- I . i I lit :J .:y X.iars a t t: f V rkct l?a4 . v i.i t' c :..a..:c Of thC ic: k. Oct 3. The cotton nurket ; reri-lsr .' during - to-aty's . session t). close quiet and steady," 8 to 8 3 r.et lower. Sales estimated 2O0,WO -;-- market opened steady 2 to 6 point -r. whu-h wdl about si due on we . . s. Immediately afterward It sold oil , a net loss of to 9 points Cn the ac t e months under ilQuidatton ana war j , ensure hloh wis promoted by tne treak In the English market after the. V:cai opening and the good Weather In the South 'as shown by the early map. tut only January made a. new low rec ord, selling at 10.S3 and the market has cuite a rally, during the middle of the s'.-ton on covering of short and reports from the SoutK that farmers were tefus lns to sell their cotton at any onoe-. .on. After worikng up to a net advance of about 3 to 8 po'nU tn8 market eased off strain, however, under a renewal or Wall Street pressure and the clow was well oft from the best The lesdlng- out Me pernor issued a crop estimate ot w, 8.3,000 bales The Western l)lt forecast called foe shower and - lower tempera tures. helpin- the -tmprovemetit during the middle oL the day.- Wires froifl i-the Southwest say that farmers : are storing about- half of their cotton. - R.-ceipts at the port to-day 23.6S7 bale e-aint XLM last week and 40,777 last yflr For the week 2,000 .gainst 220.11 last week and 813,676 last ywr. To-days " receipts at New -Orleans -3,C5-against tW last year and -t Houston , bale ogiinst 16.674 last year. ,, . , , , " STOCK MARKET MORE ACTIVE. La it Selling For Forcljm Account the Most. Pronounced Influence on the Day's Market Continued Tcu- ston in Money Market, New York. Oct. 1 There- was more ac atlvity in the tock market to-day sod the . doMeseloir was less piMVe than in the , torpid , market of yesterda y. The most . pronounced influence on tlw day's msrket was the large sellln tor foreign account, . not only on orders from Iondon but also. lti said, from Anutcrdam and other Foropean points. ; Continued tension in the money market was -restraint -on .any tleinmid for stock and kept the market vulnerable o far to attack. The rate for call loans did not so so turn as yesteruay ana snowru a- tendency- to relax foom the early high 'JeveL-v -w-'Vy , ' : , Time' money rate were higher. For the ' first tin) this week the banks showed s sraln i on the day's sub-Treasury op ra tion, which were influenced by the pay ment of government Interest, Grain and cotton export continued to make large supplies of exchange. ; There wa a sub stantial recovery front the early declines which left the 47 net changes mixed. ttoms were easy. oit saiea, par uuv, tt.17S.00J. ; . U. & fours declined per cent, on calE ' Total sale stock to-day 6M,7J shares. Including: Copper 92.100; American fiutrar 800; American Tobacco WO; Atlantic Coaat I.tne Mil T.. K. 00: N. A W. 100: Head- ' In 84.000; Southern Ry. 1.500: do pfd. 1.700; Union Pacific 107,800; United Stales .. isteeftOOOvsj:- . t New Tork, Oct. .-8tandard Oil 442. .' ' Baltimore, Oct S.-S. A. h. common and , preferred nothli'K doing. New York. Oct. 8 -Mobile ft Ohio col- : ! uie.il i run m oia. - Haywardr Vkk & Clark's Dally Cot. ton Letter. Vew Orleans, La.. Oct, 8. Uverpool wit rainy tteaay at aoout o poinu oncune ' as il.'e up to 2;30 p. m. when anothar break occurred on sellirig from abroad. Cables say continent and America veiling ,- There were no special developments oth erwise ever night. Our market opened 7 to S lower In tympathy with the dilute Ip others, but soon recovered. ome et the k.w on snort covering nl tinettieu thei1 conditions presented by to-4ly' 1 tt4j. fthouers were general in the west snd middle belt fcnd the approach of a cold wave Is likely to cnuse a general wet thai' in thm httlt nvw Ha tie returning from Furope sny mat there is as much cottoti sold Hheul to splmieri ' ss Inst year, only It Is old by middlemen and not by American jot peculator js lat year. These . middlemen are tnore killed la handling su-h engagement and . knowing the state of affair on our side. 