRIZES XQH ATTLICATIOJf. . '; v j wms:eQLEmmPiHi!iomoi ' ' " .' ' ' .' . .. let ' EftSTER 'DBESS- Which to purchase means you have ' at less. Voiles, Very Popular Both In Wool and Cotton. Fine im ported Cotton 'Voiles, especially , pretty In the Shadow Plaids. Price .. .. ..... .. .. . 25c. yard. Black' Tight Twisted All-Wool French Voiles, 25c. to 12.50 yard. Colored All-Wool French" Voiles, new shades of Tan, Champagne, Gray Brown, Copenhagen Blue, Navy and Cream;. 42 and 48 Inches .. 11.00 and $1.50 yard. All the new shades In French Shadow Check Voiles, 44 inches, 91.50 yard. 42-lnch Chiffon Voiles') all colors and Black $1.25 yard. WOOL CHIFFON" PANAMAS Popular and Serviceable 80-lnch fine Black and Navy All Wool Chiffon Panamas, $100 re s taller; our leader 85c. yard. 42 and 50-Inch Black and Colored Chiffon Panamas, Including a num ber of the popular shades In Shadow Checks 85c., 08c. to $1.50 yard. A TREMENDOUS BUSINESS IN Bales In our Silk department for past two weeks more than doubled for the same time last year. the best and newest spring apparel , .' ; :., -- ..'.-; " '-s; -' We sell the sanje Silks for less, bet ter Silks for the same, and 'are first to show the novelties.' Spot-proof 27-lnch Oriental Lyon Dyed China Silk, all shades and Black .. .... .-, . . .' 50c Special yard-wide Black'; China Silk . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50ft 27-Inch Fancy Taffetas, new patterns, especially pretty for 'shirt watat suits, Etons and "Jumpers." , .. .. 75 to 89c. yard. Coin Spot Dotted Chinas and Foul ards.. .. .. 50c., 75c. and 8c. Shadow and Plain Dot Natural Tan . Pongees. Something entirely new, Brown, Green and Blue Dots, on Tan Ground; 22 Inches B8c. 1 New patterns In 23-inch Foulards, the usual $1.00 retailers, at 8$a 75c. Plain Colored Taffeta SllksOSc. Splendid weight 26-inch White Jap Silks ..89, 50, 68 and"19c. POPULAR TRIMMINGS AND LACES A most complete stock Baby - Irish Bands, All-overs, Bands and Edges to match. Cotton and Linen's, Clunys, White, Eoru and Cream. The season's fad for "dressy" waist. Baby Irish and Applique Bands and Medaliona, much used in connec tion with vests, and Mercerized Batistes for waists and dresses. Eelk Brothers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I, V THE ONIY WAV S7 ftult t Ka 4kMA I Vie- as wtlliwe avgi- iioat Ka.T s pviK IX One of the Joys of Home Life is the FAMILY GATHERING Before the Open Grate in which Burns a " cheerful fire made with Dustlcss, SlatdeSS COAL the kind you always get wnen you Phone 19 STANDARD ICE & FUEL CO. -w . mi . m wsnmw v You will see Suits from , . our store to-day and lot3 of ' them. ' When you see a well dressed man in a Suit that fits, think of us. Every Suit wo are selling fits and is the right thing HATS, TIES, V, In fact,, everythirs "Spring' we .are selling is the right thing, and ,Sve 'arc selling everything that's in voue. i ' "' N .1 . . - ;; ; -jV- --' - i. . i'. f 1. 1 Remember MeUon'g Oothce Fie i is -.Jbettcr r than tierertiiWe ?:t ;V;want i;joup-i next v order, y WoK,l you Jet us" send for fpnwor&Draj Store, v"V' ' : ' ;r i .i- ..-,., .-, .. .' lit M. Tryo Street, ' ; ; OlARLOTTE,- Nr C. ' f ' '- 1. -: . , i?-it m : --V. - ... 1 . . . ... LEAOIKG;. CLOT; I' .;f:v:-;'-