It''- ' ; - " s at thid 1 i i , t ii Ur 1 r ' with ft ; 5 c .v rt. 1 t" ? i'..ri.h ln- ; 27. t';;turday i h, ae of Mr. tn 1 -.-on ArmfielJ, oa ablaze with many sweet mu;uc, sweet "i of many flowers and . . .i happy voices of at matrons of mature t r-i!lant men who had ; 1 by their host , and , and Mrs. W..J. Armfuld, . assistants, Mr. and i Morehead Armfleld and .s. Jesse 1. Armfteld, of , and come to do honor to , 'Josephine Wheeler and ias Jackson Gold, the he ir in compliment of whom ,was given. The many peo 1 K-oung and otherwise who, Mrs. Armfield's thought id spent so many happy t'his hospitable home, has iJrert with tnnrfi enthusiasm his. evening and of all the Al functions given this for iple, not one was better fit ittmnt pllmaic than this.-elven latlng time to youthful pair ywhere tney turned seemea i path to newer, fuller bliss 1 The hostess and her asslst- handsome eveninsr gowns. e-elect was graceful and i a white embroidered ba- During the evening Mrs. Wrved elegant refreshments. 3 "evening the gentlemen of jing party ; tendered the ct a- mos elegant banquet . ijwood. . Those present be ,1 Thomas Jackson : ' Gold, t) a pi,.:',: tr.J prc'.-.-i Ljwer vi loveliness. At the foot of the ros trum was one large arch covered with earth fflrniina e-reens. through vmcn could te seen the towering pyramid composed of massive palm3 ana graceful ferns, the foot of which rest ed behind the rail to the choir loft haou-nf the tmlnlt. The rostrum, me steps to it, the circling space at Its feet, and the choir loft enclosure be hind were covered In snowy white, and all about over It, the tendrils naturally runnlne and then as a blown by a soft wind were the quan tities of single leaves, was the ivy, me green and white, whispering , of angelic purity. As modest little foot lights, at the base ol tne large pyra mid and extending right and. left, de murely sat In close proximity a row of sweet, dainty begonias. On either side of the immense pyramid stood in relief mammoth asparagus iern, mm seemed In their fitness to have grown for this special place. v At the stop of the two aisles, Just ahead of pink and green ribboned pews reserved for the families and closest friends, ;wer two smaller arches made of the eama epicy pine and cedar From the top of each arch, ; gracefully festooned were pink and, green : satin ribbon which wandered up to the top of the large centre arch under which - was suspended a cluster of small white Batin wedding bells. Suspended from r - ,-., m """" 9 C: " ' SHIRT iIL-STS m The backward season has so retarded the sale of white wash waists that many merchants have canceled, their orders. The opportunity to buy a 50-dozen lot of these canceled orders greatlyunder price was not over looked here, and Wednesday we are going to put the entire lot on sale at a bargain price. The present bargains cannot be duplicated, as all materials are soaring In prices, and we advise you to secure a supply for the entire summer. ""' , ' Some of these goods are made of fin Lingerie Clotrf; others sheer, plain Lawn; also the much desired little Polka Dot Lawn. Colors: Pink, Blue and Black dot, for morning wear. Many of these waists are beau tifully trimmed with round-thread laces and headings; some are of en- tire embroidery fronts, and others of neat plain styles, small tucks, col lars and cuffs trimmed with laces. , " : They are all different and have the appearance of very high-class waists, On sale Wednesday at the bargain price of .. . 