i p. a l.,i3 teen !t i ' Lees ' In t.. i, has return-id i i r t.-.rea mo 13 i r 1 "iia hi I-.l vorUi. 3. II. Gren, tf-Monroe, was ,u.'or'j last night tt t-.s Mr. and Mrs. M. 'I. Itarlck,'"of Punellla, N. , J., are. visiting aUthe friome of Mr. G. T. Buxton, on North College street, - , ills little Ray, of McAflenavllle, la spending several flays In the city with Mrs. Grace Adams n North CON "lege street , Mrs. Xjewls C. Brown, (Misses Iucy Brown, Ashland tiowe, and,' Mary Kimmons, of jConcord, ran jover for "The Bed Feather" at the Academy yesterday afternoon. , Miss Alice Springs la expected In . the city this, week from, the North '. where she has been spending the sum mer,. "TSbe will (spend Jhe. winter at 'the Central, . - "Miss Marguerite Springs. will leave the, last of the week for (Hartford, -Conn., to visit Miss Harriet Wilkes Bankin. Miss Eliza Mitchel has returned to her. home- In ,. Gainesville, Ga., after spending some time in the city with jktr. and Mrs. A,. V, -Mar rill, , - Misses -Violet and Julia Alexander jreturned yesterday from New T""k .where they landed front their; trip abroad several .lays ago. J Mrs! - George C. Ramsay will leave to-morrow lor New xorn. ' Mrs. R. A. Dunn has returned, to the city from & visit of several weeki North, -, , " V v , Mrs. ,A.dalphus N. Wood, of GafTney, fe. C, is visiting her mother Mrs. P. 8. Farrow, at her home No. 10 South Myers street. u y j Mrs. J. B. Davidson, of Qulncy, IFla., Is' visiting at the heme of Mr T. Zimmerman In Dllworth. . "t, ... ' . 1 j N ' iHfe 7oe Hoffman.' of Orange, N. J.. Is at the Relwvn. ' Bhe IS me wuest -of er ..brother, Jr.- Hoffman. .. ' , - ma . . Protracted Sutt Against Life Inrnir- - ance Company Kesultti In Verdict V ..'''' Tor Plalhtlir-'-Court Calendar Re- V." vised, .and Reproduced In ruu. - After a trlai - which occupied the ',' srreater nart of two days, the case of V J- M. Sykes versus the Ufe Insurance - Company of Virginia was given v iue mi inrv hw. Ju flora G. fi.- Ferguson last . ftia-ht at :30 o'clock. After a few mimitps' deliberation a verdict In favdr of the plaintiff was returned and ' recorded. .Thus the first week of the - civil term of Superior Court drew to to, close. Two mora weeks remain and - the calendar has had to be re-adjust- '" ed, owing to the slowness with which ; the .courtLimachlnery has mov!d and . . v.iarr nn,mbpii of cases docketed. ,u. Many have bsen continued, and 'the calendar as reviaea is as, ' MONTJAT, OCTOBER 1TH. Earl Bumgarner : vs. ' Thomasville 'enniri. WArbi O.n ' W. E. Austin 3c 1 WTtfe vs. Life insurance Company "of Virginia. - ' ' t .TJIiESDAY, OCTOBEiR 8TH. " " Carrv V. Wlngate, vs. Life Insur- fltw-e Oomnanv of- Virginia; -'T. O Kniiires' and wife. vs. Ufe Insurance ," ' Company of Virginia.. - .' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9TH. ' Frances Brooks vs. Life Insurance t , rvimtmnv.. nf Virsrinia: . M. Black- - ' welder,, vs. Lite Insurance Company pf (" ' Virginia, f . i . THURSDAY," O'CTOBER 10TH. , . Hsfll M. Irwin, et al., vs.' Charlotte V Cotton 'Mill; J. H. Fisher, y John , - Davis; W. J Sofley, vs J. M. Hamp ' "ton; Irene Martin, vs. Highland Paqfi MTr t'omuanv: vv. . larifn, vs ' ; , , Jlighland Park Mfg! Company.' , -:' ,i FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11TH. , '" -TriB" p. ftrown. adm'r., vs. A. T. & O ' - - n. R. Company; E. V. Flnlayson Mfg, , , fioniDanv vs. Southern Railway -Com - - anv: J. T, Banders & Company, vs, Southern Kauway jimjuy. - MONDAY,, OCTOBER 15TH. Rufus Foreman, vs. C. C R. R.