'H bound to reveal itself whenever cot ton drops to an attractive price or the , basis gets right. In the abv-nce of aotlve rket throughout the year. We can safwly say that October committments are large and but for labor trouble here, tho pot bihlness would show it Future In , the atmence of specific aelllng prewure re covered all of the early loss am', are m steady t the moment. January araund 10 t r ' ,. HAtWARD. VICK A CLARK. '3. S. Bacbo A Co- Cotton Letter. ton Letter. , r New York. Oft 3 There was tome 'rresjiure on the cotton nmrkvt this morning- Livetpeol cimc at about our level but . sorre selling by foreign Interests f : cauaed a decline neiir our opening. Jan 'wary declined to 19.S1, fcember 10.11 nd March to , After . the surly break -i there followed some covering. The ncath ' r nuy was unfavorable and market con-.- thiued to Improve with buying from the wiutA'and ewerlng- by traders., Mr. - Prioa estlriate including linter was 13, 633,0V) tales," Issued this morning The temlem-yrot trade la mak estimats all " depending on th date of frost nnd there v ireem to ne oniwnt of nu ogreement . ct 1'ieas i nut crop win show around 13 w-UMrm. Thl view does not certainly fa vor higher price for rottor und If this splendid weather keeps up. we iiouM ex twrience further ilc.-llnci. in rmur. Tiia , motiey. situation Is not an etit-ouinging i tenure and It will be niflcult for the middleman to hold cotKm ag.iitmt this i threatened strlnsjenrv. We fuvor the , aUlng side on all sulgo. " ; J. 8. BACHE AND CO. Hubbard Bros, ft Co.'s Cotton Inter. Special t The Observer. ' New York, Oct. 3.-Although the msr- kt hss bn lower than yesterday, there . l-a feeling that the movement l so lUht that' we may soon expect a bolter demand from winners,. This fefltna 1 espeelnlly noted, In the table advtc from fjv-r-, pool, where more attention has been of such s character to Indicate a yield in eixoesk of th demand.' To-day, however there It's Change in the n-haiatwr of the advice from --tk , Mississippi - vullev, where the crop is reported a dlsanwlnt- - Ing fa outronte. It ia ft weather mar ktit -und shculd. we have.any change from - present wenthfr 4-ondl linns for the won .... there would be an active demand) as we fceJIve the lute erop requires very pood weather .The apot market. wn qulot at ' points decline. . HUBBAP.D 1IH03. & CO. ; ii nm m"m . - . . , - Naval Stores. . ' . ' New Orjean. Ot t X-Ueculpts barrels , rosni 14 barrel turpentine. Kxports for Col Kica 4B barrel roin 8aVHonhj Oa., Oct. t Spirit turpen tln firm 5."J,; sales 1; receipts K- ship rr.ents 3-4. . ::, -n. ' Botfitt flm. sales -sa: receipt MOS tmtrmejit 8.R77; irfnek Sil.ai Quote; A u C -. in U D 84 05 tt- 1410; K U.Vi to U iVr. V 64.46: O 14 45 tit tt no- Hua Y ' 4.A; 1 84.: to 84.)- X 64 70 to 4.5; M ' Chslrlestofl, 8. C. Oct' Turpentine tfnu- fc': talca none, 1;. ii hrm. sales noni, A B C 83 !3 to !!' r U: J. 84 Jj; Y 4Kt to 3440; 1 i 37, to W.4J; I K H.tV. M Ul; N. K'S ( ?.40; W O 15(3 $5.78; W W I " ' , . v Wilmlicton, Oft. 3,-plrJts turpentine -';v ui: rt-:enis 4 raK. J:ortn coihir.ii lolng: i-ceelpts JIS. 1r oiuct. titn. re-Ii't S finlo turitilne Ann. Ii'.fi, 34 and 4; -a ...'i.'S 2i , ' ;. Ctnton fiel OH. New -York, fxt. 3 -Cotton seed oil a-t'v.-. win rrlces eteady. ttime crude f, - h r I,1" ' '''j' prlnw summer yel -v ' , if n.t t-r e'low,-42 to 4Jfl BOod - r ur . v , fcif prime wblte i , ; e v r y(tw w. , N'.".v C. : .t' tone e ; ; r... :;. 