t C t I t 5. -The cotton market y it an advance of 6 to 9 : 1 v . V . 1 up to a net gain of 12 , j v-i u irir-S the middle session as ,t of very firm cables, continue J t from a local bull Tool, and cover f.ir ever the week end. : But tho or map aid not show the expected s in the Western belt arid there wa . r .. ,1 deal of realiilng by email long ,i- In some argretaive selling by 1 i 1 t-trt which checked the upwwa movement and caused & reaction of 3 or 4 points during tho middle of tbe:n!orm- 1 he market closed steady with price net 7 to 11 points higher. ' . . heoeipts at the ports to-dy31.J against 31.594 last week and 46,40 last v-ar. For to week S2S.OO0 bale agslnst in.btf last week and B44.541 last year. To ohv receipt at New Orleans 2,52 against 6,ij0 last vear. - ' ' STOCK MARKET SLUGGISH. , e I a r ; o ti- : H.-rc the No Marked Change In the Sluftgteh and Indifferent Tone Into Which tlte Market Has Fallen. - . New York. Oct l-There was tio mark- . rrt change to-daj- in the sluggish and ta- difrerent tone into which the stock nui ket has. fallen. The Southern Railroad croup made another exhibition of weak riess, but the general list showed soma absorptive, power and the undertone was tirm for most of the time. There was some relief over the showing of the bank statement as a possibility of the wiping out of the surplus had ben In mind. The reduction Inth loan account ( Ihj banks rejehed in average of $U,iS3,10) and banking- experts attnoute this almost .wholy to large repayments by New York City of obligations which have been car tied and for the liquidation of which the " recent bond Iwue supplied resources. , Price sold off In the final dealing un der tha Influence of the tnink itatoment and mad tho closing tone easy. - Honda were steady. Total sale, par Value, tS26.0oa.--v U. 8. fours havo declined 4 per cent ' on call during- the week. Total sales stocks to-day U7,300 share. Including: Copper 18,000; 1a & N. ; Reading J4.80&; Southern Ry. 400; U. P. 24,400.- T New York, Oct 6.-Standard Oil 446. Baltimore, Oct. 6.-i board Air Una common and preferred, nothing doing. New York, Oct. 5,-MoblIo &. Ohio col ; lateral trusts 4a 78 bid. Harvard, Tick & Clark's Cofton Let- - tcr. ; New Orleans. La.. Oct. 5. Spinners are In the market, thii combined with uneesl rtcsc la regard to the weather over Sunday caused a covering movement in Liverpool to-day. Future there closed 6 to 7 up against 1 to 8 down due. Spot prices are IS higher. Pales 7,00). The visible tun ply statement for the week Is another confirmation of the news that mill want cotton. So far hardly any new cotton h jet arrived abroad, mill takings for the week are 211,900 against 176,000 last year. This speaks for Itself. An inroad was nude on old stocks. This suggests good apot demand for this month its a certain amount of supplies must come unijor con sumers' control . before they can Comfort ably resort again to their policy of wait ingr. While this demand for supplies Is on, higher prices are probable hut one must keen a keen lookout. Any accumulation of long Interest would be an attraction for the foreign element to swoop down which emboldened by recent success, they oould hardly resist doing Tli.it this was . fully' realized was shown by the notion of our markets this morning. There was lots of hopeful bull. talk, but ooenmg trade were well on pie Bafe side of New York and only when the market ndvaneetl Showing that the factor which favors a reaction 1 dilng some work, did w.? im- prove also. There l no other course opt'.n i to u now. Enough has been mid and written about It to make the change in speculative control pluiri enough to ev erybody who is willing to see it. i Weather records : show unfavorable con- i dlttona General ralnn occurred In the belt, heavy at many polnta. Indications, however, are more favorable to-day. Clearing and cooler wal!ier is Indicated ' for the Went and mldflle belt over .Sunday but fair weather will hardly Inst more than two days. Parometle pressure sug . gests another wt pell enrly ikxI wek. HAYWAKD. VICK k CLARK. i I 0:!!u::H.t-,i :. . 