- Co nni southern Railway Company: Mrs tf .T, (honeld and' husband,, "vs, . southern Railway . Compahy; A. A. Anthony, vs. W. S Jones. . ; TUESDAY, OCTOBEB 15TH. " Tiarclav vs. South Atlantic Waste - Comoanv: R.''E. & C E.. Mason, vs Wilson Cotton Mill. , . , ',. ", WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16TII '". James Williams, vs. A, A C." A. L ."RftHwav Company; v B. Pavls, Vs. . onthern Railway Company; , Ernest Co user ys.'Isam (Jtover - THURSDAY. . OCTOBER 17TH. Tjmh'ert Kuhnvs; Southern Rail ' way Company and Charlotte Electric Railway Llgm sc rowir umpaiiy, a. B. Root. J. w. Ingram aim a, ' twhwpv vs. J.r G. Hood;' Wlel. Colb A Wilklns, vs. La Marguerite - ho&4 Vimnanv:"P. Bi Seism vs. Elizabeth Mills-, James B. McCree; vs. Char lotto Pipe St Foundry .Company; Amer onn Trust Company, vs. D..A..Gar- rlson. et al.; American Trust Compa- r. oyt vs. S. J. Durham, et al. : Uoy'a 5leo tlngjs nt.Y. M. C. A. The 'boys' gospel meeting at tho , Young Men's Christian Association this "afternoon at 2:45 "o'clock-will he ad dressed by Mr, N, S, Offburn on the suhlecti "The Boy and Hl Home Life," Mr. Ogburn is a very earneut speaker ana the hoys win enjoy a - great treat in hearing Jnlm sp:ak.. .All tooys Itpm If toll, invited. The frpscents are 11 points ahead of the Stars In the contest for members fori the weeunR. . - . - ' Mr, Palmer Chalmers will speak at the boys' Sunday. club this afternoon at 6 o'clock. - His subject wHl be "The Friendship Of Christ." All boys over 13 Invited, !' , ' Amnn? the visitors ln theity last ' night were MissrsrN. O. "Walker and sV. B. Roddey, of Rock Hill,, a C. Mr. ,& W. Bagley, of Raleigh, was registered among the the guests at , the Central last night. E. L, "Witters of Waynesvhle, spent last evening In the city, stopping at the Beiwyn. , , , The Fall Festival will get swing one week from to-day. f Into , Don't take our word for tt hnt iut try niw Ribbon Vanilla once and ee what yen r.ava teen missing.' - t r t i.td ere tat a .:.,. y dy. '.t. n-r'i : ', v-'.-.o t.is been eJ to h.d rvu..i lot the past two months, la on te ttrectd f;:iin. The Tct-t Ioples' tlUsinnary i-ty of TiSiii'y Method. at oauroh :i meet tl.'s mr-n.lng at 1 O'clock. .-t-The.LaUles'- Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold Its first meeting ext. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock.. Mrs. Charles C. Hook nas left the Presbyterian Hospital and Is now at her home on East Morehead Matreet. Mr. A. F. Johnson and Miss May Rogers, both of Derlta.-'were married by- Magistrate J. W. Cobb Friday af ternoon. s. The first fall metlng - of the Ministers' Association will be held at 11 o'clopk to-morrow morning in the parlors of the Y M. C. A. '. - Capt. FJ W. Ahrens, who has been ill for some time at his home on East Morehead street, has been removed to the Presbyterian Hospital. . Mr1. James O.' Walker, who, ws operated on at me rresoyiermu Hospital this week for an injured foot, Is getting1 awng veajr well. Charlotte cotton receipts yester day amounted to 280 bales at 11 1-1 cents, as against 51 bales at 10:65 on the corresponding , aajr Jast year. . A. rather uniaue ceieDranon - vi Lee's birthday for next Friday is being planned by Prof. John I, uairo, oi me Batrd School. , ,The birthday falls on Saturday, ' ' ' Mrs: H. S. Bryan will have charge of the orgatf at the Try on Street Meth odist church', after tne 1st 01 Novem ber.. " She- takes" the place of Prof. David Huyck. ; '." ' iiivltatlwna have been received In the rity tq thef corner-stone laying of the Winston-Salem 1 Y.V.M. C. A. Building, whlch will take place Sun day afternoon, 13th," y -V' The students of the North Caro lina Medical College . will . organise a M. C. A. this morning at to oviock at the college.,.,, Mr. G. C. Hunting ton will address them. , ... Parsifal.", which was presented at the Academy of Music last -spring to good crowds,' will he ony tne stage here