117-.;": net ieccir-i S.l-3: ft.-os re-: :r tjfs r.i:-); stick W.3-7. Mobile, tone steady; nn.l:;i..g ir4; nt receipts fi'-O; gross receipts CO; talcs I.ZX-; stock LS.0T9: coastwise Savannah, toswv quiet; mjddl!pi4; Mt recelpu 737; gross receipts 7,27; sales J.675; stock 07.557; coastwise Z.2Z). ., . Charleston, tone - quiet; ( middling ,UH; r.et receipt gross receipts XVfl; stock 1B.WS; coastwlso 1.273. .- Wilmington,' tone teady; middling net receipts 4,511; gross receipt iSU; fork 51.040. i Norfolk, tone steady; middling net receipts 2.M0. toks receipts 2.&40; sales 31. stock is.im; coastwise i.vu Baltlmoro tone nominal: middling 11; cross re-eiTits 4.V-: stock 1.525. New York, tone quiet; middling 11.55; cross receipts .';7g; sales-!, 150; stock 167.- SS8: continent 100. . i Boston, tone r,uiet;' middling U.W; net receipt 17; groas receipt 42; Gt Britain Philadelphia, tone steady: middling It 80; net receipts 2i; gross receipts 1.9; stock 6,L - . - , , Port Townsend,, net . recelpU H; gros irt-eipts m; japan t. "7. t Total to-dny, af all ports net 33.87; Gt Britain 6.801; continent . 100; Japan It; stock 4,4l. - - -Consolidated, at all ports, net 17,RJ7;Gt Britain 43,iffl; France 26,!K4 continent Sl-269- Jan3n 14. Total since Sept. 1, at nil ports, net C78. 183; Gt.' Britain 172.52: France 70,114; con tinent TSim; japan zs. , w .INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Houston, - tone quiet; middling 11 8-16; net receiptj i.rn; gro receipts i.vit, snip ments 4.500; sale. 1.6D0; stock 41.7U.- ' Augusra, -tone -steady:- middling lfS-lS; net receipts 3,407; gross receipt 3,407; ship menu 8.2S4; sales 2,30: stock Z1.X2. -Memphis, tone quiet; middling 1WJ; net receipts 1,7S2: gross receipts 2,050; ship ment tSSi'Mlea 700: stock 20,393. : ; St Louts, tone quiet; middling it; gross recotpt Six;; shipment iSd; stock Z.tiba.; Cincinnati, - net - receipts US;: gross re ceipts 243; shipments 65; stock 7,77a. ; Louiavllle.' tone. Arm: mldOllnf " ' Little Keck. tone steady; middling 11 3-lit; net receipt 143; eros-receipts 143; shipments : stock 2.775. ' Total to-day, ? net receipts 1SZ9: ' greig receipts w.ojj snipraenu s.o; sates ,uw; stock 102,658. i . f The Money Market' New vYoik, Oct. 8. Money on call strong, 3 to e'i; ruling rate 7!; closed, 714 t 74 ."-. . - - ' Time loans firm, 64 day 6 per cent; M duv "4; six months t! pet cent." ' Prime mercantile paper 7. per cent Jter ling exchange weak with actual business In banker' bills ot 4S5.55 to 485.M for de mand and, at 4K2.20 to 4K2.fort l-day tills. Cummereial bill 4SlVi to 4S1H- Bar liver 664. Mexican dollar 61H- .V - Baltimore Produce. Baltimore, Oct. 8.Flour firm, tin changed, ' , .I:''', ' " K ' Wheat strong; snot contract 103! to 104; Southern by simple 95 to 9S - Corn Arm: spot mlxeJ 70 to 7054; No. 2 white 70 to 7014. Oat quiet "No. 3 mixed 63 to 63. Rye firmer: No. 3 domentlc fcS to V. Bittr. egts, cheese and sugar steady, unchanged. : v. ATPKAL FOR TIIE FAR3L - lixlepcndcnee and Happiness ' Flour IhIi On the tioll. Gov. Hughes, In Leelle's Weekly. ' - When you get out where a man lias a little elbow room and a chance to develop, he has thoughts of hla own. His thinking is not supplied to him every night and every morning, and he Is )m of a machine and more of a man, co that I do not think that the farmers used to 'be looked 'upon, . or want to be looked upon, at dependents of the State. They do not coma to the State government mklng alms. They are self-reliant, they are Intelli gent. What we want In connection with agriculture Is what we want in connection with every other field of noble effort. , We want training, we want Intelligence, we want scientific method, -we want direction, we, want the way shown and then