1 :: a i : w 1 aJvurce. T.-Ugr;ni .y t:.at peoU a fttrther iiiiprovemenU ; nlug found tnuny offerings at the advance with a good demand which continued during tho early pnrt of tiio day. A light frost In the Northwest itimulated the buying- but the weather map as a wjiola mowca propitious comii tiom. Tho selling has beon 1 from tho South and. Wast, not in large Quantities but enough to show a disposition to tuk.3 Bdvasitage or present vaiUM. TraiJin has been mainly local and the covering of short Interests constituted It larger por . HUBBAP.D UR03. A CO. , New Orleans Snot Cotton. ' New Orleans, Oct 5.Cetton, spots clos ed quiet and firm with prices unchanged. Middling UH; sales 660 ablcs on til ipot with 1.300 to arrive. - . Putnros opened steady I to 10 points above the close yesterday, on favorable (.dvices from Uverj.ool. Later the market eased off somewhat on prospects' of better weather Sunday. Lack of speculative support was in evident and after1 the oiienins; there were few supporting fac tors to the market At the close, which was steady, the active months, were 4 points above the close yesterday. Octob er high 11.10; low 11.06. Closing bids: Jan. Ill: Feb. Itlir March 1U-5; April 1LS0: May U.J4; Oct 11.06; Nov. il.10 Dec. n.03. . , ' Chicago Grain and ProvUiona. WITXAT , Jllgh Jw Clort July .. v.. .... Mhk IX-o.',,.' l May V .. ., 114 CORN- . - i . Dec. . ' WH May ,. .. ' W&. OATS-r- Dec. , May ..... .. ; ; POR It- Oot .. .. a Jnn i ! 9 LARD Oct -.. .. .. .-.,. J.m., . mf- w.i... ll!3- Jan. 14..T7 U.30 .02 8.&) 7.5 . 1"0T4 mi , 14 07 15.27 t.M S.T7 r 10l 5L 6SW 14.07 15.27 t.02 S.80 7.M 7.te 7.2 MILL STOCKS SOUTHERN COTTON S""easjss Quotations by P. C Abbott at Company. Abbeville .Common.. .. Aiken Mfg. Co American Spinning Co. Am. Warehouse pfd.. Spray, N. C... ...... Andersoa Mills., . Arcade.. ..... ., Arcadia ... .. Arlftn.. ., .. .... Arkwrlglit Hills Arlington,. .. Atherton, N. C... ,. .. .. Avon. . ,.,,'. ... . ..., Avondale.. ,i .... .. Augunta, fH... liclton t ttibb .. .... .. .. .. .... Bonnie .. .. Brandon bid.. ., ,. lirogon Cotton Mills, S. C, N. KrnoKHlde. .. .... ...... .... . .... ...... Urn. f.loomfleld.. .. .. Cabarrus.. ., .. Cannon Mfg. Co. Cnuital City, pfd Uiiaamiok. pia Chid wick. N. C.:. .. .. Chirryvllle,. Cheswel). S. C. pfd... . Cheswcll, S. C Clara Clinton .. .. Clifton com Clifton, pfd Cliffslde Chimicla Cotton Mills .. Courtney Converse Mfg. Co Cherokee Mtg. Co .. .. Columbus Mfg. Co.... . Cora Coxe UuillnKt'iii .... Dallas Mfg. Co Dover Yarn Mills. N. C. Druyton ... . lolling ... Dillion.. .. .. .. .... ... KiiKlo & Phoenix .. ... Nlird, N. C , Ulmlia, pfd t..il'V Kdcnton, N. C, Eiioicc Knorce, pfd trwln pfd Eureka .. Kxposltion Pitlrllcld ..... Florence . Fountain. N. C (Jaflney Mfg. Co UHHtOll 01 ink iJU-n Liv-ry. pfd Granltevllle, S. C New York Pnulm. New York, Oct. S.-Flonr firm but quiet; Minnesota patents $5.'.f) t" '-': winter patcnU It. to G.:Tfc Rye flour firm; fair to gno.1 $4.73 to V; choice to fancy to $6.35. . Corn mel firm; fine white nrvl yellow tlSS to Jl.iO; coarse Jl.j'J to Jl.Gj. l!v. firm. i Wheat spot firmer; No. 2 red 1.7', el vetor. Options firm. Decwnher IlPi; May 114. Corn, pot Arm; No. 2, 711, elevator Option market without transactions. De cember 70'A; May fift. OaU, ipot steody. mixed Hfef , nrm; a.niiy 114 to ju.r; ura tin to i Jieef hams t."9. Cut ni.