. :, -r-'? II I;-., her ,.- t-,!-. At , ! ;-.;,it;..ii an 1 (:-. favorable !..,;" si idT a 9 . - , . i . I, I :t l.-r c.-Mor "seather in , -6 r.n lijiht, Iv.iV,; l s :e expected, t! a 1 . r-trtir? tiie roar inr.ti s .i in i.t-m.ind from sh-rts . rt gradually rallied, with axel-r;HP(1 around in!M.y ;.i'S of bullish new crop re-!..- Pouih. During Use after - .-.hi un to a net advance of i r. the active months mak i.::h record' en n ll positions '' in bull movement, but there i rfiiizing and bear pressure ? i) aket oft a few points to .e. Exports for the day t;x times the port receipt, are predicting a slightly v.-ment, weather permitting; -. and the end of the month. : t n.arkets were 1 unchanged i the ports today 7,953 bales last week and 7,45 last i he week 75.000 bales against -ok and S1.S44 last year. To s at New Orleans 1.1 a) bales o last year and at Houston against 1,118 last year. :.:ur.r ur.e & co. rocictXGE,,ninxii ; ,:c8ponse to Any News Devei t. Determined Abstention of :ors on Any Important Scalo Marking State of Speculative ;-. icnt. , ' -:' ; "ork, April 25. The stock market t feeble response to-day to "any dopments, the determined ab of operators on any.lmportant ne marking the state of spec entlment. That remained vag ed and hesitating In the high e. An Important factor in mak- ronriitlnn Am th ' nrtat1-fatnr- m the wheat crop. Present con . i the winter wheat belt are gen i cognized as unsatisfactory and f s from day to day Is watched for ; ients which may change ' that i n. No ruch news was received and the. evidence of stnensth In tat market was a burden on the carket. The reduction In the ; rket was a burden on the stock The reduction in the Bank of i discount rata waa of no effect. because It had been foreseen tical certainty. 7. nnouncement waa made during of the coming dissolution on of the syndicate which under '.Coo.ivjo of Lako Shore debenture i February, 1306. These bonds n quoted well below the under prlce and receded sharply to-day understanding that the largest the Issue had been unmarketed be distributed to syndicate . The Incident served as unplcs nder that much remained to ac i towards the absorption of con in the bond market. Some spe i.lcance attached to the notable s.of the Chicago Great Western which was attributed to tho cri ort on its capitalization by the ta legislative committee. Soma 4 was expressed k-st the Mlnne imple. should be used aa a pre- : a other cases. , ay's net changes are trivial, al ithout exception. were heavy. Total sales,' par 1 SWAM. , bonds were unchanged on call. - --ale to-dav wen. ifi (WY lnr.lnrt- rpper 30,606; Smelting 28,900; To i O; A. C. L. 100; C. & O. 600; ' 143.200; L, & N. 600; N. & W. on Pacific 1.300; Southern Rail 0, do pfd. m; Va.-Caro. Cheml- , art pia. iw Bioss-bnemeia sw. C : ' Cfaisi f rovlol""- April CS. CI.!. - x April C3.-An c'irial forecast cf f--v,v in Karsas followed by a partial f : ..ent of the prediction was the pre i mt iniluence in the wheat market t .,idv Juiy closed with a less of Vi to Corn gained fcc. and oats Fro- Mhions shojvea utue cnansc. High Low Close May July .. .. Sept. .. .. COK.V- Jlay .. . July .. Sept. .. .. OATS- May .. .. July .. .. Sept. .. PORK May .. . July Sept ' LARD May.. July .. .. ' Sept .. .. RIBS- May .. .. July Sept. .. sr., 60V .. 15.65 ... 15.S7 8.S5 8.70 8.S2 8.50 8.65 8.77 ' 43- 49't - 49H 41 4 . 15.57 15.S3 8.55 8.67 8.80 8.45 8.62 8.72 77,4 81 m ' 4&'i 50 50 15.60, 15.85 8.55 8.70 8.S2 8.47 8.65 8.77 - New York Cotton New York, April 25.