to-morrow, matinee anajigni, and will be well attended. , ' A rriwfisflirA rrf!ved VftsterdftV bV friends in the clt from Mr.vLavia . Llttlejohn,1 who Is taking the Pasteur treatment In Baltimore, stated that he will be home the latter .part of this week'. . ? ' V - Office hours from 11 to 1 O'clock each day have. been established by Mayor T. S. Franklin, during wnicn he can te foiind at the city hall by persons having .business with th$ mayor. . , Master Charles L. Torrence, Jr., firtn f Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Torrence, was thrown to tha ground from his whfil while SDeedtnx aown juzauem avenue yesterday and severely cut and bruised. ' ' T , -i-Franlr Dal ton. the ne-ieggea bP2-efli- whose return to these diggings was chronicled recently.' made a. trip to the lockup1 last night,accompaniea by an offtcial escort -,He,waa drunk ana swearing. ' The business men's gymnasium class of the YOung Men's Christian Association win meei w-morruw i ternoon at 5:80 o'clock. The. regular class days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:30. , . . Mr .Junius P.' Sherrlll has been appbinted assistant transfer clerk in the office -of the Southern passenger station. . This makfS three men In this office. Mr, Sherrlll will retain his, present join for a snort time. , The personal workers' training class of boys' department -or the WToung Men's Christian Association will meet this afternoon at s ocioc. The class 'Will take up th stuay. fhrit Amon Men." Mr. - viyaa Walsh Is the leader of thA class, - Miss Stevens, the deaconess from fiastniiin. will make a talk this after noon at 4:45, In the Sundny. scaooi room of Tryon . istreei memrani church. The. talk. will br addressed especially .to the Light Bearers ana the Young people's Missionary , ou clety. . . -In a spirited Contest yesterday morning at the Young Men's Christian Association Buldmg, the Leopards won from the Buffaloes. The score was 3, to 2. The playing oraieDane, Lone-and Keesler for tiie Leopards and of Newell for the Buffaloes- wasTurg rjotton Mill, Is spending to- th fpature. v - k - . Another new car was put. on the Highland Park line yesterday and the first regular trio to the end of this lin PYtendeJ. which stops at the Mecklenbrug Mill, was made. - Tn lengthening of this line bytialf ai mile makes it tne longest In the city. A shakcup 'in the car schedules Is probable, r , The Yqijnjf Ve0P,e,s Christian Union of East Ayenue Tabernacle in vites the -public to -meet with them this evening t?$ 6:30. A special pro- David L. Probert will make an ad dress. ' , His subject Will be, "Rally p to ' WoTk." , A violin ' sol will be played by Miss Laura Dresser. THE RED FEATHER."'' " Host of Charlotte" Thentre-Goers En Joy tho "Aristocratic Comie oipcra" .The T.ed, Feather; has come .and gone, and a host at Charlotte people enjoyed It. It is callcdf"the aristo cratic comic , opera" and, 'by many who saw It here last night and ygster dayi afternoon, - think that it is well dMcribed. During the progress of-the Show and immediately after the cur- rtain alls on, the last act those who witness it are eninusiasuc in tneir nralse but after they have roamed around awhile and then try to recall something that would do to tell about they and thss there I nothing tanggi ble. But, ail the san, the "itea Featn er" entertains and delights for the time being, i It makes the person with the Blues or th Black Thought forget himself, laugh . and rejoice. When asked which one - of the company ploased best ono can hardly say, but the memory brings 'back, 'Bujvr Strauss, the little comedian, who did many things wU and called forth the encores i tnuio injune vy hhikiitk via Washington." He comes first In the hearts of th on.looker, Anita, a