-iis stendy; pick led bellies 104 to 13V4- plckler) hnmn u,', to IZVb. I-ard firm; Wenturn prime $ 1: ,10 D.S; retired firm; continent gu; s - A.. $10.80; comiKXind i to . 1'n'k tlnn . torally I1150 to IL'n Tallow julot; city i . country Vm to V. Petroleiim firm; rvfined New York $S4Ti; 1 Fbllftd!phla and Haltlmore ts.4'; do In , buih H,at. ltoeln it"ndv. strained com tru-n to good $4 4 Turjientine eay - Itica firm; donie.ilc fair to extra Ji'i f -i Molaitte flull y tugar, rsw steady; fair reftnlng Win v miirtiugHi i. trai n.:n; moiasiw4 sugar ; to iw. nennea qiupt. t COffM, spot sterdy; No. 7 Hlo UK; No f fcantos ,. Mild coffee quiet: Cordova I 10 ll. futures 5 to 10 potms higher iwii qw un.l cneeKO quiet, un i ennngea. freights sna pe.muU nuiet, unchanged ..Pjtatoea Irregular; Jcm-y sweet. 1 ti i -.ow per oai rei. r- Cabbage quiet, unchanged. Oct i. Bid Asked 1 M W X40 - 81' 87 78 N tftl ' 84 " 112 - iteo - 101 115 - 128 - 1& 77 124 12 im 12 JM - 63 106 -109 - 141 m. 90 1 m 130 1J0 , - liio 30 1 - X18V4 102 HiO Kf - 1U - l&W - 9 - IliO 110 - lao m m 100 ..ia 140 Ml 111 81 101 SI 101 102 Vi J Li 18"x36" AUis-Chalmsrs Corliss Engine. Fly-Whecl 12' dia.,' grooved for 9-1, J-4" ropss. Good as new. Greensboro Supply Co. GREENSBORO, N.VC; , Mason Machine Works TAUNTON, MZSS., : - has bujt more than ; ' c,ooo ' For FaU River Mills. ; Southern Office at Gharlotte. EDWiM HOWARD, Aeni 100 140 til 225 Mi, Uu SS4 110 - M 09 - Hit 160 - ia 1 - 117 So leu Daily Cotton Market ,v . New York, ' Oct 6.-Oalveston. tone firm; middling 12; net recelpU 8.3; gross receipts 139S; stock 58.740; coastwise 255.. New Orleans, tone quiet; middling UH; net receipts 2,622; gross receipts 2,522; ahlei 1.M0; stock 8L217. ' 1 . Mobile, tone firm; middling 114: at re ceipts 1.812; gross receipts Uu; ales TJl stcck 15,179; Ut Britain ft; continent 73S; Savannah, tone firm; middling 11; net iwnlnta 1S.01S: srross receipts 18.015; sales 5,628; stock 1,844; coastwlso 6,301. ' Charleston, tone nrm; mionuns receipts 2,020; gross receipt 2,030; stock 18,218: coastwlw 1,67. ' . Wilmington, tone steaay; miauung ni; net receipts 5,978; gross rocelpU , 8,978; stock 25,737. s Norfolk, tcne nrm; middling 11; net receipts 2,789; gross receipt 2.789; sales 80$; stock 20,622; coastwise 2)300. Baltimore, tone nominal; mutating gross receipts 750; stock 2.2S3. (New York, tone quiet; middling 117J; gross receipts 8,567; stock lC2,303; at Bri tain 200. Boston, tone quiet; midaung 11.7a;. net recelpu !49; gross receipts 7,306. Philadelphia, tone steady; middling 12.00; gross recelpu 137; stock 6.0S5. Jacksonville, gross receipts 206; rile 203; coastwise 206. Total to-day. at all ports, net 31.14; ut Britain 7f0; continent 738; stock 457,482. Oonsolldated, at all pert, net 31,Wi4; UL Britain 700; continent 73S. Total since Sept 1. at all parts, net 7K.758: Gt Britain 208,380; FnsTice, 7i365; continent 199,803: Japan.. 36, INTERIOR MOVEMENT. Ilounton, tone quiet'; middling 12; net receipts H.822: gross receipts 6,(32; ship ments i.isr, sales i,ii; siock ss;os. Augusts, tone firm: middling lift; net receipts 4.284; gross receipts 4,002; ship ments 2.562; sales 1.974; stock 31.459. Memphis, tone quiet: middling 11; net receipts 2,6"!; gross receipts 2,601; ship ments fiTi; sales 40 ; stock a.m. fit. Louis, tone steady: middling 11: gross receipts 323; shipments &)5; sales 17; stock 229. Cincinnati, net receipts rJSi gross re ceipts 1; Shipments 21; sales 300; stock IS1. Louisville, tone firm; middling 12. Little Rock, tone steady; middling 11; net receipt 171; gross recelpu Id: stock 3,175. Total to-nsy, net receipia I4,w; groas recelpu 14.727: shlptnenU 9.327; sales 3,9&5; stock 108,337. 