-Cotton. sfot clos ed steady; middling upland U.30, mid dling gulf 11.55: sales 200 bales. Futures closed: steady. , n.nmm open mrn i-"" April May .. iun . .. ... July... . Aug. Sept. . . Oct. . .. . Nov. Dec. Jan. Fob. March 9.89 988 9.S8 9.89 9.85 9.93 9.85 9.: 9.95 9.8S 9.91 9.87 8.9JT' 9.89 10!09 10.13 10.07 .. 10.14 10.28 10.20 10.35 10.14 10.23 10.42 , 10.41 , 10.41 9.85 9.SS 9.85 9.91 9.87 9.89 10.09 10.12 10.12 10.32 10.87 10.15 W : ; . 1 set 40" Picker ; Machinery.. . . . . ., ' ,' 16 40"' Pette Revolving Top Flat Cards, ' ' 7 Drawing Metallic Rolls. 1 ; " ' . ; Slubbers, Intermediates, . Speeders, i ; Trv 7. .; vr : . 7 Whitin Spinning Frames, Draper Ko. 2 Spindles. 3 H. & B. Spinning Frames, Draper No. 2 Swindles. 100 Wbitin Looms. 1 Slasher, 2 ' Cylinders, V and 5'. 1 42" Cloth Folder. , . Greensboro Supply Lompany GREBXSBORO, 1ST. O. ore. April 25. Seaboard, common : erred, nothing doing. ' Xew York Produce, York; April 25. Flour firm, but Hour withdrawn owing to ad .1 wheat and crop news. Rye uiei. corn meal steady. t, snot firm; No. 2 red. 86 eleva- auth M opening navigation f. o, ;t. After a brief opening decline, reports or rain in the bouthwest. recovered and was firm for th of tha day. Included among th factors were firm cables, ruirtora rge export business, cold weather rr,m t ria WMf f iminna - m :i v a'. sgainst w- decun m September. V. July mv; Beptemoer spot firmer; No. 2, 68 elevator; s to c. net higher. May 68; spot steady. Mixed 47H.' Beef , cut meats steady. Lard quiet; quiet; continent 19.20. Pork Tallow barely steady. Petroleum Rosin firm: strained common to ' to 84.S5. Turpentine quiet. Rice Molasses steady. Sugar, raw fair refining 83 25 to $3.26; centrl test. $3.73 to $3.76; molasses su to $3.01; refined steady, spot quiet; PJo No. 7.' eo.; No. 4, ' mild coffee quiet: Cor - to,12l,4; futures unchanged to'5 i'jr.-er. .- -' ' r quiet. Cheese steady, unchang--3 firm, unchanged. - ; and neanuts ouiet and. steady. f-d. Carages firm; South Caro- c Dutch per crate via to i.w; i -vi per ton $10 to $18. The Dry Goods Market. New York, April 25.-The dry goods market was steady and generally firm to-day. Sales of some wide cloths of nrinf ninth varn construction were made at 4c. a yard decline, and contracts for late delivery are selling at concessions of 1 cent a yard from spot prices for the same goods. In the Jobbing houses an active trade is being done In- cotton goods, principally wash goods for quick delivery. Raw silk Is firm and It is re ported in this market that spot supplies are exhausted. Duplicates of men a ... arn rominz forward slowly. The local retail trade for the day waa better than it nas oeen ior mwuv w- past, due t the improveo wmium wwu Uons. Naval Stores. Savannah, Ga., April 25.-Turpentine firm aal a; receipts wv, siuy Rosn firm; saiea iw, reewpu a.ioo. shipments 200; stock .,u C M.35; D $4.45; B $4 .60; f $4.60; O $4 .65 H MfiO- I $5: KJ5.S5; M $5.45: N $0.50; W rvnmintrinn Anril 25. Sdrlts turpen tine, nothing doing; receipts B casks. , Rosin, notning aoing; reivw r-rud tumentine firm. $3.50. $1.90 and $5.25; receipts 5 barrels. The Sloney Market. New York. April 25,-Money on call easy 1 to 2 per cent; ruling rate 2; enmnt Ma z. onerea at . im a.ir nrt vnrv dull. 60 davs S'4 per cent and 90 daya 44 per cent; six montha 4 per'cent.' ' Prime mercantile paper 5 to 6 per cent: steiling exchange easier, with ac V,.in'rM In bankers' Mils at $486.05 to $4S6.10 for demand and at $483.35 to $4tt.40 