Spanish girl, and Mile. Flnne, a fah ions ble milliner, were liked. Cherldah fiimpson, -as Countess. Hilda -Von Drags; (Red Feather), Is - Imposing looking and has a strong, sweet voice She sings well and looks well. Rich ard Karl, as Colons! Mapatrlrk, and Frank H. smith, as Bagstock Bowler, provoked laughter. . Borne of 4 He songs, most of the cos tume- and the scenpry were aU right. . The music under the direction of C. W, Ifeech, who played the piano with his hands -and directed those on the Ktagn with his head, was a feature of the show. , 1 The "Red ' Feather" deserves goo tatronsre. ' " is as tro- :x f 1 i i'v l t ! -i'-L. ID. Ihluli cf t: n trou r-r hi l's a!r-t;. J or; cle. e it saves and t:,a Qu.ii.iy it l.isures. 1. - r.-..-Tz'.ir Co., ' INVITATIONS fSorroctly snd Promptly Engraved I Send for Samples and Prices P. Stevens Engraving Go., Engravers U7 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. ! Jackson Square Brand ' U .M Is sold on its drinking merits. , , w We guarantee it to please t- you. ' , ; , "Your grocer Nvill supply you. Importers Coffee Co., Ud., New Orleans, U. S. A. Chambers & Moody Co., Charlotte Wholesale Agents. - I A i, PERSONAL. $ , '-f , The Movement 'of a Number of Peo ple, Visitors and Others.' Rev. Francis Osborne Is spending a tew days In Greensboro. . - Among the Quests In the city yester day morning were Messrs. 8, S. Steele, J. P. Leak and William Entwlstla, of Rockingham. 4 They were register ed at the Central. ; , - , " . Messrs.. A. I Davis and R.N H. Barnes of Richmond, Va., were reg istered among the guests at the Sel wyn yesterday. ' Mr. George W. Pritshett, of Greens boro, , was visitor In the city yes terday. , v Mr. S. J. Lowe, of Concord, .was a guest at the Buf ord yesterday. " ' Mr. Charles D. Skldmore, - of Mon roe, was registered among the guests at the Southern Manufacturers' . Club yesterday. , . Mr. R, a . Cannon, of Rock Bill. S. C. soefit last nlKht in the city. Mr. W; B. ' Button," of Concord, was a visitor in the city last night. Mr. I. W. Shellk. of McAdenvliie, spent last ntsrht in the city. Among the; guests at the southern Manufacturers' Club, last night were Messrs. Charles Iceman, Prof. J. A. Bivlns, O. V.. Kachlltsky, and J..L.J , Mr. R. T.. Pickens, of High Point, was ik visitor In the city yesterday. - Messrs. F. H. Morrison and I. A. Davenport. of Richmond, Va., were registered among the guests at the Southern , Manufacturers' Club yester day. . Mr. T. L. Smith, of Conord, was registered at the Selwya last nig1.it. Mr, Eugene Kerr tfas entered the Georgia School of Technology from the Davidson school. . . Mr. A., K. Loftln, of Greensboro, was guest of the Buford last night. Messrs. W; C. Stack and Edward W. Crow, of Monroe, were at the Bu ford last night,' ... Mr. J. W. Crmway returned yes terday . from X week's trip to New York and other points. - Mr. Howard G. Baird has gone to New York.' where he takes position with the Edison Electric Company." iMr, -Howard H. Banks has returned from Ashevllle, where he spent bis vacation, ' ' , ' ' ' -' i Mr.. Stuart Cramer, Jr., who Is at tending the University of North Car olina, at Chapel Hill, Js spending Sunday with his parents. - ,' Mr. B. G. FaKTs, of Gre'envllle, 8, C Jivision superintendent of, the Southern, spent yesterday in the city on business. , . - ' ' Mr. William G. Coleman, of Whit- thlre. S. C president of fae Meck day in the city. was a visitor in the city last night. Mr. ' John Crawford, or Lancaster, 8. C. was registered among the guests at the Buford last night ' Mr. T. C. Hunter, of Huntesrvllle, spent last night in the city. Mr. F. B. rishhume, or coiumhia. S, C, was a visitor in the-city last night. ' Mr. H. S Duvai win leave in ity this