97 Vi m 10U 107 - 17ti 140 135 115 !5 110 w 101 104 103 LIS 51 97 126 - .'....-i 9. S. UiUlKJ & Co., Cotton Iticr. w . . . ... , --ew iotk., yet. 6. The cotton mar Ket waa. a very quia affair ouiwide of the adyance at the opening duo t. the - av a . . .1 . . .... aiiguer i.ngiin cauics. -j ncre whs very : aitue ooing. Khorts covered nt th opening for ltr of fronts nvr Kund.j; Hfter the, big hortH had 'bought th' lr line them tirket became dull and unlrt terettlng with no outside bulne Many; of th important ntereu had gone to th convention at Atlunia and theJr Bbence was sut n In the n.irrju fluotualloiis in tlie market The high points wcr mado somt after iii open ing and were Oct. 10 S4. Duembir, 10 04; January 11.10 and March 11.- 80 Th later declined nmnunt-d to about 5 to 7 points In all. Hhould the weather continue favorable over fun day with no frost developmuniK we would look for lower prices Monday. 3. . BACH IS AND CO. :.'.": '. Naval Stores. . Chsrleston, 8. C, Oct 8. Turpentine firm eales note. Koin firm; sale none. A .V. C MSi; D ftift; E 34.:;" K 8M to 4.4i; G to 84.47V4; O 84.40 to l.fi; I 14.44 to .64.55; K tt W to H: M 80; N fn.S'J to $J&i .W O 80.75;. W W 85.95. ,. New Orleans. ' Oct S. Receipts, rosin : 75 barrels; turpentine 75 barrels. Exports Oiuy Mfi. Co Greiidel (jrcenwooil Hlghl.-ind 1'nrk , IllKldiiiid Park, ptd ll.'M'tsvllle Htnlr.-U.i M.IIh HiukliiR, -. C iiDNkiiiH. N. C, Yd ilugueiiot, prd , Iriui.in MiIIh, H. ' john P. King Mfs. Co.. Keesler KliiK's Mountiuii par 50.. . Knnxvllle. Cotton M'lls Laiiraat.r Cr.lton Mlfls ,. .. .. Limcnater Cotton Mills, pfd. Lanctt .....i l.angley Mfg. Co... .. ........ LiAirens Million. N. C I.llierty I.lllll'nluni'.. .. , ... Locknurt, 8. C, pfd y. L.iru v Milli. Did L'.uiso A!I1Ih. N. C 7V Loule Millii, ptd. .. Liiwell LumlH-rton Miirltxiro Cotton MiIIh. Manclienter Mills.. .. Mills Mfg. Co Mills M'K Co. pri . . ., Mo'lenn Cotton .Mills . .M.illohon Moll'. I. on. pfd M"nghun Monarch, o, C Monarch. H. C, pfd .. Mooreavllle, N. C Newberry NokomtH Norira Mills I 'Ivmpl.t, pill Orr 103 0.1.11 Mills Osiuik 170 fti-.ol-l Mfit (int. milled) , I'm l. t Mfg. pfd.'. I've I'e Teher Mfg. Cc I'leilinoru Mfg (.'0 IVIImm. da., pfil l elhum, tin., coiiuimn .. I'Vtimorit Wmkod Works Pell v'ltv, Al l'uc V. P. Mfg, C) Hl'-liland, B. C, prd,. Roanoke Mills,, Knl;lll ..100 - Koherdel , Richmond Bplntdni' Co.. vo Kiv.islile Mfg. Co 104 ik-k iiiver ju Haxon 124 Klliley. Oa O nodal circle too KprltiL'steln 00 MatesvlUe Cotton Mills Hiilisbury NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Oct 5. Cotton, spot closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling uplands 7i; middling gulf 12.00; sales none. Futures opened steady and closed open 10.78 et. ,. OV. .. Dec. .. an. .. oh. . March pril . May .. une .. uly .. 140 103 lao 215 90 110 106 120 104 1U3 107 125 120 100 122 5. Spirit torpen sales '; rioipu Kavannah, Oa Oct. tine firm, fit to SJVi; t-A; wilpments 434. . .... - l.fmn firm; sale receipts 17 ehinments tVfl'. lo-'k S4.&74. Quote; A H ' U: D $4 13; E U; V 84 S2H; O 84 55- H St;-'i; I .); K 70 to , M 8490 to i,,. i 1, 7 IV.6J, . w a rf.x; www. "It iln'fntn. Oct. 8 Spirits turpentine ate .fly it lcceipt m csks. ! -'n st.-ady, i receipts 146. ( 1 ,r quit. ti 30;1 receipts 36. 1 i-!e ''.rpentiae flrtu, 82.7 $4 and 84 ri.xipia tl- - 1 -i . 0 .. ., Efctlnuitea A 'To 1 - morrow Lest Year 11.2J9 8-10.V : W.I II , 169 170 ! 