for 60-day bills. Posted rates $483 to 1484 and to $487. Commercial i.ni turau. Bar silver 65. Mexican dollars KWl.. ' naltlmoro kfoduce. ' naitimore. Aorll 25. Flour dull, un changed. Wheat strong; spot contract dVi to 824; Southern by sample . rVrn .trnne-. UDOt mixed OrVi No white. hVA to 674: Southern white 55 to Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 484 to. Rye quiet; No. 2 Western domestic, 75 to tt; unix an Butter firm, unchanged. Eggs steady, .,-anA trheeso active ana strong; lanre IB: medium 15U to 15V4. Sugar un changed. ; .- . Comparative. Port Recelpta, . IJverpool Cotton. -ool. Arril 25: Cotton, spot rood s done, prices 5 points higher,' ,,n middling ' fatf 7.48; good mid 6.M; middlirig .40: low middling a nrdinarv 5.40: ordinary 5.02. -tSr-m rt the day were 12.000 bales. ;h 1.00 were for speculation and j.nd Included ll,-w American. e' fA-s bal'-s. Including 23.10C Anierl ... . .. re owned steady and closed ; American middling $. O. c.:: 9.m ::y . . ?)ft ... .tern her ... r-October "Novfmber. ... i r-Peemrer -r-J'iniMry ... y-Frjruary .. ry-llarch .'..V, 590 5.90 5 84 5 804 (74 smi 5.65 544 6 64 6.64 6.65- THE JOEL HUNTER COMPANY PUBLIC ACCOUXTAXTS AND AUDITORS ' Suggestions For Improved Accounting Methods. -Balance Sheets Prepared. ' Present Worth Ascertained. 1219-20-21 Empire Bid" . Atlanta. Ga. Augusta, ateady .. .. .. .. .. Memphis, steady .. .. .. .. .. Ht. iouia, steady .......... Louisville, nrm.. 10;4.' n ' ; NEW YORK BONDS. TT, S.; refunding. 2s,.,reglstered ..... .. u. 8. refunding 2s, coupon .. .. .. U. S. 8s, registered .. ..... .. U. S. 3s, coupon .. .. . .. U. B. Old 4s, registered .. .. .. .. TJ. S. Old 4s, coupon .. .. U. 8. New 4s, registered .. .. ..... U. S. New 4s, coupon American Tobacco 4s .. .... American Tobacco 6s.. Atchlo6n general 4a.. .. .. .. ...... Atchison adjustment 4s .. .. .. .... Atlantic Coast Lino 4s.. .. .. Baltimore & Ohio 4s.. .. .. Baltimore & Ohio ZViS bid.. .. .. .. Brooklyn R. T. cv. 4s Central of Georgia 5a Central of Georgia 1st Inc. ofd. .. Central of Georgia 2nd Inc. bid.. Central of 'Georgia 3d Inc. ofd Chesapeake & Ohio 4s Chlcaga & Alton 3s ofd.. .. .. .. Chicago. B. & Qutncy new 4s .. .. Chicago! R. I. & Pacific R. R. 4s.. Chicago. R. I. & P. R. R. col. 6s.. C, C, C. & St. Louis gen. 4s bin. Colorado Industrial 5s Sor. A.. ... Colorado "Midland 4s bid.. ...... Colorado & Southern 4s bid.... .... Cuba 6s .......... .. .. .... Denver & Rio Grande 4s bid .." ... Distillers Securities 5s bid .. Erie prior lion 4a,. .. .. Erie General 4a.. .. .. Rocking Valley 4s ....... .. Japan 6a .. . . '. .. .. .. Japan 6s 2nd Series Japan 4H ctfs.. ... Japan 4H ctfs. 2nd Series.. .. .... Louisville & Nash. Unified 4s., Manhattan consol gold 4s .. .. .. Mexican Central 4a bid .. .. .. .... Mexican Central 1st Inc. bid .. .... Minn. St. Louis 4s bid Missouri, Kansas & Texas 4s.. .... Missouri. Kansas. A Texas 2ndsti.v National R. R. of Mex., con. 4s bid New York Central gen. 3s bid... New Jersny Central gen. 6s bid... Northern Pacific 4 .. ., ...... ...... Northern Pacific 8s bid.. .. Norfolk & Western col. 4s.. .. ... Oregon Short -Line rfdg. 4s.. .. .. penn. cv. 3s.. ... .... 104 104 102M W-l IOI14 101 129V4 130Vi 73 106 98 oiS - 944 100 93 85 108 00 70 ' 62 10:: 69 95 73 87 100 63 68 89 102 94 63 "i 97 82 104 98 98i 91 91 100 ; 99 , 80 23 87' 4 82 934 123 102 71 98 92 95 JP i Rubber Goods pfd. .. .. .... .. St. Louis & San Fran. 2nd pfd St Louis Southwestern .. .. .. St. Louis Southwestern pfd... .. Southern pacmc .... Southern Pacific pfd.. .. .. Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd..... .... . Tennessee Coal & Iron .. .. .. . Texas & Pacific .. Toledo, St Louis & West.. . Toledo, St. Louis & West pfd.. Union Pacific ' . union Padno pfd. .. .. .. .. . United States Express .. .. .. .. United States Realty United States Rubber .. .. '.. .. United States Rubber pfd.. .. United states steei . United States Steel pfd.. .. .... Virginia Carolina Chemical .. .. Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd. Wabash .. .. ..... ... Wabash pfd.... ... ... ... ... Wells . Fargo Express .. .. .. Westlnghouso Electric Western union Wheeling Lake Erie Wisconsin central .. .. . Wisconsin Central pfd.. ,. Northern Pacific .. , Central Leather .. ...... Central Leather pfd. .. .. Sloss-Shefflcld Steel .. Great Northern pfd.. ... .. Interborough-Met. .. ,. Interborough-Met pfd. ,. V r: rC. ... . . . . , 1 rrrcH etc --- - - --.- r HTCL, ETC. , G. B. 1 BURHANS TKSTIFIES AFTER . . TOUB Y1SARS. - G. B. Uurhans, cf Carlisle Center, T., 'writes: "About four years ago 1 wrote, you .siting that I. had been en tirely cured, of a-, severe kidney trouble by. taktns: less than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stop ped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to sey that I have never had a return of any of those aymptoms dur ing the four years that have.elapaeel an-l-am-evidtrntt? ur-eOo stay cured, and heartijy recommend Foley5s Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder . trouble. R. H. Jordan & Co. : " . eorroFi ynnris Pawtuctcet, It. I., and PhUudctnh i. t -PhtuAlnhla C." i. & Merchant BtUldlnj:. V m.A, Spelllssy. Manater andv Sout- . J sentatlve. : . -., , ...... 95 34 2' 55 84 116 21 67 145 28 29-!t 64 142', ed 105 73 43 101 87 101 28 lu3 14 26 24. .143 S3 12 18 40 133 29 96 54 136 ; 25 ? 59 WALKER AND HICKS TV LLMBO. Three Cases of Sron." develop- Another Candidate fot ayor W. , O. T. Oub Entertalnewl by Miss 1 Mary AlexanderStan- Tinncr Givea Mr. T. J.Old. Special to The Observer. ', High Point. April 2S.--.Ed Walker and Pud Hicks, the two negroes who entered the rooms of Messrs. R. R. and James Ragan and carried off several suits' of clothes and who were chased a consider' YOU COn GET II PCM RIGHT ? Wear a badly laundered shirt anyhow? .Don't do it Have it done right,' . The "Model .way" la the . right way. .' .; : HODtt lAUNDjY CO., Correct Launderiug." ' West Fifth St At Church. 'Phono 160. 0. A7iTO0Dir-iS cziaisrm equipmxxts for corrow iau& u. CHAELOTTE. . 2I0ETH OAT.0 V1 T r c::c:i.cradc spidle. loom, engine t v Celt OOa and Qreaaea. Lobrtctlns Gmmc Tmtz:1 Cclrl Waur Paints.' AgeaU Wattle' . Drecatn Coocqotczjl. GEO. B. HISS OIL oiAiiLorm x, c THE. CROWELL SA.tnoiUUM CO For the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and ienroua . Reading General 4a,. ..... ...... .... St L. Iron Mtn. consol 6s bid .. 110 St. Louis & San Francisco fg. 4s.. 80 St. Louis Southwestern col. 4s.. ... : i6 Seaboard Air Line 4s., .. .. Southern Pacific 4s.. .. .. ... 4 Southern Paciflo 1st 4s ctfs. bld... 93 Southern Railway 6s bid.. ....... 1WA Texas & Pacific lsts bid.. .. .. .. Un Toledo, St. L. & Western 4s .. .. .. 80 Union Pacific 4s .... ...... ....... 102 U. S. Steel 2nd 5s.. .. .. 1. .. .. v.,W Wabash lsts , M'H Witrn Mil. 4s..'.. .. .. .. 'i Wheeling & Lake Erie 4s bid.. .. 