98c Come promptly ' at 9 for the best selection, as some of the lota ' tney are few of a kind. ' BIAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED II I PURCffiS 16 North Tryon Street 8 w iff - j . ' I : : -J, I . ' m Tim '" Amusements On the, 83 of May at the Academy the management win proner uw Ritchie London Comedy Company, as sisted by a company of American cemedlans, headed by Sallle Stembler, In their latest? and greatest musical comedy success, "Around the Clock," with the assurance that It will prove the most pleasing presentation Of its kind ever seen in this city. me RCenersr is new and pretty, the cos tumes are beautiful, and the music of the tuneful. inspiring -' sort The Ritchie comedians need," little s intro ducUon to local playgoers.; They are perhaps best remembered, for their In jmttable work tn th comedy",' A Night in a London .Music iUU," - which was one of thfif.ceaL: novelties; at the the latres last season, ,- R P. O. Service Changed. Hlghpolnt and . Ashboro, N. C.Effectlve April 29, mi, R: T' O: service in trains 133 and 134 will be extended to end at Aberdeen, taking up and covering er- now performed by the Ashboro & vice Aberdeen R. P. O. 60.40 miles, making Increase in distance whole distance 84.32 miles.. R. P. O. service in trains 143 and 144 between High Point and Ashboro will imam as at present and be known as a short run of the line, which will be dsi(?natad the "Hlghpolnt & Aberdeen Ii. P. O." ;.';....,, - ,,. Mr. E. G. Gwaltney, of WInnsboro. spent yesterday in the '" city with friends....; : ' t'. " :'' ';': -- PART OP BRIDGE ARCH FALLS. Many Earth Hundreds of Tons of Completely Dam Stream. Richmond, Va., April 28. A Bed ford City, Va., special says about 100 feet of the arch of the new concrete bridge over Little Otter river, at Dowry, Va.,. gave way yesterday and ell in the stream below, carrying, with it many hundred tons of earth and completely damming the stream. The Joss is variously estimated at from a quarter to a half million dollars, be sides the dlay in completing the road. The greatest music teachears In the world are now ranged . ,the side of the Pianola not halfheartedly, but enthus!a . cally. .. ' Lescheiiszky, the teacher of Paderewski, and standing at head of. the profession, recommends the use of the YL. In musical education. . The great colleges like Harvard, Vassar, Columbia, Am! not only approve of the Pianola as a teaching means, ) use it In their regular courses. It Is also found In 1 schools, preparatory schools and high-class boarding scl. for young ladles. Parents can give their children familiarity in the home the great composers, directing their tastes Into good t nels rather than letting them become formed by street melodies. ; Where the child Is learning to plaj hand, the Pianola serves as' a stimulant, keeping all. keen interest, in good muslo. The terms on which the Pianola Is sold are moderate. Pay $25.00 dow,n and 110.00 per month. . with small , Inti added. , , " " i '.. . W have a few slightly used and shopworn Pianolas on I. at $150.00, $175.00 and $200.00. On thse pay $15.00 d ' and $7.00 per month. ' ."' Three-fourths of all the piano players sold', ar,e Pianolas, .r are sole distributors. i- :- - .-. . """ 1 1 ",. 1 . ... Sreet, Who, With His Company of Players, WiU 'e Two of His Famous Open-Air Productions on I Campus of Elizabeth ; College May 13th. ect, ? were; Messrs. Rdbert", A. i , Homer .Wheelejr, Cyrus I Dr. William A Hayes, P. D. (., df Greensooro; Oscar Mof d P. Stum, of Graham; Jun- "n, Forrest Eskridge, of , iqrgil A. J. Idol, Charles W. bf Greensboro; Franklin C. Wescotte Robcrson, Ed. H. and D, Reld Morrison, of iy ' evening after the lovely s rehearsal there was .an in eceptlon at 'he home of the iarentsMr. and Mrs. Robert 'heeler, on Broad street, af-irn- one of the largest and !i,gnlficent displays, of wed f',J!l ever. ' received in ' High fe fcarty passed through the leh halls Into the lovely din in.,. The electric lights being ff, there