161 ' loO 100 97 100 2tt 113 116 114 n 12s 178 M lul 176 i'W 200 2M0 126 65 167 ias 05 loti Pfd.. 1st pfd.. 2d pro.. IrtnU'ii, N. C. Tryon. N. C. .. Tucapau, 8. C. Tuca4iu, H C. Tuscernra.. .. Toccoa, On .. ToxnwNf tnloti-Duffalo, I'ninD-tiutTalo, Vance.. .. Victor Mills, 8. tV .. .. Walhslla, 8. C. ., .. Warren Mfg. Co Warren Mfg, Co. pfd., Wiuhlngton Mills .. ., Washington Mill., pfd. Watts Ware Shoals.. .. , . WlM'asiwK ... ... , Whitney .. .. VoKlruff., .... , Woridsld . .. WHjfemaon Woodstde, pfd,,, ,. .... .... IU ' 143 1(0 i::l 200 l'J 115 US ,. M 71 ' 24 l'ft 130 K in 31 111. 11 HIS vs 11 w 12 28 iu 84 216 10 4 IN3CRANCK rOCKS. Greensboro Life ,v .. .. .;r J, 1 . North fitsta Fire..',,. 1?4 , ...... I I JT uw. , ,. ... ., .. 14 Ltverpool Cotton. Liverpool. Oct" 8.-CIOslng cotton; , Boot moderate business done, price 15 points higher; American middling fair 7.56; goad middling 710: middling 6.68; low middling 6.2R; good ordinary 6.00; ord'nary 5.00. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which too were for speculation and ex port and Included 6,200 American.' Re ceipts 11,000 bales. Including 5.S00 Ameri can. ' Future opened smd closed stead. Oct Oct-Nov , Nov-Deo t. Dec-Jan..,.. Jar-Feb ... Fcb-Mftrch March-A pril April-May -. May-June . Juno-July . Juiy-AuK ,.. . . 4. .. ... Iss at) aBfja)' ".' iitittii 814 6.074 "6.05;, 105 6Ji 6.06 6.0ti 6.07 8.07 6.00(4 Baltimore Prorthce. Baltimore, Oct " 8,Flour steady, un changca. Wheat spot contract 104 to 164U; Southern by sample 92 to 98. - Corn firm; epct mixed 70 to 10; No. I white 70H to TO. , Oats sttmdy; No- 2 mixed 53 to SSMs - Rye firm; No. 8 Western domestic Do to 90. - Butter, egv,-s, - new cheese and sugar steady, unchanged. Cotton Seed OC. New York, Oct 5. Cotton Seed oil was quite sctive with prices steady tor refin ed. Prime crude Vi to 37: prime summer yellow 51; oft summer yellow 43 to 4S; good off summer yellow 46 to 49; prime white 58; prime winter yellow 68. NEW YORK BONDS. S. refunding 2s registered S. refunding 2s coupon .... S. 3e registered 106 105' 101 V. S. 3a coupon 102 High 10.84 Low 10.78 11.00 11.08 11.11 11.14 11.25 11.27 11.05 11.10 11.11 11.20 11.28 1L31 10.98 11.03 11.10 11.14 1L2J 1L27 Close 10.R2 10.84 11.01 11.05 11.10 11.15 11.19 11.23 11.25 11.30 Comparative Port Receipts. To. Last 1 day Year Galveston M 17,4TC New Orleans , 2,522 5.35) Mobile 614 Savannah 13,015 11,021 Charleston ,, - t.m Wilmington , 8,378 4.511 Norfolk .... 8.743 Boston 3 Total eaf.mate 31,000 47,703 Tito Money Market New York. Oct. 6. Money on call ominal. Time loans quiet but Arm; 60 davs 6 per cent.; 90 d.iyr 6V4; six months per cent. , Prime mercsntllo paper 7 per cent; sterling exensngd steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4S5.80 to 4S5.90 for demand and at 4H3.30 to 4K2.40 for M-day bill. Commercial bills 4K2 to 42M. Kar silver os. Mexican aonara tjov ernment bonds easy. Railroad steady. bonds 1 Houston Interior. Receipts, To. morrow. Last Year. 14,683 IT. H. New 4a registered U. S. New 4 coupon American Tobacco 4s American Tobacco 6a Atchison general 4s Atchison adjustment 4s... . Atlantic Coast Lino 4s... ' Baltimore & Ohio 4a..... Haltlmore & Ohio 3V4.... Brooklyn K. T. cv. 4s Central of Georgians Central f.-OeorglaJ 1st rue. ofd..,,frJ Central of Georgia 2d Inc. ofd. Central of Georgia 3d Inc. ofd Chesapeake A Ohio ti Chicago & Alton 3Ms bid ..... Chicago,-' B, & Qulncy new 4s Chicago R. L & Pacific R, St. 4t.... Chlcsgo, a I. & P. R. R. coL 6s.. C, C, C. A St Louis general 4s.. Colorado Industrial fri Series A Colorado Midland 4s bid y... Colorado & Southern 4s Cuba 5....y Denver & Rio Grande 4s bid Distiller' Securities 6s bid.. .. .. .. Krlo prior lien 4a.. Kale General 4s.... Hocking Valley 4M bid Japan certificates Japan 44s certificates 2d Series .... Iul?ville 4 Nashville Unified 4s bid Manhattan consol gold 4s ,......, Mexican Central 4s bid ' Mcxlca v Central 1st Inc. ..: Minn. I St .Louis 4s .... Missouri, Kansas A Texas 4s. ...... ,: Mlmourl, Kansas ft Texas 2d.. National R, R. of Mexico col. 4 bid: New York Cer.tral general 3s...f New Jersey Central general 6s.... N.Tthnrn Pacific 4a.. .. .. .,,,-.,...,!'