81 Wisconsin Central 4s 01a.. .. .. .. Japan 4s ctfs WVs .... ... ..,. Galveston .. New Orleans Mobile Savannah -. : Charleston .. . Norfolk .. .. .. .. Boston ,, .. .. . Total estimate.. to- uagi tay. . Year. , 1,644 3,120 278 1,133 . 19 ' 474 ' 76 8,000 Charlotte Produce. April 25. Corrected daily by R. H. Field A Co.) Chlckens-Kprtng .. . JW fc:' Hens-Per Head .. .. .. .. .. 60045 IJUCHt .., ,.... ..,, .... ... 3" EgKS.. .. .. ,. 16 tfflS butter.. .. .. .. ....... .. .. P Ryo. w Corn .. .. .. 78 Cotton Seed ..... 30 Oats-Feed.. .. .. .; .... .. .. .. 62 Oats Seed ..... ........ 65 . Charlotte Cotton Market These figures represent the prlorts nutted to wagons: April 25. Goodmlddling.. , 11 ii4 Strict middling...., . Middling .. Tinge atnd stain,. U Orleans Spot Cotton. Orleans, Arril 25. Cotton, spots "'nn at an advance over yesterday a point on all grades; middling Vs were 850 bales on the spot to arrive. .... . . i opened steady at an advance 3 to 8 points over the rlose yes-Considt-rable. buying followed rtr and was continued on off 1 "ni for rain and coldor T-xas and the strong pot Uverfjool. Prices were fur f i by reports of general crop i 1 Louisiana.- The close waa r inging from to 11 points New Crleani.. Koui-toa .. ESTIMATES. ' April 25, To- Last . Morrow. Ytar ..",yA-3,iW'" ...... 2.VJ0-.vM .. .. 6.-7.'00-- irphlne 1 Diaeasea, ?ni1,,rirttanvteIv2ffTCn& Ail M ' patientl All forma of electricity captured yesterday in Lexington. AH 4...... Tnl the , stolen goods had been done away for treating nervous diaeasea, . The stockholders all being physicians, constitute a consulting board. , 8. 11 CROWELL. M. D- Pres. with. Tliree cases of smallpox have develop ed here on North Elm street,- near the Elm street graded school. One of the sufferers is Mr. Lowe, of Burlington; the second, Mrs. J. M. Burns, and the third, Mrs. , Romey Vestal, the two latter of High Point. Precaution will be taken so as to confine the disease to these three persons. The smallpox . scare haa ceased to be a scare here any more since the disease Is prevalent in most towns of the State at different times. Another mndidata for mnvor has bee.n announced in the person of Dr. J. R. I CbNSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, Rcitzel, this making the third so far put I Philadelphia, 122 and 124 Chestnut St JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION MERCHANT'S. Cotton Yarns land Cotton Cloths. CLOSING STOCK LIST. Adams Express .. .. .. .. .. Amalgamated Copper ... 94 . ... ..... .ft ch e yesterday.. New Orleans futures I ' April 25. Futures closed ' ' v'.,;--;i,-:A::.-Bid: Asked. 10.47 . ' 10.74 10.74 , vt.n ,10.52 . 10.44 .10.42 . 10.42' . .11.43 10.76 Citttnn Seed Oil. . ? -. vlr AnHI . ES.Cotton teed r,1 Wj-tlllcra' SecurlUes was oulet for spots but firmer for fu tures, following the advance In cotton. Prime crude t o. b. mills S6 to 37; do summer yellow 4: off summer yellow 22 10 33: rood off summer yellew 41 to 43: prime white w 10 oa; prime win ter yellow 61 to 62. InterlojRccelpta. Memphis Augusta ., St. Louis .. Cincinnati ..K Houston ., .. Louisville ... e 4 .; ( . To- Pay. 761 1,45.3 460 l.K-6 446 Anvil 25.' T ... - . . PORT MOVEMENT. Galveston, firm ,. .... New Orleans, firm ., Mobile, firm ... ... ... gnvannah, firm Charleston steady M 10, 10 10 Wilmington, steady .. ,. 