the man can walk in It. There is no reason why the same care and Intention and skill and scientific consideration should not be devoted to agriculture as to lndsutry and the technical trades. .The men who are running away from the farms too frequently make a mistake, and some iy In New Yorkand the day is rapidly approaching our - young ment, In larger numbers will wake up to the fact ihat they have a pretty good chance on the farm, and that they may be to a greater degree In dependent and happy in life if they stay where their happy lots were cast in connection with thetr fathers farm or another which they may be able to procure. Can't Moke Money Fast Euough. New York American.. . - . .. Did you know there was only three-days' supply of -one-dollar bills In the United States treasury, only a two-days' supply of two-dollar bills, and only a ten-days' supply of five- dollar bills? weii,; it's a fact, and United 43tatea Treasurer Treat an nounced yesterday that, In spite of everything he can do, he can't make enough small bills to keep pace with the demand. , The treasurer fears that In the course of the next Utree or four weeks the supply of ones, twos, and fives will run out and the people trading at stores with ten. twenty, and fifty dol lar bills win have to .take v silver "'art-wheels" In change. Mr. Treat says tnat the cause of the scarcity is his Inability to hire enough skilled laborers at govern ment iweges to make the notes, - The Darbarism of I7antlna;, Lincoln Herald. Hunters often witness the killing of Innocent victims, and see the suf fering and agonizing death., of birds and animals that dearly love their lives, and have done their hunters no harm. Most huntsmen of kindly na ture tell you th-at at times a feeling of selt-reprosch has passed through them as they stooj by the Jylng ylc tlms of their skill. The slayers of elk. deer, and ante lope can ten you of seeing the terror- stricken eyes of those animals, filled with tears, glaring at them with mute reproach as they sobbed their lives away, and deprived of all power to wresk vengeance on their human ag gressors. Such memories should haunt men, who. are not hardened or callous ed with savagery. . Little Dog Kills a Big Dear. Xew Tork American. - While two Itinerant showmen ao companled by two large performing near were passing tnrougn the Long Island village of Amagansett yester day, small buldog ovntA bv William Bennett rushed at them and taught one of the beaYs by the teg, A fierce battle ensued and the dog got a fatal grip on the throat of the bear.- No one dared to go to the res cue of poor bnyn. The showmen, even with their pbles, were unabla to shake the dog's grip, and 'the bear was aeag witnin t.tlrty minutes. Nursing MotheA and Malaria. - ma . OM -, standard ' nnnvtrff TASTELESS CHILL TONIC drives out malaria and build un the av. t'mrot gtowa psoplsand vjhll Villi, sue, , , , F4io;;PTSiiiF;;oiT5n cun.c;;,i ;;;;;:o CnzzAFzmxz 60; no Coal & CoucCb. M.O.BROOKS GEN. MGR. - RICHMOND, VIRGINIA (9 Vffl l'liy S 18x36" Allis-dalmers Corliss EngmV tyylZ:tely$o-:i-9-11-4" r opeSev tjood as news Greensboro Supply Co, greensbdro; N; c Mason Machine WorK TaUNTOX.MaSSji . ' has built more than 41,000 LOOMS .5 l,For" Fafl River Mik' ;' : ' Southern Off icp at Charlotte. ; . BDWW n Chicago Grain. and-Provisions. Chicago, Oct 3.-Prlce- of wheat to day advanced almost 2 conti because of heavy exports t6 Europe. At tho close December showed a net gain of It to I. Corn up Outs' higher. Provisions WHEAT . Hlh Low Clot) .... 1J744 JOS-iJ 1074 .... loil aosv io3 684 ' 67H 684i .. 6914 58 ffihk K 52 . -aW r 64 UVi 63 ...... 13.8) 13.80 13.80 J5.17 16.08 16.10 . .... 8.!7 8.90 8.95 8.73 8.70 8.73 ...... 7.80 7.70 7.7(1 .. 