. Northern Paeilta 8s.... t... ... Norfolk A Wewrbrn consol 4s . Oregr.n Short Une rfdg .4 .. .. ,.- Pennsylvania, cV. 3Vs Reading General 4...., St. Ij. & Iron Mountain col. 6s bid. St. Louis A San Francisco fg. 4.... - t. ixmls Southwestern col. 4e.... Seaboard Air Line 4s ofd.... a Southern Pacific 4 bid.... 1.. ...... Southern Pacific, 1st 4 certificate.. Southern Railway 6s Texas A Psclfto lit.. Toledo, St. L. A Western 4a ofd..,. Union Psclflo 4.. .. .. llnkn Palflo cv. 4s ctfs.. ...... ,, II. S. Steel 2nd 6.... ., Wabash lsts..... A, .v... Wabash Deb. B... Western Md. 4s.,... ...... Wheeling & Lake Erie 4s Wisconsin Central 4s Did Jspan 4s certificates bid. Atchison cv. 4s.,.. ... ..,.' ...... Atchison cv. 6s.... .. A.. . 1244 R4 1 TAIN CI .Zt c ; jth trycw st.. charlotte, n. Ok WZ it , ATLANTAj C Hevolvlag Flat cArdj, Railway Heads, , ' Drawjng Framcj, ..-if-. 5plnnlnj Frames Twisters and Spoolers QuCiers and Reels, , , LxMitia, '',; C0MBKR5 ; , .ETC.. ETC j j " . ... . . - r. 1; t f i blubbers, 1 Roving Frames . 1 Intermediates , Jack Frames Automatic Feeizrs, w Openers and Trunk, Dreaker, Intermediate and Frnlsher Lappers, Kirschner Card irig Beaten , ' Thread Extractors, Waste Pickers, etc.' ' Rawjjtbck LVyers , - ' ETC.. ETC. - r Manufacturers" and Jobbers aT.eqQently una tt necessary to 1 have Banking Facilities in ad dition to those offered by local 1 .. TBJ& . '" first National, Ban!i OV tUCHMOXD. VIRGINM, - With . $1,000,000.00 Capital Earned Surplus $000,000.00 - '" $5,500,000.00 deposits, t $9,000,000.00 Total Resources - Offers- Just the Additional Fa. dliUe Ketjulred. Jno. -'B- rurcefl. President: Jno. M. jMUler, Jr, Vibe Prosl- dent (vbaa. R.' Burnettt, As .' glsunt Cashiers J. a JopUn, Asslsunt Cashlor. ' "CXyPJOX YARN'S. COTTON GOODS -HAND COTTOX WASTE. Vifliam B. Charls OfOcesharlotte, N. O..' Boston, Mass. and AnuterdtHa, 5. T. , " , Main Orace Amsterdam, '' CATLIN & CO, Oommlsjon Merchants 345 and 347 Broadway, New YorJr Boston ' Philadelphia COTTON YARNS All number Skeins, Warps, Cops and Cones COTTON GOODS. For Good Building Brick address ; Bock Hill Brick Works, Hock Hill, S. ' or ; Catawha Brick Co., Van Wyck. S. 0. Charlotte Cotton. These figures represent the prices paid to wagons, Oct a. Good middling ,, UH Strict middling .. .. 11.30 Middling U JBank Statement. Reserve Dec.- .. .. .. .. .. Ih IT. & 'lea lsn,D eo. .. .. . .. .. .. .. Hpeclu, Dec , iarnis. jw. .. .. .. .. .. . Denosits. Dec. .. Circulation Inc. , i 2,;78,lii5 . n.mioo .. 6.531.200 .. 1.0.l . 18.100.400 1V.300 11.07 11J3 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. i mgn istw n. .... .. .. .. 11.14 11.31 May .. .. .. .... r Oct. .,11.11 Dee. .. ., .. ., ll.JV Spot ntiiet sni nrm; ed. 1U-, sale 7W; to vales 2.060. Close 11.0fui.(B H.tfWrll.S! ii;s4-ii.w ll.tt 11.OK11.07 11.03 Il.e.Vill.(ll middling unchang- annve j,im; total Charlotte Frotlace. fCorreeted! dally by R, H. Field A Co. Hens rer head ..... ... ... ....... W'tl Chickens spring . !0(?f3 IJueka .. .. ... ....... a psks Hotter .rvv'f Itye , ... 9 Corn 88 Cotton seid ... ..... ... ...... .... .) Oats-Fee.1 ,. ,. .. ......... 