mornlngf for Augusta, Ga., , to take up his duties there to-morrow as commercial agent of tne Southern. Dr. D. K.' Bryson, of Bryson City, former resident of the city, was registered ''among the guests at the Central last nigh. s '? I AND HE P1ISSED IT , A traveler stopping at a house on the road side asked his host why it was that he kept the doors locked. He was told It -was to keep out burglar. Askd vh he Jtept a loaded gun he was-told It was . to kill burglars if they entered the . house. .Asked why he Insured ' his, house. ,he said it was to protect his property and save him from loss. Asked why he Insured his life he said it was to leav money In caHe he died. "A man cannot be too particular he must look , ' ahead and provide for the future." Anted why he didn't spend fifty cents for ft bottle of Gowan's Pneumonia Cure in case croup or colds - or Vneumonia entered hfi noma and took awav himself or his loved ' ones, replied, that ha ,expectea w , buy a. bottle of that to-morrow or ' next day. . ' . The traveler told him that ToMorrow nevf r came and was too Jate. The fManria Liquor Treatment CTJEES TO STAY 6afo and prompt relief! CaU or wrlto to nearest Sanltsrlnm. Afldrcw , . . t , HcKanna 3-Day Liquor Cure Co. COLrMJilA.S. 120 1-3 Blaln e ;:y-openf-l can 25 cts. 1-lb. -at all grocers. t,r,7 Cilcir.s, I). S. A. r" v f r If LmJM Special Notices i We hova iome fancw New York State Celery and headed Lettuoo. String Bnni, Parsnlpi, Carrots, Green Corn, snl everything else good to et Quick dalivwy; call early. MILLER-VAN NBVS8 CO.. 27 North Tryon. NICE , TO-DAY, FREH3H MBI)NS, Snip Ban nd Turnips. Lettuce. SaKd and Tomatoes. Nice New York Stats Grapes, Baianat and Apple and one barrel Cranberries, ChirkriiS, lEgKS and Kutter. f Phones 1222-2184. JNO. W. SMITH. x 'LA AGE SHIPMENT OK C1NCO CKl'SliS fill ' siset and ahades tut rrocivnl. at wholesale and retail. WOOD ALL & SHEPPARD, Druggists., FIFTY TO SBVB1NTY-FIVB PER CKNT, eft on - second-hand typewriters. 8W machines at prloet that will astonish you by their chearnesa. J. E. CUAY- TOX4 & CO.. 217 K. Tryon St, 'Phone 304, WfittHKS FOR SAL3C WE HAVK ON hand several nice, wen oroKe driving horses that we will sail. Worth the money ' considering qualities of horses. W, G. ROSS & CO., 20$ and 211 West ttn street . . THB NEW YORK LUNCH KOOMS ZH N. Tryon, z v. araoe, tt. araeo, newly relltted, .marble-slabbed 'lunch and dmlng rooms. - Bill of fare Includ ing all tne mantel anoras. iry our egg anawtcnes. . . -. FOR ItENT 7-ROOM HOt'SE, FOURTH mints'. I-U: 500 Et Pth. modprn liniirovo merits, 6-roomS, fjK). bth in exrell-jnt neighborhoods una on cur lines; riT is. - 4th rtreet. 5 rooms. JW. 3 hull jnutll Gra ham atreet. J. ARTHUR HENDERSON & P.RO. . ' . A WEAK VANILLA WILL SPOIL THE bput denwrt. When' you wane a true Vjnllla flavor you munt use Blue Rib . ben, tha "ptu-e food" Venllla. FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS IS OUR chief occupation, The undivided atten tion of experts In- thl department ln ure you correct snd arourale service. Try us. JARr V. BTOWE & CO., Drug- guta. . t'nonc THEATO r m " v 5 ' v k "LitVof Moses," V Ancient Rome' y ; : ;:and-,4The Pope" Monday and Tuesday. - Beautifully Tinted. J. St Thno 41S. Thone II . ' t, v.' The product's of Austria, France,-Japan, Mexico and America bought months ago, long before linens had incresedin price. The inexpensive, useful -ma- . chine work that the Austrians make-4 so welf one, two anji three rows of v work; the .Eennaisance from France, the finer handiwork of the skilled Japs - and Mexican girls, the cheaper Cotton and part Linen In which America ex- celsatl assembled for this sale event, at prices ab out same as we could im- t pom ourselves to-aay. .v v -' Here's An Index to ValuesWe Can Only , Mention a Few: ' r ' , lBxl. Linen Covers, hemstitched, and one row .work!. .. ..; ,,..,15c. 30x30-inch Linen Covers, hemstitched and one row drawn work.,., ... 