was sh-d over those ices only the soft light-from k candles under little gret-n which , 'stood on the four of the pink-canopied table. . hree-corner collation served the bridal colors, ' plhk and nd was enjoyed by the fol gupsts: - Mesdames Cyrus Ea. : S. Hutchison. Misses, jlice Burton, Helen E. Snow, 'agan, Jessie , Adderton Bur nlfred Alice Snow,' Louise k, of Greensboro; Lilly Hell Ilisbury; I. Irwin Paylor; :obert Homer Wheeler, Cy :ler, Junius , Burton, P. D. . Greensboro. Dr. William A. David P. Stern, Greensboro, i C; Boyles. i Oscar Moffitt, . j Miller, Greensboro, : Virgil olj Wescotte Robertson, For Shelby, Ed. H. Farriss j Itcid Morrison, Shelby. has there been a bigger the sort of a marriage that X TKt.T HOW TO RELIEVE RHEUMATIC PAINS. , - S f.;n ft. very rcat sufferer from ful f lipase,, rheumatiHnt, for a many s Int never got much relief oivjl't bottle of Chnmln rtain'n i. I 1 nn1 rfllif tf.f.-re j ..,.. the two" smaller arches was from the one. the letter W and f from the other G, . formed of tiny pink cluster roses, in the heart of which was incased, the ushers, Dr.. William At Hayes, Messrs. Franklin C. Boyles, Oscar Moffltt and Virgil A. J. Idol rolled back the white, aisle , carpet, and escorted Miss Edith Moore to the choir loft where Mr. J. R. Bell, the . organist, was awaiting her and standing at the pyramid's-edge and timing to the mar ter touch she sang with all the flu ency and brilliancy with which her Voice is so rich, the beautiful words of De Keren's "I Promise Thee." Im mediately after Mr, Bell began the strains from Lohengrin Just as the celebrants,-Revs. E. L. Slier and O. L. Powers, came from the vestry room and took their place at the foot of the foot of the large centre arch. At the sama time from the aisle doors, niing singly down the allies but keep lng a true opposite measure and slowly crossing in front of the great arch and forming a seml-clrcle. came the wadding party In the following oraerr Mr. rorrest Kskridge, of She! ry, with Mr. Unas. W. Miller of Greensboro; Misses Bertha Louise Ra gan with Miss Helen Snow; Mr. Ju nius Burton with Col. Wescott Rob erson;, miss louiwj Bradshaw, of Greensboro, with Miss Lilly Helllg, of Salisbury; Mr. David P. Stem, of Greensboro, with Mr. Ed H. Farris?; Miss Jessie Adderton Burton with Miss Winifred Alice Snow; Mr. R Homer Wheel-r with Mr. Charles W. Miller, of Greensboro. - All of the bridesmaids wore white net gowns and alternated In wearing them over the pink and green taffata with the short veils to match the lining. The veils were held In place by flowers of the same color, and carried muffs made of pink carnations and maiden hair :fern. "Just : as th semi-circle wa' formed -"ro me" the "dam of honor, Mrs. Cyrus "Wheoler,' weariiig a hand some solid -'green gown of muscllnd '", the pink muff giving. the ro! r tlon of hand-woven chiffon over hand some satin. xne arusnc arrange ment of the rich old lace which was caught with her only ornament, a family heirloom of pearls in tne shape of a sunburst." Her long veil was pinned with orange blossoms. She carried an exquisite bouquet of brides roses, and never looked more beautiful.:..-:, .,:Av vv , - - The groom was attended by his best man, Mr. v. v. Goia, jr., 01 ureens I boro. Rev. E. L. Siler pronounced them man and wife. - From the touch or Mr. Bell there came from behind the pyramid the muffled sweetness that in tenderness told of "Hearts ' and Flowers," and Just at that moment the lights that had beamed so brlght ly.from the W were extinguished and brighter and still brighter beamed the letter G. And to the splendid reson ant notes of the organ, using Men delssohn's grand march, f the , proud and happy bridegroom, with his beau tiful bride of