7.S7 7.82 7.83 Dec May Inlv' .. CORN- Dec. - MilV 0AT8- Doc. ,. MmV .. ,. .. ; . PORK Oct. .Tar.. .. .. .. I.ARD Oct. .. .. .. Jan. .. BlHS- Oct. .. .. .. .. Jan. Estimates To- j. morrow Last Year K-Aur Arleana . 8,344 Houston .... iB,ai Oalvoston . MO.OuO i 23.8U Comparative Fort Receipts. to. Last day Year Galveston . 3.133 17,101 6,907 Nw Orlean .. .. - Ravannah .. .. -N.. 7,'i37 Charleston .. .. l.fW Norfolk Total estimote .. . .. .. W.fluo " ' Interior Receipts. . . To. morrow. tast Year. AugUDta .. .. .W9 Cincinnati .. .. .. .. .. .. S. Houston- '' 15,674 Charlotte Cotton. , t These flsiires represent the prices paid to wagon, Oct. 3.- ,; Btrtct middling t ., .. .. .. 11 Middling .. .. 11 (jooil middling .......... .......... ,11.40 't -Charlotte Produce, k irnmpkm dillv bv It H. Field A Co.' UeriMrer head ... ... 85-40 unmaens sprint ,--.... Ducks ' Eggs ....... ... .... 'A :octh Gutter ..i ... ..... ..... Rve M Corn ...... 88 Cotton sel ... ..... ... ,..v tv OaU-Feeil New l'ork Frodwt. Now Ycrk. Oct.-8.-Flour firm but quiet Rye flour Ann, Corn meal firm. Rye firm. Wheat, spot strong; No. S red 107 eleva- tor. options t net rugncr. uec. ui; Vy lliH- " ' Corn, spot Ann: No. 1, 75 elevator. Op tions ret higher. Dec. 70; May 66. Oat, spot steady; spot mixed tti. Eeef Arm. Cut meats quiet. Lard steady; Western prime 89.10 to 89.20; re fined nrm. Continent !.. 8. A.s810.20. Pork ateaoy. Tallow quiet, reiroieum firm Bcls firm Turpentine firm 6SH. Rice steady. (Molasses steady. Sugar, raw steady; fair refining 13.46; centrifugal M test 83.W; molasses ttgsr 83. TO; renneti quiet. Coffee, spit quiet; Rio NO. 7, fj Bahto No. 4, s. Mild coffee quiet: Cordova, i trt Vf.j Future 6 to 10 noints rila-hcr. Butter strong; creamery special SOH'J Plate Dairy, cuim-pm iu iino, id j. , Cheese and egga firm, unchanged. . lotstoes firm; Long Island, -per barrel, 12 i 82.60: UtatO oer iflO lbs, S1.K0 to U.1IU: Jersey ner barrel $l.o to I'i.ITi; Southern sweets per barrel 81.73 to t',26; Jertey II to FrolghU. peanuts and cabbage steady, uncnangeu. -. , - . t , - Xetv Orleans Spot Cotton,. New Orleans, Oct 3,-Cotton. snots clos ed easy .1-18 below yesterday Middling 11 r-ie- sales i.zmi Dales on ui spot with 1.'10 bales to arrlvo. tiVit'ire ooened steady. 7 to 8 nolnt below the- close of yesterday, the bearish effort of the government's reports yetr day not having entirely worn off. The early low fist! res which marked s new low level for the new season were also In fluenced toy poor Liverpool cables. The pomlblllty of s settlement of the levee strike bid a perceptibly good effect but In the late seaiioa tho market again eased eff, future losing i to 6 points, while trading was sluggish nnd Inactive. At the elixe, which stead, the . acth-e months ranged from 4 to J points below the close yesterday. October high 10.93; low 10.M). - Closies bid: Ian. 10.89; Fob. 102; March 11 07; Anrll 11 12; May U.1T; October 10 67;. Nov. 10.79; Dec 10.16. - . v ' ' The Dry Goods Sfarket -Ne York. Oct 8. The dry goods mar ket was quiet to-dav.. Forward business la being curtailed In several directions but the demand for ginghams, print sm4 col. ortd cotton I still strong. Cotton yarns ere weak; 1 Stsple worsted continue. In good demand buf wool manufacture are very unsatisfactory and report of ihiit ! tin 4a looms are. Iweorruna plentiful, Tho new bvslness In silk is only fair. wMmm Vtl r.-t z-l . t :; - 9 "V1 MOWXRDr a&enL i Liverpool Cotton, - '', -Liverpool, Oct 3. Closing cotton: Spot, moderate bustnesa done, prices 10 polpts lower; American middling fair 7.48; good middling 7.00: middling 6.64; low middling C.14: good ordinary 1.40;-ordinary 4.80! - The uleT of the -day were 7,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export and included 6,100 American.