25c 20x36 Linen Scarfs, hemstitched and row drawn work,.' ... ..... ... .25c. 20x45 Linen Scarfs, hemstit 36x36 Linen Scarfs; hemstitched, one row drawn work..., . , ... ...;50c. ; 12x12 linen; Covers." hemstitched, three rows drawn work... 20x36 Linen Scarfs, hemstitched, three rows drawn .work.'.. 18x18 Linen Covers, hemstitched,1 three rows drawn work, 54x54 Linen Covers, hemstitched, three rows work, . . . V 12xl2-inch KennaissanCe Linen Covers, worth twice this lbxlo liennaissance Lmen 36x36 Rennaissancb Linen , 20x54 Bennaissance 'Linen bxb rqai Hand vvork, Japanese and Mexican Lmen Drawn Pieces. Special. ..10c. 9x9 real Hand Work Drawn Pieces; ... ... ...19c. 12x12 real Hand Work Drawn Pieces. , .... .... ... ' ' ' 25c! 18x18 real Hand Work Drawn Pieces. 24x24 real Hand Wokr Drawn Pieces 30x30 real Hdnd Work Drawn Pieces . 36x36"real Hand Work Drawn Pieces lxo4 real Hand, work Drawn Pieces . . , , 75C. 20x54 Scarfs, and 36x36 Covers, real Hand Work, beautiful patterns; .worth uuuoic our saie price , :belk Wholesale and Retail JUST RECEIVED' , SOME K-NICB COUNTRY , HONEY CTlN THE CMB.' ' i ' r , , yt. M. CROWELL. , v . "Phones 744 and 297. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Tea , A Buiy MadidM Isr Buty paosit, . , , Bring? Qtldw Health SMI Benswes VlfW. A speotfle tor ConitlMttoo, Indlfenttso. Lim and Kldanr traablet, Pimples, iiwwA, Iitipurs Blood. Bkd Breath, Slusnlah BoiraU, Hesdacbs and BaoRschs-i Its Rooky Mountain Tea In tab let form, 86 oents a bos. Omnia made by BofisTXR Dana OonPANr. Madltcm, Wis, GOLDEN NUGGETS F0A SALLOW PEOPLE How's V . OUT . , - Digestion? !Bctter try 1 Kida fithia Vatcr i ' ) V 1 ' . ! w I ' Fine'for the stomach, liver, and kidneys ;'. All Drug Stores ; or . 1 1 Brannon Carbonaling , Company , DistribUtorBc Thone 835. Jrmttt ; Chenill? Portiers ': Cost Money. ' Even 1 th4 summer sun shine has faffed nut spots 1n your portlem or curtains even If handling them has dirtied them they ra too expensive to throw away. We can clean them nicely , or can dye them another brll llant color for only 11.60 a ' pair, and they will be as good as new again. , kii,.l f.ltw.l J Lanndcrers. Dyrra Cleaners, Sit Bon'.h Tryoa Etroet. ;Ya!ii)ll0.Cey' 'tan! "Scarffs , , - ched, one - row drawn work . Covers ... r ... Covers : . ; . . Scarfs . . .... , . .... . , . ; ..... , , .S1.48 BROS, (HICKER ING AND IVERS & PONDS PIANOS '1 tsmi -Parker-Gardner Company Piano form rouRTttn - swvoiis ,CI'"'t""" 'j . f;''; lie Mnft-Tde "Qafiii'M fir.."..'! f."it rn A- - , s . , .39c. 15c. ..39c .. . .....25c. 1 . . . . ; 63c. ; price... .... ... ,...18c . , . S8c. ... ... ... $1.48. -1 r. ,.. . ,93c! 38fi . 50c 75C, . ,V . ', . ,98c. Wholesale and Retail , Many other makes as welT to choose from. . We are not bound down by any particular Piano makar. Wo buy our Pianos in the open market, sell them t any price, we please,, and in thia department, the same as in our fur. ' nituro and carpet departments, we ' aim to give our customers tho best that Is purchasable Examine Planoa . laewhere and then see if we can't offer you the best values. Hundreds f peopl are finding it so. ' You will, too, Jf ypu Investigate . . Department. That Fit mgiit.' Look Right arid Feel Right. ;;H'frV;v,'..;,.'! : arc almost as essential to a man's success in life -as proper food, good health and "brains," If ydu wish to wear clothes that are different in style, fabric and -finish, from the commonplace, you can do it, at moderate cc by coming hero and mn ' ; 'a selection from our h: and superb stock. V