08 Tha Dry Goods Market New Tork. Oct 8 The dry aods mar ket was n'det to-day in the primary di vision, - itetauers sre renortea to tie no- Ing a steady trade. . Forward bunnees Is declining. Spot trrde holds well. Heavy cottons axe lower... Fine cottons lower on contracL cwiori. yarns are still easy. Linens are .ulet An active demand tor burlaps Is repotted and available stocks ...... .... ... ...... ... .... 89 7fi 65 454 1IM 9?,K 68 43M, 84 10" 94 73 m 79 S!) 891; 88 M 77 '16 87 8fi 82 80 S 119 M 93 86 54 94 10A 77 70i 6 -84 0 102 112 72 89 87 95 107H 7' 82 804 91 1011 Paper 12 150 59 35 92 31 82 1M 15 80 t , 19 . 51 99 K7i CTSIXO STOCK LIST. Adams Express ;. ...' ro Amalgamated Copper .... ' American Car A Foundry .. . .... Amerlcn Cur & Fmindry pfd.. American t'otton Oil .. .. ........ Amerlran Cotton Oil prererreaf ,f American KxpreiSK . . ...... American Hide & Leather preterrea American Ice .... ,.. ... ... .......... American Linseed OH ... ... ... American Uiifced Oil prererrea .... -American Locomotive .. American lxn-;omotlva preferred American Knin ni ft ueuninaT .... Amerl.an SmelUng X Kenning pfd, y American huvar Kenning .., '.. .... American Tolmneu pi-cferred Corttf., , Anaconda Mining Co...,.,.... ...... Atchison ... .... .... Atchison Referred Atlantic Const Line ... .c. .'... Pnlilmore A Ohio .... ... ... Polilmore A Ohio preferred ,. ..' Rrooklya Tlapld Trandt ......... ... Canadian Pactnc Central of New Jersey . . . Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Great Western ...... .. Chicago A Northwestern Chlcsgo, Mil & St. Paul..... ...... Citlcsgo Terminal A Trans..' ..1 Chicago Terminal A Trans. pfd... . P., C. C. A St. IiOtils ,. , I'oiortiuo xwi : iron Colorado A Southern ..... Colorado A Southern 1st preferrad.. rolcrado ft Southern Sd preferred. ttinsohdsted (His ... ..... Ctrn Products Refining t....s.'.. Corn Products Refining preferred. Pelsware A Hudson .... Ielawre, Lackawanna & West Denver A Rio Grande J.... ... nn.. Denver A Ulo Grande preferred .. DlWiller' becuriUes .. .. Krte ... ...... Kris 1st preferred ..,.. ........... KHe M preferred .. .. ....... (vnmrnl Ulectrto .... .A, .. tnternntlonal International, Paper preferred International. .Pump International Pump preferred.. Iowa Central .... .... ... . Iowa Central preferred Kansas City Southern .. Kansas City, Southorn pfd.. ,. Louisville A Nashville .. .. Mexican Central Mlnnminntlii A. fitLouil .. .. Minn., St. P. A Sault Ste. M. .... Minn.. St P. A Sault' Ste. M. pfd.. Missouri Pacific ..... ......... Missouri, Kansas & Texas .. .. ., Missouri, Kansas A Texas preferred National Lead v National R R. of Mexico preferred New York Central .... New York, Ontario A- Western... . Norfolk A Western . Norfolk A Western preferred North American Pacific Mall .... .... .... ., Pennsylvania ......... Pennsylvania ......... .... People's Gns i Plttaburr. n. C. A St Louis Pi- wed Steel Car .. .. .. ..I ...... Pressed Stec Car preferred Pullman Palace Car .... ... Reading ..a .. Tteadlng 1st preforred ..... Hending 2d preferred Repuollc Steel,.. ... Hcpublio Steel preferred Hock Island Co. r T?nek T.tnnd fn ' T)fd.u... ... ....... St Louis-A San Francisco ita pro.. St Louis Sothwestern ........ .. St. Louis Southwestern preferred... Southern Facinc.... ... Southern Pacific preferrea Southern itanway Southern Rallawy preferred Tenneai se Coal A Iron ..... Texas Pacine .... .... .... Toledo, St Louis A West,. Toledo, St. Louis A West preferred I nlon PaTlnc .4 ... Union' Psclflo preferred t'nfted States Express ..... United Ptato Kcsity ..... United . States Rubber ...... United States Rubber pfd.. ... .. .. United States Steel .. .. .... ...... United States Steel preferred Virginia Carolina Chemical .. Virginia Carolina unemicai pui...., Wabash '. .... Wabash preferred ..... ..... ... .... Wells Fsrgo Express -.et.v ..... Wesllnghoiise electric ex. dlv...... Western Union ..... Wheeling It Lake Erie.. . Wisconsin Central . .;. ,v v.. . Wleennsln Central preferred .. Northern Pacinc .. ... .. Central leather ..... ... ... Central Leather pfd,. .,. ..... ...r Slows Sheffield ., .... Great Northern preferred Inlrborough Metropolitan ... ....... Intorborough Metropolitan pM. ;, Single Uti '" '' Jarquard v ...... . with Independent cyllndar motloa. . THOMAS II ALTON'S SONS. ; , ...... . , ... ... ... .... ,. . , : .( " DALTpsrS: JACQUARD rttltedelnhlo. Pa, V UENCKES;: SPINNING CO; Main Otflcei PAWTUCKET, Ii. L QOTTON YARNS ; 1 Pbiladeiphla Offlce: - Mariner A Merchant Bnlldlrf ! ; TP. A. EPELLISSY, Mjnagcf. t HIGH-GRADE SPINDLE, . LOOM, ENGINE, AND . VALVE OILS Scouree Belt Oils and Jreaaea, Lobrl Greases, Ready-Mixed Paints, Cold Water Paints. Asenta W nttles' Dresalne. Compound. - .0E0. B, HISS OlL CQ. 1 . ss 21 69 16 38 24 62 104 1 39 93 121 - B7 82 64 ; 4h 44 M2 ,n "70 78 58 23 119 68 1 24 bl 1. m 70 19 71 17 43 85 16"4 44 81 109i 12 48 135 25, 34 44 127 81 85 46 ' 2K W 94 10 U FA 122 73 8 14 88 12H 1H '80 43fc 12 26 J. . SPENCER TURNER CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS . : ' OFFTCESt New York, Philadelphia Chicago. Et Louis, London, EnstantL Yarns and Cotton Piece .Goods. , -.. K -'i - ' i 'v; y -, H. -w. -1. i j w I . m- -a ... ..-1 Sit 14' ') MfrM fill ,f' rd'A. tiff . LITM ... 7 . i Ii - T l 111 I s IfciS iiim i it n V 89 7i 89 83 . 173 .a 15 61 1R 21 53 41 100 12 64 ;4" 23 - J7 43 85 .... Yl AT 134 t Row aljont heating; yonr home? SEE HACKNEY BEOS.. Tho Plumbing and Heating Contractors. . - We carry a full line of anpplle. Thong so. e r. ruth st, PAULSON, LINKROUM- & CO. Cottdini- 87-S9 LEONARD STREKT 120 CHESTNUT STREET 184) MARKET STREET - . NEW-TOUK , PHILADFt.PHIA " ' CHICAGO Foir Quick. Bale TWO BRICK STORES on'one of the principal streets of tlrS7 city. A good . investmeniv Call at office. . R. E. Gochrane. K' - ' SO North, jon..x J ' : " , HUGH MACRAE CO. J Bankers. AllaceUanetma Southern Seen "U lea XSILitBiQTtOS, Tt. C. Washington, D. C 408 Colorado Bldg Cotton Mill Stocks. LEONARD L. HUNTER - ARCHITECT v . Fifth floor. Trust Bldg. Thono 371 ' CnARLOTTR W. a ' JAMES E. MITCHELL CO. . COMMISSION MKUdlASTH. Cotton .Yarns . and . . Cotton ' Cloths. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED.' Philadelphia. 123 nnd 12 ctioetaat St - Doe ton. 180 Summer St e - Ktnt York, o. 73 TxKmsrd 8L-' Chnriotttv U & Tryon fit. hook and Rogers, .ARCHITECTS A cnARfcorrE Greensboro, n.c HUBBARD 'BROS. & CO., uuMBarai of new York. Cotton Ex i coange, : NaW . Orleans . Cotton Ex- ' , aha a ' . . A au.l.sa ' r &M W.- a Lusiueo, aVBVVtmiV ' MVlUVVtB ' Mil V ' ' i rnnl pAttAM tTvhanrtalrsai I ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur- ,. chase and sale of cotton for futura ' delivery. : Correspondence Invited, :, A. D. SALKELD Is BEO., .coMMoNcuana... 60-13 Leonard Street, NEW YORK. ; . , COTTON YARNS. - Fred'k Vietor & Achelis. THE JOEL HUNTER COMPANY ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS PUBLIC , . ; s (Suggestions For Improved Accounting Methods, v , j Balance Sheets Prepared, , ,, s . -Present Worth Ascertained. 1219-20-21 Empire Bid" Atlanta. G. t Xtcd and Buff, Dry Pressed v . and Common Building. !BiR;:IIC?K LARGE STOCK. " ' " 1 PROMPT SIUPME-VT. Jjeorgia-Carolifla Brick Company , , 1IO WARD IL STAFFORD, President Wrltn for Prices. j 'AUGUSTA, GA." -Ule-iU rrimM mrwrmmf TT7f "w are iignt . uniyis Central CHARLOTTE.

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