such tender years, . led the procession v of . lovely bridesmaids and handsome groomsmen. They left on a late train for the Northern cities. The bride's going away gown iwas of gray, hand-woven crepe de chine tailor-mad, trimmed In cut steel buttons. ' ' i '7 : Among the many distinguished out- of-town guests were: Mrs. Ed S. Huchlson, of Baltimore; Mrs. p: D. Gold, of Greensboro; Mrs. William Spicer, of Goldsboro; Miss Bessie Gold, of Wilson, and Mr. Ernest Clapp, of Greensboro. . I.Ir. Gqodfellow, make '. -"V Her" Happy 'Stain that - - A :, flo'or : Enamel that bath tub Paint that porch . furniture v Gild that picture frame. Revarnish that piece of furniture BlaciX that gas , range Paint thai kitchen floor Enamel that iron bed Arid have us paper that " room - : BRIEFS. Torrcncc Paint Company Floor Stains, Enamels, Alabastine, Gold Paint, Aluminum Paint, Paint for all purposes. . 10 N. Tryon. , f THE OMING WARM WERT, r T The May meeting of the police, fire and health commission Is sched uled for Friday night. 'Unless some thing happens between now and then, j It will be held as scneauiea. Miss Frances E. Ufford, of the Albemarle" Collegiate Institute, will address the ladies of the Westminster Presbyterian tchurch this afternoon at 4 o'clock.. Miss Uffora will meet tne ladles - of the ir Second - Presbyterian church to-morrow at 10:30 o'clock and those of the Tenth Avenue Pres byterian church to-morrow afternoon byteran church to-morrow . anernoon at 4:30 o'clock. vj : A. large class of young doctors are taking the quiz course which Dr; J. P. Munroe and his assistants are giving at Davidson. Preparations are being made by. them for going before the State board of medical examiners which meets early in the summer. : i PFRSOXAL, Mrs. H. H. Farker and Miss Laura Baker, of Charleston, 8. C, spent last night in the city at the Central. Mr. W. A. Scott, of the State insur ance department, spent last night in the city en route from Steele Creek township to Raleigh. ' Mr. Roscoe Robertson, of Salisbury, was registered among the guests at the Buford last night. , ' Mr. C. Guy Ferguson, of Greens- bffro, spent yesterday in the city with his brother, Mr. J, W. Ferguson. , ; ; Mn S. W, Bagley, of Raleigh, I a guept in the city to-day. Mr. Jeremiah Goff hni rftnrnM to .the City aftftr an txU n.h-J vlHlt to his old home In Khodp Island. Double Teams and Colored Laborers Wanted One hundred colored laborers are wanted at Buckrorn, Chatham county, N. C. Wages $1.50 per day. Also 20 double teams, $3.50 per day. Apply to the Phoenix Construction Company, Buckhorn, N. C, or ad dress Rox 412, Raleigh, X. C. ' .-':v;.-;.'-;; ' . - One of the Joys of Home Life is the - - FAMILY GATHERING I J ' . .. i ,- -.- Before the Open Grate in which Burns a cheerful fire made with DllStfess, Stateless the Idnd you always get vhen , you j ii( '1 """4 u . Ml' I Will make Peerless Ice Cream Freezers, 1 pint i quarts; Odorless Refrigerators, prices $3X0 $100.00; charcoal lined Water Coolers, Gem Ice ' :. . '": .., ' t. j, l .r.k. u .-. ' -i .' ' l ' ,'. -j-. .s. - . ' '' i ! , . "f, t ,..: - f. ,f; r .. ,.? ..... ;";'' . .. . f . . , , . . ers, Ice Picks, Lemon Squeezers, Ice Cream Spc Garden or Lawn Hose, Lawn Sprinklers and x . ,; 'j . i ' i - other articles actual necessities. - We carry a yefy large stock of thestr: goods . . ' they are the best of their kind. v We want your trado. , , tijitiX. VEDDIKi HARDWARE CO:.' 2$ E. Trade Street CHARLOTXI I -mmr jjMfniFtlMftf ir K If Ifs I. you nr wanting, w very well that thf-r things necessary. 1 ' A Good Article, A Beam If 1 ! They are U found in our stock, In from to 12X15 feet, at prices from M- u -self. ' " : . 1 l Vt"

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