-' Re ceipt none.- - i . Futures opened quiet and' steady e,nd dosed steady. American middling g. o. c; fct Oct-Nov. ...... NovDec.,.v. Dec-Jan.. .... 6.0414 6.93H 6.91 -6.91V4 6.WVi J.m-Feb ,. -,. Feb-March ,. MarcivAprll Apni-.wty b.vx May-June S.93U June-July '.. 6.93'-4 July-Aug J.WH ' NFAV YORK COTTON. New York, Oct 3. Cotton, spot closed quiet 6 points lower; middling uplands 11.66; middling' gulf 1LS0; sale -1.450. V - Futures opened steady and closed quiet and teady.'- . upen Jrugn .ow 10.68 10.70. 10.63' Clots io.; 10.66 10.81 10.87 10.93 10.98 11.03 11.06 11.07 11.13 Oct Nov. uf Deo. Jan. . . Feb. ,.r March... April May .. 10.91 10.86 10;96 10.97 10.W 10.1 10.9J 11.04 10.76 10.83 10.96 10.96 11.07 "11.04 lH5 1L16 1U1 Jure July, NEW YORK BONDS. T' ft. . refunding 2 registered 106 TT. 61. rofundlna 2s couaon ine hi V. 8. 3s registered .... ........ 101 v. d. ix coupon IT. : H. Nejr 4s registered.. IT. 8.-New 4s coupon ..... 102U 124 124 $1 96H US' 8H 3d ' 8H 76U American Tobadto 4.. ,. American Topacco 6..,. , Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4..,. Athntio Coast Line 4s.... Baltimore & - Ohio 4t Faltlmore & Ohio 8V,s.... Prooktyn R. T. cv, 4..,. C'eatml of Georgia Ss Central of Oeoreia 1st Inc Central of Georgia 3d Inc. ofd...., ofd..v... '65 - 10O 634 ' 9314 Central of Georgia. 3d inc. C'hoaupeake k Ohio 4ft...'. Chicago 4 Alton 3Hs bid ..... ..... Chicago: B. - it Quincy new 4s.. ,., Chicago R, I. & faclrfo R, R. 4.... Chicago, R I. A P. It R. col. C. C.,-C & 8t Louis general 4s bid Colorado Industrial 6s Series A...., S3H 98 6m 84 loon 04 ,'734 H ... 79 Colorado Mldlana 4 bia. Colorado & Southern 4s ., Cuba 6a bid Denver- Jtio Grande 4. Dlntlllers' Peourltlcs 6.. .. Erie prior l.en 4 ,. .. ... ....... Erie General 4s nw'KiriK . v au.v wi.... ... ... ..... Japan 44s Certificate .... .... Japan 4'4S certificate id Series .... .oulsvtlle & Nashville Unified 4.... Manhattan conaol gold 4s bid . .. Mexican Central 4s,.'.. Mixlean Central 1st Inc. hid...... Minn & 8t. Loulf 4 Missouri, Kansaa & Texas 4....,... Missouri, Kansaa A Texas 2d.. ... National R.R. of Mexico col, 4s bid New York Centrnl general 8Hs...... New Jersey Central, general 6s.,,. 99 S!9' e7 97 94 .78 15 87 9A 82 88 1H 99 Northern Pacific, 4. Northern Pad no 3s. 89 93 Norfolk A Western con sol 4 Oregon Bhort Line rfdg. 4s. v Pennsylvania -cv; JVit,. .... Reading General 4.... 8t Louie A- Iron Mountain cot 6s fit. Louis & pan Francisco fg. 4s.. Bt 1-oui Southwestern consol 4s b Seaboard Air Une 4 ofd.. Southerr. Paciflo 4s..... ..f ... f4outhern IVifle 1st -4s certificates.. Bouthern Railway 6s. Texas ft Pacific-lata ...... ...... Toledo, tft. Louis ft Western 4s... TTnlba Pacific 4s . r..., 94 94 imi 7 71 64 60H 102H 111 13 w 87 rnton pnclflo'cv.- 4s certincate Petted States Steel 2d 6...... 1 . " 91 naoasn its . Waltash Deb.- B..... ....j, ......... Western Md. 4s ,. Wheeling & Lake Erie 4s., ........ taronsln Central 4s bid .... ,. Japan 4 certificates ... 107 63 S 76 82 80 Atirrlaon cv. 4s... Atchison cv. 6. ..... . ..... 101 CLOSING STOCK LIST. Adam Expra ... Amalgamated Corper .... American Car ft Foundry ........ .. American Car A Foundry preferred American Cotton Oil ...... American Cotton Oil preferred ., American Fxpres ..... . .:. American Hide ft Leather preferred American Ice ...... .e. ... ...i American Linseed Oil ..... ... ... ... American Uetseed Oil preferred .... American Locomotive .... .... American Locomotive pre-ferred American t-mwting Kenning ' ; , American fmeltlrn ft Refining pfd. American Busar Rofinlnar .......... Anaionds Mining C;q.. .. ,. 