30 Norfolk, firm.. ,f .. .. .; 11 I;alitrn're nominal New York, steady . ni!ton. steady .. ., l'liilad- 'r'hia, julet 'N'TFTU ITOVF"rS'T. H.30 11.30 11.CS American Car Sr Foundry American Car4& Foundry pfd. American Cotton OH American Cotton Oil pfd. American hxpress .. .. .. .. .. ... American Hide & Leatner pfd. , American Ice.... ... American Linseed Oil ..... American Linseed Oil pfd.. American Locomotive .. .. ., , American Locomotive pfd , American Smelting & Rcfng. .. , American Smelting & Refng. ,. American Sugar Refining .. ., , American Tobacca. Pfd; certlf. .. Anaconda' Mining Co.. .. ,, ,." ., Atchison .... ... ........ Atchison pfd. .. .. .. .. Atlantic Coast Line .. .... .. Baltimore & Ohio ... ... Baltimore & Ohio pfd Erooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. ... .. Canadian racino .. ... Central of New Jersey Chesapeake & Ohio .. . Chicago Great western .. ., .... Chicago & Northwestern .. . .... Chicago, Mil. ft St. Paul.. .. Chicago Terminal & Trans.. Chicago Terminal & Trans, pfd... C C, C. & 8t. Louis .. .. .. Colorado Fuel ft Iron. ..( .. ., ., Colorado ft Southern .. .. .. .... Colorado ft Southern Ibt pfd Colorado Southern d pfd.. .. Consollnated Gas.. .. .. ., ., Corn Product Refining . , u . f.f,r.0dci? R-nlng pfd... Delaware & Hudson .. .. ,t t Delaware,-Lackawanna" X West... I, - -" " vi.nun . . , , .... Denver & Rio Grande pfd. .. .. Erie ,.a Eric '1st pfd..., Erie 2ndptd ... General Electric Illinois Central ... International Paper -.. . International Paper pfd.. International Pump -.. , i. .. .... j International Pump pfd.. ,. Iowa Central ., .. .. ..... Iowa Central jpfd. .. .. .. Kansas City southern .. Kansas city Botitncrn pfd., ixiuisvuie tx isasnviue m2Aii.fn vcuviai .. ... .,, . Minneapolis & St. Louis .. ... ...... Minn., St. P. ft Sault Ste. M.. ...... Minn., St. P, ft Sault Ste. M. pfd. Missouri Pacific .......... Mtasouri, Kansas & Texas .. ..... Missouri, Kansas & Texas pfd.. ., National Lead . . . .. National R. R. of, Mexico, pfd.. .. New York Central .. .. .. .... .... New York, Ontario ft Western.... Norfolk ft Western .. .... .. ,. .... Norfolk ft Western pfd.. .. .. .... North American prtcltio Mail ..... .... ... ... ........ Pennsylvsnia .. .. .. .. .. .......... People's Gas ... ..... ... Plttsburr . CYC. ft St. Jxiuii .. .. .. Pressed eel' Cnr ., .. . .. .. .... pre-. .ed '- -el C.'lf fti.: P- 1 I ':!" Car.. .. ,. ..- .... fcrwsrd The W. O. T. .' Club was delightfully entertained to-day at the home of Miss Mary Alexander on English street, be tween the hours of i and 6. The next meeling of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Hoover, when she will receive with Mrs. A. S. Caldwell, 280 1 A stag dinner was given Mr. . T. J. Geld by his bachelor tnenas luesaay 37 evening at the Elwood Hotel to mane 98 ' his departure the next day from bache 30 I lorhood. Mr. E. - H. Farriss acted as S2 . 1 toastmaster and there were quite a W v ; number of friends present. Boston. 183 Summer St. Kew York. Kor 73 Leonard St Charlotte. 23 S. Tryon t J. W. PULLEY ADJUDGED INSANE. Soloimon-Norcross Co., . CIVIL, STRUCTURAL AND HY .. DRAULIO ENGINEERS. 1 1022-1623 Candler Building.' ATLANTA, GA. SPENCER TURNER ; coinnc3ioiT nuROiiAirra (, Vvw York, ntiladelpste. 'SJtmg fcX Lewla, LoaJy 1 J Yarn and Cotton Fiecs Good3 3 PAULSON, LINKROUM & t .t. . . ; ...... ' - - . - . , - - '' 1 S7.89 LEONARD 8TREGX 120 CHESTNUT STHEKT tlA MONROE SntEET - . NilV PJCXLAD - . ,c Villiam B. Charles COTTON YARNS, COTTON ;'W ' r AND COTTON WASTE. Otttdja Charlntft N. Cv Boston Mata, and Antterdana If. J Mala OfSea Amsterdam, N. Y. ' . Charged With the Killing of W. H. Perry While Sitting in HI Door f rulley Rcrnsea to Tain ana uaae Attempt to Commit Suicide. Special to The Observer. ' Loulsbur. April 25. The civil doc ket of Superior Court, now in session. Is being tried this wee.li. Judge Biggs li rit-siding and is much complimented by the bar and public. Yesterday, waa me aay sei ior uic ikjuuj .