3 Atchison . Dsi te'iioiv nrerwred Atlnntlo Coast Line "s ". ' S'tiaa ):'" 71 .88 48 11 171 ii ntiuuiL'iv n urun ..... ... ... ..... Halllmore ft Ohio-preferred ', I-rooklyn Rapid Transit .. Canndtan- Pacific .... .... ... ' Ceotral of New Jersey . ,. , ( hwttpeake A Ohle- w mm Chlcsgo Great Western ..... ... ... " " f.'A!!4 CI 4J.26I C I 'JTH TRYCfV CT.,, CrlAF.LOTTE. ti, O. nsvclvinz Flat Card, - Railway Hea3s, ; Drawlai Framw, v 'Finnlnz Frames. .i ,Ywsters and Spoolers "f " v . Qulllers and Reels. ijooms,'" !' .COMBERS-'' . .' ' ' 3 , ETC.. ETC Manufacturer and Jobbers weoaeatly nnd It necesryto" havo Banking Facilities In ad dition to those offered by local : banks. v M THE h f ' f Ifirst Mtii Bank 'biP 5JCBMOXD, mocoA, ; , . Wltb . -$1,000,000.00 CaplUI Earned Surplus $600,000.00 $5,p00,000.00 DeposiU $0,000,000.00 Total Resources Offer Just the Additional F. , dUUea Rejaired. , . Jno. B. Parcel!, President; Jno,. M. MUevTr, VioePreSl. dent; Cbas. IL Burnettt. As--slstont Cashiers 1. . d, Joplln, , Assistant Coahlet. . - y - , For Good Building, Brick address o " , Eock Hill Brick Woija, Bock Hill, s. d.t .t , or a , ..vV. ? -.Catawba Brick Cpn V.'Van Wyck. S. 0.;,;r Chicago ft Northwestern ... Chicago,-Mil. ft St Paul '.. . 143 118 Chicago Terminal ix iran., y. Chicago Terminal ft Trans. ' pfd.'. . C, C C ft St. Louis ,...Tl...-...... Cblorado-Fuel' ft 'Irou .. Colorado ft Southern., . . .. ....... Colorado ft Beuthern 1st preferred.. Colorado ft Southern 2d preferred.. Consolidated Gas.. ....... Ccru Products Refining .... Corn Products Refining preferred. Delaware & Hudson .... .... .. .... Delaware, Lackawanna ft W. ex. dlv Denver ft RJo Grande ,.. Denver A Rio Grande' preferred.... , Distiller' Securities .. . ...... Erie , .......'...: Frle 1st preferred v FH 2rt preferred .... lb -.60 18 20 S3 41 1(10 12 64 156 470 2a ft 63 19 General Electric Illinois-Central Intsrnational Paper. ..... International 'Paper .preferred ; .... International Pump .. -. .. .. .... International Pump preferred 1,." .... Iowa Central'..- Iowa Central-preferred Kansas .City Southern ., .... .. t. Kansas City Southern preferred,.. Loulsvlllo ft Nashville .. .v.. Mexican Central ..... .'.. "... Minneapolis ft St Louis .. .... ..... . Minn.,-. St. P. & Sault Ste. M.- .... Minn., St. P. ft Sault Ste. M. pfd.. Missouri Pacific '. ' Missouri. Kansaa & Texas ...... Missouri, Kansaa ft Texas preferred , National Lead , . National R. R, of Mexico preferred New York Central ... .' New York, Ontario ft Western.,.. Norfolk ft Western ..... u Norfolk ft Western preferred ...f. North American ..... ... ... ...... Paciflo Mail .... -.. . ..... Pennsylvania., .... .... People't Ga ,...... ........... 131 12 6 19 68 18 88 24 58 104 w,i 93 121 f.7 '-82 84V4 48 K ;7W fr 22 U9 , 6 24 82 I06 : 93 75 74 IS : 44 ' tl 110 14 60 135 . : 28 24 44 127 81 85 2I4 91 aWjf, 88 : 18 94 10 19 2-3 . t'i 73 ' 14 - 89 -127 80 44 127i ntUDUrg, L. v ; Bl. AUl. Pressed Steel Car ,. .. .. .... Pressed Steel Car preferred Pullman Palace Car .... ...... Keaatng... ..... ... ..... ..... Reading 1st preferred ....j ...... Reading 2nd preferred .... ' Republic Steel ... Republic Steel preferred ...... . Iiock Ial.md C0.1..... ..... .... Rock Island Co. preferred .... .... - ft, Louis ft San Francisco 2d pfd.. ft Louis Southwestern St Louis Southwestern preferred.,. Southern Pacific Southern Pacific pfd ..... ... ; Southern Railway : Southern Railway preferred. .. Tennessee Coal ft Irpn Texas ft Pacific i..." Toledo, St Louis ft West.. .... Toledo, St. Louis ft West preferred Union Pclflc v vnlon Paciflft, preferred .... .... .. United State Express United State Realty United Stales Rubber ... United State Rubber preferred ... United State Steel ....... .......... United States Steel preferred -., ... Virginia Carolina Chemical ... .... Virginia Carolina Chemical pfd..... Wabash Wabash preferred t..., ..f,.. Wells Fargo Express ..... Wesllnghoure electric ex. dlv...... Western Union ....... ..k ....... Wheeling ft Lake Frie .... Wisconsin Central ............ ... Wisconsin ' Central preferred ,. ... Northern Pacific ,..4." ... '. Central Leather ..-.. .b .''......,.. , Central Lenther preferred .. .. .... Stoss Sheffield .. . .... ..;;..,: Greatf Northern preferred s InterborouKh. Metropolitan .'.-.T.: Interbbrough Motropolllan preferred 24 Row' about beating your hornet ' SEE HACKHEY BB0S.. The PlumbiEg and Heating . Ccntractors. ;Ve carry a full line of snppUe. Tbone J12. V.riftli 6t- CTLirJLOTlZ. , ' ! fa ' I 1 I ' e . , .... .... l W,ii,.,,,rv. .-;s, x. a .a., - ,- fliibbers, , . Intertne4tates, . Roving Framea Jaclt Frames Vi!!:anj B.QmrfcS Offices Charlotte, N. CL, Boston, Mass; and Ajnsterdant, N. I. , 5 Ualn Offlce- ' ZalOMAS HAL TON'S SONS, . ' " 1 .'. ' it 1 1 " v 1 : .. . . 1.7 Bln'ale tlfl N ; f i-.l W Jarxroard ' j " vji , I . '" with lndependen I - f ' mouoa, I r;f . .- - . : JENCKES SPINNING GO. GOT.TOiV YHilNS Blaln Oiflce: PAYXVCKEX, B. L HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE. lit Sconree Belt Otis and Greases, Lubri Greases. Ready-Mixed ralnta, Cold v Water Paints,. -Ajents W attles DisBiMCompoQad. . ' GEO. B. HISS dIL CO; - ' ' . -CHARLOTTE; S, C '?.-'k'i f, J. , SPENGER . COMHIISSIdN OFFICESt New Tort. Philadelphia, ' , Yarns and Cotton Ptecs Goods. , . . PAULSON, aiNKROUM : & GO. r Coltoini 87.89 LRONARD STREET ....... 120 CHESTNUT 8TRKET 180 JL1RK17 STREET - - , For: Quick;: Sale: -J ; two briok; STORES y ) on one of tiie pniicipal . streets of the city. A good , , .1 : 1 , investment Call" at office. ,.' ' i . . " - v5. 107 North Tryon. , HUGH MACRAE & CO., -: ISankers . . 1 silscellaneous Southern 6eeo4tlea " WILMINGTON, ST. C. -Washington, D. C, 408 Colorado Bide Cotton Mill Stocks,'7, LEONARD L. HUNTER ARCHITECT ;;:, Fifth floor, Trust . Bldg. Tboue 378, - - CHARLOTTE, N . C. JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. COMMISSION SIKItCliANTsi. Cotton Yarns and Cation '. - Cloths." ' s " CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Philadelphia, 122 nnd 13 Chestnut St, - Boston. 1M Sanuner Su -New York. No. M reonsnl St Char lotto. S3 ft Tryon Hu - THE JOEL HUNTER COMPANY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Suggestions For Improved Accounting BIcthods. oautnee Sheets Prepared.' 1210-20-21 Empire B;RLC IV.. I ARGE STOCK. Georgia-Carolina Brick Company HOWARD IL Write for Prices. t S A'. . i t'f ...J . Cl'JITALS C .Lr 'NX. ATtAWTA, C 1 - 'fa -v ' Automatic Fes !:rs,' : Openers tzi Trunk, Creaker, Intermediate eni Finisher Lappers, ' v Kirschnertrdinj Ceateri - Thread Extractors, . Waste Pickers, etc '. J Dim Ctnrlt fVveru ' , ETCETOw, : COTTON . YARNS. COTTON GOODS ' ' AND CXyiTON WASTE. V - Ansterdsun. N. T. ;-i - ? z 1 JS-' --v V Is '",' - , V" ' ' CSS 't- 1 HALT05TS pblladelohlo. Pa. PbiladelpbJa Offlcet f ' Mariner A Sferehont BoOdlsTf, W. A. SPEXLISST, Manocef. LOOM, ENGINE, . AND VALVE V a t r TURNER v CO. MERCHANTS V. Chicago. Et Louis, London. England ' flJtW lUHtt f. -i . . . . . PHILADFI.PHIA ' - .,. . CHICAGO W1B l',ll.'.(V, HOOK AND ROGtE RS' ,'ARPHITEOTS--; CIl ARLOTTE GREENSBORO. KXL HUBS AM "RPm A nn HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New Tork' Cotton Ex-cnange,- New OrUans Cotton Ex ' 'change, Associate Members Lira pool Cotton Exchange, s .-" ORDERS SOLlCITKDrof the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. . 1 Correspondence " invited. A. D. SALKELD & BRO., COMMISSION MERCRAVTS. V. 9Wt MIKII, WAJM , COTTON YARjrf) Fred'k Vietor 6 Ace:i. ; Present Worth "Ascertained. Bid. Atlanta. Go."" Red and Buff, Dry Pressed and. Common Building. , . J PROMPT SHIPMENT. STAfFORD, President. AUGUSTA, GA.