-""-j of J. W. Pulley, who killed W. H. Perry. Mr. Perry waa bruUlly ; mur- dere l while sitting in his store door at a small place on v the- border of Wake and Franklin. Threats had been made beforehand . and the evidence, If reports are to ""be believed, la con clusive that It Is a case of murder "In the first degree. Pulley ? refuses to speak a word to any one and has made an attempt to commit suicide by cut tins his throat. The jury decided that h-jwa-j now -insane and Judge Biggs ordered that he be confined in the Sttste Hospital for the criminal insane at Raleigh until such 'time as he should be fit to stand trial, when the shtrlft Is Instructed to hrlng him back here for that purpose. : Mr. R. P. Taylor, who was taken to Baltimore some time ago to undergo a st-rious operation, Is reported to be diiri well, and ms recovery Is now only a matter of time. " " . , ' f ' A ' . Single Lift Jaciuu-1 with Independent Cylinder U0U0 USE HALrOiVS JACQUARD3. -THOMAS HAL TON'S SONS -v Philadelphia. Pa. Manufacturers and Jobbers. Frequently find it necessary to have Banking FacIUties In ad dition to those offered by local .' hanka. . , , THE first National Can!; OF RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, With $1000.000.00 Cupltal Earned Snrpln $800,000.00 $5,500,000.00 Deposits " $9 O00.t0.0 1 Total Itesouroca Offers Just tlw Additional Fa--.'cilltlea..-.Reo.u1e4.':"..:-i.. -i- v Jno. B. Purcell, President; Jno M. Miller, Jr., Vice Presi dentj Clias. R. Burneft. As sistant Cashier; J. C Joplln. Assistant Cashier. . I. WE WILL BUY lOModena Cotton Mill stock N. C.) 25 Kings Mtn. Mfg. Mill stock (N. C.) V) Clara Cotton Mill stock (N. C.) 1.3. Gaffney Mfg. Co.. Mill stock (S. C.) BiCora Cotton Mill ftock N. C.) 1" Gray Mftt. Co. Mill stock (N. C W Iwell Cotton Mill stock (N. C.) IrtO-snrk Cotton Mill stock (N. C.) ' Cltlaens Nat'l Bank. Gastonla. N. C. : First National Bank, Gastonia. N. C, ' WE WILL SELL 100 Woodslde Mill stock, pfd.; (8. C.l 9S. 20 Wash'n Cotton Mill stock com. N. C-) 20 Henrietta Cotton Mill stock (N.' C.I One cotton mill. 2. NO spindles, S mile 8-' from rallrosd, water power; price $15.- 1(100.00, half cash, balance twelve montha, ' ! mtklrg yarn, ron'l rensons for seiM-?. ) Lccai-J i mouutains of North Orvi.-ia. I'1'- icho-ip contented help. Subject prevl iti .ir ill FIRE INSURfiNeU THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES R EPRESEOTED AND AMT- TECTJOIS U UARANTEKU. , " . HARTI-'ORD PHOENEC 'NORTH f.r. AETNA PUENLX NOKTHF4IX PIEDJIOXT ...... -.. "- 1 - Insurance) , and R eal Estate Agent. . . Come and look at our I magnificent ' line . of . Dia imond. We handle notning except the very best. It's a good investment; as Dia monds are i advancing in pneo daily; , SOUTHERN QUEEX GRATE . OUR LEADER. If It's Grates you want, cr, Mantels and Tile, sea . us or writs f ior cata logue. J. II. Vearn & Cc-piny Charlotte, N. C. HUBBARD BR03. C; CO- HANOVER EQUAR2, NETT TORIC - A. D. SALKELLt COMMISSION MKCL 68-72 Leonarw Street, NE COTTON YAR . DEPT . Fredli Vietor h L Huon iiAcnAn! ISJjceSaneotia on them 1 WILRnNGTON.VN.f rraahlngton, D. C, 423 Co! Cotton Hill Et niCHARD A. t Comnissicn Tic: COTTON WATir3 AXI NcJ. 114 Cher PHILADELPHIA, fine t 1 CV l-ew Toilt C'cttonl'.'ar. Crl? n 1 Mil. r D'OL"